Family Love Chapter 6 Betrayals

Story by Umbro/Quil on SoFurry

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#5 of Family Love

I'm pretty sure my readers will hate me for this chapter. Maybe not. Oh well, enough talk. WARNING! There may be some content others aren't comfortable with. Read at own risk.


Chapter 6: Betrayals

"Hey Kilandra. How's my sexy sister doing?" Aquenus asked Kilandra. She blushed at his comment. It had been a year since the family fun night.

"Brother I'm not that good looking."

"Yeah you are! You're the most beautiful, sexiest girl I've ever seen!" Kilandra blushed even deeper as her brother continued to comment on her beauty.

"Thank you Aquenus. You're a very handsome and big man," Kilandra said. She looked down at his mid-section when she said "big". Aquenus smiled.

"Why thank you sis." The two of them nuzzled each other. Aquenus then slid his mouth over her neck and began to suck on it. Kilandra moaned as her brother sucked her neck.

"Aquenus," Kilandra squealed. He then put his sister down on her back and got on top of her. Aquenus could feel himself getting hard as Kilandra wrapped the ends of her tail around his member and squeezed.

"S-sis you're s-squeezing a l-little t-too hard," Aquenus struggled to say. Kilandra loosened her grip, but not by much.

"Is that better my love?" she asked him.

"Yes. Spread your legs." Kilandra did as he said. "Oh god that's a nice pussy." Dusik had walked in as Aquenus was putting his member in Kilandra's pussy.

"AQUENUS NO!" Dusik yelled.

"Why not father?" the two asked in unison.

"If you have sex with her like that then you will make her conceive." Both Kilandra and Aquenus tiled their heads in confusion. Dusik sighed. "You'll get her pregnant." This alarmed Kilandra greatly.

"Brother get out of me!" Kilandra yelled. Aquenus slid out.

"Good thing I did mother in her rear."

"Yeah. Good thing," Dusik said.

"So unless we want kids, I have to have fuck her from the rear?" Aquenus said in question form. Dusik nodded. "Aw man." Dusik left.

"Well brother, if you want, you can still fuck me," Kilandra said, her eyes big and wanting. Aquenus couldn't deny his sister the sex she deserved, but he didn't want to do it from behind again.

"I'm sorry, but maybe tomorrow." Kilandra took this the wrong way. She began crying.

"You don't really think I'm beautiful. You just made it up!" Kilandra said through tears.

"No sis. I just don't want to fuck anally two days in a row. Please stop crying."

"Honest to god?"

"Honest to god." Kilandra then nuzzled her brother.

"I love you Aquenus," she whispered to him.

"I love you too Kilandra," he whispered back. The two held each other for a little while.

"I'm going to go for a walk."

"Okay sis." Kilandra then left the house. She walked down the street, smiling at the other Pokemon that were outside. Most of them smiled back.

"What a lovely day today is. The sun is shining, everyone seems happy, nothing can go wrong."

In their hideout, Might and his gang were getting ready to put their plan into action. Doom was still in his room so he was late. Might got sick of waiting and started without him.

"So here's what we're going to do," Might started. "We're going to kidnap the Espeon. Her name is Kilandra. Her boyfriend is her Vaporeon brother Aquenus. We are going to turn them against each other." It was at this point Doom walked in. "You're late!"

"Forget it Might. I'm done aiding you in killing innocent Pokemon. Who cares if they are dating family members? It's not our decision to eliminate them just for that sole reason."

"Just remember. You don't do as I say the world will know what you did." Might put on an evil grin. Doom growled but knew he would be arrested if Might spilled his guts.

"Fine! Who are we killing this time?" Doom growled in disgust.

"No one. We're going to turn the Espeon against her Vaporeon brother. Force him to kill himself," Might said with the evil grin.

Poor Zapper. He didn't deserve to die, and now Aquenus is going to commit suicide thanks to Might. Doom thought sadly in his head. Fierra has endured so much. I'll be surprised if the poor Flareon will want to live on after Aquenus dies.

"When do we strike?" Bones asked with eagerness.

"Now," Might replied. The trio left the hideout.

Kilandra was at this point lightly skipping. She was so happy. She stopped skipping when she saw a pretty necklace in an alleyway.

"Wow! I bet Aquenus would think I look sexy with that on," Kilandra said as she put the necklace on. It then tightened around her neck. "What the! I can't get it off!"

"And as long as you wear it you can't use your Psychic powers," said a voice full of evil from the shadows.

"W-w-who are you!?" questioned the now frightened Espeon. Might, Doom, and Bones stepped out of the shadows. Might stepped forward. Kilandra started shaking violently. Might started to use Attract.

"Look into my eyes," Might said in a calm voice. Kilandra looked into his eyes.

"Aquenus help me!" Kilandra screamed. After a little while of looking into Might's eyes, Kilandra began to relax. She then started to She approached Might.

"How do you feel about me?" Might asked.

"I...I think you. What is your name?"

"Might. What is your name?"

"Kilandra. You're really handsome."

"Thank you." Kilandra started nuzzling Might. He then kissed her.

"Oh Might. I don't doubt it anymore. I love you."

"What about your brother?" Might asked.

"Forget about him. You're the only man I want." Might smiled as he laid Kilandra on her back. He got on top of her and the two of them began making out.

Now we wait for Aquenus. Might thought evilly.

Aquenus was playing around in the pool he created out in the backyard. He was swimming and splashing around, just having fun. He went under the water and shot out into the air, doing an array of tricks before hitting the water again.

"Impressive Aquenus," Fierra commented, staying a good distance from the pool. When he rose he heard Kilandra's scream.

"Kilandra!" he yelled as he jumped out of the pool. "Mother I have to go help her!"

"Don't tell me. Go!" Aquenus wasted no more time and bolted towards the source of the scream. He ran as fast as he could. He ended up sliding right past the alleyway she was in. At first he thought that it was a different Espeon, but when he went back to look he was sure it was his sister.

"Get off my sister!" Aquenus yelled at Might. He did as Aquenus asked.

"Might why'd you stop?" Kilandra asked with a little whine in her voice. She looked up and saw her brother. "Hi brother."

"Sis get away before they hurt you!" Aquenus yelled.

"Why would my lover hurt me?" she asked. Aquenus was puzzled.

"What are you talking about? I'm right here." Kilandra giggled.

"You're my brother, not my lover. Might here is quite the charmer." Kilandra sighed happily as she looked into his eyes. "I love him so much." These words were like a bitch slap to Aquenus.

"What about me sis? Do you not love me anymore? Do I not make you happy?"

"You're my brother Aquenus. You can't be my lover. We're related." Aquenus was now having trouble controlling his breathing. He then burst into tears.

"Please sis! Don't leave me! What did I do wrong? I'll fix it! Please don't leave me!" Aquenus begged.

"I'm sorry brother but we can't be mates. We're family." Kilandra went back to making out with Might. Seeing this was more painful than what she said. Aquenus ran home crying. He searched his room for a razor leaf when he got home. When he found one he laid against the wall.

"Where is that son of mine?" Fierra asked herself as she searched the house. She entered his room and saw Aquenus with the leaf. "Aquenus no!" she yelled. Fierra charged her son and burned the leaf. "What were you thinking!?"

"S-s-she d-doesn't love m-m-me anymore!" Aquenus struggled to say through his tears. "She l-l-loves that M-Mightyena, n-n-not m-m-m-me" Fierra started to grow fearful.

"What Mightyena?"

"I don't know. He was with a Houndoom and a Marowak." Fierra's fears were confirmed.

"Your sister still loves you. She was tricked. Remember the story of your grandfather?" Aquenus nodded. "This is the same group who killed him. I'm guessing they turned Kilandra against you so that you would commit suicide."

"They almost succeeded. Help me mother. I can't lose Kilandra. She means the world to me."

"You won't. We will get her back. I promise." The two then headed out to find Kilandra and Might's gang.

"Might when are we going to do it?" Kilandra asked.

"Soon baby. Soon," Might answered.

"Why can't we do it now?"

"Well first off Doom and Bones are here. Second, we're still in the open baby. Lets wait until we get home." Kilandra's eyes went wide with joy.

"I get to live with my love! Yay!" The group of four started to leave when Aquenus and Fierra stepped into the alley.

"Not so fast Might!" Fierra yelled. Aquenus advance towards Might, a fierce look in his eyes.

"You're going to pay Might!" Aquenus growled. Kilandra stepped in between the two.

"Don't you even dare think about it brother!" Kilandra yelled at Aquenus.

"Can't you see what he's done to you sis? He's turned you against me! He brainwashed you!" Kilandra lunged at Aquenus, claws out, and pinned him to the ground.

"How dare you insult my love! You may have feelings for me but I don't have any for you! It's wrong for a brother and sister to be mates! If you're jealous then that's your problem!" The words that came out of Kilandra's mouth stung Aquenus.

"Sis please! Look into your heart! Deep down I know you still love me!" Kilandra then used Slash on Aquenus.

"You want him, then you'll have to go through me first!"

"No! I won't fight you!" Kilandra used Tackle then Psybeam on Aquenus. The necklace she had on was off, enabling her Psychic powers.

"Fight back!" Kilandra yelled as she used her most powerful move: Psychic. She then stood above him. "You want to hurt Might so badly, yet you won't fight me to get to him. Why?"

"I love you...I made a promise...that I'd protect you. No matter...what I'd...treat you" Kilandra's eyes started to soften up. "Maybe this...will remember." Aquenus used the last bit of energy to lift his head and kiss Kilandra. Her eyes went wide as he placed his lips against hers. He then fell limp and didn't move. Kilandra had finally realized what was going on.

"BROTHER!!!!" she screamed as the effects of Attract wore off. "I remember everything! I love my brother! He is my mate! Not you Might!" Kilandra then focused on her brother. She closed her eyes and tried to detect life in his body. After a couple minutes of trying she finally burst into tears.

"Kilandra is he okay?" Fierra asked.

"Please don't go brother! Please! I love you so much! Please don't abandon me!" Kilandra cried out as she held his lifeless body against hers, crying into his chest. "Brother please! I'm so sorry! Don't die! Please don't die!" Fierra bore a deadly look in her eyes at Might, but noticed something she didn't before. Doom had a sad and crying look in his eyes.

He looks so sad. Is there something I'm missing or misunderstanding? I should confront him. Fierra thought. She didn't have time to ask him because the trio were gone in an instant. Fierra went over to Kilandra, who was still crying into her dead brother's chest.

"Please wake up brother," Kilandra cried into Aquenus's chest.

"He's gone Kilandra. Lets get a funeral set up for him."

"NO! HE'S JUST SLEEPING!" Kilandra screamed at her mother. Kilandra started pouting.

"Come on Kilandra. You're making this harder than it needs to be." Kilandra ignored her mother and continued pouting. Fierra sighed. "Forgive me for this." Fierra grabbed Kilandra by the head and slammed her into the floor, knocking her out. Fierra put Kilandra on her back as well as Aquenus and headed home.

"Hello Sheena!" Logan said as Sheena opened the door.

"Hey Logan. Ready to go for a stroll?" Logan nodded. Over time Leefal began showing a little less interest in Sheena. She was beginning to worry that he didn't love her anymore. Sheena decided to hang out with Logan more.

The two Glaceons went deep into the forest. Logan would occasionally check out Sheena's body, admiring her sexiness. He could feel the lustful need in him rise higher and higher every time he looked at her. After awhile of walking the two of them sat down.

"You're so beautiful Sheena," Logan whispered into her ear. Sheena blushed. Sheena could hide it from everyone else but she couldn't hide it from herself. She was starting to fall for Logan. Her brother didn't pay much attention to her while Logan treated her as if she was him. "I know you have feeling for me Sheena." Sheena was about to give in to her desire when she remembered her brother.

"Listen, I know you've been paying me more attention than my brother but I'm still with him. I'm sorry. I like hanging out with you, but it can't go any farther than just friends." Logan became infuriated.

"You love a brother who claims to love you! You love a man who doesn't pay attention to you and cheats on you behind your back!"

"What are you talking about? My brother would never cheat on me!" Logan sighed.

"There is a reason I brought you to the forest. To show you what you deserve to know." Logan made an opening in the bush. "Watch," he instructed Sheena. She did so. After a while a female Leafeon walked in.

"Where is he? He said he'd be here," the Leafeon said. After a couple minutes of waiting a male Leafeon walked over to the female. "There you are."

"It can't be my brother," Sheena whispered to Logan.

"Sorry. Had to make sure I wasn't being followed," said the male Leafeon.

"It is! That's Leefal!" she whispered a little louder to Logan.

"Keep watching," Logan whispered back. Sheena continued to watch the two Leafeons. They started making out. With each kiss Sheena grew more and more angry and hurt. Leefal then mounted the girl. Sheena turned away and stopped watching. She started to run away. Logan followed her. When he caught up to her she was crying really hard.

"I c-c-can't b-believe he w-would do th-this to m-m-m-me." Logan then held Sheena close to him.

"I'm sorry you had to see that, but I felt like you deserved to know the truth." She then turned and cried into his chest. Logan began rubbing her back. Sheena broke away from him and laid down on her side. After she stopped crying she sprawled out. Logan looked her up and down. When he saw a glimpse of her pussy he couldn't fight it anymore. He froze her front paws to the ground.

"Logan what are you doing!?" she yelled. He approached her and froze her back paws separate apart to the ground. Her eyes went wide with fear as she realized what he was doing.

"I'm sorry Sheena, but I can't fight it any longer." He got on top of her and began to fuck her.

"Please stop Logan," Sheena whispered to him. "Please don't do it."

"I'm sorry. I can't control myself any longer than what I already have." Sheena laid there. She didn't cry out for help. She didn't scream. She didn't struggle. She just laid there and cried silently.