Blood & Carrots: Celestial - Final Episode

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#21 of B&C 3

Welcome back, my lovely reader!

I left you with quite the cliffhanger last time, yes? There's nothing more to say, my lovely reader. My personal two-year journey of writing B&C comes to a close here. I have some fun side things planned in the coming days, but this is where the main tale closes.

I hope it was worth the investment, I hope I've made you laugh, maybe cry, or given it's still an adult story, even some other personal things?

I'll not get too melancholy here. Alright, my lovely... Let's jump right in.

Welcome back, my lovely reader~

Being a writer is my dream job but it has full-time hours and doesn't pay the bills. I want to keep writing these stories for everyone to enjoy and your support on Patreon or Ko-Fi helps make that happen. Patrons even get to see stories a week early to avoid all that pesky waiting. I also appreciate non-financial support like faving, voting, and following me here or on Twitter. Thank you so much for your continued support! Please enjoy the episode.

And with that out of the way...

Welcome back, my lovely reader!

I left you with quite the cliffhanger last time, yes? There's nothing more to say, my lovely reader. My personal two-year journey of writing B&C comes to a close here. I have some fun side things planned in the coming days, but this is where the main tale closes.

I hope it was worth the investment, I hope I've made you laugh, maybe cry, or given it's still an adult story, even some other personal things?

I'll not get too melancholy here. Alright, my lovely... Let's jump right in.


Final Episode:


We didn't appear in some forgotten bedroom, we didn't even appear in my mother's chambers. The location the dreamworld opened up to was simply devoid of anything. It was like when I had met with the Seraph, but not even the sky blue. Just nothingness, yet we could see one another as if we were in the light.

"You should not have done this, my child. You... shouldn't have been able to do it." The Elder frowned and folded her arms, she was garbed in her simple robe once more.

"Yeah, well... I dream hopped for almost a millennium down in hell with lots of incubi and succubi." Alice showed her sharp teeth in a grin as she continued, "Then becoming a Chimera helped. See, when I got my Paladin soul back into full gear, I essentially leveled up. You didn't have a barely decade-old succubus-vampire combo pull you into dreamland, you had nearly a two-thousand-year-old Paladin do it."

She grunted and rubbed her chin at that, lost in thought. I snarled and stomped my foot as I glared at the rabbit, seeing the four foxes before us. "Alice, what exactly do you intend to do here, and... why are there two of you?!" I spat out as I glared over at Ryder, Sarnai, Elias, and another Sarnai.

"I thought I explained my dual-soul thing, my lady?" One of the vixens tilted her head curiously.

"You did, sister, but you didn't explain to her that I manifest my own form in the dreamscape." The other vixen gave me a bow then I watched her hair shift to blonde and eyes turn blue as if she were a celestial version of my lover. "Now you can tell us apart, my love."

I grunted at the pet name but it made sense, I technically was the lover of both of them. I turned and looked back to Alice. "Alice, do you intend to do what I think you do?"

"Of course, we spoke with your mother after we finished up with Kalinae and while you guys were playing with her dad." The Paladin huffed out as she put her hands on her hips, still garbed in her armor.

"What is it you plan to do, my child?" My mother cocked her brow curiously at the small group of us.

"I plan to do for you what I did for Sarnai, we'll confront the ancient madness of our people, reason with it, or destroy it. Sarnai has been through this before, my master is an expert at tearing down magical barriers, and of course, we have a Paladin who's spent nearly two centuries training in mental fortitude."

"You planned this," I spat out, not bothering to hide the annoyance in my voice.

"We did, the Elder made it clear Lashimar would be invulnerable to any assault, here in the underworld or elsewhere. Even if we were to cast him into the sunlight and burn him to dust, the ashes would eventually reform." Ryder rested his hand on the hilt of his divine blade, looking over at my mother as he continued, "Me, Alice, Sarnai, and Elias, all quickly convened in a dreamscape meeting, because as you know, time slows for us in this state."

The Elder shook her head as she spoke out, "All of you are clever, I commend your forethought, but there is no need. End this facade and simply strike me down while my throat is bared for it. Were you to summon the darkness here, it would fully take me once the dream ended, then all would die."

"I'm not big on martyrs, Mother. We will resolve this, just have faith in us." Elias clenched his fist, divine flames rolling off his knuckles.

"I concur, were it not for your intervention, Ryder would not be free, hell... things with me and Alice might have turned for the worst as well." Sarnai put a hand to her chest.

"This is all very moving, but I have given all of you an order, so obey me, now!" She hissed the words out, sending her will out against all of us.

Alice gave a bored snort as she walked over to me. "Okay, so here's the plan-"

"Alice! Do you really mean for us to stand against some eldritch horror from times forgotten?!" I glared at her as I put my hands on my hips, looking furious with her.

"My sheep... do you wish me to end this dream? Are you prepared to draw that wakizashi in reality and plunge it into your mother's chest?" She met my eyes, her own gold now.

I gripped the hilt of the blade at my side, my heart twisting at the words. The smart thing was to do just that, end this and then her. Strike down the one that had brought me here, because if I didn't she'd slaughter everything I loved.

My head shook, my vision growing blurry once more, then I felt his hand grip my shoulder as I blinked up at my angel-fox. "You didn't give up on me, and I never lost my faith in you, Lorelai. I still haven't, and I know you'll do what you think is best."

I gave a sniffle as I quickly wiped my eyes, looking over my foxes, rabbit, and then shot a hard glare at my mother, seeing red fill my vision. "What's the plan, Alice?"

The Elder glared at us as Alice continued, "I'll summon up the thing, it'll have little choice but to show itself. If we can reason with it, we'll do so, if not..." She showed a sharp-toothed grin, her eyes shifted to red as she tapped the halbert against her shoulder, "Well... you know."

"This is madness! You cannot do this!" My mother stomped over to us, throwing her hand out. "My children, I beg of you, do not risk yourselves on my behalf!"

"Maybe it is mad, it's not something I'm not used to. Bring the son of a bitch out, me and my husband will deal with it ourselves." Sarnai showed a mad little grin as her hellfire started rolling off her.

"Oooh, it's so exciting when you get like this, sister." The blonde version showed her own mad little grin, tail wagging as fires rolled off her as well.

"Paladin Alice, Empress Lorelai, and Archvampires of Bloodstone, I stand at your side in the name of the divines." Ryder drew his holy blade, arcane energy coursing off it.

"It's funny to think we're just going to have a big brawl right here in the dreamscape." I drew my own blades, spinning them in my grasp a few times.

"Don't misunderstand, my sheep. This reality isn't like dreams you have normally. For all intents and purposes, we are in another dimension or plane of being, no different than when we stepped into the Faemarch." Alice sighed as she put a hand to her chest.

"Do not do this! None of you are strong enough, only I can protect you, children!" My mother hissed the words out, showing her fangs as her eyes glowed white-hot.

"Too late!" Alice hummed out casually as my mother's eyes widened.

I watched the woman that had made me into what I am now, drop to her knees, howling out in an unearthly scream, her very form seeming to shift in and out of reality. A few moments later blood-covered leathery wings tore from her back and horns jutted from her forehead, not unlike Lashimar's.

She gave a small grunt and then slowly stood, rolling her shoulder as she sighed out, "This body's a little scrawny compared to the last one, but beggars can't be choosers, eh?" She leveled her gaze upon the lot of us and I clenched my teeth as I felt my knees buckle right there and drop to the floor.

Reality bled away as the others also took a knee, the nothingness shifting until we were standing in what looked like the throne room of an ancient medieval castle. Hellfire rolled off her fingertips as she calmly walked amongst us, none of us able to rise it seemed. "I'd have taken her soon enough, ah but I suppose some lambs are just eager to rush to their slaughter, eh?" She showed me a malicious grin as I glared at her, my knees shaking as I planted a foot.

"You had the right of it, Paladin, though I wish you hadn't." She hummed the words as she sauntered away from us. "I'd much rather have your body, Lorelai, my daughter. A far superior vessel to this one in every way. Truly you have become the apex of our kind, and I needed not to have you feed to take you, simply being next in line would have sufficed."

My teeth ground as I slowly lifted myself, my vision foggy with red as I clenched both my swords, snarling at my mother. "Ha! So you could just jump from host to host?"

She gave me an amused grin as I took a step forward, knees shaking as I struggled against the oppressive will she'd thrown us all down with. "Only lineage my child, this body is the last Elder of my children, so you will be my next one."

"Guess there's no talking sense into you, huh? Gonna make me kill you after all?" I gave her a crooked grin as I took another shaky step, both my blades feeling heavy, the longsword falling from my grip and clattering to the floor.

She gave a mad little laugh and put her hands on her hips. "This is why I want you. Look at you, my child. You can barely stand before my greatness, but you defiantly spit at me while the others for all their bravado, can't even summon words! Still, I'll not humor you further, let us do away with this charade."

"Yes, let's!" I barked out and lunged to the side, my free hand grabbing Alice's shoulder. Her gold eyes widened as she jerked them up towards me and stood.

"Oh, that's unexpected! How exci-" The halbert left the rabbit's grip in a throw, blinking out of sight and just embedding into the Ancient's chest, slamming her to the ground with a wide-eyed look on her face.

I shuddered and collapsed, feeling drained as I had poured all my will into her. Alice caught me with a frown and I shook my head. "Heh... I'll be fine, go to Ryder!"

She nodded and quickly moved to the other Paladin. The fog in my vision had cleared, I'd poured every ounce of my power into her and was barely staying conscious, but once Alice shared her energy with Ryder, everything changed.

"Monster! No one talks to my fucking ewe like that!" The fox roared out furiously as his sword drew once more.

"Yeah!" Alice shouted back, both of them grinning as their wings burst forth, divine energy pouring off the two of them as I felt my own strength rush back into me, and then double, no it just kept rising, as if I had no limits.

"You little bitch! No one threatens MY sheep!" By now the Elder had found her footing, holding the divine halbert as Sarnai slammed into it with her Saber.

"You mean OUR sheep!" The other vixen blurred forward as well, a flurry of blows following as my mother parried and dodged both sabers, her teeth showing in a snarl.

"You two are no-" She yowled out as a saber managed to pierce her side then Elias swooped in, driving a flaming fist into her chest. There was a blink of impact before she was tumbling and tearing up stones from the floor before slamming into a wall.

"Hmph... That's for disrespecting my lady and wife...err... wives?" He cocked a brow as both of the vixens grinned at him.

"Silence!" The Ancient screamed out, another wave of power surging forth but Alice and Ryder pushed their own forth, each holding one hand, now flapping their wings.

"Lorelai!" I looked up as he called out to me, seeing my angel-fox toss me his divine blade down. I caught in my offhand, showing him a knowing grin. "We'll keep its trump card at bay, you guys take care of the rest!"

"Warriors of Bloodstone, by my side!" I snarled the orders out with a wide grin as I shifted the divine blade into my main hand. The trio of foxes formed on me as I gave them all a knowing grin. "Just like old times, eh?"

"You wretched little- ngh!" The Ancient huffed out as the halbert left her grip, flying back over to Alice.

"Yeah, keep your paws off that." The rabbit shouldered it as she kept flapping her ethereal wings, then lifted her ears. "Oh, or better yet, you use it, master!"

Elias caught the small polearm with a knowing grin at Alice as they shared a look. "Ryder! I'm sorry for everything, know you'll always have me at your side as a brother going forward!"

"Implying any of you are leaving here alive!" The Ancient screamed the words out as thousands of lances of Hellfire raining down over us, but the divine shields of the Paladin's made them just scatter.

"Let's go!" I blurred forward, the trio of my siblings following as I rushed my mother. Right as I was about to strike I blinked from sight, her mouth gapping before I ran her through with the divine blade, my wakizashi slashing her throat.

The Ancient gave a gurgling yelp, blood spraying as both Sarnai's stabbed her in the chest. I whistled in appreciation as I jerked my head back, just a few inches from the tip of the bloody sabers. We all pulled back, the Ancient staggering as Elias came down with the axe of the divine halbert, slamming to the ground and cutting straight through her, leaving a crater of impact before the demon just burst into flames.

"Such... power..." She snarled as she reappeared, clutching deep wounds in her chest that were left from the initial blows. She roared out in challenge, Hellfire as black as night rolled over her, two large axe's appearing in her grip.

Just like that, she was atop me, my dual swords parrying the blow as she sent me back several feet before I found my footing. "This won't end how you hope it will!" She spat into my grinning face as I bared my strength against her.

"It will end how I say it will!" I roared out and pushed her off me. She staggered back right as the trio of foxes descended on her, piercing, cutting, and slashing against her, onyx blades whirling as she tried to parry, but kept taking blows.

She blinked out of the whirlwind of blades, clenching her teeth as she set her blades once more. "Enough, I grow weary of this!" The very earth shuttered as she started gathering power, the ceiling above crumbling and chunks falling.

"You all will know fear, you will know-" Two radiant spirals of divine energy slammed into her back, sending her forward, I met her head-on, both my swords running her through at the belly.

"Still got a hand free!" Alice chirped out playfully, holding one up, the other still clenching Ryders. The angel showed a smug grin, holding his own free one up as well.

"Return my mother, and leave this world be!" I spat into the Ancient's face as I withdrew my blades, whirling them about as I chopped and stabbed, at them while they screamed. She burst into another gout of flames but I felt her energy as she did.

"Four o'clock!" I screamed out as I threw the divine blade from my grip. The Ancient appeared just in time for the Paladin's sword to impale into her throat as she choked out, right as my sister's and brother descended on her anew. After enough, she burst into flames once more.

"Too slow!" I blurred from sight, the others following me as I headed her off, slashing down her back as she formed right as Elias ran her through with the halbert, his own teeth showing with a snarl. Sarnai and her sister came in and stabbed her sides, both vixens with the same mad grin on their face.

"That's enough!" Alice and Ryder both called out at the same time, landing between us all. We pulled away, the Ancient staggering before snapping her teeth with a hiss as she tried to flee once more, but slammed into a divine wall of light with a yelp.

Both Paladin's began speaking in unison, a glowing circle appearing between them surrounding the Ancient. "Divine gods above, we beseech you to..."

"No! You can't do this to me, I am immortal!" She screamed out and slammed against the walls as they kept their prayer up.

"...find mercy upon this lost soul as we offer it for judgment!"

"No! No! No! I refuse, I refuse! I am a god, no others can judge me! This is not how my story ends!" She roared out clawing at the divine barrier but obviously too weak from our constant assault to break free.

"I'd tell you to go to hell, but that's a bit on the nose, now fuck off and give me back my mother!" I sneered at the Ancient as her eyes widened, then they rolled up and her body toppled to the floor in a heap as the divine circle faded.



Paladin and Fateweaver; Born to a nameless tribe, Ryder was a fox named Nugai. A hunter and guardian of his village. His life was one of peace but was cut short along with the rest of his tribes when Elias laid waste to his community. Nugai suffered several mortal wounds defending Sarnai's life before succumbing to them.

Rising in ranks, Ryder quickly ascended to the rank of First, sharing love with three fellow angels as well as Archvampire, Lorelai. He eventually became a Paladin, and when he did, a long-dormant chain of events began to unfold.

Ryder fell into Kalinae's trap and was imprisoned for nearly two centuries, but with the sacrifice of his loved one Charlotte, was able to maintain his sanity through contact with the magi circle and Lorelai.

Now free once more, Ryder is unquestionably one of the most powerful beings in the heavens, bringing not only his natural angelic prowess but nearly two centuries of constant focus of the magical arts to bear. Still, at his core, Ryder is a simple fox that wants to be loved and protect those he cherishes.


There was no ceremony to it, after that, we were back in the underworld. I was surrounded by them all, her head was in my lap when she finally furrowed her brow and slowly blinked open her red eyes, looking up at me. "Lor...lai?"

"Hey, mom. You gotta be careful about doing this kind of shit at your age, you're not as young as you used to be." I showed her a grin as I raked my fingers through her locks.

"Ngh... you obstinate little bitch... you take too much after me..." She spat the words out weakly, then gave a little giggle. I couldn't help but laugh as well, feeling tears come to my eyes as I shook my head.

"It's over..." Ichiro huffed out as he finally sunk to a knee, grunting as he clutched to his staff before standing once more with a shaky leg.

"Maybe, but what happens to the underworld? Who's in charge now that number one is out of the picture?" Samantha perked her ears as she moved to give Ichiro her arm to support on as well.

"I think it's obvious who the new lord of hell will be." Triallia huffed the words as everyone looked down at me and the Elder in my lap.

"Sorry, I've got enough on my plate. I'm not going to be a part-time Demon lord too, let my mom do it instead." I sighed and rolled my eyes, sounding like an annoyed teenager.

Ezekiel gave a laugh at that and I smiled at my brother, several others started to laugh as well. Before long we were all laughing, it was just a laugh of relief, even my mother chuckling a little as we all shared the well-earned moment of peace.

Sometime later I found myself next to my mother, arms folded while she perched on her new throne. I wasn't bothering to hide my glare and kept a hand on my wakizashi while Kalinae knelt before her. The glare was shared by several others in the throne room but my mother just kept an amused look on her face.

"Kalinae, you are still my daughter since you were the product of Lashimar, and as such, I am inclined to offer you a chance to not be brutally murdered by my Avatar." She showed her sharp teeth, raking her nails through her blonde locks, there were no horns or wings on her as her father had sported, no doubt because the ancient evil within our bloodline was no more.

"If you wish to offer me a kindness, then have the sheep take my head, we are all keenly aware of the humiliation I stand to face." The cat glared up at me with smoldering red eyes as I snarled.

"Oh, believe me, I'll be thrilled to offer you THAT kindness!" I drew my blade but my mother cleared her throat.

"Please calm yourself, Avatar. Had you wanted her dead so readily, you would have ignored Ryder at the pivotal moment." I grunted at my mother's words and snapped the wakizashi back into its scabbard.

"I could give a care less for your pride, my child, you have a duty to fulfill as a Gatekeeper and you will continue it." she pushed her bangs back casually and met the demon's eyes. "Word of your defeat will not leave these halls, the other aristocrats will never learn of it."

Her ears perked at that and she cocked a brow. "What of my sentries and retainers that were privy? Surely gossip would-"

"Oh, on an unrelated conversational note, it seems the magi and celestials informed me that all those present that lived through the encounter, seem to have developed some sort of amnesia."

Kalinae looked shocked and stood, tilting her head as she lifted her chin. "Alright... I'll play along, what're your terms for this obvious boon?"

My mother smiled and simply blinked out of sight, a moment later the cat was being held aloft by her throat, my mother hefting her up with one arm as her teeth showed, ethereal wings spreading from her back. "You let your aspirations die here! If you so much as blink wrong at my Avenger's loved ones, I will spend centuries wracking you with mind-bending agony, am I understood?!"

The Demon lord gave a whimpering choke, grasping at her hand before managing somewhat of a nod. My mother dropped her right there to her backside and stalked back to her throne, the wings on her back fading as she pushed her hand out, the onyx plates of armor on her body shifting back to her robes.

"None of the aristocrats will be accosting my children or the celestial's going forward. If the mundane, lycanthrope, or magi are stupid enough to deal with you all, so be it, but any that molest the angels or vampires will be met with brutal retribution from me, leave the fae out of it as well!" She hissed out the decree before lounging back in her throne, looking bored.

Kaline winced and rubbed at her throat before giving a nod. "As you wish, mother."

"Ah, you are quick to learn, I like that." She looked at me, then Ryder and Alice. "Ah, one last matter to deal with."

Kalinae swallowed the obvious lump in her throat before quirking a brow. "And what is that?"

"Apologize." My mother showed her sharp teeth, eyes shifting to white-hot. "And mean it..."

The demoness hissed at the orders, a shudder rolling up her spine before she glared at me, then closed her eyes and took a knee. "I apologize for my actions that have-"

"Yeah yeah, it's over and done, good enough." Alice waved a hand as the cat snapped her eyes open and looked confused.

"My fellow Paladin has the right of it, Kalinae. You are forgiven and none of us wish to see you wallow and beg for it, certainly not by force." Ryder gave a solemn nod.

"I mean I was kind of enjoying it, but I guess I'll follow the high ground with you guys." I folded my arms with a grin, then shifted my gaze back to the demoness as she stood once more. "I owe you in a way. I'd never have become the pillar of strength to protect my family that I am now. Just remember what my mother told you, she'll not be the only one brutalizing you if you overstep again."

"So it is. Return to your duties Kalinae, your humiliation stays between us, and your reputation amongst the aristocrats will be unchanged." My mother narrowed her gaze as she hissed out. "Do not make me regret this kindness to you, daughter. Eternal damnation would be the least of your concerns at that point."

The cat frowned but gave a nod before offering a formal bow, then she stepped into a gate and was gone. Alice broke the tension with an impressed whistle. "Damn, mom, you don't fuck around."

"Demons must be handled with a strong hand, my child." She offered the rabbit a smile, then sighed as she leaned forward and rested her elbows upon her knees.

"Are you alright?" Ryder tilted his head with worry inflecting in his tone.

"I am fine, Paladin, it has just been a trying night. There will be much to acclimate to in the coming days, but know I'll see our people and the Faemarch all the stronger from it."

"Do you truly plan to let Kalinae off so leniently?" I frowned as I put my hands on my hips.

"You have what you sought, daughter. Do you truly wish her blood so ardently? Ending her will not return the time lost."

My ears lifted and I frowned at those words. "I suppose I just... expected we'd have to kill her in the end to save everyone, it feels unfinished in a way."

"My ewe, for what it's worth, I'm fine with this scenario. We are all stronger for it, and though there was much pain, I feel vengeance will only darken our hearts, especially now that we have resolved things." Ryder placed a hand over his rosary and Alice just snorted as she rolled her eyes.

"You're such a goody-two-shoes, Ry." She hummed out and bumped his hips with hers before moving to me and giving me a quick kiss. "Let it be, my love... it's over."

I gave a nod, pushing closer and bumping my forehead to hers. My mother smiled and ran her fingers through her hair before calling out once more, "Let us part ways for now, children. I need to stalk around this palace and see what my new home looks like."

"As you wish, High Demon lord. Thank you for your aid and support." Ryder offered a polite bow.

My mother flashed her teeth, looking amused at the words, "Such a stuffy title, please Ryder, simply call me, Eve."

"Wait- You never gave me your name in all these years, yet you give it to him? Why?" I got a fussy look on my face as I huffed out.

"Because he's handsome as well as polite, while you are obstinate and spoiled." She fired back with a playful grin. Alice giggled at that and linked her arm to mine to pull me closer to her as if worried I'd pitch a fit like a child.

My mother smiled and her gaze softened as she called out to the rabbit, "Alice, thank you. I had accepted things, I was prepared, but you saved me and by proxy, my daughter Lorelai as well. I am truly grateful."

She waved it off with a grin. "Yeah yeah, I'm a Paladin and Chimera, it's what I do, no big deal." She turned with me and walked towards the gate, leaving it at that. I looked over my shoulder to see Ryder following and my mother giving me a proud nod.

Alice's presence left me in the transition of moving through the gate, my boots crunching down on pitted rock and soot as I glanced back, seeing no gate behind me. My arms folded as I looked around, a large expanse of nothing but burned rock and dirt as if a desert that had been caught in a massive flashfire.

The air smelled of brimstone as a sharp wind pushed across the surface, sending streams of ash and dust through the air. My hand moved to my wakizashi as I said nothing and just narrowed my focus, feeling the presence the moment I arrived.

"... judge... me..." The words were a broken rasping hiss, fading in and out before they came louder. "No gods... will judge me!"

"So, you readily ask me to do it in their stead?" I snarled out as both swords came out, bloodsteel gleaming as my vision grew hazy with red.

"What god has a right to judge me when I myself am one..." With the words, the Ancient stood before me once more. Its form was once again that of Lashimar's, though the copper skin was now cracked and pitted as if burned terribly.

"Hmph... to hell with the gods, once again it falls on me to do their work, eh?" I snapped the blades out, showing my teeth as I cocked a brow, seeing that massive battle axe form in the Ancient's grip.

"Your ploy to cast me out of my daughter's body, weakened me... but in this forgotten plain, I've manifested myself fully and when I strike you down, child... I'll take you as mine, body, and soul." A wide grin showed on his face, torn ripped wings spreading out wide.

I blurred forward and slammed both my blades against the massive axe, driving the Ancient back several yards as I spat out, "Spare me your prattling, grandfather, I've had about enough of you!"

His eyes turned black and he just blinked out of sight, I narrowly sidestepped a heavy swing of the axe, the blade inches from my throat. My teeth showed as another swing came, then another as I bounded and dodged them, the strikes too fast to parry despite how big the weapon was.

After several moments Lashimar showed a victorious grin as he stepped back. "Ha... jump around all you want little lamb! We've nothing but time and you will eventually burn through your blood, no one will come for you here."

"Oh?" I cocked a brow and spun my swords as I tilted my head. "You sure about that?"

"Ha! Try to call for Triallia Glitter-leaf! Your Great Spirit will not come for you!" He roared the Ninetails' name out to make his point and I showed him a smile. He returned it with his own grin. "Ah, so you will embrace destruction with a smile on your face? Mad little child..."

"Oh... no, it's not that grandfather... it's just, well..." I showed him a grin and lifted my ears. "You've made a simply dreadful miscalculation with this little stunt!" I showed my teeth as my grin grew wilder as the red in my vision grew deeper.

The Ancient gave a shocked grunt as I was before him, sweeping my blades out as he parried the strike. There was a clash of impact before he flew back several yards. He righted himself with a confused look on his face, cocking a burned brow.

"Ha... yes... you see... no fear of hurting my loved ones, no, no... you can have it all... yes, go ahead, I'm all yours!" I laughed out the mad words as I plunged my blades into the charred earth and threw my hands out, welcoming everything the ancient-blood in me had to offer. It didn't matter if I lost myself, I had to put this thing down, I couldn't let it be free to move on to another member of my family.

Lashimar hissed out having to hold a hand up as hellfire and radiant flames basked over my form as I clenched my fist. I could see his fear, see the shock and awe in the eyes of a being that had not felt such emotions since times long forgotten.

He didn't even approach as my overwhelming will poured out, then I was before him, my eyes flaming as I grabbed his own horns, tears of blood rolling down my cheeks. His red eyes were wide, he looked terrified of me, of the monster he'd fully unleashed. "I am a matriarch first!" I slammed my head into his, hearing his skull break as he staggered back.

"I am a sister!" I drove a fist into his jaw, shattering it.

"I am a mother!" My foot came up, slamming into his chest, shattering ribs as I drove him to the earth in a massive impact, the crater of the blow several yards in diameter.

"I am the Avenger of my kind, and even you, the inception of what we were, will, not, touch, any, of, them!" I screamed the last of the words out, a wide malicious grin on my face as I stomped into his chest with each one, again and again, shattering bones as I drove him further into the earth.

Flames burst out around me as I was already looking at where he would appear. I let him reform his body, but saw how battered he already was, my mind flooded with nothing but mad screams of hunger now as I twitched an eye, crimson tears rolling freely down my cheeks.

"It... matters little... you can't destroy this body, child! I will outlast you, and you will accept what is to be!" Lashimar clenched his fist, showing me a bloody grin.

I clenched my own head in both my hands, feeling rage fill me at his words. Nothing, nothing had made me more furious in my entire existence than the idea of this smug piece of filth preying on my loved ones. No, no... I would end this, one way or another, then in my madness I thought of my mother and cocked my head to the side, offering my hand out, palm open. "I offer you a moment of respite... pray to the gods, beg them for forgiveness..."

"Ha! I can see I've driven you into full madness, my child! I am a god! I need not ask them for anything! Ngh!" His teeth clenched as I was atop him grabbing his armor and wrenching him down to my eye level. His own eyes widened as he saw the swirling bloody maelstrom of what was in my gaze, his mouth gaping slightly.

"Do not stare into the abyss, grandfather... lest it stares back!" I cooed out the words as my teeth flashed and I dove atop him, riding him to the charred earth as my fangs plunged into his throat.

"No! You are too weak! You-" He convulsed as I drew his damned blood down my throat. A heartbeat later his struggling ceased but I just stayed atop him, drinking and drinking, not stopping until I felt everything in me, I wasn't just ending his life, I was finishing what my mother started.

I pulled back, tongue lolled, feeling the fires of his very soul finally gutter out, a mad little grin spreading on my face as I cooed out and stood, knees shaking from all the power in me, a power I should never have had. "Ha... all I ever wanted... peace... love... my family..."

My hand pushed up into my curls, showing a grin as I saw his body simply fade to dust and scatter out into the void of darkness all around me, red tears rolling down my cheeks. I hummed as I collected my swords, sheathing them as I simply started walking. "So be it... All the pieces are righted, they are safe... they are safe... worth it, it was worth it... All I wanted... I am satisfied, so let us simply wander for a while. You and I, I and you..." I giggled the words, unable to clear my head, screams, and yowls filling my mind constantly as I just grinned while I walked, stalking off into the darkness of the abyss I was in.

I walked and I walked, I also babbled to myself the whole while, grey flames bursting off my boots at every step I took through the charred wasteland. "Ah, it's so unfair... all that time, and I didn't even get to fuck him again! Can you believe it? The nerve of the gods, not only having me do their work, but then I have to deal with this after everything! Ugh! Rude!"

"No no, that's fine... it's fine! He has Charlotte again, and Alice will be a fine replacement for me! Yes, I agree, it's better this way." I wasn't sure how long I had walked, it could have been hours, it could have been days, everything was just a blur of thoughts.

After a time I flopped right down onto my back in the dirt, sighing as I lifted a hand to the nothingness above me, looking at my outstretched fingers. "Oh, why won't you give it a rest? All the screaming and whining for blood, do you see anything around? No, you don't! So shut up already!" I clenched my teeth, furrowing my brow, my words doing nothing.

"Tsk... I will try to rest for a few moments, perhaps a quick sleep... a nap may help? Oh, it won't? I know, but..." I sighed and waved my hand slowly back and forth, watching afterimages of it in my red vision, then laid it upon my chest, forcing myself to enter torpor.

My dreams were vivid and to call them nightmares would be the greatest understatement I could think of. I dreamed of plunging my fangs into Alice's throat, drinking until there was nothing left, I dreamed of cutting down Ryder, and tearing my beloved foxes apart. I woke with a scream, my eyes wide, tears pouring forth anew as I sobbed out, "Why?! Is this how you felt, Sarnai?!"

"No... you watched loved ones die, you never dreamed of being the one... you were lucky but I-" I found my feet once more, taking a few steps, sniffling as I shook my head. "The writing is there... yes, it's there... I knew I wouldn't be enough... I never wanted to be enough... but a matriarch first, yes... that was my choice, my duty."

I drew my wakizashi, staring at the bloodsteel mingled with divine silver, my cherished rabbit having helped make it for me. "Such a good girl... so much more than I deserved, all of them were..." I clenched my teeth, feeling the thoughts in my head turning to what I'd do to her if I saw her in this moment and I yowled out at them.

"Enough! No! I am Lorelai Tahmineh! I ... am the Empress of Bloodstone! My duty... my duty... is to protect my family from all threats, all of them! ... all of them...even myself..." I dropped to my knees in the pitted dirt and brought the blade of the wakizashi to my chest, the point aimed at my heart.

"You must not!"

I gave a disgusted laugh at the thoughts in my head. "Ha ha! You would like that, wouldn't you?! To continue to tear my mind apart until I was nothing?! No no... I am still a sheep with pride, and I'll die that way! On my terms!"

"Lorelai, please!"

I gave a grunt and eased the sword from my chest. The blathering words had never used my name. I snapped my teeth and shook my head as if trying to clear my thoughts. Finally, I summoned all my will, grinding my teeth as I brought it all to the forefront, pushing the cries of blood back to a dull murmur.

"Who speaks to me? Show yourself, now!" I rose from my feet, sheathing my wakizashi, leaving my hand resting on the pommel of it.

My eyes widened as the presence appeared before me, then they narrowed. "You... are the last thing I wished to see..." Seeing was a subjective term. The being was humanoid in shape, smaller than me, as if the size of a child, and they were just a fuzzy collection of light. Still, I'd felt their power several times now, I knew all too well what they were.

The whole scene suddenly changed and I was standing in that blue void of nothingness once more. My eyes widened as I glared at the hazy figure. "What are you doing?! Take me back! It is not safe for me to be... I cannot be here!"

"Lorelai, our wayward child..."

"I am no child of yours! Fuck you and fuck your gods! Return me to that abyss and let me conclude my business! I have to... protect them!" I drew my blade anew, snarling at the small figure of light before me.

"You may curse us and the gods, but you have done too much to be ignored in this time of tribulation."

"Silence! I'll not have you placate me, nor will I drop to my knees before you! I would already be tearing at you like a slobbering monster for your throat equivalent if I didn't already know that wasn't a corporeal form!"

I snapped the blade around towards me once more. "Unless you prefer I prostrate myself before you and do it here! I care not so long as it is done! Do it yourself if you wish, I'd just have it done to know the madness goes with me and won't take one of my family!"

"Even in all this... absolute duty..."

"Yes! I accept, instead of cowering! Take notes Seraph, this is the way of a true guardian, not hiding away painful memories to avoid it!" I sneered out as my teeth showed.

"Enough! It is not needed and you will do no such thing in our presence!" I shuddered as I felt the grip waver on my blade before it simply fell to the ground, my eyes wide and mouth gaping at the sheer force of will upon me.

"We will not attempt to reason with you, Lorelai, not in your madness, but know we commend your resolve and duty even at your limits. However, we owe too many of our flock and your family to allow this path to continue."

"What?! No, I don't!" My teeth grit and my eyes widened as tears rolled from them, my whole body burning, burning like it did when I touched blessed silver all those years ago, like when I would touch Toroah before Alice came along, but it was magnified to an unimaginable level.

"Stop! It... it hurts!" I clenched my stomach, falling to my knees and sobbing, bloody tears constantly filling my vision. "Just... let me die! Let me protect-" My eyes rolled up as my vision darkened and the lights went out, the pain too much to bear even for me.


Lorelai Tahmineh:

Avenger; A second-generation vampire, Lorelai is unsure of when she was born, but she is at least fifteen hundred years old. She founded and maintained house Silverpaw for several centuries before stepping down to lead the Bloodstone council when Ra's fell.

Lorelai has always held her family first in all things. She protects all in her council with the ferocity of a mother. When Ryder was imprisoned and Sarnai fell further into madness, she turned inward, focusing on just saving them, steeling her emotions, as to not allow others into those precious places they had managed to find. Alice Blackpaw changed that and by becoming her lover, would eventually bring her the power to stand before any that would threaten her family.

Lorelai is many things, from a sister to a lover, but despite her title as an Avenger of her kind, first and foremost, Lorelai Tahmineh is what she always has been, a Matriarch.


I came to with my head in a lap, wincing and furrowing my brow, my whole body throbbed with pain as if every fiber of my being had been burned. I felt the divinity all around me as I weakly huffed out, "If I've got a set of wings on me, I'm going to be very upset..."

"Don't be silly, I've got more than enough wings for the both of us!" The voice was one I instantly recognized as my eyes snapped open and I jerked up, coming nose to nose with my angel-fox.

Ryder gave me that loving grin, his tail wagging behind him. "Hey, Lore... enjoy your nap?"

My heart started pounding but I bit my lower lip, focusing. The voices weren't there. I was fully in control. I fell back onto my rear, sitting and crossing my legs, giving him a focused look before glancing around, seeing Alice sitting with us, Charlotte also present.

"Explain this, now!" I showed my teeth as I yelled out and glared over my shoulder, feeling the Seraph's presence.

"After you were pulled from me in the gate, it didn't take us long to figure out what had happened," Alice smiled as she spoke.

"We returned to the citadel shortly after, demanding the Seraph do something," Charlotte growled the words, her hands resting on her lap.

"Three Paladin's, all the Archangels, the entirety of the Faemarch, vampire court, Magi, and even lycanthrope clans..." Ryder gave me a knowing smile.

"It was too much to be ignored, too much had been given, we... requested intervention. The dark gods and divine ones both agreed. Your actions had shifted scales in what the dark ones found to be an agreeable direction, and so they allowed us to collect you."

My ears flicked at the Seraph's words then gave a laugh. "Wait... you mean to tell me, the worthless gods actually did something?!" I showed the source of power a crooked grin.

All three Paladin's frowned at my words before the Seraph spoke out pointedly, "Yes."

"So what happened?" I huffed out.

"You were pulled into a deep bygone plane within the underworld, an abyss of sorts."

"I gathered that much on my own! No, I mean what did you do to me!" I snarled and ran my tongue along my teeth, making sure I still had my fangs.

"The simple version is, we burned away your malediction with divine fires. Something you'd normally not withstand, but with Alice fortifying your body over the years-"

"All the fucking," She hummed out proudly.

"Erm... like blessed silver, you were resistant enough to survive..." The Seraph's voice spoke out awkwardly.

"I'd believe it. I thought you were killing me yourself for a bit there!" I gave a laugh them smiled at the three of them. "Guess I'll owe you guys one, I'm sure as hell not thanking the gods."

"Empathy, love, and sacrifice. You have the requirements in spades to be a Paladin, Lorelai." Charlotte showed me a knowing grin.

"Gods no... Keep your wings and divine nonsense, I've enough to do." I groaned out as I slowly found my feet, rolling a shoulder and wincing at the ache.

"Is it well and truly over, Seraph?" Ryder called out.

"It is. The Ancient's soul has finally been accounted for and the gods have purged the madness, but your original hunger will still be present, Lorelai."

"It'd feel weird if it wasn't, like losing an old friend." I gave the Seraph a grin as I flicked my small fluff of tail a few times.

"I agree... it is a part of us... it makes us strong, right my sheep?" Alice stood and reached for me, both our hands clasping together.

"Correct, it is a power to be respected." I gave her a grin as Ryder and Charlotte also stood, then I bleated out as all three hugged me right up. "Guh! How are you three even doing this with those damn big wings in the way!"

"We will leave you to your well-earned peace, our children. Lorelai, call upon us any time, we will try our utmost to be worthy allies and make amends for the past."

I snorted out through the hug. "Fine, I guess... uh... thanks for this. I'm not going to go pious or anything, but I'll stop busting your gods chops so hard since they actually stepped up this time."

Eventually, I detangled from the trio and we made our way back to the citadel. Alice hummed excitedly as she linked an arm with Charlotte. "Baby... show me your quarters, much as I'd love to get tangled up with all of you, I want to give them some space."

"Uh... R-right!" Charlotte showed the rabbit a grin as they started walking off. "Wow, you're much smaller than when you were a tiger now that I think of it..."

"Hm hm... I'll show you the advantages of that very soon, my love." Alice cooed out, offering me and Ryder a wink as she left us alone.

I frowned as I looked up at him, my heart pounding as his blue eyes met mine. It had been such an ordeal and I never thought I'd see him again at all when I had to face Lashimar in the abyss.

He took a knee and clasped my hands in his own, bringing them forward to kiss them gently. I felt him focusing his healing prayers and shook my head. "No need for that anymore, Ryder... you're safe to touch me, remember?"

I felt the focus fade as he shook his head while looking upon me. "It's still so hard to believe after all this time... to finally be touching you again."

"Are you alright with what I've become in these centuries, Ryder? I'm not the same sheep I was when this began." I glanced away from his eyes, thinking back on all I'd endured, all I'd done to get to this goal.

His hand cupped my cheek as he drew me to look upon him once more. "Lorelai, I love you, I always have and I always will. You were there for me, you constantly strived to keep me sane, and in the end, you are why I am here now with you."

My teeth clenched as I shook my head, feeling my vision burn as I threw my arms around him, shoving my mouth to his, feeling his lips upon mine after so long. I dreamed of this day, I cried and cursed for this, for his touch, his kiss.

We hugged one another tight, lips crushed together, my fingers tangled into his hair, his own returning the favor, slipping into my curls. In that moment, I did thank the gods in my heart, I thanked them for this moment, even if I had to put most of the effort in, it was okay to give them some of the credit this time.

Parting from me, I saw tears in his own eyes as he shuddered. "Lorelai...There's so much I wanted to say, but now that we're here... I just can't seem to find the words."

"Your eyes say everything, my angel-fox... no need for honeyed words, save them for Rachel." I snarled and pushed to his lips once more, this time my tongue came forth to find his own, our kiss growing deeper.

I felt Ryder channel his will as a gate opened beneath us. I broke his kiss with a bleat of a giggle as I fell through, landing with a heavy bounce on a large bed, no doubt his quarters. The fox wrapped his arms around me, laying atop me as we kissed once more, our tongues rolling and teasing before I felt him graze one of my canines, divine blood mingling into the kiss.

My brown eyes shifted to red and I snarled out before jerking back from his mouth and with no hesitation, rolled him over and plunged fangs deep into his throat, desperate to taste him again. Not divine blood, but his, I wanted to taste what was mine again after so long, blessed blood that was mine and mine alone to drink.

"Ha... gods..." He sighed blissfully, tangling his fingers into my curls, gently grasping my horns as I took deep eager gulps, shivering at the taste of him again after so very long. Even after all this time, it took a little effort to calm myself as I pulled free, dragging my tongue along the wounds to seal them before I began feathering soft kisses down his collar.

"Never again..." I hissed the words as I kissed down his chest, hands pulling the sash of his robes free. "Nothing will ever take you from me again... take what is mine..."

"Hah... Lorelai, my love... I seriously question if anything short of the gods could at this point. You've become so strong in these last years." Ryder sighed as he moved to pull my ballistics jacket free.

"There are always stronger things out there, my angel-fox, I simply did what was needed to take back that which was mine." I sighed the words as I lifted my arms, letting him tug free shirt, bra and jacket alike, all of it being hefted up as my full breasts came into view for him after so long.

His eyes sparkled to see me topless once more, the jacket making a heavy thump as it fell to the floor, then like that he pulled me to him and shoved his mouth right to my left teat. I grinned and rubbed those large dark ears, moaning as I felt his tongue circle and teeth dig into my flesh a little. "So eager... ngh... I can't blame you, I'm yours and yours alone this day, I surrender my body to you fully, my love, my precious, precious, angel-fox..."

He nodded while sucking and I hissed from how hard it was, but let him do as he pleased, feeling him finally pull free and shift to my other nipple, the one he had been attending to now dark and aching slightly. "I love you... gods do I love you... I always said I'd go through hell and back for you, never did I believe I'd be held to those words, but I'll do it again in a heartbeat for you, I swear it."

With a small whimper, he pulled from me and moved to cup my face, pushing his forehead to my own. "I'm so sorry you had to endure so much, so-"

I pushed my fingers to his lips to silence him, shaking my head. "It is a lover's duty. You would have done the same for me, and I know this. The time for lamenting has passed, my angel-fox. I am here, you are here, our loved ones are safe... things are good, yes?"

"Yes, you are so wise as always my ewe..." He whispered the words, kissing along my chin and down my throat while pulling me closer, my arms wrapping around his neck, watching once again move down to nuzzle at my breasts, just as eager to play with them as he always had been.

My fingers kept rubbing those large black ears, feeling him kiss at my chest while grinding beneath me, of course I could clearly feel the rise in his half-opened robes, his strong chest in full view for me, a sight I'd longed for myself.

"Gods... you're driving me crazy..." He snarled the words, his tail wagging harder.

"I can smell it upon you, did you not... visit with any of the others?" I huffed the words as I pulled back, unbuckling my heavy cargo pants made of the same material as the jacket I had worn.

"Of course not! My only focus was on finding you! To my knowledge, Alice didn't either!" He barked the words pointedly and I showed him a cocky little smile.

"How dutiful of you... mmm... well, here I am my angel-fox..." I dropped my clearly wet panties atop his chest, now fully disrobed of everything but the jewelry I wore. "All of me... all yours, at long last." I huffed the words proudly, perching upon his knees, doing my best to give a little sexy pose like I'd seen Alice doing, lifting both arms up and moving my hands behind my head to make my breasts perk higher.

Apparently, it did the trick. Ryder snarled like a wild fox as he quickly tore his robes open. I barely got time to admire that length of his before he grabbed my hips and hauled me right above him. I bleated out and clung to him, feeling him rubbing that tapered head of his right along my slick petals.

"You're so sexy, my ewe! Gods, I've dreamed of being inside you again!" He growled the words and my tongue showed as I felt him push past my entrance, my walls spreading as he plunged right in, his movements showing his body matched the desperation of his words.

He sunk nice and deep, impacting my core as I bleated out, then hugged him tight, shivering as I felt myself crest while he was buried inside me, feeling him throb against my clenching walls. "Gods... gods... yes, my ewe... oh my gods yes..." He groaned the words into my ears, already grinding himself against my core.

"Okay, okay... huff... huff... enough of the gods talk..." I panted against him, clinging to his open robes, nuzzling his chest, feeling his hands on my hips, holding me as he pumped eagerly up into me at long last, my tongue lolled from the pleasure, feeling him bump my core with each intent stroke.

"Love, you... so much!" He barked the words out down into my ears as I nodded my head, feeling unable to form words from the pleasure in me, clenching my teeth as I bleated out in another moan, my tail lifting as I felt myself give in once more, feeling that swell at his base, a sensation I never got with my rabbit.

"Yes... yes! I love you... I love you! Gods I love you, please, Ryder! Don't stop, I want-" I bleated out as he rolled us over, landing on my back as he silenced me with a deep kiss. I moaned into his mouth, feeling his hips now having full leverage as he shoved deep down into me, desperately.

I moaned and yelped against his lips, finally pulling back to give short little bleating moans as he drove me to edge but just kept going, not letting me recover. I grabbed for his chest and shoulder, clinging to him desperately as my tongue lolled, losing myself to the frenzy of our lovemaking.

That knot of his kept pushing at my entrance and after several more moments of the intense grinding, I felt it finally push past as I bleated out with a throaty yelp, my red eyes wide as he looked down upon me, his own gold, my smaller body trapped with his.

"Lorelai! Gods!" His ears folded and I felt his tail fluff out against my bared feet, then my angel-fox gave me that howling moan I longed to hear. My heart leaped at the sound of him, then my tongue lolled as I felt his heat start to fill me at long last.

Both of us stayed in that moment, staring at one another, tongues showing as I felt his hips jerk with each rope, feeling his love for me fill me again after so long. It didn't seem like he'd ever stop, but finally, it ended and I watched his eyes shift back to blue before rolling up, a weak groan escaping his throat before he simply collapsed against me.

I gave a little grunt as I held him against my chest, cooing down into the ears, petting him as he panted against my breasts, feeling so very warm inside from everything my cherished angel-fox had for me. "Now and forevermore, you are mine, I am yours... and I love you..." I whispered the words into his ears, feeling him shudder at them, simply nodding as he clung to me.

My eyes closed as I drank in this moment, cherishing it and locking it away in my heart. If the day ever came I'd need to make good on my words, I would use this as one of many memories of us that would galvanize my soul to stand before anything to protect him.

After a few moments, I heard soft huffing I recognized all too well. My fox had drifted off after having spent everything he had upon me. I let my own mind wander, not worrying about the future and just relishing this moment. My own eyes closed, feeling safe and content after all these years, finding peaceful sleep in my angel's arms.


"So it is, I hope you appreciated this, I'm not much of a storyteller you know," I huffed out as I rolled my neck, feeling stiff from the long session of sitting at the fireside with you and my angel.

"Neither was I, but I hope you enjoyed it, young Bloodstone, noble." Ryder gave me a smile as I slumped and leaned against him, seeing you still looking upon us in awe over the tribulations we had faced together.

"Ah, this was so nice! I should have all of the family gather around for story time like this!" Alice hummed out and I snorted out at your enthusiastic agreeance.

"Now now... not everyone may be so keen to divulge such personal stories, my rabbit," I clicked my tongue as you and the rabbit offered an eerily similar pout.

"I know that, but... it was sooo hot! Gods... can I come to bed with you two today?" Alice huffed out eagerly as I saw your own eyebrows lift at that.

"Ah yes... I suppose we never regaled you of that, or me and Toroah with my ewe either, eh?" Ryder hummed the words at you in a cocky tone that made me snarl and push against him.

"Hmph... you're enjoying this too much, Ryder!" I gave him a fussy grumble but then huffed out as I shrugged. "However, I find curiosity and eagerness to learn an admirable trait."

I sat up and rolled my shoulder before offering you a knowing grin. "My sibling, would you enjoy hearing a few more tales from me and Ryder? I assure you none of them will top the dramatics of trapesing through the nine hells, nor-" I huffed at your enthusiastic answer and rolled my eyes with a click of my tongue. "Fine..."

"Oh, this will be so fun! I could share a few too... Mm! Maybe we should see if the other celestials or Triallia has some to tell! I bet Sarnai might have some more saucy stories too!" Alice clenched her fists, an eager grin on her face. I grumbled as I saw you also looked fairly eager.

"I swear... this family grows more debaucherous by the day!" I poked my nose up and gave a little smug huff.

"There's worse quirks to have in a family. Let us just relish this peace, I find it quite enjoyable to regale the stories, and it makes Alice and your sibling so happy." Ryder pulled me close as I gave a defeated sigh and pushed into his chest.

"Fine, but I need a break, one of you two may take the reins for a bit." I pushed into my angel-fox's chest, sighing contentedly as he held me close.

My lovely reader, thank you for joining me on this tale. B&C is very special to me, it's the fiction I've put the most effort into and I hold it very dear to my heart. I tried to give the story lots of twists and turns, but keep it sexy and fun as well, I hope you enjoyed your time here.

As was implied by the dialog, this is the end of the major drama, however, I have so much more to say, so much more sex to write! I'm sure I'll spice in some drama here and there, maybe a few minor situations, but let's not get out of hand on the powercreep, yes? Lorelai and company have earned some peace.

So, what I'm saying to you my lovely reader is... there may not be world-ending stakes to be had, but let us stay here a little longer, I'll tell you a few more stories by the fireside, mayhaps from the perspectives of those that haven't had the chance to do so yet!

For now, let us part ways for the sun is soon to rise. I hope to see you again very soon.

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