Cold and Stuffy

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Emil, a glaceon who researches mystery dungeons for guilds, has been living with his banette assistant Tessa for just about two years. What will happen when Tessa tries to shake things up by signing them onto an exploration team?

My second request, and another fun one to work on! This time I worked with Myxx06 over on AO3 to bring these characters to life, so you have them to thank for this one!

Emil wrestled with the bag over his shoulder as he walked, the fabric ruffling his short blue fur. He was too annoyed to even bother with properly readjusting its loose strap. Fucking fire team. Can't even control themselves for two fucking seconds. As he awkwardly forced his satchel back into position behind his fore leg, he gave a low growl around the pair of custom glasses in his mouth. Today had been rough. Not only had those hot-shot fire types decided to just blow through the dungeon without letting him map the place out properly, they'd even had the gall to blow a flame thrower past his face and partially melt the ice lenses in his eyewear. Hours of tedious work crafting all those different optics for all those different magnifiers was gone in a single puff. And because even just a slight warping would make them useless, this full on heat treating made them all but clear glorified ice cubes. He'd made sure to tell them to be careful with their attacks around him but unsurprisingly, they hadn't listened. They'll never see me taking another one of their jobs again. Good luck getting me to share my research with you now, Team Sear.

But he had all his entercards, he'd grabbed food on the way back through town, and the frames were at least unharmed. Getting those remade could've taken weeks. Emil was just glad to be going home. Climbing this familiar rocky trail out of town, headed up the base of a small mountain to the cave he'd carved out for himself. He was looking forward to decompressing, eating, and falling face first exhausted on his bed. Bringing this awful day to a close. He rounded a corner to see his home, a crude structure made of fallen rocks and what few trees grew on the cliffside. Lashed wooden window frames and with a similarly wooden door sat on its front, with logs placed vertically at its corners to give the plastered and piled stones more structure. It looked small, but most of the house had been dug out of the mountainside and so was not visible from the outside. Finally home. Emil took a deep breath. The chillier air always felt so much nicer up here. But just as he'd taken his first few steps, the door swung open and a very excited banette leapt out.

"Emil! How was it!? Was it cool!? Did you find any treasure!? Were there any scary pokemon!?"

Tessa, his assistant. She was a bit more anthropomorphized than most banette, but still kept her larger forearms, squat legs, and bottom heavy torso. On her chest she even had small, featureless A cups. She stopped as she realized Emil was staring at her, a rather grumpy look on his face as he waited for her to finish. She noticed the ruined specs in his mouth.

"What happened to your glasses?"

Emil leaned down, setting them on the ground for now.

"Just another cocky exploration team that can't seem to follow even the simplest of instructions."

While he had his head down, he wiggled the bag's strap down over his ears.

"Tessa, can you take this for me?"

"Of course!"

She eagerly scooped up the satchel and rested its strap on her shoulder. Tightening it up was much easier for her considering she had hands.

"Thank you. I just grabbed something easy for tonight, hope you don't mind."

Tessa finished fiddling with the bag.

"Nope! Easy sounds good to me."

She stepped aside to let Emil in first, closing the door behind them once they were both inside. Directly inside was a large open space, almost like a living room, dinning room, kitchen, and entry way all rolled up in one. While the space around the door had things like hooks on the nearby wall and a thatch mat on the floor, there really wasn't anything separating it from anything else. The same could be said for the 'kitchen' that took up the right wall and the dining/living area that encompassed the rest of the room. The only other exit being a single doorway opposite the front that opened into a hallway that connected their bedrooms. Emil was quick to paw over to their medium sized table to set his busted glasses down on the stone surface. He frowned looking at the ruined lenses. Tessa set the bag down on the table next to them.

"You can fix them, right?"

She looked genuinely concerned.

Emil sighed.

"Yes, but it'll take a while. Ice doesn't exactly freeze clear on its own."

Tessa rested her head on her arms, leaning on the table next to him as she studied them. While her standing height was taller than Emil's by about a foot, their bodies were actually roughly the same size with Emil's quadrupedal nature.

"And the frames are alright?"

She reached forward to poke at the makeshift wooden specs, reinforced with bits of metal to hold the whittled pieces together and act as hinges for the tiny arms that held all the extra optics.

"Yeah they're fine. A miracle they didn't catch fire considering how close that flamethrower came to my face."

Emil turned away. He could deal with making new ice for his glasses later. Right now, he just wanted to get food on the stove. The house had become so much cozier since he'd brought Tessa in as his assistant. Before the place had been rather bare, flat stone with only the furniture and tools necessary for Emil to live do his research. But Tessa had taken her job seriously, laying rugs, potting plants, clearing sky lights, and just generally keeping the place clean while Emil was gone. She'd even gone as far as to get a wood stove installed to heat the bedrooms on the nights even he'd find too cold to bear. When he'd hired that poor, lost girl off the street, he'd kind of just expected to be giving her a place to stay for a while. He'd had no idea she'd take to living with him so quickly, let alone be as helpful and caring as she was. Emil pulled open the door of the kitchen stove oven, the cast iron creaking on its old hinges. Tessa had already grabbed a split log of the stack they had against the nearby wall and fit it inside. Emil picked up some smaller kindling as Tessa packed in another log, and Emil backed off once he was satisfied with how the sticks were spread inside. Tessa then lit a small will-o-wisp, the flame burning a brilliant blue as she tossed it inside. He shut the door on the glow, turning the handle to latch it shut.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome!"

Having her around just made everything so easy. Really emphasizing just how unhappy he'd been living here alone. How had he put up with it before?

"Hey Emil?"

He was busy pushing a big crude metal pot onto the stove top.


"I- um, I may have ordered something in the mail. A surprise! And it finally came today!"

She'd never described anything she'd ordered before as a 'surprise'. He turned to face Tessa as she came back over with the berries he'd bought earlier in her arms.

"What is it?"

She gave a wide smile, laying all them all down on the counter before quickly running back over to the table. He smiled, turning to watch her grab something from behind the bag.


Emil's heart sank. He'd recognize those golden wings stamped around red gemstone anywhere. They were exploration team badges. Probably the last thing he was hoping to see.

"Tessa... You didn't really-"

"I got us all signed up and everything! Team Shivers! Can you believe that name wasn't taken?"


"They even let us be freelance so we won't be under a guild! It'll just be us!"

"Tessa, stop."


"I've already told you before. I'm NOT joining an exploration team."

Emil stared at her with a stern look.Tessa went to say something but stopped. She knew he disliked exploration teams, but... Was he really this against being on a team? Even with her? She looked down at the badges, then back up at Emil.


"No. I'm not doing it. I don't care if you've already signed us up, or gotten the badges."

"We won't be under a guild! There won't be requirements or quotas or-"

"That doesn't matter! You know we'll still be expected to do SOME postings and I can't have that cutting into my work."

"But I can handle the extra paperwork, half the day I'm sitting here doing nothing anyway!"

"It's not about the paperwork, it's about being in a dungeon! The last thing I need while I'm working is to keep an eye on some tourist or find some piece of random garbage for someone else."

"We don't have to take those jobs! We can do the more exciting ones like rescue missions or hunting outlaws!"

"I don't WANT excitement. Damaging my glasses EVERY time I go out? No thank you. You shouldn't've applied in the first place because you're not changing my mind."

"Are you kidding me? I'm in- WE'RE BOTH in our primes and all you wanna do is write lousy words on paper!?"

"EXCUSE you, those 'lousy words' keep a roof over your head and food in your belly. Not to mention the countless lives this stuff improves!"

"I can't believe you! This isn't just about YOU, or your research. You can't even compromise a little? I've always wanted to be on a dungeon team, you know that!"

"And you know I have never wanted to be on one! And yet you go and pull a stunt like this!?"

Emil stared at her, dumbfounded. Tessa felt like she was on the verge of tears, tightly holding the two badges in her fists.

"I... I just thought-"

Emil turned back to the counter. He couldn't look at her.

"Tessa I've already had a bad day."

He winced as he heard her soft footsteps leave the room, headed into the hallway that led to their bed rooms. He stood in silence as he waited to hear her door close down the hall. And then a bit longer, staring at the berries haphazardly spread across the counter. Well, at least the stove's probably hot enough now...


Tessa flopped face first on her bed. She couldn't decide if she wanted to scream or cry into the soft quilt. She squeezed the badges in her hands. Maybe she'd do both. This was the closest she'd ever been to her dream, being on an exploration team. She wanted nothing more than to travel all over the region, exploring new dungeons, fighting strong pokemon, discovering treasure... She wanted the adventure. To go into each day not knowing what to expect, be excited every time she wakes up. And to have a team. Someone she could rely on, and someone who relied on her. Someone to experience the adventure with. And she was right there, the badges in her hands, her best friend right in front of her. A guy she really liked. And he'd said no. Turned her down, declined her at every turn, pushed back against her every step of the way. At first she'd just been angry. Upset he didn't see things the way she did, mad that he'd talk back at her like he had. She'd done it for them both and had only ended up making him annoyed. Tessa rolled onto her back, whipping the wetness from her eyes. Her soft, fabric-like skin quickly absorbed her tears. She felt stupid, and rejected.

Emil had done so much for her over the past two years. He'd always been there for her, encouraging her redecoration of the house, praising her when she acted independently, spending otherwise boring downtime with her to make it exciting. He'd given her a home. He'd had no reason to pick her up out of that alleyway and put her in his house but he'd done it anyway. He'd made her his assistant, taking her in when she'd had nothing. They'd eaten countless meals, shared stories, and gone out on dozens of jobs together. She held the badges over herself, staring at them as they glittered in the dark light of her room. Was this silly childhood dream really worth ruining what she had with Emil? No. Not even close. She slapped the badges down on her nightstand. He meant too much. He was by far the kindest person she'd ever met and her closest friend. She actually had no idea what she'd do without him. Or where she'd be if he hadn't helped her up that day. If he didn't want to be on a dungeon team, she'd respect that. She didn't want to force him into something he hated. It would take everything she would have enjoyed out of it. What would be the point? It hurt, but she knew she'd been wrong. To jump the proposition on him, to back him into a corner, to sign them up without asking. It was like she was only just now realizing how much she'd tried to force this on him. Tessa looked back up at the smooth stone ceiling. The last thing she wanted was for him to hate her. For this incident to have damaged their relationship or pushed him away. He was special to her. And she'd take Emil over any stupid exploration team any day.


Cutting and mashing was slow. Having to prepare everything alone really brought him back to the days he'd lived alone. Before he'd seen Tessa wandering around town, slouched over laying against the buildings. And found her in the same spot the next day, and asked her if she needed a place to stay. He hadn't realized how lonely he'd been, spending most of his time cooped up in his house. Back when it was dull, bland, tasteless. Flat walls and almost no furniture. Dark with no warmth. No character. No life. In a lot of ways it had been a reflection of himself. He had nothing he didn't need but at the same time... Was that really the life he wanted to live? Emil finished slicing what he could and started to place the slices in the simmering water of the pot one at a time, having to pick them up with his mouth. Stuck in the same boring loop, day after day after day. Diving the same dungeons, building the same entercards, working for the same guilds. But Tessa... She brought something new everyday. Whether it was coming home to find she had re-decorated some part of the house, or coming with him out into the field, even just asking him how his day went after he got back from a job. But even now, he couldn't help but feel he was still stuck in that same loop. And that quarrel had been the proof of it. That he'd only let the changes be surface level. Superficial. That deep down he was still that cold lonely Glaceon living friendless in the mountains, afraid of anything that might disrupt his perfectly monotonous cycle. After dropping in the last of the berry slices, he nabbed a wooden spoon to start shoveling what he'd mashed up in the large mortar and pestle into the pot. And to think she'd been putting up with him for nearly two years... Just riding with him as he went about his boring life, helping him every step of the way. He couldn't help but feel like she deserved better.

That exploration team had been her dream, her life long goal and he'd shut her down without a second thought. All because it would jeopardize his petty cycle. He felt ashamed. She had been such a bright light in his life and he seemed to be doing everything to snuff her out. Keeping her trapped in his routine, limiting her explorative nature, refusing any attempts at change. He stared at the pot of boiling water, the spoon still in his mouth. He asked himself again. Is this really the life I want to live? He couldn't get his eyes to leave the pot, watching the bubbles as if they could give him his answer. No. Not even close. He spat the spoon out onto the counter top, letting it clatter across the stone. She deserved to live her dream. To explore ancient ruins and fight through mystery dungeons. She lived for adventure and if she was going to live it, he wanted to be right there with her. He hated the thought that he could've gotten stuck in his own endless loop of complacency without her. That he might actually have been doomed to relive the same day over and over again and never realize it. He owed her that much. And not to mention putting up with his bullshit every single day as her own dream crept further and further away from her. And the constant help, taking her job as his assistant as seriously as she could. She'd more than earned the right for things to be her way. He'd been awful to shoot her down like that. Yell in her face as she asked him to be a part of her future. He should have been honored. He looked back over the edge of the pot to check on the curry. It looked almost done. He had to apologize. Show her that he was sorry, and that she had been right. All he could do was hope she'd forgive him.


"Hey Tessa?"

Emil's voice was quiet as he poked his muzzle into Tessa's room.


She did her best to hide the fact she'd cried a little from her voice.

"Dinner's ready."

Emil left the door partially open, turning around and making his way back to the main room. Tessa wan't far behind him, reaching the doorway of the hall as Emil walked up to the cooling pot of curry.

"Can you...?"


Tessa nodded, walking over and grabbing a pair of thick cloth oven mitts from a shelf below the counter. Emil walked with her as she carried the pot to the small dining table where he'd already gotten out bowls and spoons for them to use. Tessa set the pot down, and started scooping food out with the spoons into their bowls. The silence only made Emil feel more guilty. And of course she still filled his first, making him feel even worse. Tessa was too scared to talk first. What if she started wrong? Or what if he thought she was just trying to get him angry again? They both sat in their thatch chairs next to each other, staring down at their steamy meal. They both went to talk at the same time.

"I think you where ri-"

"Tessa, I'm sorry fo-"



Emil put his head down.

"You go first."

Tessa frowned. Had she really made him feel that bad?

"I- I think you were right. I shouldn't have tried to force you to join a team with me, especially when I knew how you felt about them. You just... You mean a lot to me."

She rubbed her forearm, still afraid to look at his reaction.

"A-And I don't want you to hate me. The badges aren't worth it. I don't want to be on an exploration team if it means I'd be on it without you."

Emil looked up at her. She was hugging herself and looking away nervously, staring at nothing. "You're wrong. I wasn't right."

She quickly turned to look at him, surprised.


"For just about two whole years you've done everything I asked. You always helped, always listened, were always there for me. The same boring shit every day. And the one day you come around to try and move toward your own dream I shove it in your face. You're more important to me than anyone else. I should be the one apologizing."

He looked back down at his food. Tessa kept her eyes on him, a sad look on her face.


He looked back up to meet her eyes.

"Don't you think it's about time we did something that you wanted?"

She couldn't stop tears from welling back up. Emil smiled weakly.

"You always talk about adventuring, right? Well... I think I wanna go too."

She basically fell on him, nearly knocking him over. She cried over his shoulder and hugged him as tightly as she could. Her cloth skin soft and warm against his fur. Emil hugged back as best he could.

"Hey! It's alright. You're alright."

It was the happiest she'd ever been. To think just moments ago she was worried he'd never forgive her and instead was now telling her to live her dream. And that he wanted to be a part of it. She couldn't seem to get the reins on her emotions. She pulled him even closer, and the words slipped out.

"I love you."

It came out a little blubbered, but it still caught Emil off guard. He searched his own feelings, but already knew what he was going to find. He loved her back. Maybe he'd just been afraid to admit it to himself before, but he could tell he had for a long time. Maybe even the day he'd first met her. He leaned into her.

"I love you too."

He could feel moisture building up in his own eyes as he let her cry over his shoulder. He was filled with a warm fuzzy feeling he'd never really felt before. Like they'd really accomplished something, gotten over some massive barrier that had separated them for so long. And it made him feel... good. Tessa pulled back, still wiping tears from her eyes.

"Sorry... I didn't mean to say that..."

Emil smiled at her.

"Hey, there's nothing wrong. I... I feel the same way."

Tessa felt like she was going to cry again. But she'd cried enough for one night. If Emil loved her back then she had nothing to be ashamed of. She pulled herself together, sucking in a deep breath and calming herself down. She should keep at least some composure, even if this had ended up being the happiest day of her life. She managed to smile back at him. His grin widened. Tessa looked back at the curry, picking her spoon back up.

"It's probably cold by now."

Emil took a bite from his bowl.

"It's warm enough."

Tessa put a spoonful in her mouth. For a chief with no hands, Emil always seemed to manage to make great food. But as she ate, a thought she couldn't smother continued to fester, seeded by what he'd said earlier. What kind of love did he mean? Is it really the same as mine? She let her wooden spoon rest in her bowl.

"Hey Emil?"


He was still eating.

"When you said 'love' earlier... what... kind did you mean?"

She felt silly, but she needed to know. Emil swallowed. Clearly she was still being timid about all this, and maybe it was because she didn't really know better. He just decided it was best to show her. Tessa went stiff as Emil suddenly leaned on her, pressing his side into hers and relaxing against her. Even though he was the one having to show her, he still felt warmth pooling in his cheeks.

"Like I said, the same as you."

She slowly but surely relaxed into him too, enjoying the contact more and more. His fur was so soft... She ran her close hand down his far side, Emil smiling as she did.

"Already moved to petting, have we?"

She pulled her hand off.

"Sorry! Is that too fast?"

She was so precious.

"Not at all. It's just been a while."

He cozied his head up against her plush body, encouraging her to continue. Her hand landed back on his side, moving down to stroke over his coat. There was an air around him, a cool pocket surrounding his whole body. But being a doll ghost made the light chill easy to ignore. How had she never tried to pet him before...? Emil broke away to take another bite of his curry. She was disappointed when he did. She'd kind of wanted to stay like that for longer... She watched him eat, taking a spoonful of hers as well.

"Hey Emil?"

He turned to look at her, smiling. Her adorableness would never get old at this rate.


"After we're done eating, could you maybe come back to my room with me? I-! I wanna keep petting you..."

She tapped her fingers together, looking down at the table. How in the world was he supposed to say no to that?

"Of course."


Emil had only been in her room a handful of times. Usually when she was showing him some new thing she'd added to spruce the place up. But this time, it was much different. He almost felt uncomfortable as he walked in behind her, and there was an anticipation in the air. But he did his best to try and keep the atmosphere low. Tessa would go as far as she wanted, and had so far only said she'd wanted to pet him. Which was a perfectly fine plan in his book. Tessa hopped up on the bed, almost giddy. She'd never been this close with Emil and it made her excited. Not to mention the fact that tomorrow would be their first day as an exploration team was sinking in, only making her more delighted. Emil jumped up with her, laying down on his side within arm's reach. He let his head rest on the fleecy quilt and got comfy.

"Pet away."

Tessa had both hands on him in an instant. She just couldn't get over how soft he was! She'd never really felt anything like it. Her hands roamed over his side, down his back, over his head. Emil just closed his eyes and let her work. It felt a little indulgent to be so shamelessly letting her pet him all over like this, but what the hell. He'd decided he'd wanted something different and this was it. And it was nice. Tessa ran down his back as she ruffled between his ears, standing on her knees above him. It was strange to be past his usually serious demeanor like this. It was hard to imagine him hard at work at his desk, slaving away with entercards when right now he laid in the center of her bed letting her pet him. And while he may have been acting rather nonchalant about the whole thing, it all made Tessa's heart flutter. Him just laying there, smiling as she touched him. Did it really feel that nice? She ran a hand lower, petting his stomach. He flinched at first. All this contact... It was starting to get to him a bit. Something about being in her room, on her bed, getting pet firmly up and down made it seem so intimate. Not to mention it'd been a long time since he'd done anything like this.

"Hey, um... How far did you plan on going tonight?"

He lifted his head up to look at her. She paused and pulled back. She hadn't really thought about it. She kinda just asked what she'd wanted in the moment, but now that she had him in her room...

"W-Well, I... didn't really plan anything..."

She was getting nervous. Like she was only just realizing the intimacy of it as well. And now that she had, the thought of going further burned in her mind.

"B-But, I wouldn't... be afraid..."

She couldn't stop her eyes from wandering down his form.

" ... go further..."

She'd NEVER had thoughts like this before. Sure she'd really liked him for a long time, but something about him had just made Emil seem completely out of reach in that way. But now it was all she could think about. She could feel her face burning up in embarrassment, intrusive thoughts running rampant. She wanted to know what it was like between his legs. Emil rolled onto his stomach, seeing her get all flustered on him.

"We don't have to."

She scooted closer, sitting on her knees and letting her leg press against his side.

"I think I want to though..."

While so much of her felt unsure, one part of her knew exactly what it wanted. She leaned closer, and Emil sat up to get on eye level. She kept creeping closer, but never made a move. He smiled.

"Have you never kissed before?"

She had some pink blush on her cheeks.

"No? How did you know?"

She seemed a bit annoyed he'd seen through her so easily.

"Because. If you had, you would've known to commit already~"

He was the one to close the tiny gap between them, and she was glad he did. She didn't know if she would've been able to do it herself. But once they were locked, her inhibitions melted. She took his head in her hands, pulling his muzzle into her mouth. Emil wrestled with her lips, drinking in her scent as their tongues only briefly made contact. But that was fine. No need to go overboard on a first kiss after all. She pulled away, still holding the sides of his head.


He asked.

"I loved it~"

She tackled him, her whole cushy body forcing Emil back down into the bed. He may have been surprised by the move, but it was a welcome one. Tessa was only on him for a second before she got up, getting a good view of him. With Emil on his back, he was completely exposed as she got her first good look at his equipment. A bulgy sheath, with a pair of balls tucked underneath, all covered in the same light blue fur as the rest of him. She also couldn't help but notice the dark blue tip of his shaft was peaking out, already a little excited from what she'd been doing to him beforehand. Her hand moved on its own, gingerly reaching for his sheath. Emil just laid back, deciding to let her explore at her own pace. Her palm met his furry crotch, and she fondled him. It still felt rather squishy, and surprisingly warm considering the rest of him. Emil let out a soft moan as she also cupped his fuzzy balls in her other hand. The orbs were surprisingly weighty... He quickly started to harden under her groping, her hands incredibly dextrous compared to his paws.

"Mmm, Tessa... That's really good."

More of his length was pushing out of his sheath, getting harder and harder in Tessa's grip. And she was all too eager to please it. Stoking him up and down, the once soft and mild peen rapidly ballooned up much larger than she thought it would! I mean, she knew how it worked, she'd just never seen it in action. And boy was it good watching his face as she brought him up to full rigidity. Not to mention his knot. It had swollen up to full size inside his sheath, stretching its fluffy covering taut. She wondered if it could even get out. But it did, squeezing through to join the rest of him as Emil cooed, his whole shaft now exposed to air. It was so much harder than she thought it would be. It pulsed in her hands as she stroked him. Emil groaned. Her hands were amazing. Her cloth-like skin rubbed him up and down, making him flex and curl his toes at her every touch. She still had her other hand holding his sack too, gently kneading the squishy spheres. Tessa could feel herself getting aroused too, her own mound starting to subtly swell. She felt him all over, really indulging in all his ridges and veins. And in those supple, palm filling nuts. Even getting at the backside of his knot, squeezing between it and his bunched up sheath.

"NGH! T-Tessa!"

She kept her hand there.

"Does that feel good?"

Emil winced.

"Yes! A little too much..."

It gave her a bit of a devilish idea. If this thing really was that sensitive... She let his sack drop to allow her to tease him with a second hand. She cupped his knot, on hand on either side. Emil was breathing heavily, trying to stave off his orgasm. She'd nearly gotten him there. If she hadn't let go he might not have been able to stop himself. And just as he was getting himself back under control, Tessa pressed on either side of his knot, grasping the bulb tightly.

"AH! Tessa!"

"But it's just so squeezable! I love the way it pushes back~"

She tightened her grip again. Emil threw his head back, pleasure pouring in from his tool.

"If you're not careful I'm..."

She let up, giving him time to get his composure back. He took a few trembling deep breaths. Once composed, he lifted his head to look back up at her. She gave him a playful smile.

"Squishy squishy~"

She lightly pressed on either side of him again.

"You're having too much fun with this."

"Mmm, maybe."

She caressed up his sides again, simply enjoying feeling his hard tool against her skin. Tessa almost wanted to get closer. She got down on her elbows, putting her handjob on pause while she got her face right up in his gooch. And partially laying on Emil, resumed her caressing. She watched up close his pulsing, his little twitches of delight as her digits probed around his mast. His tip leaking pre down over himself. She felt like she could do this all night, sensually stroking her newfound lover, making her crush quietly moan from her touch alone. One particularly firm rub ended with his length pointed at her mouth. She wondered what it tasted like. Emil shivered in surprise as he was suddenly enveloped in warm, wet mouth. Having him in her maw ended up being about more than just taste. To feel him throbbing inside her, pleasing every part of his rigid member at once... She wrapped her tongue around his knot as she sucked it inside, tugging on his root. The inside of her mouth was like velvet, the softest he'd ever felt. And with no real gag reflex, she took him as far down her throat as his length allowed. He got probably twenty seconds under her exquisite oral assault before he tensed up, and his orgasm began. Tessa lapped around his knot as it swelled in her maw, helping seal her to his crotch as he came. She hadn't quite realized what was going on until a cool liquid suddenly spilled into her mouth. And quickly she found herself struggling to swallow it all, even with how deep he was. Emil bucked lightly with each load, firing rope after rope and groaning as he did. Tessa did manage to get everything down, both surprised and aroused by just how long she'd been face to crotch as Emil pumped her full of spunk. He was left panting after the last of his orgasm leaked away, sitting up to look at Tessa. Her face was one of confusion, but also arousal. She made him shiver as she pulled off his engorged knot, leaving him spotless on her way back up.

"Fuck Tessa..."

"That... was amazing <3."

She flopped down next to him, laying on her back as well. Emil kept his eyes on her as she did. She'd never looked so pretty before. He rolled on his side towards her as she pulled herself into his fur, the pair feeling a little snuggly after all that. He rested his forehead against her and she wrapped an arm around him. But Emil could still smell Tessa's arousal as they lay there, and he'd hate to leave her wanting.

"You know, I can return the favor."

Tessa's eyes shot open. Him... on her?!

"H-How so?"

He shifted to look up at her, smiling.

"You know what cunnilingus is, right?"

Her face went pink.


Emil slunk down, slipping out of Tessa's arm.


She grabbed his paw before he could get out of reach.

"Are you sure?"

He gave her a reassuring look.

"As long as you are."

She paused, but only for a moment before letting go. This was really happening. Emil backed up the rest of the way to her waist, moving around her legs to get face to face with her crotch. He slowly put his muzzle to her mound, squashing partway into her cleft. Her skin may feel like fabric, but underneath it was still squishy and soft like real flesh. And not to mention warm. She moaned as he pressed into her, her hands moving to hide her face.

"Slow, please."

"Of course."

His breath was cool against her skin, giving her shivers as he spoke. The effect exploded as his tongue met her folds, raking along her delicate entrance. She moaned as he went back down, using his surprisingly wide tongue to lap over her whole mound at once. But his licking didn't last long before he pressed forwards, prying her open with the dextrous organ to slip it inside her box. She cried out as the fleshy mass pushed its way in, wriggling just a few inches in. Emil proceeded to eat her out, twisting his tongue against her pussy and teasing her vulva with his lips. "Ahh! Emil!" Her hands landed on the back of his head and Emil soon found himself being forced into her groin, his nose mushing into her clit. She then proceeded to effectively use his face as a sex toy. Emil was drowning in wetness and scent, feverishly working to get her off as she held him tighter and tighter. Tessa couldn't help herself. His tongue and his mouth felt so good! Grinding his little nose against her clit, forcing him to tongue her depths, mashing his mouth against her muff... It was way better than anything she'd ever done alone. By miles! That big tongue of his toyed with her insides, caressing her lips and spreading her open on a whim. She whimpered and held on tighter. She took one hand off to fondle one of her small breasts. And the fact it was Emil. That she was burying his face in her sex, using his mouth to pleasure herself. It all only made her want it more. He shoved in the rest of his tongue, getting Tessa to yell out loud.


He felt so deep! And he wouldn't stop moving around, prodding her newfound depths. She let out another moan as he pressed on something good along her walls. And another as he grinded his nose on her button. She was so close. Every part of her wanted his face as crammed against her crotch as she could get him. Emil was completely drunk on her, Tessa's scent and taste completely over powering everything else. He could feel her clenching over his tongue and her movements had gotten sloppy. He could tell she was close. And he knew just how to finish her. It hadn't been hard to find her g-spot earlier considering how sensitive she was, and he wanted to use it to give her the biggest climax of her life. He pulled his tongue back, just to the depth of the tender patch. And without warning, pushed his wide tongue into as much of it as he could. She erupted almost instantly, whining in a girly scream and coating most of his face in her femme-juices. Her taste was impeccable~ Tessa had been hit with the biggest spike of pleasure she'd ever felt, and her body had responded in kind. She trembled through her orgasm, gushing and moaning as her walls convulsed over Emil's tongue. And she held him against herself through the whole high, not letting him go even as her violent shaking leveled out into a periodic shiver. Though by the end of it, she barely had the strength to keep her arms up let alone hold Emil down as he raised his head out from between her legs.

"How did I do?"

He wore a smug, wet grin on his face.


Emil walked back up to her, laying back down where they had snuggled previously. The sun was totally gone. The room's only light now came from the stones in the ceiling that had stored some of the sun's light during the day. And eventually their twinkly light would run out too. But for now, they could lay together. Snuggled up against each other's bodies.

"You're hard again."

Emil jumped a bit as Tessa took his cock in her hand. He was really hard. He must have gotten all worked up again during her turn.

"We don't have to."

Tessa smiled.

"Didn't I already tell you? I want to."

She shifted closer, getting within range to poke herself in the stomach with his shaft. Any normal 'mon would have been happy to call it here and end this first sexual experience totally satisfied. But Tessa already wanted to go further. Her adventurous spirit had already brought her this far with Emil and she wasn't about to quit now. She wanted a full experience! She just... wasn't quite sure about the nuances. Beyond round peg, round hole, she knew next to nothing. This wouldn't be one she could confidently take the lead on. It made her flustered just thinking about it, but she knew she had Emil to help her through it.

"Can... I wanna put it in this time."

Emil sat up in record time.


"Should... we not?"

"No no, it's perfectly fine. I mean, this is a little fast but... As long as you're ok with it."

She fiddled with him a little more, rubbing his tip against her belly.

"I really wanna try."

Emil smiled. She was so cute.

"Here. Gimme a second. I have to go grab something."

She sat up, watching him hop off her bed.

"Grab what?"

"Something to help."

He ducked out of the room, leaving Tessa alone. She didn't have to wait long though, as Emil was quickly back in the room, carrying a small, beat up metal canteen with him.

"What's that?"

Emil hopped back up, setting it down on the sheets.

"Lubricant. I usually use it for work, but it's just made of a thick berry juice so it should be non-toxic."

She picked up the tin and looked at him confused.

"You want me to eat it?"

"Tessa, it's so it goes in easier."

He rolled onto his back, presenting himself again. The smell of her quim was still fresh in his nostrils, having wafted up from the fur below his nose. The steady stream of her aroma had been more than enough to keep him rock hard this whole time. Maybe he enjoyed her scent a little too much...

"So what do I do with this then?"

She waddled up to him on her knees, canteen in hand.

"Pour some on your hand..."

He pushed up his length with a paw, holding it upright.

"...then rub it over us both. It'll make things much easier, I promise."


She undid the cap, and tipped the can over above an open hand until liquid started to pour out. It came out much faster than she thought it would, and some spilled on Emil's leg.


"That's fine, just take your time."

The stuff felt weird and slimy, partially absorbing into her cloth skin. But she did as Emil instructed, applying a liberal coat to his shaft and used the rest on her cleft. The contact sent a shiver up his spine and hers as she stroked them both.

"Like this?"

"Perfect. Whenever you're ready."

Tessa set the tin down and lined herself up, straddling Emil's hips between her legs. She picked up his length again, holding it against her middle as she rested on top of his waist. Fuck... Eight and a half inches never seemed so big. She kind of saw why they would need lube...

"I'm gonna put it in."

She struggled to keep her voice from trembling.

"Go at your own pace."

Emil took a deep breath, throbbing hard as he did so. She was so excited, yet nervous. Eveny part of her wanted to go as fast as she could. But at the same time those same parts kept freezing up in fear. But she was in control, and she got herself over Emil's tip. She could feel it prodding her, his cool skin just barely parting her cleft. This was it. She was about to give her first to Emil. And there was no one she'd rather it belong to. She pierced herself on him slowly, letting gravity do the work as she let her legs go slack. She moaned the whole way down, her voice getting increasingly louder as she took more and more of his length. The sensation was incredible. She'd never felt this kind of fullness, a pulsing that permeated through her whole middle, that made her squirm and moan against her will. She came to rest on his knot, the bulb blocking her from taking any more. The lube had worked like fucking magic. Emil also had his head thrown back, basking in her warm, wet folds. Trembling at how that cushy, almost velvet like interior of her mouth had carried over to her inner walls as well. Tessa fell forwards, her hands landing on his chest as she got used to his size. She couldn't help but squeeze him with her insides, and coo when he throbbed back. Her breathing was already starting to get heavy. She looked up at Emil, catching his eyes as they felt out each other's sexes. But it was about time she got things going.

"I'm gonna start moving."

"Go for it."

She lifted herself up. It felt almost as good going up as it did going down. The friction along her canal ran even more pleasure through her body, but it left an emptiness. And she knew just how to fill it. She lowered herself back down, again taking the upper section of Emil's canid shlong and rippling ecstasy through her brain. Her body told her to do it again. Emil watched and felt as she eventually worked herself into a rhythm. Slow and steady, with plenty of grinding her sensitive vulva on his bulbous knot during the downstrokes. He cooed at every deep penetration, watching as she gave herself a subtle bugle each time she touched down. It was such a persistent feeling, the way he stretched her every time, the way she could feel herself clinging to him, the light chill he left inside her. It was difficult to describe what he was doing to her. She felt like she needed more of him, but that knot... It was way too thick. Just rubbing herself on top of the thing made it clear that monster was never going to fit. No matter how desperately she let herself drop. But this amount of him... It was enough. She could still feel him poking at her deepest parts, spreading her walls wide with every stuffing. Pushing all the right buttons~


Tessa moaned as she took him again, this time feeling dangerously close. Emil could feel it too. It was the perfect time to get her back. She didn't notice at first as he dropped his temperature, a freezing mist suddenly rolling off his body. Tessa shivered as she swallowed him again.

"Haaa... E-Emil! That'sss..."

Her whole body got cold, and her hands froze to his chest fur. And he was still inside her! It was like she had a massive icicle crammed in there, slowly freezing her body from the inside. Chilly tendrils reached into her core, tickling her insides and making her contract violently over him.

"W-What arrre you doooooing?!"

"Nn! Just getting a little payback for your earlier stunt~"


Tessa squealed as he thrust up against her, pressing his now frigid knot into her cleft. She dug her fingers into his chest, her hands now totally covered in ice. Her doll body and ghostly nature made the whole ordeal far from painful. Unpleasant, maybe, but it also made her body incredibly tactful. He had her tossing her head every which way, groaning as she was locked in place and relentlessly teased. Tensing up everytime he so much as poked anything even remotely sensitive. And while it was fun while it lasted, he didn't want to torture her forever. He stopped lowering his body temperature, letting her warm back up and the ice melt away. Actually, it happened a lot faster than he'd expected. And Tessa didn't miss a beat, almost immediately resuming at an even faster pace than before. Had she just used a will-o-wisp on herself to warm back up? She got even warmer then she had been before, as if his little temperature play trick had only fueled her fire. He clenched as she ground her now rather warm folds over his taut bulb. She must have. It was the only thing that made sense. She slammed down again. Emil arched his back, pressing his head into the mattress. Her riding him like this was excruciating. It was all just teasing his knot, tickling its top with her warm softness before pulling away to massage the rest of his needy length. He felt like he needed to bury it so fucking bad! He'd even started to growl with each drop, repressing the urge to just pull her down himself. Tessa gripped his furry chest tighter, her hands now wet from the melted ice. As she took him one last time, her clit mashed into his knot and they both violently throbbing against the other. She didn't know if she had the strength to get up again.

"FUCK! Emil!"

If he couldn't get his knot inside her, he was going to explode. He had to take over.

"Tessa- ah! Can we switch positions?"

She felt weak, and heavy. How was sex a harder workout than training?!

"I don't think- Mm, I can get up anyway..."

She pushed off him, falling backwards onto the upper part of the bed. His stiffness sliding out as she landed, Emil getting up just after. His erection was raging, thrumming like he'd never felt before. He was desperate to finish this. He took up a position over Tessa, who cooed and wrapped her arms around him. He had no problem getting on target with how absolutely rigid he was, and no problem getting in thanks again to the lube. Tessa gasped as his knot collided with her mound, the force sending a ripple through her soft body. And again. And then again. Emil built up to a steady pace, keeping himself from being too rough but at the same time firm enough to have a chance at actually knotting her. Tessa deliriously moaned under him, holding onto his shoulders for dear life. To have him fucking her felt amazing! Every one of his thrust was so strong, and his feral body over her like this... It made her want him that much more. Emil could feel it getting closer. Every plap he sunk a little deeper, spread her a little further. He could definitely make this fit.

"Tessa, I'm- NG! Gonna try for the knot!"

She gripped his shoulders tighter. When they'd started, she would have never thought that fat bulb could actually fit inside her. But now, she could feel how close he was. And she wanted to feel it stretch her insides.

"DO IT!"

He gave his first hard thrust. She nearly crested its girth, and she groaned as she'd nearly made it around. But Emil backed off, and tried again. This time there was a slap, a lurid pop, and Emil felt the incredible rush of his knot fully encased in glorious silky wet warmth. He felt himself swell, tying them together as his orgasm began. Tessa was amazed as she felt the massive lump slip inside of her, and immediately nestle itself against her g-spot. And if that wasn't enough, IT EXPANDED. She cried out as Emil's knot grew nearly twice its size in just a few seconds, completely bullying her g-spot and sealing her so tight she felt like she was milking a stone.

"Oh god-!"

She came with him. Tessa creamed herself over Emil, convulsing over him as he unloaded into her depths. She pulled his head down into a kiss, her body desperate for even more stimulation. The two groaned into each other and writhed in ecstasy as they subjected each other to immense pleasure. Emil humped weakly as he came and came and came, wrung completely and utterly dry by Tessa's incessantly trembling walls. And she felt it all, the constant throbbing, his ceaseless flexing. Her insides stretched so taught she could feel every ridge, every vein on his knot in painstaking detail. And the constant barrage from his tip! Just load after chilly load pouring out of him against her cervix, filling her to the point of swelling. How did he have this much cum!? It felt insane, having her stomach bulge outward with liquid weight, pumped into feeling such an overwhelmingly full womb... All with none of it able to escape thanks to Emil's biological pussy plug.

She couldn't feel most of her body by the time she stopped shuddering. She broke the kiss, letting her head hit the mattress below her. Her arms came down next, too weak to keep them up any longer. Everything felt so good, even just rubbing her domed tummy sent delightful tingles through her body. Fuck he felt huge inside her... Emil wasn't long to collapse either, landing with his head between her small breasts, still attached to her by his groin. No way was that coming out at any point tonight. She lifted her head to look down at Emil, his tongue hanging out with an exhausted look on his face. She still felt so tight over him, and any kind of movement struck him with pangs of overstimulation. He could feel the impressive bulge he'd given her, he was laying on it after all. He was having a hard time believing it had all come from him. Tessa was the first to speak.

"That... hah... was a lot..."

She was still rather breathless, her hands wandering the sides of her inflated gut.

"Yeah... good thing we aren't in the same egg group..."

Tessa snapped out of her afterglow in an instant. OH. Right. Egg groups. She hadn't even thought to look out for that.

"Yeah... good thing..."

"You didn't even realize, did you?"

Emil wasn't bothering to pick his head up off of Tessa, so he sounded funny trying to talk with his jaw on her sternum. She felt a little embarrassed, and brought her hands up to twiddle her fingers.

"Ummm, m-maybe?"

Emil smiled.

"So if I was in your egg group, I would have just gotten away with getting you preggers?"

Her face went pink.

"NO! I would have noticed!"

Emil chuckled.

"I'm sure you would've."

And as if on cue, the stones in the ceiling quickly dimmed, their light fading and leaving the room a pitch black. Tessa took the opportunity to lay her arms over Emil's back, pulling him up a bit and lightly holding him down.

"We're sleeping like this then?"

"Mmhm! Unless you can think of some better way while we're tied like this~"

Emil snuggled up against her, getting even more comfy lying on her cushy body.

"I think this works perfectly fine~"