Harley's Secret (Part 1)

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#5 of Sories

Harley the shy, timid, introverted red panda somehow lands herself a job offer as a stripper? Will she have what it takes, or will she chicken out, unable to overcome her fear or social settings.

Harley, the Red Panda was at the library one day. She had glasses and an oversized sweater and leggings on. She had beautiful red fur with white markings on her face and white cheeks, brown paws, a white belly and a striped tail. She was on her computer finishing some of her work. She finally finished and slipped her laptop in her bag and was on her way. Once she stepped outside, she realized it was dark out. She was at the library much longer than she intended to be. She started walking home. She was excited to get home to her treehouse, she had a long day and wanted to try out her new video game. She had been thinking about it all day.

As she was walking home, she came upon a block that was unfamiliar. Only one of the stores were open, and she went inside to see what there was. The little red panda was surprised when she walked into a club! She was already there so she decided to have a look around, but clubbing wasn't really her thing. She was much happier drawing or cooking or reading at home, away from other furs, in the peace and quiet. The music was loud and the lights were bright. Harley walked around but didn't order anything to drink. She rarely had any kind of alcohol.

Then someone approached her. He was a black panther with green eyes and silky fur. He started talking to the red panda and introduced himself as the club owner.

"You may call me Mr. Shadow". He then gave the little panda an opportunity to work for him. He said she'd work in the evenings and nights and be paid well. This was good news to Harley since she needed a job to help with her collage fees, but she didn't think the club life was for her. Mr. Shadow told her he'd teach her everything she needed and that she'd be paid very fairly. Harley thought about it, she did have a lot of free time on her evenings, and all her other job interviews didn't go so well to be honest. Finally, she accepted. Harley thought she could give it a try and quit if she didn't like it. Harley planned on being a bartender or some kind of waiter, but Mr. Shadow took Harley to the back room and showed her the stripper costumes. He told her to pick one out. They were all very glittery and not exactly the pandas type, but she decided on an aqua green outfit, which complimented her red fur. Glitter went everywhere when she touched it. Mr. Shadow had Harley sign some papers. Harley wondered to herself if this really was a good idea, but she really needed the money.

"good." Said Mr. Shadow. "Now go try on your costume".

Harley did as she was asked, not wanting to upset her new boss. She found a changing room and put on her skimpy green outfit. She blushed when she looked in the mirror. She would never ever wear something like this usually, but recently she had been really needing a job. The outfit started at the top of her thighs, like spandex shorts, it left her back and her belly exposed but tan up her sides with glittery fabric. She had her chest covered but her underboob was exposed and there were blue heart designs over her nipples. She placed her paws over her C-cup chest and looked at her reflection. She blushed at the outfit. No way could she go out there on stage in front of everyone. She came out of the dressing room, going to tell Mr. Shadow that this wasn't the job for her, when he said, "perfect! You look wonderful. Have you ever played dance dance before? I know this is your first time and you've had no training but, there's a little screen in the back of the room, just do the dance as good as you can and you'll be fine. We'll get you trained later though." Then he grabbed her arm and pulled her out on stage. She squirmed and tried to free herself but she was much smaller than the panther.

she stepped onto the stage, to her left was a little white mouse, and to her right was a white husky with silver fur. The husky wore a pink outfit of a pink collar, a pink harness, and a pink skirt, which was almost more like a tu tu, with her huge curl tail bobbing around as she danced. She was absolutely fearless and walked with confidence. The mouse, however was very skilled, pulling off feats that got the audience to respond in "ooo" and "awww"s. She had a teeny tiny pole she danced off of. The husky danced around hers. Harley had one too, but didn't know how to use it yet. The mouses costume was a dark blue with white glitter that looked like stars. It covered her legs but was open at her pink crotch and most of her chest was exposed. The sleeves were more like a tank top, so the costume went from her neck all the way down to her ankles, but left her most vulnerable areas unprotected. Harley was in the middle of the stage, and she saw the little screen the panther was talking about. It turned on and a fox started dancing. Harley took a few breaths to calm down, then she followed her movements. The music was playing and it vibrated off her chest, the stage lights were bright but the focused on her. The audience cheered as she shook her fuzzy striped tail for them. She had taken dance classes before and loved the attention, but she never thought as an introvert she could be on stage again. She lost herself in the music. She lost her glasses but didn't care. The crowd cheered for her.

By the time the dance was over she was panting. She had done her best and she hoped she impressed her new boss. The three strippers went into a room in the back, each one tired from all the dances. Mr. Shadow then entered the room,

"Good job out there ladies, you all did great. This is our newest member, Harley." the other two girls waved at me. "You're both going to need to help train Harley, and if you do good I'll increase your pay accordingly. Now introduce yourselves and play nice girls." And with that the panther walked out of the room. The white husky was first to introduce herself, "I'm Victoria, but my stripper name is 'Princess'". She then went back to filing her nails. The little mouse looked up at Harley and introduced herself, "I'm Lola, but my stage name is 'Twilight'". She held out a paw and i shook it, very gently.

"I'm Harley. I don't have a stripper name yet.." i said as i thought about a stage name i'd like.

Lola squeaked, "Well you'll probably want to come up with one soon." Harley nodded. Lola asked, "So, are you really going to be working here with us?"


Victoria said, "Well at least it won't just be me and the mouse." She didn't say it in a super mean way, only like she was teasing a friend. Lola didn't seem bothered by it either. Harley guessed that that was just Victoria's personality.

Later Victoria and Lola went to "entertain" some guests as they were requested to. Harley didn't because she was new, but she wasn't sure how comfortable she would be alone in a room with a stranger. There were plenty of rules protecting the employees, but she was still a little worried.

While Victoria and Lola were busy, Harley changed back into her sweater and leggings and walked back into the club. She sat at the bar for a few minutes. She noticed to her side there was a very sad looking rabbit. The rabbit was pink with a strawberry red birthmark on his cheek. It almost looked like a heart. The bunny's ears were drooping and he seemed out of it. Harley spoke to him,"Hey, are you alright?" as she patted his shoulder. He hesitated then shook his head. He told her about the rough day he had, and Harley listened closely, being as reassuring to the bunny as possible. Finally, she gave him a hug.

"Can i buy you drink?" She asked him.

"Actually, i dont like to drink."

Harley took the bunny into the back rooms and grabbed him a soda out of a mini fridge. "My name is Victor by the way." He said shyly.

"I'm not supposed to tell anyone my real name." Said Harley. "But i don't have a stripper name yet."

Victor was surprised the timid little panda was one of the dancers. He thought for a moment.

"How about, the Red Wonder?"

"Ooo i like it" Smiled Harley.

The two talked a little while longer, eventually Victor was needed back home. As he was walking he smiled to himself,

He just met a very cute panda, and he knew where he could visit her at work. The thought put a hop in his step. His luck was finally changing.

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