Hypnovember - Day 20: Mark of Ownership

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#20 of Hypnovember 2022

Day 20 goes to Justacritic

Adamos tried to play with the wrong people, and now that his life is in danger, the only one who can save has a solution that could be much worse--or better, depending on whether he already signed the contract or not.

"The Contract"

By Patrick D. Lambert

Commissioned by Justacritic

It can be hard to be on top of the world. It's even harder to maintain that spot. Falco Spara knew it better than anyone. Despite his services being requested by the other four families of New Capenna, the crime lord was aware of how fragile the balance was--especially after the death of Xander at the hands of The Adversary. And with the angels slowly coming back from stasis, it was hard to predict New Capenna's future.

Sitting in his modest office, Falco took a puff of his cigar before leaving it over the silver ashtray on his desk. The 8ft tall demonic eagle closed his eyes and savored the smoke as it filled his lungs; it came out through his nostrils seconds later. He made a habit of rewarding himself with a cigar after finishing a stressful day of work, but it quickly became an addiction in recent months. Luckily, he found a good replacement.

His green suit covered the silver chest plate used for his protection, and the shoulder pads were the only part visible of his armor. The bulky appearance given by his armor wasn't just for show--under all the fine clothing and thick metal was a muscular body born from the battles fought on his way to the top. Now he knew to pick his fights, and he worked out every day to maintain that same body.

Falco flapped his wings softly and leaned on his chair until the tip of his long horns tapped with the curtain behind him. A harmonious moan came from his beak as he closed his eyes and relaxed. Now the only addiction he had was hidden under the tidy oak desk, the small but bulky raccoon that sold his soul for protection.

What a wonderful memory that was. Falco moved a hand to hold down his head as he remembered the night Adamos walked in, shivering in pleasure.

"Please, I beg for your compassion. I would do anything!"

_Falco Spara stood up from his chair. His presence alone was intimidating, but adding the 8 ft of height made Adamos remember how little he was--physically and metaphorically--in comparison. The mild expression he kept during Adamos' tale hardened as he came to realize how stupid the raccoon was. People like him could be found everywhere, but none dared to ask for help directly. _

_"I could kill you just for walking into my office like that. But I believe you would prefer that, right?" The eagle asked. _

_Holding both hands behind his back, Falco approached slowly to the raccoon, who was on his knees in the middle of the room. A massive rhino stood behind him, just waiting for the order. Clank. Clank. Clank. The sound made by his greaves echoed across the office and made Adamos' eyelid twitch. _

"I still can't fathom what were you thinking when you decided to fuck around with two families. The Riveteers? Yeah, I guess I can understand that. But the Maestros?" Adamos looked down when he couldn't hold Falco's severe look. "Even I know not to fuck with them. Your ability to take smart choices is almost as good as your magic, and none of them are useful to me."

_Falco stood before him. The bulky raccoon was in the middle of two giants, it wasn't a surprise why he kept looking down. An individual like him wouldn't be missed--hell, no one probably would notice if he disappeared. _

_"I... I would do anything..." his voice cracked at mid-sentence. _

Then, he leaned down in an attempt to kiss his talons. Falco interrupted him immediately by taking a step back.

_"Please, you're already on your knees. Try at least to keep what's left of your dignity," his words reached Adamos, giving him enough courage to look back at him, even if from the ground. "Humiliation won't save your life from those looking to kill you." _

Adamos wiped the tears from the grey fur of his face. "There must be something I could do for you."

Only when he heard his choke Falco noticed how hard Adamos was pushing against his hand. As soon as his head was released, the raccoon pulled out of his mouth the cock he had been sucking.

"Guess magic can't stop you from needing air," Falco chuckled while his little pet coughed under the desk.

As soon as he recovered his breath, Adamos looked up at the demonic lawyer. With a drunken expression and a dim green glow coming from his eyes, the raccoon rubbed Falco's cock all over his face. Its thickness was notorious as he did that, and the demon had to admit it was surprising how good he was at sucking it all.

"Your gag reflex is getting better. I might reward you if you keep up the good work," Falco praised him, getting an exciting nod from Adamos.

Motivated by his words, the raccoon went back to his task, giving some licks to Falco's cock before closing his lips again around its girth.

The demonic lawyer closed his eyes and moaned loudly. The tightness of his throat always sent a shiver up his spine that made his wings flap. He didn't expect Adamos to be so skilled, which made him wonder how many cocks he sucked in the past. Well, he could get that answer out of him easily, but the mystery made things more exciting.

The raccoon was the perfect answer to his stress. Loyal, obedient, and always ready. The cigar went back to being a habit, a weekly reward at most, as now a blowjob was how he ended the day. Falco could relax and forget about everything while that cute mouth worked on his mouth, licking and sucking to make him cum.

With his talon, he searched for the cage holding Adamos' cock. Made of fine metals, it had been made to have Falco's face on the front; that way it would only open to him. Adamos didn't need it, as Falco could simply command him not to jerk off. But the eagle put it anyway as a way to confirm his dominion over the poor raccoon. He also had to admit how hot he looked while wearing it. Something in his 5-ft-tall body screamed submission and Falco wanted to reinforce that image.

"C'mon boy, show me some enthusiasm. I can't give you what you want if you suck my cock like this," Falco demanded, resting his head on his hand.

A green glow came from behind Adamos' head. The raccoon wagged his tail and started doing a better job, switching between jerking and sucking him off. The eagle was delighted with his obedience, even if it was "forced". Well, that's what he signed for.

"Well, there is something I wanna try. A new type of contract," Adamos nodded at the rhino, who then walked off the office.

_"A new... contract?" Adamos asked with a puzzled expression. _

"My current magic is no longer enough to protect our beloved city, as I sadly discovered. If I want to keep doing a stellar job, I must prepare myself and grow. And I think you," Falco made a pause to take a good look at the raccoon, "can help me with that."

Adamos nodded in excitement, clearly seeing a light at the end of the tunnel. But that smile disappeared after what Falco demanded.

"Take off your clothes. All of them."

A request like that sounded strange coming from a male of his position. However, it was still better than whatever the other families were planning. Adamos began to undress, though hesitantly and fearful of what Falco had in mind, as seen in the trembling hand with which he took off the plain and dirty clothes he wore that night.

_Falco was pleased with his appearance. Despite his 5 ft of height, the bulky raccoon could be turned into an excellent bodyguard with the proper training. Too bad Falco was too far from that option already, especially after watching the modest size of his cock, even when flaccid. Various shades of grey defined his fur, creating stripes only visible when up close. A dubious look was still present in his dark blue eyes when he kicked his underwear aside. He at least didn't cover his crotch with both hands, probably aware that Falco didn't want that. _

"You know I value loyalty and obedience," Falco continued, still inspecting what Adamos had to offer. "You proved obedience. Loyalty is gonna be more complicated. As you might understand, I can't trust someone who had played with two families."

The remark was enough to put a sad face on Adamos. Falco walked back to his side of the desk and drew with black ink the Brokers' sigil on a piece of paper. After he finished, the ink began to move all over the sheet, quickly creating the wording of a magic contract. Attracted by the act, Adamos approached with eyes wide open. The contract was very detailed, and he couldn't understand what it said at first sight.

"You don't need to know the details," Falco mentioned once he saw his intentions to read it. "I hardly believe it'd make a difference, considering your situation. But if you have to know, it's a way for me to ensure your loyalty. It's a little different from other contracts I have made in the past, and I think you" once again he paused to inspect the raccoon's body, "are perfect to try it. Or you can leave and see what happens. Your choice."

_"Can... can I ask about the details...?" He asked in a shaky voice. _

Falco sighed.

"I won't risk my people on you, not with the Maestros involved. Instead, we'll make up a story about your disappearance. All your assets will be transferred to a third party, which later will transfer them to me. In practical terms, you no longer will exist in this city."

_Judging by his expression, he didn't expect that answer. But the alternative was even worse. After a brief internal deliberation, Adamos took the quill and wrote his name at the end of the contract. Falco smiled, and with a snap, the contract was engulfed in green flames, startling the raccoon. He saw as the ashes rose from the desk and swirled, taking a long shape resembling a snake. _

In a blink, the ashes stroke right at Adamos' nape. The raccoon put both hands over the desk while a black sigil came to life on his skin, covered by grey fur. He only saw the eagle for a second before his vision blurred.

"Of course, you must understand I couldn't give you the details," Falco continued explaining as the magic did its work. "By taking over your free will I know you won't play with me as you did with the other families. And since you won't be remembered by anyone, I can keep you by my side for my own use. It's not exactly what I have planned for this contract, but it's a good way to try it. You might have a weak talent for magic, but your body compensates that excellently."

_Adamos went for the sigil, scratching the skin where the sigil was appearing, but it was useless. A green glow came from his nape as the magic reached and twisted his mind, erasing any trace of his personality to make him a blank canvas for Falco to use at his will. While not a painful process, it was terrifying, as Adamos was completely aware of it and couldn't do anything to stop it. _

_The raccoon stepped away from the desk and stumbled on his own paws. He continued dragging away, afraid of what was going on. Falco took something from a drawer and approached Adamos calmly, aware that he wouldn't go anywhere. _

_Adamos witnessed how his thoughts twisted into an unquestionable loyalty and obedience towards Falco, and only Falco. He saw the eagle moving closer, his elegance bearing enhanced by the suit covering his armor. And no matter how hard he tried, Adamos continued desiring his body and his musk and his cock and his seed. He wanted to obey and serve the eagle, please him in all his needs, and be used for his sexual desires. He wanted nothing else but to be a toy for his enjoyment. And those dark desires repeated in his head over and over until they became the only thing he could think of. _

His heart raced. The thick cock under his belly got hard as a rock. Adamos felt dizzy and fevered. Everything around him got blurry except for the approaching eagle. His master. His owner. His Lord. The raccoon looked at him with a zonked expression on his face.

"Stand up," he ordered, and Adamos obeyed. "Good. It seems to work perfectly. Now, before we could have some fun, there's something I need you to do."

_Falco presented him with another contract, this one with much less text on it. _

"Your key to get out of this. I want you to put it somewhere safe. You see, I could use some encouragement to stop smoking."

Falco patted the raccoon on the head before holding it with both hands to test those reflexes again by giving his mouth a good fuck. The raccoon didn't complain and even moaned as his owner shoved his cock deep inside his throat. It wasn't the sex what excited Falco the most, but his ownership over Adamos. Even if someone else tried to control him, the contract would protect the raccoon. It had so much potential, and that was exactly what he needed.

But not yet. Falco wanted to enjoy it a little longer. He had so many plans in mind for his raccoon. Forcing him to choke on his cock was one of them. Even when it was hard for him to take it all, he still looked at the eagle with grateful eyes. And that was a look Falco enjoyed profoundly.

The eagle huffed loudly as it got closer to his climax. His boy was doing a great jog. The skilled tongue wrapped around Falco's cock, licking each inch of throbbing meat as it went in and out of his mouth. On his crotch, the cage was an absolute mess, with a huge amount of pre already leaking from the hypersensitive cock. It was creating a little puddle in the wooden boards, and some started to leak through the minuscule gap in between.

The musk was strong enough already for Falco to notice it, and that only encouraged him to go faster, aware of how close his climax was. Just some more thrusts and then...


Wings completely open were the initial sign of his climax. With the raccoon deepthroating him, Falco fed him a hefty load of cum that Adamos swallowed happily. The little raccoon trembled at the strong flavor of the hot and thick seed, his reward for a job well done. The eagle reacted the same way, his body shocked by an intense climax. His muscled tensed completely. He could hear his own heartbeat loud and clear. His wings flapped violently, creating gusts of wind that threw some objects to the floor.

And as quick as it started, it also ended. Falco felt dizzy from the quick breaths taken to recover. He relaxed his body and both arms fell to his sides. He held to the lingering pleasure as his cock shot what was left on his balls. With a smile, he sighed, no longer feeling the stress of that day.

Adamos carefully pulled the cock out of his mouth. He did an excellent job by not wasting a single drop of pre, something Falco noticed after seeing his lips sealed and the puffed cheeks. It took him a moment to swallow the rest of the eagle's load, but after he did, he huffed loudly and looked at his owner with a proud smile.

"Well done. You did an excellent job," Falco praised him after a quick head pat.

The only mess was from his cage, but that was one he couldn't control. Aside from that, he was clean. Adamos had been doing an excellent job, and something like that deserved a reward.

"I think it's time to get you new clothes. A collar to begin with. Maybe something exotic too. How does that sound?"

"I... I would love that," he replied in a shy tone.

"Very well. Get up, then."

Adamos obeyed, and Falco gave him a set of clothes he took from the last drawer to the left. While the raccoon dressed up, Falco took the cigar he left over the ashtray and lighted it up again. The image of the brown paper burning when Falco took a long drag sent a shiver down his spine. The eagle saw the shake on his lower lip and chuckled, throwing the smoke right at his face. He forgot for a moment that his first order was for Adamos to wrap the discharge contract into one of his cigars, which he later put among the others in the small box where he stored them. If he had to be honest, he couldn't remember which was.

"Afraid that I've smoked the discharge contract?"

The smoke was an insult. But the raccoon's answer was to whimper and hold his shaking knees together. It was so exciting to think he had lost his only way out of that. A whine escaped from his mouth when Falco held both balls with one hand.

"Heh, that's what I thought, boy. Now, dress quickly and I might add a fancy dinner to your reward."

Adamos nodded, feeling the blood from his cheeks boiling. Then, a kinky idea crossed his mind. Gathering all of his courage, Adamos made a question that brought the blood back to Falco's cock.

"Sir... Can I take one of your cigars?"

"Be my guest."