The Bounty Hunters PT 3

Story by Teireas on SoFurry

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(Greetings. Welcome to the third chapter of The Bounty Hunters)

Teireas stretched lazily in the bed he was sharing with Peter. The rays of the sun had awoken himself. So, a bit groggy, he swung his legs out to the side, resting his feet upon the floor which received a quiet growl from his elven form's mouth, not enjoying the cold wood of the floor. He stood from the bed though, and stretched slightly, yawning once more as he did so.

Sound was the first thing he registered. In the silence of the home, the rustling of leaves outside in the surrounding woods was like a needle dropping in a silent room. He growled, quickly rushing off to the front door of his and Peter's home. Hearing a knock upon his front door, he cautiously moved towards it, gathering a short-sword from a coat-of-arms near the entrance-way. Tightening his grip upon the weapon, he moved then to open the front door.

Opening the wooden door, he brought the sword up in a defensive stance, then questioned as he fully opened the door to greet this being, "Who are you! Why are you here?"

The figure outside the door, looked upon the elven males face just inside the door, then to the sword that he could somewhat see in the man's hand. Ignoring it, the blue-furred tail behind himself twitched about slightly as he questioned. "I apologise sir. Me and my brother seek....someone. More-so....some-thing. By chance you wouldn't happen to know of a dragon living near-by would you?" Mizoku, standing behind his brother carefully observed the elf behind the door, smelling the obvious scent of male from the being, as well as...something else. But what he couldn't tell.

Teireas blinked, shaking his head left to right slowly, "I'm afraid I do not know of what you seek mister." He went to shut the door, but found himself un-able due to the obviously human foot that was within his door-way, looking up to see the slightly fox-like neko, listening as he spoke, "I still have a few questions for you if you don't mind."

Again, Teireas shook his head left to right as he bit back a growl of agitation, "Please leave. I'll ask you one time before I forcibly remove you from my home do you understand? There is no dragon here, nor has there ever been one." He growled again, awaiting the fox's decision.

Hirako, who was standing at the door, shrugged and nodded, stepping back from the door as he spoke, "I'm...sorry for the disturbance sir." He eyed the sword in the elfs hand, then spoke again, "A bit....over-protective for simply having a visitor sir. You sure your not hiding something?"

Teireas gave another shake of his head, biting back a growl, then spoke again. "I do not enjoy company. Especially just waking up. I'll ask one final time sir...please leave my home."

Hirako gave a slight nod of his head, looking behind himself to Mizoku, making a motion with one of his hands towards the elf inside the door, watching as the large red-furred fox simply pushed the door open then shoved the elf on the other side further into the house, following after him swiftly as he growled, "My apologies sir, but we need to be sure you're not lying to us."

Teireas blinked as he was shoved dropping the sword as he took a few steps back from the fox, then stepped forward swiftly as the fox stepped inside, giving a large shove to the fox's chest with his hands brought together, the bottoms of each hand touching each other to give a better shoving area. "I said remove yourself from my home! Now do it before I forcibly remove you. This is your last warning!"

Mizoku blinked as he was shoved back by this elf, chuckling softly as he watched the elf, amusement seen in the grin upon his muzzle, "Forcibly remove me....I would enjoy seeing you try elf." Dusting the area off he was shoved in upon his chest, he growled, stepping forward once more, only to be swiftly kicked underneath his muzzle by the elf, once again forcing himself out of the home's door. Growling now, he went to step forward once more into the home, but found himself stopped by his brother, listening as Hirako spoke, "Come on Mizoku. Don't press the matter. Maybe the beast isn't here."

Mizoku shook his head slowly, growling loudly, "I can smell that dragon Hirako!! This elf is lying. I know he is. That beasts scent is all over this house." He growled loudly again, looking up to the elf that still stood within the door-way, staring hard towards the solid gold eyes of the elf. Hirako gave a slight shrug of his shoulders, whispering softly to his brother, "We'll come back at night. Break in, and see what we can find out allright."

Mizoku gave a nod of his head, looking to the elf once more, before following after his brother quietly through the village once more, ignoring the various looks from the elves within the village.

Teireas though, growled loudly finally, staring still to the now shut front door of his and Peter's home, thinking to himself. "Were those the two figures Peter was talking about yesterday?" Shrugging about it for now, he went about preparing breakfast for himself and Peter. A meal of bacon, eggs, sasuage.

Finishing the plating of the meal, he set down two plates for himself and Peter at the kitchen table, then took his normal seat at the two seat, square table, beginning to eat in silence as he listened to the sounds of Peter beginning to wake and move off to get a bath.

Peter had joined Teireas shortly after he had begun eating, taking a seat across from Teireas and beginning to eat the meal after giving his thanks to Teireas.

Having finished the meal, Peter stood from the table, gathering the two plates and utensils and moving them off to the sink. Once finished cleaning the dishes, he turned, looking to Teireas as he smiled, holding his arms out to his sides, "Let's go for a walk. Sleep out in the woods tonight."

Teireas gave a nod of his head, standing from the table as he gathered his sword, Mitne Ver Wedab, and the sheath he made custom for the large sword, strapping the sheathed blade to his back like it was normally carried. Looking to Peter at the front door, he smiled, taking note of the bed rolls and camp-fire equipment Peter was carrying. He spoke softly then, "So anyplace in particular?"

Peter shook his head, curious as to why Teireas needed to carry a weapon with him, but he knew doing such made Teireas feel safe, so decided he wouldn't question. Shaking his head in the negative, he shrugged about Teireas's question, going to following him from the home, "Nope. No where really."

Teireas chuckled softly, nodding his head as he smiled, enjoying the feel of the gentle breeze blowing through his hair.


Night had fallen upon the village. A peaceful calm laying over the village like a blanket. Two figures though, advanced through the woods swiftly, coming to stop infront of the home belonging to Teireas.

Mizoku stepped up to the front door, picking the small lock upon it with a claw-tip rather easily. Once he had the door opened, he stepped through into the main part of the home, then looked to his brother who had followed in behind himself, "Seems no one is home. Guess we look about for information..."

(A.N. From here on out...Anything within ~ ~ those markings is a thought...or telepathy between Teireas and Peter. Anything within quotations, is either just that, or actual speech. Figured I would clear anything up before someone became confused.)