Classroom Demonstration

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#298 of Commissions

Story for MirandaArqayla!

Big fat professor dragon Horace always catches the eye of his students. Some of them have been catching his eye right back, and he's going to give the class a demonstration they won't soon forget.

Contains: Exhibitionist sex and vore, fatal digestion, cucking themes, disposal, and more!

The intricacies of evolution and reproduction were a complex subject that necessitated careful study and intense coursework. Very few students made it all the way to graduating year. Those who managed to keep from dropping out for one reason or another were all in attendance for the final day before exams. They weren't about to miss the grand demonstration.

Jenny peered at her professor from the front row. The dragoness was all dressed up for the occasion, or maybe more like dressed down. Her top was cut so low that her white-scaled tits were almost fully on display, stopping just short of letting one of those dark blue nips slip out. She'd polished herself up to really bring out the icy azure on her hide, and her skirt left little to the imagination. There was no way anyone could have missed such a tall, busty woman like her, much less a dragon like Horace.

The older fellow had a relaxed yet charming way about him. He stood tall at the front of the class, towering over most of his students, and twice as wide as them at that. The well-dressed giant of a gentleman dragon had a way of catching his students' eyes, but he was always strictly professional with them when it was time to teach. It was important knowledge, and he wasn't about to let their silly crushes distract from the hard work needed to leave that university with a degree.

That day was different. Jenny was by no means the only one who was competing for his attention. Some of them were just more subtle about it. Kimiko was currently coiled around three seats all by herself. The long, whiskered dragon was an attractive mix of silver and gold, glinting brightly under the small auditorium's lights. She cast her vermilion gaze upon the well-dressed bulk of the professor. She didn't feel the need to advertise herself beyond simply being herself, shining brightly while she patiently waited for the lesson to start.

All eyes were on the front when Horace so much as cleared his throat. He chuckled at all the shuffling and silence that mere sound inspired. He hadn't even spoken a word yet. Looking over the crowd, he found some people looking right back at him. The seductive gazes he got back were far from subtle. Others seemed to avoid his attention, quickly looking away if he so much as glanced at them.

"Well. It seems everyone is here, so no sense delaying. I expect everyone is familiar with the syllabus by now, but just in case, allow me to review," he began, taking his behind his desk, where his carefully organized lesson plans were stacked.

He looked out over the sea of faces once more. That was enough to make Rina nearly dip down under the seat in front of her just to avoid attention. She ducked like someone had thrown a shuriken at her. The last thing the nervous white goat wanted was to stand up there in front of all her peers. Being soft, short, and generally chubby all-around had a way of making her a little shy about her looks. Her boyfriend Luke just chuckled as he patted her on the back. He was always good at reassuring her, especially about how much he loved her extra cushy ass and tum alike.

"Relax," the cute, slightly girly goat told her. "I'm pretty sure he's looking for, you know, dragons."

"You don't know that," she insistently whispered back.

Meanwhile, Horace continued, pacing back and forth before everyone. "Today, we're having an in-class demonstration. The participants are not based on grades nor any predetermined factors. I will decide right now."

The truth was he wasn't actually looking for more than confirmation. He'd already made up his mind, and it wasn't based on appearance either. A dragon like him had a sensitive nose, and one deep sniff was more than enough to confirm exactly what he needed to know. Several of his female students were in the middle of breeding season, and everyone else could be safely ignored. The most obvious choice was also his first. He stopped a few paces in front of the blue and white dragon's seat, and gave her a pointed look down his snout.

"Jenny. It seems you've been trying to get my attention all semester. Well, come up here. Let's show them the most basic of couplings."

"Hell yes," she said, leaping up the moment she was called and turning back to the classroom to tease them. "You knew it was gonna be me, don't lie."

Part of her was trying to figure out if that was a veiled insult, calling her basic like that. She wouldn't have cared anyway. Standing up tall next to Horace revealed just how much bigger he was than even her. She might have towered over most of her peers as a dragoness, but she was no higher than his chest. Taking a moment to fan out her glittery, membranous wings, she grinned and winked back at the audience. Some slight trace of humility stopped her just short of boasting any more about getting picked first. The demonstration was going to be boast enough. She reached out and took his hand when he offered it, then giggled excitedly when he scooped her up under her legs and set her atop his large, sturdy desk.

It didn't take him long to strip the skirt from her scaled thighs, revealing her total lack of panties beneath. Her folds glistened with the glaze of heated lust that happened to come over her that particular day. It meant she was putting out a considerable dose of pheromones. Horace certainly hadn't missed them

"Now, generations of changes and intermingling have ensured that even dragons experience heats much like mammals. Not to mention other features not originally associated with dragons."

He gave a double cupping of her bust to explain precisely what he meant, hefting and then dropping those F-cups to leave them jiggling. She made sure to cup them again just to make sure everyone saw how full and shapely they were while Horace continued.

"Given that Jenny here is currently in heat, she is putting out a scent that may seem subtle to you - " he began, and the audience chuckled. "Or perhaps not. Given we're the same species, I immediately knew she was there before she even entered the room."

"You're saying I smell?" she joked, wiggling her feet where they dangled off the edge of the desk.

"Yes," he answered, to more laughs. "But in a good way. I can already feel the effects working on me."

A nod down to where his pants were bulging more and more visibly directed the audience's attention to how turned on he was getting. Plenty of the students who crushed on him wondered if his cock would be as impressive as the rest of him. By how much it had already filled out, they weren't going to be disappointed.

"Now that I've been sufficiently enticed into mating, any more is unnecessary. However, observe what happens when I get a taste of Jenny's pheromone-laden juices ..."

He rather bluntly pushed a finger right inside of her, provoking a sharp moan and even a dragon growl from the horny dragoness. That digit was thick, and she clamped down on it in an instant as if to keep it to herself. That didn't prevent him from wiggling it around and smearing his skin in her fluids, which dripped from the tip of his finger when he brought it up to his lips like honey. A thorough suck of that mess had an almost immediate effect on the big dragon. His dick got so hard that he could barely keep from ripping his pants anymore.

"As you can see, now I can think of almost nothing else," Horace casually noted.

That was the moment for him to unbuckle and pull that thick pink shaft out for all to see. While not decorated with the ridges and spikes some might have expected, its sheer girth was more than enough to impress. He stroked it a few times in front of everyone while he stepped out of his pants, fully bottomless before his entire class. That excess skin slipped up and down around the plump head, already showing off an excess of precum that dripped all the way to the floor.

He didn't bother with his buttoned shirt nor his vest. Those weren't going to get in the way of fucking the heated dragoness. He wasn't just taller than her, but he was so much heavier, so much more bulky. It was hardly a surprise when he easily swept her up again and held her out in front of the audience as if welcoming them to behold the drenched, dripping dragoness squirming in his grip. It didn't take long for him to tuck his hand under her thighs and spread her legs apart, his stiff dragon dick pointing right up at her slick pussy.

"We'll go with a simple stand and carry position. This ensures deep penetration, as well as giving everyone a good look of the penetration taking place."

With that, he lowered her down on his dick, sinking smoothly into her depths with a satisfying squelch heard all around the room. Jenny clenched her teeth at first, showing a silent, shaken snarl as she adjusted to the size of all that cock inside her. Pushing inside of her had a way of squeezing out all excess juices with a satisfying squelch heard all around the room. She shuddered and groaned in his grasp while he buried himself balls deep in dragon cunt, holding her as still as he could so he could continue giving his lesson.

"While I might be slightly too large for her under normal circumstances, her state of extreme arousal causes her to be thoroughly self-lubricated, as well as more internally pliable. She should experience no discomfort through this process. Only plea -"

Jenny interrupted by making his point readily apparent with a sudden draconic screech that emitted from her in lieu of a proper roar. Horace wasn't even thrusting yet, simply holding her in place while she flexed and clenched on his dick.

"- sure."

A few more people chuckled, but most were simply caught up in the sight of those two big dragons going at it. He had no further explanations for the moment. Everything that followed was self-evident. Clutching Jenny tightly by the sapphire thighs, he began to bounce her up and down entirely by his own strength. She had minimal involvement in the whole process aside from being a warm, wet hole for the virile dragon stud to fuck. The schlurk of his shaft sliding in and out of her absolutely flooded pussy echoed out through the spacious classroom, bouncing off the walls while her juices puddled on the floor.

Horace thumped his nuts up against that slutty dragon while she rumbled and screeched. Perhaps she was getting more than she expected. He wasn't gentle with her, nor did he stop or relent for anything. Puffing hotly down on her head, he only picked up his pace, letting everyone see her breasts bouncing and her belly bulging while he bred her right in front of a class of nearly one hundred eagerly watching students salivating over the sight. Every thrust, every plap of fat dragon sack against her glistening folds was one that rolled through the otherwise silent room while his shaft slurped in and out of Jenny's lust-drenched sex.

It didn't take long for her to start losing control of her body entirely. She twitched and convulsed in Horace's hands, kicking her legs out as if she'd suddenly changed her mind. It wasn't anything like that, but rather the feral build of her impending orgasm. She clenched for him, she tightened up every single inch of dragon cock buried in her slathered sex, and in the end she roared for him with a shaky voice while she utterly squirted for him. That fat cock was simply too much for her to take, pounding away inside of her even as she utterly erupted for him. He simply kept on going without losing his pace, casually pointing out how hard he just made her cum.

"While not necessary to complete the mating process, it is much preferred that the female reaches climax during the act," he said, deadpanning it enough that most couldn't even tell he was joking with them.

All humour left him when he bottomed out inside her with a snort. He grunted, he growled, even building his way up to an imposing bellow when he finally dumped his nuts inside Jenny's waiting womb. It was the loudest any of them had ever heard the normally soft-spoken professor get, shaking the crowd with his roaring declaration of bliss. Then there came that hefty glcccch of cum splattering inside the dragoness, filling her, breeding her, leaving her belly warm and taut by the time the big professor was done draining his balls inside of her.

"And there, with that release, I have likely given her enough to fertilize an entire clutch of eggs, considering the compatibility between our two species," Horace explained, lightly breathless, as he slowly pulled his shaft from inside her.

A messy splatter of his cum poured out to dribble down his balls and thighs. Jenny was still twitching and pulsing internally, sending a jet of their mixed mating juices squirting off to mist the front row. The whole room smelled like horny dragons by the time they were done. He set Jenny on her feet, but made sure to support her when it looked like she was about to keel over. Leaning against the half-naked professor who'd just fucked her full of hot cum, she huffed and drooled a little, still groaning, blue tongue hanging from the side of her mouth.

"Now, that is just the first of today's demonstrations," Horace noted. "With two easily compatible species like us, a successful impregnation is almost guaranteed after a single courtship. Which you may recall is rather frowned upon, if not strictly against university policy."

A few murmurs rose up among the students at that. People shifted in their seats. Rina refused to even look, but for reasons even he didn't fully understand, Luke was getting even more turned on than he already was. Kimiko unwound herself from around those seats so she could lean in close, flicking her tongue at the scents wafting through the room while her naked slit slowly dripped with desire. She wanted to see what came next perhaps more than anyone else in the room.

Horace offered no further explanation. He needed to make a swift correction in order to keep his job, and he didn't hesitate to do what needed to be done. A stretch of those great, toothy dragon jaws, a snap of the strands of excess drool that stretched out between his lips and teeth, and then he lunged. Jenny didn't even get the privilege of seeing it coming. All at once, her world was doused in darkness as she was engulfed in the slavering maw of the dragon who'd just bred her. He wrapped his lips around her throat and sucked her head deeper into his mouth, gripping her by the hips to help shove and feed her towards his throat. That dragoness was going down whole.

It startled some, and didn't remotely surprise others. They'd heard the stories. The professor didn't get a gut that big from snacking. The only thing they wondered was how Horace was going to deal with those wings. He quickly folded them up while he stuffed Jenny down his gullet, lightly bulging with an indistinct outline of her body. Up she went, cum pouring out of her the whole time, far too dazed by the pleasure and the shock of it all to provide much in the way of squirming. Until he swiped his tongue between her thighs, cradling her ass in his jaws at least.

Still sensitive and soaked despite her release, she kicked her legs out like proper prey for the last few gulps. Horace slurped over her pussy a few times while she was there, but his primary focus was on making her disappear. He gulped hard, throwing his body into the motion, sending that bulge straight down past his bulky chest. The buttons on his shirt were already starting to strain against the extra heft beneath them. He managed to get a few of them open before the rest simply popped right off, exposing his big green gut to the class while it swelled out with the dragoness he was tucking away inside him.

One more heavy swallow sent the satisfying GLURK ringing through the entire room. One last glimpse of the dragoness' calves, feet, and tail wiggling between the frame of the bigger dragon's teeth was all anyone was going to see of her again. She vanished into the grip of Horace's powerful peristalsis, massaged down towards his fat gut. It was already churning. Horace's belly dropped low, only to bounce back up as Jenny made impact at the bottom, sloshing, grumbling, loudly squelching while the digestive process greeted her. Of course, that much meat was going to take a considerable amount of time to melt down into fat.

Horace didn't hold back with his belch, broadcasting that wet BRALLLP across the room loudly enough it shook the doors on their hinges. Everyone was just left to stare at that huge, round belly all filled with well-fucked dragon slut while Horace licked his chops and returned to the lesson like nothing particular unusual had happened. He didn't bother to put his pants back on. In fact, he shrugged off the rest of his clothes, spreading his arms wide, displaying that gut while it loudly groaned its way through the beginnings of a long, thorough digestive process.

"That will take care of lunch today, I should think," he joked. "Now, of course, that's only the start of what I can show you today. I might be older than you, but I'm certainly not too tired to keep going."

Once again, he took to scanning the crowd before him, causing all manner of mixed reactions. More avoided his gaze than before after watching what he'd done with the presently churning dragoness. Others still flirted back with their eyes and smirks alike, perhaps even more intently than before. Surely after devouring an entire person, a large one at that, he was full. It was much safer to be part of his next demonstration when he was already stuffed and digesting someone.

That didn't make Rina any less flustered when he so much as glanced her way though. She shrunk away and pressed up to Luke's side, but the other goat barely even noticed her there. He was slack-jawed and bulging, absolutely throbbing with his eyes scanning up and down the dragon's body. His fixation was mainly on that huge, prey-swollen gut, but he also found himself admiring that huge, bare cock as well. It was still mostly firm, slick with cum and Jenny's juices, audibly dripping on the floor in the silence of the moment. He'd never been so attracted to another guy before. Part of him wished he could somehow volunteer.

Horace took a little longer with his choice that time. He'd already long since made up his mind, but he was intrigued by the mixed reactions he got to eating one of their fellow students right in front of them. Jenny was well-liked among her peers, no doubt. That wasn't the reason no one seemed to object to her gurgling fate. It was something else, something to ponder later while he was sleeping off his prey. When he'd drawn out the suspension enough, he gave a pointed look towards the gold and silver dragoness, and nodded to her. She seemed to know the answer to his question before he asked it.

"Kimiko, would you be so kind as to come up here?"


She was already unwinding from around the seats, stretching out and floating her way down the aisle. How she did that was anyone's guess. Some thought magic. That fit the mysterious, cryptic way she had of speaking to others. Others though it was just an act she used to get sex. It worked. She wasn't remotely modest as she flashed her heated slit to the front row, brushing her fluff near their noses so they caught a little of her warm scent while she approached the professor.

"There you are," Horace said with a nod to her as she stepped in front of the class with him. "Now, I know what some of you are thinking. Aren't you just as close in species as the previous volunteer? That, however, is not true."

Even naked and digesting a student, he couldn't resist performing the professor walk, strolling back and forth while he gesticulated his way through his explanations.

"Jenny and I were directly compatible, but as two entirely different types of dragon, Kimiko and I are in fact quite distant from each other on the genetic tree. Not to mention she is, of course, not a biped. That doesn't mean our breeding won't necessarily take, but it may take several tries to be successful. We will see how much time we have today."

"I have all the time in the world," Kimiko said, her voice awash with sultry tones.

He gently reached for the soft dragoness, taking her by the tail so he could draw her close. She took the time to curl herself around him like a serpent, or perhaps more a feather boa for the way she draped her lower body about his shoulders, sex inches from his lips. Leaning in, he took an extended lick of her shining sex, lapping up a generous dose of her fresh juices, swallowing them right down. He came up from her pussy with his snout nicely drenched by the horny noodle, licking over his lips. Even so, his demeanour never shifted, at least outwardly. He didn't get a whole harder very quickly, cock pressing up against the underside of his prey-filled belly.

"There are plenty of courtships between quadrupeds and bipeds that prove fruitful. Adding to the likelihood of success is the deep heat Kimiko has demonstrated she is in. Even those of you who aren't reptilian should be able to easily determine this from the pheromones in the air. This is the most ideal time to pair if impregnation is desired."

"And it is most certainly desired," Kimiko purred.

Though she was much more active with him than Jenny was, Kimiko was far from in control. When he wanted her there, he took her by the lower half and simply shoved her sex down towards his cock like she was little more than a sleeve. She remained wrapped around him, squeezing at him, squishing over his gut. From her side, she couldn't feel any movement in there anymore, but it was hard to tell if that meant anything for how fat that predatory professor was.

With his hands fully wrapped around her lower coils, Horace brought Kimiko's pussy down right onto his cock, still slathered up in the mess he made of the previous dragoness. She gave an elegant moan for him when he penetrated her, easily stretching out for his girth. He was roughly her size, though a comparison was difficult when they were shaped so differently. What was abundantly clear was he was more than enough for her, bulging her coils with the heft of his huge cock while he pressed deeper and deeper, burying himself balls-deep in noodle dragon cunt.

"Full penetration isn't necessary for successful breeding, if you find your partner is not as accommodating as Kimiko here," Horace explained as he tapped his sack against the scales and fluff a few times. "Be sure to handle vaginas with care, so as not to cause injury. Sheer power is not always the answer. Many prefer a more nuanced, sensitive approach to sex."

With all that said, he pulled back and then absolutely pounded deep inside the fluffy dragoness with a long thrust while he yanked her down to the base once more. She pressed her head up against his own, rubbing cheek to cheek while she moaned right in his face. Sometimes she kissed at his neck while he fucked that sopping slit right in front of everyone, pulling her up and down along with the motion of his hips. When he wasn't supporting her weight, he was free to use all his strength into pulling her down on his dick, slamming himself into her so that the ripples of impact rolled through the entire length of her elegant body.

"Others, however, do need some roughness in order to properly induce ovulation. By the sounds she is making, I believe Kimiko to be in the latter category."

She was his moaning necklace, crying out like a song, glittering like jewellery herself while she dangled in his grasp. The fond squeezes she gave his gut grew weaker while he plowed her full of prespunk. A torrent of her juices rolled down his nuts and bare thighs alike while he squeezed them out of her with his plunging cock. She usually carried herself with such composure, but up there on the figurative stage before her fellow students, she was a wailing, moaning mess, drooling on herself while she got absolutely rutted by the exceptionally virile dragon professor.

Just as with Jenny before her, she couldn't keep from cumming hard after a short time in Horace's grasp. She made even more of a mess than the other dragoness. People were left shielding themselves with their hands or binders as Kimiko utterly gushed in climax around Horace's fat dick. She squirted in every direction, loudly squelching while she roared and even whimpered her delight, clamping on the shaft inside her as if to absolutely demand that he knock her up right then and there. For how sopping wet she was, there was hardly any doubt it'd take, even across dragon species.

Horace seemed to take a little more pleasure in filling her than he did Jenny. He gave a great, full roar that briefly silenced everyone, putting some frightened looks on the faces of the eager onlookers. They certainly didn't look away. That would have meant missing the sight of his plump balls jumping, clenching, squeezing out another thick orgasm that shot straight inside the coils of the long dragon all wrapped around his body. He gripped her and milked himself dry inside her pussy, clutching her so tightly he might have torn a few tufts of fluff from her shiny body.

She writhed and wriggled against him like the flying serpent she was, pressing her face close to his own. When the excitement died down and they were floating together in blissful afterglow, she went in for a kiss. He didn't meet her lips, instead opening wide and simply letting her guide her own face directly into his mouth. By the way he so succinctly clamped down over her whole face at once, he wasn't remotely full. There was no explanation needed, nor any warning given. All she needed to know was that he had no intention of breeding with her, and he was still hungry.

Her body stiffened in surprise at first, but as he slowly unfurled her from around his body, she didn't show anything but acceptance. When her sex schlurked from his shaft, pouring his own cum down his stuffed belly, she was still ripe and hot, still aching with lust even after being filled. It was going to take a while to get his tongue on that. Slurping her down like the soft noodle she was, producing some excessively wet noises in the process, he fed her into his gullet and squished her down with the same powerful gulps that had already proven so effective at downing dragonesses.

Kimiko's short front kicked a little as they brushed across his lower lip and teeth. He tucked those in too as he started accumulating her in his already filled belly. She was going to have to curl right up in order to fit inside him, but that didn't stop him from grabbing at her lower body and roping her into his open throat. Gulp after long, slurping gulp dragged her in, lips caressing through her bright tufts while he swallowed her whole. Eventually he managed to curl his tongue out across the same sex he'd so thoroughly fucked, provoking some twitches and jolts from his prey that wobbled his expanding belly.

Horace paused to rub at his middle and help her settle into his juices while he sucked on the last few feet of her. Her hind legs dangled from his jaws while he slathered up her still-gushing sex. All the squeezing on her body helped to make even more of his cum pour out of her. He was quite slathered up in the results of his mating demonstrations by then, not to mention sweating, his green hide almost glowing under the lights. Those were the same lights he was looking up at once he decided he'd teased Kimiko enough and tilted his head towards the ceiling to finish her off.

Rather than one single, firm gulp, it was instead a long, slobbery glllllllp, drawn out like a slurp while he made that noodle tail wiggle between his lips. His gut was getting massive, pressing out so large he couldn't even get his hands fully around it anymore by the time she was fully down, tucked away behind his fat with the other dragoness. There was no more competition to be the most breedable between the two of them. They were equal as dragon food, ready to be churned and melted down together once the professor was done with his lesson and lunch alike.

This time, his belch was more than uproarious, reaching almost catastrophic levels as it blasted out between his pointed teeth for at least five seconds straight. His belly tightened up around his prey all the more when he burped their air out, firmly hugging his two-course meal. Even then, there was hardly anything visible from the outside but for a great, round gut with the occasional lump of something pressing on the walls from within. It could have been anyone in there, not just two gorgeous dragonesses.

He gave them a few pats, then returned to his spot in front of the classroom. Coated, dripping, and still visibly aroused all the while, he spoke as if there was nothing particularly unusual about the circumstances. Nobody said anything, fixating primarily on that huge, sloshing, gurgling gut while it warmly worked over his prey. Even so, they still paid full attention to him when he spoke.

"Now. I am likely to find it a touch difficult to give you my fullest effort, given my current state, but there is one more demonstration I wish to give you before I end the lesson for the day." He cleared his throat, and continued his show of looking over everyone in turn, despite already knowing who he was searching for. "So far you have seen likely successful breeding between myself and two reptilian species. Yet what about a partner who shares very little of my immediate genetic makeup? The coupling is still very much viable, especially during such a deep, intense heat such as the one being experienced by one of our students today."

Rina was ready to duck under her desk and hide, but she couldn't move a muscle when she caught his attention. Her sex was absolutely drenched by then, soaking through her panties, putting out her scent, but Luke wasn't paying any attention to her until that moment. He snapped his head to the side when Horace gave her the nod, and just stared with his jaw agape. She squeaked, shrinking away, trying to slump down in her seat but unable to find the willpower. Instead, she just slowly rose to her hooves under his watchful gaze.

"Rina. Hello there. Come right up, if you please."

"But I .... " she said out loud, mostly to herself.

She looked around as if to confirm she was the only Rina he could have been speaking to. A look at Luke had them exchanging glances, but they didn't say anything. He was blank and horny alike, trying to figure out if he objected to the whole thing, if he should have stood up and said anything. Rina might have been in heat, but she was with someone, unlike the dragons churning in Horace's gut. Was that allowed? Was he supposed to be upset? Or was his boner a totally normal reaction?

"I think," Luke began, considering the words coming out of his mouth. "Well. If he called you, you have to go up, right?"

"I don't have to," Rina said, giving a curious arch of her brow at his rather pushy tone. "But I think, um. I think maybe I want to. If that's okay."

He was quick to back off when he realized how he sounded. Simply nodding to her, he did his best to be reassuring. "It's your decision. I don't own you."

At least he was full. Probably. Almost definitely. Horace was massive with his meal. He was going to be even bigger by the time they next saw him. Rina wasn't a large goat, but she was soft, even chubby. There was no way he could have made her fit. It was probably fine. Just a demonstration. That was what allowed the goat to step down the aisle without fainting, at least, no matter how many eyes were on her. She just wished she'd picked something nicer to wear that day.

Maybe she wasn't quite the cover girl the other two had been, but what she lacked in perfect shapes and flashy colours, she made up for in just how absolutely soaking wet she was. Being close to Horace, standing no higher than face level with his crotch meant she was sucking down a significant amount of his musk. As well as a lingering scent of dragon pussy clicking to his cock. She was blushing hard, blazing really, and slowly tilting her head back just to look at the massive prof who'd called her up.

"You might think that dragons and goats can't reproduce, but you would be quite wrong. As we discussed, depending on specific genetic markers, the offspring may well be the species of one parent, or the other. In rare circumstances, they might even be both at once."

Once he was done addressing the class, he instead bent down as low as he could with his gut loudly sloshing and sticking out like that. This time, his tone was much softer, speaking words meant only for her.

"Shall we try for hybrids, Rina?"

She was already wet, but that was enough to make her all but squirt on the spot. There were juices running down her thighs. Her shorts were just as soaked as her panties. She just stood there silently blushing at him, knowing Luke was watching the whole time. When he reached for her and started methodically pulling her clothes off one by one, she simply let him do it. It didn't take long before she was naked in front of everyone, letting them all get a look at her puffy, pinkened pussy lips, swollen and aching as they were. Her desire was thick in the air.

"Yeaaaah," she finally answered with a lust-struck little smile on her lips.

Luke didn't truly know how he felt about it all, but his dick did. He was throbbing so hard it was visibly through his pants, making a wet spot right through them for how much pre he was pumping out. When Horace brought Rina down with him, planting her on her belly so he could mount her from behind, he didn't get any softer. He wondered if he could get away with just pulling it out and jerking off right there, but he didn't want anyone to know how hard he got off on seeing his girlfriend getting taken by the big, fat, older guy.

The only position that made things possible with Horace's gut so full as something like doggy style, with Rina's soft butt in the air and the dragon's belly weighing down right on her back. She swore she could feel the occasional kick or squirm, but that might have just been all that food settling in there. The weight was probably enough to crush her if Horace decided to just lie right down on top of her, but instead he stayed up on his knees while he took her by the hips. Getting her lined up with his cock meant lifting her almost entirely up off the ground, her hooves dangling while he encompassed the circumference of her whole waistline between his two huge hands.

"Sir, I'm not sure if it's going to ..." she began, only to cut herself off with a pleasured scream whens he felt that thick, sex-slick cock pushing her tender folds apart. "FIT!"

Most of the class only heard that last word. Luke leaned in over his desk, hooves twitching on the floor with the pulses running through his entire body, almost making him tapdance with excitement. He watched his girlfriend moan in ways he'd never heard, making expressions of absolutely shattered pleasure simply from being penetrated by the big fat dragon. The professor sank deep inside her despite the size difference, making her grip at the carpet below while she wailed and moaned with his every mere throb. It sounded like she must have been exaggerating, like she was doing her best audition for a porno.

"Oh god! Oh my god oh my god ... fuck me fuck me FUCK meeeeeeee yes yes yesss fuck yes oh my god HORACE!"

Her arms trembled until she simply collapsed beneath the dragon after just a few thrusts. He made her belly wobble back and forth while he held her firmly, supporting her full weight as he humped away. She screeched, she screamed, she bleated like the goat she was, and all Horace was doing was slowly shoving his shaft back and forth, stuffing her to the brim and pulling back. He wasn't going nearly as hard with her as he had with the two dragons he'd down. He didn't need to. Just a slow, casual pace was all it needed to utterly blow Rina's mind.

"Of note - some partners may be especially sensitive," he calmly explained. "You can usually tell from the sounds they make. Be sure to handle them with care. Or don't."

He didn't even get the usual amount of chuckles from that. People were too busy watching that goat get her world turned upside down by a good application of dragon dick. Rina drowned them out with her braying cries and groans. Some of the audience gave knowing glances back at Luke all the while, smirking at him. They didn't have to say anything to tease him. He blushed all the same, but he mostly ignored them to keep his gaze locked on the lady goat getting pumped and filled with precum, slickly, sloppily fucked and bred before all of his friends.

When he sped up a little, it sounded like Rina was simply losing her mind. She clutched her face and drooled on herself, panting, gasping, screeching at the top of her lungs. It was a truly embarrassing sight, but rather than judge her, they were mostly jealous. The girls, the boys, and everyone else. She was getting the fucking of a lifetime, and they had all missed their opportunity for one reason or another. Her prize for being so richly heated was getting a pair of ample dragon nuts slapping against her pussy lips while her soft assets wobbled with every slow, firm lunge of Horace's hips.

"Fill me fill me breed me fucking KNOCK ME UP," came Rina's scream, her voice distorting into something like a snarl as she drooled her way to climax.

Luke recoiled in shock just to hear her like that. It wasn't just that he'd never seen it himself, it was that he had no idea she even could be like that. He wasn't sure he could hold it back anymore. He wanted to jerk off so badly. Instead, he just sat transfixed as Horace grunted his way into a thumping, puffing, sloshing climax. She was milking him, clenching on him, clamping down in absolute need of his hot, virile dragon seed planted inside her womb. Lunging at him, bucking, shaking all over, she managed to make him cum perhaps before he was even ready.

This time he simply gave a sharp huff, tilting his head back. He didn't make his way to a full roar. Maybe he was wearing out, or maybe he simply held it back. Either way, his balls gave the flexes and pumps of warning before he flooded Rina's depths all at once. The first blast of cum made her jolt in surprise at its heat. She wasn't a dragon after all. The rest, she took in slumped, satisfied silence, twitching her way through a release of her own that snatched her voice away in the convulsing ecstasy that followed. She was spread across Horace's thighs, legs wrapped around his hips, shuddering through an orgasm that left her bred, broken, and never to be the same again.

"And there you have it. Will such a pairing result in particularly large-framed goats, or perfect horned dragons? Or will our species mix in an unexpected way?" He spoke softly, finishing his thoughts with a slow lick of his chops. That slurp was as drawn out as he could make it, working over his lips and teeth alike before he continued. "That is all for today. You are dismissed."

Rina slowly slipped her way off his cock when those inner muscles released their utter tension. He helped her pull free and laid a few last spurts over her back while she flooded the floor with all that got squeezed out of her when she laid herself down on her belly. She was a wreck of sweating, dripping, drenched goat, smelling of hot dragon musk while she flopped out in a pool of Horace's cum. She barely even reacted when he spoke again, in that soft, covert voice of before.

"Except for you Rina, of course."

Luke was just getting up from his seat, ready to walk down and gather up his girlfriend. Maybe to help her walk if need be, too. That wasn't going to be necessary. He saw the dragon professor picking her up, sitting his heavy ass down on the steps leading up to the front of the classroom. There was no ceremony about it. He simply hefted her up and brought her towards his jaws, opening wide as he dangled her hooves above his open mouth. It was preferable to eat goats that way to keep their horns from scraping on the way down, though a dragon like him wouldn't have been bothered much either way.

Somehow he still had room. He made a lunge for Rina's hooves while some of the class started to file out. Most stayed. That included Luke, who at first recoiled when he saw Horace chomp on the cum-filled goat's legs. It was mostly out of concern for him using those teeth on her, in truth. Once he saw that the dragon wasn't actually biting her, just nibbling his way up those dangling, almost limp limbs, he relaxed. Slumping down in his seat just put all the more pressure on his uncomfortably straining bulge.

When Horace started swallowing, his loud gulps filling the room, Luke had to rub at his cock just a little. Nobody was looking at him anyway. All eyes were on the front of the class to see if Horace could really do it. Sure, he was a dragon, but that didn't mean his stomach had infinite capacity. He seemed to be taking that goat a little slower. She wasn't giving him any sort of trouble, fuck-stunned as she was. Rina hardly seemed to know what was happening to her, even as that slobbery dragon maw kneaded up along her thighs, squeezing them together, squishing the cum and juices clinging to her skin.

A heavy glurk got her thick ass inside him. He took his time to make a throne of himself, gripping her by the hips with his jaws, licking over her splattered cunt. She went from nearly comatose to jolting awake and aware, projecting those broken, whorish moans throughout the class while Luke rubbed himself to soaking wet to the sight of her getting eaten and eaten out alike by their huge, handsome dragon professor. He slurped her even more senseless, leaving her rocking and flailing about, barely in control of her own body anymore. It took less than half a minute of sustained slicking and slopping along the folds of her spunk-stuffed sex to bring her into a bleating, wailing peak again.

She twitched and shuddered violently atop the dragon's tongue as she went off once more. Cumming hard meant filling his mouth with all the excess juices that spectacularly squirted out of her. She still had so much left to gush. Plenty of it trickled and drooled down from the dragon's jaws as he shook and shrugged her deeper into his bulging gullet, sending her on a free-fall in the middle of her mind-shattering orgasm. All the knowledge, all the lessons she'd absorbed over the course of the semester had been fucked right out of her, leaving her numb, blank, and totally accepting of the heavy, possessive swallow that followed.

Luke leaned forward in his seat, shuddering with pleasure. Rina settled into the dragon with an extended sigh that soon blended with his own. Horace settled down into one last extended swallowing, pushing his belly out for all to see as it got all the larger with one more occupant stuffed firmly inside of him. He was utterly massive, but there was just room enough for one tasty goat among the dragonesses he'd devoured. Luke watched Rina's dazed expression vanish, and then her horns, and finally he just moaned out loud enough that people finally noticed how worked up he was.

Nobody commented. There was a strange silence over the room as people started to file out one by one. Some lingered. Luke was of course among them. He sat where he was, sweating, biting his lower lip while his eyes remained locked on that great green gut bulging out before him. It shifted as it gurgled. He wondered if that was someone squirming inside, or if all that meat was simply settling down. Sometimes he tried to picture what was going on in there, but mostly he simply stared over the vague indent that was those three pretty girls' bodies. He couldn't tell which shapes belonged to Rina.

Horace took his time while he settled down from his big indulgence. Sometimes he reached to his gut to give it a good squeeze or stroke while his meal settled and settled. Other times it squeezed inwards all on its own, compressing the food inside it all the tighter. Luke's legs were absolutely numb. He was worried he would pitch over if he tried to stand up then. Did Horace even know what an effect he had on him? The dragon didn't look at him, didn't bother to say anything directly to him. It was probably for the best, lest the goat boy erupt right that very moment.

He couldn't stay there any longer. With one last look at the prey-filled dragon seated at the front of the class, he rushed out before anyone could see him cum. He wasn't quick enough to avoid hearing the world-shaking belch that spilled out of the classroom door and rattled through the hallway. It almost stopped him where he was, but he pressed on. He had to get out of sight, had to find somewhere he could have some trace of privacy. That ended up being a bathroom stall. He latched the door, gave a grunt, and struggled with his pants.

She was being digested right that very moment. Luke thought about that. He couldn't see it, but he could picture it. The dragon had his girlfriend, and he was already in the process of turning her into fat. By that time tomorrow, Rina was going to be completely gone. Maybe she was still conscious, maybe she wasn't anymore. It didn't matter to Luke. He pulled his cock out and started frantically jerking at it, finally letting it all out. There was no more need to hold back.

It took him seconds to go over the edge. He didn't bother to stay quiet, crying out with a whimper as he came all over the wall of the stall. His cumshot ran down to the floor thickly enough to puddle around his hooves. He couldn't keep from getting some on him. The more he ran what he'd seen through his head, the longer he emptied his nuts. It felt like several climaxes all at once, draining him of absolutely everything he had left. His legs were trembling by the time his orgasm finally trickled to a finish.

"Sorry, Rina, I just ..." he said out loud, as if she could hear his half-hearted apology. That thought was too half-formed to finish anyway. He wasn't sure why it had turned him on like that. It simply did.

He went right home after washing his hands, still panting, blushing, coated with sweat, and tried not to think of it too much more that night so he could sleep. Maybe it would have even left his mind for a while if it wasn't for his next class, that morning. Agricultural studies were his minor, and usually weren't the most exciting thing, but there was a very familiar face at the front of the class.

"Good morning everyone," his usual professor said, that pretty older fox who often had his eye. "We're going to have a bit of a demonstration today. Professor Mayranth is here with us to give us a demonstration. Some of you in his class may know where I'm going with this!"

"Thank you for having me, miss Jane," said a familiar voice.

There was Horace, dressed once more, though his shirt didn't fit over his fattened belly. He had digested those three pretty girls over the course of the night, and as a result he was looking extra plump all over. Most of it went right to his gut, leaving him jiggling it with his every step as he made his way to the centre of the stage of sorts, stepping onto a large, unwrapped sack. It was spread across the floor, ready to be tied up once filled.

"In these present times, with the population we have, nothing goes to waste. It happens that large meals like Horace's in-class demonstration yesterday eventually make for excellent fertilizer. Especially when bones have been digested into it."

Horace didn't say a word further, but for at least a moment, Luke swore he locked eyes with him. It left the goat sliding back in his seat, trying not to stare back. He couldn't take his eyes off of what was happening. The dragon slowly removed his pants, revealing his soft cock and an ass even fatter than before. He turned. He lifted his tail as he squatted down in the designated spot. Luke knew what was coming. He shouldn't have been so transfixed, he shouldn't have been hard already.

With no further explanation needed, Horace gave a grunt, and started to squeeze out what remained of the three students he had churned, absorbed, and transformed into a load of dragon shit over night. Jenny, Kimiko, and Rina were all there, getting pushed out from beneath the old professor's lifted tail in smooth, assimilated chunks of waste. They thudded heavily to the floor, packed with powdered bone, and maybe the occasional chunk that was sure to tickle and stimulate on the way out. Luke half wondered if it felt good to dump them out.

If he had any doubt about what he was seeing, there came some hints and details that remained undigested on the way out. He saw some long teeth that surely belonged to one of the dragons at one point. A mass of tarnished blue scales stuck deeply in the mess definitely belonged to Jenny, or they used to. There was no mistaking the silver and gold remnants that followed, embedded in a log of shit along with some of that golden fluff that Kimiko used to have. Their lustre had been greatly diminished by the trip through the dragon's bowels, left dull and dirty when they left him. Just when Luke thought he wasn't going to see a single trace of Rina that survived the trip through the dragon's body, Horace squeezed out what was quite visibly a hoof.

The horny goat came in his pants. It just happened like that. He saw that hoof, followed by a dark, stained horn all encased in fresh, hot dragon waste, and the cum just leapt out of him before he could stop himself. It soaked his boxers, it ran down his thighs, it left a big wet spot on the front of his pants. Horace left an absolute mountain of former students piled up and steaming in front of the agricultural class. It didn't take long to get it bagged so it could be turned into fertilizer in the future, but he still got a good glimpse of that mound, topped off with those ruined scales, those bits of fur, and those goat horns stuck in it like a crown. He was never going to get that image fully out of his mind. His girlfriend got fucked, bred, and turned into dragon shit while he just sat there, and he was never going to stop cumming about it.

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