An Alien Bug

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#9 of For Sale Stories

In a world plagued by an alien TF virus, a man makes a daily blog detailing his infection and the subsequent symptoms

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Day 1

First day of the blog. Obviously. This is new for me, too. I've never been much of a blogger. But, with nothing else urgent to occupy my time for the foreseeable future, I might as well start one. I think people will be interested in reading this given the context. All right. Here it goes.

Got my test results back today. I have the symptoms. I'm confirmed positive for the virus. That was all they could tell me, sadly. There was no indication of what the change would entail, or even if I would change at all. That wasn't a surprise. The fucking government likely didn't give a shit about what happened to anyone infected, during, or after the process. Unless it was one of them, of course. The way of the world.

There is no telling how long it would take for me to lose my humanity. Maybe I never really would, not entirely. It was a small hope, but the only one I could hold on to. Weeks of scouring the internet told me no credible stories of anyone who had been confirmed infected remaining home or human. That didn't mean it didn't happen, right? Not everyone was tech savvy.

Still, it was likely inevitable I'd show the usual symptoms. Over several days, weeks, or maybe even months, I would start changing into a totally non-human being. One that did not exist on this planet or any other that humanity had ever set foot on. A creature whose final form was likely unknown to us. And I was only one of thousands undergoing a similar experience.

I know this next part is redundant. It's only good for someone living under a rock for the past few months. I know all my readers will have lived this first hand. Fuck, we're all still living it. But it's not for them I'm writing this. Part of it is to tell my own perspective, to put the events into my words. The other is, on the off chance that this blog exists far into the future, after this whole circumstance is resolved, I want people to know. Not that I either think people will forget or that the situation will ever resolve itself. But that doesn't matter at the time of this writing.

It happened a few months ago. SETI scientists reported the presence of a signal, one that had to be from another civilization. There was no mistaking it for anything else, so we were told. It was wild in and of itself, of course. But, perhaps most alarming of all was its proximity. The beacon seemed to be originating from the outskirts of our solar system, not several thousand light-years away as such a signal should be. Though it was impossible, none of the data indicated it was a false alarm.

Yet even with the public release of the findings, no one was too concerned about the signal at first. Naturally, alien conspiracies were running wild, and millions turned their telescopes to the skies for signs of an oncoming ship or even an armada. Yet the most effective visual aids failed to turn up anything concrete. Soon even the signal stopped transmitting, and the news reports shifted from talk of extraterrestrials to more mundane things. In the hustle and rush of day-to-day life, it was quickly forgotten.

It was neat to think that aliens could be visiting our planet, and had reached out to contact us. But it was nearly an impossibility, even with the evidence at hand. Top scientists weighed in, discussing the physical futility of any beings making the unfathomable journey from far beyond our solar system, the millions of light-years literally requiring a species many lifetimes to travel. And for what? If they desired to make contact, why didn't they? If they wanted our resources, why come here instead of using the ones on uninhabited planets? The arguments were all valid and, soon, everyone was convinced the signal had been some sort of bizarre natural phenomenon and nothing more.

Yet even the more insistent skeptics were soon to be proven wrong. About four months after the initial signal detection, several large, unidentified objects were spotted flying rapidly across the night sky. It was quickly confirmed that the phenomena were occurring worldwide. Nothing on Earth could move that fast in such a short amount of time, seen in every hemisphere, every country, and continent as they moved across the globe.

That was the first tip-off that the massive objects were perhaps not from this world. The second was that despite being seen visually by millions of people, no form of recording could detect the anomalies. They didn't appear on any camera or cell phone video. They apparently weren't detectable by radar. Nothing man-made existed that could prove their existence, save for the millions of eyes that witnessed them first-hand.

No government, superpower, or otherwise, claimed responsibility for their creation or could provide a credible explanation for their presence. They moved as though plotting a more calculated trajectory, separate from each other, yet in perfect symmetry. No natural phenomena could come close to exhibiting such coordinated behavior, which left even the top world leader unable to calm the populace.

Most alarming of all, however, was the smaller lights seen detached off the 'main' ones, like shooting stars falling to Earth. It seemed as though hundreds, maybe thousands of them descended from the observable objects. Some experts were able to extrapolate their trajectory, and within hours, hundreds of reports came in of people discovering the crashed objects. Pictures immediately flooded the internet of what appeared to be perfectly shaped spheres, near the size or circumference of a basketball.

They did some minor amount of damage, some landing on buildings or property, but no humans were harmed as best as it was observed. Most bizarre of all, no impact craters were found near the spheres, nothing to signal that they had crashed. It was almost as though they had appeared there overnight.

Governments across the world warned against approaching the objects until they could be more carefully examined. As many as possible were collected by all sorts of scientific agencies. It was apparent the objects were composed of a relatively lightweight material that did not exist on this planet. The spheres did not have any sort of surface structures or markings. In fact, they were perfectly smooth around the entire circumference, signaling evidence of artificial nature.

Nothing man-made was able to penetrate them. No chemical compound or metal on Earth could break them apart, no scan could see inside them. Like the objects in the sky, the only confirmation of their existence was that we could see them with the naked eye.

Soon after their initial discovery, something even more strange happened. The outer layer of the spheres seemed to break apart in seconds, barely observable to the naked eye as they dissolve away into nothing detectable. And in their place were two smaller spheres, identical to the previous ones, save their smaller stature. It happened simultaneously the world over, taking only milliseconds. There seemed to be no visible catalyst to the event, no explanation as to why it occurred in such synchronicity.

As the hours went on, the spheres dissolved again, this time into four smaller objects. As with the first event, it occurred in synchronicity the world over. In a few hours, it occurred again, this time into eight. The pattern continued, each time the remaining spheres got smaller and smaller as if they existed in the initial large structure like a series of china dolls. It soon became apparent that the event would continue indefinitely, until the spheres went smaller than the visible spectrum and perhaps the microscopic, diminishing to the size of viruses or even more minute.

Within a week, nothing visible remained of the alien artifacts. Yet from microscopic examinations, they had not disappeared. They were immeasurable in numbers, smaller than grains of dust. Everyone watched with bated breath, wondering what had happened to them and why they had even been dropped in the first place. There was a genuine fear that because of how small they had become, they could enter the human body and do God knows what.

They say it was those in the vicinity of the degraded spheres that showed the first symptoms. Rash, dry skin, and dizziness were among the initial signs of the bug. In more extreme cases, vomiting, blood loss, and severe fever set in. Yet, in all cases, the cause of the illness could not be identified. It was as though something invisible was in the body, affecting it in ill-fated ways while doctors were helpless to diagnose or treat it. Some of the affected naturally perished, their bodies unable to handle what was happening to them. They were arguably the lucky ones.

Soon after the onset of symptoms, something with no terrestrial equivalent began to occur to the hapless victims. Patches of skin that sported rashes started to peel away into hard, mottled exoskeleton structures. Strange growths and protrusions began to form from various orifices, some with no discernible function. Any effort to remove them was met with pain and their rapid regeneration after the fact. It was as though they now belonged to the victim's physiology.

No two additions were quite the same, as though they belonged to separate species. The changes did not seem to occur at the same rate either, some individuals taking weeks to develop a sign of alterations while some effectively crippled in a few days as the inhuman changes took hold.

There was a fear that the changes would be contagious, that exposure to the infected would incur a transformation themselves. And to a limited degree, that seemed to be the case as those nearby the initial spheres started showing signs. Yet many who lived nowhere near the initial sources of infections began to show the same symptoms. It seemed as though the virus had spread the world over, with no discernible pattern as to age, sex, or preexisting conditions. With the spheres so tiny they were virtually invisible, it was nearly impossible to tell who was at risk of infection. Since the spheres were likely to travel via respiratory droplets, skin cells, and any other direct contact, it was required for all affected individuals to isolate before they risk spreading it to others.

A few months after the initial event, the number of individuals who showed signs of infection numbered in the thousands. It was assumed the actual figure was much higher, given that some chose not to report their status lest they were locked away for it. For all we knew, there might be thousands of more people who had hidden away in their homes in fear, succumbing to the changes, or living them out to their conclusion.

Those first few infected continued to change. Many grew appendages that were rather insect-like such as antennae, extra limbs, and strange mouthparts. Some forms seemed more aquatic, while others displayed more reptilian features. Others sported features that were inorganic, things composed of compounds that could not exist in nature. At least, on this planet. In those cases, even alterations that should have been deadly were non-fatal to the host, after the initial body's immune response had abated.

There was every indication the forms people were taking on were not random. But rather, they seemed meant to simulate types of life that did not exist on Earth and were perhaps in the domain of extraterrestrials. There was too much variation for them to be one species. Perhaps, an entirely new ecosystem was being developed on the planet. No one could say for certain.

With strict media regulations regarding display of the 'Infected', it was impossible to know the full extent of the alterations. Some were more obvious than others, such as those who developed wings or gills. Still other, more bizarre attributes had been documented. The ability to see well beyond the senses of a human. The development of weapons, such as poison sacks or sharp claws. Or the ability to burrow into the Earth as though it were water.

The number of infected worldwide still remained in the tens of thousands, thankfully. Yet there was every indication the cases were still spreading, and there was no way to know how far they would continue before they stopped. Would all of humankind eventually be infected? Or would the source of the infection come back to Earth to reap the benefits of their long-term project on humanity? No one could know.

No one in the public eye has yet seen the final result of a change. Those who had transformed were instructed to remain in their home until they were 'pursued' to relocate to a government shelter. As best as we knew, no one had returned after being taken to such a place. Though it was advertised as a place meant to keep people safe, no transparency was given as to what really happened in those facilities. Still, attendance at such locations was mandatory upon government request. It was likely that some individuals were taken by force, though any video evidence was quickly removed from social media. We had, in effect, become a totalitarian state in an effort to curb the virus. It was a terrifying thought, I think, to know one day I could too lose my humanity or be taken away from study in a government bunker, never to see the light of day again.

Others had likely fled in fear of being taken off to such a facility. It was likely that those people continued to change. Some images of massive, insectoid abominations were recorded with limited visual quality. It was hard to say what remained of their former bodies. Whatever happened, all of those who had changed seemed to prefer to find places that were well out of the way of the uninfected. Either they did not want to risk spread of infection, wished to avoid capture, or were simply embarrassed of their new forms.

As you can imagine, the world changed drastically in a short span. Fearful of the viral spread, people were required to stay home as much as possible. Masks and other forms of PPE were mandatory in most places, but it was nearly impossible to tell if such things were effective measures. We were told not to see friends and loved ones. Not to cross international borders or even leave our towns. All events and leisure activities were indefinitely postponed. Life as we knew it had changed overnight, and there was no chance of things returning to normal without the presence of a vaccine or cure.

Anyone with symptoms was forced to self-isolate at home until a test could be administered, and their status confirmed. The punishment for disobeying the self-isolation was immediate imprisonment, likely to a less caring facility than the one they would have been initially sent to. So, most with symptoms opted to stay inside, savoring what little time they had in their own homes with human bodies.

I guess that's one of the reasons I started a blog. I know some others are doing the same thing. The world needs to know what's happening so that they can try to prepare for the inevitable should all of humanity change. And I hope that my personal journey helps others who might not be in a position as good as mine.

As for me, I have no idea when or how any changes will start. My skin is getting itchy, but I have no clue whether it's a reaction to the infection, or if it's all in my head. There are red patches around my neck and back, but I'd been out in the sun the last few weeks before I started getting sick. I've been doing my best not to scratch it. Don't wanna make things worse.

I think I'm safe enough for now. There are so many people locked up in their homes that they only come to take those that have changed more drastically or need medical attention, I didn't know if I've done the right thing by letting the authorities know. I just hope it all works out...

Day 3

Shit. It fucking happened. While I was sleeping, of all things. I fucking missed it! Though I don't know if that's really a bad thing, everything considered.

Sorry I didn't bother writing anything yesterday. Nothing really to say. I spent the time playing some games, trying to keep my mind off things. I haven't told any of my friends the test results yet. I wanted to keep things as normal as possible while I still could. But it was a long day, and nothing else of note happened, except for a bit of spread in the reddening flesh. What was the normal progression of the change, anyway? There was no one standard to base it on.

I woke up this morning to something itching at the top of my head. I reached up reflexively and found two significantly sized bumps just below my hairline. Looked at them in the mirror for like an hour. They seemed red, like the raw skin on my back, and still had the consistency of my flesh. I was tempted to pop one, but I didn't want to risk hurting myself or anything. And they didn't seem like they were full of just puss. I was sure that something else was in there, something that wriggled as I poked around it. Fuck, it made me sick. I'll keep you updated.

Day 3 Update.

Fuck, they sprouted! Before it happened, I felt something pushing at the lumps, like bits of my skin threatening to pop forth at any moment. I ran to the mirror, seeing the things wriggling just under the flesh of the bulbous growths. I wanted to reach up and touch them, but I was terrified. Would it spread the changes if I did? I could only stare as they wriggled and twitched and forced their way against my skin.

I was disgusted when a deep pop erupted from each protrusion as these blackened feathery growths began pushing through with a spray of puss and blood. I screamed, feeling them stretching forth as they started to move of their own accord. They were still covered with blood and ichor, and I wanted to rub them clean, but again was terrified of their presence. They fucking looked like... antennae?

I nearly puked at the sight of them on my flesh, wanting to rip them out and throw them to the ground. But a part of me knew that that would only cause me severe injury. The antennae were a part of me now, and removing the appendages would be akin to tearing off a limb. Plus, I didn't know how removing them might affect the changes going forward. As much as I didn't want to transform, I didn't want to be a fucking cripple in the process!

I sat in bed for a long time before writing this. It was surreal to think it was actually happening. I ignored all the texts and messages. I think a few of my friends were worried about my absence, but at the moment, I couldn't answer. I was just as fearful as they were. I was already mutating into some sort of bug it seemed, and I couldn't fathom a more frightening fate. My life, my humanity, was all over. I'd had so much freedom taken from me from this damn virus. The entire world was turned upside down, and the last vestiges of my humanity and even sanity were threatened to go with them.

It took all my focus not to concentrate on the literal alien growths sticking from my forehead. I tried to clean them up as best as I could, but it made me disgusted to touch them. I was worried my hands would go next if I did, but so far, nothing else happened. It seemed as though my body was focused on just birthing those... things for now.

They are so damn sensitive! The moment my fingers touched them, I was shuddering all over again, tremors of sensation running all the way down my body. Even the spaces where they'd carved themselves out of my forehead felt odd, like the still-human skin around them had been modified. Thankfully, there was no pain, just a general sense of discomfort at the presence of the antenna.

I can still feel them growing, whatever force that had infected me adding to their size from just above the base. I have no idea how big they were going to get, and that scares me. They only measured a couple of inches, maybe, but it was evident they had a fair bit more growth to do.

I can't move them on my own, which I think is a blessing. I can't imagine making my antenna wave around. The growths are a dark greenish-black that made me want to vomit. The tips of them are covered in tiny feather-like structures, though likely made of the same type of skin as the antenna themselves. Their overall length seems to be evenly shaped sections, 4 in all for now. But I was certain they had started with only two segments, so more growth was inbound. They seemed less than a centimeter in circumference, but once more, that was likely just the start.

Gonna log off for now. I need some time to process. Attached a video of them, but they aren't doing anything interesting for now. Probably for the best. I would fucking go insane as if I wasn't already!

Day 3 Update

I spent a few hours researching insect antennae and their functions. I don't have the background, but the info was pretty basic, so even I could understand. They were basically feelers, organs used for mechanical sensation. Kinda akin to human hands, I guess. But there was a wide range of things they could do, and it varied between species. Anything from feelers, to sensors for heat, light, vibration, and even smell! Fuck, they were even used for shit like mating rituals. That was a disgusting thought, and not one I want to reflect upon further.

It seems like a wide variety of arthropods, not just insects, have some form or other of antennae. I could just as easily be a water-dwelling creature as I could a flying one. And hell, maybe I was turning into a fucking alien bear or something that just happened to use antenna? How did I know?

I tried to research pics of them online, to see if anyone showed the same growths. I figured it would be a good idea to know if someone was undergoing similar changes to my own. So far, nothing matched. But they were in the early stages, so it was hard to tell for sure. Still, know thy enemy and all that. I'll keep researching in the morning.

Day 4

Ok, so this is pretty early for one of my blogs. But I just can't get back to sleep. Not after I felt the things fucking moving!

So, just a little recap to go with the video I posted, but they are six segments long now, I think. Might be a seventh coming in. But that's not the part bugging me. Bad pun. No, I woke up to an odd smell. It was like stale socks and day-old pizza. Ok, so I'm not the cleanest person in quarantine. Sue me. But this was different somehow. Like I knew what it was, but the smell was much more intricate. Familiar, yet in my awareness from a source that startled me.

I felt a strange itch on my forehead, and I moved my hand up to touch it without really thinking. In shock, I pulled my hand away, remembering what it was, a pair of feathery antennae that no human should have. Yet as I did, a surge of sensation ran through my entire body, causing them to twitch in response. I could feel the vibrations from my hand moving.

I sat up in my bed, trying to steady myself from the dizzying sensations running over me. All the while, the damn things kept moving of their own accord, drinking in the room like it was the first time they'd ever experienced it. Which was sadly accurate.

I could hardly move for several minutes, just stunned by the waves of knowledge that were flowing into my brain. There were so many elements of things I had no way of knowing, but just... did, somehow. I could still smell and feel, but I could also... do the same with my antenna? It was different, side by side, and yet not, somehow. Experiencing both at the same time was just bizarre. It's nearly impossible to put into words that make sense, you know?

I really hate to, but I have to take some time to really explore these things. I can't just ignore them, much as I'd rather. They were here to stay unless there was a way to reverse engineer the spheres. And the latest news reports didn't seem to have many updates on that front, sadly. So, I was likely to spend the rest of my life with them, and it was paramount to learn everything I could.

Day 7

Ok, I know. I'm overdue for an update. But there haven't been many other changes, save for the gradual lengthening of my antenna. I think they are done growing for now, as best as I can tell, at least. They aren't really that long, or thick either when compared to my skull. I've posted some pictures and a video of them. It's creepy as hell, I know. But this is what I have to live with.

So, I still can't really control them. Maybe the connection to the muscles, or whatever the equivalent is, just isn't there for me. Yet. Fuck, I don't know. Either way, they just kinda move on their own. They wave in the general direction of a stimulus, and more of that stimulus is picked up. It's a little disorientating, but it's kinda... neat? I guess? I can kinda figure out where something is just by the direction they wave.

Also, the level of detail they have is... well, beyond anything a human has. The quantity of molecules they need to detect something is way less than my nose. I spent an afternoon just trying to see what different smells I could pick up in my kitchen alone. Things like dust, insects, garbage, cleaning supplies. Tiny traces of things that my nose would be oblivious to. It's kinda... cool, I suppose. I have to do some more trials. Post suggestions in the comments while you like and subscribe? Hey, what else do I have to occupy my days?

One thing to note is that they tend to respond wildly to new stimuli, the same as my other senses. When I entered my basement for the first time, for example, they went wild, making me dizzy with sensory overload. But now, if there's nothing new around, they hardly react. And I'm thankful for that. My brain isn't quite adapted for that level. Got a lot of headaches the first day. It's somewhat better now. It almost makes me wish to continue the change just to make them work better, assuming my new brain could handle whatever reports the antenna sends them. That's a frightening thought, isn't it? I cried a little after writing this.

It's obvious I'm going to turn into a bug of some kind. An alien bug most likely. Or maybe a mutated version of an earth bug? Bugs never really bothered me. In fact, I always really found them fascinating, though I'd never taken the time to do the research into them. Now that I have, I've been learning a lot about how they function. Do I want to be a bug? Fuck no. But, I mean, I can take it. I won't be ending my life or anything of the sort. I'll see this through to the end, whatever that might be.

Maybe this blog will help some of you out there growing your own antenna? Hell, you're probably not becoming the same thing as I am. Or even if you're something close, dealing with similar experiences, the end result will likely be vastly different than mine. But that doesn't mean it won't help you in some way. And that's why I'm going to keep doing it, making this blog. There are millions of ways this could help people all over the world, and to that end, I'll keep it going.

One thing I want to stress is that I don't want any sympathy. I'm not the only one out there going through this, or worse. Maybe we all deserve some in this trying time. But hell, if this is all I can do, get some of you ready if you start to change or show what happens when someone starts to metamorphose, then I've done my part of humanity.

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