High School Harem - 3. Lemur

Story by DarkSerpent on SoFurry

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#3 of High School Harem

High School Harem - 3. Lemur

By: DarkSerpent

Well what a week at school. Everyday I get to fuck either Kevin after gym or Mia when she comes over to study Sally gave us rides home and I told her everyday suggestions of people I thought were cute. Makes me wonder, what else waits around the corner is on my mind everyday. Luckily, I have spent a week with the two first member of my harem. I figured since I will have a harem I'd might as well make them wear something to signify that their mine.

So since yesterday was Thursday and I'm always free on Thursdays I made a little trip to jewelers. I didn't but anything expensive but I did get something cheap and kind of fun. Little silver necklaces with dog tags in the shape of a bulls head. There just so everyone will know that they belong to me. I kept three in my pocket as I sat on the bus. It was a rough ride today due to a storm.

The rain pelted the metal bus and I yawned staring out into the grey sky. I wished it was snow then I'd get the day off. I yawned and leaned back in my seat as we turned into school parking lot. I made sure to get off quickly and made the quick run inside. There was always a short twenty-five minutes before school started where everyone just hung out in the cafeteria. I found an empty corner and leaned against the wall waiting for the bell. "Hey babe!" Mia ran up and hugged me.

"Hi sweetie," I smiled at her and she kissed me softly. "I got you something," I pulled up the necklace and she smiled. "These are specially made for the members of my personal harem," I whispered and she giggled. I slid it over her small horns and she let it rest between her breasts. "I like it, will Kevin get one too?" She asked and I nodded. She leaned against me and I hugged her softly.

The bell suddenly rung and I had to go to biology. I spend that science class with Kevin so I could give it to him then. I kissed Mia and she headed off to math. I moved up the stairs to the science department and set my things down in the room. It was a classic science room with lab tables along the walls and desks running up along the center. I yawned and sat in my seat as a substitute teacher walked up pushing in a TV. My first thought was "Score!" With a sub and a TV, it could only mean that it was a free day.

The room slowly filled and Kevin moved in dripping wet and sat across from me. "What happened to you dude?" I asked and he shivered a little. "My parents left early and I had to walk," He shivered and I handed him my hoody. He slid it on slowly and quickly warmed up. "I got you something babe," I handed him the necklace making him blush. He slid it on over his ears and I smiled seeing him stare at it. "It means you're a part of my harem," I smiled and he giggled to himself. I leaned back as the sub turned on the movie.

I leaned back and yawned to myself and Kevin did the same. His necklace made a soft jingle against his small chest plate. I reached my hand under the free space between us and slid my hand into his. He sighed to himself and we watched the movie. It was great to get a lazy sub that just brought some movie from home. It was a quite class of just passing notes between the two of us.

Me: You going to the homecoming game tonight?

Kevin: Nah I have to go to the dentist after school, I have to have a tooth removed, so no blowjobs for a while.

Me: LOL! Well what about homecoming dance tomorrow?

Kevin: Well hell yeah! Can I have a private slow dance with you baby?

Me: Of course.

Kevin: (Blush Blush)

Me: Why are you so cute?

Kevin: Cause I'm just that awesome.

I smiled and we both continued our conversation by passing the time away. Soon the bell rang and we changed classes. As we headed to the door and gave Kevins ass a nice squeeze before he headed to class. The rest of the day was uneventful. Math, English, and History were all the exact same. It came down to physics the other class I really don't have to work hard in. Physics was easy for me just like math. I sighed and turned into the class just wanting to get it over with so I could go to lunch.

There was only one problem with this class. Sam tortured me in gym but I had another bully but this one was physiological. Megan...the second hottest girl in school. Sally was always number one and Megan was always right behind. A ring tailed lemur and cheerleading captain. She was about five foot eleven with blonde hair tied back into a ponytail. Her classic black and white fur making her very monochromatic. Her eyes were always a bright orange and she was what every prepubescent boy dreamed of. C34 breasts tucked behind a tight shirt. Large perfect hips stuffed into tight jeans. She wasn't a bad person but she knew how to mess with people, me especially.

I entered the classroom seeing the older lizard teacher messing with some electrical device. I sighed and sat at my desk hearing Megan whisper something to her friends. That was all that was needed. I always knew she was talking about me. I sat down at my desk and pulled out my notebook. I could tell it was going to be a rough day. Megan moved up and sat at the desk next to mine.

The lizard began to teach about electrical currents and atoms. I wasn't to into it simply because I knew most of it. He drug out a device that looked more like metal rob with a plug in. He then pulled out one of the long fluorescent bulbs out of the ceiling. "Ok I need a volunteer," He spoke and I stood up knowing this was gonna be something interesting. "Thank you Drew, now how many of you have seen a light saber?" He smiled. I placed my hand around the rod and the other held up the tall bulb. He plugged in the device and clicked off the lights.

Suddenly the light bulb lit up in my hand. My horns turned into a very simple Jacobs's ladder with electricity moving up between them. It looked just like a white light saber but of course, I'm a complete nerd to notice that. I smiled and he explained how the electricity was moving though me and into the light bulb. As long as I wasn't near any metal, I was a simple circuit. Suddenly Megan flicked a screw at me and it hit my arm. I jumped as some electricity was discharged to the screw causing me a little pain. I glared at her for a second, he unplugged the machine, and the light became black again.

He clicked on the lights and I sat down. He continued and wrote in my notebook. After a little while, the bell rang and it was time for lunch. I stood up and gathered my things. Megan shoved past me getting out the door only a second faster. Luckily, I never had much homework so with a quick stop at my locker I was completely hands free. At lunch, I entered a line and waited getting a slice of pizza. I paid for lunch and turned to head for a table.

Suddenly Megan came out of nowhere making me run into her. I slipped and fell back dropping my pizza. I growled and she laughed to herself. "Watch where you're going bull boy," She mocked and headed to her table. I forced myself up and tossed the pizza. Luckily, they allowed me to get another piece. I moved to my table and sat down eating alone as usual. None of my friends had my lunchtime and I always sat alone. Suddenly Sally walked by and sat down across from me.

"Hello Drew," She smiled and I blushed. "I noticed the pretty necklaces you bought, I thought that was a cute idea, your going to be able to put a third one on someone tomorrow night," She smirked and I toke a bite of my pizza. "Who?" I asked between mouthfuls and she laughed in her throat. "You'll see soon enough, and I'll be there to coach you on if you need help," She hissed softly and suddenly got up walking away.

I looked around the room knowing it could be anyone. Sally could make anyone love me. However, I prayed it wasn't anyone at the table behind me. It was the jerk table. The people who acted like they were all that because some of there friends were jocks. Treated each other and everyone else like dirt. I sighed and continued eating before taking up my tray. Suddenly the bell rang and it was time for gym.

I quickly headed to the gym just in time to see Alex. "Hey Drew," He smiled and I smiled back. "Comin to the game tonight?" He asked as we entered the gym. "Well of course, hope you score a touchdown," I patted his back and he nodded. "Me to, hey and guess what Sam isn't here today he got the flu and had to stay home," He smiled and I let out a sigh of relief. "That's great news," I smiled and I looked back hoping to see Kevin. He never came so I figured he left early for the dentist. I sighed and moved to the locker room changing into gym cloths.

It was another easy day with just me and my friends. It was a jogging day so teams of four would run a lap and the others would rest. I managed to get onto the team with Alex. We talked as we jogged around the gym a lap at a time. I was curious when I would get to fuck him. I kept imagining him wearing one of the necklaces and be ready to be fucked at every turn. Nevertheless, I knew it would be a while before that happened. I sighed and we stopped letting the next four people start their lap. We sat on the bleachers and I yawned.

"Where's Kevin?" Alex asked and I looked at him. "Oh he had a dentist's appointment," I explained and we headed back to the locker rooms to change and get ready to leave. I turned into the room and noticed my locker open slightly. With a small pull, I peaked in seeing nothing missing. But there was a small note on top of my cloths. I picked it up slowly and changed. I wanted to wait to read it maybe it wasn't very important. We headed back out onto the bleachers and once I was, alone I opened the note.


The next person I picked for you is a girl; she'll be at the game tonight. She'll be wearing blue on grey so you'll notice her right of the bat. She like being fucked softly so be sure to appease her.

Love: Sally

I smiled knowing soon I'd have another person to spend time with. All I had to do was find her. The bell rang and shortly I was waiting outside my bus waiting for Mia. She was coming over to my house today so we could both go to the game together. She suddenly came running up through the crowd. "Sorry I got held up," She toke my hand and we stepped up onto the bus. She handed the driver a note and we moved back to our seats.

We waited as the other few people got on. We were towards the back of the line of buses so it would take a few minutes for us to get moving. Then twenty minutes for us to get to my house. Since there was no one around us, I put my arm around Mia. "I got a note from Sally," I smiled and she looked up at me. "Really what did she say?" She asked and I handed her the note. As she opened it, my hand on the other hand slid up under her shirt. I ran it up along her belly and under her bra. She bit her lip reading as I grabbed her tit.

She leaned against me and I teased her nipple slowly. I loved the feel of her breasts. They were heavy yet I could toy with them. Her nipples were always nice and hard. Sticking out from her dark blonde fur. Like small mountains from fields of wheat. I twisted it softly making her gasp as she slid the note in my pocket. I pulled my hand away and she let out a sigh. "You're so mean," She leaned against me and I gave her a small kiss on the tip of her nose. Fortunately and yet unfortunately she was one her period so we could do anything big but I knew she wasn't pregnant.

When we arrived at my house, I opened the door and she stepped in. I fallowed her in and I removed her coat. We headed to my room to kill time before the game. I laid down, she laid on top me, and we watched TV for a short time before we started making out. "How come every time I try to resist you can always make me feel so hot?" She giggled and I grab her ass. "Well because I'm simply that amazing," I whispered and she kissed me again.

I felt my pocket vibrate and she pulled my phone out. She clicked the button and the message popped up. "Kevin says he can't talk his mouth is numb," She smiled and I laughed. "Tell him that we wish he was here," I smiled and she nodded clicking away at the buttons. "He says he wishes her was here too, that way we could kiss his sore jaw and make it better," She nuzzled into me.

I smiled and patted her butt softly making he playfully bite my neck. The front door opened and shut and I checked my phone. Thirty minutes until the homecoming parade started so we had to leave now or hit the traffic. So with a quick question my parents we set out to head back to school. I made sure to grab towels since the rain had made the bleachers wet. "Ok I'll be back at nine to pick you two up," My mother yelled from the car and we waved bye. She drove off and we got our tickets and found some empty seats.

It was a normal game it was already set up for us to win due to our dance. So I was keeping my attention on the crowd. Everyone wore blue and grey, it was the school colors. I felt like an idiot looking for a single girl out of the hundreds that were there. I sighed and leaned back. "Don't worry baby, I'm sure you'll figure out who she is," Mia hugged me softly. I stared at the field and sighed to myself. Suddenly the cheerleaders ran out in their full blue uniforms.

I cocked my head to one side. Interestingly enough the note said blue on grey. They were the only ones wearing entirely blue outfits. A bottlenose dolphin, Megan, and a grey wolf. It had to be one of them because they were the only one wearing blue on grey. I moved my eyes across them. The dolphin was short and way to bubbly for my taste. Megan I could have gone either way. But the wolf was a tomboy outside of cheerleading. I was a little worried about who it would be. But a short sigh later and I snapped back to reality with the buzzer sounding halftime.

I got up and headed down to the concession stand with Mia. Sally stood of to the side and we slid up to her. "Ok I got the hint, but which one is it?" I asked and she smirked. "Well you'll find out tomorrow at the dance, the next member of your harem will be wearing you insignia," She smiled and held up the necklace. She must have swiped it as she slipped into the crowd. "I like the dolphin," Mia smiled and I looked at her. "Why her?" I asked. "Well she's pretty and you don't have a cetacean in your harem," She smiled and I hugged her. "Maybe sweetie," I smiled and we moved back to concession stand and got our drinks.

The game ended with us winning by ten. It was a nice to take Mia home at the end of the night. Well after a nice long sleep, I awoke on another Saturday morning. It was just like any other with nothing more than sitting around enjoying the daily routine. But around five o clock, it was time to start getting ready. I was simply going to meet my friends at the dance. Hopefully Sally got everything up and ready.

I got on my nice outfit and made sure my ticket was in my wallet. I was soon on my way to school. I actually enjoyed dances. They were a brief escape from the daily life to actually go somewhere with loud music long before they let you into clubs. I sat in the car waiting to arrive. It was a short thirteen-minute ride from my house to the school. We lived out in the suburbs so it wasn't right around the corner.

We pulled into the parking lot, entered the long line of cars, and packed cars. My dad's car pulled up and I stepped out into the cool night air. "It's over at twelve dad," I told him and he nodded. He pulled away and I walked up to the door. The crowd of people gathered at the door to get in. I towards the back seeing Alex up front with some cute little ferret on his arm. I sighed and moved back waiting when suddenly a felt two hands on my shoulders. I looked back seeing Mia on my right and Kevin on my left.

They both hugged me tightly. "Hi babe!" They both yelled and I could feel the necklaces against me. "Hi guys, what toke you so long?" I smiled. "Well Kevin couldn't get his shirt over his plates, and I kinda ended up taking a longer nap than expected," Mia held my hand. "Well it wasn't my fault I asked you to wake me up," He nudged her side and she laughed. I pulled him down and kissed his jaw softly knowing it was probably still sore. He blushed and I smirked turning and kissing Mia's check softly.

The doors opened and I moved in slowly. The hallway filled with noise as I handed the teacher our tickets and she let us in. We moved down the hall and into the well dim light of the cafeteria. No teachers were in here and the DJ was in the corner making the music pound. The music blared and it shook the room. It toke only a few minutes for everyone to move onto the floor and begin dancing. The dim atmosphere and flashing lights added to the large groups bumping and grinding. Kevin and Mia pulled me out onto the floor, Mia put her back against my chest, and Kevin pushed his chest up against my back.

They both swayed to the music. Mia pushed her big ass back against my crotch and ground against my hard on. I smack it softly and could feel Kevin's hard on pressed against the small of my back. It was hot and intense to feel all of this attention at once. My erection strained against my pants and I had to stop. I slid out of the two and they laughed. They began to dance with some of their friends and I moved to a water fountain getting a drink. When I stood up, I noticed the preppy cheerleader group dancing all together. I raised an eyebrow seeing Megan from behind in the center.

I let out a small sigh and turned to head back out onto the floor. A slow song began to play and I immediately found Kevin. I put my hands on his hips and he put his hands around my head. He leaned against me and we swayed to the song slowly. Mia clicked a few photos and halfway through the song he switched places with her. She was shorter and swayed with me as well. Kevin snapped a few photos and I smiled when the song slowly came to an end.

Everyone clapped and Kevin hugged me suddenly. We moved to a quieter spot and sat down along the edge. "So who is the girl that's supposed to be our new friend?" Kevin asked his hand on my lap. "I don't know she's supposed to be wearing the necklace," I spoke and they looked around. Mia got up and moved into the crowd looking at everyone. I waited wondering who would have it.

She suddenly emerged from the crowd blushing deeply. "Your never gonna guess who's wearing it!" She smiled and I raised an eyebrow. "The dolphin?" I asked and she shook her head no. "The wolf?" Kevin asked and she again shook her head no. "Don't tell me it's..." I looked up seeing Megan looking at me. Her revealing dress showing a lot of cleavage and almost her ass. She smiled a little and I noticed the gold plated charm resting between her breasts.

I gulped and her tail wrapped around herself as she walked into the crowd slowly. "Well go break in the newbie," Kevin laughed and nudged my side. I gulped and Mia huffed. "Now remember I'm the first girl," She kissed me playfully pouting. "I know baby, I won't love her any more than I love you babe," I kissed her forehead and moved into the crowd.

Megan had carved out a small line through the crowd leading me to a hallway. It was empty and all the rooms were locked. I moved down the hallway her cherry perfume still in the air leading me to the oldest bathroom in the school. It was always clean because no one ever used it. I stepped in my hooves clicking on the tile. "Hello?" I spoke and moved in further seeing Megan sitting on a sink biting her lip. "Hi..." She blushed turning her black cheek very dark red.

I smiled and leaned against the wall. "Hi," I smirked and she twiddled her thumbs. "Sally spoke to me and I was thinking maybe...you know if you don't mind...maybe I could um...be a part of your Harem?" She looked up at me with those bright orange eyes. "Well there is an application process...would you be willingly to try out?" I smiled and she nodded. "What do I have to do?" She perked up and I was astounded at the complete and total change in her attitude.

"Well let's see...first I have to inspect what I'm getting," I smiled and she blushed deeper. She closed the old bathroom door and clicked it locked. She slowly slid the straps of her dress down and revealed her gorges body. A perfect figure eight figure outlined by her grey fur. She wore a tight pink thong and matching bra holding back her C34 tits. I motioned for her to make a little turn around so I could see her from the back. She toke the hint and turned around. Her ass made a perfect heart.

"Alright you pass, now part two is see how good you kiss," I smirked and she moved over slowly. I put my arms around her slowly and she gasped. I'd never held a cheerleader before and it was interesting to know I was about to have a prep. I leaned in slowly and we kissed softly. She shook under my lips and I felt her tongue move out slowly rubbing against my lips. I opened slightly allowing her long tongue to move into my mouth and wrap around mine. Her sharp canine teeth lightly bit my lip trailing off slowly.

"Very good, now I have you and then your mine forever," I whispered and she nodded and I unhook her bra. It slid off her arms slowly and her breasts bounce softly. I moved down slowly and kissed her bare breasts softly. They moved under my lips as she gasped. I slowly moved down taking her nipples into my mouth. She gripped my head softly as I suckled her breasts. I flickered her nipples under my tongue roughly making her squirm from side to side. My hands moved back grabbing her ass as I bit her nipples softly.

I moved down slowly and pulled down her thong sliding it down off her ass. She kicked them aside and I moved in softly kissing her clit. She grabbed my horns softly groaning wanting more. My tongue slowly moved down through her pussy lips lapping up her wetness. My tongue slid up and into her slightly. She instantly moved up onto her tiptoes in excitement. "Fuck! Please can I have more?" She begged and I smiled and stood up.

Her fingers made quick work of my belt tossing it with her dress. She closed her eyes and pulled down my boxers and pants. She slowly opened seeing the massive eight inches of throbbing meat before her. "Shit!" She gasped and wrapped her hand around it. She licked the tip gently and rolled her tongue around the edge of the head. After a moment, I was nice and wet and she was more than ready to be fucked. She laid back onto the tile and lifted up one leg nice and high. "Come on baby inspect away," She smiled and I moved in slowly.

I got onto my knees and she lifted up slowly. I unzipped a special Bovine Brand Condom and slid it over my member. She gasped and I pushed the tip against her slowly. "Open up," I gasped and pushed in slowly filling her entirely. Her eyes rolled back in pleasure as I spread her further than she'd even been before. "God! I feel so full!" She groaned and I gasped to myself. "God so tight," I mooed out gently and I pulled back.

She moaned feeling the emptiness reappear as I pulled out. However, with a sudden thrust I shoved back into her with force. She gasped and let out small chirps softly. With each movement, I gained speed until I was fucking her wildly. Soon the rhythm of our movements matched and I was destroying her pussy with each thrust. I moved faster with my waist slamming against her pussy. I grabbed her hips shifting her onto her back.

Her legs, arms, and tail wrapped around my body, as I was able to gain momentum. I was diving deeper and deeper into her body until the rubber tip of my condom kissed her cervix. I was loving every single thrust. Her blonde hair splayed out across the floor. My tail thrashed and she held onto me for dear life. Suddenly with a loud groan, she gripped me and started cumming. I slammed into her harder wanting it to never end. Suddenly I exploded into her. The special condom stretched and expanded to accommodate the massive amount of cum I was using to try to impregnate her. She gasped feeling the water balloon sized ball inside her.

I kissed her softly and she giggled feeling the cum slosh around inside the condom. "Wow trying to make me have your baby?" She smiled and I shrugged. "Well you can be my baby daddy any day," She smiled teasing me. I started to pull out and she groaned as the ball slid out of her. She laughed at the sheer size and I tossed it in the trashcan. We helped each other get dressed and we walked out hand in hand.

"Hi!" Mia ran up hugging me with Kevin at her side. "So is she with us now too?" He asked and she blushed looking down. Her friends ran up trying to pull her away but she refused to go. "Sorry I'm gonna hang out with these guys for a little while," She smirked and her friends looked at her as if she just grew a third eye. She cuddled up next to me and I kissed her softly.

We danced the night away and I managed to give each of my lovers a private slow song dance. Mia and Megan both quickly became accustomed to each other. Soon we were all sitting at a table and talked to one another. I felt three hands resting on my lap at the end of the night. When I stepped out to head home, I was nothing more than a pimp. Two girls on each arm and an armadillos hand in my back pocket. It was an odd feeling; but I loved it.

Three down three to go. Kevin the armadillo, Mia the gazelle, Megan the lemur and soon three more. I still knew one would be Alex the hunky husky. But who were the two others. I figured she'd make it even with three boys and three girls. But Sally works in weird ways and I didn't know when she'd bring forth my next harem member.