Blood & Carrots: Memoris - Episode 1

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#1 of B&C:Memoirs

Welcome back, my lovely- Wait a sec! You DID read the rest of the series right?! Dude! This is like the epilogue here! Seriously, this will spoiler your face off! Go start on the first, then Blackpaw, then Celestial. Pack a lunch, it's gonna take you a while!


Welcome back, my lovely reader!

I welcome you to Blood & Carrots: Memoirs! What is this exactly? Well, as I hinted at with the end of Celestial, this is going to be a sort of slice-of-life story for our various members of the tale. Well... as slice-of-life as you can get with supernatural badasses, right?

All 'present' situations will take place through Lorelai's perception because she's my favorite and author bias is real! Anyhoo... unlike the other entries, episodes will be more on the short side, they will be told by various cast members, not just the mains, and there will ALWAYS be some sex in the episodes.

That being said, there will still be plot and development to be sure, it's not just lol smut! I also won't be adhering to a strict update of this one, I'll just be writing on it as I get the urge to.

Okay, that's enough babbling from me, let's check in on our lovely angel, shall we? Ryder? Oh no no, I mean our other lovely angel!

Let's jump right in!

Welcome back, my lovely reader~

Being a writer is my dream job but it has full-time hours and doesn't pay the bills. I want to keep writing these stories for everyone to enjoy and your support on Patreon or Ko-Fi helps make that happen. Patrons even get to see stories a week early to avoid all that pesky waiting. I also appreciate non-financial support like faving, voting, and following me on Twitter. Thank you so much for your continued support! Please enjoy the episode.

And with that out of the way...

Welcome back, my lovely- Wait a sec! You DID read the rest of the series right?! Dude! This is like the epilogue here! Seriously, this will spoiler your face off! Go start on the first, then Blackpaw, then Celestial. Pack a lunch, it's gonna take you a while!


Welcome back, my lovely reader!

I welcome you to Blood & Carrots: Memoirs! What is this exactly? Well, as I hinted at with the end of Celestial, this is going to be a sort of slice-of-life story for our various members of the tale. Well... as slice-of-life as you can get with supernatural badasses, right?

All 'present' situations will take place through Lorelai's perception because she's my favorite and author bias is real! Anyhoo... unlike the other entries, episodes will be more on the short side, they will be told by various cast members, not just the mains, and there will ALWAYS be some sex in the episodes.

That being said, there will still be plot and development to be sure, it's not just lol smut! I also won't be adhering to a strict update of this one, I'll just be writing on it as I get the urge to.

Okay, that's enough babbling from me, let's check in on our lovely angel, shall we? Ryder? Oh no no, I mean our other lovely angel!

Let's jump right in!


Episode 1:

Toroah: But I still love you

I watched you come in, my vixen linking her arm with you as I lifted my brow. "Sarnai, I didn't expect you to join in tonight."

She gave a grin, wagging her tail as she took a seat with you next to her, Alice quickly moving over to snuggle up to her. Sarnai huffed and put an arm around the rabbit, keeping one lazily draped on your other shoulder. "Come now, my love, Alice and my child are not the only ones here that enjoy a story from time to time. Gods knows I told my fair share of them."

"Hmph, well if you're joining in, perhaps I'll insist upon hearing some more of yours later." I snorted and rolled the glass of divine blood around in my palm, Ryder giving me a loving smile.

The angel spoke out to you gently, "Well, I had planned to regale you tonight myself, tell you about some of the time me, Lorelai, and Toroah spent together, however... when I mentioned the intentions, my boyfriend was simply elated with the idea of doing it himself, so..."

With that Toroah simply faded into view, leaning on the wall, surprising no one but you, all present already having sensed him several moments prior. The Archangel made a flourish as he moved to me. "Lorelai, my love, may I share the seat with you and Ryder?"

I didn't want to detach from my angel-fox, I was already cozy, but I also wanted to be cordial to my other bunny lover, so with a roll of my eyes and grumble, I shifted over, letting Toroah plop right down between us.

"Gods, isn't this wonderful?" Toroah hummed happily as an arm went around me and the other around Ryder, both of us pulled in, the rabbit looking smug and Alice's eyes glittering at the sight, I just knew what she was about to say.

"Oh, you three look delicious, can I maybe interest all of you in-"

"Yes, that's fine, my bunny. We'll all retire to my chambers at the citadel today," Toroah hummed out an answer for all of us as I scoffed and Ryder just blushed.

You were eager to hear more apparently as you directly spoke up and the Archangel gave you a bright grin. "Of course! Ah, this is my first time, let me think of a good jump on point... we should do something recent, not from the distant past. Hum... okay! I have it!"


"It's only been a week, you sure about this, love?" I hummed out as I spun my rapier lazily in my grip, standing off from the sheep with Ryder, and Charlotte at my side.

"Sweat more in training, bleed less in battle." Lorelai set her two blades as I sighed and gave a shrug. The sheep scowled at my frivolous response and showed her teeth. "No more stalling, come, I'll take on all three of you at once!"

My ears perked at that, my own teeth showing, unable to resist. "Oh my! Lorelai you kinky little ewe, here and I thought we were sparring not- Wha!" I yelped out as she blurred forward both blades slamming into my rapier, sending me off my feet tumbling back several yards.

"Get your fucking mind out of the gutter, Tor!" She hissed the words, teeth showing as Ryder and Charlotte's blades both came forward, each being caught on one of her swords in a parry.

I winced and set my wing, frowning as I watched the two Paladins darting around her before Ryder gave a shocked bark, his longsword leaving his grip before he was kicked out of the fray.

Charlotte snarled as she drove her own rapier forward, both of the sheep's crossed swords catching the blade. The larger female bared down hard on the smaller, the ewe giving an approving wide grin. "None of that has slowed you down, Charlotte, you're as brutally powerful as always!"

"Ha! Stop holding back, Lorelai!" The white wolf showed her own teeth as gold filled her vision.

"Okay! You asked for it!" Lorelai yelled out as her own eyes burned white-hot. I frowned and folded my arms, watching both the females blur from sight, dancing in a whirlwind of blades. It only lasted a few seconds before the divine rapier sailed from Charlotte's grasp, the wolf slamming to the ground, a huff escaping her throat as the maroon wakizashi pointed to her throat.

"Gods... you're so strong now! I- I've got to catch up!" The wolf growled the words as Lorelai smiled and offered a hand, helping her up.

"You just had to take a few centuries off, you'll get there Charlotte." Lorelai smiled, then shifted her gaze to me as she cocked a brow. "Just sat out, Tor?"

I gave a shrug at her words. "That's a lot of wings and blades flying around, besides..." I folded my arms and snorted out. I didn't indulge in self-pity very often, but there was quite a rift in my abilities compared to a Paladin, to say nothing of what Lorelai was capable of.


"Wait- You were being self-conscious, Tor?" Ryder spoke up next to him.

"Well, I mean come on, love. Look at what you and Lorelai bring to the table," He huffed as he pulled me closer.

"You know being a Paladin doesn't actually enhance our martial prowess, right?" Alice hummed out from the other side of the lounge.

Ryder moved in and gave his cheek a kiss. "It's true, my rabbit. One on one I'd still struggle to best you, and Charlotte was always brutally powerful even before she became a Paladin."

"Hmph... I told you before not to compare yourself to me. You have things you are better at, I'm just a brute that provides the muscle." I grumbled and pushed against the rabbit, huffing as my ears flicked up.

"You have a more calculating mind than you give yourself credit for, my love... but we've derailed, let me pick up where I left off."


"It would have been a little crowded with all three of us flapping around swinging blades, yes?" I showed a playful grin as I spun my rapier, then gave another yelp as the sheep was before me with just her wakizashi drawn. My body responded as I parried the strike, seeing her large teeth show.

"If a one-on-one is more up your alley, I'll oblige, MY rabbit!" Lorelai twisted her wrists, making my blade dip before I lunged back before the disarm could follow through, flowing with it before lashing my divine blade forward with a sweeping arch.

Her second blade withdrew and trapped my rapier before handily sending it flying from my grip as I grumbled before putting my hands on my hips. Lorelai gave me an apologetic look as she sheathed her blades. "I suppose I got a little eager there."

"Not like you to show off, Lore, your eyes were even red," Ryder spoke out casually as I collected my blade, sheathing it and taking a moment with my back turned to compose myself.

I turned to the trio and spread my arms. "Well, that was fun, how about tea... back at my quarters?" I gave all of them an eager grin, my eyes then settling on Charlotte's, my ex.

She met my eyes, looking awkwardly away as she sheathed her own rapier. "I shall decline, there are some bridges I'm not ready to cross again just yet. You three have fun though." With that, a gate was opened and she fell right through as it closed just as quickly behind her.

"Char-" I frowned at the closing gate, my ears folding down, then grunted as Ryder put a hand on my arm. "It'll be okay, you guys are still friends, and it's not like you don't get plenty of affection these days, right?"

"I've felt some draw since everything settled, but in truth, I do not feel I'd be ready to cross new bridges with Charlotte myself, so it may be just as well for now." She shrugged and moved over to the two of us, admiring the sweat we'd built up from training, a look of hunger showing in her eyes. "That is, assuming your invitation was a segue to more than just tea."

"You never gave her earring back though?" Ryder gave Lorelai a knowing grin as his hands moved to his hips.

The sheep looked away and grew silent as her fingers moved over the earring in question before jerking her gaze back up. "Don't sass me, Ryder! She gave it to me, it's mine and I see no reason to return it!"

I whistled at my lover's childish reply, finding it adorable as always. "Oh Lore, you're so cute when you get flustered!" She gave me an annoyed glare at my words.

"I agree... it's quite cute, my ewe." Ryder moved in close, puffing the words into her ear as the sheep shifted on her feet.

"Uh huh... haughty little sheep, look at those hips squirm as me and Ryder get close..." I cooed out, putting a hand on one side of her hips, feeling them shifting slightly before she glared daggers up at me for calling out her reactions.

"Tor! Don't you-" She bleated out as I cut her off by pushing my lips to her own, forcing the fussy ewe into a deep kiss. She gripped the front of my robes in one hand, shuddering as she returned the gesture, our tongues rolling slowly.

After a few moments she parted from me with a snarl and I realized she had grasped Ryder's collar with her other hand. She pulled the fox to her and gave him a kiss as well, the Paladin happy to reciprocate her, their own tongues dancing in their open-mouthed kiss, Lorelai's sharp fangs showing as she huffed.

By the time the two of them parted from their own heated kiss, I had a gate open to my quarters. Lorelai gave an approving snort through her nose as she grabbed me and Ryder by the wrist, the vampire proudly dragging her two angels right into the bedroom with her.

"Lorelai, you're so eager tonight!" I hummed out playfully as we all stepped into my room, the gate snapping closed.

"I've not had both of you together in nearly two centuries, I'd rather have dragged you straight here but promised to spar with the lot of you first." The sheep huffed out and lazily toyed with a curl of her hair near a horn. "Do you plan to shame me for my eagerness, Tor?"

"If he wants to play that game, you and I can enjoy one another while the bunny sits and watches." Ryder nibbled at the sheep's throat as she hummed and tilted her head.

"Hey! I wasn't shaming anyone, I was just being playful!" I huffed and quickly joined them, flanking my sheep's other side, giving little kisses up her throat.

"Gods, yes... the smell and touch of you both at once..." She hissed out the words, giving me a firm kiss, our tongues flicking once more before she turned to Ryder who had already bared his throat.

"Don't forget how we taste too, my ewe," he cooed the rhyme out as Lorelai froze at the offer, hesitating before shaking her head and gripping both of our wrists, pulling us to the bed with her.

"N-No! I am thankful for the offer, my angel-fox, but I'll not have my hunger joining in on this moment for the three of us. I will love you both as-" She couldn't finish the impassioned words as I took the lead and brought her right down on her back in my bed.

"Oh ho... going to be like that tonight, Tor?" Ryder cooed out as I climbed over my sheep, kissing her eagerly once more, our tongues quickly resuming where they left off as my hands went right to those snug denim jeans, tugging the belt and front open.

"Stop making side commentary and help me strip this sheep," I panted out after breaking the kiss, Lorelai giving me a somewhat fussy glare at my commentary, but offering no resistance as I tugged her jeans open fully before peeling them and the panties clear from those delicious hips of hers.

--*-- Record Scratch --*--

"Hang on! Delicious, hips?!" I snarled and pushed at the rabbit with a glare. "What have you been reading, Tor?"

The Archangel gave a laugh and rubbed the back of his head. "Give me a break, Lore. After Ryder asked me to join in on storytelling night, I was nervous, so I read up on some random romance stuff online for inspiration."

Alice drummed her fingers at that. "Tor, I swear to the gods, if I hear anything about hyper weapons, love juice, or joy buttons. I'll not give you any sex for a month."

"At least he didn't call them 'child-bearing' hips," Sarnai called out dryly.

"Can we get off the subject of my hips already?!" I growled out with a snarl.

"Well, you interrupted me, Lore. Anyway, I'll get back to it." The rabbit cleared his throat as he resumed.


"Yes, High Commander!" Ryder barked out dutifully as he moved to the heavy jacket and shirt. Lorelai fussed but lifted her arms, letting the fox strip her, those ample breasts spilling forth, peaks hard and tight, the dusky color of them a lovely contrast to her soft pale flesh.

"W-why must I be the only one without my clothes on?" She gave a fussy huff as I finished removing her boots, then offered a knowing grin before grabbing my fox up, pushing my lips to his own.

Ryder offered me an approving growl as my hands moved to unbuckle his own jeans he wore, while the fox slowly pulled the sash free on the robes I'd donned. Celestial's generally wore modern clothing these days, but I still preferred the ease of movement that robes afforded me when I trained, not to mention I had an image to maintain.

Lorelai sat up as I looked at her out of the corner of my eye as Ryder and I stripped one another, the ewe looking all too eager to see the display after so long. My robes came down, falling behind me to the bed sheets as my wings folded, I hadn't bothered with much else, only a set of boxer shorts that the fox was also eager to remove.

I leaned back and huffed as my fox looked upon me ravenously, admiring the definition in my chest and arms, the well-manicured abs I maintained, and of course my eagerness for both of them.

Of course, I'd already tugged my lover's own free as well, Lorelai giving us both an eager grin, hips squirming as Ryder finished stripping his own shirt off. The Paladin was shorter than me, but his chest was certainly more defined, even having slightly more showy abs than I did and his length was every bit as eager for this as mine was.

"Gods... both of you... to see you, smell you... just, it's so unreal after so long." Ryder frowned as he looked upon us and I gave him a playful shove with my foot.

"Well, here we are, Ryder... OUR fox." I showed Lorelai a grin as I pulled her into my arms, both of us embracing, the sheep throwing a leg around mine, my wings fanning out behind me as I moved a hand down to rub at her curvy backside as she calmly grasped at my length, giving it a few pumps.

"Indeed... I keenly recall some of the things he said he'd do to us when we were alone again. Well, now we are alone, my angel-fox... What will you do with your sheep and rabbit?" She offered a wicked little grin as we both tried to push him into action.

It didn't take much as the other angel quite literally dove atop us both. I gave a laugh and Lorelai gave a shocked bleat as she was tangled up with us. He didn't know where to even begin as he gave me a deep kiss, but only held it for a moment before pulling back and kissing, Lorelai.

"Gods... I love you, both of you!" He snarled as he gave each of us kisses as we returned them, our hands just as eager to touch him as his were ours. He slid one arm around each of us and pulled us to him. I straddled one knee, Lorelai the other. We took turns kissing our lover, then one another.

After several moments of our heated little exchanges of tasting and touching, Ryder gripped Lorelai's hips, pulling the sheep fully into his lap. I gave my lover a knowing grin as I slipped from the bed with clear intentions for the little vial of lubricant inside the nightstand.

"Huff... Do you recall one of the things I said me and Tor would do to you when we were together once more, Lorelai?" The fox hummed the words as he kept his hands firm on her hips, shifting his own hips under her, making that length pump up and down against her soaked petals.

"Gods... so good... ngh... Y-you said a lot of things, Ry... and-" Her teeth clenched as she felt me move behind her, my hands grabbing her rear, spreading those curvy cheeks to fully expose that tailhole, my own well-lubed length already prodding at it as her fluffed tail jerked up.

"W-wait a second, now I didn't say- ngh!" She clenched her teeth as the fox pushed that tapered tip of his right in. The sheep lolled her tongue slightly as Ryder slowly lowered her down, filling those tight walls until I watched Lorelai jerk slightly with a small bleat. She panted against his chest, stunned as Ryder offered me a knowing grin.

"Ha... don't worry, Lore... I know better than to just dive right in, I'll work you up a little first..." I coo out as I squeeze both those ample cheeks, the sheep panting against Ryder's chest before looking back at me and giving a small nod, whimpering as I kept prodding and teasing, just adding a little at a time as I worked her up.

"Gods... d-don't take too long, love... She's fucking crushing me in there while you do thaaat..." Ryder moaned out as Lorelai shivered while I kept teasing until I finally pushed into her.

She bleated out and clenched Ryder's shoulders as I sighed out into her lifted ears, taking my time both to savor her and to ease in, every last inch going deep until I bottomed out, our little sheep bleating out a moan now that we were both in her together.

"Oh my... gods... I can't... even... t-think..." She panted the words out, tongue showing slightly as my hips started moving, making sure to counter it with Ryders, each of us following into a rhythm as our beloved little vampire moaned out with each stroke and push we made.

"I missed both of you so much... so very much..." I moaned out, pushing up against Lorelai's back as she glanced back, panting at me as she nodded her head.

"Missed you too, fuck.... I don't deserve either of you..." Ryder panted and moved his hips a little more fervently as Lorelai gave a moan. The gasp he gave matched mine, the sheep clenching both of us brutally hard as we each winced.

"Gods... enough mush, just fuck me! Let me feel you both love me!" Lorelai showed her teeth, her eyes red as her nails dug hard into Ryder's shoulders, her other hand reaching back to tangle into my hair, grabbing a fistful along with my left ear.

She pulled my head down as I leaned over her, one hand resting on her left breast, the other bracing on my fox's shoulder. Her lips shoved hard to my own as we kissed fervently right there atop him, my hips picking up pace as I pushed deeper against her while our tongues rolled.

With another bleating groan, she pulled free, her hand moving behind Ryder's head as she pulled him down to her next, the fox eagerly kissing her as well, both our hips frantically grinding as we took her both ways at once.

"Oh fuck... I don't think I can... you're just sooo fucking tight in there, Loreeee..." I moaned out into her ears after several more heated moments of us all grinding and pushing.

"Hold it damn it! A-Almost, just a few more!" Ryder snarled at me as he shoved against Lorelai from below as she gave little yelping moans with each deep stroke, that knot of his no doubt trying to find its way in.

"Hurry up! Hurry fucking up, both of you!" Lorelai practically screamed the words as her hips shoved down hard, a furiously hungry snarl filling her throat, her eyes red as she made the fox knot force past herself.

"Gods!" Ryder yelped out, then gave a throaty howl. She must have clenched me on purpose because she locked down while glaring at me out of the corner of her eyes and my whole mind just blanked out.

I cried out with my own moan, my nails digging hard into Ryder's shoulder and her breast as the ewe gave a victorious grin before lolling her tongue as I erupted hard into her again and again, Ryder no doubt doing the same.

The two of us poured every drop of our love for her in and as she clenched, I gave a defeated groan, slumping against her back, making her push into Ryder's chest. The fox gave his own weak grunt as Lorelai gave a relieved sigh.

"Gods... you're starting to sound... like Alice..." I panted the words out into her ear as she huffed out and weakly poked her nose up.

"Shut up, Tor. I've been wanting you both for decades, cut me some slack... or perhaps you're trying to shame me once again?" She cocked a brow, offering me a playful grin.

"Damn, when did you get so judgemental, love? Shaming our ewe... tsk tsk..." Ryder joined in on the teasing as I gave them both a fussy glare.

"I'm not shaming anyone, I was-"

"You were being playful, yes yes... it's fine my angel-rabbit. I simply jest with you, now shut up and hold me and your fox." Lorelai huffed and moved a hand back up to tangle into my hair as I leaned in, hugging her back and resting my arm around my fox.

"I don't deserve either of you, but I'll thank the gods every day that I can have these moments again." He kissed Lorelai's forehead, then moved forward with a little effort to give my lips a quick kiss, both of us sharing a loving grin as the sheep nuzzled at his chest.


"Woah... that was, pretty good!" Alice huffed out, her hips squirming, her eyes red as she tracked over all three of us as if sizing up where to jump in.

I grunted and looked away awkwardly, it was of course embarrassing to have such a tale told before so many. "Tor, did you have to uh... go into such detail?"

"Isn't that the point, love?" He showed me a knowing grin and I gave him a fussy glare before shooting one to you as you also chimed in about how nice it was.

"You told lots of saucy things about you with me, Alice, Sarnai, and even Gloria. It's okay my ewe, nothing to be shy about." Ryder moved a hand over to rub at my hair as I sighed and gave a nod.

"Yes, I supposed that's fair," I grumbled but accepted it, then quirked a brow at how quiet and introspective Sarnai looked. "Something on your mind, sister?"

"I simply am curious how that feels, I've never... that is to say... Elias and Alex have never... erm, never mind!" The vixen barked out and shoved her nose up into the air.

Alice's eyes glittered as she pushed closer to Sarnai. "You know I could talk to master and Alex for you, maybe you three could have a little date together? There's also Val who-"

"I am not laying with my brother! He and I... we do not wish to go down that avenue, Alice!" She snarled the words but I heard the awkwardness slip into her voice. I sympathized, I'd also been on the receiving end of Val's natural charms, it wasn't intentional, but an incubus is still a sex demon. Just touching and being around them will get your body working against you, but like her, it was a bridge I simply refused to cross.

Alice pouted at that. "That's no fun... guess I'll get a toy for you and me, then ask-"

"Alice!" Sarnai snarled and glared at her, the rabbit just giggling at her reaction.

The question you asked broke up the chatter as Toroah frowned and rubbed the back of his head. "Uh... yeah, I did actually."

"You did talk to Charlotte? How did that go?" I prodded curiously as my brow lifted.

"Wait, is it really okay for me to sit here and gossip about Charlotte without her present?" Toroah frowned as he thought about it.

"It'll be fine, we can even invite Charlotte to come join us sometime, so out with it, my angel," Alice chimed out with an eager grin showing.


"Can we talk?" I spoke out as I landed nearby as she stood there at the training yard, her physical rapier in her hands, not the flaming one.

Charlotte didn't say anything as she kept going through her routine, her eyes cutting to the side to acknowledge my presence, but not bothering to speak. I gave a sigh after several moments and turned my back to her.

"Forget it." I willed a gate open and started to step through as she called out to me.

"Wait." That was all she said as she kept making the practiced swings and parries.

I sighed and closed the gate, putting my hands on my hips but not bothering to turn to her. After a few more minutes, I heard her sheath her rapier as she sighed out with a pant on her breath, "You know I hate to interrupt my routine."

My gaze shifted to her over my shoulder, then I turned to face the wolf, hands still on my hips. Charlotte gave me a long gaze of her own before sighing out, "What did you want to talk about, Toroah?"

"Us," I said pointedly.

"There is no, us, anymore, Toroah. You know that and so do I." She looked away, frowning as she turned from me.

"We only broke up because we lost so many memories when Alicia was... Look, me and Lorelai, I lost a lot of time with her, but we still-"

"I'm not Lorelai, Toroah!" Charlotte snarled and glared at me over her shoulder, then spun to face me. "If Alicia were the only thing holding you and I together, then why bother now? We weren't strong enough alone, were we?"

"Is that fair to say? We didn't have all our memories, but I've been thinking on it for a while now... ever since I got them back. Charlotte, I fought just as hard for you as I did Ryder. I- I still love you, okay?"

She frowned and looked away, her hands folding at her stomach. "I... don't know if I still love you, Toroah, I don't know if I ever did, to begin with, or if it was just because of Alicia."

I winced at that and put my hands on my hips. "What... am I supposed to even say to that, Charlotte?"

The wolf sighed and shook her head. "Nothing. There isn't some expected statement or correct answer to it. I'm not testing your resolve or expecting you to solve some puzzle of words, I'm just explaining how I feel, Tor."

We stared upon one another for a long moment before I finally nodded and turned from her. "I understand. It was unfair of me to-" I halted my apology as I felt her hand on my shoulder.

"You've changed so much, all of you have. You need to understand something, Tor..." I glanced back over my shoulder at her but let her continue. "For all of you, it was a long arduous thing, all of you spent nearly two centuries growing and adapting."

She moved to face me, meeting me eye to eye as she shook her head. "For me... the lights went out and that was more or less it. The next thing I know, I'm waking up as a Paladin in the depths of hell. Everyone, everything was different. It's only been a few weeks and I'm still trying to get my head wrapped around it all."

I gave her an understanding nod. Of course, I didn't understand. How could I? For her it was a short thing, like waking up in your bed and seeing you'd lost so much time, I couldn't comprehend that, but I at least could respect the rationality behind it. "I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to rush or put pressure on you, Charlotte."

"It's okay, Toroah. I'm not saying I don't still care about you, I'm not saying I don't still love you as my brother and friend." She took a step back and frowned as she put her hands before her once again, clasping them. "I'm not saying I can't love you as more either, but... I want to get to know this new Toroah you've become."

"Am I truly that different, Charlotte?" I tilted my head as I cocked a brow.

"You are! You're still aloof and I find that adorable, truly. However... I can feel the pain and struggles that have weighed upon your soul these last decades. You're a little harder than before, a little more serious, but I also can feel you're a little more passionate, loving..."

I took a steadying breath and then offered her a grin. "Fair enough, then let's go have drinks and go for a flight. No strings attached, I won't even ask for a kiss, let's just hang out as comrades and see where it takes us."

She offered me a grin, her white tail wagging slowly. "I think that sounds lovely, but don't drink too much Tor. You're shit at flying when you're tipsy and you never could hold your mead."

My ears lifted as I offered her a challenging grin. "Actually, I've taken to harder spirits these days. I got quite enamored with bourbons."

"My point exactly, the Toroah I knew wouldn't have needed to drink hard, he'd have been content with mead or wine," She struck right to the heart of it and I frowned, ears lowering. I tried to say something but then her arm was linked to mine, pulling me along.

"No matter, let us go have some light drinks and enjoy one another's company. We can go from there, Tor." She huffed out and I gripped her arm to mine, giving a nod as we made our way to the tavern.


Alice huffed out and frowned, "Wait... that's it?"

Toroah simply gave a nod, then shrugged. "That's more or less it. We had a few drinks, talked for a few hours. We never went on the flight as it got too late."

"So it's still a work in progress for you, huh?" Sarnai chimed in.

"Correct, Sarnai. This was all only a few days ago. I'm not really looking at it as a goal or progress per se. I just want to be with Charlotte in whatever capacity she's happy with."

Alice hummed out, "Perhaps I could talk to her and-"

"I think you should stay out of it, Alice," I spoke out pointedly towards my lover.

The rabbit pouted at my words. "Why, love?"

I offered her an apologetic smile but shook my head. "Because Charlotte and Toroah need to work themselves out. She is right in that you can't be the glue that holds them together, any more than Ryder was for me and Tor."

Ryder pulled me closer as he spoke out, "That's very true, I'm so happy you and Toroah were able to refind your love, my ewe."

"Didn't I technically help with that one as well?" Alice gave us a smug know-it-all grin.

I looked to Toroah, then to Ryder, as if hoping one of them would chime in, but neither looked like they had a counter to that statement. I sighed and met the rabbit's gaze. "Alice, you helped us overcome the pain and were a key point in reuniting us in the bedroom, but me and Tor always loved one another, even before you were born. You are the reason we are together, but you are not the reason we stay together. Does that make sense?"

"Then couldn't I be the reason Tor and Char tried again in earnest? Then left it to them after the fact?" Her brow quirked as Sarnai gave a laugh.

"Once my rabbit's got her mind set, it's just the way of things. Is it such a bad thing to seek a little help on the side, Toroah? Everyone needs a wingman as it were." The vixen smiled at the angelic rabbit as he looked down in contemplation at that.

Toroah looked up as he nodded. "I suppose it couldn't hurt... but I certainly don't want Charlotte to be manipulated. I would want it to be her honest feelings."

I gave an annoyed sigh and folded my arms. "Fine... you really do act like a fucking cherub some days, Alice."

The bunny hummed proudly. "Of course, I know love when I see it and I know how to blossom it. I'll get Char to at least look a little deeper." The bunny bumped her shoulder to Sarnai and grinned. "Speaking of deeper... I'll talk to master and Alex about tag-teaming your foxy ass!"

"Don't you dare!" Sarnai barked out and shoved the bunny off her, her tail fluffed as Alice giggled at the push. You looked a little startled as your two mistresses started up an impromptu wrestling match right on the sofa next to you.

After a few moments, the rabbit and fox rolled off the sofa right into the floor, Alice giving an eager grin as Sarnai pinned her wrists down, growling at her, black flames lapping at her ears and tail. I pinched the bridge of my nose and sighed. "Maybe you girls should go to your room and work it out of your systems?"

"Maybe we should! That's a great idea, love!" Alice hummed out as she wriggled away from Sarnai and gripped her wrist.

"W- What?" The vixen stammered as Alice pulled her along with a grin.

"C'mooooon, we gotta go work it out of my- erm... our systems!" Alice cooed out as the fox barked but didn't seem to offer much resistance as she was pulled from the room. You looked awkwardly at the two of them as you were left alone on the sofa.

"Hmm... looks like you got left behind. Well, can't be tangled in the middle of them every time, eh?" Ryder showed you an apologetic smile then perked his ears. "Any questions you'd like to ask while here?"

My ears lifted at the curiosity of the question that followed and frowned. I sat up and rested my elbows on my knees, mulling on it. "Huh... what was it like during that time in the abyss?"

I tried to put it into words, it had been so very long since I'd been mundane and you were only recently turned, so a comparison to that life would be best. Finally, I nodded as I spoke, "So... when you would stay awake for a really long time as a mundane, you know maybe a few days, then you finally fall asleep. You'd go down for several hours most likely, yes?"

You nodded in understanding and I returned my own nod. "Imagine you just fell asleep, then suddenly were woken after perhaps half an hour of restful slumber. You'd be in a haze, confused, possibly even delirious. Imagine that, only with the cries of hunger in you, and dial that up by ten thousand." I watched you flinch at the concept.

"You really are something else, my ewe," Ryder gripped my shoulder and Toroah took my hand.

"It was my duty and I'd do it again, even without knowing I'd have the divine's intervention. My loved ones and family are everything to me. One as old as I, I've no need for possessions, glory, or any other accolades. It's the time with my loved ones at the hearth fire that I most treasure and all I desire."

We all stayed that way for a few moments after I had settled back in my seat. The crackling sound of the fireplace was all that was heard, then the large grandfather clock tolled out the hour, as if breaking the silence for us.

"Ah, is it that hour already? I do have several things to attend to on the morrow, perhaps I'll return to the citadel and grab a bit of rest." Toroah gave a stretch as he stood from me and Ryder.

"I should do the same, I've training to give to some of the new knights tomorrow." Ryder sighed and slowly rose as well.

"Yes, best to turn in soon and get what sleep you can, especially since I'll be keeping you busy when we get to my quarters, eh love?" Toroah gave the fox a wink as Ryder grinned, then looked down upon me with an excited look.

"A tempting offer, but I've promised to stay with Gloria this day, you're on your own boys." I showed the two angels a playful grin, seeing both of them look a little fussy about that, but didn't argue as they linked arms and a gate to the citadel snapped open.

"I hope you enjoyed my story tonight, young noble. I'll be happy to visit again sometime." Toroah looked upon you with a smile, his fluff of tail flicking about.

You confirmed your enjoyment of the story, the rabbit giving a proud grin before tugging Ryder along. The two angels left and then it was just you and I alone.

I looked at the fire and smiled. "It's always awkward when the party breaks away and you are unwilling to concede the time is at hand, isn't it, my sibling?" I grinned as you nodded in agreement.

With a sigh, I rose to my feet and collected my blades, attaching them to my side. "I'll tell you what... come with me, we'll go to the training facility. I'll give you some pointers?" I cocked my brow as I spoke the last of the statement as a question but then smiled as you eagerly rose to your feet.

"Excellent choice." I hummed the words as I started sauntering out of the room with you following behind. "Yes, I think these story nights will be a boon for everyone involved. I'll have to be sure to attend them, mayhaps even host them myself, going forward."

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