The Parasite II

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A fair number of people seem interested in a sequel, and to be honest I wanted to write one. The problem is, I I couldn't decide where I wanted to go with it, since there's a lot of possibilities. Since my tamer work has gotten more outspoken praise (not including the pleasantville series which was written for me by my Loki ^^), I've decided to keep this one fairly tame. By my standards anyway.

If any of you would be interested in the 'hardcore' version, post a comment about it or send a message and I'll think about whipping up an alternate storyline.

As before, this story is intended for a mature audience, and contains sex, yiff, acts of oddness, and fetishes. Don't read it unless you're over the age of 18, otherwise, happy fapping!

Dreams assailed the young rabbits mind. Delicious, steamy dreams, full of things he'd have never admitted to even considering just 24 hours prior. They were so uncharacteristic, yet so disturbingly good that it was this that woke him, rather than the sound of worried talking coming from the living room. That n itself was odd, considering it wasn't at all quiet. The room was dark and night had fallen, but since apparently his Cock had woken up

"I've called the police. They want me to come down to the station and answer some questions. Stay here until I get back, and lock the doors in case whatever it was turns up for dessert." John recognized his father's voice. It was deep and rich, honestly sounding like it belonged to a man twice his size, likely on a sports team of some sort.

"Are you sure honey? Maybe we should wait till they can send a car out. I mean look at this! It bit clean through it!" His mother's voice, soft, creamy, like ice cream on a hot day covered in chocolate... Wait where had that thought come from?

John's Cock was starting to wake up at the sound (or specifically the thought of) his mother. He felt its awareness as a slimy, hot, wet sensation, and what disturbed him was, it felt... comforting, hell even arousing. That fed into itself for him, but his equipment was still groggy, apparently drained from something while he was sleeping.

"Look, I don't know how to explain how whatever it was bit THROUGH the metal rack, but it didn't force its way in. All the doors were unlocked and there aren't any broken windows. By the way how's John?" His dad again. His dick seemed to consider the man for a moment, though he couldn't tell. It just drooled a bit of pre and nuzzled against his leg, and something about that felt odd.

"Don't worry Dad, I looked in on him when we got home. He's asleep. Whatever it was must not have made much noise. Plus it smells kinda weird in there..." His sister's voice. 16 years old, curvy, slightly chubby, and with a voice that could calm down an angry badger.

Now, his Cock had been lazily dozing in the dark since it was full, tired from all the fun earlier, and it was too dark for John, and thus the cock, to see. Hearing the young bunny woman's voice made his shaft firm up so fast he blacked out a moment, blood filling his Cock and his lust starting to rise exponentially.

She's my SISTER! John thought in disbelief, arguing against the excitement, the fantasies playing through his mind, some of them so bizarre he didn't know words for them. The thoughts were there; He KNEW that it was wrong to want his sister like that. He KNEW he shouldn't want to jam his new monster of a dick into places he'd never thought of before, and he KNEW that he'd never consider any of this before today. The only thing was, there wasn't any feeling behind it. He wanted her. He wanted her just as much as his Cock did, and he wanted to do every last thing that his Cock told him to with her.

"Look, I'll be gone thirty minutes, tops. I'll take one of the bitten racks as proof and be back with the cops as soon as I can."

Good, he thought, one paw sliding slickly, easily over his throbbing Cock, his hesitation already gone, Dad's leaving. That means Mom and Sis are here all alone... We should go keep them company. Wait, 'we'?

John blinked a few times, even though he couldn't see, and he felt condescending amusement coming from his Cock, as opposed to pleasure and approval when he had been going with his urges. He considered that for a moment, and how he couldn't bring himself to stop stroking the monster growing out of his crotch even if he wanted to. Hell, he couldn't manage to tell himself he didn't love everything that was happening to him.

While John was coming to grips with the idea of sharing a body as well as his own changing views, his family had apparently decided on a course of action and gotten to it. Specifically the sound of the car pulling out of the drive broke his reverie, and he could hear the crinkling of plastic bags in the kitchen as the litter of emptied containers he had left behind were being picked up, and water hitting a bucket to deal with the dried spunk all over the kitchen.

What interested John the most, though, was the sound of soft footsteps slip slapping closer to his door. Without thinking, he wriggled, his Cock tucking itself between his legs (the sensation would have made him cum on the spot, had his Cock chosen not to), and finally pulled he blanket up over his head so just his ears stuck out. The room stank to high heaven of cum, sex, sweat, and scents that just acknowledging made him want to make more of.

"Hey John? Wake up squirt. Did you hear anything going on earlier? Someone broke in." Her voice was driving him insane with lust, and he stared shaking, repressing the urge to move to the approval of his Cock.

"S-sis? I-is that you?" His voice quivered, and wasn't something he had to fake, making the act all the more believable. He could practically feel her heart breaking, feeling pity for her poor scared younger brother.

"Of course it's me. It's OK now, and you did the right thing hiding." The door closed, plunging the room into dim lighting from under the door. "There's no telling what it would have done to you... if...." She trailed off, the smell overpowering now, and she couldn't recognize it. At first it nearly choked her with its strength when she smelled it, but the more she inhaled the scent, the more she came to enjoy it., and the hazier her thoughts became.

"S-sis? Could you c-come here? I n-need to sh-show you something." It was a struggle to keep from leaping out of bed. His blanket felt scratchy all over him, and he was starting to itch, presumably because of all the dried spooge, and he could smell his sister's natural scent even through the thick musk that was pouring off his body. About the only part of the bunny boy's body that wasn't wound tight as a spring was his shaft, laying quietly, waiting.

Everything was a haze for her, the musk wrapping her mind in a thick blanket, and she felt a burning between her legs as well. She was hot, painfully so, and literally dripping all over the place. The smell, she reasoned lazily, without any feeling of urgency as she stepped forward slowly, It's doing something to me....

Pheromones are used in the natural world to communicate lots of things, like food, danger, the desire to mate. In this case they were being used to lure and to arouse in a way neither rabbit had ever even heard of. This was a moot point of course, since by the time the lady bun had realized something was happening, she was bending over her brother with a perfect view down her V-neck sweater for the barely controlled boy.

Putting it simply, John snapped. More accurately, his Cock released the control it had been extending over him. The effect was instantaneous; unreal muscles rippled in the bunny and he moved fast as lightning to tear off his sister's shirt, one paw squeezing one of her breasts while the other tore off her skirt and panties, both of which had been soaked.

She almost had time to inhale enough air to scream, nearly enough sense to wonder what was going on with her brother, and just shy of enough self control not to let that breath out as a moan instead. She couldn't control herself, and it was like being a prisoner in her own body, watching as she pressed her tit against the insanely strong paw fondling it, whimpering silently as she ground her virgin folds against the other, all the while staring in disbelief at what had been her brother.

John was, when he woke up that morning, a cream colored bunny, small with a hefty package. What had woken up that evening was shaped like a rabbit, but with very obvious differences. For example, his fur littered the bed, strips of dead skin still holding the follicles, leaving veiny, but incredibly slick and smooth, if slimy s black skin covering John. Skin identical to cockflesh coated his entire body, and he oozed a slime from every pore, evaporating into mind-altering pheromones while ultra-sensitive nerves picked up everything, every minute sensation, and found pleasure in them all. Another change being that his rabbit buck teeth had vanished, his mouth simplifying with teeth being recycled for better uses while his tongue remained, allowing him to talk. It didn't matter though, it wasn't what was meant for eating anymore.

Running on impulses and pleasure almost exclusively, the ex-bunny almost unthinkingly obeyed every whim of his Cock, thinking only about how good it all felt, how much he loved this, and how good it'd feel to ram his big black dick down his sister's throat. He didn't have to think long on that one though; his Cock knew what it wanted, and it as going to take it. The fact that the body it was attached to wanted it to just made it simpler.

With hardly a shifting of hips John's flexible length had pushed into his sister's open, moaning muzzle and began thrusting in before he even started bucking his hips. His mind was on fire with pleasure, his Cock exerting more control over him, wearing him down more as he gave into the urges, the needs, and after he had managed to hilt completely in the female, he no longer even knew his own name. By the time he had drawn out and plunged back in, his dick bending through his sister's system as his paws forced her to bend over while he stood, he didn't care anymore. Even as he claimed his sister, his mind was re-written into a good little servant slut or his Cock, his Master. He knew himself as slut, a name chosen for him with a quark of amusement by the Cock that now owned him and no longer recognized the girl he was fucking as his sister. He still knew who she was, still loved her as much as ever, but to him, she was just another one of Master's slaves now.

Meanwhile the girl's mind was screaming, and not just in pleasure. Even as dick so perfect that it could plunge to parts of her body that she didn't even know could feel slammed into her, she was fighting the urges, the nearly overwhelming need to just let it happen, to encourage it, to need MORE. She fought it, and was losing. About the same time John lost his name, the slime that Cock was shooting into her was starting to enslave her mind as well. Useless facts like fashion, mathematics, school, slipped away with each thrust on the tide of pleasure, and she struggled to hold on to her identity.

Dammit! My name is Rebecca! I'm 16! My favorite color is blue! I like.... I like.... Her inner monologue was failing, it just felt too damn GOOD to resist. The closer "John" got to orgasm, the more slime that entered her system, and the less she could hold on. Even as she struggled, she could feel unnatural things happening to her body. Her tits were getting heavier and her hair was growing. She could even see her fur changing color, but by then she couldn't even figure out why that was bad.

Her fate was sealed as the hose of a Cock exploded in her belly, bloating her out with unnatural seed, and both her, and slut experienced the most powerful orgasms of their lives. Everything except what Master decided to keep had been overwritten, or flew out of their bodies as they literally came their minds out.

Becky slurped slowly, lovingly off of Master, cupping Him in her paw and sliding a long, incredibly dexterous tongue over His length while slut just sat and moaned, still thrusting his hips. She still remembered who she was, she knew who slut used to be. She even knew she'd hate who she had become. She didn't care though, she was so thrilled at pleasuring Master that she couldn't be happier with her new self. After all, Master had done it to her.

Master's puppet slut looked over his sister, admiring what Master had done to her; Her C cups, alread yfairly largeo n her slim body had swollen to Es, too huge to be natural and yet soft, bouncy and incredibly aluring, while the rest of her body had been filled out in proportion so it was round, inviting, and the guilty wet dream of men everywhere. Her hair had shifted to sunshine blond, and her eyes an empty, pupil-less blue, while her coat had shifted to bright bubblegum pink. "Tell Master why you exist, sis" slut murmured, shuddering as he was rewarded for obeying the command with an orgasms worth of pleasure.

"Becky like, exists to bring Master new um... new um... New people to fuck!" She giggled, a complete ditz; everything not related to personal relationships, sex appeal, and her personal memories had literally poured out of her body in an explosion of cunt juice. Her natural scent had even altered to attract others, much the same Johns body had.

"Mmmm. Hey sis, isn't Lisa still in the kitchen?" slut murrred, stroking over Master's balls while Becky continued to please His length.

"Like, totally! Should I like, go get her?" Becky lazily lapped between words, not caring that they were talking about raping their mother. Instead she thought about how good it would be to eat out the middle aged rabbit woman, making her desperately horny and ready to be taken by Master, and slut was still pleased with himself for bringing her up without Master needing to order him, a feeling only reinforced as he was once again rewarded for being a good little cock-puppet.

With that, the Cock curled up and started pleasuring itself on slut's simplified mouth while Becky sauntered out completely nude, her ass being advertised like a neon sign with her walking, and her empty head fantasizing about what she was about to do.

Sorry, no TG yet! And just to reassure you all, John and Rebecca are still themselves, they still love each other and their family, their feelings and minds have just been warped into a way in which everyone will end up very happy and permanently oversexed, and if offered the chance to go back they'd probably ask if you were crazy. Probably prior to abducting you and adding you to the family :3

And yes, I kept this as tame as I could while still sticking to the plot I had in mind, and yes, I can make this more TF-filled, add in more mind control, and even oviposition and some other fun things! If there's enough interest, I'll release the alternate version, so comment with thoughts, ideas, suggestions, and what have you else!

Next time, family bonding time, some more cock vore, more cock growth, and some more yiffy sexy goodness!

The Parasite

[]( -- The Parasite II So I haven't written anything in forever and a day, so I decided recently to do a small story. Just something I liked that I haven't seen a lot of. This...

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Chapter 3: A Mother's Love

This has actually been done awhile, but my Loki/Lynn did such a good job on it I couldn't help but horde it for awhile \<3 I hope you all are enjoying this as much as I am, if that's possible. \* \* \* \* \* \* The week had been long and...

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Chapter 2: School Days

This work is purely fantasy, if you'ren ot old enough don't read it, blah blah blah distribution forbidden without permission \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* The next morning, that beautiful, busty bunny we all love opened her eyes as the sun...

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