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#36 of 2022 Stories

A hydra conversion.

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Necrotes was a three headed hydra, with four legs, two tails, and three brains to get through any situation, now on their latest adventure to conquer their one stomach which was dying of hunger. Necrotes hadn't eaten in quite some time, leaving all three heads famished. They left their home in search of something to eat, and while they managed to forage up some grub in the forest, they found themselves quickly running into another problem.

"Ah... Does anyone remember the way out?" The head on the right asked, looking far off to the right in hopes of finding something.

"Don't tell me we're lost." The left head commented. "It was supposed to be your job to remember where we went!" Normally, getting lost for the hydra never happened. They had fix pairs of eyes, three heads, and feet so big that they left imprints wherever they stepped, yet a glance back revealed, or rather didn't reveal, where they had been walking, as if the ground was too hard and the grass quick to spring back up from their feet.

"I'm pretty sure we can get back if we just retrace our steps." The center one replied. The three of them only argue when they were unsure of what to do, and he wanted to always try to resolve that. "It's not like it's raining or..."


"You did it." The head on the left groaned, Shy.

"You said it." The right head, Aggro added.

"I know, I jinxed it." The middle, Confidence, shut his eyes. As it began to rain, the hydra rushed to the nearest spot to stay dry, a small cave they had passed by earlier, indicating they were going in the right direction, but none of them knew how much farther they had to go. Confidence kept his eyes closed the entire time, but Shy and Aggro were able to lead his body without any trouble.

"So I guess we're going to be stuck here until the rain clears up." Sly commented. "Well, at least it's an... okay looking cave." He turned his head, the body moving around so all heads got a good look around. "Pretty deep. Do you think there's any treasure down there?"

Aggro scoffed. "Why would there be? This is an ordinary cave. Probably just some bears or something." He said dismissively. "But if you want to go look, I'd be down for it."

Confidence nodded. "Yeah, it looks a little wet and smells so weird. Anyone else picking up the scent of latex or is it just me?" As if Confidence had to ask. The hydra stepped farther into the cave and immediately felt a drip on his back, causing all three heads to turn their heads in unison.

"I thought we came in here to get OUT of the rain, not get soaking wet in a cave." Aggro groaned. "Is that yellow liquid? That better not be what I think it is."

"It's too sticky to be that. It also looks like the color of a banana." Aggro commented, as Confidence most definitely wouldn't have been able to see it, but all of them felt it. "Should we touch it?"

"I think you're a little late for that. It's already touching us." Aggro raised their front leg and reached back. They were barely able to touch the small yellow goop that dripped on their back, though the moment they touched it, the goop attached onto their claws as if it were a sticky spider's web, stuck not only on their back, but now on their claws. "It's so cold and wet and it's not coming off!" With a quiet snap, the yellow sticky fluid separated from his back and claws, but it seemed to be growing on him as if it were a fungus rather than him being able to wipe it off like water on a duck's back. "What kind of stuff is this?"

"Heck if I know." Confidence pulled his claw away from the goop and took control of it, raising it up in front of them so all three were able to see the claw with hints of strange yellow goop on it, a goop that slowly seeped down and took over his entire paw. He tilted his paw from left to right before he put it down on the ground. "Who's thinking they want to feel it? I know it looks like latex but we have to get out of here!" Storm or no storm, whatever was happening to them was not good. For all they knew, the water might wash away the liquid! "Let's go out there for a bit and give it a try. Worst case scenario we get a little wetter. Something has to get this crap off!"

All three heads began to get into a panic. They stepped outside briefly to try to wash off the liquid, but to no avail. In fact it looked as if the yellow latex-like liquid was expanding more rapidly in the rain! Every drop of rain on their body began to spread the latex more and more. All of them quickly went back inside, all for another yellow drop of yellow liquid to hit Shy's forehead. The left head let out a yelp, trying to brush it off as much as possible, but only spreading the liquid over him. "Get it off, get it off, get it off!"

"Stop panicking dammit!" Aggro shouted. He tried to keep their body still, but Shy managed control over sheer fear. They rushed deeper into the cave and darkness, all three of them capable of seeing in the dark, but it didn't matter to Shy. "AGH! Fuck! It's in my BRAIN! GET IT OFF!" He shouted before he abruptly fell silent as the yellow goop covered his ears. He stopped controlling the body and his head tilted down. His mouth went agape and his eyes glossed off into the darkness, as if someone had hit a switch on the back of his head into the 'off' position.

"That's got to be the loudest I've ever heard him shout." Confidence feared even touching the yellow head of Shy's, and here he was constantly inches away from that goopy head. Yellow drops dripped down onto the ground from the head, yet it retained its normal size. The three of them often were able to hear each other's thoughts and ideas, yet as Confidence went silent, he heard nothing from Shy. "Ah... Shy, are you alright? I can tell you're breathing."

"Well shit. We have one claw covered in that fucking yellow goop, so raise it and poke him!" Aggro would have done it himself, but he didn't have control over the claw. He knew Confidence had more ability to control their body, especially the farther parts on the side that Aggro wasn't on. "Just don't use the other claw. That stuff looks like it's spreading like wildfire." Even though Shy's head was entirely covered, the goop traveled downwards, touching their whole body.

Confidence would do as Aggro stated, had he control of that goop covered claw. "No go." He was able to see Shy's head better than Aggro, and he did not like what he was seeing. In addition to the yellow goop covering Shy's head, there was also a black goop forming around the eyes and mouth of Shy's, as if they were wearing a hazmat helmet of sorts. "He must have control over it. Come on Shy, time to wake up!" It was rare that one of their heads fell asleep, at least without the other two.

Shy groaned, though it sounded like a muffled groan coming from inside a gas mask. He slowly raised his head and turned to Confidence and Aggro. "You two... will be assimilated. We three will become one." He spoke in his own voice, though expressed no emotion through his words. While he talked, his mouth didn't move and while he blinked, his eyes remained unresponsive, as if he were wearing a mask.

"We three already are one." Aggro scoffed. "Well, we share the same bod- you know what the fuck I mean. Shy, what is wrong with you?" He bared his teeth. Something was not right with Shy. Saying his behavior was different would have been putting it lightly.

"Assimilation..." Shy raised up his yellow covered claw and smacked Aggro's face with it. He moved the claw down Aggro's face, spreading the yellow from his forehead, all the way down to his neck. He then pulled back. "In progress."

"What the fuck?" Aggro pulled his head back, but without the ability to move away from his own body, there was little he could do but take the massive yellow smack in the face. He shut his eyes and folded his ears in a rage, ready to kill Shy for that! Yet, as the yellow goop seeped over his head and onto his ears, he quickly understood what Shy meant. "Agh! Fucking Shy! Get this crap off me right now!" He shook his head, but with no success. The yellow goop traveled down his head and along their body, bit by bit taking over their very being. "Confidence! Do something!"

Confidence wasn't sure what he could do in a situation like this! His breathing quickened as the cold rubbery sticky substance crawled over their body, taking over their torso and freezing them in place. He saw Aggro go limp, knowing all too well what that meant. He raised his claw and tried to shake Aggro up, but to no avail. He watched as black appeared on Aggro's eyes and mouth, just like it did with Shy. Yellow covered the rest of their body, all except Confidence's head. "Snap out of it you two!"

The goop soon covered their tails and then their cock and anus behind them, sealing their rear and turning their shaft into little more than a null bulge, sending a pleasurable sensation throughout their body. Incapable of cumming, but very much able to feel pleasure when that spot was rubbed.

"You will... join us." Aggro spoke as he came to, in the exact same voice as Shy. He slowly raised his head and turned to Confidence. "You will assimilate. You will be just like us. You will join us."

Confidence wished he could run with that body. He felt his arms move up to his head, but with what strength he had, he took control of them and pulled them away. This wasn't just Aggro's and Shy's body, this was his body, and dammit he wasn't going to let them win! "You two need to get that stuff off you!" He stepped forward, feeling as if his body were stone, stone wearing a hazmat latex suit that made walking feel awkward. Every step outside was a battle. The storm from earlier was truly beginning to pour down. He hoped the intense rains would do something to the strange goo covering their body and altering the minds of Aggro and Shy. He wasn't able to detect their thoughts, but he feared what he would hear if he could.

Confidence closed his eyes as he felt the goop slither up his neck. He wanted to say no and fight it, but it was no use. He couldn't make it to the rain, not that it was likely to do any good. As the goop went over his ears before it went over his face. He now knew what they were shouting about earlier. Whispers to obey penetrated his mind, to guard the den, to be one with the hive, with his other two heads. As the goop covered his eyes and mouth, he blacked out.

Confidence slowly awoke and saw out of his new eyes, eyes that looked around based on their heat. He turned to his left and saw the head looking at him, and the right and saw his other head. The three heads worked as one again, but this time not just listening to each other, but the hive, a hive that called for them. With their cock covered and their body transformed, covered in goop, they turned and walked off into the cave, no longer Shy, Confidence, and Aggro, but one creature that obeyed a greater entity, one they would discover who they were, and happily obey.


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Wake Up!

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