A new road (beginning of pokemon series)

Story by Flame Warrior on SoFurry

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#1 of Pokemon Series

He woke up, yawning loudly as he stretched his toned, yet slim, body. He reached for his glasses so that he could see, feeling groggy, hungry, thirsty, and above all else, the call of nature. As soon as his feet hit the ground, that call of nature made itself all the more known, forcing him to run to the bathroom. Unzipping the pants he slept in, he felt the overwhelming relief that comes when one hasn't urinated in a while, as well as the noise of water hitting water. Upon finishing, he finally flipped on the lights so that he could see and think clearly.

The first that he saw, as well as shocking him, was his face, a five o'clock shadow on his pale, thin face, unruly hair that made Wierd Al look tame, and green eyes that said that he didn't get enough sleep. He looked at his watch to find the time and date. November 6th, 5 a.m. Hardly a time he wanted to wake up at. Heading back to his room, he grabbed a change of boxers and pants, not liking how shirts constricted him. He heard the tell-tale moan of someone waking up, although the moan belonged to someone feminine, a woman.

Turning around, he saw who the waking moan belonged to, a young woman without clothes. He knew he didn't get lucky, and had refused her advances in the past. Popping his neck, she bolted upright, awake as if she had three cups of coffee. He rolled his eyes and headed back to the bathroom to shower, feeling her hand on his shoulder not a second later, though he didn't hear her footsteps.

"You know that you don't have to stay in that form Mew," he said softly before facing the pokemon, who was one of the only two species who could use that Transform skill, and since this Mew had taken a liking to him, it had always hung around him in a woman's body.

"Fine, be that way John," sighed the pokemon telepathically before reverting back to it's small form, eyeing that shaft of his. He gave up on trying to tell it not to look, but it was hopeless. Many people, trainers and professors alike, searched their entire lifetime to find a single Mew, and died unsuccessfully. However, John had lived with this Mew for five years now, and he wasn't either.

After washing his hair and his body, he dried off and went to shaving, the Mew hanging on his right shoulder, always seeming fascinated in every little thing he did. John had wondered in the past if this Mew's curiousity about humans was beyond satiable, or just too curious about him. He nicked himself while shaving, wincing at the cut as it slowly started to bleed. Before he could do anything, the Mew had started to lick the cut, causing John to roll his eyes.

"Everytime I nick or injure myself in anyway, you go right to the spot, why?" he asked quickly.

"Silly human, do you think I like seeing others hurt?" it replied telepathically. He just groaned and finished shaving, literally prying the Mew away from his face so he could dry his face off. He turned around to put his clothes on, only to see the pokemon there, holding his boxers and pants in the air before flitting away.

Cursing his luck, he went back to his room and got a different pair of boxers and pants on. John heard his phone ring and picked it up to read the caller id. Professor Oak. Astonishing and caring man, he had once been a trainer, but only in terms of research. One could say that his curiousity into the behaviours and habits of pokemon was only rivaled by Mew's curiousity in John. He groaned and answered it.

"Hello Professor," he said into the phone, his voice still kinda dry.

"Good morning John. Sleep well?" came the aged, but calm voice.

"Depends, really. My guest still doesn't leave me alone much at night."

"So it's still trying with you?"

"Unfortunately, yes," John said, still embarrased. The Professor was the only other person who knew about Mew's current location and habitat, which just happened to be John's apartment. He also knew about the pokemon's fascination with trying to mate with John, in which, was and still is illegal in the Kanto region. Even if Mew was in a human form, it was still a pokemon, no officer of the law, nor judge, would pardon him of that.

"Care to bring it by the lab?"

"That's up to it sir, you know how it is around your machinery."

"Still, not everything here is about machines and technology. Many of science's best theories are based upon visual and auditory confirmation."

"Well, I'll see if it'll tag along today. Seems kinda cooped up really, took off with my pants again."

"Alright, I guess I'll see you soon," the line hung up, John groaned slightly. Mew didn't like anything technologically advanced, and would barely go near a replica of a pokeball even. Then again, many people believe Mew to be a pink feline-like pokemon, whereas this Mew was a bright red. Then a thought hit John in the face like a frying pan. If Mew could walk around in a human form and actually verbally speak, what if that's what the other Mews have done to stay in hiding from pokemon and Team Rocket?!

He grabbed his leather vest and went in search of the pokemon, who was back in it's human form, nude, cooking breakfast. Applying his palm to his face, he went and grabbed one of his shirts that he actually had and a pair of tight pants, which would actually fit her well. He laid them on a chair as Mew brought in bacon, eggs, and toast.

"Hm? Clothes? What for?" the pokemon in disguised asked.

"At least look presentable, people would start asking questions if someone without clothes on wandered around town. Besides, I think it's time we see Professor Oak."

"You've got to be kidding me. You know how I am about people like him!"

"Well calm down, he's just gonna look you over, he's not gonna probe ya!"

Obviously upset, Mew finally donned on the t-shirt and pants, finding a pair of sandals to wear to not hurt her feet. John sat down and slowly ate, realizing that Mew liked her food crushed, and preferably crushed berries. He shook his head and finished his breakfast, then went to the fridge and got out some strawberries. Mew was already at his side, it's human mouth watering at the sight.

"A true vegen," he said under his breath and presented them to her, only to be handed back the empty container moments later. He went back to his room and put his socks and black boots on, grabbing his keys from his nightstand. He checked his hair one last time to make sure it was slicked back into the mullet he preferred and walked to the front door, looking behind him to make sure the pokemon in it's human guise was still following him.

He opened the door and walked out, locking it to make sure nobody went in and trashed the place. Team Rocket had gotten more aggressive in their thefts lately, lowering themselves to common burglers for any kind of cash. Even in Pallet Town, thefts were getting on the rise, making everybody anxious. He headed toward the Professor's Lab, Mew right beside him.

Being twenty-one had it's advantages for him, as well as his toned body. Hardly anyone messed with John, or any of John's close friends. The roads were scarce, even in the morning when everyone should've been getting to work in this small town. He did notice one positive outlook of everyone being so cautious, less car fumes to pollute the environment.

As they neared the lab, he noticed Mew getting a little antsy. He tried to reassure her without giving her the wrong idea, but it was useless really, and the closer they got, the more fidgety it was getting. They walked up to the double doors, made of metal, and John knocked three times. The doors opened and an aged man in his fifties with gray hair looked at them sternly.

"Morning Professor," John said casually, his voice still dry.

"Come in you two, my assistants called in today," was all he said before disappearing behind the door, letting them both in. Upon walking into the lab, the door was shut behind them, causing Mew to jump a little in fear. Professor Oak walked over to a fridge and handed John a soda and the pokemon a glass of water, which shook in it's human hand.

As they both sated their thirst, they were motioned closer to the Professor, who sat down and groaned, probably due to his old age catching up to his joints. John casually folded his arms and leaned against a wall, leaving Mew standing with an empty glass.

"Go ahead Mew, nobody's here today," was all the professor said calmly. The pokemon reluctantly reverted back to it's true form, it's bright red coat causing the researcher to blink a few times.

"Interesting, normally Mew are pink, not red," he stated as he continued observing it, noting it's size, as well as it's fearful nature, taking caution not to touch it.

"Well John, this certainly is a rare form of Mew. Why it stuck around you for five years is beyond me, since this is the first time I've seen it up close. Did you notice a distinct mark just above it's tail?" he asked.

"A mark? Professor, I've spent the past five years trying to stay AWAY from it, if you don't remember."

"True, but you should've at least studied it a little. Come, look at this mark," Oak said. John slowly walked forward to look at this mark. Sure enough, there was a white mark in it's coat, looking in the shape of a Unown 'S'. This got his mind racing a little, but couldn't ask anything when Mew Transformed back into a human woman and pulled it's clothes back on.

"Please... no more," it implored, getting accepting nods from both human men.

"John, I know you have no interest as a trainer, but I'd like you to go out and at least search for other pokemon with these strange markings. You'll have to carry a PokeDex and Pokeballs, as well as a trainer ID," the professor said bluntly.

"You sure you want me to do that?" he asked slowly, caught a little offguard. The professor only nodded and handed him a belt with fitted holes to hold pokeballs carrying pokemon, a PokeDex, and his trainer ID card. The professor turned his attention towards Mew, trying to find the right words.

"Before you ask, no. I will not be somebody's little 'pet' that they can use just to enjoy a fight!" Mew blurted out, causing the professor to flinch.

"Mew, you are always trying to get close to me. In this way, you could get closer to me, per se. However, I still won't sleep with you, understood?" John said carefully, getting Mew to raise an eyebrow. He knew that was it's one weak spot, but he had no intention of changing it's behaviour, even if it meant he had to suffer naked assaults by a pokemon.

It sighed in defeat and looked at John, it's eyes watering. He sighed as well, knowing that if he didn't do something to make it happy, then this 'trip' was going to be a long one. He held up a pokeball, seeing Mew flinch in fear of it going to hurt. He waited until it calmed down and reverted back to it's pokemon form, keeping the pokeball in his hand. Mew gently touched the button in the center, it opening up and transporting it inside.

The ball shook only once before the red button turned to white. John opened the pokeball to let it out, watching it fly around the lab a few times before landing on his shoulder, speaking to his mind telling him that it was alright. He nodded then looked at the professor.

"I'm going to need a backpack for supplies and it's clothes. I know it likes to walk around in human form, which also means it'll need a name fitting for a woman."

Professor Oak nodded and retreaved a backpack, filled with a week worth of food and water. John spent time resituating everything around to make room for at least two sets of clothing, then slung it over his left shoulder, Mew already back in human form with it's clothes on. He looked at it, trying to think of a name.

"Call me Janice John, at least that's woman enough," it said quickly, causing John to blink a few moments.

"Alright Janice, let's get home and pack a few spare clothes. I need to make a note to by feminine undergarments for you when we reach the next city."

Janice just nodded and headed to the door of lab quickly, obviously wanting out. John said a quick goodbye to the professor and followed the pokemon. He quickly thought about what all had transpired. He was 21, now a trainer with his first pokemon. He didn't know how powerful Mew was, but he was sure he was going to find out.

They reached his apartment and gathered up some extra clothes before heading down to the building manager's office. John handed over the apartment key and walked out of the complex, looking North. He had to keep an eye out for three things, wild pokemon, other trainers, and most worrisome, Team Rocket.