Blood & Carrots: Celestial - Episode 20

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#20 of B&C 3

Welcome back, my lovely reader!

We're finally here, my lovely! This is where it all comes to a head. Lorelai has prepared and planned for decades for this moment, now she has but to take that final step and try to right this wrong against her.

There's a lot to unpack and I won't keep you with my rambling, so...

Let's jump right in!

Welcome back, my lovely reader~

Being a writer is my dream job but it has full-time hours and doesn't pay the bills. I want to keep writing these stories for everyone to enjoy and your support on Patreon or Ko-Fi helps make that happen. Patrons even get to see stories a week early to avoid all that pesky waiting. I also appreciate non-financial support like faving, voting, and following me here or on Twitter. Thank you so much for your continued support! Please enjoy the episode.

And with that out of the way...

Welcome back, my lovely reader!

We're finally here, my lovely! This is where it all comes to a head. Lorelai has prepared and planned for decades for this moment, now she has but to take that final step and try to right this wrong against her.

There's a lot to unpack and I won't keep you with my rambling, so...

Let's jump right in!


Episode 20:

Hell Hath No Fury

"I didn't think this would work, it's quite an odd sensation to be walking around and moving my body after so long." Ryder slowly wagged his tail as he awkwardly paced about the bedroom.

"Well, Kazemde was able to give the enchantments on the stone a few tweaks to let me do my succubus dreamland thing. We'll need you comfortably mobile when this all goes down," Alice hummed the words, kicking her feet on the side of the simple bed in the room, no doubt what his old quarters back at the citadel looked like.

"Right, but how are you both here?" His blue eyes shifted to me, once again showing that relieved look in them to lay eyes on me, even if it was all in his headspace.

"We're in one another's arms while in bed right now. Alice can pull multiple people into this state so long as she's touching them, or in this case, we're both touching one another and the gem." I sat on the bed next to her, the rabbit leaning her head against my shoulder as Ryder walked around.

The reunion was very emotional at first. None of us had seen one another in so long. He broke down to see me again, sobbing and thanking the gods. I admittedly was quite emotional as well, Alice being the only one to keep herself composed. Then again even as Alicia, she never really was able to look upon Ryder, only feel him as it were.

"Man... you know how to pick them, love. I mean he's quite the looker, the wings just put the cherry on top! Oh, and to know him being with Toroah? Mm! I wanna get in the middle of that as much as I do you two!" Alice showed her teeth in an eager grin, Ryder's cheeks growing dark already.

"A-Alice, you're just as flirty as when you were Alicia!" Ryder awkwardly barked out a laugh and rubbed the back of his head, his massive wings still folding and stretching out, as if trying to get used to them again.

"Oh, she'll back it up too. I'm afraid once you get tangled up with this rabbit, you're fated to be a sex-crazed maniac like she is. You were doomed the moment she got in your head all those years ago." I offered my angel-fox a playful smile as my rabbit pouted at my words.

"You make it sound like I'm some kind of disease that infects you!" Alice gave a fussy glare at me.

"I mean, your chimera thing does kind of bleed off into others, love." I offered her a smile and moved a hand to rub at her ears.

"Lorelai... You've changed so much since I last laid eyes upon you." Ryder frowned as he put his hands on his hips.

"In a good or bad way, my angel-fox?" I cocked a brow at his look.

"Both..." He folded his arms, rubbing at his chin. "You seem more open, happy... trusting. However, I can see what I have done to you, I can feel the burden on your soul, the pain you bear for Charlotte and me. You've given up a lot of yourself in these centuries."

"Means to an end, my angel. Life is about change, I just hope you'll still love what I am once you're free, but if not, that's alright. Righting things will be enough." I gave him a strong nod.

"Oh stop being so dramatic, both of you!" Alice huffed as she hopped right up and flicked her tail. "Lorelai is perfectly fine and you better appreciate her, Ryder! Not that you shouldn't appreciate me either." She gave him a grin and pushed a hand to her chest.

"I am eternally thankful for each of you, as well as everyone else that has had a hand in this." He offered her a deep bow, folding his wings along his back.

Alice had a look in her eyes, one I knew very well. "Hmm... I kind of want to just have sex with both of you right here in dreamland, but..." She gave a sigh. "I suppose we should talk about the plans to come."

"Already made your mind up you're getting in the middle of us when we get him out, love?" I gave her a smirk as I leaned back a little.

"Oh absolutely, him and Rachel too if she'll let me! Toroah is a given and once we get my girlfriend's soul back, her too!" Alice started going down the list, counting on her fingers.

"I need to get you a daily planner for all this." I gave a giggle at the rabbit's enthusiasm.

"I've got a list on my phone," Alice spoke back in a matter-of-fact tone, giving me a grin.

"Alice... do you really... do you really think we can save her?" Ryder frowned as he met her gaze, both of us growing more serious at his words.

"Yes, but you have to listen to what I tell you, you've got to do as I say." She gave him a resolved look.

"What should I do then? What even can I do?"

"Val and my brother Elias will be getting in your headspace like we are now during the encounter," I called out to him as I stood from the bed as well.

Alice nodded. "That's right. My master is an expert at tearing down enchantments and barriers. Between him and your old friend, they should be able to knock you out of this torpor, as well as get those bonds off you."

Ryder showed his teeth in an eager mad grin, clenching his fist. "Gods... I'm going to-"

"You're going to do nothing," I fired back with a hard glare, the fox giving me a shocked look but then his gaze hardening into his own glare.

"Lorelai! I swore I was going to kill that bitch for everything she's put me thr-" Alice grabbed his chin and jerked his gaze down to her.

"Shelf your pride, Paladin. You play into the hands of the powers that did this to you, to begin with! Now, do you want to listen to the rest of my plan or stomp around like a child not getting their way?" She hissed the words at him, her eyes red. I knew in this headspace she was the supreme power, even if he wanted to resist her he couldn't.

Ryder gave an annoyed snarl, his wings fluffing out once she released his jaw, but he composed himself and waved a hand as if telling her to go on. Alice gave him another hard look before putting a hand on her hip.

"The contract for Charlotte's soul is that the bonds will fail and you will be offered a chance to strike against Kalinae. Should you jump in and kill her, or even just injure her, the contract will be complete and then we can't do shit for Charlotte. Even if we brought the big guy down, her soul would still be the property of the Lord of the Underworld, regardless if the position were filled at that moment or not."

Ryder perked his ears up at that, then frowned as he rubbed at his chin in thought. My fox was passionate, but he did have a level head when it counted. "So... if you guys break me out and deal with her... the oath can't be fulfilled, which means-"

"Correct. Her soul is currently in a sort of stasis, as it's not able to be claimed in earnest. It's within the big guy's possession as he's the most likely owner for it, but if the contract is nulled then he'll have to relinquish it. But hey, if he gets cute and breaks his word, all bets are off, you can help us rip the bastard apart." Alice gave the other Paladin a playful grin as Ryder showed his own teeth in a grin as well.

"That sounds good but provided this goes off without a hitch and provided we either convince him to relinquish it or beat him down. How can we actually collect her soul?" The angel tilted his head curiously as he posed his question.

"That's already in the works. The Seraph has declared her a Paladin posthumously. We'll have a sword that her soul can return to," I explained the plan as his ears perked up at that.

"So, she won't have to return to the cycle? She'll just go back to being Charlotte?" I could see his tail wagging as he processed it all.

"I mean, theoretically, yes. I was trapped for centuries but thanks to the divine weapon, I was able to restore my body, I just chose to return to the cycle. These toys are designed to hold Paladin souls, that's why I was able to return in your original sword." Alice summoned her halbert and examined it as she explained.

"Doesn't that mean she doesn't need a weapon and can just piggyback on one of yours?" I cocked a brow as I mulled on it.

"Better to have it and not need it, love." Alice frowned and met my eyes. "Kalinae is terrifyingly powerful and I don't even want to think about her dad. I- we didn't stand a chance back then. I'm stronger now, but I'd rather hedge our bets."

The rabbit scowled and put her hands on her hips. "More importantly, you don't have a magic sword to recover in, so you have to make damn sure you're not putting yourself in too much harm's way, Lorelai!"

My sharp teeth showed as I clenched my fist. "Don't you worry about me, Alice. I've got it all under control." I of course didn't. I couldn't be sure just how I would compare, but I also had to believe I could do this, I didn't have any other choice, we were too far along now.

Alice pursed her lips, as if she realized my thoughts but shifted her focus to Ryder. "So you understand what's at stake, yes? If we are still busy when you come out of it, you stay out of it, or you condemn Charlotte to her fate."

He winced at the statement but gave a slow nod. "I understand. Thank you for all of this."

"Oh, I've got a list of ways you can thank me, lover, and we'll get to work on it just as soon as you're back in the flesh." The rabbit huffed out excitedly, her tail flicking about.


Queen Triallia:

The self-installed Empress of the entirety of the Faemarch. Triallia is the sovereign spirit of Spring and ruled the Faemarch in an uneasy truce with her three siblings.

The mundane steadily destroying their own world began to take its toll upon the Faemarch, and being the spirit of renewal, she took it upon herself to deal with the problem. Having sensed the power of Alice amongst the Bloodstone court, she struck against them first in an attempt to neutralize the potential threat to her goals.

She was beaten back by Sarnai and Gloria with the aid of the Archangels, but Alex was mortally wounded in the encounter. Sarnai turned him in a gambit to save him while Triallia swore an oath of vengeance upon Sarnai Blackpaw for the injuries she suffered.

At a pivotal moment, Sarnai and Alice Blackpaw stood in her defense when her siblings turned their blades against her. Once the ordeal settled she took enough of their power to be the uncontested ruler of the Faemarch, but allowed them to maintain their positions and lives.

Triallia is aloof but fiercely loyal, having taken Alice Blackpaw as a lover while having a deep respect for Sarnai Blackpaw and the rest of her family. She has also shown an interest towards a particular sheep, but time will tell on that matter...


My mother showed me that same amused grin she always did as I stepped through the gate. "Welcome back, my Avenger, our hope."

I frowned at that, casting my eyes away. "Is it wise to put any hope in me, mother?"

"Come now, it's not like you to show trepidation, my daughter. Does something, in particular, weigh upon your soul?" She sat up to attention, resting her elbows on her knees.

"I just-" I rubbed my face before pushing a hand up into my curly locks, pushing the bangs behind a horn as I met her red eyes. "I've strived for this for so long, I've got a literal army at my backside in support, but- What if it's not enough?"

"Then it is not enough," She spoke the words matter-of-fact and I scowled at her nonchalant response.

"That's it?! Just dismissed and accepted?" I snarled at her, my own eyes red as my fist clenched.

"Yes. If I told you to move the ocean with your bare hands, could you do it?" She cocked a brow.

"I understand where you're going with this, but do you feel this is an insurmountable task, mother?"

"Had I felt it was an impossibility, I'd have not bothered with all of this. I'd have put you down like a mad little lamb that was forever lost to me. I'd have grieved your passing, but I'd have spared you the agony of struggling against an impossible task and slowly losing your mind."

I processed the words and gave a nod, folding my arms as I looked away once more. "Things are almost prepared. Triallia has summoned her forces, I've ordered nearly every-"

"Tell me about Charlotte." She interrupted me.

I frowned at that and put my hand on my hip. "I've told you everything I know many times over, what more is there to say?"

"Take your angel and run, no messy dealings with contracts and lords. The wolf chose her path, yes?" My mother cocked a brow curiously. "Besting Kaliane is one thing, but the lord of the underworld is very much another."

"Mother... why do you speak of this now? Why do you try to sway me in my course as the dawn is upon me?!" I shouted the words out, shaking my head, feeling confused more than anything else now.

"Tell me about her. Tell me why you wade into battle for her. All the more love from your precious fox if she doesn't return, yes? Do you do it for him?"

My mouth hung open slightly at her words. Of course, I did it for him, I know he'd go mad or try to tear the whole of the underworld apart for her. Did I only do it for him? I bit my lower lip, thinking on things. We weren't even friends, more like rivals that tolerated one another. I didn't love her, and with enough effort, I could comfort my fox and rabbit.

I sighed and folded my arms, shaking my head as I opened my eyes, the red gone in them as I focused squarely upon the Elder before me. "Charlotte is the reason this is possible, she trusted me to see it through in her stead. Yes, she made her choice, but-"

"But nothing. Go collect what is yours, leave the damned to their fate they willingly embraced. That would be the smart thing to do, yes?" She stood and then simply faded from sight.

"Liberate what is yours then risk him and all of your loved ones, for a single soul?" She was behind me, her back pushed to my own now, tilting her head as she spoke out.

"Perhaps so... Perhaps I am a fool to jeopardize them all. They trust me, they believe in me." I sighed as my eyes lowered to the floor.

"Yet, you come here, looking like a timid lamb, wishing comfort and reassurance. Then when I offer you cold hard reality, you shirk in on yourself. A defeated warrior goes into battle hoping to achieve victory." The words filled my ear and then the pressure on my back was gone.

She was just standing there before me, her hands crossed as she looked at me with a neutral gaze. "Tell me I am wrong then. Tell me I do not-"

"Shut up..." I whispered the words, feeling my eyes burn as my fists clenched hard, feeling them shake as I stood there, feeling fear and anger roll in my stomach.

My mother did as I said, saying nothing and just standing there. I took a moment to compose myself, wiping the tears from my face as I shuddered. "I swear to the gods... if I don't stop crying..."

She gave me a smile and shook her head. "Emotion is a powerful tool. What will you do, Avenger?"

I lifted my fist, meeting her eyes, my teeth showing in a snarl. "It doesn't matter what we were, I said it before and I'll say it now. I'll take back what is mine, that includes her." I brought my hand up, clenching the earring she'd given me. "I've come too far, I have to... I have to believe in myself and all those that stand with me!"

"You are a leader, Lorelai. You always have been, and though I am happy to be your confidant when you feel overwhelmed, remember... your allies will only be as strong and able as you are."

I snorted through my nose and gave a nod, punching my closed fist into my open palm, a massive wave of force spilling forth from the impact. "I am Lorelai Tahmineh, Empress of the Bloodstone court and Avenger of our people!"

"You are, you are my Avenger and my daughter." Her palms pushed to my cheeks as I looked up at her. "You have my faith and my love. My Avenger, our hope." I shuddered as her forehead pushed mine, feeling an overwhelming wave of will wash over me, my vision blurring with tears as I shook my head before throwing my arms around her.

She held me close, cooing into my ears as her hand rested upon my head. "All seasons pass, my daughter, and all things come to an end. However, your time is not yet over, you have many that count upon you and dues owed." I said nothing as I held her, feeling tears flow as I nodded against her chest while she stroked my hair.

My mother held me for several minutes, that sensation flooding into my being, the feelings of a mundane life long, long in the past, a lamb held by a proud sheep, whispers of love in my ears, oaths of protection, and immense pride for the small child in their arms. It settled into my very soul and with a shudder, I finally stepped from her arms, wiping my face.

She looked down upon me, giving a nod of her head as I met her eyes. "Your story... our story, is far from over, my daughter. Galvanize my love and that of all those at your side, temper it, use it as your armor."

I nodded again, clenching my fists hard, focusing as I huffed out. "I- I will get my fox back, and I... I will get my wolf back as well! I will also see a comeuppance paid for what those meddling demons have done to my family!"

"You will, of that I have no doubt, and so... I feel I can trust you with this." She pushed a small scrap of paper into my hand, my eyes looking it over. As my lips parted, she pushed a finger to my mouth, then showed me a knowing smile, placing another finger to her own lips.

I swallowed hard and gave her a firm nod as the paper went into my pocket. I stepped back and composed myself. "Everyone is gathering in the Faemarch, we will start within a few hours. I- I came here to see you, and to ask for one more session of training, but..."

"It is unnecessary, we both know you are ready, though I am grateful to see you as always." My mother gave a lazy shrug and I nodded.

"You have arranged all the pieces you need, there is no further preparation. Go forth my daughter, my Avenger. Go with my love and confidence in you as well as all of my children. Show the denizens of the nine hells that the Bloodstone court is not to be trifled with in the future!" She showed me a proud grin as the gate to the Faemarch opened behind me.

I gave her a haughty smile and clenched my fist once more, my other hand resting on the divine sword at my side, Ryder's sword. "I'm going to go pick my boyfriend up, Mom. I'll give you a call later."

"Don't stay out past curfew, dear!" She played along, throwing her hand up as I turned and strode right through the gate, my nose poked up, pushing my will out as I stepped into the Faemarch. Every being present turned their gaze to me with a look of respect and awe as the commander of the operation arrived.

"Kazemde, do your people have gates ready to go?" I spoke out in my council tone of voice as I rested a hand on the divine sword at my side.

The Archmage offered a bow. "I've coordinated with multiple other circle masters. We're ready to open them at a moment's notice."

I glanced back to see the collection of fae troops that spread throughout the fields of wildflowers. There were easily thrice as many from each season as there had been during the initial succession struggle. Triallia stood in full battle regalia before the other three Ninetails who were all dressed with similar armor, large curved blades at their sides.

"I trust you and your troops won't be trying anything foolish during this operation?" I strode over to the four of them, cocking a brow as I set a hard gaze upon the other three spirits, clenching my hand around the grip of the divine sword as I spoke.

"My siblings are properly collared, they'll behave." Triallia showed her teeth in a haughty smirk as she cut her green eyes back at the trio.

The summer spirit snarled but spoke up, his eight tails rolling behind him in irritation. I noticed Triallia must have not allowed him to heal the one my sister took off. "Our internal squabbling aside, the demons of the underworld have been a constant thorn in our side as well. It is high time we put them in their place."

I lifted a finger as I cocked a brow. "You're a deterrent, not an invasion force. Hopefully, this is all just a big waste of time for the lot of you. Regardless they'll know we mean business before this day is out."

I turned from them as Triallia came to my side while I moved towards Ichiro on the other side of the field. "Do you trust them to play things straight?" I cut my red eyes towards her as she gave me a nod.

"They've little choice in the matter, but even they know to strike against me now would simply be certain death. If the portal isn't held, the demons will have full access to the Faemarch."

My brow rose at that. "Triallia, you jeopardize the whole of the Faemarch on this?"

"Why do you think I tested your resolve? Also like your mother, I get bored easily and this was a fun diversion, something new as it were." The vixen showed her teeth in a grin as I gave her an understanding nod.

"Thank you, I mean it. My gratitude is-"

"Yes yes, I gathered as much the first dozen times you said it! Away with you sheep, go do your Empress thing, I've troops to threaten and morale to bolster." She poked her nose up as she broke off from me as I moved to Ichiro.

The st bernard straightened himself as best he could while clutching the staff, as if prepared to give me a salute. "Supreme Commander." He pushed his fist to his chest and I gave an odd cock of a brow as the other Archangels present did the same. Alice rolled her eyes and gave a halfhearted salute of her own.

"What's with the title?" I spoke out with a frown.

"The Paladin is the Supreme Commander in all military engagements, and she has specifically said you are the acting commander in this situation, so the title falls to you, Lorelai," Rachel explained pointedly while still holding her salute.

I snorted and clicked my tongue. "At ease then. Give me a status update."

"Each Archangel has a division of knights awaiting deployment at the citadel, the magi circles have their people in place to open gates to here." Alice lowered her salute as she brought me up to speed on things.

"Each Commander has a dozen elite knights ready to go, we've got several hundred of our Cadets on stand-by as well, ready to join the fray," Rachel gave me a nod as she explained.

"So be it. This is a personal matter and it will be addressed as such. Toroah, Rachel, and Ezekiel, you are with me. Those with the personal stakes will lead the offensive as it should be."

"Now wait just a minute!" Gloria barked out, Ichirio and Samantha looking like they had similar sentiments to express.

I frowned and shook my head. "I'm already taking half the commanders and the Paladin with me. At least some of you need to stay to coordinate. Once that gate opens the Faemarch needs to be protected, if Triallia or her siblings stop focusing to defend themselves, that gate closes and we may not be able to get back."

"Lorelai, Alice... I-" Gloria frowned and drooped her ears, looking to me, then looking to Alice.

"You didn't ascend to Archangel to play guard duty. You didn't gain all this power to watch us risk our lives. I know, my angel." Alice moved to her, grasping her hand. "You'll be able to see what's going on through the gate, I know you'll charge in and help us if it gets dire. Just watch my back, okay?"

The retriever gave a nod and moved down to give the rabbit a kiss as I tried to rein in my own emotions. "Gloria... Diana... I'll come back to you, just watch our flanks, be ready." I turned to leave her and Alice to their moment, walking to my own people next.

Elias, Val, Sarnai, and the twins were all waiting. Katrina and Alex were there as well. I offered all of them a smile as I spread my arms. "The gangs all here eh? Blackpaw and Silverpaw, united again."

Everyone offered me a nod before Sarnai stepped forward. "You know I won't let you drag my husband and brother in there without me coming along."

"I had no intention of leaving you behind. We've been through much together, my love, we'll see this through as well." I gave my fox a knowing grin, raising my fist as we bumped them together.

"So what's the plan then?" Katrina cocked a brow, hands resting on her hips.

"A simple one for me, a complex and challenging one, for you, my brothers." I met Val and Elias's gaze as they nodded to me.

"Katrina, Alex, Jennifer, and Jeremy. You will be the front line of defense while I take Sarnai, Alice, and the celestials I've chosen to assault Kalinae. If the Gatekeeper summons help, you kill it, if she starts to get the upper hand, you join us. If something starts to target Val or Elias while they do their task, you deal with it. The four of you are the only ones I'd trust with this, our lives will quite literally be in your hands, do you understand?"

"I thought it was going to be difficult, that sounds easy," Alex drolled out with a wide smile.

Katrina rolled her eyes but smiled at him, then refocused upon me with a nod. "Nothing will get past us, I'll protect my master, my brother, and my love with my life."

"Come here." Elias took a knee as the cat perked her ears and trotted happily over to the two foxes, Sarnai and Elias both embracing her as they shared a moment like Alice had done with Gloria.

Jeremy met my eyes. "Ryder saved us long ago, we'll repay that debt, rest assured my lady, even if it costs-"

"Enough of that. No one is dying this day, Jeremy. I'd not send any of you in had I even the faintest doubt you'd handle things single-handedly, let alone as a team. Do you understand?" I cocked a brow and the mouse gave me an understanding nod.

"Lorelai, my lady, my friend..." Val came to me, placing a hand on my shoulder as everything simply ceased to be.

I stood in the same outfit I had on back in the Faemarch, heavy durable flak jeans and ballistic jacket, my hands covered in fingerless gloves as one still rested on the hilt of the divine blade at my side. However, now I found myself in my own bedroom.

"You wished to speak personally, my brother?" I cocked a brow as the Incubus stood there before me, his own outfit the same as in reality, again durable heavy pants and jacket, yet somehow he still made it look like it belonged on the cover of a fashion magazine.

"Are you confident I and Elias can pull this off?" He folded his arms and tilted his head.

"I'd not ask you to do it if I wasn't. Alice wouldn't have asked you either."

"I've spoken with my brother... my lover... at length about this. He seems fully confident, said he owed Ryder this much after what he'd done to him and his life."

"Val... my brother. I've never said this, but thank you... truly. In those darkest days, you were always the light of reason. When I had to arrange the pieces so Sarnai and Alice wouldn't kill one another, you were there. When I was crushed over Ryder and Diana, you were there."

"And I will be here in the future, my lady. I simply wished to be selfish and have a few moments to speak with you alone."

"You are selfish, like another dream-hopping family member I know, but I'd not have it any other way. Let us return to the task at hand, so we can all finally enjoy some true peace for once." He gave me a nod and the dream washed away. I was standing there with one hand resting on his as he loomed over me gripping my shoulder, only a few moments having passed.

It took nearly another hour to prepare things before all was in order. I stood before Triallia and Alice while the two embraced.

"Now, you remember what I told you, my love," Triallia growled the words, pushing her snout under Alice's chin, the rabbit giggling at the display as she was rubbed against and marked with the fox's scent.

"Yes, yes, Trilly! For the hundredth time, I remember!" She cooed and pushed a hand under the Ninetails' muzzle, scratching her chin as Triallia gave little growls of approval, that mass of tails wagging in all directions.

It was interesting to watch. Less than a season ago, Triallia was ready to rampage across the mundane world, and would have slaughtered Alice in cold blood along with the rest of us. Yet here she was, working closely with us, and being so openly affectionate to the rabbit, even before all of her subordinates. Alice really did have a way with things, that's for sure.

The Ninetails cut her green eyes to mine, showing her sharp teeth as she calmly pulled from Alice and sauntered over to me, that look of hunger showing on her muzzle, a purposeful sway in her hips. "Well... Avenger... are you ready to earn your namesake?"

My fist clenched around the divine blade as I gave a nod. "I didn't ask for the stupid title, but I'll make good on it, yes."

Triallia narrowed her eyes as she gave a nod. "No reversing course now." The fox spun on her bared footpaw and stalked over to the trio of spirits nearby. "You know how this goes, if you wish to earn back any of your power I've claimed, show your fealty now!" She barked out the declaration as I saw her pull out a small dagger.

The trio drew their own blades as I watched Alice walk over to them. I looked over my shoulder, Ezekiel, Toroah, and Rachel at the ready. Sarnai and Elias stood not far off with Val. I then gave a look to Katrina, Alex, and the twins, giving their own group a nod.

"Now!" Trialla roared out the order as she plunged the dagger straight into her paw, blood erupting from the deep wound as she wrenched the blade free. The Great Spirit then proceeded to quickly outline a path around Alice, blood pouring from her wound, spilling upon the wildflowers below.

The three remaining Ninetails took up points around the runic outline of Triallia's blood as if points on a compass. The others drove blades into their paws and kneeled, all four spirits pushing bloody paws to the circle.

Triallia's eyes blazed like a green fire as she howled out in some forgotten tongue, her words coming out as clicks and barks before an overwhelming rush of power spread forth. Her tails fanned out, each one ablaze with green fire, flames literally pouring from her maw as she shouted out to me. "Remember my words, Lorelai Tahmineh, now go!"

The gate burst into life, Alice nowhere to be seen. Nearly two hundred years I'd waited for this moment, this was it. I would take back what was mine and see a great injustice undone. I drew my wakizashi and Ryder's own blade, baring my teeth as I sprang into the gate that led to the deepest levels of hell.


Alice Blackpaw:

The reincarnation of the Paladin Alicia. She is known as a Chimera, an amalgamation of various genetic bloodlines from demon, to angel. Alice can siphon lifeforce from another as a succubus would do, but she also draws forth the very essence of their powers. This is more scientific than one would believe, happening on a molecular level. The Chimeric blood absorbs the DNA signatures of the being, rewriting them into her own code to grant her the power of the being.

This means learned skills such as martial prowess or magic, cannot be obtained this way, but innate abilities can. This is how she came to possess the various foxfire powers along with Thaumaturgy. The power is a two-way street though and she can also share her newfound abilities with another she is in contact with, even bolstering the original powers of those she took them from if she wills it.

Being a succubus at her core, sex is the most potent moment for this transfer or sharing of one's essence, and Alice likes to have sex often. Being as such, her closest loved ones also share the most potent of the cycling of her powers. The power is not choosy and she can share it with any, even mundane...


My vision was already soaked in red as I exited the gate, everything seemed to move in slow motion in that instant. Alice thrusting the blade of her halbert forward, flaming wings at her back. Kalinae's eyes were wide but her body was already reacting from the sneak attack in a leap from her throne.

"What in-" The feline demon only got that much out before I was atop her, drawing both swords forward in a mighty sweep. Her staff came down to parry the blades in a brutal blow that sent her off her feet flying into the air of her throne room.

Ezekiel was already in the air, driving both his fists down atop her body, slamming her to the floor of the throne room. The cat yowled out from the impact, barely having time to rise before radiant spears of divine light slammed into her body, followed by a massive spear of hellfire. Sarnai and Toroah were already there with weapons drawn.

"Go!" I screamed out to Val and Elias the moment their feet hit the ground. The white fox and goat blurred from sight as the massive double doors of the throne room slammed open, and several armed demons poured in just in time for glittering shards of blood steel to pepper into their ranks before exploding in a mixture of hellfire and radiance.

Alex howled in fury as he tore one sentry right in half with a mighty swing of his paw, flames drifting off his form as my mice began dancing through the ranks, bodies falling in their wake as Katrina prepared more blood magic.

"I'll kill you!" Rachel screamed out as her longsword slammed into the staff of the gatekeeper, Kalinae hissing out as she tried to process everything, dodging another blow from the enraged angel just in time for Alice to slash into her back from behind, cleaving one of her leathery wings straight off.

"Payback time, you bitch!" The Paladin sneered the words as I moved to her side.

"I knew it! My little trophy has come home!" The cat gave her a wild-eyed grin as she blurred from sight, Alice also blinked out of vision as halbert met staff, both of them standing off.

"I killed you when you were a tiger, you think a fragile bunny is-" Alice lunged forward, headbutting her in the muzzle as she mewled out before she swept under her feet, Kalinae hitting the ground and giving a screaming yowl as the divine halbert drove straight down into her belly.

Her eyes hardened as she faded from sight in a burst of flames, reforming several yards from our group. "I rather like my new body, thank you very much! More fun in bed, easier to get thrown around!" Alice showed her teeth in a crooked grin as the demon narrowed her gaze upon her.

"Enoug-" A blast of hellfire slammed into her again, sending her sprawling as Ezekiel lept forward with a mighty kick that sent her tumbling into the nearby wall right under my fox. I looked up, seeing Elias and Val already at work, massive chains illuminated around the bound Paladin.

Kalinae also saw what was happening, her jaw slacking as she finally realized what was going on. "N-No! He is mine!" She blurred into the air as Toroah and Rachel met her, swords drawn. The greater demon yowled as she took a myriad of blows from the divine blood-steel armaments before having to once again fall back. She appeared several yards away looking upon the scene with a scowl, not realizing I had already beat her to her next escape route.

She realized a moment too late I was behind her, right as I ran her through with the wakizashi, just leaving it in her back as I deftly drew my other blade. She turned on me as I brought a booted foot down on her knee, hearing the vicious break as my teeth showed. I could hear the melee behind me, the others fighting off reinforcements as I raked my blades across her chest, easily tearing through the armor she wore.

"W-who! H- how!?" She stammered out as I simply ran her through with my other blade, using my freed hand to grab the cat by her hair, wrenching her forward as my teeth flashed and plunged into her throat.

Kalinae gave an unearthly scream as I took several mouthfuls down from her before she managed to wriggle free and burst out of sight in more flames. She appeared at the wall of the throne room, her eyes wide in shock as I simply collected my blades that had fallen from her body.

That's the thing about truly powerful ancient beings, when they're no longer clearly the superior entity they tend to crack rather easily. It was clear the weaponry was doing its job. Ryder mentioned how she didn't seem too phased from the original weapons, but she was clearly taking serious wounds, even her wing still gone.

"Y-You think you can just waltz in here and-" Another lance of hellfire right in her jaw sent her slamming up against the wall, chips of stone flecking away from the impact.

"Shut up! I'll not suffer through your pitiful mewling!" Sarnai screamed the words, saber drawn as she pointed it upon the demon.

"Almost done, sister!" Val broke from the dream state to call out to me as I gave a wide grin at the words.

Kalinae's eyes burned with flame as she swung her staff outwards. "I'll not let you have your way! Ngh!" She yowled out, wide-eyed as a massive burst of radiance flooded the room, Ezekiel, Toroah, and Rachel all drawing forth their divine light. I took the moment to close on her after Sarnai sent another lance of fire into her side.

Alice had her teeth bared as she finished the job she started, blurring behind Kalinae to take her other wing off before I saw the bloody tip of her halbert burst through the cat's chest. The Paladin hissed with disgust before jerking the blade free and kicking her forward where I was waiting.

I planted a boot into her stomach and drove the demon to the floor, seeing a massive set of wings fan out of the corner of my eye as the chains shattered. He was at my side again for the first time in nearly two centuries. Val and Elias were before me a heartbeat later. Ryder narrowed his eyes, opening his palm towards me. "Give me my sword."

I dug the heel of my boot into her chest, hissing as I tugged the scabbard free and passed it to my angel-fox, my own blade at Kalinae's throat. "Ha! Going to put me down yourself, my pet?! I'm proud of you for sticking to your word!" The greater demon showed a bloody grin as I shoved the point of my sword to her throat, then lifted my ears as he drew the divine blade. Its power felt magnified a thousandfold in his own grasp than it had in mine.

"Ryder... don't do this..." Alice spoke out gently towards him as the divine blade pointed towards Kalinae's chest.

"Come ooooon, don't you want payback, my Paladin?! Think of everything I've cost you, think of all the years you've lost, all the people you could have saaaaved..." She showed her teeth in a knowing smirk. "Think of the wolf I cost you."

His eyes widened at that, his teeth showing as he plunged the blade straight down, a loud thunk filling the air as it drove into the floor inches from Kalinae's throat. His blue eyes were now shining golden as he looked to me, and everyone else. His gaze then shifted back to Kalinae as he clasped his rosary and pulled the blade free.

"Kalinae, I'll not strike you down. I will pray for you. I will pray you someday can find kindness in your sad existence, and... I will forgive you." He growled the words as he stepped back, sheathing his blade.

Everyone shared a look as we all just stepped back from her. Even the guards that had been pouring in had halted their defense, everyone just in awe at the sheer magnitude of the words.

"Y-you... I- I destroyed your life!" She hissed out and clenched her teeth.

"Like with a hurricane, you rebuild. I stand with those I love and those that I call friends. What can I gain by striking you down?" Ryder spoke the words calmly as he shook his head.

"I- I cost you the life of your love! You swore you'd kill me, you have to follow your word or you will die, Angel!" She showed her teeth in a victorious sneer.

"Do I? As a celestial, I am bound by my word, but only honorable ones. Swearing the death of someone falls into a grey area as it were." Ryder looked to me and gave a nod. "Is the contract annulled?"

"Should be... go get your dad, Kalinae, enjoy living with your shame." I shoved my nose into the air, giving her a haughty smirk. Alice just flipped her off and scowled.

"You can't do this to me! You owe me at least an honorable-"

Ryder pushed his will forth, his eyes shining gold as he snarled out, "Be away from here, I'll speak to your lord!"

I gave a disapproving grunt as the whole scene just changed before my eyes, everyone vanishing along with the area. I'd clearly been pulled out of that room and now stood in quite an opulent place to be sure.

It had a massive towering ceiling that seemed to go dozens of stories up, huge ivory pillars supporting it. The carpet under my feet was a deep burgundy with spun gold trimming. The walls were dotted with paintings and the hall had various sculptures. Some of the art I even recognized, long ancient pieces thought lost to time, yet here they were.

"Admiring my collection?" The casual words pushed out with a level of power behind them that sent a chill down my spine as if these were words I was never meant to hear. My eyes looked forward, the red haze in my vision clearing as I calmed myself.

"He wants to see me... as if I'd just present myself like that." The figure sat on a very ordinary throne that reminded me of my mothers. Like my mother, he had no distinguishing features of a race and was dressed in simple robes. His flesh was smooth and well-tanned, almost bronze in color, not a bit of fur to be found upon it. Like my mother, he had blonde hair which seemed to clash with the bronze flesh, a short jagged mess of locks but just the faintest showing of horns jutting out of them.

He gave me a knowing grin as I looked him over, and I saw his teeth. Teeth I'd seen my mother flash, teeth like mine. Smooth and rounded, but for the large out-of-place canines that protruded forth. I swallowed hard as red eyes met mine with a knowing smile, he knew I could feel the pressure, knew I could feel the overwhelming fear of being alone before him.

"Perhaps... you could tell me what he wishes to speak of?" With those words, he was simply gone, just gone.

"Perhaps, he wishes to barter for something of mine?" I wheeled around, not even having felt his presence behind me, reinforcing the grip on my wakizashi at my side as he stood there. My eyes widened as I saw him resting a hand upon a large crystal cylinder. Now that he was standing I could see he easily had a few heads on me in height.

The crystal was seethrough and there was clearly a figure within it. It was Charlotte, or at least, a representation of her. The 'coffin' was only about as large as me, but Charlotte was taller than Ryder. The occupant looked like a little girl with curly blonde hair and snow-white ears, a small stump of a tail, no older than perhaps six years, but there was no doubt it was her.

He showed me a knowing grin once more, my eyes hardening as I shook off the awe and fear he had instilled upon me. My own teeth showed as I gripped the blade at my side. "You can't barter with something that isn't yours."

Another approving grin and he simply blinked from sight. I was focusing now, the red in my vision again, and felt him back at his little throne, already lounging against it as mother did her own. "That is such a disrespectful way to speak to me, daughter."

"I am no child of yours." I hissed the words as I turned to fully face him once more, drawing my wakizashi, the divine blood steel shining in the illumination of the hellfire braziers of the room.

"Ha! Is that what you believe?" He raised a finger to his chin, giving me an amused smirk. "Ah, then perhaps it would be more accurate to refer to you as my... granddaughter?"

My teeth showed in a snarl as I narrowed my red eyes. "What are you on about?"

"Where do you think your kind came from, my child? You drank of my daughter, surely you felt something... familiar, in those moments."

My heart twisted at the words as I recalled the quick tastes of her blood. It was there, it tasted like mothers, it tasted like ancient blood mingled with demonic. I felt my heart start to beat as he watched me process things.

After a few moments, I shook my head, stomping a foot as I drew my slightly longer blade, setting him with a hard glare, both swords now drawn. "It means little in this moment. You have something that belongs to me, I'll have it back!"

"She belongs to you, does she?" He gave me a smile, seeming infinitely amused by this exchange.

"Ryder is mine, and she offered her soul to him! That means by proxy she falls under my protection! She is mine and I'll have her returned to me, now!" I swung my swords out, divine radiant flames rolling off my form as he cocked a brow at the display.

"Yet she is currently in my possession, she willingly accepted-"

"Spare me your prattling, grandfather!" I sneered the title as I cocked a brow of my own. "I am aware of your agreement and it has been voided, your contract is unfulfilled and you hold something that is now rightfully mine again!"

"Perhaps, but will you invoke bygone laws to hold me to my word? Perhaps this was all a misunderstanding, Lorelai. Perhaps had I known she belonged to you, I'd have let her soul be, in a show of respect for my child, of course." He showed his teeth again, waving a hand casually.

"I can and I will invoke the ramifications of your word. Even your dark gods look poorly upon contracts being marred and broken."

"You realize you're missing a key component to declare that, do you not?" He gave me a haughty smirk, knowing he had my number, but then his eyes focused a little and I saw the smirk fade as I showed my own.

"Do I?" I clicked my tongue and spun both of my blades as I took a few steps forward. "I offer you one, final, chance... I have a divine blade upon me to take her soul, give it to me, or I'll take it by force!"

His teeth showed in a snarl as he stood and threw a hand out, a large cloak appearing on him, dark onyx-looking plates showing on his form that looked oddly similar to Ryder's own Paladin armor. "I am not someone to bluff with, Lorelai Tahmineh!"

"I never bluff, Lashimar Heirchel!" The very earth trembled at my feet as I spoke the name my mother had written on the scrap of paper she passed me. The sensation of thousands of powerful entities all looking upon me at once overwhelmed my senses. Of course, to utter a name like that, everything with half an ounce of power in the adjoining planes would feel it.

"How dare you!" He roared out as a massive battle axe formed in his hands.

"You not like that name, Lash?! Here's another one for you now that I've got attention on me!" I blurred forward as my two swords slammed into the battle axe he had brought up to parry my strike as I spat into his face, "Triallia Glitter-leaf!"

His eyes widened as he broke from my strike right as a gate ripped into reality, the Ninetails driving her massive curved sword down where he stood. She set her blade across her shoulder, a snarl on her muzzle, her other arm resting in the sleeve of her open robe, armor plates adorning her shoulders and hips. "You called, my ewe?" She gave me that same hungry grin.

"Lashimar Heirchel! Upon your own oath, I demand what is mine returned!" I roared out the terms, the very earth beneath my feet shuttering as chips fell from the ceiling as I invoked his name again. I watched the first of my kind clutch his head, taking a step back from the compulsion.

"Kazemde sustains the gate I made, he'll have it attuned soon. We must hold the line." Triallia growled the words as it was obvious Lashimar was not too thrilled with this turn of events.

"This humiliation is unforgivable!" He screamed the words, his red eyes flaming as he blurred forward. I parried the massive sweeping axe but the sheer force of it sent me flying back several yards, my boot heels digging into the floor to halt myself after I landed. Another swing was parried by Triallia sending her back a few feet before she snarled and sprang back, sweeping her own curved blade to trade blows, making him back up a few feet as well.

"Damn it!" I slammed a foot to the floor, sheathing my wakizashi, grabbing my longsword in both hands as I pushed the ancient blood in me to its limits. My vision flushed with a haze of red fog as I dove back into the melee, my long sword slamming into his battle axe.

Triallia stepped back as my blood-steel blurred in a flurry of indigo radiance, the first-generation vampire parrying and backpedaling as I drove him back several yards. My teeth showed in a sneer as he finally managed a counter, sending a blow into my longsword and sending it scattering to the floor.

"You are nothing to me, child!" He screamed out as he brought the axe sweeping forward, my eyes widening. I reached for my wakizashi but it was too fast, I wasn't going to be able to parry that blow.

"Lorelai!" Triallia screamed my name as there was a flash of blood-steel on onyx. I felt her presence against me, one I'd never mistake, her scent and growls clear in my ears as the vixen held her saber against the blow next to me.

"Who ar-"

"Bang." Sarnai sneered as she pointed a finger gun at him and let a lance of hellfire loose point-blank in Lashimar's face, taking him off his feet and sending him back crashing into his throne.

"Sarnai, gods am I happy to see you!" I showed her a grin as I quickly collected my longsword, drawing my wakizashi again.

"As soon as Kaz gave the greenlight I dove in after you. You won't let me eat a warhammer, I'm not going to let you take a battle axe." She gave me a knowing grin as Lashimar set his axe once more.

"Hmph... you reacted faster than me. I'll have to give you more credit, Sarnai." Triallia stood with us as she held her sword forward.

"I am older than oaths and honor, do you think severing the contract will weaken me?! An army could stand before me and would fall!" Lashimar screamed the words, blurring from sight as he swung his axe with lightning speed, all of us parrying and juking away but keeping up with his unfocused assault as he blinked about between the three of us.

"You talk too much!" Traillia barked out as she waved her offpaw, sending lances of emerald fire slamming into his chest.

"Seriously, shut up!" Sarnai followed as she tossed her saber to the air, focusing both hands forward as she sent a blast of hellfire into his back with the green flames.

He staggered from the double assault of flames as I sprang upon him, sweeping my blades up through the fires as I drove his axe up. Sending the massive blade up I used the opening to put a boot into his knee like I'd done Kalinae, then my blades were a whirling maelstrom as I tore into his armor and flesh.

Like his daughter, after he took enough injuries from me, he burst into flames, fading back into view several yards from us, panting and snarling. Sarnai gave him an approving smirk as she caught her saber. "The tides are turning, Lashimar!" She showed her teeth as she nodded to the gate Triallia had ripped open, fissures of blue light running along it.

His red eyes looked to the gate then us as he snarled and slammed his axe to the floor of the throne room, extending a hand as a massive corona of his own hellfire exploded out like a cannon going off.

"On me!" Triallia snarled as she sprang forward, emerald flames rolling off her tails as she erected a shield before her, demonic flames rolling off it as I and Sarnai moved behind her.

"You can't hold that shield forever, Triallia, and when it goes down I'll burn you all in the fires of hell!" Lashimar laughed out the mad words.

"Only needs to hold until my husband kicks your smarmy ass!" Sarnai barked out as the gate finally ruptured open, radiant flames bursting forth.

Elias howled out as he dove from the torn open gate, driving a flaming fist right into Lashimar's jaw, sending him to the ground in a mighty impact. The first vampire sprang to face him as the white fox juked one of his punches and sent a sweeping kick out, divine flames erupting against demonic ones.

I folded my arms and sighed as I watched the two boys in their little brawling match. "He really likes to be the hero and try to look tough, doesn't he?"

"It's hot, and I love him for it, but I'm a pirate, honor is overrated." Sarnai casually withdrew her revolver and fanned the hammer, unloading the entire chamber into Lashimar's back, of course, every bullet was caked in explosive hellfire and blessed.

Lashimar cried out from the attack right as Elias drove him to the floor with a massive haymaker of a blow, a scowl on his face.

"You gnats can swarm me all day, but you're still gnats!" Lashimar snarled out from the floor before bursting into flames and appearing above us all, leathery wings outstretched as he slammed his hands together as Sarnai had done, ready to send out an even larger blast over all of us as the black wings appeared and dove upon him like a bird of prey.

Gloria showed her teeth in a furious snarl, her own sword running the vampire through as she rode him to the ground with another heavy impact of force, darting away right as my brother Ezekiel appeared and brought a flaming divine fist down into Lashimar's face, punching him repeatedly as he roared out.

"Move!" The order was barked out as Ezekiel quickly darted aside, massive rays of holy light bombarding atop of the vampire, small explosions of the energy making the air shudder before Ichiro swung his staff out, looming over the throne room, his massive wings flapping.

Just like that, every Archangel was present. I keenly noted none of my family had arrived but Sarnai and Elias. It left me a little concerned about what was going on with the twins, Katrina, and Alex. That's to say nothing of Alice and Ryder as well.

Lashimar stood at one side of his throne room, all of us scattered about, weapons drawn, ready to bring him to heel each time he rose up. The vampire panted out but showed his teeth in a victorious smirk. "No matter... I have limitless power here. You can't kill me, and one by one, I will pick you all off eventually!"

"Return our sister, now!" Ichiro snarled the words, clenching his staff.

"We have a united front ready to march into this realm, how invincible will you be when every pillar falls that supports your power, Lashimar?" I hissed the words out as I stepped forward. "Will you give up all of your power for a single prize?"

His red eyes burned white-hot like a blacksmith's forge as he blinked out of sight, his axe coming down atop my crossed swords as I stood resolute against the blow. "Insolent, wretched child!" He spat the words furiously in my face, his large sharp teeth showing.

My forehead slammed into his own, my own teeth showing as I felt the fury of the ancient blood fully taking hold, pushing back against his strike, forcing him back a few steps. "Return what is mine, or I'll march across this realm and slay every aristocrat, starting with you!"

With an enraged roar he brought the axe down even harder as I felt my grip weakening, I let the strike follow through as I released my swords, blinking to the side as the massive blade slammed to the floor with such might it left a small crater of impact under us. Of course, my free hand grabbed his chin, jerking his head to the side as I lunged forward.

Lashimar gave a shocked look, realizing a second too late I had played into his fury for the opening as my teeth flashed.

"Stop!" An axe head of bloodsteel moved between my face and his throat as I gasped, realizing Alice was there, her flaming ethereal wings flapping as she held the polearm between us.

"Why?!" I hissed out as I broke free and bounded back several yards.

"His blood would be too much, even for you. It would be a Pyrrhic victory as it would end you both." Alice glared down at me, her eyes now gold as she shook her head.

"How would you know that, Alice?!" I hissed out as I collected my blades, seeing Lashimar was already setting his stance.

"Because I told her." Another gate opened as my mother sauntered in, wearing similarly garbed armor as Lashimar, the first time I'd ever seen her out of a robe. My eyes widened as Ryder came through the gate with her, divine flames and arcane energy coursing off his entire body.

"And so the last of my first children returns, what an eventful day to be sure." He snarled the words, shouldering his massive axe.

My mother put a hand on her armored hip. "Father, I'll not mince my words. Return what is my daughter's or-"

He blurred forward to strike but Ryder and Alice both intercepted him, halbert and longsword crossed to catch the blade, my mother giving a bored look at the massive axe blade that suspended a few inches from her face.

"Enough of your ostentation!" Ryder showed his teeth as he threw one hand out, a massive eruption of divine energy pouring into Lashimar's chest, thunder and ice coursing throught the blast as the first vampire flew through the air and slammed onto the floor.

Alice blurred forward and gingerly snatched up the battle axe, tossing it to my mother who shouldered it. The chimera gave the fallen vampire a bored look before snapping her fingers as several lances of hellfire and radiance formed above him, slamming down into his prone body as he yowled out in a surprisingly pained tone I'd not heard from any of the other injuries he'd taken.

"Commanders, take position around the room. If he resists further, we will drag him out of this fucking chamber and into the Faemarch where we can properly rip him apart!" Alice shouted out the orders as all six of the Archangels moved into position, weapons drawn.

I saw the twins, Katrina, and Alex join us from the gate, apparently, my mother had pulled all of them in to speak with them. Triallia moved to me gingerly linking an arm with mine as she pulled me to the side. "Come, my ewe. Let the father and daughter have their moment, you are safe with me, as is what is yours."

My swords slid into place and I reluctantly stepped away as Triallia moved to the large crystal, her tails rolling as she gave me a nod. "You've the divine blade the Seraph gave you, yes?"

I looked over to see my mother looming over Lashimar who had sat up now, Alice and Ryder standing over him, blades at the ready. Reaching behind me I drew forth the small divine dagger that was clipped to the back of my belt, the blade still in its sheath.

"Good, place it inside." Trialla shouldered her large curved blade, moving her other arm back into the sleeve of her open robe, as if at the ready, looking back at the exchange the others were having.

"Inside?" I spoke out curiously and pushed the blade to the surface, seeing it was malleable as if pushing my hand into water. I brought the sheathed dagger forward, resting it against the wolf's chest. The 'crystal' shattered in a burst of light, droplets of what looked like water or gemstones glittering in the air, the little girl gone as the dagger simply fell to the floor.

My teeth clenched as I glared back towards Lashimar who was showing me a snarl past my mother looming over him, then after a few seconds, there was a burst of radiant energy from the dagger. I saw an almost ethereal hand grasping the blade, the rest of the figure coming into view, transparent but slowly coalescing into solid view.

Charlotte gave a startled gasp as massive wings like Ryders fanned out from her back, her eyes wide, tears on her cheeks. Her blue eyes shuddered as reality settled in once more. She squeezed the blade in her grip, as if confused, then she sensed me as her eyes shot over to mine, her mouth parted slightly. "Lor..lai?"

I didn't think I'd get as emotional as I did but I felt tears come to my eyes to see her alive again. I choked back a sob and huffed out in my best cocky tone. "About time... you woke up." I showed her a grin.

She blinked upon me then I bleated out as she threw herself into my arms. I huffed as I nearly fell over from the wolf hugging tightly to me. "You... he's safe, you did it, didn't you?"

"Go to her, both of you." My mother calmly nodded to the Paladins and before I knew it I was wrapped up in a hug with all three of them.

"Ryder! Alicia! Thank the gods... thank the gods!" Charlotte sobbed out her thanks repeatedly as I managed to wriggle out of the embrace. Soon the other Archangels were all there, everyone elated to see their comrades again after so long.

Triallia once again hooked her arm with mine, casually walking me out of the fray. I frowned at the spirit as we moved back toward my waiting family members. "What happens now, Tri-" The words caught in my throat as I felt the overwhelming power fill the air.

The Ninetails snarled and everyone's focus shifted toward my mother and Lashimar. The power we felt was like that we felt when Hagen fell all those years ago, only magnified a thousandfold. The death of a truly powerful entity.

I shuddered as I looked upon my mother, her tongue lolled, blood dripping from it, the first of our kind still beneath her. My vision seemed to shake as if it was difficult just to even perceive her there. She stood with shaking legs and I watched Triallia draw her sword, the Ninetails was also quivering as if she were... afraid.

My whole family and all of the celestials but Charlotte, Ryder, and Alice drew weapons and readied themselves as well. The Elder shouldered the massive battle axe, staring down at Lashimar's body as it simply erupted to flames and burned away in a matter of heartbeats.

"Mother..." I whispered out to her, my feet had been in motion as she stood, everyone else seemingly frozen and just standing at the ready.

"Lorelai Tahmineh, my child... Do you remember our years together, do you... cherish them?" Her eyes were now white-hot like Lashimar's had been at his full fury. I swallowed hard at the question and gave her a nod.

We were still nearly a dozen yards apart and she simply ceased to be and was before me, a hand on my cheek, her gaze looking hard into my own. I could see the madness in her eyes, see the struggle of trying to contain what she had taken. "Lashimar would not have stopped, he was mad my child... so mad... I know because now it burns in me, it is of course, the origin point of my child's suffering that you sought to undo."

"Mother! What are you saying?!" I bleated out, grabbing the front of her armor, pulling her closer as I felt my vision blur.

"It is well, I can hold it for a time, while I do, you should be done with it..." Her hand caressed my cheek, tears rolling off her fingers as I shivered. "You will be the new first-generation, my daughter. Let the old ways die here."

"No! Y-You... You said our story wasn't done! You were included in that! You can't just-" She put a finger to my lips.

"It is fine my child... it is a mother's duty to protect her children. I will not heal as my father did. Plunge the bloodsteel into my heart and be free of these shackles of our lineage."

"I- I most certainly will not! I will not repay all you've done and given to me with death! We had this discussion before!" I screamed the words pushing her off me as my teeth showed in a snarl.

She sneered as she clenched her fist. "Then you condemn all of our kind to death, Lorelai Tahmineh! This is not the same thing as then, once the madness fully takes me soon, I will-"

"Shut up." Alice interrupted her as she stepped forward and grabbed my hand as my mother gave her a shocked look. I blinked wide as I then felt Ryder grasp my other. I gasped as I saw who he was holding hands with as well.

"Alice, no!" I screamed out right as the rabbit showed me a grin and grabbed my mother's hand, everything ceasing to be.

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