Storm of Lust-Part 1

This is part one of a story dealing with two married furres. This is a story with furres over the age of 18 dealing with concentual acts of yiff. This story is copyright to me, and Kongol is copyright to his respective creator, Stephen to me. If you...

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Secret Desires

This is just a story that deals with two furres, both unsure of how one another feels. All characters are over the age of 18, and this story has explicit homosexual sexual content. It was a normal day, the sun just beating down on the city...

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Spygate: Night Fox's Overture

A few days after recruiting Inferno, Nocturne explained the situation to the rest of the uninformed members, who were extremely wary of Inferno, especially after indirectly assisting with putting Nocturne's life in danger. Thankfully though, the...

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Prologue: You All Shall Follow And Obey

Kai was in his office, sitting on his chair while Gale was tending to his feet underneath Kai's desk as usual. Right now though, he was on a phone call so he couldn't give Gale as much attention. He wasn't hiding the evil tone he had with the...

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Castlevania: Tammy Nook's Reign - Revelations

"Tortimer, did you remember how I told you that I had lived through Tammy's reign?" Tortimer asked him. "Yes... But what does it have to do with everything right now? This... This doesn't make sense, why is she still around? Isn't she a being of...

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Heroic Humiliation

"And... That's a wrap." A scientist said as they finished with the experiments, performing some sort of upgrade to a device they were making. "Mhm... This is going to be groundbreaking once we actually finish with this prototype." The other...

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The Gengar And His Three Dragons

In one of the many houses in a neighborhood, there lived a certain pokemorph who was fantasizing about something... Gengar was maturbating on his pc, watching buddyfight porn as he jerked his cock off. The ghost's cock leaked precum as he watched...

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Shin Megami Tensei: A Summoner And His Onis 7

Halphas has been "spying" on Ken on behalf of Lucifuge and Belial. He was currently at the mansion of the two demons as he was reporting on what was transpiring. "So they've been forming alliances? With other human settlements with other demons?"...

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PMD: A Twist Of Fate

(For everybody familiar with red/blue rescue team, the person who requested decided that I should replace Medicham with machoke. Medicham just feels so out of place with a team full of bad boys and with Medicham looking so feminine, I think machoke...

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Hypno's Hypnosis Reign Chapter 7

I have been asked to give names to the pokemon by the guy asking me to write this. I know it's a bit late but this is the list of names that he had thought of for each character. I apologize if this sudden name change gives confusion to anyone reading...

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Unraveling His Persona: Kabuso's Lucky Catch

The fall... Yes... Morgana remembered it... He was Falling... And falling... And falling... He was about to plummet to his death... That's right... He had fallen off the plane and foolishly died a death that he couldn't prevent... Maybe he wouldn't be...

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Prologue: You Are All Beneath Me

"I would like to say to everyone in the force that it has been an honor to serve all of you. The support and love that I received from everyone is something I will never forget in my life, and I hope to return the gratitude back one day" Sebas, a...

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