Blood & Carrots: Celestial - Episode 13

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#14 of B&C 3

Welcome back, my lovely reader!

Well! I've certainly been slinging the drama around haven't I? How are you enjoying it, my lovely reader? I know it's a little jarring most likely, but I hope it's been an exciting ride for you!

There's more drama on the horizon too! I, however, do not wish to create too much of a drought with the lewd fun times, so I'll try to squeeze a little in this episode!

Our ewe has found herself in an interesting spot to be sure, she has a goal but no means to an end just yet. Do you have faith and hope in her? Will she be able to right things while still keeping her family safe? Okay, let's jump right in!

Welcome back, my lovely reader~

Being a writer is my dream job but it has full-time hours and doesn't pay the bills. I want to keep writing these stories for everyone to enjoy and your support on Patreon or Ko-Fi helps make that happen. Patrons even get to see stories a week early to avoid all that pesky waiting. I also appreciate non-financial support like faving, voting, and following me here or on Twitter. Thank you so much for your continued support! Please enjoy the episode.

And with that out of the way...

Welcome back, my lovely reader!

Well! I've certainly been slinging the drama around haven't I? How are you enjoying it, my lovely reader? I know it's a little jarring most likely, but I hope it's been an exciting ride for you!

There's more drama on the horizon too! I, however, do not wish to create too much of a drought with the lewd fun times, so I'll try to squeeze a little in this episode!

Our ewe has found herself in an interesting spot to be sure, she has a goal but no means to an end just yet. Do you have faith and hope in her? Will she be able to right things while still keeping her family safe? Okay, let's jump right in!


Episode 14:

My Avenger and our hope

"Welcome back, my Avenger, tell me about Ryder and Charlotte," She was already speaking the words as I stepped through the gate into the poorly lit chamber.

"It's good to see you too, Mother," I responded, not bothering to hide the annoyance in my voice as I tossed a large thermos to her.

The elder caught the drink container and gave it a quizzical look. I folded my arms, knowing she'd have no idea what it was, and said nothing, wanting to see how she handled dealing with 'modern' items.

Her red eyes looked amused at my stance as she sat there holding the thermos. "Daughter, I'm sure you would derive a level of entertainment from watching me fumble around with this, but explain its purpose, now."

The sheer level of will that slammed into me and compelled me to obey gave me a general idea of how it felt to be on the receiving end of my own domination. I winced and took a step back, snapping my teeth together hard, as if I had to, just to avoid blathering everything I knew about the damn thing.

"Good, I'm glad to see you willing and able to resist to some degree, even with such a fraction of my willpower pushed forward." I felt the overwhelming force ease on my soul before she called out in a more gentle tone, "Lorelai, spare your mother having to bumble around like a fool, and explain this, please?"

I cocked a brow at that. I think it was the first full-on request she'd ever made of me that didn't just come out as an order. "You can grasp the top and turn it towards your body while holding the base secure, it will twist free with a few turns, it also doubles as a drinking vessel."

She looked at the thermos with an odd sort of fascination and for a moment it looked as if handing such a thing to a small child that had only learned to use their hands. It took a few tries before she quickly figured it out, even having the forethought to try the same tactic on the sealing plug. That made sense, she wasn't stupid after all, she was as old as mundane history, you don't get that way without having some logic and problem-solving skills.

Had she ears like some of my siblings, they would have no doubt lifted as steam rose from the open mouth of the vessel and I saw her eyes burn as the scent hit her nose. "What a curious thing... I thought I heard liquid within."

"Don't forget about-" She lifted it and was simply gorging herself straight from the mouth of the thermos as I sighed out, "the cup..."

I watched her give a small shudder before pulling away, her tongue showing slightly, coated red as she gave a sigh of relief. "My goodness... I was to lecture you about it not being fresh, but that was quite enjoyable, even hotter than when it's directly drawn forth!"

"Yes. I heated it upon a stove with a pot before I poured it. Essentially that vessel is designed to keep things at temperature for travel." I gave a shrug as I watched her put the whole thing back together and toss it to me.

"How lovely! Be sure to bring it to me like that again, it's much more dignified than me ripping your wrist open and drinking like a wild beast from your open wounds." She straightened herself up and pushed out her blonde hair, it looked more in order this time, perhaps she had bothered to clean up in the month we'd parted.

"It wasn't one of my favorite parts of our last meeting either, so gladly. I can even try infusing it with tea like my sister Sarnai does, see if you enjoy that." I tossed the thermos to the side and rested my hands on my hips, giving her an impatient look.

"Eager to get right to the tutelage my daughter?" She gave me a crooked grin, her teeth still tinted red.

"That's why I'm here, is it not? Let us-"

"Tell me about Ryder and Charlotte, Avenger," the question came again, in the same tone and inflection as it did when I first arrived.

"Why?" My arms folded as I gave her a flat look.

"Because I wish to know my champion better? Because I wish to hear of the ones you're willing to tear the gates of the nine hells open for?"

My eyes rolled as I snarled, "You would force the words from my lips were I to refuse, so fine."

She rested her hands in her lap as she spoke out pointedly, "I will not. Tell me of your own volition, tell me to get it off your soul, that way I know what I work with."

My hand rested upon my chest, feeling my still heart begin to beat as I thought of him and the fallen wolf. "Fine... it all started about half a millennium ago..."

I spent a few hours talking of my little rivalry with Charlotte and my love for Ryder. Each time I'd finish a subject regarding one of them, she would segue it into more exposition. I told her of my love for him, my regret for Charlotte, my dreams I had for him and me, as well as our families. Ryder, Toroah, and Charlotte, had given me some hope the celestials could be trusted to a degree.

"Thank you, it's been so long since I felt love other than that of a paternal nature. It pleases me to speak with you of this and now I can see why you are so determined to see this through." A genuine smile followed the statement and I felt my mouth gap at it, as if I had seen something that hadn't been shown in a thousand years or more.

"L-Look... if you get bored and like stories, I could always bring you some of my favorite books to read." I showed my own small smile.

"Read? Oh, my daughter, I've spent millennia here all to my own devices. I knew a dozen languages in the past, but there's a reason I only speak in ancient dialect now. It has all been forgotten."

I gave a shrug as if it were no big thing to worry over. "It is of no concern. I've taught the wild ones how to speak and read various languages plenty of times in my life. I will teach you as well, in exchange for your training, how's that?"

She gave me a short quick laugh at that offer and then an amused smirk. "Interesting... Giving an ancient like myself a foothold in society again could be a dangerous thing, my daughter."

"You will be fine, you're obviously not stupid or mad." I rolled my now red eyes before drawing both my swords. "That is steps I'll take upon my next visit, for now-" I snapped my teeth together and sprang forward, bringing my swords to bear with every ounce of my strength.

The strike simply stoped in mid-swing just inches from her face. At first, I had thought she used some unseen force, but then I saw she had lifted her hands only high enough to grip the base of each blade, pinching them with just a thumb and forefinger. My eyes widened and burned red as I pushed with all my strength but it was like trying to push against a mountain.

In a flash her foot had landed in my stomach, kicking me off her as I bounced and sprawled against the cold wet stone of the chamber. I heard various bones break or fracture before I finally came to a rest. My legs shook as I slowly found my feet, picking myself up from the ground, several ribs were broken and I had to even grab my left arm, forcing a broken protruding bone back into place that was jutting out of my flesh. I gave a pained bleat of a yelp as I drove it back in, panting as I felt my body starting to mend itself.

"Speed and strength only get you so far, Avenger." She was still just sitting there, her fingers holding my swords by the blades as she casually crossed her leg back into place. "Come collect your blades."

My teeth clenched in a snarl as I tested my footing, the fractures in my legs starting to heal but still left me unstable, each step agonizing as I pushed through the pain and shuffled over to her.

I collected one sword with my working arm, putting it away, my other arm still hanging fairly useless as it healed. Her eyes narrowed and in a blur I was pushed to the wall, the yowl of pain coming to my throat only after I realized the other sword was buried into my shoulder, pinning me to the wall.

"I told you this would be wrought with agony... will your resolve crumble so readily, Avenger?" She loomed down over me, one palm pushed to the wall, her other on my jaw, cupping and lifting so I was forced to gaze up at her with blurry vision.

"Do... not, question, my resolve!" My eyes burned with fury as I threw my working fist out, landing hard against her jaw. I saw her eyes widen at the blow coming and heard her jaw break from the strike but she didn't so much as flinch or move from her position.

My glare never faded as I heard her set her jaw with a clicking grinding sound and then it was instantly healed. "You really are the brutish type, that's why I like you!" She showed me a mad grin, wrenched my sword from the wall and by proxy, my shoulder. With a flourish, she grabbed the front of my leather armor and casually flung me straight to the ground back-first in a mighty impact that I felt clearly shatter my spine, my teeth clenching as I felt the sensation of movement leave my lower half.

"I'll break you over and over, daughter, but I'll build you back stronger each time. Then once you can endure, then we will see about improving your strength and logical battle tactics." She cooed the words as she climbed over my broken body, straddling me. "Open your mouth."

I couldn't even feel or move my arms, and though I could feel my body trying to reform the fractured vertebrae of my spine, I knew an injury like this could take hours or even days to heal fully. I gave her as much of a glare as I could but obeyed and opened my maw.

"Good girl..." She brought her thumb to her own canine and broke the flesh. She then held it over my open mouth and let just a few droplets of blood spill onto my tongue. My eyes widened at the sensation and all I saw was red as I seemingly blacked out.

When I came too I was crumpled before her throne. I groaned and rubbed my head, feeling my body was totally healed. "Uhn... what... happened?"

She sat there looking bored as she waved a hand. "What was expected. Focus your thoughts very hard, my daughter, I'll not regale you of it."

I grit my teeth and did as she told me. After a few moments, I could recall glimpses of my memories, my vision blurring red as if blood smeared in my very eyes. I howled like a wolf and charged like a bull, constantly assaulting her, the only desire in every fiber of my soul to taste more of that blood.

My jaw set and I winced as I recalled her battering me around, breaking my body again and again but the ancient blood healing it as fast as it happened. I looked around the dimly lit chamber, seeing blood spatters all over the walls, floor, and even some areas of the ceiling.

"You seem to have grasped it," She gave another wave of her hand. "You've no doubt put the pieces together, tell me what happened."

"Your, blood... it healed me, it kept healing me, but it sent me into a frenzy the likes of which I've never known. I only had one goal and I didn't care how much I had to endure to achieve it." I hissed the words aloud, fully standing as I looked around, my vision seeming to have trouble catching up with my perception.

"Good. That is the mentality I want you to have when you fight, Avenger. When the time comes, you will give unto that frenzy and the goal will not be my blood, it will be saving or defending what is yours."

I swallowed hard at the words, the implication all too clear. This would cost me some of myself. A shiver rolled up my spine and I thought about Sarnai, I thought about that night when I was too weak. She tore it all away to save me, she made that sacrifice, and now I had to make that same decision for Ryder. "So be it, I'll become a monster if it sets this right."

My mother laughed at my declaration and showed her teeth in amusement. "You are a dramatic one! I'll not be taking your mind, daughter. I'll be teaching you how to channel all of that, make it your own."

She gave me a haughty look as she spread her hands. "That hunger in you, it has limitless power tethered to it, especially now that you have tasted my blood. So long as you train your body and soul's endurance, I'll teach you how to tap into a strength that even the lords of the nine hells will genuinely fear."

I couldn't help but grin at that, the idea of tearing the gates open and making a path of carnage straight to my fox to save him. She acknowledge my look and just like that, I was on the floor again. I didn't even blink and she had closed the gap to backhand me to the ground.

"Do, not, show me that look again. You will respect the power, not gleefully embrace it as a child would! You will learn to control and utilize it as the tool it is, not let it define you. Have you not said such things to your fledglings time and again?!"

I felt my jaw set, taking a moment to make sure the break was healed before speaking out, "I understand, forgive my moment of weakness, Mother." I picked myself up once more, something I realized I'd be doing a lot in the coming days.

"Even one as old as you may be tempted with power, Avenger." She turned and moved back to her throne, seating upon it once more as she leaned back, crossing her leg over her knee. "The wheels are already in motion, all I can do is prepare you for the coming tide, and hope my efforts will be sufficient."

"The wheels?" I put my hands on my hips, tilting my head curiously.

"Yes. I will find you a way, but it will take time, not something we or your angel will have to worry about. I wish I had centuries to properly prepare you, but you are astute and resilient, you will make due."

"I am..." I pushed a hand to my chest, frowning as I felt my heart pounding, thinking of helping him. "You have my gratitude, truly..."

She gave a shrug to my grateful words. "So be it. I had intended to see you but every season, however since you are so resolute and thankful, now I will see you with each new phase of the moon. You may bring your books and teach me, and on the following visits, I shall tutor you."

My teeth showed in a grin at those words. "Sounds good, I can learn faster and return the favor."

"Yes, and not only will I learn, but I can regularly enjoy feeding again. Truly I am the spoiled one in this exchange, you understand?" She gave me her own amused grin as I felt a chill at my back, seeing a gate to the fields near the city I had been in was open.

"Of course, it's a child's responsibility to do all they can for their parents in their old age." I gave her a snarky quip as I turned my back to her in a haughty display.

"Ha... a sharp tongue as well, that's why you're my favorite." I could practically see the smirk on her face as she spoke out to me as I walked into the gate, "Go, my daughter, my Avenger, our hope."


The Faemarch:

Like the Underworld and Heavens, the Faemarch is a realm connected with the mundane plane of existence, but unlike the aforementioned locations, the Faemarch is connected to all three realities.

A denizen of the Celestial realm must travel to the mundane realm before being able to access the underworld, and likewise for demons to the heavens. The Faemarch however, is joined to all three realms simultaneously.

That said, it is exceptionally rare for the Fae to meddle in the afairs of any of the other realms. In general the Fae are happy to be left to their own devices, baring the rare outlier that may have a bout of wanderlust.


That was my life for the next two decades. Council affairs, tending to my family, talking to Ryder and Toroah where I could, then being nearly beaten to death every few months. With each session, I grew a little more resilient, a little faster, and was able to harness the rage a little more.

Ryder seemed to be applying himself to his studies, I had no doubt when he was free, he'd be an absolute force of nature, having all the abilities of a Paladin with centuries of non-stop training as a mage. Magick was all about mental fortitude, and that was one thing he was having trained in spades right now.

"I miss touching you... It's not even a sexual thing, I just miss holding your hand, cupping your face-"

"I know, I feel the same, but we have this, and for now... it's better than nothing."

"It's not enough!" His voice came out like a scream and I frowned, pushing the large gem to my chest, feeling my eyes burning. He and I had this sort of talk from time to time, he was frustrated as any would be in his situation.

"I agree, but it's all we have Ryder. It's more than we should have, and... Charlotte paid a heavy price, so let's not squander it. I will get you out of there in time, my angel fox, but you must be patient."

There was a long drought of silence before his voice filled my mind once more, "Yeah, sorry... I just-"

"No need to explain. I do understand, that is why I try to come to call as often as I can, my love."

"How are things on your end?"

I gave a deep sigh before responding, "A mess... Uh... let me think..."

I proceeded to explain what had happened when last we spoke. Sarnai and Elias had separated, apparently, he was the wild one that struck down her village.

"Wait- So you mean to tell me, Elias was the one that I drove off, the one that... killed me as Nugai?"

"So it would seem... Sarnai left his side in a bid to keep him safe. That time with Samantha, she lost so much of her fortifications because of my weakness, now I have cost the two foxes their very love." I spoke the words aloud, not bothering to hide the sobs in my voice.

"Lore... that is not your fault! You did what you could and-"

"Don't placate me, Ry! I know very well what I did and did not do!" I screamed the words out, tears rolling down my face.

"As do I, every day I am trapped down here... believe me when I say, I know that feeling of helplessness... Charlotte's death is something I carry with me as my sin for being too weak."

We both grew silent as I wiped my face and took a few moments to compose myself. "Toroah has been meeting with Elias nearly daily since the event. He's a good rabbit and trying to help comfort him."

"Toroah has always believed our kind could co-exist, he's one of the reasons I think like that. I miss him and Rachel so much..."

"I know, and when we get this sorted, I'll smack the Seraph around myself to get their heads sorted for you, that dumb Lion too."

"How is Ezzy doing?"

"Toroah says he's taken to his role as High Bishop with extreme vigor, but I've already warned him that he needs to caution him of directing his Knights on being too heavy-handed with our kind. Our peoples are in a very fragile sort of cease-fire. Neither side wants to pull that trigger officially. We lose a handful every decade or so, but each time we do, we retaliate viciously. It's not war, but it's not pretty either."

"So lines get crossed and beings on both sides die, it's so sad. I wish we could just all get along..."

"I do as well, but it's never been my kind, Ryder, you know this. The council doesn't forbid killing, but we greatly encourage against it. I know if your people would properly come to the table, we could take it off the books completely."

"I know, and I swear when this is over, I'll be demanding peace with your kind as well as the magi. My people have roosted on their high and mighty ignorance for long enough. Besides, I'll be leading my own personal crusade against the demons."

"Ryder, we know that's just your anger talking. Would you raise arms against Val? You know there is good and evil in all beings."

"Lorelai... what if I am going mad? The training and the companionship is a boon, but it still wears on me..."

"You must be strong, my angel fox. I am enduring the greatest pains and agony of my existence in preparation for our time. I have practically been beaten to-death dozens, nay, hundreds of times, all with the intention of saving you and being together again. You have an entire ancient magi circle training you as well. Our situations are far from ideal, but they are not entirely bleak either."

"As always, you are so wise, my ewe... I apologize for my wea-"

"Stop apologizing! It's okay, Ryder... I am here to let you open up as much as I am to comfort you. I will bear your sorrows so lean upon me as needed, but know I will remind you to keep your focus, for that is all either of us can do. Do not slip away, for doing so would end you and by proxy, me. I could not bear to lose you and were I not to simply walk out into the mid-day sun, I would fully give myself to the madness and become unto a fury over your loss."

He was silent for a long while as I leaned back there on the small bed in the temporary quarters that just seemed to be my room now when I came to visit. Finally, after a time, he spoke, "Would you truly fling yourself into the sun, or lose yourself to madness over my loss?"

"I would... there is only one other I can say that over right now and that is my sister, Sarnai. Was anything to happen to either of you two foxes..." I clenched my teeth, feeling my heart throb as I thought of my sister, knowing the situation with her was much direr and pressing.

"I understand... I truly wish I had ignored the Seraph's advice and reached out to Sarnai, perhaps I could have helped in all of this..."

"Perhaps... but we can do little but move forward now. I must find a way to quell that madness in her, it is unnatural and there must be a way to find the source."

"Is any mental malediction truly natural, my love?"

"Well, malediction as a term in general usually is referring to curses and the like, but I see what you mean."

"I pray it can sort itself out or remain stable until I return. I will meet with her and see what I can do. Sod what the Seraph thinks, perhaps my healing powers can do something."

"Even in your current state... you think of others so readily. You truly are a wondrous thing, my angel..."

There was a long pause, then his tone shifted to a more haughty one. "Are you... alone in your chambers, my ewe?"

My ears lifted and I felt my heart start to beat as I answered. "I am..."

"Perhaps... I'll speak of some of the things I'll do to your body when we are reunited..."

I bit my lower lip and shuddered at his words. "Ry... you know I always feel guilty over these sorts of exchanges, you can't-"

"Lore, you know it's not just about the physical release for me, doubly so these days... it's always been about my lover's pleasures above my own. Now, be a good ewe and do as I say..."

So it went. It would be a minor thing to most, but for us, it was everything and all we had. When distance kept us apart, but we wished to please one another, all the same, it was our only option. He so readily would coax me to such highs, touching myself at his commands, knowing the act gave him nothing but emotional satisfaction, truly I could say, my angel fox was a selfless love to me.


I gave a soft bleating huff as I was awoken by being rolled right onto my back, my wrists grabbed and pinned above my head.

"Good evening, my sheep! Oh, did you think the things we did in our dreams would have me any less rearing to go?" She grinned down at me, almost childish, her large sharp canines showing, eyes smoldering red as she kept my wrists pinned.

Of course, she could never truly hold me down, but why would I resist in this position? I gave her a haughty huff before quirking a brow. "Alice, you rambunctious little thing. It does my heart good to know you've not grown bored of me over these last few years."

"I'll never tire of you, Lorelai... my love..." She sighed the words as she pushed her naked body against my own, we both still reeked of sex with one another, but I suppose it better to get it out of the way now before we tried to clean up.

I gave a small hiss through my teeth as her canines sunk into my throat, feeling her draw forth my blood. In truth, it was one of the most intimate gestures one in our court could offer. Letting one drink of you, when you had no means of restoring it naturally, it was akin to offering your life in submission.

My left hand jerked out of her grip but only to rest against the back of her head, holding the rabbit gently as she supped from my wound, not ravenously, just little gulps filling my ears while her body ground against my own. I could feel that familiar energy course through me, our clan's little anomaly, the magi called her a chimera and even I wasn't sure what to think of her.

We had something like her nearly a millennium past. A vampire with a demonic bloodline as well, at first we thought her sire Luciano had been one as well, but he mostly just exhibited traits of a regular member of our court. I had never met the original chimera, but Ra's had told me of them.

I felt her tense and start to drink a little more heavily, a snarl filling her throat as her teeth dug a little deeper. It was not an uncommon thing, no matter how stalwart she had proven to be, even she could only take so much of my ancient-tainted blood before she started to lose herself.

"Enough, Alice!" I hissed the words, grabbing a fistful of her blonde locks, and jerked her head free. The rabbit's tongue lolled, still dripping blood as her eyes quickly refocused and she licked her lips, giving a small nod. I released her head and she moved back down, lapping the trails of blood clean as well as closing the wound with her tongue.

"Apologies, my love... you know how I get when I have your blood first thing in the morning... better than any coffee buzz..." She cooed the words and I gave her a loving smile, rubbing her ear, then I grunted as she shifted and moved down under the blankets.

"A-Alice, we've not even bathed yet and- H-huff!" I bleated out as I felt her shove her mouth right to my petals, that tongue as skillful as it always had been, seeking out my pearl and rolling hard against it.

My nails dug into the sheets as I watched the bedding shifting, hearing the rabbit's muffled giggles while she worked me, and sure enough my body broke to her in no time at all. I moaned out in defeat, shuddering as I felt her lap at my folds, eager to taste my honey.

"Ha! You taste so lustful, Lorelai! Mm! I must have made you cum half a dozen times in your dreams too!" Alice hummed the words as she sat up in bed, throwing the sheets and blankets off us, her mussed blonde hair all over as she grinned at me, her ample shapely breasts and curvy soft hips on full display.

The bunny wasn't quite as round and curvy in the hips as I was, and she playfully had teased me about how much larger my breasts were than hers on more than one occasion, usually when she was sucking upon them. Still, she had a lovely figure I never tired of seeing even when she was fully disheveled like this after tossing in bed all day.

"Your words are very crude, Alice! Also what if I did? Who's fault is that? Sleep is for recovery, not constantly having sex in one's dreamscapes!" I hissed the words out, even as she spread her legs and moved into a position with me with our legs tangled together, a scissor position as she so crudely put it at times.

"It's all your fault, my sheep!" She called out playfully as she dug her palms into the sheets and pushed right up against my soaked petals with her own. I was already bracing on my own hands and more than happy to return the gesture, grinding my hips in time with her own.

My tongue sagged out of my mouth slightly, my drooped ears flipping up at her words, both our hips working in tandem for more pleasure. "Ngh! I've not the willpower to argue with... you over this!"

"Ha... I'm a succubus, love, cut me some slack... sex is what I dooooo, especially when I'm in that lovely mind of yours!" She called the words out blissfully and I saw her own tongue showing in a drunken pant.

I bleated and moaned as she drew me to release again and again. Both of us were fervent and she gave in to me as often as I did her, each time sending little jolts of energy into me and by proxy me flooding her own with mine. It was an odd little thing she did, sharing energy from her partners.

If I focused I could actually feel the energies, the radiant energy of my brother Elias, the slightly familiar demonic one from Val, even the arcane thaumaturgic powers from Katrina, the cat he found during that debacle with the church decades ago. Not that I could focus on any of that at this particular moment though.

My teeth snapped together hard and my red eyes rolled up as she coaxed me hard to one last vicious one. "Yes yes! Don't think, just give it to me, Lorelai! Ha! I love you so much!"

I yowled out as my body crested violently from that, crying out my own love as the euphoria of our lovemaking reached its climax, "Ha! Love... you... too! Ngh... my rabbit..."

My palms gave out as I collapsed onto my back, tongue showing as I panted hard, feeling a little dazed as she climbed over to me. Alice gave a relieved sigh as she cuddled up to me, kissing my lips a few times. "Gods... dream sex with you is great, but nothing beats the real deal..."

I weakly put my arm around her, holding her close as I sighed with relief, tangling my fingers into her messy blonde hair. "You were wonderful, as always, love..."

Alice and I had been seeing one another for nearly five years now. Time had rolled along like it always did. I went to call with my sister Sarnai as often as I could, but she and Alice nearly killed one another in a meeting when she realized her husband was now with the rabbit as well as their sister Katrina. I didn't blame her for being upset, and she wasn't without my sympathies, but she willingly chose to annul their relationship. Was Elias not in his right to find new love after over half a century?

Of course, I did not tell Sarnai of my own relationship with Alice. I could and I would if the pretense were needed, but simply put, it was none of her business. I had not had a physical relationship other than painful kisses and handholding with Toroah since Ryder over a century ago, so I did not feel guilty about things.

I did however bring her up with Ryder, once again, my angel fox showed he was all about my happiness. There was no bitterness or resentment, he actually was relieved I had managed to find love during all this. He of course was still a pervert and asked if he could watch us when he got back.

Needless to say, I did not give Alice the details of what I was doing though. Alice already had her hands full with Sarnai, not to mention just being a chimera, to begin with, would draw issues and drama to her. Case in point she was currently seeing a celestial, and that gave me a lot of pause, but ultimately I allowed it as the head of the council, forbidding any from interfering in their relationship. Actually, no one knew of my monthly visits to see mother except Ryder. That was at her request and I sure as the nine hells wasn't about to argue with her.

Speaking of mother, she was now fluent in fifteen different languages. I was no slouch in my own training of her and had brought her up to speed with the modern world over the decades. Some would say it was foolish to give an ancient such knowledge but sod them. She offered me the power to protect and push towards reuniting with my lover, if the rest of the world had a problem with it, they could get in line to deal with her through me.

"Love? You lost in thought again?" Alice puffed into my ears, bringing me back to the moment.

"Eh? Apologies." I moved in and gave her a little kiss, showing her a smile. "Just thinking about family-related business, nothing so grand."

My rabbit nodded and gave me a loving gaze, her now blue eyes shining with adoration as her fingers tangled into my hair, rubbing one of my drooped ears. "Tell me you love me?"

"Silly girl... I should have never professed the words, now you ask me to speak them with every breath you make," I hummed lovingly before brushing my lips to hers once more, whispering against them, "Yet it is true, such a short time yet you ensnared my heart... I love you, Alice, in a way few have known from me."

I felt her body shiver at my words then kiss me deeply once more, before long her tongue was against my own and she was climbing atop me, resting both her hands upon my breasts. I gave a little grunt and pulled from the heated kiss. "Ngh... again?"

She showed me that wide grin, her eyes shifting to red as she pawed against my ample chest, while sighing, "Uh... huh... I can't get enough of you, my love."

I showed her a grin and pushed a palm to her cheek, cupping it as I panted up into her face, "You are selfish, but you are mine..."


Great Fae Spirits:

The Great Fae Spirits are the rulers of the Faemarch. Powerful elemental masters that control the ebb and flow of the seasons in all four realities. The spirits have been locked in a struggle of balance since times forgotten.

Power has shifted throughout time, but always seemed to restabilize eventually, as all four seasons need one another to function. That being said, the Great Spirits are more concerned with their power struggle, not the balance of seasons. The summer spirit would be as apt to plunge the mundane world into perpetual blazing heat as quickly as the winter to seize control and send the world into an ice age.

All four Great Fae Spirits are ancient Ninetails, anthropomorphic fox-like humanoids with as the name implies, a myriad of nine tails. Each holds massive magical and martial power at all times, but a spirit is truly at its height during its respective season.


"How's Alice doing, my daughter?" My mother rested her hands in her lap as I entered for our monthly time together.

I gave a nod as I tossed my mother a thermos of hot blood. "She is well. She's got a lot of irons in the fire and is worried about that celestial she's seeing, Gloria, I believe was her name."

She caught and poured some of the blood into a teacup on the stand next to her throne. I had made an effort to appoint her chamber more, with various furnishings such as tables and some dishes. I just took them with me to wash them and bring them back.

It had been around six decades that we had been doing this now and there was a certain level of fondness between us. She had always said she loved me, but now we actually got along for the most part.

She sipped on the tea-infused blood and sighed in relief. "Ha... truly you spoil me. It's hard to believe I had gone centuries without this, I think I'd barely make it a year before I went mad now."

"I'm glad to have brought you some comfort over these years, mother." I offered her a small smile and placed my hands upon my hips.

"I've a question of the heart for you, Avenger, and I'll know if you feed me falsehoods."

I snorted and rolled my eyes. "As if I would... Ask."

"Were I to call off our training, would you still come see me, would you still offer your vitality?" She quirked a brow over the teacup at me.

I gave her a bored shrug. "Perhaps not monthly, but I'd still come see you and offer you it from time to time, I would miss you I'd imagine."

"Kind words, it makes me happy though." She showed me her bloody teeth in a grin before drinking more.

"Why such a question, mother?" I quirked a brow, moving to sling a bag off my shoulder with some books I had brought.

"Because we both know when this began, it was a means to an end. I was a tool to see your desires fulfilled and nothing more." She shrugged again as she poured another cup of blood.

"That's not entirely true. I still respected you and appreciated you counseling me during the Crusade wars. I didn't care for you but I respected you, I wasn't just using you completely, just mostly." I gave my own shrug as I moved to my bag, unzipping it to look through the books I had brought. "Besides, didn't you say getting to feed regularly was your own reward?"

"Well, the brutal reality is, I could just prey upon my own children if I wanted to feed regularly, but what mother would do such a barbaric thing?"

"One mad with hunger," I fired back without hesitating.

"Ah, you have grown wise, and strong... Do you think you are ready for the flames to come?" She showed me a surprisingly smug grin. "You are soon to have a test not only of strength, but of fortitude, and I'm sorry to say it will involve your precious new rabbit."

That made my ears spring up as I dropped the books and stomped over to her, teeth bared, eyes blazing red. "Mother! If you have done anything to Alice, I swear to the gods!"

"I've done nothing, nor have I any inclination to, I just can see what is about to transpire." She pushed some of her blonde hair back in a flip with her hand, then my own ears sprang up again as I heard it, my name, my full name, and it was my lover's voice.

"Alice!" I screamed out in panic, showing my teeth as I turned from my mother and tore open a crude gate before myself. I had learned some magical tricks from my mother over these last decades, but not gate manipulation. However, as I had said previously, when someone summons you, there are different rules involved.

The whole scene appeared before me, my mouth gaping wide as I saw none other than Ezekiel there, holding Alice aloft by her throat. His eyes looked wide and shocked, the rabbit showing a sneering smirk at having summoned me. The others of her family and even that angel she'd been seeing were all there. Every last one of them were frozen in a moment of shock at what the rabbit had done.

"I'll kill you!" I screamed as I started through the one-way portal but then grunted as my mother was there, grabbing my shoulder and halting me. I glared up at her furiously as I spat out in her face. "How dare you halt me!"

"Let your siblings have their time, do not be so quick to rush in... if they do not face their trials without you, how will they grow stronger?" No sooner had she explained, then I saw my brother Elias burst in, slamming a blow into the lion and saving Alice. He then broke the lions arm and sent him across the room with a kick in particularly savage fashion.

I huffed out proudly at the display my brother had put on. "Well done, Elias! Put that pompous child in his place!"

"He can't hear you through this gate, they can't even see it," She spoke dryly to me as I gave her a knowing glare.

"I am aware of how it works, I'm not completely inept at these things, mother." I stared intently at the exchange. Elias called off the rest of the family, and given Alex looked ready to rip Rachel's throat out, I was thankful for that.

"Huh... he is trying to negotiate when they could have handily killed them all by now. How do you feel about that, my daughter?" The elder looked at me curiously as I kept staring upon the gate.

"Hmph... it's an honorable tactic, but it can be fatal against ones such as that one." I snarled as I saw the lion arguing as Rachel tried to talk some sense into him. "Wait- Why is Rachel not a first?... nevermind, I'm going before it gets too rough of them!"

My mother sighed and rolled her eyes, releasing my shoulder. "At the least shield yourself from their sight and give them a chance to overcome, you can step in if it's too dire." I gave a nod as I focused my energies while stepping through the gate, a veil upon me that would reflect the light and shadow of the room to make me nearly impossible to see.

"Ah, there you are." I jerked my ears up as I realized Toroah was already there doing the same thing I was.

"Tut... waiting to see how it plays out?" I put a hand on my hip, keeping a lazy eye on the debacle as the rabbit nodded.

"Yes, I was going to intervene before Elias and his family showed, now I'm trying to let them sort it, in hopes there can be some peace from-"

"That won't happen, this stupid lion is too pigheaded for that." I grumbled and then rolled my eyes with a sigh as Ezekiel summoned the sphere of light, even Elias taking a knee form it.

"That's it, he dies," I hissed and reached for my swords, but Toroah stood before me.

"Please, Lorelai, a few more moments, I swear if it looks too grim you can take his life!"

"It already looks pretty fucking grim to me you stupid-" I watched Alice use the same trick Sarnai had done all those years ago, the trick I told her to keep in mind. It made me proud to see her put my advice to use as Elias once again brought Ezekiel to heel.

I sighed and shook my head, putting my hands on my hips as I moved over to the wall, leaning against it as I folded my arms, just watching the whole dialog unfold. "Like talking to a wall..."

My ears lifted as Elias spoke of killing the lion and I gave Toroah an annoyed glance. "Now may I go intervene?" I grumbled the words sarcastically.

"I would consider it a personal favor if you did, Lorelai. Thank you..." He offered me a gentle smile and I felt my stomach twist a little at that look, but I had business to deal with, so I called out to them as I faded into view.


Once everything was sorted I took a room with Alice in the lodge where this had all taken place in. My brow furrowed as I was pulled from my sleep, she was clinging to me, both our naked bodies pressed together in the bed, exhausted after the intense lovemaking we had done.

"Sorry my love, keep sleeping, I'll be back." I gave her forehead a kiss as I gently pulled away, stepping to the floor and quickly re-donning my panties as well as my jeans and a shirt, not bothering with the bra.

I moved down into the lobby of the hotel, Toroah there waiting for me. Most of the staff was still enthralled so they only just saw normal guests standing there. He offered me a bow and then his eyes widened as he saw me in the shirt without a bra on, clearly ogling the outline of my chest in the fabric.

"My eyes are up here, Tor." I showed my teeth in a grin.

The rabbit looked upon my eyes, his own gaze relaxing now that none of the others were around. "My apologies, I've just never seen you looking so... casual before."

"Yeah, well that was my girlfriend drooling all over you earlier, did you think we were just cuddling and holding hands when I left?" I huffed the words out in a haughty tone then cocked a brow. "More to the point... is Rachel okay?"

Toroah tilted his head curiously. "Rachel? She is fine, a few cuts and bruises, but nothing I couldn't heal. I'm surprised you're worried about her after everything that happened."

"Ryder would be crushed if something happened to her, of course, I would be worried about her!" I hissed out without thinking, bringing him up again and seeing that distant look fill Toroah's eyes.

"Uh... Lore-"

"Shut up! Nevermind!" I clenched my fist and looked away, snarling to myself. I hadn't spoken face to face with Toroah in some time, and I was too relaxed from chatting with mother about Ryder.

He gave me a frown but remained silent, finally I rubbed my forehead before meeting his eyes once more. "What do you want, Tor?"

I saw his body language shift at my annoyed and short words, it made my heart twist as I regretted them instantly. He shifted his gaze to the side before turning his back. "Nothing of note, I simply wanted to see you again, I apologize for upsetting you."

I flinched at how hurt he looked and quickly responded to his back. "Wait, Toroah... uh I'm sorry okay? I'm just high strung right now, alright? It wasn't you."

"Are you sure about that?" He looked over his shoulder, one ear and brow cocked.

"Yes! It's... it's good to see you, okay? I just..." I sighed and folded my arms. "What is to become of Ezekiel?"

He turned to face me again at the segue of topics. "He'll face a tribunal. Given how egregious his actions were today, what with ignoring the Seer's judgment and forcing all his subordinates into a deadly conflict... that nearly cost us all of them, well... he'll most likely be executed."

"Don't... don't kill him, okay?" I put my hands on my hips, snarling the words as I fixed him with a glare.

"Lore... you told me yourself you'd kill him not hours ago if things weren't met with a satisfactory outcome. Are you now in the same breath going to tell-"

"I am! Look if..." I bit off the words as I jerked my gaze away. I didn't give a fop about the damn lion, but I didn't want Ryder to come back to his best friend being dead, he already lost Charlotte over my family.

"Lorelai, what is going on with you?" He reached for me as I took some steps away.

"Thanks for the bid of comfort, but I'm in no mood to be burned today, okay? Sorry..." I sighed and folded my arms. "Toroah... someday this will all make sense, there will be some method to my madness... but I don't want him to die, okay? I said those words previously out of anger."

"What would you have me do with him then?" He frowned and put a hand to his own hip.

Rubbing my chin I thought about it for several moments before giving a nod. "I want to talk to him, alone."

"I can arrange that, but are you sure? Wouldn't you be worried?" He cocked a brow, then frowned as I gave him an earnest laugh of amusement.

"Oh, my rabbit... I'm so far beyond that lion it's not funny. In truth, I don't feel any of you could stand before me these days." I showed my teeth in a smug grin. It was the truth after all, I'd been training with a veritable demi-god for decades, not to mention Alice's own power had just been enhancing all that training.

His frown turned to a neutral look, then a contemplative one before he parted his lips to speak, "Do... you think you're my better, Lorelai?"

I took a deep breath and shook my head. "Toroah, strength isn't everything. I think you're a much better tactician and diplomat. We all have our strengths and weaknesses but don't feel bad about me outmuscling you in some areas, it's nothing to be ashamed of, alright, love?"

He gave another frown but nodded. "I understand what you mean, and I truly pray to the gods I never have to test that theory in earnest."

"The gods can go fuck themselves, my rabbit. However... I agree, I never want to cross swords with you in conflict. I know we have an odd relationship, but I do love you, and someday I'll fix all this."

"I also have faith we'll see our families in peace eventually, so that-"

"Not that..." I sighed and shook my head. "Forget it, you'll get it someday."

"Alright, well I should return to the citadel and try to find an excuse to give the other commanders about not putting Ezekiel through a tribunal."

"I understand. I apologize for being a pain. I hope someday we... well, just know I love you, Toroah." I huffed the words and turned from him, returning to my room where my rabbit awaited me.


A few weeks later the meeting was arranged. When I arrived in the large open field, I found the lion sitting cross legged in the grass. He lifted his ears and cut his gaze back to me but said nothing.

"So, what are they to do with you, Ezekiel?" I spoke conversationally as I closed the distance between us.

"Is that any of your concern, abomination? Or will you invoke your will and force the words from my mouth? You've already shown twice now you're my better."

My ears perked at that. "Twice?"

He snarled at me in response, "Yes! Am I so insignificant that you do not remember that time before, centuries ago when your damned brother was with you?!"

I folded my arms in thought. That was an incident with Ryder, he shouldn't have remembered it. My feet pushed back into motion and I came around to his front before I took a seat right there in the grass a few yards away. "That time... with Ryder?"

He flinched, painfully so, as if someone had stabbed a needle into him unexpectedly before his blue eyes darted back to my own. "I don't know any Ry-"

"Ezzy!" I spat out his nickname.

He flinched again and roared out in anger, "Do not call me that!"

"Why?" I tilted my head, quirking a brow. "Does the nickname hold a meaning to you?"

"It... does not! I just find it annoying!" He snarled and jerked his gaze from mine.

"Annoying like when your best friend was dating me, a vampire whore? When he already had Rachel, Toroah, and Charlotte?" I spat the words out, pushing my will forward to force him to look back and meet my eyes.

I watched him shudder, I then watched his eyes lose focus and even start to show tears before I released the compulsion. He pushed them together and gave a furious howl of rage. "What are you doing to me, Lorelai!?"

"Tell me... what the name Ryder means to you!" I snarled the words, showing my sharp teeth and pushing my will forward again.

"It means nothing to me!" He fired back, glaring hard at me, tears showing plainly now.

"Ryder, your brother, your best friend, the black-furred fox that ascended to a Paladin! You watched him fall, you watched him be dragged into the pits of hell over your own weakness!" I screamed the accusations out, watching his eyes, seeing I was chipping away at the barriers.

Ezekiel erupted in a yowling sob as I saw the look in his eyes clear. He collapsed to his hands, fists grabbing handfuls of the grass and earth. "Ryder! Gods! Yes... it's my fault... I couldn't do anything! He... in the end he saved us all, and I was helpless through it all!"

I frowned and said nothing, letting him sit there and sob, my own heart aching to see the display. Now I had my answers though. It wasn't permanent and they could be reasoned with. Rubbing my chin I contemplated what to do, what to do with this celestial before me, as well as Rachel and Toroah.

Ezekiel shuddered and composed himself after a few minutes, pushing himself to sit up once more and wipe his face on the sleeve of his robes. "Why... does that feel so fresh in my heart? It happened nearly a century and a half ago..."

"If I tell you why, will you listen? Will you clear those fucking ears out and actually listen to me without insulting me and calling me an abomination or vampire whore?" I cocked a brow as I sat there, calmly laying out my conditions.

I watched him compose himself, then he gave me a nod. "On my word, I'll hear you out and not insult you."

With a resigned sigh, I pushed my will out to feel if we had any others nearby, content we did not, I began. "Fine... We'll start with your Seraph..."

I explained everything, watching all the changes he took on, from disbelief and denial to fury. Finally, when I finished everything I had to say he looked up at the stars in the sky and simply shook his head before giving a bitter little laugh. "What a mess..."

"Ezekiel... I lost, very, very close friends and family in the Crusade war with your people. You may continue to hate us if you wish, but our people, they know love, kindness, and devotion, just as yours do. The pain you feel over Ryder tonight, that is the very pain my family would have felt had you managed to pull off your little stunt. My family would have been devastated over the loss of Gloria, one of your kind, one of your kind you were readily prepared to execute over your own prejudice's"

He said nothing as I continued, "I won't try to talk sense into you if Ryder failed to for centuries, but look where your hatred has gotten you. You sit upon a throne of loneliness and despair, with no one to call friend. Is that what you want?"

"Your words stab into my heart, Lorelai, but this is the path I have chosen, I have no other now before me." He frowned and shook his head.

"I offer you a new path." I met his eyes with a fierce look, showing my teeth in a snarl.

He met my gaze and hesitated before speaking out, "What is that?"

"We have one celestial in our ranks, what's one more? If they don't execute you, you'll be left to rot in the citadel for centuries. The seraph will no doubt try to bury those memories as well, so you'll lose Ryder all over again."

"You... are attempting to corrupt me, to make me fall?" His voice took on an edge and I laughed.

"No. Keep your wings white, I don't need you to offer your throat or turn your back on the gods, I'm offering you a new path. You may keep your pious lifestyle, you would just do so within our ranks."

Ezekiel cleared his throat before looking at me with a flat gaze. "I do not think the higher-ups would appreciate this if I said yes."

"I'm not asking them." I quirked a brow.

"So... you're saying it's fully my decision to make?"

"That's what I'm saying. No corruption, no blood-drinking or soul-selling... Just come walk amongst us. Learn from us, train with us, grow stronger... and when the time comes, stand at my side when I go to save him."

I watched him shudder at the last of the words as he rose to his feet. "You truly mean to bust forth the gates of hell, strode in, and simply collect my brother?"

Finding my own feet, I stood and folded my arms, poking my nose up. "I do and I will."

He showed me a crooked grin and rubbed the back of his head. "Intriguing... you really are mad, but I suppose I share in that because I am considering your offer. However, where would I go, who would I train with?"

"I was waiting for that question," Her voice called out as my mother simply shimmered into existence. Of course, I had felt her presence, but she was making an entrance for the lion's sake.

Ezekiel gave a startled gasp, his eyes going wide. He of course, would be intimately familiar with the energy of an elder of our race, what with having lived through the Crusade war. "Y-You're... one of their Elders..."

"I am... My daughter has offered you a home and I now offer you my tutelage, something only one other being in the entire existence of recorded history has been the benefactor of," She looked upon me as she spoke the words.

"Do you not fear I would turn the knowledge and power against your kind?" The lion tilted his head curiously.

"Had there been any doubt of that, my daughter would have no doubt already ended you. However, I am not my daughter, and I do want to see you more committed." She showed her large sharp teeth as she paced around the lion, sizing him up. "Yes... I think you should fully embrace our offer, Ezekiel..."

His back stiffened as she circled him like a predator and my own ears lifted. "Mother! I do not wish to corrupt him or force him against his will, let him make his choice, and-"

She held a hand up and I felt my voice simply halt from her will. Her red eyes glowed as she hummed and paced over to me, standing at my side as the angel stood before us. "Make your choice, come join us in the capacity that retriever you almost felled did, or tuck your tail and whimper back to your citadel, where you will be imprisoned and your memories stripped."

I looked up at her, then at the lion. I could feel there was no compulsion being used, she was indeed making it his choice. Ezekiel pushed a hand to his face, shuddering at the words before looking upon us both from between his fingers. "Ryder... I don't want to forget him, I want to save him, and I want... the power to do that."

"And you shall have it, my son... no strings attached. Keep your soul, keep your divinity, but... become one of us." Her large sharp canines showed, her red eyes glittering in the moonlight as I realized her intentions.

"Mother, that will surely kill him! Celestials can't be turned!" I screamed the words out but it was like he couldn't hear them, as if there was no sound leaving our proximity. My mother simply gave me a knowing smile, waiting on his response.

Ezekiel shuddered and fixed us both with a hard gaze and I could ever so faintly see a tint of gray starting at the tips of his wings. "For my brother then, I must get stronger. I accept."

"Daughter! Embrace him before he falls!" She spoke the words in commandment and my mind cleared as I sprang forward and plunged my teeth deep into the lion's throat. I drank his blood, gorged myself on the divine nectar, shocked it didn't burn as much as touching their kind had in the past, it would be later I would put the pieces together that the reason for that was Alice.

"Enough, do it!" I pulled back with a snarl at her command, having wanted to drink more but seeing the lion was already nearly drained and the gray had almost spread fully through his wings. I tore my own wrist open with my fangs, drawing forth a mouthful of my own cursed blood and pushed against the angel's own lips.

Ezekiel widened his eyes in shock, then I felt him kissing me hard as he swallowed down the blood. Our tongues rolled against one another and I pushed my bloody wrist up into his blonde hair, kissing him with desperation as if he had been a long-missed lover. He shuddered and I felt his heart stop, pulling back with my own bloody grin as I used my other hand to grab those blonde locks of hair.

The lion blinked upon me, his blue eyes now red and looking frightened. "Don't be afraid, my sweet lion... here..." I cooed the words blissfully, the whole euphoria of feeding and turning having me drunk with power as I shoved my wrist against his lips.

He gave a snarl and then I felt my wounds grow deeper as he tore his new larger canines deep in and started to drink heavily from me. My bloody tongue lolled out as I stroked his head, letting him gorge himself, my red eyes glancing back to see my mother standing there with a mad grin on her face.

I felt when he was going too far, felt his fury coming on, and as he started to cross that threshold to madness, I brought my free hand down in a heavy blow to the back of his head, knocking him unconscious as he fell to the bloodied grass at my feet. Stepping back, I started to lap from my wrist but my mother grasped it instead, holding it up to drag her tongue across the open wounds herself.

My teeth sunk into my lower lip as I watched her, wondering if she was going to lose herself and just kill me in this moment, but since she had been feeding on my blood for decades now, she seemed to have reined it in. She gave me a look like she didn't want to release my wrist, but did so after some hesitation.

I felt myself compose after a few moments, wiping my mouth and shuddering as I looked down upon the angel before me, his wings had flushed of the grey, still looking snow-white as they had before.

"How... is this possible?" I finally asked, glancing back at her.

"Your blood is tainted with my own, daughter... you also have that bunny's power at play within you now. You don't have to follow the same rules as everyone else anymore." She showed a proud grin to me as she brushed a hand over my head, then leaned down to push her other through the lion's blood-covered locks of blonde hair. "And neither do you, my son..."

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