Desires 2

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#2 of Desires

Kuna's attempt at settling into his new life is interrupted, but Arden's appetites continue unabated.

Arden was a peculiar master. Kuna was used to shows of force, cruelty, and even forced affection, taking what they wanted from his limp body, but the fox spoke to him as though they were equals. Even how he woke the dragon felt more like a lover's touch than a master's demand, all caresses, and soft words.

If not for the leash clutched in soft vulpine hands, Kuna could almost believe that his days as a slave were over, but somehow, the gentle tug pulling him from Arden's dungeon was comforting. In a way, freedom was scary. Better to live in a gilded cage than fly too close to the sun.

Arden was not shy about his nudity, his tail swaying from side to side as they passed through drafty corridors, his apple-shaped rump rolling with every step. Soothing words rolled from his tongue, and Kuna felt himself hunching to catch their meaning, enamored with the talented tongue that worked him to his finish hours ago.

"I trust you understand proper etiquette, pet?" He asked, twirling the leash between his fingers and guiding Kuna through a doorway too short for his stature. "It's not a problem if you don't, but it would be helpful if I could transition from our play to business without locking you away."

Taking in shallow breaths as the overwhelming scent of floral tinctures and ointments assaulted his nose, Kuna cleared his throat, staring docilely at the floor. In truth, it wasn't as bad as the awful scent of sweating males he was used to, but its unfamiliarity increased its intensity. "No, sir. I'm afraid I don't. I might be too clumsy for court matters. Rough hands don't lend themselves to delicacy."

Two quick tugs at Kuna's leash brought him to his knees, and the fox's foot paw spread his legs, leaving his masculinity to droop between his thighs, relaxed balls nearly reaching the floor. Barely contained excitement brought a twitch to the slumbering length, but Kuna tamped it down. He wasn't sure whether an erection would be welcomed or condemned.

"Oh, delicacy won't be a problem. I suppose I should ask whether you can remain quiet in impolite company. Barbed tongues are common among my circles, and ceasing their lash can be dangerous." Selecting a brush and one of many jars, he lathered it, then disappeared from view, paws tapping on cold stone. "Relax, pet. No need to straighten your back or kneel at attention."

"I think I can manage silence if that would please you." Kuna winced as the brush reached tender, scarred flesh, scrubbing away the filth that caked old wounds. It wasn't painful, but he hadn't experienced such a vigorously ticklish sensation in all his years. Quivering with the instinctive desire to escape the brush but determined to stay still, he leaned on his palms, sitting back on his haunches.

"So eager to please. Such a rare trait in one of your stature. And so very polite. You don't speak like a commoner." The fennec lathered Kuna's back, stopping once he reached the swell of the dragon's ass and cradling his tail in appreciative fingers. "Though no noble brat would have such a chiseled physique before reaching knighthood."

"B-Before I was old enough to work, they forced me to learn. They groomed me as a house boy until the taskmaster's appetites demanded easier access." Those nights, performing unspeakable acts for the taskmaster's sick appetites, broke Kuna. It was easier to dissociate. Even as an adult, he would lift his tail and disappear into a blank daydream while the late taskmaster rutted away.

"Ah yes, a staple of life on the streets. Would you believe me if I told you I experienced something similar?" From base to tip, the fennec scrubbed away at bronze scales, keeping Kuna's tail lifted. "Though, between you and me, it's so much easier to endure when you learn how to make your tormentors' deaths seem natural. Even more so when they name you as their sole heir."

Pulling apart Kuna's cheeks, the fox rolled his brush over the dragon's hole, polishing it with slow reverence and squeezing muscular cheeks possessively. Low and full of a vibrating growl, his voice struck through Kuna's body, sending blood to his awakening cock. "I learned such fun tricks, though." Bristles disappeared, replaced by the chilly dribble of an unknown liquid, then something thicker.

Innocent washing morphed into something sensual as fingers teased at Kuna's hole, feeling along the experienced rim and teasing flesh that had been fucked raw so many times before. "So many are focused on the sensation in their cock; when there's a world of pleasure to explore." Like a striking snake, his paw surged forward, blunted claws leading the way and arm disappearing to the elbow.

Unprepared, Kuna whimpered, his legs spreading and his body moving onto all fours. Somehow, there was no pain, only an intense, buzzing tingle that begged him to push back and welcome more of Arden's limb. Any qualms about how whorish and needy he looked disappeared, and he gave himself to the sensation, his cock slapping against his stomach like a stallion's after scenting a mare in heat.

"Mmm. Relaxing already?" The fennec fluttered his fingers, slowly thrusting his arm as he searched for something unseen. An electric sensation, like a switch that sent lightning through the dragon's cock sent shivers through him, stimulating a spot that rutting men only ever grazed. "Oh my. What do we have here?" Stroking the pleasure button lovingly, Arden cupped it in his palm, his heated breath inches from the hole so hungrily swallowing his arm. "So sensitive."

"I-I-" At a loss for words, Kuna sagged forward, quivering and skewered. The fennec's arm continued its calculated pulses, thrusting in and out of him with sloppy noises that bounced off the walls and flushed the skin below his scales. He'd never considered himself a glutton for this sort of attention, but he felt the slightest breeze would spill his seed on the floor below.

"It's alright. It can be overwhelming, I know." The soothing, husky voice of his master was duller than before, sounding far away and muffled, but a sharp pinch on one ass cheek soon told him why. A vibrating growl accompanied by increasingly insistent pushes worked his insides into a frenzy of wet, sloppy movement. Amid a strangled whimper and desperately shaking hips, he loosed the contents of his balls, painting the stone with long ropes of submissive need.

The withdrawal of the fennec's arm was simultaneously thrilling and disappointing, leaving Kuna feeling empty and spent. His hole clenched hungrily, too stretched to close itself, and his cock wagged below him like a canine's tail, still drooling sloppy pearls. Words failed him, and all he knew was a deep, gnawing need for more.

"Such a pretty sight." Arden's praising tone sent a thrill through the dragon's body, his tail flinching upward in instinctive submission. A damp cloth replaced the brush, taking advantage of his lowered stature to clean the rest of his body, then lingering on his half-hard manhood, polishing the tip while slow strokes milked downward from the base.

As the orgasmic feelings faded, Kuna felt heaviness in his midsection and an urge to piss, helped along by that insistent swirl of the cloth over his sensitive tip. Squirming, he tried to hold it in, struggling like a housebroken dog desperate to please its master.

"I know what you need, pet." Dripping with approval from every word, Arden guided Kuna into a kneeling position, nuzzling something hard and pulsing under the dragon's tail. Slow, rhythmic thrusts echoed with moist, sloppy noises, and the warmth of his body hunching over the dragon's back, cheek pressed against his scales, left no doubt that his cock stirred Kuna's innards. Small enough that its pulsing knot could only slurp free, kissed, and welcomed by puffy flesh, it plundered him slowly, spitting arousal that seared with its warmth. "Let go for me. I don't mind a bit of mess."

Dominated by a vulpine half his size and asked to abandon his dignity, Kuna watched as dark brown paw pads massaged his needy cock, the warm touch of feet perched on his calves reminding him of his place. Golden fluid dribbled from his tip, escorted by talented fingers, then grew into a heavy flow, cutting through the spiderwebs of cum and draining backward between his legs, seeking the drain in the floor.

A shameful act that should have embarrassed him only intensified the demanding pulse of the member in his rear, tightening his entrance and earning a pleased moan from his master's panting muzzle. Claws dug into his hips, and that wonderfully heated knot slopped into him while warmth bloomed deep inside, staking Arden's claim.

"My beautiful breeder." Arden cooed, savoring every bit of their union while his cock fired what felt like weeks of pent-up need deep into Kuna's slackened hole. "There's something to be said for a hole that grips but won't choke. Slick, wet, and needy, but yielding. I can use it as I please rather than wasting my time breaking barriers. Perfection." Sighing, he patted the dragon's rear, fingers digging in for an affectionate squeeze before he tugged himself free, the last thin rope of his pleasure squirting over Kuna's balls.

"Th-Thank you, sir." Too lost in the euphoria of being bred and played with so thoroughly, Kuna could only watch as the fennec's capable fingers cleaned clinging droplets of piss from his shaft. Still bouncing and hard, his cock drew the dragon's eye, begging for attention, but before he could ask to clean it with his tongue, a voice he didn't recognize split the sexual tension.

"Apologies, sir. I regret to inform you that Sir Fain arrived a week early. Shall I turn him away?" A skinny stoat with pure white fur bowed, seemingly unperturbed by his master's state of undress and the nude, freshly bred dragon dripping Arden's seed.

"Fucking noble brats. Always expect special treatment." Sighing, Arden contemplated the wall, his cock shrinking back into his sheath with angry-looking throbs. "Set out the tea. I'll need a moment to dress." Turning his attention back to Kuna, he trailed fingers over the dragon's cheek, slipping his thumb past Kuna's panting lips and stroking over his tongue. "As for you. Think you can remain quiet for me? The cushions in my audience chamber are so dreadfully uncomfortable."

Already exhausted despite his short post-orgasm nap earlier in the day, Kuna marveled at Arden's stamina. Despite the energy he displayed when using the dragon, he hadn't broken a sweat, and outside of a sheen of fluids caked over his sheath and fuzzy balls, not a hair was out of place. What sort of sex god was Arden? Kuna would have to try to keep up if he wanted to remain in the fennec's presence. "Y-Yes, sir." He replied in a hoarse voice as the fox tapped his foot expectantly.

"Excellent." Trailing fingers over bronze cheeks, Arden doted on him for a moment, sharp teeth showing in a handsome smile that could simultaneously strike fear and cause butterflies in unprepared stomachs. "It was always my intention to bring you into these meetings, but I had hoped I'd have time to clothe you. You can stand, yes?"

Nodding, Kuna stood, shivering as talented fingers finished grooming him, cleaning any hint of their fun with a moist cloth. Arden's servant had returned with a fresh outfit for the fennec, and he'd covered his masculinity, but Kuna couldn't shake the feeling that he'd see that knotted shaft again before the night's end.

"Won't it cause problems if I'm naked? I don't wish to cause trouble." Kuna kept pace with the fennec, feeling strange pride at the bounce in his master's step. He must be doing something right. He felt refreshed, though he wasn't a fan of the floral scent his master's fingers spread over his scales. Sweat and musk felt integral to his identity after years of dull, dirty scales, and their shine made him feel like a different dragon, almost an imposter in his own body.

"Nonsense. Why should I take the high road? At least my escapades won't father a small army of bastards to dispute a family claim." Stretching and flashing the dragon a wink, Arden murmured, voice vibrating with a growl just loud enough for his ears. "Though, should it come to that, I'll gladly father dozens of clutches."

Huffing softly at the implication in Arden's tone, Kuna looked away, feeling the heat rise in his cheeks. The longer he spent in Arden's company, the more he felt like a willing lover rather than a slave. Of course, that only made it harder to calm the pulse between his legs, but thankfully, they reached their destination before he led the way with a bouncing erection.

"Am I going to have to wait for much-" A sneering voice greeted their entrance, attached to a gaudily dressed lion with armor so polished and overly decorated that Kuna guessed his manhood could fit through the eye of a needle. Clearing his throat, he changed his tone immediately upon seeing Arden, his expression morphing into a fake smile that bordered on insulting. "Well, hello. Apologies for my unannounced visit. The Azno barony sends their regards."

Perching on Kuna's knee and crossing his legs, Arden leaned back against the dragon's chest, the soft silk of his trousers rustling against freshly shined scales. Treating Kuna as a living bronze throne, he used the dragon's muscled arm as an armrest for his own. "In the future, you'd do well to follow your schedule. Not everyone is as accommodating as I."

Kuna could feel the poisonous barbs in Arden's voice, and the expression crossing the lion's face, breaking through the facade and bringing a stutter to his words, showed that he noticed it too. "T-Truly sorry. I had some business nearby. One of my most trusted men died before he could report to me, slain by a rogue slave. Our shipment of workers was to be late, and I had to oversee replacements."

Stiffening in remembrance of the act that brought him to Arden's feet, Kuna had a moment of panic, claws digging into the silken decor. This noble wasn't looking for him, was he? Just when he had some grasp on something worth having? The lion's small talk faded into muted chatter as the dragon's instincts kicked in, his body tensing and mind racing.

The soft caress of the fennec's fingers across Kuna's palm brought him back to his senses, lacing through his as if sensing his stress and curling under to trace calming circles over his palm. "So what you're saying is that you think I'm an idiot." Arden sighed, replying to something the increasingly terrified-looking lion said during Kuna's panicked moment.

"N-No. Th-This is a gr-great deal. Father would love to take on your goods and solidify trade. We could be great allies." Eyes flitting to the door and palm placed over his sword's hilt, the lion's gaze focused on Kuna's body, grasping at what little control he could exert. "Could you cover up your servant? I fear my words sound less sincere since I'm attempting to ignore his shame."

"Shame? Oh, dear. Is my sweet pet that distracting?" Voice taking on a mocking tone, Arden shifted, uncrossing his legs. "Allow me to cover him so that you can try again." Lifting his tail and theatrically rolling his hips, the fennec sat on Kuna's manhood, placing his softened shaft between sinfully soft cheeks. "There. Now that his 'shame' is out of sight, you can try not to insult me."

Kuna squirmed beneath that rhythmically shifting rear, fighting a losing battle with his arousal and trying his best to remain quiet. Despite his best efforts, he could feel himself growing, and judging by the slow up and down of the fennec's rear, so could Arden. Even the fluffy brush of the fennec's tail seemed determined to tease him, dusting his shaft with silken softness.

Swallowing hard at the intensity of Arden's grilling, the lion lost his composure, bringing Kuna out of his rear-induced trance. "D-Dad said I could go as high as eighty gold per tonne. I can't go higher than that, please." The fennec's barbs got to him, and the sweat on his brow showed a level of fear that invoked pity from the dragon. This talent must have been the danger he sensed from the fennec when they first met. Arden had a way of stripping away everything and laying you bare to the world.

"Ninety. Call it a fee for showing up unannounced and insulting me. Next time your father wants to deal with me, have him send someone worthy of my respect." Waving a hand imperiously, Arden pressed himself against the dragon's erection, smearing arousal through his fur. "Reginald will see you to the front gate. Have your father gather payment and have it ready when my shipments arrive."

No sooner had the door slammed shut behind the lion's retreating form than the fennec's soft rump escaped the confines of his pants, and he turned to straddle Kuna, smearing the peeking tip of his member over the space between them until it kissed silken softness. A predatory glimmer colored his gaze, and he stroked over the back of the dragon's head, knotted cock leaving a drool of arousal over gleaming scales. "Wonders never cease. That was you. The incident at the farm."

"Y-Yes." Unable to stare into the burning desire raging in those eyes, Kuna wrapped his arms around his master's waist, helping him balance himself against the dragon's cock. There was no way he'd fit, but at least the ardent motion meant that Arden wasn't angry with him. If anything, judging by the glee in his expression, he approved. "I'm sorry, sir."

"Oh, sweet pet. You just gave me the most lucrative contract of several years. You're beyond reproach." Tilting his head and capturing Kuna in a steel grip, the fox mashed their lips together, his crushingly tight entrance insistently pushing against steely hardness. The insistent dart of the fox's tongue accompanied the bloom of sweet heat swallowing the dragon's shaft, and before long, lips parted, and a very stuffed fennec sat with the dragon's balls flush with his rump, stomach showing the outline of Kuna's member. "Now, be a good boy and accept your treat."

Tentatively gripping Arden's waist and experimentally thrusting, Kuna whimpered out, the clench of that overstuffed hole almost painful. Hopefully, this would be the last orgasm of the night, but the way that the fennec's claws dug into his chest told him he wouldn't escape that easily. Resolving himself to a sleepless night with his insatiably demanding master, Kuna took the lead. Slapping his balls against that supernaturally tight rump and trying his best to last until Arden was satisfied, he grunted with his effort, losing himself to sensation.

Desires 3

"You're such a good boy." Arden cooed as he caressed Kuna's cheek, leaning in and pressing a kiss to Kuna's neck. "I've been so busy, I've barely been able to play with you, but you've been so quiet and well-behaved." Trailing claws down Kuna's chest,...

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(Commission for Dreamgod.) Goddammit. Axel tore his eyes from his computer screen with an irritated huff, wiping his gooey paw across his chest, smearing lube through his fur. On his screen, a fox bounced on two cocks at once, his high-pitched whines...

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"Daddy? Why don't you ever take off your clothes?" Will melted back against Daddy's touch with every soft knead, breathing in the relaxing scent of lilac. Bathtime had become a daily ritual, with Daddy kneeling next to the tub and...

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