A Brewing Storm --- Part 2

Story by Fenrir Storm on SoFurry

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#2 of A brewing storm

Lucas' muscles tensed, preparing themselves in anticipation for the next moment. A bloody half dead pitbull gasping for his last breaths lay between his feet, blood begining to pool on the muddy ground. An infuriated wolf was charging, his sword at full draw and ready to strike. To top it all off, a cold, thick, iron chain was wrapped around his throat, the lips of an enraged pantheress whispering in his ears about a debt, due for payment.

The moment the wolf drew close enough, Lucas pressed off his feet firmly, resulting in a backflip, the chain slipping from his neck and with a twist in the air, he landed back to back with Clayre. The wolf sprinted straight into Clayre, or would have had she not stopped it's advance with the blade of her kama to his throat. Blood sprayed accross the pantheress' face, soaking her fur.

Rake nearly dropped his weapon in shock. His second in command had turned on him. It only took him a split second to recover from the shock however, which was just enough time for Lucas and Clayre to turn on their heels and break into a dead sprint towards him.Kicking the handle just beneath the blade, launching it from the ground. Rotating his shoulder down, the shaft of the weapon spun infront of him, knocking the weighted chain aside as if it were frustrated bird.

Lucas feinted to the left, ducking under Clayre's chain to the right, striking. Rake's bisento slammed back into the ground, using it as an anchor, he managed to pull himself away from Lucas' strike. Flipping back into the air, he kicked Lucas in the jaw, knocking him from his feet. Rake landed heavily on his feet once again behind the massive weapon, and Lucas landed on one knee, glaring past his blood soaked snout at him. Clayre whipped her chain at Rake again, aiming for the shaft of his weapon this time, the chain wrapped around it, securing itself. Clarye pulled herself, using the bisento as an anchor much the same way Rake had. Spinning for extra momentum, she flew past Rake's defense. Her kama lashed out, ripping accross his breastplate, rending a ragged gash in it, leaving a thin trickle of blood on his chest, staining his snow-white fur.

Digging his foot into the mud, Lucas sprinted forward, lunging under Clayre as she struck her blow. He twisted his arms, knocking aside a wild swing from Rake with the flat of his blade, slicing into his thigh with the other. His jeans split and blood soaked into Rake's fur, and soaked the dark blue fabric of his pants.

A sharp pain in Lucas' shoulder, followed by a warm trickling down his chest, reminded him of the missing link...Sylvester was around here somewhere. Already hard to track, he had an even easier time hiding with the rain and mud, and now a small dagger jutted out from Lucas' left shoulder. The moment it took him to realize this was enough time for Rake to lift his knee, slamming it into his chest. Ribs snapped loudly and even more cracked as his boot continued up, slamming into his chest as well.

Lucas flew back about fifteen feet, hitting the mud and sliding, his weapons dropped durring the initial impact. Clayre took the moment to get in a claw across Rake's face, slashing down and over his left eye. Blood, thinned by the rainfall, sprayed accross his snow white face.The tiger roared in protest to the pain, ducking her kama and standing again, slamming the back of his fist, and forearm into Clayre's chest. Her leather did very little to stop the blow. She like wise flew back fifteen feet, but thanks to the chain, she didnt drop her weapon. Lucas was now standing, arms flexed and his claws now his primary weapon. Ignoring the pain in his side he sprinted forward towards the imposing tiger.

Leaping through the air, and reacting at the last moment to a dagger flying towards him, he rotated his wrist, slapping the dagger, knocking it away from him, resulting only in a small scratch on a knuckle. Wildly whipping his right arm down with all the strength he could muster, Lucas' claws sliced through the air, Rake threw his head back to avoid the strike. The claws connected with Rake's throat, slicing three deep cuts, continuing down, they caught the strap for the breastplate, slicing clean through.

Landing heavily, one knee slamming ontop of Rake's foot. A sickening crack was followed by another unaimed swing from Rake. Twisting and gripping the striking fist, Lucas managed to use the momentum to flip himself out of the way, two daggers landing in the mud where he had just been.

Stumbeling, Rake's hand flew up to his bleeding throat, stifling the flow, and his ruined armor slid off of his shoulders. Glaring at Lucas and Clayre as she stood up shakily, he hefted his bisento and sprinted away, limping slightly, a dark shadow following from the nearby trees.

Lucas hurried over to Clayre, her leather armor had been smashed extremely thin against her chest. She shakily reached up to remove it. Trying to help, Lucas lifted it over her head as she unstrapped it. A very thin black sleeveless shirt clung to her curves. Her body caught Lucas' attention, forcing him into a flashback.

The rain was gone, pinned against a tree, Clayre's breath was heavy. Her legs were wrapped around Lucas. her arms wrapped around him as well, Nails digging into his back with ecstasy. Her large breasts were pressed against his chest, and his hips pressed against hers. He was kissing her neck, and she arched her back, forcing him deeper.

"Keep staring, they might do a trick." She groaned, lowering herself into a sitting position. Her voice brought Lucas back from his memories.

After making sure she was ok, he retrieved, cleaned, and stored his weapons, then crouched near her. All at once the pain from the battle hit him. Wincing from his broken ribs, and the deep cuts along his snout, he gasped for breath for a moment. Once he was back in controll of his breathing he glanced up into her green eyes. His own had faded back into a cool blue.

"Debt settled." She chuckled, leaning her head back against the trunk of the tree, glancing at Lucas she scoffed and reached up, pulling the dagger from his shoulder. "That's generally bad for your health you know."

He managed to let a chuckle out, wincing slightly again from the pain in his side.

"I wasn't sure you were going to keep to the plan." He sighed quietly.


They stared at eachother for an awkward moment, then smiled slightly, despite the pain.

"So, I guess this is goodbye?" Lucas asked standing up slightly and offering her help up.

Taking his hand, Clayre lifted herself to her feet.

"For now... I just cant give up on you yet." Clayre winked, gathered the length of her chain, and wrapped it around her waist, securing her kama with a leather strap. Once situated, she took a few test steps forward and looked over her shoulder at Lucas before sprinting off.

Rotating his shoulder, and feeling a satisfying pop, Lucas held his right side, feeling the broken ribs, and started walking again, at as fast a pace as he could manage, resetting his ribs as he went, and checking for any more that might be broken.