The House: Ch 2 - The Lovers

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#2 of Halloween '22

Chapter 2 of my '22 Halloween story. We follow the couple, Abby and Billy, looking for somewhere to go at each other like the horny sluts they are. Little do they know that an unknown entity is watching, waiting for the right moment to pounce.

Part 2: The Lovers

These children were a rambunctious sort. Of course, they were not actually children, but young enough adults to still be childish. Not that there were many as old as he out there. Still, he had a low opinion of anyone of their age. They ran about his home as if they owned the place. From the shadows he watched as two dashed up the stairs, another two made for the kitchen while the last pair went the wrong way to find the library they seemed interested in. They were heading towards the servants quarters. He was not particularly concerned even if they did find his library. All of his sensitive books were well hidden in rooms not so easily stumbled upon. He also new there was no escape from any of the directions taken by the pairs.

He had a choice to make. Which should he follow? He decided the two that had gone upstairs would be the best to start with. They had separated themselves more than the rest, and by their actions he knew what they would be doing. Their scents gave it away even more. He could smell the arousal on the rodent that dragged the canine away. Perhaps he should enjoy the show they would be putting on up there.

His choice made, the shadow in the corner faded away, leaving only a faint trail of ghostly, black smoke in his wake.

* * *

Abby pushed another door open. "Finally!" The last few rooms had been empty. Now she found herself staring at a fully furnished bedroom. Like most of the rooms, the floor was a dark hardwood, but this one had a deep red, circular rug covering the majority of it. In the center was a large four-poster bed, big enough for well more than two to occupy. The sheets atop were a faded blue, but looked fresh and clean. It even had pillows, eight in total. Against one wall was a dresser, probably empty. The exterior wall had a large window, closed and covered by heavy drapes that matched the rug.

Billy leaned against the door frame as he took in the room's sparse but comfortable looking furniture. "Homey."

The mouse glanced up at him, "Better than a motel." She bumped his leg with her tail before moving into the room. She hopped up onto the bed. Against all expectations, not only did it not squeak or creak, but it was actually fairly soft. "Huh... this is actually pretty comfortable." She reached down and started to take her sneakers off, letting them thud to the floor. She wiggled her toes a little. "Kinda surprised this place isn't freezing cold."

The canine stepped in, closing the door behind him. "Probably something about insulation or whatever. I'm sure Heather can explain why, if you really care."

She giggled. "I don't." She stuck her tongue out at him. "C'mon over here, big boy."

He wished the candle in his hand gave off a bit more light to see her properly. "Hang on a sec. Gotta find where I can put this thing down."

The mouse motioned at the dresser. "Oh, I think there was one of those candle operas over there."

He blinked a few times. "Candelabra." He corrected. She just waved her hand dismissively. Still, he went over to the dresser, and sure enough there was a brass candelabra sitting there, with slots for five candles in total. He set four from the bundle into the slots, lighting each with the already lit candle before setting it in the center slot. "Eh... still a little dark."

His girlfriend's voice showed her impatience. "Yeah, yeah. Now get your sexy, spotted butt over here already." He grinned, doing just that and moving across the room to stand in front of her. His concerns about the dark were immediately forgotten when his girlfriend's slender fingers grabbed at the waist of his jeans, working quickly to unbuckle the belt. "Let's get you out of these."

He laughed a little, lifting his arms out of the way. "Who am I to argue?" She stuck her tongue out again. As soon as the belt was open, the deft fingers unbuttoned the waist and pulled down the zipper within seconds. Sufficiently loosened, the pants fell to the floor with a thud, exposing his boxers, and the tent pushing the dark green fabric outwards. A moment later, and those, too, were pulled down and out of the way.

She smiled as the firm cock came into view. It was already fully slid out of the sheath and rock hard. "Hello, my big friend." She leaned forward and gave the pointed tip a gentle kiss. It twitched a little at her touch. She took a deep breath through her nose, letting the powerful scent of the canine's arousal fill her. It sent a shiver down her spine, making her toes curl a little and her tail twitch happily. "Mmm... love that smell."

Billy was about to say something when her lips suddenly wrapped about the tip. "Ah... I think you love the taste more." She giggled at him as she took another several inches into her mouth. He knew she could take the whole eight if she really wanted to, even the knot. She had done it before. For now, she seemed to just want to tease at him, her head bobbing slowly back and forth. He was content to let her, his hand resting gently upon her head. His fingers played through her hair, brushing an ear gently. He didn't force her to take more, letting her stay in control for now.

Neither lover noticed when the ghostly smoke slipped under the doorway. It crawled along the walls as a shadow, rising high to the ceiling. It moved completely silent, sticking to the walls like a spider. Soon, it was high above the two, watching. Waiting. And indeed enjoying the show the two were putting on.

As the show went on, Abby took more and more of the cock into her mouth. She loved hearing her man moaning for her like he was now. She took a breath, then pushed forward all the way, until her nose touched against his crotch. She swallowed the tip of his cock as her chin touched at the heavy balls hanging under. She held like this, swallowing a few more times to clench her throat around the couple of inches within. The gasping groans from him were music to her ears. She also loved how he gripped a little harder at her hair, his hands trembling a little as his cock twitched, his tail wagging very happily.

She finally pulled back, sliding all the way off the length and grinning up at him. He let out a breath. "Jesus, babe... another minute of that, and I'd have blown my load right there."

She giggled at him. "Oh, I know you're better than that." She leaned forward to kiss the tip of his cock again.

He smirked. "Alright." He pat her head, then poked her nose with a finger, making her squeak in that adorable way he loved. She squeaked a little louder when he shoved her back onto the bed. "Your turn." He reached down and gripped at the waist to her stretchy pants this time. He practically tore them down, revealing her slender legs and cute, pink panties. There was a noticeable damp spot at the center.

She playfully yelped as her pants were yanked away. "Oh, no. The big bad doggy's going to take advantage of the little mouse?"

He hooked his fingers into her panties this time. "You bet your adorable little ass I'm going to." He pulled the panties down a little gentler than he had her pants, but no less quickly. He was already nearly overwhelmed by the scent of her arousal, but now that she was totally exposed, it only got stronger. His cock twitched, but he resisted the urge to just shove it into her and plow her right there. As she said, he was better than that.

Instead, he fell down onto his knees at the edge of the bed. His hands wrapped under her soft thighs and pulled her a little closer to the edge, until his nose was right up against her damp vertical smile. She gasped softly, only to let out a much louder moan as his tongue slid out to lap at those lovely lips. "Ah... such a good puppy." She yelped when he nipped gently at her clit.

He chuckled. "No, I'm a naughty puppy, and you love it." His tongue went back to lapping at her, tasting the juices drooling from the heated slit.

She let her head fall back. "Yes I do." She closed her eyes, letting out more moans as his tongue continued to tease at her. She gasped when she felt it dive a little between her folds. Her legs curled around his shoulders to hold him close, crossing her ankles behind his back. Her moans grew louder when his tongue dove in again, this time not a quick lap but slipping deep into her, teasing around her inner walls. She gripped at the sheets. He knew exactly where to focus his attention.

The dog's hands slid up, rubbing against her sides, then to her belly. His fingers teased through the soft white fur, playing against her abs and slowly sliding ever higher. Eventually, they ended up under her loose t-shirt, pushing it up as his touch rose along her body. She reached down and gripped at the hem of her shirt. "Let me help with this." She pulled up up and off entirely, tossing it off the edge of the bed. She knew exactly what she wanted tonight, and had not bothered wearing a bra. With no shirt, her large, bouncy tits now sat fully exposed. His hands found them quickly, gripping and giving each a firm squeeze. All the while, his tongue continued its teasing exploration of her drooling pussy.

She gripped at the sheets tighter as he continued, her moans turning into soft cries of pleasure as his teasing continued. "Ah... right there!" She gasped as he dove his tongue harder, his nose pressed right up against her clit. She let out a louder cry when he pinched at her firm nipples, tugging every so slightly upon them. "Don't... don't stop!" She pleaded, feeling herself growing closer to the edge. "I'm... I'm almost..." She squeezed her legs a little harder around him, pinning his head between them.

Not that he needed the encouragement. He had no plan to stop. He greedily lapped at the juices flowing freely into his mouth now, his tongue almost attacking the spot that got her moaning the loudest. Her moans came between panting gasps, her inner walls clenching more and more. Then it struck, her climax exploding through her. Her back arched off the bed as she cried out her pleasure, her cunt pressing hard against his mouth again and again as her hips undulated up and down. He just pressed his lips to it and drank all she gave, his hands holding a firm grip on her tits the whole time she writhed in pleasure against him.

She flopped back onto the bed, gasping for breath as the orgasm slowly faded, leaving her body tingling. She slowly loosened the grip her legs had on him, letting him sit up. "Ha... fuck..." That was about all she could manage between her panting, feeling lightheaded.

Billy chuckled, rising to his feet to present his still rock hard cock, now throbbing and eager. "That is the idea." He moved forward, rubbing his shaft against her belly as he leaned down to give her a kiss. "Once you've caught your breath."

She grinned, leaning up into the kiss. Her arms snaked around his shoulders, her legs curling about his waist. "Oh, I'm plenty recovered. Enough teasing and fuck me already! I want to feel that big cock stuffing into my tight cunt! And you better give me the knot this time!"

He laughed at her horny eagerness. "Yes, ma'am." He moved his hips back a little, sliding his cock against her belly until the tip was pressed up against her now sodden slit. He pushed forward and pierced between them, moaning loud as he sank into her warmth. "F-fuck... you're always so tight!" She really was, her inner walls already squeezing around him. Being so much smaller than him, she was hardly designed for his canine rod. Not that this ever stopped either of them.

Abby threw her head back as the thick shaft pushed deeper and deeper into her, crying out in ecstasy as he stuffed himself in. She squeezed her legs tighter around him, pulling his hips closer to force more of that rod to stretch her out. "You're... just so... fucking huge!" She moaned, not caring if any of their friends heard her tonight. They all knew that the two lovers were going to be fucking hard all night. She thought that maybe they might even join in and they could all have an orgy in the spooky house. Now THAT would be a night to remember!

The shadow on the ceiling watched as the two really started going at it. The sounds they made were so lewd, both the moans and the wet squelch as the canine's cock plunged over and over into the rodent's tight cunt. It seemed that the youth of this age was even less caring about modesty than the last. They hid nothing, from their sounds of pleasure to the overwhelming scent of fucking. And in someone else's house, at that. As much as the thought of this scent clinging to everything around the room upset him, he could not deny how arousing it was. Still... he readied himself. It was nearly time for_his_ fun to start.

Billy thrust his hips hard, ramming himself as deep as he could into the mouse's tight hole over and over. Every time he struck forward, her large tits would bounce and flop even more, her whole body rocking with his. His knot was starting to swell at the base, making it harder to push everything in. "B-Babe... I'm... getting..."

She nodded. "Do it!" She moaned loud. "Stuff that fucking knot into me and empty your balls in my cunt!" There was no way he could ever say no to a demand like that. He groaned loud as he shoved forward as hard as he could. He felt the strain as her tight hole had to stretch wide to take the now fully swollen knot. He grit his teeth as he shoved forward. He felt her legs grip harder around his waist, pulling him in to try and get that knot inside. Finally, it popped in, and he let out a loud cry of pleasure as the too-tight pussy clamped around him, squeezing his cock and knot all at once, his tip pressed right up against the entrance to her womb. It was too much for him to even try to hold back, his seed suddenly blasting up into her.

It was then that the shadow struck. The moment the man cried out, he lashed out at the same time. Furry tendrils of darkness shot down, jamming through the man's back and piercing out the front just as he was hitting his climax. Billy's eyes shot open as blood bubbled up into his mouth. Before he could even fully react, more tendrils quickly wrapped about his head, completely engulfing him in darkness. It felt almost like a mass of tails was wrapping around his head, but with a steel-strong grip. With a quick yank, the dog's head was completely wrenched off of his shoulders, pulling out a small length of spine with it.

On the bed, Abby was too engrossed in her own climax to even notice. She felt when he crammed the knot in, cumming in that instant. She shouted loud as her cunt was so wonderfully overstretched by him. When he started to blast his seed right up against her cervix, filling her with wave after wave of his heated love, she cried out even louder. It sent her into another orgasm, before the last had even finished. Her whole body writhed on the bed, her fingers gripping at the sheets tight.

She felt something warm and wet splash against her face and chest. For a moment, she thought he had pulled out and cum on her tits, but that couldn't be right. His knot was still firmly lodged within her, his seed still blasting up into her womb. She opened her eyes to see just what the hell was drooling onto her. Then her eyes went wide as she saw Billy's body, now headless, arms twitching awkwardly. He was upright only by the grip she had on his hips. Blood was squirting up from the torn stump of his neck, more seeping through a trio of holes in his chest.

Then she saw it. The shadow. It hovered behind him. She barely made out the form of a person within the darkness, but clearly saw the wicked, vicious smile, and malevolent red eyes. She opened her mouth to let out a shrill scream. This was ended as the same tendrils shot out, jamming themselves like spikes into her skull, one through each eye and piercing through her brain, exploding out the other side. Another shot through her open mouth, also emerging through the other side. With a hard yank, her head was ripped free of her shoulders as well. Her body flopped back onto the bed, twitching and writhing and spraying blood from the jagged torn stump of her neck.

Her legs let go of her lover, falling to the edge of the bed and twitching. His body flopped forward, landing atop her with a wet thump. The canine's cock was still tied within her, still dumping the last of his dead seed into her dying cunt. Both lovers twitched and trembled for several moments before finally growing still. The man of shadows watched it all, grinning wide. "This is more like it." He looked at the two heads, now held one in each hand. "You were the first tonight. But you won't be the last."

He tossed both heads to into the corner, turning his attention to the bodies as they finally ceased their movement. "But first..." He took a deep breath, feeling the life fully leave the two lovers. Their life, instead of passing on, flowed into him. Ethereal screams filled the room, deafening and silent at the same time. The wailing cry of spirits unable to fight their fate. He opened his arms, willing their essence into himself. He felt their shrieks of agony as they flowed into him, filling him with vigor. He grinned wide as he drank deep of the two, devouring their souls whole. "Ah... there is nothing quite like a soul taken right at mid-orgasm." It was almost intoxicating.

Satisfied, he turned, the smokey shadows enveloping him once more. A moment later, he was gone, on to hunt the next. He left only the two dead lovers behind, still tied by the canine's swollen knot. Forever locked in lust.

* * *