Cavern of Malice

Story by Yntemid on SoFurry

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#5 of Dreamer

The following is erotic in nature. Read at your own discretion.


Cavern of Malice

* * *

The dragon clawed at the thick chain that bound him to the floor of the cave, churning the cavern's shallow water with his furious attacks. Though the chain appeared rusted and frail, none of the dragon's efforts so much as dented a link. The thick shackle around the ankle of his left hind foot rasped against his wet scales as he tugged at the chain. The leash almost let him touch the closest of the chamber's walls, but stopped him just short of reaching it so that he couldn't dig his talons into the stone to gain leverage. He'd tried to do the same with the rough stone floor, but whatever uneven material lay beneath the murky water, his claws could not pierce it. The dragon roared in fury, flapping his leathery wings in frustration. The chain was too short to allow him any more flight than a prolonged hop.

A part of the dragon's mind knew that his name was Michael, knew that the cause of his anger was not the chain binding him, but the events that had recently occurred in another world. That part of his mind remembered receiving a message granting him seven days to find a home outside the university. It remembered the written lecture of condemnation against indecent behavior and the stern warning that the weapon he'd brought onto school grounds never be seen again. That part of the dragon's mind knew that even this expulsion was not the full reason for his current mood, that his room mate in the other world, an art major, had discovered his carving of a mating pegasus and unicorn and had declaimed the sculpture as less than art, not because of its sexual nature, but because it had taken too much skill to make. It was insulting, the room mate had explained, an affront against artists who didn't have the ability or training to make its equal in quality, and if Michael had taken any art courses, he would know that no one who knew anything would consider the carving art. It was worthless because it was beautiful.

This, that small part of the dragon's mind knew, was the root of his unbridled rage. It even reasoned that, in the dream world, his anger was the cause of the chain, not the other way around.

But the dragon was too furious to care what had brought him to his current circumstances. All he cared about was getting out of them.

In a moment of relative quiet while the dragon seethed, he heard machinery from the darkness above him. Three contraptions were being lowered into the flickering torch light, a slender silhouette attached to each. When they were closer, the dragon could tell that they were three anthropomorphic females, each bound to a network of iron posts in submissive, erotic positions. One was a tan and white deer. She was bound face down in a fetal position, a single iron rod holding her knees and elbows under her body while shackles around her wrists and ankles were chained along with the metal rod to the distant cavern ceiling. She rotated while being lowered, watching the dragon with wide, hazel eyes as she rotated. She kept her tail flattened protectively over her crotch all the while, but while facing away from him, the dragon saw that the tail was too short to conceal more than one of her entrances from him.

The second female was a rabbit, her fluffy pelt completely white from tufted ears to wide footpads. Those footpads stuck straight up into the air, bound together by a single rusted shackle around her ankles. Her wrists, too, were shackled together, and both bonds were connected to the ceiling by metal chains. The chain holding her wrists was slightly longer than the other, though, so that while she wasn't struggling her body and her legs made a perfect ninety-degree angle. Her tail, too, was not long enough to cover the band of her sex that was framed by her thighs and bottom when she was facing away from the dragon, but she didn't even attempt to do so. She stared around at everything while she slowly spun, including the dragon, and seemed unafraid despite her helplessness.

The last was a raccoon, or so that dragon thought. It was difficult to tell with the complex harness binding her. She was held face down by a three-sided square of metal poles that connected her wrists and ankles, forcing them to spread in a wide "X" shape. The pole joining her wrists was interrupted by a collar around her neck. A strange pair of curved rods connected to the collar held her short muzzle open at an uncomfortable looking angle. Nothing connected her ankles together, but the iron poles joined to the one that held her wrists and neck ensured that her legs were spread wide. Like the others, she circled slowly as she was lowered toward the torch lit cavern floor. When she saw the dragon lurking in the shadows, she curled her long, bushy tail between her spread legs to hide herself. The dragon allowed himself a reptilian smirk. She could conceal her crotch, but she could do nothing to hide the pair of supple, perfectly formed breasts dangling freely under her chest.

He knew why they were there in the chamber with him. If nothing else, their submissive positions were proof of it. His dreams were giving him an outlet for his pent up frustration. Though he felt no less angry yet, he was able to let his wrath smolder as an undercurrent rather than blinding himself with it. As soon as the three females finished lowering, each stopping several feet above the cavern's dark water, the chain binding the dragon's ankle vanished.

He approached the deer first, silently gliding up behind her when her rotating faced her away from him, closing the gap between them in the instant her line of sight with him was interrupted by her own body. When she whipped her head around, trying to make that instant as short as possible, she found his golden, slitted eyes glaring down at her from mere inches above her face. His talon holding the bar that trapped her knees and elbows stopped her circling. She stared back into his gaze, her brown eyes wide and unblinking, like a squirrel entranced by a cobra's glare, holding her breath. With her spinning interrupted, he grazed her cheek and the side of her neck with his talon, soaking her fur with the cavern water still dripping from his claw. She finally broke away from his gaze, shying away from his touch and wincing her eyes closed. Now that she was no longer looking, he glided silently behind her. The next thing she felt was his forked tongue probing the folds of her white furred vagina. She gasped and immediately tensed, squirming against her bonds, but there was nothing she could do to stop his explorations. After trailing one of his tongue's pointed tips up and down her slit, he parted the folds of her opening and slid into her. She yelped and sobbed, and he could feel her muscles struggling to somehow free herself, but he knew it was just a show. He couldn't hurt her if he tried, in the dream world. He let the deer flex and strain her body as much as she wanted, slithering his narrow tongue deep inside her and pressing his snout against her soft, furry groin. She tasted of fruit, though he couldn't say what kind. As he pulled his tongue out of her, he rubbed his snout up her crotch, lifting her tail with his nose despite her efforts to keep it plastered against her base. With his snout caressing the smooth puckering he'd exposed, he snorted, his hot breath making the fur on her bottom and tail flare outward. As soon as he pulled away from her bottom, she clamped her tail back down. She was a good actress, the dragon noticed, looking back at her as he slowly made his way to the rabbit. The cheek he hadn't touched was wet as well as the other, but it was with tears.

As with the deer, the dragon stopped the bunny's twirling when her face was in front of his own. Also as with the deer, the rabbit looked up at him unblinkingly, but her bright green eyes appeared more curious than afraid. There was a childishness to her that the dragon found appealing, though he couldn't quite determine the source. Though clearly young, her body was well formed, her round bust evident even as she was forced to dangle with her back toward the ground. He curled his neck around one of her arms and used his snout to nudge her breast into a less subtle shape, testing its size and firmness. When she didn't make a sound, he glanced toward her face and found her staring back at him from between her upraised arms. Again, she merely looked curious, not in any way alarmed. His tongue slid out of his mouth and explored the hill of soft flesh his nose held in place on her ribs. When it found her nipple beneath her thick white fur and began flicking its nub, she only raised her eyebrows in mild surprise. The dragon could feel the nipple firm under his attentions, though. Encouraged by this, he wrapped his long, sinuous tongue in a circle around her breast's curved rim, then tightened his tongue around her, squeezing the breast and making it raise further from her chest. Her eyebrows rose higher. Careful not to release his tongue's hold on her, he moved his snout up her downy slope until he felt her nub beneath his nose. Keeping his tongue out the side of his mouth, he parted his scaled lips and very carefully took her nipple between his deadly fangs. The rabbit finally gasped when he began suckling at her, a quiet, youthfully feminine sound. He squeezed with his tongue at the same time as gently pulling at her nipple with his teeth, pressing all around it with his lips, and sucked like she was a strange, round pop-sickle. She began moving, then, but she had nowhere to go. While intensifying his suckling, the dragon reached around her back and side to grasp her other breast in a dripping talon, squeezing it mercilessly. She squirmed, but when she tried to raise her body, his muzzle only pressed harder against her tender breast, and when she twisted his razor-like teeth threatened to cut her skin, so she finally lay still, letting the dragon suckle away. A drop of hot milk against the back of his tongue startled him for a moment, then he redoubled his efforts, tightening his tongue's hold around her furry breast even more. She tensed as her mammary shot a more substantial stream of milk into the dragon's mouth, and another after that. While she was completely distracted by the unique sensation of being milked, the dragon snaked his tail around toward her bottom. She didn't seem to notice when its tip touched the back of her thigh, but she froze completely when it touched her mound's incredibly soft flesh, staring down at the huge lizard that held her tit in its mouth. He glanced up at her worried expression, then, finding her slit with his tail, pushed it into her vagina. She yelled out and began thrashing in her bonds. He had to pull his head back lest he accidentally bite her. When his tail pressed against an unexpected barrier only two or three inches inside her, she went rigid, whimpering. The dragon paused. She had a hymen. He pulled his tail out of her and let her breasts return to their subtle curves on her chest. When he moved behind her and studied her rump on display, he felt the organ underneath his reptilian slit begin to stir. He allowed himself a quick lick of her drenched vagina and anus-his tail had been in the shallow cave water as well-before turning toward the bound raccoon, leaving the bunny shivering behind him.

Unable to move her head, the raccoon could only peer at him from the corner of her masked eye as he approached from the side. He stared her in the eye for just a moment before walking behind her spread legs. With a flap of his wings, he jumped between her thighs, grabbing one of the chains that held her with both talons. Her tail was lowered protectively over her rump, but that suited the dragon's purposes. With her tail between his hind legs, and those legs between her own thighs, he moved his haunches forward and down until his leathery lower belly was pressed into her tail's long fur. As he rubbed the skin between his hind legs back and forth against the raccoon's soft, striped tail, he lowered his sinuous neck down and around her chest. She made a helpless noise when she realized what the dragon was using her tail for, and made another noise when his forked tongue lifted her dangling breast against her torso, but was only able to feebly flex her body as means of escape. Once the tip of his penis parted the folds of his reptilian slit and he felt her velvety fur rubbing against his exposed skin, he quickly began to swell and slide out of his scaled sheath. He moved away from her before he was fully erect, only to circle her body and flap his wings again once in front of her, landing with each talon on one of the bars that joined her wrists and ankles. She stared helplessly at his hind legs and the member emerging from between them, going cross-eyes as he brought it closer to her face, as though keeping it in view would somehow stop it. His tip collided with her dark nose, the small hole in its center directly on top of one of her nostrils. He held himself there for a moment, letting the raccoon smell him, then he dragged his tip down her nose and between her spread jaws. He slowly brought his haunches forward, letting her sharp teeth graze his sensitive skin, until she desperately pushed her tongue against the front of his tip, trying to shove him back out. That's what he'd been waiting for. He stopped moving into her mouth, letting her think that her tongue was somehow stronger than his legs, so that she would keep pressing her tongue against him. In effect, she was actually arousing him further. Her saliva made his penis every bit as slick as her tongue, so she kept slipping around his head, having to slide back in front of it each time, forcefully licking him. Eventually he began pushing her tongue back, not because he was pushing forward, but because his erection was growing. She only redoubled her efforts when she realized what was happening, frantically trying to position her tongue to stop his advance, but only able to lick all around his tip, further stimulating him. Soon he was too far back in her mouth for her to get her tongue in front of him, but even then her tongue squirmed underneath his shaft, refusing to give up. She gagged when he hit the back of her mouth, and he finally relented and pulled out of her. The raccoon's teeth rasped against his skin considerably more than when he'd first entered her mouth. He lowered himself back to the cave floor and tweaked one of the raccoon's dangling breasts in thanks, then turned back to the rabbit.

Her bottom was still facing him, legs sticking straight up in the air, so she couldn't see him coming. The dragon announced himself by teasing her tail hole with his forked tongue, actually thrusting it an inch inside her after a few cursory flicks. The bunny yelped in shock. Rather than leaping onto her, the dragon climbed up her lithe legs with his talons, then on up the chain past her feet until he was standing nearly upright. She tensed and whimpered when she felt the underside of his slippery penis against her thighs, but he realized that the position he was in would be uncomfortable. He reached his talons for the far chain that held the rabbit's wrists, letting his body swing down beside her and hiking a hind leg. There. Now his shaft was lined up directly in front of her bottom, rather than pointing straight up in the air. It was awkward bringing his pelvis forward with only one foot on the ground, but he managed. The rabbit bit her lower lip when his tip nudged her mound, then gasped and held her breath when it pushed her folds aside and began sliding into her. The dragon himself was roughly half again the size of a horse and his member was proportionate. Her hot tunnel gripped him tightly, and only reluctantly gave way under his small, tentative thrusts. Soon his broad head met the rabbit's hymen, and he reached down with one talon to hold the side of her neck as he pressed harder and harder against it, stretching it inward until it burst. The rabbit cried out, tears streaming from her wincing eyes, and sobbed as the dragon buried the rest of his length inside her. He began rocking his hips against her gently, sliding in and out of her tightness. Her body began swaying back and forth beneath the chains; only his one foot kept them from swinging like a pendulum. The rabbit's big eyes opened and lolled back in her head, the dragon inside her making her unaware of all else. Once again he lowered his head, this time down between her bound arms, and curled his tongue around her breast. He squeezed it with his tongue and began suckling as before while his humping gained momentum. Her other breast was soaked with his saliva and her own milk; he intended to give her a matching pair before donating his own cream.

He heard a splash from behind him and, in one of the rare moments when the rabbit's legs tensed and lifted her bottom of their own accord, saw the raccoon between the hare's briefly spread knees, legs still bound to the iron harness, but wrists and neck somehow freed of it. She was supporting her weight with her hands in the elbow deep water, nearly performing a handstand with her legs spread above her. The dragon didn't slow his pace. More power to the raccoon if she found a way to escape her harness, but there was no exit from this cavern. He returned his attention to the nipple between his teeth and the body around his penis.

He had first entered the rabbit before he was fully aroused, even after the raccoon's attentions, and since had grown fuller and harder. His lunges were becoming more powerful now that he was completely erect; the rabbit's milk-drenched breast bounced up and down her chest with each impact. Its twin would have done the same, but it could only jiggle within the tight band formed by his tongue and inside his mouth. It was like trying to hold a furry water balloon still while jumping on a trampoline. She breathed in ragged gasps and sobs, her hands clawing at the chain they were shackled to. The dragon's own breaths were growing more labored, the panted air snorted out his nostrils hot enough to make the rabbit's chest sweat. It was difficult for him to suck her tit with his heavy breathing, but he was managing. Her hardened nipple seemed on the verge of spraying into him, but it had been in that state for quite some time.

Another splash came from behind, but the dragon didn't bother looking this time. He spared a mental congratulation for the raccoon and rammed himself into the rabbit, making the latter cry out.

To further challenge himself, he curled his flexible tail down between his legs and searched with its tip for the underside of the rabbit's tufted tail. Her eyes widened when she felt it move up her tail to the wrinkled dent between her soft buttocks. She looked down at the dragon pleadingly, but his head was looking down her torso, not toward her face. On one of his penis's swift withdrawals, he stuffed his tail into the rabbit's anus. Even bound and dominated as she was, she managed to arch her back with a tormented cry, but her own weight quickly forced her back down. The dragon was now alternating between slamming his member and his tail into her body, neither ever completely leaving its chosen hole before lunging again. She wept openly, but the dragon couldn't see her face. He assumed the shuddering breaths that wracked her body beneath the breast he suckled were signs of ecstasy, and had taken himself so far that he wouldn't have been able to stop had he known otherwise.

More splashes came from the opposite direction as before, but they only registered in his mind an instant before the rabbit's breast shot a small spray of milk into his mouth. He squeezed his tongue around her flesh in time with each of his pelvic attacks and sucked at her nipple accordingly, so that a spurt of milk immediately followed each of his merciless humps. For variety, he began thrusting both his tail and his penis into her at the same time, holding her shoulder with a talon so that he wouldn't just shove her body forward. That only lasted for a few straining lunges before he returned to a swift alternating pattern. The results of his milking were diminishing, so he finally released her breast, only to open his mouth wide and place the entire organ between his teeth. He carefully used his fangs to squeeze the breast again, pressing his tongue hard against it in aggressive licks. Now that he had succeeded in drenching the hare's entire chest with her own milk, he was going to clean up every drop of it. He was overly thorough, licking the same spot over and over before moving on to the next. All the while the piercing motions of his tail and member had become so forceful that her inner fluids flowed in a constant stream down both their tails. His lower belly crashed again and again into her thighs. Her back arched again as she screamed in orgasm, but the dragon was so close to his own that he didn't even notice.

That was when the deer leapt onto his back, trying to pull him off the rabbit. The raccoon grabbed his tail, and with a monumental effort, pulled its tip out of the hare's anus, then was flung aside by its thrashing. The dragon lifted his head from the rabbit's breast to glare at the deer on his shoulder. She swung around his neck and placed herself between their torsos. With her back against the rabbit's side, the deer shoved the dragon's chest with her hooves, managing to knock him off balance. His penis was wrenched out of the rabbit, and he landed on all fours, but he wasted no time in pouncing on the deer. He knocked her onto her back with a head butt and churned the water into froth in his attempts to spread her legs and reach her crotch with his member. Spreading her legs was easy, but her crotch was so low under the water that he couldn't bend to meet her. He pinned the panicking deer's forearms against the cavern floor with his talons, and-

The raccoon and the rabbit both tackled him from the side, almost knocking him off his feet. He sent them both sprawling with one swipe of his wing. The raccoon was the swifter of the two in recovering. She got to her hands and knees-

The dragon was on top of her, grabbing her waist in his talons and pulling her up until her back hit his leathery stomach. She desperately clamped her tail between her legs, but he used his solid member to swat it aside. Then, before she knew what was happening, he was ramming his shaft against her bottom aimlessly, waiting for a lucky thrust to find a hole-

There. One thrust smacked between her buttocks directly beneath the root of her tail and rebounded off her puckered skin. The next two hammered the same spot in quick succession and, certain he'd found what he was looking for, he roared with the effort of his next lunge. His horse-and-a-half-sized penis punctured the raccoon's anus and careened forward until his leathery sheath smashed against her groin. The raccoon screamed. He was humping her ruthlessly before her cry subsided, the rabbit's vaginal fluids lubricating his shaft. Each thrust carried them forward until they nearly ran into one of the cavern's walls, the talon on the back of her neck keeping her from escaping. Her round breasts tossed to and fro beneath her. Her hands traveled to her flanks, trying to give some form of comfort to her rump. The dragon didn't concern himself with her breasts or vagina, his attention was now riveted on the entrance he was piercing. The rabbit and the deer were back, jumping on him and trying to pull him off the raccoon. He lashed out with tail or wing when he could, but otherwise left them to their efforts. An early spurt of his seed shot into her, and he slid completely out of the raccoon's hole, resting his tip against her battered anus while letting pressure build. Then, just when she began to sob in relief, the dragon's penis flew through her like a battering ram, flooding her with his sperm. He kept humping while his orgasm built, a tide of semen pouring out of her tail hole and pooling in the murky water between their legs. His final assaults were slightly slower, but no less intense. Just after he'd slid slowly out of her through many racing heartbeats, apparently finished at last, he crashed into her with one last burst of his seed and stayed there, buried to his hilt. The immense penis inside her was the only thing keeping the raccoon on her feet.

That was when the deer punched him in a swift uppercut beneath his jaw. The dragon roared at the pain that lanced through his head, grabbing the deer by the neck with one talon and pinning her beneath the water, only her nose showing above its black surface. That jab had hurt! . . .

The dragon paused. It had hurt. Pain wasn't supposed to be possible in his dreams. If he could be hurt, then. . . .

Hastily, Michael lifted his talon from the deer's neck. She rose to her elbows, spluttering. While the deer recovered, he pulled his throbbing member out of the raccoon beneath him as gently as he could. Once free of his penis, the raccoon curled up in the shallow water, lowering her tail between her legs. The deer moved to the raccoon's side, embracing her protectively. The rabbit was limping toward them both, skirting wide of the dragon. A spreading layer of white fluid stretched through the water from the raccoon's bottom, sticking to every surface it touched, fur and scales alike. Drops of that liquid still dripped from the tip of Michael's softening penis.

Shaking his head, horrified, he backed away from the three huddling females, the rabbit having joined the other two. None of them looked at him. Now that he'd been satiated, they seemed to want to forget he'd ever existed. He squinted his eyes closed, trying desperately to wake up. He wanted to forget his own existence, too.

Sunlight suddenly poured harshly into the dimly lit chamber through a large opening in the far wall that had but a moment ago been solid stone. Sultry, feminine laughs came from a large silhouette that approached through the sunlight. Michael stared as it moved closer to them, his eyes adjusting to the new brightness. At first he thought he was looking at himself, but the features of this second dragon were curved and graceful where his were sharp and angular. Its coloring, though-a green body with two wide, black stripes bordering the spine and a yellow underside-was identical to his own, scale for scale. The biggest difference was the other dragon's eyes; where Michael's were bright yellow and slitted, the other dragon's had no irises or whites. They were smooth black mirrors, like polished onyx. Michael could see his own distorted reflection in both of them.

"Dear me," the second dragon said in the same sultry voice that had laughed as it-she-stopped in the middle of the cavern, "you took a great deal longer figuring it out than I expected, Michael. Quite a show you put on. Thank you for the entertainment." She looked past him to the three females behind him. They had backed themselves against the cave wall and sat holding each other, their frightened gazes flicking back and forth between the two dragons. "I don't think I could have done a better job." She took a step closer, and the other three females tried to move farther away, stopped by the stone at their backs. The female dragon tsked at them like a stern aunt. "I'm afraid you've made them somewhat untrusting of our kind, Michael. Shall we be generous and make them more comfortable?" With those words, her serpentine body reshaped itself, rearing onto its hind legs as scales dissolved into pink skin, which quickly sprouted gray and tan fur. In two heartbeats, she had transformed herself from a dragon to an anthropomorphic wolf. And not just any wolf, but a mirror image of Michael in canine form, except with a more lithe and slender body, supple breasts, and a smooth groin. A strip of white fur traveled from her navel down between her thighs, just as it did on Michael's body. "There, that's better, don't you think? No more dragons."

Michael looked down at himself. He was standing upright on furry legs, the male reflection of the wolf in front of him. Somehow he had been transformed as well, without even noticing it. "Who are you?" he demanded. He hadn't been able to talk in dragon form, though this female version of him apparently suffered no such handicap.

She tilted her head at him, her wolven features feigning surprise, and held her arms out beside her body. "Why, I should think that is obvious. I'm Michael." She then moved her hands to her breasts and spread the fur on their tips, exposing her pink nipples. "Or Michelle, if you insist on upholding sexist naming traditions." She cupped her own breasts as though holding them out for his inspection. "Nice, aren't they?"

Michael did his best to ignore her. "Where are Virtue and the others? Why am I talking to you and not them?"

The female pouted and folded her arms beneath her bosom, deliberately framing her bust. "Now that's not very nice. Here I'm giving you such a polite introduction, but you can only ask about the women you've already bedded." She began pacing around him, trying to get him to circle her. He stayed between her and the three tortured females behind him. "Besides, it's not like they've been hiding from you," she said, seeming not to notice his protective stance. "They've been right here in this room all along, watching your games with those other three." When all he did was stare at her, she pointed a finger up, and the sounds of machinery rose from the ceiling again. Michael could only watch as Pride, Honesty, Crea, and Virtue were slowly lowered upside down to their level. They were each bound to a chain by their ankles, gags in their mouths and wrists tied behind their backs. Virtue stared at him with tears in the corners of her eyes. His reflection stared at him while they were lowered, too, her studious black eyes a sharp contrast to the emotional gazes of his four dreams.

"Release them," Michael growled, taking a threatening step toward his female counterpart.

An invisible force threw him back against the cave wall hard enough to make stars swirl in his vision, and he collapsed in a heap beside the deer, raccoon, and rabbit. They shied away from him as he held himself on his hands and knees, shaking his head to clear his swimming vision and the ringing in his ears. "I'll warn you once not to take such a tone with me," the other wolf said. She sounded stern, but no more so than a mother admonishing her child for not taking off their shoes when entering a living room. Michelle considered the three females at his side and heaved an exaggerated sigh. "Now look. You've forced me to make the younglings afraid of this form, too." Her body began to change again, legs shortening, breasts receding, until she was on all fours as a true wolf. Michael had to raise himself off his knees as the same changes overcame him as well. Unable to speak any longer, he snarled at the other wolf and growled deep in his throat. "Now that won't do," the onyx-eyed wolf admonished. "Far too many teeth. You're only going to scare them more." She changed again, her limbs growing longer and more muscular. Long strands of gray and tan hair sprouted from the middle of her neck down her forehead while voluminous wings of the same colors flowed out from her shoulder blades. Michael had to step forward as the distance between his own hind and forelegs lengthened. Solid hooves connected with the cavern floor beneath its water instead of canine footpads. "There!" the other said in a delighted voice once she was completely transformed into a pegasus. "That's much better. Who could be afraid of a big, cuddly horsie?" She lowered her equine face to look between Michael's forelegs down his barreled chest and belly. "And I see one horsie that could use some cuddling right now." She pranced around and lifted her long, flowing gray and tan tail to flaunt her anus and vagina. "What do you think?" she asked, peering back at him from past her body. "Better than the unicorn, aren't I? I know you're tuckered out from the rodents, but surely you can find the energy for one more ride? I promise to give as good as I get."

Michael paid the other pegasus no attention. He was looking at Virtue's solemn white face, trying to think of a way to free her and the others.

The other followed his gaze to the upside-down vixen. "Oh, I see," she said irritably. "You don't let go of a goal once it's in your sights, do you?" She spun and crossed the distance between them in a single leap, landing with her nose inches in front of his own. "I'll tell you what. I'll let them all go if you breed me. I'm the only one here who hasn't felt you inside me, except yourself, of course. That's hardly fair, don't you think? They'll be free to go, and all you'll have to do is stick around and entertain me a little longer. You'll have fun, too, I know. Everybody wins, yes?"

Michael only glared back into her dead black eyes. In any other dream he would have been able to give himself a voice to respond, but this female was somehow stopping him.

All at once, the four dreams past the other pegasus fell head first into the shallow water. The three females at Michael's side got to their feet and hurried to help the others out of their bonds, not looking back.

The black-eyed pegasus turned and backed her rump right into Michael's muzzle, tail raised high. "All right, stud, let's have some fun."

Distractedly, Michael began licking at the other horse's crotch, his wide tongue gliding over both her openings without preference. He couldn't see much past her backside, but he listened carefully to the other females' splashing. He couldn't tell whether they'd managed to untie their wrists or not, but he could hear them all moving swiftly toward the sunlit exit. He kept licking, sticking his tongue between her folds to keep her attention on him, for several moments after he heard one last splash at the other end of the cavern, then hefted himself onto the other pegasus's back, straddling her shoulders in front of the roots of her wings.

"Ready so soon? Dear me, you are a horny one, aren't you?"

Seeing that the chamber was empty save for the two of them, Michael vaulted over her back, flapping his wings as he galloped toward the sunlight and left her stunned behind him.

He emerged from an opening in a rocky hillside and was greeted by a blast of searing heat. Everywhere he looked, Crea's forest was burning.

Far beneath him, he saw seven figures racing through the inferno, weaving through a path that was, at the moment, clear of flames. They were headed for the ocean, less than a mile away. He flapped his wings furiously in that direction, hoping they had some sort of plan, hoping even more that he wouldn't ruin it by leading his twisted twin to their destination. The lather brought to his pelt by his own exertion and the inferno's heat turned to steam as soon as it formed. It felt like he was being slowly roasted from below until he passed the forest and soared over the sea.

A heavy blow crashed into him from above, sending him sprawling down several thousand feet before his wings caught him. Then the other pegasus was there beside him, glaring hatefully at his face. "You dare to break our deal, meat? No wonder none of your dream whores are named Honor." She effortlessly hopped through the air onto his back, positioning herself just as he had on top of her before making his escape. Her weight bore him downward, toward the tumultuous sea. "You know they hate you now, don't you, those week fools who you chose over me?" she hissed behind his ear. "You brutally raped two of them before all their eyes. They are dirt, but you've made yourself worse than dirt, haven't you? You don't deserve to join them in what I have planned." Her voice turned from a serpent's hiss to a menacing growl. "Much less fly above them as you are."

Michael's eyes widened in horror as feathers began wilting off his wings, first by ones and twos, then by the hundreds. He plummeted from beneath the dark eyed pegasus while muscle and sinew melted off his wings' bones, indescribable agony tearing through him. The roiling waves beneath him loomed closer and closer until they were directly in front of his face. He felt the bones of his skeletal wings snap like twigs as he plunged into the water's icy depths, the pain nearly driving him to unconsciousness even before he slammed into the seabed. The impact drove the air out of his lungs, and lights danced again in front of his eyes. He swam in a blind panic, following the bubbles that sprang from his nose and mouth, the need to fill his empty lungs almost overcoming him.

An instant before he was ready to succumb to the ocean, his head broke its surface and he gasped air hysterically, gulping at it as though it were fresh water. Then an enormous wave crashed over his head, and he breathed in real water. He choked painfully when his head was once again above the water's surface, searching for the shore. It was behind him now, but not far.

As he swam toward land, he saw Pride leading the other six females in a sprint across the beach. He scanned every direction for his female counterpart, but didn't find her until he looked straight up. She was circling him like a ravenous carrion eater.

After what seemed like an eternity of fighting the tempestuous waves, Michael felt sand beneath his hooves. He half swam, half trotted the rest of the way to the dry beach, then galloped breathlessly in the direction his dreams had run. His nightmare was suddenly galloping beside him, her hooves thundering against the sand. "What do you hope to gain in this, Michael, except their deaths along with your own? Rest assured, I am going to kill you, but not until you beg me for it. Are you so callous and cold hearted that you want them to join your fate? I know they're not all that significant, but even I would not ask them to suffer as much as you're going to. Why do you want them to suffer, Michael?"

Michael ran.

He was gaining on the others, now, the raccoon bringing up the rear, with Pride only a few strides ahead of her-the lioness was carrying the rabbit now. At the head of their line, Crea was leading the way with her long legs toward Virtue's geyser. She dove head first into its white spray, followed quickly by the deer and Virtue. Michael had almost reached the fleeing raccoon when her striped tail vanished into the mist. As the nightmare screamed his name in rage, he followed his dreams through the liquid veil.

Chamber of Honesty

The following is erotic in nature. Read at your own discretion. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chamber of Honesty \* \* \* The dreamer glared out over the grassy meadow, pale green waves undulating in the soft breeze for miles before the edge of...

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Falls of Creation

The following is erotic in nature. Read at your own discretion. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Falls of Creation \* \* \* He soared through his dreams on tan and grey wings, the landscape vastly changed since his last visit. Oh, the beach was...

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Geyser of Virtue

The following is erotic in nature. Read at your own discretion. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Geyser of Virtue ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The dreamer looked at his reflection in the motionless bay he had conjured. He had finally mastered the art of dreaming,...

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