Secret Desires

Story by SilverWolf on SoFurry

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This is just a story that deals with two furres, both unsure of how one another feels. All characters are over the age of 18, and this story has explicit homosexual sexual content.

It was a normal day, the sun just beating down on the city below. Damn...late for work again. Well I suppose it was normal for me, since I had a tendency to wake up late every morning. How I managed to even roll out of bed I don't know, but then again I think I do. Eric...he was my reason for waking up. Aw shit, another traffic jam. Well what can you do? Though this is my normal routine, blowing the horn every damn morning just to squeeze in enough time to clock in. But knowing Eric would be there made me shiver. Wait, I suppose I should say something about myself?

My name is Richard...just your average lazy teenager, doing all I can to make a buck. Difference between you and me is, I have fur and a tail. Yep, that's right. I am a wolf...well a furry. Anyhow, ugh damn crazy drivers! do I explain him? The most handsome and sweet male I have ever met...a kitsune. He has the three most luscious tails I have ever seen on a male. The problem is, I doubt he has the same interest in men as me.

We have been friends since we were kids...and I have always had a crush on him. For the longest time I figured I'd have a snowballs chance in hell of getting near such a perfect body such as Eric's...well, until recently. Another normal day for me, just throwing my fist out of the window to the driver next to me, yelling random profanities about his poor driving abilities. I didn't work far from home, but it seemed like miles and miles of road ahead considering the early morning commute.

I worked at a small company called "Furctech" a computer business. I always tinkered with computer parts and toys when I was a kid; it only made sense that this is the field I would have ended up getting into. But it just so happened, as a kid Eric also did the same things. We had a lot in common from day one, and I enjoyed his company greatly. We were best friends, hardly inseparable. My mom called us the furre's of doom. All I can do to this day is chuckle at that comment.

But as I was saying, I was heading to work...and man I started to dislike work. I wasn't out of the closet yet, but sometimes people could tell. We had got a new boss, and he hated me. He was a badger, Mr. Wilson. Boy did I want to chew him up something awful at times...Finally I managed to reach work. A fifteen minute drive more like road trip. I got my usual bumps and scratches, very sick of the constant struggle just to get to this hellhole.

I remember walking in through the glass doors, smelling the usual scent of an office area. For some reason it always had a new scent to nose was very sensitive, I could pick up the smell of a guy farting on the third floor...though I'd call that a curse more than a blessing. But I had gotten use to that office smell, though I wish they would spray some cologne at times or something. My workplace was on the second floor. The building wasn't too bad, a bit old but it served its purpose. I was in my usual work attire, black slacks and a white button up shirt. Though it was too tight for my own good, the damn tie cutting off the circulation in my neck. I am a very plain man you see, I hardly bother with changing ties or hairstyles or any of that business. Always a red tie, always the same general haircut. Short to the scalp with only two black strands over my violet eyes. Though my fur is black, it accents my body well hmm?

But I remember getting to my office and walking through the door. I am a sly man when I have to be. I was twenty minutes late, but I made sure to turn the clock back THEN clock in so it seemed as if I was on time. I did that occasionally, and I am damn lucky no one ever caught me. After my daily routine of cheating the system, I would head for my office. But today was different. I remember heading for my office door, when out of the corner of my eye I spotted Eric.

Normally by this time he was doing tech work on the third floor, but for some reason he was still in my general area. I froze, my eyes locked on that beautiful body. Eric was no gruesome sight...he was absolutely gorgeous. He was standing next to the copy machine, idly biting his claws, a habit he hasn't been able to break since we were kids. Soft locks of orange falling over that vulpine face, those beautiful hazel eyes just peering down to his work. He wore the same general clothing I did, slacks shirt and tie. But he wore it with such grace. Sounds crazy I know, but he could make even the silliest outfit look Glamorous.

His three tails were just lying behind him lazily, each one going in it's own general direction. His shirt was half-open; he was careless like that. He wore a skin tight wife beater beneath...mmm how it accented his chest, every delicious curve and indention. I did everything I could not to get a boner where I stood. Though I must have looked pretty fucked up just standing in the middle of the hall staring at Eric. I started to fiddle with the buttons on my shirt nervously, pondering if I should go over and say something.... anything just to remain near him for a bit longer. But swiftly my attentions were forcefully turned away when I heard a voice calling behind me.

"Richard Lupus! This is an office, not a stadium!" I whirled around, disappointed to see that old coot of a badger standing behind me. He always said something when we weren't doing our work starting with 'This is an office not an -insert annoying punchline here-'. Mr. Wilson was a short, chubby old man. His nose was sharply pointed, making him look twice as stuck up as he really is. I just sighed and nodded.

"Yes Mr. Wilson..." I grumbled as I started to open the door of my office. Before I walked in I looked behind me, and was saddened to see Eric had already left. The rest of the day was hard to get through.

I tried to concentrate but I couldn't. I chewed about fourteen pencils to rubble with my sharp fangs, twisting it into my mouth and nearly snapping it in half. Eric was on my tall he stood next to that copier and his in-sync his tails were as they flowed behind him and how...goddamn I have to snap out of it!

I thought to myself...I knew I was going to go mad. My eyes kept shifting to the clock, the second hand teasing me by going so I longed for lunch time, how I longed to jump from my chair and rush to find Eric.

During this time Eric and I would usually go out and get something to eat from the local Italian place here. I enjoyed those times the most. Just listening to him blab about some chick from his sector that gossiped about everyone. Though today would be the day that changed everything. My eyes twitched, the second hand just ticking along...just ticking...ticking...ticking...DAMNIT hurry up! Finally lunchtime arrived. I remember bolting from my chair the moment the minute hand hit the twelve. I didn't care about saving any work I had done, I just cared about hunting Eric down and taking in that wonderful scent. He has worn the same cologne since he was thirteen. It was called moonshine. It smelled like a mixture of vanilla and honeysuckle. Mmmm how I loved vanilla.

I ran around the office area, I must have looked like my ass was on fire. Finally I ran out the front doors and saw Eric standing there, leaning against the wall and looking around. When he turned and smiled at me it gave me chills. My entire body had a tingling sensation move throughout it. I felt as if I was going to pass out I was so dizzy with desire. I snapped out of it and walked up to him like I always did, giving him a playful punch on the shoulder.

"Heyas twitches." I said playfully. I have called him twitches for years due to when we were kids; he had an allergic reaction to strawberries and twitched for days. Back then I was worried, but today we laugh about it. He just laughed then smiled

"So, are we off?" he asked abruptly. It was odd for him to be in such a hurry, we would usually just stand around and chat for a bit before leaving...but today he seemed particularly rushed. I just shrugged it off, figuring he was just really hungry. So I nodded and we went to get into my car.

Frankly I hated the city. In other parts things were very rural. They still used carts in those places, woods for miles. I hope to move there one day, the city sucks. Oh, anyhow, back to my story. The Italian place was called "Lazario's." named after the owner, a chubby little rat with that Italian attitude. But he was rather nice if you knew how to tweak it right. We had been going there for years, and Lazario didn't mind us at all. Sometimes when he was feeling charitable he would pick up our tab.

We drove there, and I was getting nervous. Eric was quiet, VERY quiet. And if you know him like I do, quiet is not a part of Eric's personality. Something made my stomach twitch and clench, wondering what made him so oddly distant...worried, whatever his mood was making me the same way. I said nothing and just let out a soft sigh.

We finally got to Lazario's and went in. We got our usual table, at least the one we get when it isn't raining. It is a patio table on the side of the restaurant. It was very nice, always a nice cool breeze passing through and it was next to a large fountain. Most of the time college students would sit on the edge of the fountain to study, since Furnarchy College was near by. Sometimes Eric and I would jest about the idiots whose schoolwork would blow into the water of the fountain and become ruined. We would wonder why they couldn't sit at a table like normal fursons. But hey, we couldn't do anything about it right?

We both got the same thing, lasagna. We both couldn't get enough of it. Lazario picked up our tab today which I was grateful for considering bills were high this month and used near all my paycheck up. We sat down and started to eat, and yet Eric still remained quiet. It was driving me crazy, what was eating at him? Finally I decided to speak up, guessing Eric wasn't going to.

I cleared by throat and asked "Eric.... Umm is everything all right? You seem today." that's the only way I could find to word it. He quickly looked up, as if snapping from a trance. He gave a reassuring smile, wiping some tomato sauce from his lips with a napkin

"Oye? Oh no, all is well. Just thinking about work related stuff." he sat up straight to coax me into believing him. But I guess I had no choice and just nodded. Suddenly the tension lifted and floated away as he began to talk about the normal things about his day.

"You know Marlene in programming? She was talking about Sheena and Mark having an affair behind Pam's back..." Marlene was the one that gossiped about everything. I just chuckled and listened; though not many believe a word from Marlene's mouth. I started to take another bite, but wished I hadn't after Eric's next comment. He

became quiet a moment and bit his lower lip. Then he started to chuckle nervously

"And... You know umm..." he trailed off. I continued to chew and tilted my head in question "What?" I said with a mouthful of food, turning a bit red for being rude.

"Well..." he started quietly, rubbing the back of his neck, "Marlene...rumor has it, you are gay."

I felt my eyes bulge as he said that, starting to choke on my half-chewed lasagna. Eric's eyes went wide, rushing over quickly and started patting me on the back.

"Richard? Richard! Are you alright?" he called out, rubbing my back softly. Finally I managed to swallow and catch my breath with a nod.

"I am fine...just...a bit shocked." I started to laugh nervously, but inwardly I was thinking ?Who in the fuck started that rumor?' as I pressed a napkin to my lips. I then turned back to Eric, our gaze meeting. I caught myself staring, since it was hard for me not to admire his beauty anyhow. Finally I snapped out of it. "Gay?" I asked nervously, "Oh they must be mistaken...I am not gay. I am straight an arrow!" yes, an Indian gag arrow I thought to myself.

Eric's face went blank for a moment then he nodded, laughing quietly "Oh of course...I figured it would be. I mean hell; you are the straightest guy I know. Just thought that would've given you a laugh, not a heart attack." He winked and then moved to seat himself once more. I closed my eyes, giving a sigh of relief from dodging a bullet. The rest of the meal was in silence, I was too nervous to speak and Eric was obviously embarrassed from what he said.

We drove back to work with the same attitude, silence. We arrived back rather early, at least ten minutes earlier than normal. We nodded a goodbye and went our separate ways.

I felt horrible, just awful. I felt Eric believed what he had been told. And for once, the rumors were true! I am gay, but I never wanted Eric to know that! I remember walking to my car, rather miffed from the whole event. The moon was rather appealing that night. I caught my eyes glancing toward it high in the sky, resting upon the hood of my car.

For who knows how long I stared, mesmerized from it's warm, yet lonely glow. I felt right then that I was that same moon, shining so brightly yet still without anyone to keep me company. I looked down and closed my eyes slowly, balling my fists into my headfur as my body started to ache. Suddenly my ears stood erect when Eric's angelic voice filled them. I looked up and saw him leaving. He waved goodbye to a friend of his and walked to his car, his and mine being the few left in the parking lot.

He started to unlock his door and then saw me, giving a soft smile. He motioned a paw for me to come over, and I gladly joined. He rested his side against the vehicle and crossed his arms. "Hey Richard." He said quietly and I merely nodded.

"I was wondering...maybe if we could go to my house. I want to make up for what I said earlier. I know you must be rather upset about it. We could have a few beers and watch some TV. Does that sound good?" his voice was soft; I could almost detect a faint blush upon his cheeks. But I guessed it was from his embarrassment over the whole ordeal. I gave a soft smile and nodded "I'd like that..."

Eric grinned and opened his car door "Excellent. Follow me in your car and we will have some fun alright?"

I went to my car, as old and shitty as it was, and got in. I followed him, but the whole time I was having an inner struggle. I kept thinking I should tell him the truth, get it out in the open. He was my best friend after all, and I am sure he would understand. But at the same time I didn't want to lose his friendship, he meant a lot to me. I kept going through pros and cons the whole trip there, until finally I pulled into his parking lot.

Eric's apartment was nice. I always loved visiting it; it just had an inviting feel to it. Inside it was cozy, furniture always in a certain order. He was compulsive with things being even, which I use to tease him about until he started getting me into the habit of it.

We walked in and he flicked the light switch, sending a lamp on either side of his couch into illumination. We plopped down and he smiled.

"I am going to go get the beer and you wait here." He picked up the remote and flicked on the TV, the football game was on. Honestly I hated the sport, but forced myself to indure hours of meat headed jocks beating the crap out of one another over a ball. Though the view was nice, it still lacked interest. Soon Eric returned and passed me a beer. I smiled lightly and took a sip, leaning back leisurely. But then Eric did something that made my blood boil.

He stood up mumbling "Gods, I hate these clothes. Always so restricting." Slowly, he began to undo each button of his shirt slowly, loosening the tie around his neck. The tie easily slipped from around his silky neck, dropping to the couch. The shirt soon followed, floating to the leather seat of the furniture. As it slipped from his arms, his handsome upper body became revealed to my hungry eyes, every curve of his muscles and indention in his chest made my mouth water.

Then Eric plopped down to the couch once more giving a soft sigh of relief. "Ah, so much better." He cooed. His tails flopped lazily behind him, each velvety digit dangling over the arm of the sofa. I eventually gained control and took my eyes from the show I was getting and watched the game, though my mind was elsewhere.

For a while we sat in silence, my claws lightly digging into the spongy material of the sofa's arm, my arousal would be apparent if someone was actually looking. Though I doubted Eric was the type to stare at a man's crotch. I started to drift away; my eyes closing as I was swept away into the fantasy I thought never to come true. I was snapped awake quickly with hearing the television click off. I looked over to Eric in question, trying my best not to let my eyes roam.

"I just thought maybe we could talk. The game is boring tonight..." he stated briefly. I nodded and turned to him, resisting the urge to lick my lips as his chest rose and fell with his breathing.

"What would you like to talk about?" I sounded like a zombie; my head still filled with naughty thoughts.

"Well about that rumor..."

I suddenly went wide-eyed. Oh no not this again. I really didn't want to be forced into telling him, but did I have to tell him anyway? I could feel the sweat start to form on my brow, rubbing my paws together nervously. "Oh?" I chuckled meekly "What about it?"

" just seem a bit awkward over it. After I mentioned it we stopped talking. Richard you know there is anything you can tell me...I have known you longer than anyone and if you are afraid of losing me as a friend you won't." He said in a quick breath.

My eyes closed slowly, ears falling to my head with the thought of it all. I suppose this was it; I had no choice but to tell him. If I lied to him now and he found out some other way he'd hate me. My jaws started to open; my next words were going to change everything.

"Eric....they weren't lying. I" Somehow I managed to spit it out, from some odd power within I had the courage to come out and say it. My eyes remained closed, I didn't want to look at his face I didn't want to see him for once, the shame apparent. For sometime there was quiet, and only that. I slid an eye open and saw Eric's face, jaw practically dropped to the ground in shock. Oh God what have I done?

"Well Richard...I don't know what to say.." he started quietly, eyes downcast. Oh no...I had ruined our friendship, I had ruined it all. Eric just looked up to me and spoke mildly "I suppose there is only one thing I can do." I waited for a punch of some sort, but what I got instead surprised me.

Slowly, he crawled forward and tilted his head to the side. A shock wave erupted through my body when I felt his lips meet mine. I was frozen, I couldn't move. Oh shit Richard wake up! Are you still dreaming? But no, it was real. I could taste the lasagna from lunch on his lips; I could feet the breath from his nose brush over my lips. It was real...and it was wonderful!

Once I snapped out of shock, I eagerly accepted the kiss. I tilted my head in return, reaching an arm forward to wrap around Eric's neck. I forced my tongue forward, slipping into my beloved's maw. My eyes slid closed, his tongue lashing out to commence in an erotic dance. For a while this continued, our passionate embrace only causing the heat in the room to rise, not to mention a few other things. Okay bad joke, ahem anyway.

My heart broke once I felt him pull away, wanting this to last just a bit longer in case it really was a dream. Slowly he straddled my lap and wrapped his arms around my neck. He bit his lower lips and whispered "There was no rumor about you at all. I was the one who made it up; I wanted to see how you'd react. All this time I had wanted to be with you...but was so frightened you were straight. I thought tonight I'd try one last time, can't blame me really. I am so thrilled to know who you are." A blush scattered along his cheeks, accenting the brilliant orange fur.

I couldn't help but grin broadly. This was a dream come true, to have Eric in my arms. I could still hardly believe it, but I wasn't about to do anything to jinx it. I shook my head and only chuckled.

He looked at me puzzled and blinked "What?" then he giggled "Silly wolf...I hate football. I only watched it because I thought you liked it. Beer is piss water and Angela is ugly." He started laughing loudly. Angela was a girl I set him up with in High School, just to try and prove my straightness even further. Eric always claimed she was beautiful and sweet, but it was funny when he broke up with her only after a week. He told me that she just wasn't his type. Well he wasn't lying, now was he?

My grin stuck, refusing to leave my face. I nodded vigorously "I loathe football, beer is for rednecks, and Angela had buck teeth." I snickered to myself. Well Angela was a lapine after all, I suppose it was in her genes to have buckteeth.

Eric just smiled for a moment then a serious look came on his face. No more words were spoken after that; he just leaned in for another lip lock. I was ready this time, and happily going in for another taste of his luscious lips. At first the clash was light, soft, and passionate. But it didn't hold that pattern for long, soon erupting into a hot, wild lash of tongue and lips.

I felt Eric start to swiftly undo the buttons of my shirt, tugging off the tie and throwing it behind him. The kiss never broke as he threw my shift off, grinding his hips against mine. I let out a faint moan into the embrace, feeling his bulge rub against mine through our pants. As my shirt was removed, his fingers met with my nipple buried beneath my fur. I jolted at the sudden act, moaning with slight pleasure. His digits feathered over the curves of my pectorals down to my six pack.

He found my pants with little effort, vigorously snapping the clasp open and pulling the zipper down. Feisty critter no doubt. I was forced to break the kiss and toss my head back, letting out a sharp gasp as his paw plummeted into my trousers. My mouth lay open in a heavy pant, feeling him caress my erect meat softly. My hips began to jerk into his fondling paw, feeling his finger tips roam up and down the edges slowly. Oh God, I could feel my sac tense with every light touch me made.

He slumped forward and started slowly trailing kisses down my chest, pausing for a moment to give my nipple a single lick. My muzzle tilted down to watch him as he released my stressed member from my pants and started to stroke it up and down slowly. He pushed me onto my back, spreading my legs slightly as he wiggled me free of my britches. I dug my claws onto the cushion of the sofa as he loomed over the crown of my hardness, feeling his hot breath caressing the sensitive tip. I swallowed harshly, anticipating his next move.

I arched my back fiercely and let out a loud cry of pleasure as he wrapped his lips around the bulb of my cock. His tongue slowly trailed around the rim, beginning to suckle upon the swollen meat. All I could do was continue my noises of bliss, feeling him mouth my cock tip masterfully as my body twitched and shuddered. For a few moments he kept his attentions to the tip, flicking his tongue tip over the slit before returning it to the rim.

Without warning his muzzle forced itself upon every inch of my shaft. I felt my claws rip into the material of the couch, letting out a high pitched wail from the suddenly warmth surrounding my hardness. I gained enough control for my eyes to lock onto Eric's head while it started bobbing up and down upon my dick. I felt his hot saliva coat every inch, his tongue slapping at the underside with each gradual push up and down. I extended my paw to press against the back of his head, helping him along in pleasing me. Oh it was the most erotic experience, feeling him suck madly up and down my length.

It felt almost for a moment that time had stopped, not sure if I were simply snug in my bed at home dreaming of all of this...or if I was finally with my true love. My thoughts were washed away swiftly as he began to speed his movements up. My cries of pleasure became more intense and lengthened, bucking my hips to his inviting muzzle. My teeth gritted, a few small drops of pre-cum leaking from my cock tip and onto Eric's busy tongue.

As he felt the bittersweet taste of my pre fall to his wet muscle, he used it is a cue to slowly pull away. He licked his lips, letting of a faint "mmmm" before looking up to me. He didn't hesitate in undoing his pants, slipping them off of his body. My eyed went wide, seeing his full form now revealed to me in the light. He was just as beautiful as I always imagined, perfect toned body, sleek and thick shaft. I nearly came right then. But I held back as he crawled over, straddling my hips. His eyes locked with mine, tails slowly waving behind him.

Bending forward his lips met mine once again, feeling his tight tailhole brush against the head of my member. I wrapped my broad arms around his back, paws rubbing up and down along his spine. He gently pulled away from the kiss and positioned himself, ready to take me. My hues slipped shut as I felt him lower his enterance over my cock. He then forced himself all the way down, making me scream loudly. I could feel the rim of his tightness stretch as he pushed my cock within him. His walls quickly squeezed around my invading meat, massaging it while he started to push himself up and down. With my cock slick with his saliva, the enterance was much easier on us both.

I watched his face as he started to make love to me, something I had always wished force. His eyes rolled back, breathing heavily as I felt my member slip in and out gradually. I reached forward and wrapped my digits around his throbbing hardness, starting to paw him off in time with his thrusts. I started to hear him moan a bit louder as I pleased him, causing my hips to twitch a bit more forcefully into him. His paws rested on my chest, fingers fondling and playing with my erect nipples, heightening my pleasure greatly.

Eric started to buck up and down a bit faster, sending my cock jolting into his depths. The room became filled with our cries of euphoric bliss, one paw gripping his waist to push him down a bit harder while the other stroked his cock briskly. I arched my back into him, knowing if this kept up I would release rather soon. He obviously knew that as well, for he seemed to want it. He started ramming up and down on top of me as fast as his body would allow. All I could do was scream out louder and louder. Oh his tailhole felt so wonderful, his body felt so wonderful, it was exactly how I had imagined it and more.

I slowly sat up, pressing chest to chest with him as he forced him into a kiss, one arm wrapped around Eric's waist while my other paw continued to gain speed over his meat. Eric wrapped his arms around my neck, practically screaming into the embrace as my hips humped up into him. I could feel my balls smack against his ass, emitting a light sound. Though it was so soft it could barely be heard through our grunts and gasps for air.

Eric tugged away, placing his paws upon my shoulders as he tilted his muzzle upward, screaming loudly "Richard! Oh Gods...I can feel it...ohh...ohhh...OOHHH GODS!" he screamed so loud I was certain the upstairs neighbors could hear. His cock jetted a few drops of pre onto my jerking paw, I knew he was moments away from release. This caused my bucking to turn into harsh ramming, my shaft swelling all the more from the intense union of bodies.

I cried out loudly "Eric! Oh...oh fuck here it comes oh FUCK!" I felt it, like clockwork. Suddenly my shaft pulsated and started to release spurt after spurt of my warm cream. I couldn't help but increase my grip around Eric's waist as I was sent reeling with delight. My seed easily coated his walls, still pushing up into him madly.

Eric's mouth fell wide open as I released within him, following my lead with ease. "OH RICHARD!!!!!!!" he yelled one last time. Suddenly I felt my paw become warm. I glanced downward and watched as his cock shoot long, thick strings of his essence upon my paw.

Our muscles tense and we froze, holding on tightly to each other as we came. Finally with a soft grunt we began to calm. I collapsed on my back, panting hotly, as my fingers remained wrapped around Eric's softening shaft. Eric slumped over slightly, his arms falling on either side of me to hold him up. As he started to calm he looked up and gave me a soft smile, yet no words were exchanged. I pulled my digits away from Eric's length and slipped my long, pink tongue out to lap off his seed greedily.

Eric just giggled and shook he head like usual. But he leaned forward and gave my lips a peck before laying his head against my chest; my cock still buried within the warm regions of his hole.

Slowly we drifted off to sleep; giving soft caresses and kisses to one another. It was a wonderful day in my mind, and one I can't forget. For as I said, that day would change my life forever. And it has, for the better.