Loud Neighbours part 1

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Luke has a problem, and he only knows one friend that can help him with it. And it's not just because she's a fox, and not just because he finds her attractive...

He keeps hearing someone screaming at night, and it's driving him mad.

Loud Neighbours

The polar bear entered the restaurant and told the doorman he was here for a table booked under Hannah. The wolf gave a knowing smirk and led him to a quiet corner of the room. It was dimly lit, offering a semblance of privacy and secrecy, though really the place was packed with diners tonight. Luke preferred quiet spaces, but he wasn't going to walk out on his friend, not when he had something important to tell her.

A small fox sat waiting at his table. She wore a thin white dress which contrasted with the bright orange of her fur. She had a long snout and large nose for her head, all accentuated by the pitch-black tufts of her ears. With a drink held in one hand, she was gazing off into the distance, but perked up when she noticed Luke. Her ears shot up, soon followed by the rest of her body, as she jumped up to greet him.

"I hope I didn't keep you waiting."

"Not at all," said Hannah, "I just got here early."

Luke felt inappropriate for someone of his size to reach out for a fox, so he felt relieved when she pulled him down into a hug. She wrapped her lithe arms around his midsection, while he just let his arms drape over her, enveloping her entirely in the warmth of his large chest.

The attendant wolf made a slight noise before bustling away. Luke didn't blame him; they were an odd pair. As a bear, Luke stood at least two feet taller than Hannah, and was about double her width and weight. His sharp suit didn't help much either; it made his enormous body even more clearly distinct from Hannah's, and from the rest of the restaurant's clientele.

They got a few stares before the pair broke apart and took their seats. They picked up their menus, though Luke could barely read his. It didn't matter. He would probably get at least two meals for himself anyway, and maybe finish Hannah's if she didn't want hers.

It was silent until the wolf returned for their drinks. Hannah got a lemonade while Luke took white wine. They didn't talk until the drinks arrived.


Luke glanced away from the window view, back to the fox. She was smiling to herself. She gestured with her hands at Luke, who just spread his own hands.

"What did you want to talk about over the phone," she went on.

Suddenly, Luke felt nervous all over again. He took a long drink from his glass.


Without warning, the wolf reappeared, and Luke stopped all over again. The canine took their orders, and once he had left, Luke couldn't remember what he'd asked for. He looked dumbly at his hands where he once held a menu, then looked back at Hannah. She stared right back, still smiling at him.

"I hope you didn't bring me to such a nice place just to ask me out, 'cause I've got--"

"Er, no, no, it's worse than that--


"--I wanted to talk about something," finished Luke.

Hannah smiled, relieved, and laughed to herself. Luke finished his drink and gestured with his glass to call over a waiter. It worried Hannah how quickly he'd finished it, but she didn't bring it up. It still wasn't clear why they were here.

"Oh, good. You had me nervous for a second there. You didn't have to pay for a fancy meal if you just wanted to chat, you know."

"Well, we're splitting the bill--"

"I'm not paying for this."

For a second, both stared each other down, before Hannah's face broke into a smile, and she squeaked out a laugh, and Luke laughed back. In contrast to Hannah's light yapping, Luke's laugh came out low, almost like a growl from someone so large.

The fox didn't react to it, and both ignored the few more heads now looking their way. The pair had been friends for years now, and both had long got used to each other. At first their difference and size had made things difficult, and each had wished the other was more physically similar to themselves, just to make things a bit easier when it came to meeting up like this. But each had long ago stopped caring. It was the other's differences that made them interesting.

"What did you want to talk about?"

Luke's smile faded, and his nervous look returned. He took another sip of his second glass and cleared his throat.

"I had an experience; and I really need to tell someone about it. But, it's a lot, and very... intense. So, I wanted to tell you, because you're you... But it's still a lot, so I thought I should do it nicely and treat you at the same time."

"You're bribing me."

"You can pay for the bill yourself if you'd like."

"In your dreams, Luke."

The bear smiled and said nothing more, and a moment later their food arrived. Hannah had gone for a stew with bread. Luke had bought himself a few pizzas, all of which balanced precariously around the table. He didn't hesitate to shove an entire slice into his wide muzzle, revealing his strong jaws lined with heavy teeth and an even bigger tongue, which practically crushed his food before he even chewed it. Toppings dropped away back onto the table before he delicately scooped them back into his mouth.

"... So, what happened?"

Luke's eyes lit up as he remembered he'd been asked the same question before. He shook his head and swallowed his mouthful, before washing it down with another drink.

"Well, as you know, I recently moved to my new flat. And it's nice, you know. There's more room, and I like the views over the city, and there's a corner shop nearby that's quiet, and it sells these cheap beers I like."

"I know," she interrupted, "I visited once, remember?"

"Right, you did," said Luke. He nodded and went on.

"And it's nice and everything, but there was this noise... I only noticed it a few weeks ago. And at that time, I thought I was going insane. I just...kept hearing this screaming when I went to bed. I couldn't tell where it was coming from, and it would go on for hours and hours at a time. It was impossible to fall asleep... I thought the house might be haunted or something."

Luke's face heated up, and he shovelled down another mouthful of food, to stop speaking. Already half of his first plate had disappeared, and he didn't seem to be slowing down. He finished his glass and sat in silence. Hannah gestured at him with her spoon.

"And, do you still hear the noises now?"

"Well, sort of... It kept getting worse and worse. I could swear they were going for longer-- as at some point I realised it was two voices and not just one. And it was to the left of my room, and then... well... Do you remember that time we went to the cinema around two weeks back?"

Hannah let off a light, high-pitched scream, which Luke recognised as a laugh. A few disapproving looks went their way, but Luke didn't care. It felt good seeing his friend laugh about it.

"How could I forget? That film was terrible."

"Right? What were those actors thinking-- and the CGI as well, when they were on that train."

"... I thought you were going to ask me out then as well."

"Well, yeah..." Sighed Luke. He didn't really know what to say to that. The pair of them were almost like a couple with the way they spent time together. But they weren't; they were just friends. And Luke was okay with that. Although, it still made outings like these feel strange, and too intimate for just friends. Actually, it had become a running joke between them.

Hannah wanted to know where Luke was going with the mention of the cinema trip, but the bear had gone back to eating. Hunched over himself and devouring the pizza like a starved man: barely catching his breath between bites.

"It's alright, Luke; you can tell me anything. What about the cinema and the screaming?"

"... It's when you laughed in the cinema then, as the characters jumped off the train together. I realised that the noises I kept hearing weren't screaming. Well, they were screaming--"

"Oh, they were foxes!" cried Hannah, as it dawned on her. She laughed, letting off another scorching sound. The others in the room winced, though a few canines smiled and snickered along, including their waiter from before, who smiled sweetly. Hannah noticed he was subtly checking out Luke's behind, but she didn't say anything. He wasn't the only one who was listening in on their conversation.

"You were hearing foxes at night, right? And they were fucking each other's brains out. Right, Luke?"

She laughed again as he nodded sagely. He looked relieved to have finally got it off his chest, and went back to chewing more calmly. Despite his enormous appearance, the bear was a huge softie. He tended to keep things to himself unless he found it important, and he only had a few friends, which he spoke too infrequently.

"So, I was relieved at first, but they were still loud, and it was still getting to me."

He frowned over his plate for a second.

"And-- I think it was two days later-- I'd just had an... exhausting, depressing, awful day, and when I got home, they were screaming again. Or, moaning.

"I ignored it as well as I could and wore headphones for my dinner, then played loud music during my shower-- though it was so high-pitched I could hear it anyway... And so, feeling exhausted and depressed after an awful day, lying in bed, I just couldn't sleep at all."

Luke stared right at Hannah. His cowering posture had disappeared, and he sat straight, now towering over the fox. His look of anxiety replaced by disbelief over what happened, his hand spread in front of him. Massive things that could encase a melon or break bones through a handshake. Hannah found herself focusing on them for a beat too long before answering.

"That sounds terrible. Did you eventually fall asleep?"

"Not at that moment... This is... embarrassing to say the least, but I'm going to have to tell you, or at least tell someone. Is that okay?"

Hannah ignored the question, something occurring to her.

"You didn't kill them, did you?"

"I thought about it, but no, worse; I went to their door that night, dressed in my dressing gown. I... really needed to sleep.

"And it was cold even for a bear like me out there at night. I didn't want to be there, but I was dying to finally get some rest after everything, and it was freezing, so I kept banging on their door for about twenty minutes before this fennec fox appeared.

"He was all dishevelled and barely dressed, with a similar dressing gown as mine, but covered in leaf designs. I couldn't tell at that moment if he was even wearing pants, but--"

"Wait! You couldn't tell at that moment; what did you do to them, Luke?"

"I didn't do anything--"

"Did you threaten or hurt them?"

"No! You should be asking what they did to me."

"What did they do to you?"

"We fucked."


"I know; there was the fennec fox who--"


"--was polite. And his boyfriend was nice as well when he appeared a second later, and instead he only wore pants and shivered in the cold, and he was an Island fox. I told them why I was there, and they-- and no offence-- both had this grating laugh that--"

"Offence taken."

"-- made me a bit nervous and annoyed."

Having known Luke for so long, she knew he could easily be scared by foxes half his size; it was just who he is. He is nothing like the other polar bears or bears she'd ever seen before or met, or even hooked up with. She sometimes thought about how Luke would be different.

"But then the fennec fox, who introduced himself as Josh, pulled his boyfriend to the side, further in their home. I went inside after them, and closed the door to try to warm up. A minute later they both came back, _completely_naked, and asked if I would like a drink, and that they had just cracked open a bottle of wine that his boyfriend Matthew had got as a gift some time back.

"And I still just wanted them to shut up, so I could go to bed, but I thought the alcohol might help, so I followed them into their kitchen."

"Wait, wait, so they approached you, naked, offering you wine, and you said yes."


Hannah stared baffled at the bear, who finished off his final plate, and washed it down with another drink. He seemed now more relaxed than he had before, but then maybe it was the alcohol slowly working into his system.

"... I thought you were completely straight."

"Well, I did too. I've only ever found you and other women attractive before, and never thought anything more about it. But then these two made me feel... something.

Luke's voice dropped, and he hunched across the table to speak to Hannah, the red returning to his face. He knew what he had to say next.

"Josh moved first. He put his hands on my legs, and it felt strange, but I didn't mind. Actually, I quite liked it; and I think I must have nodded or smiled or something, as then he reached over and groped me. And, well..."

Luke lifted his hands as if to somehow demonstrate how hard he was. He made a pulsing, stroking motion in the air, though kept glancing around the room. He did it closer to the table, then gave up, squeezing his hands tightly into a ball as words failed him.

"So--" began Hannah.

"Wait, please let me finish; I'm not done. I..."

His voice dropped to a whisper again. He looked around the room, and noticed the few people still paying attention to him and Hannah. He gave them each a glare. Hannah finished her stew and nursed her drink.

"He pulled out my penis, and touched it like-- well, like how women have usually touched me, but somehow still different. And I was a complete mess. Part of me wanted to push him off just so I could have some time to think about how I was feeling, and so I could get some sleep. But then the way he smiled... It's hard to describe... He has that look you have now, though more predatory...

"It's funny; I felt terrified. But then Matthew, like, appeared right in front of me, and then kissed me. He had a skinnier tongue than any bear I've been with, and his breath reeked of wine, to the point where it nearly made me pull away. But instead, we kissed for a while... Josh put his mouth on me; someone's hands played with my nipples, and that was kind of painful... And then after a bit, they both rode me-- multiple times each... And that was it.

"I went home, showered and then went to bed... And when I woke up in the morning, I was late to work."

Luke pulled away from across the table, and cleared his throat, whilst Hannah just stared across at him in disbelief at what she'd just heard.

It was quiet except for the light chatter of the restaurant. Outside, the clouds reddened and slowly disappeared with the last of the sunlight. The sky went dark, and after a moment the streetlamps flickered on. The herds of people thinned, all in a rush to make it home or to go somewhere for the night. It went silent except for a few cars and the low murmuring in the room.

Luke watched it all happen, doing his best to ignore Hannah. Now that he'd told her exactly what had happened, he wasn't sure why he had.

"So, you had fun?"

Luke was about to reply when the wolf returned. He looked more tired, though still politely took their plates away, and asked if he should bring over a dessert menu. Luke was back to staring off into the distance. Hannah asked for two menus, and the wolf left with another smirk.


"I... Yes?"

"You had fun?"

"Yes; both Josh and Matthew were amazing. They were great with their mouths, and they never seemed to tire or get bored with me or each other. They just kept going... I guess the alcohol wasn't too bad either."

The pair settled back into silence while Luke internally began kicking himself even harder. The wolf returned a minute later. Hannah ordered a chocolate latte and a carrot cake. Luke went for a chocolate cake with extra ice cream in three different flavours. The wolf looked like he wanted to say something, but, in the end, turned and left, giving Luke's ass a once-over before shrugging and hurrying to the kitchen.

"... Why did you tell me all that, Luke? Did you just want to get it off your chest?"

"Oh. Well, yes. That, and, I have another problem relating to that."

Panic settled in Hannah's stomach as possibilities began rolling through her mind. What more could the sexually charged foxes have done?

"Have they given you a disease of some kind?"

"No, worse."



"What is it? Are you dying or something? Are you being blackmailed? Sent to prison? Something like that?"

"No, no, it's just that they're still screaming."

Hannah sagged in her chair, equal parts relieved and annoyed.

"They're not just screaming; they're foxes; it's what they're supposed to do."

"Well, yeah," grumbled Luke. "I just don't know what I'm _supposed_to do about it. It feels even harder to sleep when listening to them."

"That's probably just FOMO."

"What's that?"

"... Have you tried going back to them when they're fucking... Did they like it when you were there?"

"I think so. When I pushed into Josh, he seemed pained for a second, as his face all scrunched up. He clenched hard against me, to the point where I thought he would pull my dick off. He arched his back down to the ground, and his tail suddenly shot upright and blinded me and caused me to sneeze.

"I thought I had hurt him and was about to pull out, but Matthew was wrapped behind me. He was rubbing against me and I felt him leaking all through my fur-- but in a nice way... He stopped me, and then Josh started pushing his hips back onto me.

"I couldn't help but moan, and when I did, they laughed for a second, but then Josh started too. He finished pretty quickly as well, and a couple of times over as he never pulled off... Afterwards, I offered to help clean the carpet, but they just shushed me out of the house once I came a few times."

Luke finally noticed the waiter standing beside their table, his arms balancing cakes and ice cream. He looked equal parts embarrassed, aroused and disgusted, and he stared at Luke for a second too long before placing down the food and scurrying away.

When Luke glanced around the room, he noticed the rest of the restaurant now staring at the pair silently. Luke focused back on his plate, and began on his cake.

"Let's finish quickly and get out of here, yeah?" said Hannah. Luke didn't respond and began shovelling food into his maw, not worried about brain freeze as a polar bear.


Hannah paid for their bill, and they left the restaurant in a hurry, while behind them, they could hear the conversation suddenly flare up as they made it through the door and onto the street. Hannah shivered under her lighter, orange fur, so Luke offered her his oversized jacket. She smiled and draped it over herself, and the wind dramatically tugged at it and ballooned it behind her. They smiled at their shared misfortune, then ambled down the road towards home.

"It sounds like they really liked it, Luke," said Hannah.

"... I guess they did."

"... How many times did you all finish?"

"I'm not sure; I lost count after a while... Everything was covered. I reeked of cum even in the morning, and I'm not even sure whose it was."

"And how long were you there?"

"Four hours, maybe?"

"If you're fucking for four hours, they must've loved you... Next time they start moaning again, go over and join in again. I'm sure they will be more than happy to have you over."

"To be honest, I don't think I can keep up their pace."

"You're a bear."

"Well, okay, but I can't intrude on them every night."

"If I was them, I'd want you to; you're quite handsome."

Luke smiled a genuine smile and looked away from the fox. He was back to being hunched over, and only took his eyes off the pavement when they crossed over roads or moved past other people. Hannah smirked at the behaviour. Then it occurred to her what she'd said.

"You could also try just moaning back at them."

"Why would that help?"

"If you're making more noise every time that they're at it, they might get the message to quiet down a bit. They might not realise how loud they've been so far."

"I think they know."

"Regardless, it shows them that you're having a better time. Hell, they might come over and knock on your door this time: if you're loud enough."

Luke's face lit up again at the mention of sleeping with them. His one ear flickered for a second, before he hunched back over.

"I don't think I'd be able to make that much noise."

"But you're a bear. Us foxes have higher voices--"

"--more like screeching."

"--but bears like you have a larger voice box and lungs. You could easily make more noise than them, and everyone else you live near will probably celebrate doing so with you."

Luke hummed back. He knew she was right, and that he was physically able to. However, he didn't think he could ever bring himself to make noise like that. Though maybe he had once after he stubbed his toe.

"C'mon, it's worth trying if you're not able to sleep anyway, right?"


"Plus, they might come over and--"

"I can't sleep with them again."

"Why not? You enjoyed yourself, didn't you?"

"Well, yes, it's just that I'm interested in another fox."

"Another fox! I hope I'm not just a fetish for you, Luke."


Luke tensed. He stared off into the distance and didn't move until some resolution seemed to cross his face. He pulled on Hannah's shoulder to stop her, then craned his head downwards to be at her eye-level.

"You're not just a fetish to me, Hannah."

"Oh... You want me to make you noisy, right?"

Luke could only nod.

Everything suddenly made sense to Hannah. He'd gone the extra mile to go for a fancy meal, and told her this story about his neighbours, all because he wanted to sleep with her, just like they did. He couldn't just ask her out of the blue; to him, it would seem demanding and creepy, so he treated her to food first, tried to charm her in his own awkward way... He'd never put it like that, though. Even now, after suggesting it to her, he looked restless. Eyes focused on the cars and few people walking by. His beady eyes reflected the pure whites of the street lamps.

Hannah grabbed the lip of his shirt and tugged on it until Luke leaned down for her. With her other hand, she grasped the side of his face. He was strong enough to pull away if he wanted, but he let her keep guiding him down until they were facing each other. Then she kissed him.

Luke pulled away, but then immediately let himself sink back into the kiss. He twisted his head slightly for a better angle, before he soon felt a tongue poking at his lips. He stifled a laugh, and let it become more intimate. It felt the same as how Josh's had, though minus the alcohol. This time it was the sweet aftertaste of carrots and lemonade, and it caused his fur to stand taut along his back and neck, as it was unmistakeably her.

She pushed deeper, and used both hands to pull their heads closer together. Her tongue was practically enveloped by Luke's as he pushed in. It was huge and almost filled her jaw: a warm, snaking mass that pushed heavily against the shape of her mouth and tongue, barely flinching if it brushed over a tooth or fang. Hannah gagged as it went against the back of her throat, but she just made a little squeak, and tried getting him back.

They stood over each other beneath a dim street light, just exploring each other's mouths and the sensations it brought. Luke's shadow smothered Hannah beneath, and neither cared. It was just them as the world darkened around them.


Neither had any idea how long it had been by the time they each pulled away. Hannah openly panted, while Luke breathed heavily through his nose. The street looked abandoned except for a shocked weasel across the road. The fox waved, and he scampered away without looking back.

"Is that someone you know?"



Now that Luke had admitted to being interested in her, she couldn't help but notice how attractive the bear was. And how large as well. She could only imagine how immense he is down there. She wiped the sly smile off her face and offered Luke her hand, which he took happily.

They walked and talked about other things, though Hannah kept catching Luke glancing at her behind. She began to sway her hips and tail as she stepped, purposefully lifting her tail whenever he seemed distracted in the conversation. She did most of the talking now; now that she knew what he wanted, she was in her element. The fox would do everything she could to make this bear moan; even if it took all night.

They made it to Luke's house after a long, one-sided discussion on modern action movies, and Luke fished out his keys. It was a small place more fit for a smaller animal than himself, with low ceilings and a tight hallway.

Hannah glanced at it once, then threw her coat to the ground. Luke looked mildly annoyed for a second before he was shoved back against the closed door. She looked up at him with a look he had only seen in glimpses. It looked feral, and hungry. And it made him even more nervous about what they were going to do together.

He leant down for a kiss, which Hannah quickly returned. It felt passionate: the slow touch of tongues and lips; the light movement of hands along sides and the gentle squeezes. Luke hummed to himself; Hannah took the opportunity to push right up against his dick. Luke jumped, but didn't break the kiss. Hannah held him even closer, and continued to grope at his crotch. She felt his length grow to what she thought was its full height, but then it kept going, and got wider and warmer against her palm. Feeling it, she smiled and gave another teasing grope. She hadn't considered the technicalities of what they were doing, but if Josh could take it, so would she.

Luke submitted himself to the assault, and twitched a few times in her hand. His tongue rolled lazily over hers and pressed around her mouth, feeling the light pricks of her teeth, until she suddenly pulled away.

"What's the matter?" he asked.

"What's that sound?"

"What's what sound?"

He listened, and then realised what she was talking about. To his left, the fox neighbours had started whining. It went up and up in volume, sometimes cracking with a particularly strong movement. And soon they were both screaming through the walls along with a light, wet, slapping sound.

Hannah soon understood the problem. She found herself getting excited-- arousal causing a light shudder through her body as she listened to Luke's two neighbours fucking, the resultant sound rising in intensity, but not stopping or approaching any end. They kept at it, on and on. And the longer she listened, the more aroused she felt.

She found herself rubbing between her legs before turning to Luke, who just looked nervous. His large, powerful body folded in on itself. He wasn't confident around others, but she knew that between them, they could easily be louder than the foxes.

Hannah pressed herself back up against him again, and kissed him, this time with a bit of bite. Luke gasped a little, then gasped a lot as she pushed her hand into his trousers. His dick radiated warmth under her touch. It throbbed a few times as she felt along its length, crushing it between her soft hand and Luke's body. She moved her hand from the bottom of the shaft, and gave a light caress moving upwards, feeling it throb as her hand went.

It was uncut, and stood at around nine inches, and over an inch across. The head noticeably widened with the head, while the length looked webbed with veins. Hannah knew, from its smooth but tactile texture alone, she would have fun playing with it. She made sure to run her fingers along its rim, before trailing her fingers to the moist tip.

When she pulled her hand out of his pants, she noticed her fingers already dripping wet with pre-cum. She just stared at the substance in shock: at how much was already there. When she looked down at his trousers, she noticed a wet patch was already pressed into a spot, that only grew the longer they stood there. Now noticing it, she could smell it too: the strong, salty, sweet smell of his excitement emanating from his crotch.

Luke growled in disappointment, as Hannah just watched her hand. Her touch felt embarrassingly good against him, and he didn't want it to end just yet.

The noise seemed to awake Hannah, who glanced back up at the bear. For a start, that sound was good, but they would have to be a lot louder for the foxes to hear. Luke wasn't joking about how noisy they were. If anything, he'd downplayed it for her.



Before he could finish, the fox jabbed her coated fingers into his mouth, and left them there for him to taste. Luke pressed himself back against the wall away from the fingers, but he didn't pull her out. He was left tasting himself as they both stood staring at each other. Slowly, he moved his heavy tongue around it and completely lathered her fingers.

At first, his own taste made him recoil in disgust. The texture felt all wrong, and it clung in his throat as he tried to swallow. It felt wrong for it to be so warm and plastic and in his mouth. But, the longer he stood there watching his fox, pressing it into him, the more he got used to it. The more the flavour soaked into his senses, and the harder his dick pressed in his pants. He swallowed, and she pulled away, wiping her hand on his shirt.

"Let's go to your room."

Luke could only nod and brush past her to make his way up the stairs. He took the first step and felt a hand slap hard against his rump. He jumped a little, and the hand reappeared and pulled violently on his stubby tail. The bear hissed and tripped up a step, but the hand didn't let him go, and he didn't turn around. He tried swaying his hips, and from behind, Hannah laughed at him.

Upstairs, Josh and Matthew were even louder. The fox-couple were on the first floor of their home this time, presumably in their shared bedroom, only a wall away from Luke's own. Their high squeals and screams felt searing to Luke as he turned to sit on his bed. In contrast, when he looked at Hannah, she appeared to be nothing but aroused. She looked around the room uninterestedly, then turned to him. He crossed his legs in front of his erection, and said nothing.

"Luke, I want you to do something for me."

"... What?"

"Can I ruin one of your ties?"

"They're in the wardrobe."

"Bring one to me-- a wide one."

Luke considered telling her to get it herself, but he thought better of it. He unconsciously kept some distance from her and meandered across the room to get one. Eventually, he settled on a dark blue one that he used for work. He dreaded what Hannah would use it for.

"Bend down a little."

He did, and she planted a kiss on his black nose. His breath vaguely smelt of his own pre-cum, and it only left her feeling more excited for what they were about to do. But first, baby steps.

"I'm going to blind you with this. Tell me if it's too tight."


Luke straightened up, a look of panic over his face. Next door, the foxes were even louder, and the wet slapping sound had been replaced with a large humming sound. Hannah guessed it was a vibrator or two.

"Why would you do that?"

Hannah gave him her best smile. She slowly swayed her tail behind her seductively, and curled it back up when the bear's eyes settled on her own. Somehow, he only looked more panicked.

"Trust me, this will be more fun when you can't see. Just think: you won't have any idea what I'm going to do next; you'll have no distractions--"

She stood closer and placed her hands onto his chest, lightly feeling his chest muscles. From afar, it looked purely rounded and fluffy, and Hannah often joked it made him look like a plush toy. But now up close, running her hands up his stomach, she could feel the tense and firm muscles buried beneath.

"--It'll just be me and you and the feeling of whatever it is I'm doing to you at that moment... Trust me; you'll love it, and you'll be a lot louder."

Luke still seemed slightly unhappy about being so vulnerable, but they trusted each other. They'd known each other for a long while now, and knew the other would never hurt them, intentionally or otherwise. So, he knelt down for her to put on the blindfold.

Hannah tied it on tight, but the bear didn't complain.

"How many fingers am I holding up?" she asked.

"I don't--"

Hannah slid her hands into his pants again, rubbing her hand into the wetness, trying to collect as much of the fluid as she could. Luke whined again, then muted as the fingers reached up again and poked along his tongue.

There was more of it, and the flavours only felt more intense, but she was right; he only enjoyed them more. He lightly suckled her fingers, then stumbled up to his feet as she dragged his shoulders back. He knew the bed was near, but she kept pushing until he fell flat onto it. Fingers played at his dick for a second longer, and he expected another taste of himself, but instead he felt the zip of fly being pulled down.

Hannah slowly wormed down his trousers, and tossed them to the foot of the bed. She clambered back up, trying to focus on the dick and pants in front of her, instead of the screams next door. The vibrator was gone, again replaced by the wet slapping sound of vibrant and energetic hips humping one another. The sounds they made became lower and more guttural, and Hannah imagined one of them was only driving deeper and deeper into his partner as he went... And it was driving her crazy.

She sat on Luke's leg, and went back to massaging his length through the fabric. The wet patch grew with another throb, and ideas began to run through her head. He was leaking all over the place, and there must be something to do with all of it. She dwelled on it as she pulled his dick through his underwear, keeping his balls hidden away. She dismissed them as another thing to enjoy later.

Meanwhile, Luke didn't know what to do. He lay in darkness, both nervous and excited. He lay stiff on the sheets as if he were on hot coals, and kept his arms to his sides. His whole body looked cold and rigid, but the constant dripping from his tip was more than enough to show he was enjoying the attention. Still, he felt like he himself was doing enough. He wondered if he should be lying like this. And should he just lie there? His neighbours didn't leave what they wanted to his imagination, and now he couldn't even see.

Hannah admired him for a second more, and finally settled on a plan-- something to make this bear roar and scream, as they did. She got off him and sat beside him. And she couldn't resist. She sat there and watched him stew in anxiety as nothing happened to his body, as Hannah remained still and Josh and Matthew kept moaning with each fast drag and turn of their restless bodies. Luke kept his hands at his sides and did nothing while his urgency grew. Complete silence between them as he lay there, waiting for something, anything to happen to him. Did he do something wrong?


"Lift your legs up for me; I want to take your pants off."

He did so slowly, so he didn't accidentally kick her. The bed grumbled and he felt himself leaning back. Again, as nothing happened, he felt nervous, but he waited patiently for Hannah to touch him again.

Hannah watched the muscles along Luke's chest and belly tense under the fur and fat, and looked at the nice curves of his ass with his legs held in the air. The wolf from the restaurant was onto something. His tiny pink hole winked nervously amidst the wall of fur that covered him, while his small tail twitched erratically below. His large thighs remained still though, easily holding his weight, his whole being desperate to please Hannah. And despite his size, it made him look adorable. She slipped her hands along his ass and squeezed as she pulled his pants away and up his legs. His dick remained pinned down, then sprung up as the fabric disappeared, sending a spray of fluid against his shirt. Hannah ignored it for the moment, and pulled the pants off his feet.

Luke slowly lowered his legs, his muscles screaming at him all the while, then again tried to blindly relax.

Hannah picked up his underwear and brought it to her nose. It only got halfway to her face before she stopped and wrinkled her snout. Already the smell reached her from an arms-length away, and it wasn't attractive. It reeked of sweat and cum, and smelt unpleasantly tangy and salty, only leading her to pulling it away from her face even farther. She would never put that over herself unless she was super horny and desperate, and needed to remember what it felt like...

She wiped Luke's dick with the underwear, collecting any last bits of stray cum, before lifting the rag and bringing it against the bear's nose. Luke tried writhing away for a second, but then realised he hadn't been told to move. He trusted Hannah, even as she fitted the fabric, and the wet patch, directly over the end of his snout.

When he breathed in, the fresh air had gone, all replaced by his own warm scent and cum, and the built-up sweat and grime started burying itself into his snout. His dick throbbed again each time he inhaled, leaving him squirming and gasping under her influence. He felt dizzy and aroused, but remained still, even as the hands again descended to caress his muzzle.

This time it was another piece of fabric that covered his nose, but he knew it wasn't one of his own. For a second he thought it was Matthew again, but it was a unique fox smell. He sniffed it hesitantly, and realised it was none other than Hanna's own underwear. He took in deep breaths of it as she tied them on behind his ears, until he couldn't even open his mouth to complain any more. But that was okay; the wet smells were driving him crazy.

Hannah peeled off the rest of his clothes, then straddled Luke's chest, facing towards his legs and cock. This close up, it looked even more large and intimidating. Pre-cum continued to roll endlessly down his length with every throb, covering both his balls and building up into the fur of his belly and drying there. She wouldn't be surprised if it had already made it to the bed underneath. Still, she would make him moan.

The bear jerked as the two hands grabbed him. She squeezed a tiny bit too hard, then softened to fondle his wet balls. They felt warm and heavy, and she began to dread what would happen when she finally let him orgasm. She rolled them around, one in each palm, then slowly lowered her head down onto his dick. The smell felt painfully strong here, but she pushed on. It was much worse for Luke, who's every breath brought his own cum deeper into his nostrils. She gave his length a light kiss, bringing the fluid to her lips, then lapped out her tongue to bring it up in her mouth.

"Here's how this is going to work."

She squeezed him again and gave the head another wet, sucking kiss that ended with a slight pop. Luke spurted against her face, but kept silent. His breaths had become low and deep, and the light movement of his belly caused her to gently rise and fall above him. It was ridiculous how different their sizes were, but it only left Hannah more excited for what they were doing, and without noticing began rubbing her hips back against his fluffy chest.

"Every time you moan or make a noise, I'll touch your dick a little... But only a little. The louder you are, the better it'll feel... Scream loud enough, and I might even ride you."

Luke stayed silent, so she went back to toying with him. She kissed the head of his penis, and rubbed his balls with both hands. His musk wasn't pleasant, but he was clean and easy to hold and play with, and his erection wasn't going anywhere any time soon. She couldn't stop herself from kissing it again. Pre-cum continued to trickle down, and she dutifully lapped it up. To her, the scene felt almost peaceful, except for the moaning next door.

The vibrators were back, but were a lot, lot louder now. There were definitely more of them, and each one sounded just a little more high-pitched and faster than the previous few. Their noises certainly reflected it.

Luke whined. It only made him feel more ashamed and more needy to have to beg and grovel like this, but the arousal was slowly killing him. The smell hadn't got weaker to his nose over time, but somehow stronger, the fabric and its fluid dragging deeper into his nostrils and head despite him not moving at all. A tangy, pungent experience that would have otherwise left him rolling if not for the faint traces of Hannah's lighter scent pressed over it all. And again and again, he took in deep breaths through his nose, only trying to pull that smell closer.

Hannah must have heard him, as the weight of her body only grew as she shuffled back until she was sitting on his chest. It was harder to breathe, so he took lower, deeper breaths, exacerbating the smell. A fox tail brushed up against his face and gently whacked him every time it passed over as she wagged happily. It tickled his nose and worsened all the senses across his face.

He growled and writhed as his dick was suddenly swallowed. Hannah gagged with another spurt, but kept on sucking, taking a few inches until he stopped moaning. She pulled off.

"You're going to have to be louder than that if you ever want to finish."

"Hmm," Luke grumbled back, more forcefully. He pushed his hips upwards, and was rewarded with the warmth again. He felt a tongue wrapping against him, a light sucking and gagging sound as the hands massaged the base of his length, keeping him still. It was unbearable. It felt perfect.

And again, Hannah pulled off when he went back to whimpering. Cum and drool trailed from her mouth and landed against his belly. She didn't bother wiping her lips, and instead went back to passively feeling the size and shape of his balls.

"C'mon, Luke, you're not getting this. The louder you are, the better this will feel. Now give me a growl, or something. "

Luke whined and whimpered. It was almost drowned out by the noises next door, but Hannah caught it. She breathed hotly him, but didn't touch it.


"Hmm!" Luke cried.

"Better," she said. She kissed and licked, and with some effort, went no further. The taste was beginning to affect her.

"Grr!" Luke cried out, thrusting his hips upwards. He growled again, louder and louder as nothing happened, then howled as his dick disappeared into Hannah.

She gagged but pushed forwards, feeling his slick head push into her throat and keep going. She made a whimper of her own and kept pushing. Soon she wasn't tasting any pre-cum at all, as his balls loomed towards her eyes, until finally her lips reached his base with a wet slap.

Luke pulled his hips back down, and howled again. She pulled off slowly. He moaned again, and she went down, her tongue writhing against the small amount of flesh it could reach. And for Luke, it felt incredible. To make noise no longer felt like a chore; it was impossible to resist. Again and again, he groaned and whined and howled as she deep-throated him. Spurts of cum squirted from her mouth as she gasped for breath, before she sank back down, feeling warmth trickling inside her. She wanted nothing more than to stop for a moment and take a breath, but if she ever stopped, she doubted she could force herself to continue.

Luke rolled on the bed as he came closer to orgasm. His groans became breathless, nearly drowned out by the wet cries coming from Hannah's throat. She slowed down, and he roared at her.

She went up and down until both felt dizzy and lost in the sensations. Luke couldn't help himself. He finally moved his arms and grabbed Hannah blindly in front of him. Teeth grazed his dick like some kind of warning, but he didn't let go. He pushed her down and thrust his hips upwards with a barely contained scream. He was so close, and he wasn't going to let her deny him of it now.

Hannah weakly tried to resist, but gave up quickly. His hands practically covered the back of her head. She became nothing more than a desperately-sucking sex toy for his throbbing length, as he practically dragged her head up and down as he felt his climax approaching.

The bed groaned and rocked, but barely made a dent on Hannah's growing whining between gasps of air and the heavy slapping of Luke's hips. She gagged and gargled around it. Drool and cum ran over her lips and onto Luke's thighs, which dragged themselves from the bed to push further into her. The pace grew faster and faster as he huffed and grumbled with each spattering slap, until the pair were a blur on the bed, his balls swinging up and repeatedly hitting Hannah on the chin. Until he reached the point of no return.

He thrust a few more times, then held her down against his crotch and into his balls. She got a strong, long, musky whiff of them before she felt it: the sudden warmth blooming inside of her. And Luke screamed. For the first time, the neighbours went silent, as he poured his soul into his long howl that reverberated over the room and stilled all noise around him. Hannah tried her best to join in, and made a slight gargle, only sending more fluids into her the wrong way.

He slackened, and she pulled away, only for the painful sensation of cum drooling through her nostrils and across her tonsils. The stuff filled her mouth and nose and everything. Every sense assaulted by his thick, warm cum as it emptied out of her in one big release of pressure. She couldn't tell for a second when she'd pulled off, until a few, thick, hot spurts across her chest told her the dick was now dancing in front of her chest. She swallowed what she could and let the rest run down over her.

It took a while for his desperate twitches to finish, and for his body to sink back into the mattress. Hannah caught her breath and rolled off of his chest. Luke didn't seem to notice. His breathing came heavy and slow as his high slowly ended.

Beside them, their neighbours remained inaudible.

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