The Purchase of a Lifetime Chapter 1

A large golden dragon rested within a cage, having long since tired himself out thrashing around, trying to break himself free. Raising his head, he stared out through the bars to a crowd of people and furs alike, seemingly holding up various numbered...

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The Purchase of a Lifetime Chapter 2

The dragon yawned as he opened an eye upon hearing noise, staring towards the door which had swung open, and the rhino from before had stepped into the room, carrying a large bucket with himself. Perking his ears, Teireas yawned again, licking the end...

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The Instruments of Salvation : Chapter 1 The New Recruit

A massive gold scaled feral dragon was walking around within a large hangar, seemingly pacing back and forth in front of a much larger metallic feral looking dragon, nearly 43 meters in length from its snout to the tip of its tail. Teireas had soon...

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The Bounty Hunters PT 3

fekiikiri. aldoer ekess wer fogharal chapter di wer harmaki (Greetings. Welcome to the third chapter of The Bounty Hunters) Teireas stretched lazily in the bed he was sharing with Peter. The rays of the sun had awoken himself. So, a bit...

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The Bounty Hunters. Pt 2

si mi glad wux shio lamitha nomeno story zyak karif. xurwkic ve kiwieg shio warm vur fuzzy crodr. (I am glad you all enjoyed this story so far. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.) si filiik shafaer ekess wer jiilral chapter (I guess on to...

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The Bounty Hunters. Pt 1

fekiikiri readers vur aldoer ekess sia story (Greetings readers, and welcome to my story) si mi unsure sjek nomeno story nishka qe bensvelk usv ti, origato loaw algbo received, shar si tepoha tepohada nomeno story persvek sia fothisev ihk creol...

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A Wandering Traveler

As you walked into the large cavern, decorations of shelves lined with thousands of books, and rows of pictures and various forms of pottery were the first thing to catch your attention, placed upon the wall with seemingly ut-most care. The next thing...

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A Wandering Traveler Pt 2: Survival?

Seeing you remain, the dragon moved to stand and stretch himself out slowly, large, near 15 foot long, and 9 foot high form extending much like a cat would, rear held high into the air while his front-half was lowered to the ground. Listening the...

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