Blood & Carrots: Celestial - Episode 17

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#17 of B&C 3

Welcome back, my lovely reader!

As has been the trend, we have a lot to unpack this episode my dears. Our lovely ewe has been working diligently as have several others now. The Fae have shown themselves and that fateful encounter is upon them that nearly cost Lorelai several of her beloved family members, including Sarnai.

However, much is to be revealed and more than a few celestials as well as a certain rabbit are going to be rather upset when the dust settles. Our ewe better steel herself, she's in for more than a few emotional rides this episode.

Let's jump right in!

Welcome back, my lovely reader~

Being a writer is my dream job but it has full-time hours and doesn't pay the bills. I want to keep writing these stories for everyone to enjoy and your support on Patreon or Ko-Fi helps make that happen. Patrons even get to see stories a week early to avoid all that pesky waiting. I also appreciate non-financial support like faving, voting, and following me here or on Twitter. Thank you so much for your continued support! Please enjoy the episode.

And with that out of the way...

Welcome back, my lovely reader!

As has been the trend, we have a lot to unpack this episode my dears. Our lovely ewe has been working diligently as have several others now. The Fae have shown themselves and that fateful encounter is upon them that nearly cost Lorelai several of her beloved family members, including Sarnai.

However, much is to be revealed and more than a few celestials as well as a certain rabbit are going to be rather upset when the dust settles. Our ewe better steel herself, she's in for more than a few emotional rides this episode.

Let's jump right in!


Episode 17:

Bonds beyond the Cycle

"Damn you!" She screamed aloud, driving a massive closed fist into the nearby wall, the surface showing fissures of cracks from the blow. Her eyes were clenched tightly even though I saw tears rolling down her rounded cheeks.

"Samantha, you must understand this was the will of the Ser-" Ichiro gave a shocked bark as she grabbed him by the front of his robes lifting him off his feet, the staff he always carried clattering to the ground.

"To the nine hells with the Seraphs will, Ichiro!" She bellowed the words into the elderly dog's face, tears rolling down her cheeks. "Ryder and... Charlotte!" She screamed the wolf's name last as I averted my own gaze while Toroah rushed over to calm her.

"Samantha, please... you know Ichiro had to bear all of this on his own for decades. You're not alone in your pain!" The rabbit spoke out gently, moving to break the two of them apart.

She hissed through her teeth and dropped the older angel to the ground, glaring at Toroah before her furious eyes settled on me, they were gold. My own shifted to blood-red, seeing the haze creep into the edges of my vision before I flexed my hand. "You have words for me, Samantha?"

She stomped over to me and jabbed her finger hard into my chest, but there was no burning from the touch, only the pain from it. "Why?! Every time you get involved! Ryder, Toroah, and Charlotte, all would have been better had you never been born!"

My eyes flared as I bared my teeth and slapped her hand away hard, the motion making her whole arm jerk and she winced, grabbing her wrist. I had heard bones shattering from the blow as I cocked a brow. "I'll forgive your heated words, as I understand all too well the anger and pain in your heart. I've been living with it for nearly two centuries, but if you mouth off to me again, I'm ripping your tongue out."

I heard the broken bones pop and crack as she clenched her fist, setting them back into place with a furious glare, but the pain seemed to bring her back to her senses. She glanced back at the other two angels, seeing Toroah helping Ichiro up and handing him his staff.

"Is it out of your system now, Samantha?" Toroah snarled the words, giving her a glare of his own.

She sighed and pushed her hand through her jagged blonde hair before glancing back over at me. "I'm still pissed off, but... now I've just got more questions than anything else."

"You'll get your questions answered later, for now, you need to focus on why we revealed this information to you." The other rabbit in the room spoke up as Alice shifted a hand to her hip. She had been next to me the whole time and didn't so much as flinch through the whole thing.

Samantha gave a heavy snort through her nose and composed herself, her own hands going to her hips to mimic the stance Alice had. "And why is that?"

Alice cut her eyes to me and gave a nod as I withdrew my wakizashi and presented it to the Archangel. Samantha cocked a brow and looked it over, the blade looking much smaller in her massive grip. "What... in the god's names is this made of? It makes me a little queasy just to look upon it. It's also sloppy work..."

"Yeah, I should have paid more attention in the blacksmith classes at the community college. Cut me some slack, I was doing it based off a picture on my phone," Alice grumbled.

"You made this? You have a forge and training, vampire?" Samantha focused squarely on my lover.

"Not really... Look, I'll explain it all, but I need you to melt it down and infuse it with blessed silver. I want a bigger one too for her, she'll be able to fence better with a lighter weight one in her off-hand." The rabbit walked right over to the massive angel, linking her arm casually with the cow's, Samantha flinching at the gesture but letting the rabbit pull her along.

"You mean to fuse this material and blessed silver?" She asked curiously as they walked.

"Yes, I call it bloodsteel, it's essentially my own blood crystalized and tempered in hellfire. I want to try to create armaments as I feel it will help in the conflicts to come with beings that resist your silver alone." She explained as they trotted right out of the meeting room, no doubt heading towards the forge.

I frowned and moved my attention to Ichiro and Toroah. "Are you alright?"

The ancient angel sighed but gave me a nod. "I expected her to react in such a manner but not quite so... violently. I apologize she directed some of her ire in your direction, Archvampire Lorelai."

"I let her keep her throat, so it all worked out." I shrugged and shifted my hand to casually rest on the base of my sword, then frowned, realizing it was gone. I had turned that gesture into a comfort mechanic these days, keeping a hand on the sword Alice made me. "She quickly sprang back once Alice started speaking to her about forging."

"Samantha is our greatest smith for a reason, she loves it. I'm sure Alice was adding some compulsion of her own once they touched as well. Perhaps she was channeling her energy to ease Samantha's pain and rage." Toroah smiled at me as he explained.

"The two of them alone in the smithy? Makes me wonder if Alice might try to jump her." I gave a chuckle as I looked in the direction the two of them took.

"Toroah, I know this is sudden, but could I have a few moments alone with the Empress?" Toroah nodded at the elder angel and offered me a smile before stepping through a gate.

"I really don't like that title or the Archvampire one. You can just use my name, Ichiro." I gave him a sigh as I folded my arms. "What's on your mind?"

He leaned against the wall while bracing on his staff, giving me a tired look. "I felt something from you just now, something I've not felt in... centuries, but something I'd never forget, a power that will haunt me forevermore."

"It's fortunate that our peoples are on good terms then, isn't it? All the more reason to stay there." I cocked a brow at him, showing my teeth as I snarled the words.

"Lorelai, why do you show powers of an Elder?" He gave me a point-blank gaze, getting right to the point.

"That is not your concern, all you need to know is I don't intend to turn it against you or your flock so long as you don't turn your blades towards me and my own." I brushed the question right off with a bored look.

"Requesting the weapons and the powers you've no doubt harnessed. This isn't about the fae, you truly intend to tear the gates of the underworld open, don't you?" He settled his gaze into a curious one as he titled his head.

I shrugged as I looked away, clicking my tongue as I spoke out again, "You've known me for over a millennium, you know when I say I'll do something I mean it. I'll have what is mine back, all of what is mine..." I hissed out as my hand brushed the earring in my drooped ear.

Ichiro cocked a bushy brow at the last words. "Ryder is one thing, but what can you hope to do for Charlotte's soul, Lorelai?"

"I- I will figure that out when I find a way in. Maybe something similar to the sword thing with the other Paladin's soul. I don't know, but I won't leave things as they are with her. I feel responsible and she trusted me with her dying wishes. I can't just write her off."

"Perhaps speaking with the Seraph can shed some light on the idea." Ichiro gave me another curious look and I could see in his eyes he was also interested in this.

"Perhaps so. I'll deal with them after I sort this whole fae business. Even I can feel the strains on our reality, the storm is coming and it will need our full focus when it arrives. I just hope your lot can be trusted at our sides to not sink silver daggers in our backs when it's over."

"Lorelai, we are at peace and-"

"No Ichiro, we are in a ceasefire as we've been off and on for centuries. You've not outright treated us as allies in these last few years and most of your kind still look upon us as monsters. I know if your Seraph or gods told you to take arms against us, you would do so without hesitation," I clenched my fist as I snarled the words.

"Is there anything I can do to ease your mind?" He gave me a frown as he pushed off the wall, bracing fully on the staff as he tried to stand as straight as he could.

My arms folded as I rolled my eyes. "Will you stand at my side when I tear open a gate to retrieve your Paladin?"

"Our kind can't willingly step into the underworld, Lorelai, otherwise I'd have formed an entire strike force to get him back." Ichiro gave me a deep frown and though I wanted to be furious, I could see the guilt and pain in his eyes, I knew he desperately wanted to save his brother.

"So what happens if you do then? Have you ever tried?" I gave him a hard glare, showing my teeth as I hissed the words.

He frowned and looked contemplative at that question. A few moments later he met my eyes and simply shook his head. "It's just been handed down from-"

"So it could possibly be just an old misleading tale. After all, Ryder is down there now, and the soul of your former Paladin lingered for centuries there. Perhaps I'll question your precious Seraph on it later." I lifted my ears as Alice came trotting back into the room with a smile on her face.

"Where's Samantha?" I quirked a brow, not sensing Alice giving off any energy of having fed, so the cow was obviously not in a coma somewhere.

"She's already eagerly going over things. I came to collect you since you've got the bottles of blood. I can't provide it unless you're going to have me sipping on the angels or you." She gave me a challenging grin as I looked to Ichiro then picked up the duffle bag of sports bottles.

"Ichiro, I will give your kind the benefit of the doubt in the days to come. However, know that if you turn your blades upon us again, your gods will not save you from me and there are very few of you I'd spare," I snarled the words, Alice looking shocked as I simply gripped her wrist and pulled her out of the room with me.

"Lorelai... what was that all about?" She whispered to me as she pushed up against me while we walked. She had gotten stronger as I had, what with the lovemaking, she also seemed to be more or less alright in the light of the citadel, so long as they were quick walks to another location.

"Just making sure he understands what the stakes are. This is more than just our petty squabbling. There is more on the horizon and... see that a saber is fashioned for your new lover as well!"

Alice hummed proudly as she clung to my arm. "Of course... the three of us should go on a trip together after you resolve things with her, love. I'm eager to have you both at the same time!" She gave me that cute little hungry grin, her eyes already glittering red.

I gave a small bleat, feeling my own heart start to thump in my chest. "Tsk... I will be seeing her in Ceuta in a few weeks' time, try to stop putting the cart before the primitive horse, Alice.

She pouted but gave a nod. "I've already got plans laid out for a saber that will have not just my blood tempered in it, but Elias and Rachels. Mix in a little of yours and some blessed silver, it'll be quite the weapon."

"That does sound formidable, but leave the knowledge of my contribution out of it, for now, I'll tell her myself later." I gave the rabbit a nod, the words coming out as an order.

Another pout came from her but she sighed and clung closer to me. After a few more moments she called out again, "Why are you keeping so many of the cards held to your chest, love?"

"Because... If that tribulation is coming, I need everyone focused on the bigger problem."

"Given what you've told me, that sounds like something the Seraph would say, doesn't it? What of Ryder? You've still not fully brought me up to speed on him."

I flinched at the comparison but couldn't argue her point. "I told you, I'll speak to you, Sarnai, Elias, and even Rachel when we resolve this. We won't do Ryder any good if we all die because we've got our focus split."

"What play does Rachel have in this?" Alice quirked a brow at my words. I had slipped up in bringing the High Bishop into the conversation, I hadn't told her about Rachel, or Charlotte, but now that we were here, I knew she'd figure it out rather rapidly if I didn't explain.

"Look." I pulled us to some shade out of the light and gripped her shoulders, keeping her gaze squarely on my own. "Alice, if I explain some of this to you in more detail, I must have your word it stays between us. Just as I had to conceal things from you during that stint with Sarnai, I now must do the same with others."

She gave me a thoughtful look and then a single nod. "Done, upon my name as Marquess of house Blackpaw. None of what you tell me shall leave this conversation."

I gave a resigned sigh and nodded. "Rachel was his lover, even before I was."

Alice frowned and tilted her head. "Wait- I thought Bishop's had to remain celibate, I'm pretty sure Toroah told me that once."

"At the time she wasn't a Bishop, Alice. The Knights and Cadets don't need to practice that."

"Do you think she became one on a subconscious level because of his loss?"

"It's entirely possible. Toroah said she was fit to be tied and mad with anguish after it happened. I find their method deplorable, but I can't argue with its necessity. Had the Seraph not done that, she would have no doubt walked a similar path Charlotte did."

She blinked at my words and looked confused, I realized in the moment I had babbled out more knowledge I hadn't needed to. "Charlotte? I think Sarnai told me about that story, the fallen angel that she and my master had to put down?"

"Damn it, rabbit! You make it too easy to talk to you, because you're so cute!" I snarled and rubbed my face as I shook my head. "Fine, here's what I know about her..."

So it was, I ended up giving her most of the knowledge I had on the events. Of course, I'd have to trust her to keep her word and not speak of any of this. Alice took my requests seriously, I knew how faithful she was to me and how much she loved me. If there was any I could fully trust with this knowledge, it was her.

She leaned against the wall of the building we were near, putting a hand to her chest as she frowned. "That is heart-wrenching... Poor Charlotte and Rachel..." She met my eyes and I saw that look, the same look she gave me the night we first made love, the night she said she was sad for me because of how closed off I was. "And you... to deal with this on your own for so long..."

I pushed my hand to her cheek and bumped my forehead to hers, shaking my head gently. "Do not, Alice. I know it's a cliche thing to say, but I'd rather have taken the brunt of it over these years, than his friends and lovers. Toroah, Ezekiel, and Samantha were all necessary, but Rachel I'd prefer we wait until we're a little closer to a solution, I feel we would just force her to stew in anguish."

The rabbit gave me a flat look as she waited on me to process my own words. It only took me a moment to catch up before I snarled and pushed a hand to my forehead. "Ezekiel is alive?" She cocked a brow as she asked the question.

"Gods be damned, why do you manage to drag the words out from me before I even comprehend them?!" I grumbled back in response.

Alice showed me a sassy little smirk and flicked her ears. "I was always told I'm easy to talk to about problems, even in my mundane life."

"You've found me at an odd junction, Alice. There are some things I've given my word not to speak of, but yes. He is alive, he has been training with me and Harold, he is Ryder's best friend and wishes to stand with me when I try to save him."

"The guy that tried to kill me as well as most of my family, is training with you and Harold?" She glared at me, putting her hands on her hips.

"Trust me, Alice, I feel your rage. He lost much to our kind in the great wars, but I never let him lean on that crutch. However..." I gave her an amused smirk, making sure to show my teeth as I spoke, "He had to quickly get over his prejudices once he found himself amongst our ranks."

The rabbit widened her eyes and shook her head. "You... turned him?!"

"Frankly, I had no choice in the matter. It's more accurate to say, I converted him to our way of thinking, then after that fact, I was forced to embrace him. Rest assured, he came to our cause willingly though."

"And I thought my life was complicated, fuck..." She sighed and rubbed her head, then gave me a nod. "Alright, but I want in on this. If he's training with my teacher, I want to test myself again him! I'm a much different rabbit than I was a few years ago."

"Indeed you are, you've grown immensely powerful and-" Chills ran up my spine as I felt that indomitable will push against me, summoning me. I clearly felt that draw as my mother called my name.

With a growl, I pushed the small bag into Alice's hands. "Go deal with Samantha, we'll catch up in a few, love." Alice looked shocked as she saw me turn, throw a gate open and step right into it. I'd never shown her my ability to use the power so this would be one more thing to explain later.

"Why not bring the Chimera fully into the fold at this point? You've blathered on like a child gossiping about everything else, my daughter." I could hear the annoyance in her voice as she reclined there on her throne.

"I didn't reveal the knowledge of you, as per your request. I had not given my word about any of the other topics. I'm free to say what I wish to my lover and fellow family member." My arms folded, my words coming out as sassy as I intended them to.

"It's amusing... truly. That little girl has such a grip on your soul already. Why, I question if perhaps you love her more than either of your precious angels," She hummed the words as her red eyes slowly met my own.

"Maybe I do, maybe I don't. I don't ration out my love and see who gets the bigger stack of it, mother. I love her and I trust her, that is the only truth of the matter."

"Perhaps I should meet with the rabbit." She gave me a challenging look as she cocked a brow.

"I think not. Leave the younger members of our family out of this."

"You are protective of her but you must realize she's already carrying the taint of my blood in her, why do you think she's grown so strong so quickly? Well, more quickly than a Chimera already grows, they are explosively powerful and adapt with frightful prowess..."

I swallowed a lump in my throat at that. She was right, my blood was tainted more and more by the day, especially after having full-on fed from her. The effects had been felt for me too, it was very minor, but I noticed I wasn't getting quite the same level of satiation from mundane blood that I did our own kind.

"You will need to use caution with whom you share your blood with in the future, my daughter. All the same, let the rabbit come and meet with me."

"No." I folded my arms, leveling my gaze.

Her eyes smoldered as her teeth showed. "You have grown strong, but do you truly feel you may rebuke my will, Lorelai Tahmineh?"

"Alice does not need this in her life, not now. She has enough to worry about! The answer, is, no." I threw my hand out, my other reaching for my sword which was of course not on me.

Just like that, she was on me, hand wrapped around my throat as she lifted me from the ground, her teeth looking sharp, red eyes blazing. "Don't think these years and your love have given you the validation to tell me what to do, child!"

I winced at the grip to my throat, then snarled as I felt that haze of red fill my vision before I twisted to grab her wrist. My own teeth showed as I simply wrenched and broke her hand, making her drop me. My mother didn't even wince from the broken hand that was no doubt already mostly healed.

"Don't think my love for you won't keep me from kicking your ass either!" I screamed out as I blurred forward, driving my fist right into her jaw. There was a loud shattering of bone before she simply left her feet and slammed into the nearby rock wall, slumping down it. Once again she didn't even look pained, however, her eyes were a little wider in surprise.

"Is it the Chimera's influence, or your love? Perhaps both?" She showed me a crooked wild grin as she blurred from sight.

"Neither!" I yelled out as I spun and grabbed her own fist, parrying the strike that was meant for the back of my head as I sent a kick down into her knee, breaking it as she slumped forward and I grabbed her own throat for once. "I'm just putting my fucking foot down for once! Stay away from my family!" Finishing my declaration I shoved her to her rear on the floor.

"You are all intertwined with me, Lorelai Tahmineh, like it or not." She gave me a smirk but just sat there on the floor, not bothering to move.

I frowned and clenched my fist, hearing my knuckles pop in it. "I am the empress of the Bloodstone court, not you. I have the final say in what happens with any of my family, doubly so with Alice."

She showed her teeth in a snarl as she planted a hand on the floor, the push sending dust and debris out from the force of it as she lifted herself back to her feet. "You think you are my better now, child?"

My teeth clenched as I felt her will slam into me, making my knees want to buckle as she rose up to full and clenched her own fist. "A century or two of training won't compare, those are fleeting moments to me, daughter. Perhaps I should show you real pow-"

I punched her in the face again, sending her back to the floor. "Shut up! I don't care about your fucking dramatics, okay?!"

She blinked at me in real shock as I clenched my fist again, my vision growing hazy with red and tears. "Just leave her out of it, you understand!? Alice doesn't need to endure this, she doesn't deserve it! I don't fucking care about beating you or being the strongest, I just want to be strong enough, that's all!"

"You're fucking stupid, I hate you sometimes, but I still care about you. If I didn't I'd have-" I jerked my gaze away and wiped my face, trying to compose myself.

"Hmph... your words actually moved me slightly. Did you consider perhaps her or even... Sarnai, might welcome the power I would offer?"

"I've no doubt they would in desperation to protect what they love, but I am sufficient. There is no need for them to go through the brutality of your training."

"And if you prove insufficient? What if you fall before the Fae, my daughter?" She gave me a small smile.

I clenched my fist again. "I won't, I have too much to protect. However, if I did, the short time you had to train them would be moot."

"It is a nonsensical topic anyway. They are too young, their bodies could not handle my blood directly, they would be driven irrevocably mad from it. Best they build their endurance on your diluted blood for a few decades first." She huffed the words casually as she sauntered back over towards her throne.

My eyes widened and I snarled before cutting her off. I stood right in the seat of her throne so she'd be eye level with me, both my fists clenched. "If that is the truth, why put me through all that, to begin with!?" I spat the words into her face like a fussy teenager that had just been proven wrong.

She gave me a knowing grin. "I will ever strive to test your resolve as a leader and protector, Lorelai Tahmineh. Now get out of my seat."

I felt my left eye twitch at her words, but the red haze in my vision slowly faded as I hopped down from the throne and stalked back a few paces. My mother sat down and resumed her regular stance of leaning back casually. "You may speak of me to her, but bring forth her word it stays between the two of you. It will help fill the holes in your story."

"And you will leave her alone then?" I cocked a brow.

"I wouldn't mind meeting the Chimera sometimes in the near future, but you have my word I'll remain hands-off. Perhaps I'll wait and see how things play out over the fae and Ryder first."

I lifted my ears at that and frowned. "Do you feel the time is approaching over Ryder?"

"I do, I think this little situation to come, will set wheels in motion. Especially..." She showed her teeth in an amused grin. "Well, for now, enjoy the next few seasons my daughter. Love both your rabbits and your fox... do so recklessly as if it would all come to an end any day, for it very well could."

"What do you-" I blinked as I realized I simply wasn't standing there any longer, I was in a hot room that smelled of metal and oil. Alice jumped slightly as she realized I was standing next to her and Samantha looked up from her anvil cocking a brow.

"Lorelai you damn sheep, when did you slip in?" The bovine gave me an annoyed look but then returned to her work.

"What was that all about?" Alice moved to push up to me, hugging my arm. "I didn't know you could open gates, love."

"Uh... only certain ones. I've got a lot to catch you up on, Alice. We'll talk it all over in bed later, let's just focus on this right here for now." I pulled her closer and felt the rabbit snuggle a little closer, hugging me proudly as the cow gave us both an annoyed glance at the display of affection in her workshop.

I explained in full detail to Alice about Ezekiel, the Elder, and the full details of Ryder. For better or worse, she was fully in on things now. My wakizashi was reforged and the old katana I had gotten from Hagen was also melted down and reforged using bloodsteel and divine silver. The new blades were frightful in power and Alice said she'd be making weapons for the rest of our family as well, with Samantha's assistance of course.

A few days later I met with my vixen in Ceuta and we finally confessed our feelings. In the ensuing lovemaking, I let her feed upon me. I knew I was tainting her with ancient blood by doing so, as I had done Alice. Perhaps I was just lost in the throes, or perhaps I wanted her to have an edge in the days to come.

Time moved along, I trained and I loved, all the while being ever-present of the looming tribulations to come. As the winter season started, I decided I'd have that little getaway with my fox and rabbit. I did caution Alice that I and Sarnai weren't quite the same type of relationship she was. The rabbit just laughed and said she understood and that she wouldn't 'full-on dom me in front of my vixen.'


The Cycle:

All things are part of the Cycle, from mundane to demons. Souls are born and move along, eventually when they fall, they are judged before deciding their next destination. A creature at its core will remain very much in line with whatever their soul is like. This isn't to say souls do not grow between cycles or during. A righteous man can turn to darkness with a particularly vile experience thrust upon them, just as the cruelest of beings may find the light of hope in some way.

Soul mates and mortal enemies are very real possibilities throughout ventures into Cycles of life. Some beings simply mark your soul in a way that it can never shake free of. They say, through some unknown power, perhaps hatred or love, these souls will naturally draw to one another somehow or someway.


A protesting bleat escaped my throat as my back slapped into the wall of the hotel room. My eyes shifted to red as I hissed out in annoyance, "Sarnai! You disresp- mph!" The fox pushed her mouth to my own to silence me, forcing me into a kiss.

Her tongue darted out to roll with my own as my body eagerly responded to return the gesture, feeling my left wrist pushed to the wall. She gave me a hungry proud growl and pulled away as I fired another glare at her, then grunted as my right wrist was pushed to the wall as well, this time by the rabbit flanking me.

"See, my ewe... As I promised, I'll not full-on dom you, I'll share the duty with my fox..." Alice cooed the words into my ear as I snarled at her but felt her push me into a kiss as Sarnai had done. Her body pushed to my own as I bleated against her lips while our tongues met, the hungry growls of the fox filling my ears.

"You're really cute like this, Lorelai... I may have to do it more often..." Sarnai cooed the words as she kissed along my throat, the rabbit parting from the kiss to join her as they kissed down to my collar, then met to share their own heated kiss, their tongues clearly showing as they kissed together right before my eyes.

"Both of you are being brats! I've half the mind to show you real domination!" I showed my teeth, glaring as the two parted from their heated kiss, each giving me a predatory grin before I bleated as Sarnai slipped a hand right into my curls, jerking my head back slightly.

"Go ahead then... if you don't enjoy it... though your scent is saying quite different, my love..." The fox hissed the words as she moved in, dragging her tongue along my throat, her sharp teeth threatening to pierce my flesh as I shuddered.

"Hey hey! Not without me, you're not!" Alice snarled out as I moaned from feeling them both snap down on my throat, dragging me to the floor, rabbit and fox alike eagerly supping from me, their hands already frantically working my dress off me.

I tried to work up the will to resist and maybe even try to turn the tables, but damn me if my body refused at every step, happy to let the control fully slip from me. My two loves were ever attentive, pleasing me at every turn as I simply followed commands and went along with things. In a way, it's therapeutic to just be completely submissive what with the demands of leadership my life has every day.

Our little session of lovemaking wiled away into the day hours until we all collapsed together in an exhausted tangle of limbs. Of course, Alice had gotten between us when we slept, and since we were both touching her...

"Ha! Gods that was sooooo good!" The rabbit licked her lips, kicking her feet lazily while reclining on her family's bed.

"You're not sore with me, are you, Lorelai?" Sarnai offered me her own loving smile, both her and Alice in silky little nightgowns that didn't bother hiding their curves.

I gave a fussy bleat at them, "I am sore with both of you! Or more accurate to say, because of you! Tch... you two were entirely too heavy-handed, my scalp and body still ache even here in-"

"See, I told you she would like it!" Alice grinned at Sarnai.

"Alice!" I snapped out, feeling my cheeks darken but not able to offer much more of a retort than that, unable to deny the fun that I had.

"My love, if it makes you happy, I'll not do it all the time, only when I sense you want it." Sarnai grinned and put a hand to her chest, wagging her tail against the bed next to Alice.

"It is fine... it was a first for all of us, so a bit of fumbling around was to be expected. Still, do not think I want it every time, Alice!" I fired back and rested my hands on my hips, feeling my own nightgown of silk against them.

She clicked her tongue and rolled her eyes. "I know that! We don't always do it either that way, just figured it'd be fun this time. C'mon love, you should know that by now, it's been like a decade or more."

She was right, it had been over a decade, and I had felt the effects clearly. A Chimera and ancient blood, it was a potent cocktail of power that had made us grow more in these last ten years than I had personally in the last century or five. Even Sarnai I could feel had grown much stronger in just the months she had been with Alice.

"She's lost in thought again." Sarnai quipped dryly.

"She's got a lot on her mind these days, it's to be expected." Alice kicked her feet as she shrugged.

My drooped ears perked a little as I frowned and shook my head. "Apologies, I was just mulling over the changes that have transpired in the last few years leading up to this."

"Are you satisfied with the course of things, my lady?" Sarnai cocked a brow at me as her head tilted curiously.

"The two women I love the most are no longer trying to murder one another, far from it, you two have formed a bond as lovers. I couldn't be happier with the course of things. I just..."

Alice gave me a knowing frown. She was the only one that knew about the rest, even Harold who housed Ezekiel knew nothing of Ryder. "You worry about what is to come. Yes my love?"

I met her eyes, knowing it was a feint to shift from my concern over Ryder. With a nod, I sighed. "It is close, have you both been training hard as I requested?"

"Of course. My family and life are whole once more, I'll not be letting some fairies come in and fuck it all up." Sarnai clenched her fist, black flames drifting off her knuckles.

"I have been as well, and keeping the lycanthrope and magi circles in the loop. Playing diplomat is hard." She sighed and frowned. "The underworld still hasn't responded to the offers of a ceasefire for the coming tide though."

My teeth clenched at that. "If they don't stand with us, they are an enemy. All the same then, I'll deal with them after the fae!"

"Come now, Lorelai... we both know there are lots of good-"

"I know! I don't need to cut down any but the leaders, let the rest of the populace go in peace, but if they raise arms, all bets are off." I clenched my own fist with a snarl.

"Lorelai, I don't doubt your power, but do you really feel you could stand toe-to-toe with a demon lord?" Sarnai quirked a brow and then widened her eyes as I simply nodded.

"Our lady is frightfully powerful, I bet she'd be able to kick those fairies in the tail and tell them to behave all on her own." Alice clenched her own fist as she spoke the words proudly.

I gave a laugh and shook my head. "Alice, no matter how powerful one is, you can't stand before an army."

She pouted at my response at having been thwarted as my personal cheerleader. I moved over and ran my hand through her hair, rubbing at one of her ears, then used my other hand to do the same to Sarnai. Both of them looked so happy, eyes closing as I gave them the small tokens of affection. "I love both of you very deeply, know that I would stand down an army of fae or any other horror for either of you."

"You're so dramatic, my lady, but I love you and would do the same. I'd stand before any foe for you." Sarnai opened her eyes, giving me a toothy grin.

"Me too, Lorelai! The gods themselves could stand before me and I'd protect you!" Alice gave me a fierce glare and I smiled at the words, sounding very much like something I'd say.

"I know you would, my sisters. We will continue to hope that peace is with us, but we will prepare for war. Even if it all crashed down, so long as I was with you two and my family... it would..." I snarled and withdrew my hand, clenching my first as I thought about him.

"It's moot. We'll get through this, and then..." Alice gripped my fist, uncurling my fingers as her red eyes met mine. She gave me a nod and Sarnai quirked a brow.

"Something you guys aren't telling me?" Her ears lifted and I heard the edge in her voice.

"I... Look, Sarnai. It does not threaten you or your family, you will know once the fae are dealt with, but for now, I need you to focus on the current storm that approaches. You have my word, when it is resolved, I'll sit down and tell you everything." My hand moved to my chest as Alice glanced over at her.

"You are my family, Lorelai. If it affects you-"

"Then respect my wishes and wait! It isn't up for debate and our time is already dwindling. Once it is resolved, you have my word." I pushed out some of my will to say the topic was past, but frankly I questioned how well that even worked in Alice's dreamspace.

Sarnai didn't look phased by my show of power, but she did give an understanding nod. "I don't like it, but... I'll respect your wishes, for now, my lady, my love."

"Thank you, know I don't hold the knowledge for any reason but that it needs to be so." I sighed and frowned at my own words. I hated keeping him hidden away, I wanted to have girl talk about him with them, talk about my angel-fox proudly to them.

"All in time, yes, my love?" Alice pushed her palm to my cheeks, drawing my attention back to hers before giving me a reassuring kiss. Sarnai smiled and stood from the bed, moving over to give me a kiss as well all of us holding one another. I tried to just take in the moment, to treasure it, knowing it wouldn't last as long as I'd like.


"Gods be damned! She... I nearly lost her! That fucking spirit she... her, Gloria, and... gods... Alex... she ripped him apart with one strike. Had Sarnai not been able to turn him..."

"I'm so sorry, I wish I had been there. I'm failing my vow. She and her family... it is my fault-"

"No. Don't lay this at your feet, Ryder. I just... I wanted to get it off my chest. She knew and I'm proud of her. She stood defiant against a power she had no hope of withstanding, all for her family. Had Rachel and the other angels now shown up... Damn it! Why didn't she call me?!"

"Maybe... she feared for you as well."

I frowned hard as the words entered my mind while I stared at the ruby in my hands. Time passed far too quickly and the fae did arrive just as spring had. They struck right to the heart of the matter, the Great Spirit clearly seeking out Alice. Could I have stood before that?

"Maybe she did..." I snarled the words, shaking my head.

"She's safe, and you've gained some insight. I know the magi are already working on the matter."

"I know..."

"For now you must focus on what can be done, Lorelai."

"I know!"

A silence filled the space before I sighed and shook my head again. "I'm sorry, Ryder... I just... everything I've done, yet here I am, helpless to aid you or her when she needed me most."

"It's okay to be frustrated, I've been training hard and trying to focus. Kazemde seems to be hopeful, especially once my family and the Seraph get involved."

"Yes... it's only been a few days since it happened and the Archmage has already requested us for a meeting and possibly some sort of counter-strike against the Faemarch."

"A counter-strike?"

"I'm not sure on the details, I'll let you know once it's done."

"Please be careful, Lor."

"Don't worry, I won't die, Ryder. Not until you are free and things are set right."

"I'd prefer you didn't die at all, my love."

"Well, it's not like I plan to."

"Hey, Lor?"

"What is it, Ryder?"

"I'm really tired, I'm tired of not sleeping or eating, I'm tired of not touching you or even breathing. The last time Kalinae checked on me a few years ago, I even stalled, tried to play along a bit, just to enjoy breathing, using my eyes, and actually seeing things. I study and I meditate, but I'm just so very tired..."

I clenched my teeth, squeezing the ruby hard in my grip, tears rolling down my cheeks at his words. "I know... soon, I swear it. Once the fae are dealt with, if I have to, I'll start on the first level of hell and carve my way straight to you! Just stay with me a little longer, my angel fox."

There were several moments of silence before he responded, "... alright, my ewe."

"Focus on your studies, don't think about anything else for a while. You hear me, Ryder? You're going to be okay, I swear it."

"Alright, Lorelai, I love you, and tell Toroah I love him as well."

"I will, be strong my angel fox, we'll be together again soon." I sat the ruby down on Kazemde's desk and just flopped back in the chair, little hiccups of sobs coming from my throat as the tears refused to stop flowing.

The Archmage must have sensed the connection break as I heard a gentle knock on the door before it opened. "Are you finished, Lorelai?"

I shuddered and whipped my face, giving a ragged sigh. "Y-yeah..."

He frowned as he took a seat at his desk. He'd seen me sob enough that I didn't bother trying to hide it. I rubbed at my face and looked at him through my fingers. "Kazemde, we can't keep doing this to him. We need to get him out of there, now."

"I know... once we deal with this threat, I plan to work in conjunction with the celestials. We'll put every ounce of manpower into finding the former Paladin. Then we'll have our key." Kazemed frowned as he folded his hands. "I need you to focus on the here and now though. We can't help him with a rampaging spirit tearing the world apart."

I gave a composed nod and sighed before I sat up. "Alright... alright... get him to his next instructor, I'm going to go for a walk to clear my head before I go meet the celestials."

His hood puffed out slightly. "Why meet them?"

"It seems Gloria and Rachel have petitioned for ascension to Archangels. Ichiro reached out to me. He said he wanted me and Ezekiel present for it."

Kazemde frowned at that. "Is that wise? Isn't he estranged from them?"

"Your guess is as good as mine, but mother assured us it was safe and they've given their word this isn't a trap." I shrugged and clicked my tongue as I stood. "Their worthless gods help them if it were..."

"Lorelai... have some faith in your allies in the coming days. You can't commit fully to the task at hand constantly watching your back." Kazemde snapped the words at me surprisingly sharp and I frowned at the reprimand, but he was correct.

"You're right... I'll try to keep your words at heart. I should go, Kaz." I whispered the words, feeling tired as I turned to step away.

"I'll always be here if you need to talk or cry, Lorelai, don't forget." I heard his words as I pushed the door open, throwing my hand up as I walked out into the circle.


Shards of Stability:

The Faemarch is divided into four realms, each more or less representing the cycle of seasons. Like in the other realms, the Faemarch does have it's own cycle of seasons, so naturally the winter region will still grow a little warmer in the summer seasons, likewise even the summer region will lower in temperature slightly in the colder months. However, for the most part, the regions will maintain their balance.

This is where the Shards of Stability come into play. Each region has several points where leylines of power meet, these leylines will house a small shrine with a shard that focuses the power back to the Great Fae Spirit that resides over that realm.

Surprisingly, Shards are only lightly guarded because a Greater Spirit can manifest near a shard fairly quickly. Not to mention only a rival spirit would seek the shard, but if one were to strike out and take a shard for themselves, the other three would no doubt unite against them, and so the shards remain as much a deterrent of hostility as a focus of power.


"You ready for this?" I looked over at Ezekiel as he clenched his fist and gave a resolute nod. Torah gave his own nod as he flourished a hand to draw the gate open and we both entered it.

I stepped forth into that area I once had been pulled to, the odd blue nothingness with light all around. I wasn't alone this time, every single Archangel was present, along with Rachel and Gloria.

"Lady Lorelai!" Gloria barked in surprise, then gapped her jaw, her gaze growing sharper and a little more fierce as she met the lion's gaze. "Ezekiel... I thought you had been executed."

My brother did something surprising. He stomped right over to the retriever, looking down upon her, noting the black in her wings, then took a knee before her. "Sister, the years since then I have grown to understand the error of things. I offer my apologies and beg your forgiveness in the matter. I'm willing to offer my throat to you in tribute as well."

Gloria frowned, stepping back awkwardly her ears and tail drooped. "Uh... W-what? Ezekiel... I don't-"

"She's not a vampire, brother. She can't drink from you, she's just fallen." I sighed out at the dramatics as the other Archangels and no doubt the Seraph waited for the conclusion of the exchange.

"Ezekiel! What you did was terrible, but... no one was hurt and if you have opened your eyes, then I am satisfied and accept your apology. Stand, I do not need your life." Gloria frowned and put a hand to her hip.

He grunted and stood, offering another nod. "Thank you, sister."

"What did you want?" I finally called out to the open room, as no one had actually mentioned the reason for our visit.

The words came out all around and nowhere at once as the Seraph spoke. "Because of Elias and Sarnai's service to the mundane, we have agreed to the ascension."

I frowned again at the words as I looked to Gloria. "Well, that's nice but why have us present? I mean I'm happy to stand in support of my sister if she feels better to have me here."

"Thank you, Lady Lorelai! That means a lot to me!" She barked out in a childish way that made me give her a small smile as I offered my hand to her. The retriever quickly came to me and clasped it hard, showing how nervous she was over the whole ordeal.

"Ezekiel, our son."

The lion lifted his head at the words. "Do you still see me in such a light, your holiness?"

"You have made missteps, but you still have a just heart, you never stopped being our son, as Gloria never stopped being our daughter."

Ezekiel nodded and took a knee. "Thank you, your holiness, it is an honor to be in your presence. What can I and my sister do for you?"

"Empress of Bloods-"

"Just call me Lorelai, or I'm leaving," I snarled to the air, cutting my eyes right to the direction of the power once more, showing I wasn't playing along with the everywhere at once schtick.

"... Lorelai. You and our brother championed our cause. The two of you righted an evil that even our eyes did not perceive."

"Your welcome," I spat out in a flat tone.

"Lorelai, the Seraph wishes to ask you a request..." Ichiro sighed the words as if he were already tired of my attitude.

"Out with it then." I fired back, my voice keeping the irritation as I kept a grasp on my sister's hand.

"We wish the world to have six Archangels again and-"

"Sorry, I've got enough on my plate. I'm not going to be a part-time angel too." I waved my free hand to dismiss the words. "Give it to Ezekiel, maybe he'll be able to keep up with me if you do."

All the Archangels present slacked their jaws and even Ezekiel cocked a brow at my words.

"... Yes, well... Thank you for offering your support for your brother. We think?"

I showed Gloria a small smile as she gave me a grin and wagged her tail at my casual diffusion of the situation.

"Do I have a say in this matter, your holiness?" Ezekiel rose and clenched his fists.

"Of course you do, our son. It is not something we will thrust upon you. However, we know what you plan to do and we intend to see that you return safely to us along with the Paladin."

"Paladin!?" Rachel barked out in shock. "We have a-" She winced and grabbed her head as I frowned upon her.

"Lorelai, what is going on?" Gloria frowned as she looked at Rachel then to me.

I squeezed her hand in a bid of comfort as I whispered softly, "Something painful..."

Torah called out to the air, "Your holiness! You can't mean to-"

"All shall be revealed, our son, but first... Ezekiel. What say you our son?"

"I dreamed of rising to the ranks of the Archangels, but it all feels so hollow now without him here to see it." He clenched his fists and I could see tears showing on his cheeks as he snarled. "What would you expect of me Seraph? To abandon my new family and return to this one?"

"Nay, my son. You may come and go between us. We are both your family now and we would not take that from you."

"Have you forgotten I've turned? Will this even work?" Ezekiel tilted his head showing his large canines to the air.

"The Elder ensured your divinity did not leave you, so you are well and safe."

"The Elder?!" I released Gloria's hand as flames started lapping at my own. I pointed right at the source of the power. "Do you mean to tell me you and my mother plotted this from the start!?"

"Not quite, but yes. We have spoken with the Elder throughout the years since you started seeing her, Lorelai. It was a joint effort to attempt to stave off the coming fae and to liberate our son."

I took a deep breath and snarled, "I do not like being toyed with, Seraph... if you had this knowledge, you should have told me from the start!"

"Our apologies, we simply had to adapt to the situation, we did not anticipate the intervention of a Chimera. It was never done purposefully."

I folded my arms and shot a look over to Ezekiel. "What will you do, brother? I hold no ill will with you wishing to be with both your families and obviously our mother does not either."

"There is no question. It'll be quite the surprise for him to see me as an Archangel, and if it saves my brother, then yes, without hesitation I accept."

"What is this about revealing things, Seraph? My heart aches and I feel immense trepidation over your words!" Rachel lifted her ears as she spoke, looking angry already and quivering.

"Forgive us, daughter there was no other way..." With the Seraph's words, the fox clenched her teeth, her back arching before she collapsed to her knees and hands, wailing in agony as if being tortured.

Gloria grabbed my hand, squeezing it hard as I clenched my teeth, the wails were not one of physical pain, though I was sure that was a factor. No, those were something I'd had myself as well as experienced with both Toroah and Ezekiel.

Her wings grew several more inches, blood running down the feathers but the fox just slammed her fists to the ground, tears falling on them as she sobbed out his name again and again.

"Ryder! Gods... Ry..." Her teeth grit and I saw her vision shift to gold before she stood and glared upon Ichiro. Samantha had just grabbed him, Rachel full-on punched him in the face, knocking him to the ground before Toroah and Samantha grabbed her.

"You cowardly son of a bitch! How dare you keep this from me!" She screamed and struggled against the other two angels as I sighed with a shake of my head. "Ryder! How could you just... How dare you take him from me!" Her words sounded mad as she clearly shifted her gold eyes right to the source of divinity in the room, my head lifted at that.

"Seraph! You bastard! You had no right! You had no right to do that to any of us!"

"Our daughter-"

"Don't you daughter me!" Rachel screamed and shoved both Toroah and Samanath off her with shocking strength, stomping towards the direction of the power. "Get out here! I'll show you-"

"That's enough!" I blurred forward as I met her face to face, pushing a hand to her shoulder, meeting her gold eyes. "Rachel, look at me!"

She snarled, her teeth showing but she focused her golden eyes on me, tears rolling down her face. "He's alive, he's just trapped! We're getting him back and you can talk to him, I'll take you there when this is done, so just breathe!"

I heard her give a few broken sobs as she shook her head. "He... you mean it?"

"I swear it, Rachel. He's okay..." I gripped both her hands, holding them as I squeezed them gently.

"But... Charlotte... I... I killed her! I struck down his own love and-"

"Stop. You did what you had to do, and Charlotte did all this for a reason. She laid the groundwork for you, me, and Toroah. She gave herself so the three of us could save him. I'll explain it all in time, so just calm down, okay?"

She closed her eyes, nodding a few times before throwing her arms around me. She hugged me tight as I grunted and blinked at the gesture before hugging her back, feeling the fox sobbing against my shoulder.

The Seraph's voice finally rang out once more, "Thank you, Lor-"

"Fuck you," I fired back bitterly as I held the fox that he loved, held her, and kept a hand on the back of her head as she cried for him. "To hell with your holy bullshit. I've had to watch every last one of them break and help pick the pieces up, while you sit there on the high ground."

Ezekiel had helped Ichiro up while Samantha and Toroah had been busy with Rachel. I just sat there shaking my head while the fox sobbed on me, Gloria frowned and looked confused, being the only one to not fully understand the situation but moving over to me.

"Rachel... it's okay. Be strong for Sarnai, your daughter, yeah?" Gloria put a hand on her shoulder, wagging her tail as the fox looked up with teary eyes, seeing the retriever smile down at her.

"Y-yes... my child, still needs, protecting..." She shifted her gaze to mine with a frown before gently pulling from my arms. "Thank you, Lorelai... truly... for many things."

I pushed my palms to her cheeks, wiping the tears for her before giving a nod, knowing there were some on my own cheeks from my emotions getting wrapped up in it. "No problem, Rachel... We'll get our fox back, I promise."

"My son, are you prepared?"

Ezekiel stepped away from Toroah and Ichiro as he clenched his teeth and locked his knees. "Yes."

The lion snarled, then roared out as the wings grew on his back. Blood dripped down his back and wings as I watched his knees bend slightly but he managed to stay upright. He snarled and panted as he glared down at the ground, bracing on both of them now. I bit my lip as I realized Gloria was gripping my hand once more, frowning at the display.

"You'll be alright, my sister... I'm here with you and it's for Alex and everyone else, right?" I gave the retriever a reassuring smile as she looked into my eyes and gave a nod of her own.

It was probably a mercy to not ask her if she was prepared, like surprising a child with a needle while it was distracted. Gloria gave a pained bark then dropped to her knees, throwing her arms around me as I grunted from it, once again being hugged up by a dog I really didn't know all that well.

I did what a matriarch was to do though, I held my sister. I held her through the sobs and pained yowls as her body endured for her loved ones, the black wings growing right before my eyes, shiny with fresh blood while I kept a hand on her head as she sobbed into my chest. "It's okay, sister... I'm here..."

"Forgive us, Lorelai... it was necessary..."

My ears lifted as I looked back at the power while snarling out, "What the fuck does that-"

"Lorelai... I was a teacher... saving a child, a truck... then the lights went out..." Gloria shuddered as she pulled away just enough to look at me, her blue eyes full of tears, my own widening at the overwhelming sensation. I had seen these eyes before, eyes I'd never forget.

"It wasn't my first... I tried... I tried to save them all, I even... I even got a few to the safety of the cellar, but then... the wall gave way from the fire... sunlight, so much of it... nowhere to go... and then the lights went out..." She whispered the words, her hand on my face, my own upon hers.

"D-Diana?" I shuddered as I spoke the name, staring into those eyes, realizing what had transpired.

She gave a few slow nods. "I- think so... it's so strange... as if I have two memories of death, but only one memory of life..."

"The Paladin, years ago asked that any that fell of your kind be considered for candidacy to our cause unless they were truly vile. When your sister fell nearly a century ago, she returned to the cycle and lived a good life, showing she had been of a righteous heart from the beginning, and so we uplifted-"

The Seraph stopped the explanation as they realized Gloria had thrown her arms back around me and drew me into a kiss. I bleated out at the gesture but then eagerly returned the affection of my ex I had lost nearly a century ago.

After a few moments, she pulled from me, her tongue withdrawing and the grip on my hair easing. "S-Sorry... I know we're not dating anymore, I was just... so happy to see you..."

"It's... it's okay, Dia- Gloria... I'm happy to see you too, you have no idea... I was ready to give up over your loss..." I whispered the words, then clenched my teeth as the retriever gave me that loving sigh she did centuries ago and pushed in for another kiss as I gasped out and fell to my back right there, both our arms wrapped around one another as we unceremoniously kissed before the whole lot of them.

"Sister... maybe you should get a room..." Ezekiel finally called out and I gasped as Gloria pulled from my lips even though I obviously didn't need air.

She blushed and fluffed her wings out before awkwardly standing and offering me her hand. I stood and straightened my shirt which she had been in the process of trying to peel off me. "As excitable and handsy as always, eh?" I called out to her with a small smile.

"I'm so sorry! I just lost myself in the uh... flood of memories!" She barked out and bowed several times to the room.

I composed myself and finally snarled out, "Why didn't you tell me, Seraph? You really are trying to get on my shit list today, aren't you?"

"We weren't fully aware of who she was until she ascended. She had only been in our ranks a few years when Alice met her some decade past. Simply put, we were not aware of the significance of things until recently."

"A shit excuse is better than none at all." I snarled and then met Gloria's eyes, the angel giving me a look like she did when we were in the height of our love, her tail blurring as she stepped closer to me and took my hand again.

"Di- Gloria... let's focus for now, we'll uh... talk about this later, okay?" I blushed as I squeezed her hand gently, the retriever giving me a hungry look but composing herself as she nodded.

I pulled the retriever along with me as I walked over to my brother. "Sorry about that, how do you feel?"

"My wings and back are killing me, but I'll live... I can feel it's kind of like... well like a limiter or something has been removed from my spirit, but I don't feel much stronger. I know that doesn't make much sense."

"That's exactly what it is, my brother." Ichiro shifted his focus to us, still rubbing his jaw as he spoke. "It only opens the potential, it doesn't instantly just give you the power."

"We will talk more of this soon, my son. For now, return to your new home with Lorelai." The Seraph's voice called out gently.

"Rachel, I'll be in touch, we'll get you a chance to talk to him, just try to focus. We can't save him if we all get murdered, remember that. I've been waiting nearly two centuries to help him, you'll be okay until this shit is resolved with the damn fairies, okay?" I moved to the fox, gently putting a hand on her shoulder, Gloria still clutching my other palm.

"Thank you, you're right. I've my daughter and family to think of. I'll... try to be strong." Rachel gave me a resolved nod and I noted she hadn't apologized or shown any remorse for clocking Ichiro one. I gave her a smile and turned back to my brother.

"Gloria... I think you need to stay here. We'll catch up and talk more later, I promise." I gave her a small smile, holding my hand up she was holding, shaking it as if I couldn't free myself.

"Oh! I-I'm sorry Lorelai! I just-"

"It's okay, I feel the same, but you need to focus too. This needs to-"

The Seraph spoke out cutting me off, "Yes, what has transpired here needs to stay here. Please do not elaborate upon what has happened here to the Chimera or two Archvampires that await our return."

"Do not interrupt me when I'm talking to my sister." I snarled at the power but then rolled my shoulder. "Do as they say though, Gloria. That's an order from me, you keep this between us until this mess is resolved, got it?"

The retriever nodded and clasped my hands gently, her tail wagging. "Of course... go with my love, ya?am nedeni!"(reason for life)

I met her now blue eyes biting my lower lip at the Turkish phrase I'd not heard in centuries then gave a nod. "You go with my love as well, Gloria... We'll talk soon." I pulled from her as a gate opened back to my mother's domain. "You too, Rachel. We'll talk soon, so just focus for now."

Rachel put a hand to her chest over her rosary, giving me a nod as I turned and stepped back into the gate, my brother right beside me.

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