Blood & Carrots: Celestial - Episode 18

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#18 of B&C 3

Welcome back, my lovely reader!

My lovely reader! I do hope you have your seatbelt on, this is going to be one turbulent ride, a veritable hurricane of drama, sex, and reveals! I've said we were getting close to where Silverpaw left off, well that time is now upon us!

I just simply can't blather on more about how excited I am to present you with this episode, but I also won't ramble on and spoil things either. Lorelai has quite a time ahead of her...

Let's jump right in!

Welcome back, my lovely reader~

Being a writer is my dream job but it has full-time hours and doesn't pay the bills. I want to keep writing these stories for everyone to enjoy and your support on Patreon or Ko-Fi helps make that happen. Patrons even get to see stories a week early to avoid all that pesky waiting. I also appreciate non-financial support like faving, voting, and following me here or on Twitter. Thank you so much for your continued support! Please enjoy the episode.

And with that out of the way...

Welcome back, my lovely reader!

My lovely reader! I do hope you have your seatbelt on, this is going to be one turbulent ride, a veritable hurricane of drama, sex, and reveals! I've said we were getting close to where Silverpaw left off, well that time is now upon us!

I just simply can't blather on more about how excited I am to present you with this episode, but I also won't ramble on and spoil things either. Lorelai has quite a time ahead of her...

Let's jump right in!


Episode 18:

I'm taking my fox back!

Things progressed rather quickly and a few days later, I found myself on a little errand in the Faemarch to retrieve a shard of power from the summer spirit's domain. I'd like to say it went off without a hitch but, what with nearly being killed by magical boobie traps and two Great Spirits, it was eventful, to say the least.

"Do you think Triallia is weaker than you anticipated, or perhaps your family is stronger than you gave them credit?" My mother hummed the words while lounging on her throne.

I gave her an annoyed sigh. "Mother, I never assumed my family was weak and helpless. As a matriarch to them, knowing they can stand without me is actually a point of relief and pride."

"So you're not just a glory hound seeking to save the day?" She gave me a challenging grin as I glared at her.

"I'm no hero, nor did I ever claim to be! I do what I must, and if problems are solved without my intervention, all the better! I do not relish wading into conflict, I simply wish mine and my own to live happily." I folded my arms, frowning at her widening grin.

"I'm sure you were eager to test yourself against her though, weren't you?"

I wouldn't deny it, I was furious over what my sister did for a multitude of reasons, that being one of them. I sighed and shook my head before responding, "Perhaps, I was also surprised she knew my full name."

"Don't be. You are a being of exceptional power, it stands to reason one of the Great Spirits would have heard of you." My mother sat up and pushed her fingers through her long flowing hair in a haughty flourish. "You've grown mighty thanks to my intervention, my child."

I sneered at the words but said nothing as I looked away. She acknowledged my stance and quirked a brow. "It will come to a head soon, will it not?"

"Yes, within a day we are slated to meet for negotiations. I know how fae work though, they'll have more at play than they let on." I looked back at her, seeing her give an approving nod.

"You're wise to keep your guard up. Their kind is notorious for laying contingencies into place. Even now my information tells me vast amounts of gate activity has been felt throughout the greater Faemarch, most notably, all areas with the exception of... Spring."

I clicked my tongue at that. "Interesting... You think it's an internal power struggle? Perhaps they plan to capitalize on this? Strike against Triallia while she's busy with us?"

"I do... I'd tell you to forewarn the magi, but knowing them, they're already aware of it." My mother sighed and rolled her eyes. "Though some members of your family may be shocked by it. If things turn, I wish to have your brother on standby, he will join you, he didn't endure the torture of ascending to simply have bigger wings."

"Speaking of that. Was that your plan all along? The Seraph-"

"My daughter, I am a powerful being but even I cannot see into the future. I saw an opportunity and took it, I was not privy to know if he would ever have the opportunities he has had." She gave me a haughty smirk as she waved a hand. "I wished him turned with divinity intact so that he could still be with his family when this blew over, nothing more."

I frowned and put my hands on my hips, giving her a skeptical look. The Elder just waved my glare off with a smile. "I love and want the best for all of my family, my daughter. Even the new ones."

Looking away once more I frowned. "Did you know of Diana?"

"She was on par with your age and power, of course, I knew of her. However, if you ask if I knew of the recent events, I did not. I was just as surprised as you were to know the soul of your sister now resided in that cute little dog."

"What of the others? Do you think the rest are now amongst them? Like Ra's." I tilted my head curiously.

"If the celestials and the Seraph can be trusted in their words. We have no way to know. It seems once they return to the cycle they cannot easily be found unless they turn towards divinity. Even then will it even be noted? How many souls are uplifted and moved through the cycle? How is one to know this one was special enough to delve into and see their past."

"I suppose that's a fair point..." I rub at my chin as I think about things.

"She makes your heart race, doesn't she?" My mother cooed out in an almost playful tone.

I gave a protesting bleat that sounded more awkward than I'd like as I glared at her with a frown. "Mother! I- ... Di- Gloria... she's got enough going on, I'll not distract her with... that is to say-"

"Relax, my daughter. Gods but you're cute when you're flustered." She showed her sharp teeth as she leaned forward, elbows on her knees. "Lost loves... even if you grew apart, nothing like death and renewal to spark the fires eh?"

"Including my fox whom I seek to save, I can count four lovers, I've enough! I am no succubus like Alice, I need no... harem!" I snarled the words, clenching my fists.

"Even you know the folly of limiting one's love, my child." My mother gave me a knowing smirk. "Follow your heart, but I think you do well in your current course to not distract the angel while we deal with these situations. Perhaps... once Triallia and her siblings are dealt with, eh?"

"Perhaps... but that is largely for Gloria to decide, I'll not be pursuing her. The initial shock of the knowledge no doubt spurred her feelings into overdrive. I will let her take some time to think, I'll not manipulate her." I poked my nose up in the air, huffing out stubbornly.

"How practical and noble of you. You're a good ewe, but don't roost too highly on that multiple lovers thing. You're allowed to love whomever you wish, Lorelai. So long as you don't hurt or neglect your other ones in the process."

I rolled my eyes and huffed out like a haughty teenager, "Thanks for the life advice, Mom." She giggled at that and just shook her head, offering me a content smile.


I stood there, watching Elias slam his fists into the packed earth before him, cursing the Great Spirit and Alice. Kazemde sighed and shook his head as he turned to the other two Great Spirits with us. "I assume you've no way to help in this situation?"

The Autumn Spirit gave the lot of us an annoyed glare. "It's not like we can tear a gate into Spring on a whim, those things take time. Your stupid rabbit just leaped into the maws of death along with your fox."

"What did you say?!" Elias snarled out, his eyes white and flames already rolling off his body.

"All the same, you forced our hands in this negotiation, did you expect sympathy from us?" The white-furred Winter Spirit showed us a small grin as he spoke and I twitched an ear, knowing things were about to start.

"The look you two currently have says you're not at all surprised by this turn of events," I called out casually as I rested a palm on my hip.

The Autumn Spirit flashed her teeth and just shook her head. "We've no sympathy for what's happening, nor will we for what happens after we deal with our sister either, just know you'll get yours for interfering."

Just like that the two of them just hopped back into gates of their own that snapped closed. Kazemde groaned and rolled his eyes as I pulled out my cellphone and sent a text message. A moment later a gate appeared before me and the sixth Archangel stepped out before the group.

"You!" Katrina and Elias yelled out in unison, the black cat drawing her revolvers and the white fox setting his stance, flames already flaring brighter.

"It's okay!" Gloria spoke out quickly, "He's a good guy now!"

"A... good guy?" Ezekiel quirked a brow at that, showing an amused smirk. "That's an interesting term to use, sister."

Gloria blushed but then growled as her tail flicked a few times and she huffed out, "You know what I mean!"

"Lorelai... explain this, quickly," Katrina spat out, hesitantly pulling her guns away.

"Quickly indeed, there's a lot of explaining to do and no time," Kazemde hissed out as three more gates tore into reality just like that. They didn't look stable, as if the very fabric of existence had just been ripped away, odd tendrils of it hanging down in the gaping maw of the portals.

"You'll get the full details later. He's with us, he has been for a while!" I spat the words out as I gave Kazemde a nod. "You're the mastermind here, tell us the plan, Archmage."

"As you've all guessed, the Great Spirits have deceived us." The cobra showed his rows of sharp teeth as he flourished a gloved hand towards the trio of gates. "Or perhaps more accurate to say... attempted to."

Alex had already shifted into his wereform, clenching his massive paws. "Tell me what I need to kill then!"

Kazemde puffed his hood out with a hiss, "Enthusiastic, I can appreciate that. The other spirits are no doubt making a play for power. They've amassed troops near a massive closed rift. They no doubt intend to bring a joint strike-force against Triallia."

"Where's the worst of it?" I spat out with a snarl, hands already resting on my longsword and wakizashi.

Kazemde jerked his head towards the portal that was giving off the coldest air. "Winter has the worst of it, followed by Summer, then Autumn."

"Elias, you are with me. Ezekiel, take the other Celestials and deal with Summer." I gave Kazemde a nod. "You take Katrina since she is a mage now like you, Alex will back the two of you up."

Kazemde nodded as my brother joined me. "Your distribution of our forces is wise, but will you and-"

"We'll be fine, let's go!" Elias snarled the words as he slammed his flaming fist into his palm. I gave him an approving nod as me and my brother stepped into the winter gate.

Stepping into the bitter cold air we were atop a hill overlooking a plateau full of various troops. To call them troops would be a stretch though, there were some humanoid figures with armor and weaponry, but most were various beasts or monsters straight out of fantasy books.

"Gloria and Sarnai told me there were ogres and such when they first encountered Triallia, but I didn't expect this..." Elias growled as he whipped his tail about.

"No doubt about it, that's a fucking dragon in their ranks, it'll be pretty impressive to tag 'dragon killer' onto our list of accomplishments, brother. Our vixen is going to be quite jealous." I showed him a knowing grin.

"My lady... Lorelai... thank you for never giving up on her, thank you for-"

"Save that mushy shit for later, Elias. We aren't dying here, now let's move!" I gave him a reassuring grin as he nodded and offered his hand. I pushed my hand into his own grip, mixed flames rolling and mingling as I laid my other hand atop our clenched firsts, offering him a nod before we broke off to rush the unsuspecting troops.

I sprinted down the hillside as my brother sprang high into the air. The fae didn't even realize they were under assault until a massive firestorm of divine light washed down over the middle of their unit, burning several dozen to ash instantly. My own blades were drawn as I closed in, my vision hazed red, a mad grin on my face as I began cutting right through the troops before me.

Elias landed with another explosion of flames before ripping his way through the beasts and soldiers. I'd like to say it was an epic battle, but most of the creatures were already driven into a panic from the sudden assault. The blue dragon wasn't impressed though as it turned on us as we cut a path to it.

The thing was easily the size of a small office building and as it reared back, I and my brother both had enough common sense to blur far to the side as a massive cone of super-chilled frost blasted out, freezing all the fae in its path that had still been near us. Their bodies were instantly frozen solid then shattered and flew apart from the sheer force of the blast, the very air shuddering.

I showed a wide grin as I realized the cone of frost was tracking me. "Ha! Nice attitude, but I'm not even trying to move at top speed!" With a cocky grin, I simply kept leading the dragon to chase me while it kept that gout of ice breath up.

Elias capitalized on my diversion, sprinting up the dragon's back, the monster realizing too late as it halted its breath to move its massive head back. The fox sent a diving kick into the back of its skull as it turned, a burst of divine flames following as it roared in fury, reeling from the blow.

"All show and no go, eh?!" Elias barked out with a smirk as I was already atop the beast myself, maroon blades flashing in streaks as I danced all over its massive body, leaving wounds in my wake.

Once we were on top of the thing it didn't stand a chance. Between my brother's divine flames and my own blessed-bloodsteel weaponry, the dragon eventually collapsed to the frozen earth in a lifeless heap.

"Not an experience I ever thought I'd have, that was something straight out of a movie." Elias frowned as the few surviving fae scattered in various directions, the whole battlefield littered with ash and frozen corpses.

"Or something out of an action romance serial that takes itself entirely too seriously," I sighed out while folding my arms.

"That was oddly specific, my lady." Elias smiled at me as he doused his flames.

"Yeah, well, we are-" I gasped out as the very earth shifted under us, both I and my bother darting away as a massive rift seemed to just open up beneath us, swallowing up the dragon's body along with several dozen of the various dead troops.

Blinking down I lifted my ears as I saw a huge field of flowers and more importantly, Alice and Sarnai.

"Sarnai!" Elias shouted out, then we both shared a shocked look, realizing they were standing with Triallia, facing down the other three Great Spirits.

"Elias, let's go!" I leaped into the rift, gingerly landing atop the dragon, glaring down at the trio of spirits, showing my teeth in a snarl.

"No, w-what?" The snow-white fox looked up at me with his jaws hanging open in shock.

"Oh, this? It got in my way along with the rest of the riff-raff in there, so..." I snorted out as Elias dropped down right next to me, his flames ablaze again, his teeth showing in a snarl. Frankly, I think he was just trying to look cool for his girls as they called out in relief to see us both.


The Taint of Ancient Blood:

The Elder race of vampires does not follow quite the same rules as their children do. Whereas the younger generation may subsist on mundane blood, the Elder race has a far crueler fate and must drink the blood of their own turned children. Like their younger progeny, they must also endure the mad cries of death from their hunger, only magnified a hundred-fold.

If a younger vampire feeds upon an Elder, like when they first turned, they will succumb to a fury of hunger. There is no controlling this madness no matter the fortitude, the hunger will be all-consuming for several hours to days. Assuming the younger vampire survives, they will be forever cursed with the same hunger as the Elder, needing to sustain themselves on the blood of their fellow vampires.

At first, a younger vampire may still find mundane blood slakes the hunger, but if they keep partaking of Ancient blood, they will slowly find they draw less and less satiation from mundane blood. Eventually, they will be forced to sustain themselves on only vampiric blood. However, Ancient blood is dreadfully potent and a tainted vampire will be frightfully powerful, with enhanced speed, power, reflexes, and of course, nearly instantaneous regeneration of injuries. So long as their blood supply holds out, a fully tainted vampire is nigh unstoppable.


Sarnai strode through the portal after having her little heart-to-heart with Triallia and I gave her a smile. "Everything go well?"

"It did, she's alright when you get down to it." The vixen gave me a smile then looked over at the Lion hanging around the other angels. "What's up with that guy?"

Elias and everyone else but Gloria set me with an expectant look as I sighed, "I guess I've got some explaining to do..."

"Do you plan to explain... everything, now?" Alice tilted her head curiously, several eyes settling on her.

With another sigh, I folded my arms and gave a nod. "Yeah... let's get back to house Blackpaw, then I'll explain everything..."

I sat down and took a few hours to explain everything to all of them, bringing my family fully into the light for the first time with Ezekiel and Rachel sitting in on it. At times I watched Sarnai and Elias grow angry, at others remorseful, both of them looking especially shaken when I revealed the details of Charlotte to them.

Elias climbed from his seat and paced away, looking very introspective as he moved to look out the window of the room. "So... if what he tells you is true... Not only Rachel but... had he not intervened, I would have even..." I watched him clench his fists, coming to grip with it all, the fact he almost murdered even his wife.

"Elias, you must not. You weren't in your mind and none of us resent you for that." Rachel moved over to him, putting a hand on his arm.

"It's true, please do not add to your torment, my love." Sarnai flanked his other arm, both mother and daughter comforting him.

"I told Ryder sometime ago upon discovering the details myself. Rest assured he does not resent you, my brother." I frowned as I met his eyes, giving him a firm nod.

Elias turned to face me fully, clenching his fist. "You said the very demon that holds him captive was the one that goaded me into all this?"

"So she claims, yes..." I frowned, already following his line of thought.

Sure enough, my brother thrust a hand forward. "I demand to join you when you go to save him. I owe that bitch a thing or two!"

"There are so many factors at play here, Elias. I'm not even sure if that's possible but rest assured if it is, I won't deny you that," I peaked my fingertips as I sighed.

Alice leaned forward, resting her elbows on her knees, a position I sometimes saw mother take. Even she hadn't been fully in the loop until now. "So, we have to find this Paladin's soul, then we have to find a way to punch a gate straight into hell, am I understanding this clearly?"

I smiled and nodded. "As mad as it sounds, that is precisely correct, my love."

"Well, between Bloodstone, the Magi, and the Celestials. That shouldn't be too much trouble I'd imagine." Sarnai put her hands on her hips, giving me a cocky little grin. "I'll also be joining you. I gotta help out my personal guardian angel after all, right? Get my girlfriend's long lost... boyfriend and..." She frowned as she looked at Rachel, the rest of the details dawning on her. "My moms..."

Rachel gave a bark and blushed, only seeming to just now have put that into place herself. I just sighed and rubbed the back of my head. "Look uh... Sarnai, Ryder was part of our lives long before we realized you and Rachel were related."

"I suppose... it still feels a little odd though." The vixen frowned then lifted her ears as Alice giggled.

"Oh relax, my fox. Just make sure Lorelai takes a shower after she's been with him or something. Easy as pie." The rabbit gave her lover a wink then quirked a brow. "That's what I'd do if I ever landed him or your Mom."

"Alice!" All three of us snapped at her at once, the rabbit just grumbling and rolling her eyes.

"Let us focus on getting my brother back, then you all can work out your drama. The squabbling and theatrics will no doubt be a welcome respite compared to what he's endured over these last decades." Ezekiel snarled the words as the rest of us gave a nod.

Katrina tilted her head, looking over the lot of us. "So where do we go from here? I've no stake in any of this, but you can count on me as well. You've done much for me over the years Lorelai and if it helps my master and love's family, all the better."

"Count me in on that too, Lorelai. I'd never let any of you bust into the depths of hell without me and have all the fun." Alex shoved a fist into his open palm, his tail wagging.

"All of you are too kind." I smiled and saw Gloria simply wag her tail, giving me that lovestruck look I'd known for centuries, making my heart leap as I cleared my throat. "A-Anyway... We'll need to coordinate with the Magi and Celestial's to figure out how to search for this Paladin, if they're even alive. For now, let us relax for a time, we've all had a trying few weeks and some rest will do us all good."

Things settled and relaxed after that. Even Ezekiel was treated warmly by everyone now that the threat had passed. Eventually, as the night waned and the sun rose, people started drifting. Sarnai and Elias retired with Alice. Rachel and Ezekiel returned to the citadel.

Katrina told the other trio she would be staying the night with Alex and Gloria. She was with the wolf as he looked at the retriever. "You not joining us, Angel?"

Gloria wagged her tail as she moved to the wolf, giving him a kiss, then moving down to give another to Katrina, a palm on each of their cheeks. "You two go ahead, I've some important matters to discuss with, Lorelai."

"You... have important matters to discuss with her? I didn't even know you knew her, Gloria." Katrina cocked a brow, looking surprised at the words.

The retriever wagged her tail and gave a nod. "Why yes... we go, quite a ways back, my cat."

"Huh... even I didn't know that. Well, you two hash out whatever you need to talk about. We'll be in bed when you get around to sleep, Angel." Alex gave a shrug and turned to leave. Katrina looked skeptical about the whole thing but finally wheeled around and trotted after the wolf.

We sat there alone in the guest area, sitting across from one another. I looked down at my feet, mulling on everything for several moments, neither of us seeming to know what to say to the other in this moment now that it was here.

"So... would you prefer I call you Diana, or Gloria?" I finally broke the silence as I looked up at her.

She pursed her lips, mulling on it for a moment before shaking her head. "I think... Gloria is fine now. It's still me deep inside, Lorelai, but I am a new dog."

"You are... I-" My teeth clenched as I looked away. "When I found out... I was dead inside, I was numb... I just killed and killed. I let rage and sadness feed my hunger. I lost all hope, all I wanted was to avenge you."

"Do you think that's what I would have wanted, Lorelai?" She frowned and put a hand to her chest, clasping her rosary.

"No. I know it's not... Even then, you were a kind soul shining with light. That was why I was so furious. I'm a monster, I know that, but you... you were-"

"You are no monster, Lorelai. You're just a ewe that loves her family very much... you're a mother protecting those that she has sworn to. You and I have never been so far apart, you're just more... zealous, in your ways."

I smirked at her honeyed words, shaking my head. "You can dress it up however you want, Gloria."

The retriever snarled and slapped her hands to her knees, shooting a glare at me. "Why must you always be so stubborn? You are a kind soul, Lorelai!"

"And you're too soft! I use kindness as a tool to keep my family safe, nothing more!" I snarled back, my eyes shifting to red, hers now golden.

"Is wishing to protect one's family not one of the pinnacles of kindness and selflessness?!" She retorted while showing her teeth, even though the canines weren't as big these days.

I grunted at her words and jerked my glare down to the floor, snarling as I fussed with my hands. Gloria sighed and shook her head. "Lorelai, why did we part?"

"Because you always said my methods were too harsh, and I always said you were too soft," I hissed back a response, refusing to look into her eyes.

"Do you still feel that? Do you feel my methods were wrong?"

"It got you killed, didn't it? Kindness didn't stop the flames or sunlight." I met her eyes with a hard glare. "It took you from me and tore my heart apart!"

Gloria frowned as she stood and moved before me, dropping to her knees. I hissed out and jerked my gaze from her, but she moved a hand to force me look upon her. I gave her another glare as the tears rolled down my cheeks, then I blinked as I saw she had her own tears showing.

"I don't regret how I lived that life, or this one. My only regret, Lorelai... the only thing I thought about when the sunlight bathed me and I felt myself starting to burn... was you. I desperately wanted to tell you I loved you, tell you-"

"Shut up!" I sobbed out and just threw my arms around her, feeling her hug me back as I shuddered. "Just shut... up... I should have stopped it... weak... too fucking weak!" I screamed the words into the crook of her neck, feeling her just hug me all the tighter.

"No, you shut up, dumb sheep!" She barked back playfully as I grunted at her tone, snorting at the playfulness of it, unable to do much more than laugh through my sobbing.

She leaned back enough to get her forehead to my own, her eyes closed as her head gently shook. "I'm here now... I'm a little different, but it's still me, so don't worry Lorelai, I'm okay and so are you."

My hand trembled as I pushed it to her cheek once more, parting my lips to speak, but then she pushed forward, pressing into them. My body jerked from the forced kiss, then I just melted into it, wrapping my arms tight as my head tilted, our lips parting so our tongues could gently explore one another.

The emotions washed over me, I couldn't even process what was right or wrong, only that she was here and with me. Our kiss deepened as if we each needed to validate the other was before us, little growls coming from the retriever's throat as my own fingers tangled into her soft curly hair.

"Lorelai, let us retire to one of the guest rooms." The tone told me It wasn't a request as the kiss broke. She climbed from the floor grasping my wrist and lifting me from the small loveseat I had been seated on. I gave a soft bleat as she pulled me right along, looking supremely confident as she moved, my heart now pounding as I looked up at her.

My ears flipped as I stumbled a little to keep up with her. "W-Wait a second, Gloria, is this-"

"No no, I know you, Lorelai, you'll sit here and try to analyze this into the ground! I know just the way to get you to clear your mind and think of this all rationally!" She barked the words, giving me a surprisingly playful grin, my heart throbbing at the view of her, the look taking me back to so long ago.

The retriever tugged me into a guest room and before I could even process things, I was thrown onto a bed with an eager dog climbing right atop me, her mouth pressed to my own as my eyes widened. Our tongues met once more and I couldn't help but moan at her confident touch, her body may have been different, but everything was so familiar.

Gloria tangled fingers into my curls, grabbing fistfuls of them along with my horns. I offered up a small bleat as she tugged hard, pulling my head away to kiss and drag her tongue down my throat. "Ooohh... old habits are strange, Lorelai... I just want to plunge my fangs in and taste you, but I don't have them anymore..." The retriever cooed out as she lapped at my throat, kissing down my collar.

I had not dressed elegantly for the day, what with wading into battle, a sturdy denim button-down top, and a ballistics jacket with cargo pants. All the same the angel sighed eagerly as she deftly plucked buttons free then unceremoniously pulled my shirt open and scooped her hands right under my bra, forcing my breasts to spill out as the retriever gave me an excited gasp, her tail wagging harder. "Ha! I forgot how lovely and sizeable they were!"

"D- Gloria...ngh!" I winced as she snapped right down on my left breast, a hungry growl filling her throat. My tongue lolled slightly as she blinked up at me, sucking and rolling her tongue against my sensitive peak. The dog always loved my breasts and when we were together she played with them constantly, even sleeping on them most nights.

I panted and tangled my own fingers into her slightly curly hair, grabbing fistfuls then bleating out as she worked my pants open frantically before she pushed a hand right down into the front and past my panties. My sharp teeth snapped together as her fingers went right to work, stoking my fires expertly while she teased my pearl.

"Gods, Diana!" I snarled out her former name, jerking her mouth from my breast as she forced me to crest, teeth clenched and my eyes red. The retriever just lolled her tongue lovingly, wagging her tail, looking blissful that she had brought me pleasure.

"Can't narrow a name down, Lorelai?" She growled at me and leaned in kissing me once more as I felt her peeling my pants and panties right off, my hips rising to let her do as she pleased. I was through resiting, I needed her.

"S-Sorry... it's just, so intense..." I whispered the words against her lips, my own hands now at her heavy jeans, jerking the zipper open and frantically peeling them and her panties clear, the retriever humming as she shifted her hips to help aid me.

"Don't be sorry my love, my sheep..." Gloria growled the words as she climbed right into an all too familiar position with me, her legs tangling with my own. My hips thrust right up as soon as she was set, not wanting to wait for her touch.

The angel showed her tongue, looking blissful as our bodies met and started to grind, her black wings spreading out wide, her tongue soon lolling out of her own mouth. I gave her an excited grin, my eyes red as I kept working, snarling through my clenched teeth. "C'mon Gloria... ngh... give it to me... hurry up!"

"Y-yes my love!" Her slightly bigger body shuddered and she gave the same cute little barking moan she did when we were together all those years ago. My own tongue lolled as my heart soared to hear her pleasure, my own body responding in kind, our mixture of love dripping from us to the sheets.

"Lorelai! I love you! Gods I love you... I'll always love you!" She panted the words in a frantic almost desperate tone, her hips seeming just as eager as her words, grinding fast and hard against me.

"Y-You too! Gods... I love you... I'm so sorry... I'll never ever let you go again! You're mine and don't forget it!" I snarled the last words out my eyes burning red as I shoved my hips back, grinding just as intently.

"Ha! Yeeessss my sheep... and you're mine as well!" She fired back, both of us giving excited grins, her eyes gold, mine red, then we both lolled our tongues once more as our bodies gave in together.

We spent a good long while on one another before we finally collapsed into bed together, exhausted, sore, and thoroughly satisfied. Diana, or, Gloria as it were, snuggled right up to me like she always did, arms wrapped around me, head resting on my breasts while I gently rubbed a hand against one of her drooped ears.

"Lorelai... mmm... I love you so much..." She sighed the words while hugging me tightly.

"You too, I love you Gloria... I'll work on not calling you Diana so much, but it's so intense..." I sighed and hugged her tightly while she clung to me.

"I don't mind." She hummed out and leaned up to kiss me before settling against my chest once more.

We laid there for several minutes before I heard her drift off to sleep. I glanced down at the retriever, remembering when she was a collie that was clinging to me, but it was that same loving face even if a little different now. This wasn't my intention, I was going to tell her we should keep it in the past, she should focus on her present lovers, not get wrapped up in me again. Yet Diana was always so forceful, so passionate, she loved me as I told my lover Alice once to do, like a hurricane.

My teeth clenched as I thought about it all, him still imprisoned, me here with my long-lost love in my arms. I had gained so much these centuries, power, friends, and lovers, yet he was stagnant. More tears came to my eyes, I really did cry more than I'd like these days.


Sarnai Blackpaw:

Wielder of Hellfire; Sarnai was the head of house Silverpaw before she took her current position as the joint head of Blackpaw with her husband Elias. She struggled with uncontrollable nightmares for most of her existence, which slowly drove her deeper and deeper into madness she constantly fought against.

Alice Blackpaw was able to delve into her heart and working together with the Chimera, Sarnai confronted the madness. The shard of her soul became as a sister to her and has its own sentience and thoughts, though they are highly in line with Sarnai's. Likewise, her 'sister' is aware at all times, able to feel what she feels or commune with her. This twin-soul condition allows Sarnai to draw power from her other self, further enhancing her Hellfire and martial prowess.


One week later.

My feet stepped down on the soft field of grass from the gate I exited, the wind tossing the heavy braid behind me as I started walking through the flowers. My hand rested on my wakizashi, my other at my side.

"It's only been a week, Lorelai Tahmineh, yet you seem eager to already enjoy the fruits of this new peace we have made." The Ninetails seemed to simply fade into existence, walking past me, her myriad of tails rolling and swaying.

I gave her a neutral gaze as she turned to face me. "I'm going to get right to the point if that's alright with you, Triallia." A small grin showed on her muzzle as she simply waved her handpaw, as if to go ahead.

"I need to get to the lowest level of hell."

The Ninetails gave me a curious cock of her brow, then barked out a laugh. "I'm sure you'll get there on your own once you finally drop, vampire. I've heard tales of the rampages you've went on, even a killer of an Archangel. Is there really anywhere else you would end up?" She gave me a crooked grin.

I rolled my eyes at the statement. The annoying truth was the celestials would probably get involved rather quickly at this point if something happened to me. "Not quite what I mean, Triallia."

The fox unceremoniously flopped right down on her backside in the field, bracing on her paws and leaning back into the mass of her tails, as if getting comfortable for a story. "You mean you want me to punch a hole from the Faemarch straight into the lowest levels of the underworld. I understood your request just fine, Lorelai Tahmineh."

"Can you do it? Yes or no." I snarled and showed my teeth as I spoke.

Triallia perked her ears and tilted her muzzle up. "Yes."

My eyes widened and she saw my composure shift slightly, her smirk growing wider as she leaned forward, resting an elbow on her bent knee. "Why would you go there?"

"You want the long or the short version of that answer?" I folded my arms.

Triallia giggled and shook her head. "Do I look busy?"

I sighed and composed myself, then proceeded to explain in detail about Ryder to her. I told her about the demon, my training, his brother, and everything in between. The Ninetails' grin never seemed to leave her muzzle, her tails wagging as if she were quite enjoying the tale.

"My my my... Your life is quite a complicated mess, Lorelai Tahmineh." Triallia gave a little growl as she picked herself up, brushing the flowing robes off. "You need to find a key to that lock though, yes? I can't punch a hole into a location unless I know where I'm... punching, as it were."

"Hence why I explained about the other Paladin." I waved a hand with a shrug.

Triallia gave me a curious look. "Ah, so the other Paladin... oh yes, I must be getting old for not putting that together myself." She rubbed at the underside of her muzzle in thought.

"So finding the Paladin is one issue, but for now, can or... should I say, will you do it?" I tilted my head, feeling my heart pounding, I had found a way it seemed, but I was dealing with a Great Fae Spirit here.

"Mmm... I don't think so." Triallia waved her handpaw and turned from me.

My teeth snapped together and I sprang forward, cutting her off as I met her eye to eye, my own already red. "Why!? I've waited nearly two centuries to find a way! At least give me a reason!"

Her green eyes seemed to burn with fire as she growled out the words, "I'll not waste my energy to watch you sacrifice yourself, Lorelai Tahmineh. Go prance around in the sun if you wish to die so readily."

She pushed past me, shoulder checking me slightly to step aside as she strutted on by, even smacking my chest with a tail on the way. My teeth ground as my eyes burned and I even saw red start to creep into my vision, my ancient blood feeling like it was boiling at the commentary.

Triallia looked over her shoulder with a toothy grin across her muzzle, seeing what she had done. "Did I... hit a nerve, sheep?"

I clenched my fist before slamming my foot to the ground, a small wave of force and Hellfire spreading forth, burning away the grass near us. "I've been enduring basically being murdered and revived for the better part of two centuries, do not turn your back on me and say I'm too weak!"

The Ninetails fully spun to face me, her tails fanning out as her bared footpaws seemed to leave the ground just a few inches. "Kalinae, the first daughter of the lord of the nine hells and greatest demon lord of the nine Gatekeepers. You, a mundane-born vampire, think you are a match for her?"

"My sister was able to keep up with you, was she not?!" I flung a hand out, flames rolling off my fingertips as I snarled, feeling the rage fully grip me already. "I am a match for the bitch! I have to be, for him! He's suffered enough and I will save him, even at the cost of my very soul!"

"Your resolve is commendable, Lorelai Tahmineh. Let me tell you something interesting... are you curious about the fates of my siblings and the seasons to come?" She lifted a flaming handpaw to her muzzle, extending a padded-finger to rest on her jaw, tilting her head inquisitively at me.

"Sure... let's hear it." I scowled the words and shifted both my hands to my hips, flames still rolling off my body.

She gave me a wicked grin across her muzzle, looking predatory, her eyes shining. "Your sister told me to be gracious if possible, keep in consideration it could have been me... I took her advice."

"So you aren't going to brutally torture them and take all their power?" I folded my arms, quirking a brow.

"Oh, I put them through sheer mind-bending agony for over three days in retribution. Doubly so for my brother of Summer, at your sister's request of course, told him it was for her... ship." Triallia snapped her teeth at the last word then cocked a brow. "I also only took enough power from each of them to ensure I was the dominant spirit."

"How magnanimous of you. Why this story though? I cared little what you did with the traitorous lot." I cocked a brow as I tilted my head.

Triallia barked out in a laugh and I don't mean a short clipped one, I mean she literally had a canine-like bark come with it as she did it. "Har! Why indeed?!"

The Ninetails dropped to the ground the few inches she was suspended and I felt the very earth shudder. She clenched a paw into a fist, flames as pure and green as the jungles bursting forth against her form. "You no longer stand before Triallia, Greater Spirit of the Spring. You now stand before the Empress of the entire Faemarch!"

My teeth clenched at the sheer overwhelming power that flowed from her, even greater than what my mother had brought forth. My knees were actually shaking and fear crept up my spine.

"Empress of the Bloodstone court! You meddle in powers beyond your feeble abilities, let the fox go, he is forever lost to you!" She roared the words out, a mad grin spread on her muzzle, the flames lapping all around her, flower petals drifting off them.

My eyes widened at her words, tears rolling down my cheeks at her proclamation. I wasn't enough? Had I been fooling myself all these years? Was I just a fly to be swatted away by Kalinae and made into another trophy? My fists clenched as I shivered at the thoughts in my mind.

"I am nothing like what your precious Sarnai faced, Lorelai Tahmineh... You stand before a god!" She threw her paws out flames spreading across the field, leaving wildflowers and various other blooms in their wake, the sheer power of Spring slamming into my very soul.

My teeth ground as I squeezed my eyes shut, cursing myself for the fear, cursing myself for the tears, then... I laughed. At first, it was mixed with a sob, then it became a giggle, but after that, it was a full-on deep laugh as I opened my blurry eyes, a haze of red in my vision as if I were in a bloody fog.

"Have I driven you mad, little sheep?" Triallia quirked a brow, flames drifting off her eyes.

"Nothing personal, Triallia... but I said a long time ago... fuck the gods, I'd do it myself... so to be perfectly frank, I don't give two flying fucks if you think you're a god or not!" I snarled the words, sounding cocky and full of myself, letting the ancient blood churn fully uncontested in me.

"Ha! Mad! You're simply mad and I love it!" Triallia slammed a foot to the ground, wrenching the massive curved blade off her side and tossing it aside into the newly bloomed flowers. "A trade then!"

My teeth showed in a crooked grin as I followed her lead, removing both my blades and casting them aside, knowing where this was going. My own stance set, my flames mingled as Alice would do her own, divine and unholy coming together, giving off an almost charcoal color. "Name your terms!"

"Show me the power of an Elder! Show me the power of a mother, a sister, and a lover! Show me the strength of a matriarch and the will of one who has lost everything, only to build it anew from the ashes!" Triallia narrowed her focus as she snarled, "Show me everything Lorelai Tahmineh... do that and I'll tear you a gate open, I'll even tell you where your precious key is."

"Wait! You know where the-"

"Enough! Show me, vampire! Show me and do not hold back, for if you do restrain yourself, I will kill you here and now! Those are my terms, make your choice!" She screamed the words and stomped her foot again, lowering into a stance, the very earth seeming to tremble from it.

I didn't need to think, there was only one answer. I sprang off my feet, the fox before me widening her eyes, the grin spreading on her muzzle at my answer. My fist drove into that smug face, a blast of flames and pressure following as Triallia just stood there, then cocked a brow, my fist still against her jaw.

My mouth gapped and I didn't even see her move but the blow sent me flying back, slamming into the earth, tearing up a massive swath of terrain. My vision shuddered as I tried to comprehend things, feeling the injuries quickly mend themselves before I snarled and climbed to my feet.

"Not good enough... I like you sheep, but I'll kill you if you don't take this seriously!" She was easily a hundred yards away, then she was atop me, her clenched fist in my stomach as I yelped out from the blow, staggering back, my vision shaking before she delivered a straight jab to my face that sent me toppling onto my back with a stream of blood.

I clenched my bloody teeth as her bared footpaw slammed to my chest, feeling ribs crush under the blow as I coughed out a mist of blood into the air. "Disappointing... is this the limits of your love and duty, Lorelai Tahmineh?" The Ninetails threw her paw out and her curved blade slammed into her grip as she brought the pointed edge to my throat while I glared up at her. "If it is... then this is the end of the line, he is gone to this world and everyone you love will suffer the agony of your own loss, your own weakness!"

Tears filled my vision as that blade pressed to my throat. It was too much, I should have done as my mother told me. I should have taken her power in full, mine wasn't enough, it never would be and she knew it. My own pride before even the fox I loved and desperately wanted to save.

"A shame, I thought our families could treat well, I thought you and I could be more, but my word is binding... You seem to have accepted it, any final words?" Triallia snarled as her tails rolled behind her.

"Lorelai, if I ever go fully mad, just know I'll always love you, I'll always be grateful for these talks."

"I trust you Lorelai, we'll get our fox back, I loved you even when I couldn't hold you and always will."

"You mean it, Lorelai? I'll see him again and we can save him? I'm excited to see what my daughter thinks of him!"

"You were a pain in the ass, but I never begrudged you and Ry, even kind of thought of you as a sort of buddy, you know? Get him back, and love him twice as much, for me."

I gave a shuddering sob then focused as my eyes cleared and narrowed. "Get that thing out of my face!" I hissed out and I sent a kick straight into her chest, sending the Ninetails staggering back with a curious quirk of her brow.

I climbed to my feet, rolling my shoulder before folding my arms. "I thought this was an unarmed duel? If you're keeping that sword I'm getting mine and you're going to be missing some tails soon."

Triallia gave me a mad little approving grin and stabbed the blade into the earth before springing upon me. I juked to the side from her outstretched fist, grabbing her wrist as I brought her arm down across my knee, a gruesome crunching sound filling the air as she yipped from the break.

My vision blurred with flames of red as I drove my elbow up under her jaw, hearing another break as I proceeded to push my own attack. She staggered back as I sent a series of strikes into her, using knees, fists, and even headbutting her to send her toppling to the ground.

The fox laid there with her bloody muzzle agape, the whole flurry of attacks having happened in a blink. I slammed my own booted foot down on her chest, showing a crooked grin of my own as I loomed over her. "How's that for trying harder?"

Her head shook once as her eyes refocused and she gave me an approving grin. "I knew you were holding back, you just needed a little prod!"

I gave a laugh and slammed my foot down hard, watching the fox wince before I offered her my hand. She gripped it and I lifted her to her footpaws, before stepping back from her. "I've got too much at stake to fucking roll over and die, Triallia... too many counting on me and too many debts to pay."

"Then fight like it, Kaliane won't give a care about your debts or stakes." She growled the words as she took a few steps back then set her stance, showing this wasn't done yet.

I cleared my mind, sharpened my focus, and brought my hand up, beckoning the Ninetails forward with a crook of my finger. Triallia showed me a knowing smirk and simply blurred out of sight.

My eyes already had caught the glimpse of her shin aimed for my head, my arm raising as she struck it, a gout of green flames exploding from the blow before I spun, sliding my own booted foot out in a kick. Triallia barked out as she blocked the blow with her own arm, grey flames caking my heel as she staggered back from it.

Her ears lowered as she growled, I simply gave her a grin as we both launched forward, throwing fists and drawing kicks, taking turns blocking, parrying or taking a blow just to land our own.

After several exchanges she yipped out as my fist swung up into her jaw, sending her to the ground, flames singeing her fur before she snapped her teeth, sprang to her footpaws, and dove on me. I grunted as I landed on my back, the Ninetails howling out as she sent multiple punches into my own face, stars filling my vision before I finally reached up to grab one of her paws.

Her eyes widened at my grab before she gave a yip as I twisted and broke her wrist, then rolled her over onto her own back, my teeth showing as I slammed a fist into her own forehead, stunning the Spirit before I lunged in, teeth bared as I bit right down into her throat.

"Gods!" Triallia barked out in shock as I started pulling forth her blood. I got a few good gulps in before she wrenched me off her, kicking me to the side as she staggered to her feet, growling and snarling like a wild dog as the wounds started healing, blood all over her greenish-white fur at her throat.

I licked the blood from my teeth and gave her a bloody grin. "You get free energy being here in the Faemarch, I have to do something to keep my reserves up."

"I should count that as using a weapon and get my sword!" She barked out and thrust a padded-finger out at me, sounding like a fussy child that had the rules of their favorite game changed.

"Should I get mine?" I showed her a smug grin and clenched my fist before wiping my jaw of blood.

Triallia gave me an appraising look, cocking a brow once more. "You are strong... it's not all hot air after all."

"I take it this means you accept things and you'll follow through with your word?" I lifted my ears as the Ninetails just started walking over to me.

Her handpaw clapped down hard on my shoulder, claws digging in as she bared her teeth, looking me right in the face as she snarled out, "Lorelai Tahmineh, I can't say if you're up to my level without us going to the death, I'll say this though. Don't talk, don't parlay, when it happens, go in with one and only one intent."

"To put the bitch down?" I cocked a brow and the fox's sharp toothy grin told me I had the right idea about it.

She pulled her paw away and took a few steps back, swinging an arm out as the flames left her. "Let's be clear on something. There are some restrictions with plowing straight into the underworld, Lorelai Tahmineh."

"Do tell." I moved to collect my two blades, pinning them back to my hips.

"No celestials allowed for one, unless they've fallen." Triallia shrugged.

"Why is that? I heard the same thing from the Seraph, has this been tested?"

"It-" She rubbed a handpaw against her muzzle. "I'm not sure, I'd need to ask my scholars about it."

"Okay, what else?" I put a hand to my hip as I sighed. That was pulling a lot of our firepower out of the chamber if it turned out to be true.

"I can only manage so strong of a gate, I'd not be able to send over more than a pawful, maybe four to six. That's one of the deepest regions of the underworld."

"Damn it..." I clenched my fist with a growl. "So it'd have to be me and a few others of my choosing eh?"

Triallia nodded her head. "After you and Alice, yes."

I gave a bleat at that and narrowed my eyes. "Wait, why would Alice have to go?"

The Ninetails slowly blinked upon me then tilted her head. "Lorelai, if I'm creating a gate, she has to be the first one to go as she's the key."

I had to blink at that a few times before I shook my head, my brain catching up to the words. "Wait- Are you telling me, that Alice-"

"Yes, why did you think I called her the messiah of your race?" Triallia folded her arms and huffed out. "I thought it strange you mentioned still seeking the soul of the Paladin when it's clearly-"

"How is it clearly there?!" I shouted out, huffing and snarling as I tried to process all this.

Triallia sighed and shook her head. "A chimera as you call them, is a twin-souled being that has been tainted with both demonic and divine energy then turns from life. Think about it, you said the former Paladin languished in the underworld for centuries, then returned to the celestials and chose to return to the cycle. Alice was corrupted long ago, but you can't take the powers of a Paladin from a soul, even in death. She resumed the cycle tainted and divine. When she turned, the pieces all fell into place."

"Then... but... the Seraph have met her, Triallia, that can't be possible, surely they would have instantly felt that power!" I clenched my fist, unable to believe this.

"No, the Seraph would have to actively be looking for it. At first glance Alice would appear to just be an odd vampire or succubus. I thought I felt the powers in her but all doubt was removed when she came to... visit me, the other day." She gave me a hungry grin and wagged her myriad of tails.

"If this is true... should I take her to see the Seraph?" I frowned but felt my heart starting to beat harder, if this were all true, I had all the pieces at long last.

"You should, yes. Only they could awaken her full power once more and you'll want her at full strength when you go to liberate the other Paladin."

"Gods... this is so much to take in... I- Thank you, Triallia, truly I mean that... I owe you so much." I gave her a strong look as I nodded my head.

"Our families are allies now, it is something I'm happy to give. Understand though that I cannot join you in battle, I will be forced to hold the gate open. I can only do that from here in the Faemarch."

"I understand..." I rubbed my chin in thought. "This may not be your expertise but what about a lost soul? Ryder's lover Charlotte supposedly gave her soul up for all these plans to go through."

"Souls given for trade are property of the Lord of the nine hells. You'd have to ask him or Kalinae. Mundane souls wouldn't get much worth, but a former Archangel? That would most certainly be a prize the Lord would want."

"Does this lord even have a name?" I cocked a brow.

"Does your mother?" She fired back while folding her arms.

I frowned at that as Triallia continued. "Names have power, good and bad. However having no name, means you can never be truly bound or summoned. To answer the question more simply, if they did have one, it would be so buried in the sands of time it may possibly never be spoken again."

"Damn it, so I might have to not only deal with Kalinae, but her father as well?" I snarled at that as I rubbed my head.

Triallia bust out into a fit of giggles at that, then shook her head and snorted out another laugh before slowly frowning. "Gods... wait, you're serious aren't you?"

I frowned at her but nodded. "Of course I am. I have to get Charlotte's soul back! Kalinae started this shit, isn't there some kind of clause I can work with here?"

Triallia rubbed at her muzzle and sighed. "I don't know, I don't know everything, Lorelai." The tails rolled behind her as she mulled on it, then gave me a nod. "Go home, sort things out with Alice. Come see me in a month's time, I'll see if-"

"A month?! My fox has been trapped for-"

"And he'll wait a month longer! You waited this long, don't rush in foolishly, sheep! I'll set my scholars to work on this issue with Charlotte's soul and celestials traveling there, but best we conclude our business in one trip, I can't assure you we'll be doing it again."

"Fine... will there be retribution for this?" I tilted my head curiously.

"Depends on how it goes down. They're as big on contracts as we are. If we can find a fault in one, we can work with the soul problem. Kicking the door in to get Ryder back is a personal affair, it'll garner no retribution from the Lord."

"Wait... isn't he going to be pissed when I kill his oldest daughter?"

"So sure you'll kill her, Lorelai?" Triallia smirked at me.

"Yes. Now answer the question." I snarled and put my hands on my hips.

Triallia gave a whistle, which I wasn't even sure she'd be able to do with a muzzle like that. "You are feisty, no wonder those other girls like you." The spirit gave me a surprisingly hungry look before continuing, "He didn't come after you over his son, he'd not over Kalinae. Demon nobility are very much about being self-sufficient. A demon lord would sooner be struck down than ask for help, the honor in death would far outweigh the option of humiliation in life."

"Alright... I guess I'll go talk to Ryder about all this. But first, it looks like I've got a meeting with Alice and the Seraph."

"And I've got a lot of history to look over and scholars to prod awake. One month from today, agreed?" Triallia extended her handpaw and I grasped it in a firm shake, my other hand moving to hold it as well.

"Thank you... I mean it... I'll find a way to repay you for-"

"We could have sex." The fox barked out playfully and wagged her tails.

I gapped my jaws and blinked at that. "A-Are you serious?"

She chuckled and pulled from the shake. "I'm not, it just seemed like something your lover would say as I was trying to lighten the mood, Lorelai."

I noted she didn't use my full name and I smiled upon her, my eyes looking her body over. She was around my height which was always a nice thing to have in a lover instead of being the short one. Her soft fur was thin so you could see her curves and muscle tone just as easily as any other female. She had lovely sloping hips and nice perky breasts, not overly large but certainly a nice handful.

"Ah, you look upon me similarly to how Alice does! Perhaps I'll make it a request once this is all settled, perhaps you'll even bring Ryder along, we can celebrate his liberation in my chambers." She barked the words playfully and I grunted at them, feeling my cheeks starting to warm at the idea.

"One month hence, Lorelai... take care of yourself." She gave me a toothy grin that looked hungry and then like that, I was standing in my mother's chambers, the Elder giving a slight jump at me just suddenly being there.

"Lorelai! You startled me! O-Oh... I can't say I've felt that in some time... why, thank you very much!" She spoke the words with a grin, putting a hand to her chest. "You look confused, what weighs on you, my daughter?"

I met her red eyes and frowned as I stepped over to her. "Many things uh... hey can I... uh... hug you?"

She gave me a beaming smile and was atop me at once, drawing my face into her chest, embracing me as her hand stroked down the back of my head. "Of course my child, you are safe, talk to me..."

I shuddered at having her hold me, letting my guard down as I sobbed out. "Gods... mother... I- I've found a way... I'm..." I hugged her closer, snarling into her chest as the tears burned my eyes, my vision filling with that haze of red, "I'm taking my fox back!"

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