Prayer and Demon 15.1 - Screams in the Night

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#20 of Prayer and Demon

In which Oro (tries) to make good on his promise to embarrass Sarahi's relative, and the family indulges Nayeli together.

Screams in the Night

"What a fusking day," Oro grumbled when the tent was finally ready and he shoved through the flap.

"Indeed," Nayeli sighed, close behind him, "It could have been worse, though. In the end, there was no battle, and we will have naught to fear from beast or bandits with so many soldiers around at all times."

"You and I don't see 'worse' the same way, priestess," he growled, shrugging off his shirt and dropping it onto this bedroll.

Sarahi slipped through the flap behind them carefully, followed quickly by Tuli. "At least the tent is roomy," the Sha'khari noted quietly, looking around the large canvas room. Ol' Mags and her daughter had done good work in the one night they'd taken. Maybe the old shop-keep had enlisted some other villagers to help, too. Whatever the case, what they'd made was fit for any commander in the field, by her estimate.

Kylan and Diya entered, along with Grik and Gaki. The two kobolds immediately stationed themselves on either side of the flap, like formal guards, and Nayeli quietly blessed the door to forbid entry as well as cloth was able. Kylan arched a brow as the ladies began undressing for the night-ritual. "Uh...this is unusual, isn't it, husband?"

"So fusking what?" the Rabbit snorted as his pants fell around his ankles, leaving him bare for all eyes to see, "It's a warm night, and I'm going to be surrounded by warm bodies. Now," he popped his neck and his back a couple of times before seating himself on his bedroll, in the center of the tent, and looking pointedly at the other Ferruda and Sha'khari around him, "Get over here, you three."

Nayeli, just standing her habit in front of the door as an extra precaution, quirked a suspicious brow at him. "You are surprisingly eager for our ritual tonight, dear," she noted gently, striding over to get down on her knees at his side, "Are you that tired?"

Oro snorted, as Tuli settled in on his other side, "Fusk no. I have a promise to keep, and I need the effect of all three of you to get in the mood."

Sarahi, just dropping her blouse on top of her long skirt, froze momentarily with a shocked look. Fighting the sudden urge to cover her breasts and hide from him, the Sha'khari turned toward their husband with a hard stare. "I will not try to deny you your rights, husband," she declared resolutely, "But I will not be a tool for you to embarrass my kin."

"Those claims are about to contradict each other," the Rabbit warned with a smirk, "I'm eager to discover which is the lie..."

"Dear," Nayeli laid one hand on his chest and the other across his nose, "Can't we let it go as a mere jibe to get under the prince's skin in the heat of the moment? Why did you ever make such an embarrassing claim, anyway? You hardly--"

"I don't 'jibe'," Oro interrupted her, "I don't bluff. And I don't let happy delusions go uncracked. That man still sees only his sweet, innocent neice when he looks at you," their husband returned his focus solely to Sarahi, "A princess, prim and proper, soft and unsullied by the truths of the world. Hearing you get a good, hard fusking just a few tents over should be more than enough to disillusion him of that. If it turns his fur as red as mine, that's just icing on the cake. Now," he tapped the ground in front of his crossed ankles, "Get down here, or he'll be hearing you scream for a very different reason, though I suspect my purpose will be served all the same."

Steeling her nerves and swallowing her rising shame, Sarahi laid down on her bestial belly in front of him, hands knit over her belly as she offered herself to his sight. "I refuse to make a commotion. You may do what else you will," she insisted, closing her eyes and bracing herself, having seen him reaching for her hair before she'd even finished making her declaration.

Nayeli turned his face toward hers, surprising him with a firm kiss on the lips just as he got his fingers into Sarahi's hair, painfully pulling her closer. The Rabbit frowned at the sudden rush of aphrodisiac into his nostrils...but that was kind of what he had asked for when he told them to surround him. "Dear," Nayeli repeated, tucking her muzzle up under his chin, "I'm going to beg a favor as first wife. It's enough if she'll agree to be noisy, isn't it? Let her pick another partner, and be verbal in her affections. You can draw an honest scream from me, to satisfy yourself."

He scowled, and Sarahi grit her teeth as he clenched the wad of her hair he already had in his fist. Surprisingly, though, she felt him release her a moment later. "Fusk," the Rabbit huffed, rubbing one eye briskly, "Always butting in, aren't you? And I'm too fusking tired to care." Oro turned his glare on the Sha'khari before she could get her hopes up. "You're taking it, regardless, so your choice is me or the twins."

"The...twins?" Sarahi blinked, looking at Kylan with a mix of surprise and relief.

"Yeah. Both of them," Oro growled, quashing her relief somewhat, "Just like when I laid you down with Nayeli. And if you pick them, Tuli's going to be your surrogate here," he warned, pointing down at the growing arousal between his own thighs, coaxed out by the suffocating strength of their combined scent. He finished by rounding his glare back on Nayeli, "You get whatever leftovers someone feels like giving you. For meddling. Do it again, and I'm going to indulge my real hunger."

Wincing, and looking unjustly chastened, Nayeli simply nodded quiet acceptance of her penalty, and kept her eyes closed and her face tucked against his shoulder, to avoid influencing Sarahi's decision any further from here. Tuli made no such effort. "Sarahi," the Ferruda said quietly, "I think I can guess what you're about to say, but don't unless that's really your preference." Sliding one leg across Oro's thighs and settling her knee between his and Nayeli's hips, she shifted herself astride his lap, conveniently hiding him and any expression he might be making from Sarahi's view entirely. "I can handle this," she smiled sincerely, running one finger up the underside of their husband's manhood to nest the head in her entrance, "I promi--IIP!"

She squealed at the sharp strike on her hip, just a little forward of her rump, which was pressed against Oro's chest. "Keep your hands off until she makes her choice," the Rabbit at her back growled.

Sarahi chewed her lip with a pitying look at Tuli, though the Ferruda kept her smile up even as she rubbed the sting out of her hip, and gave a similar glance to the twins sitting quietly to the side, awaiting her decision. Clearing her throat, the Sha'khari asked a little hesitantly, "Will you two...?"

Kylan nodded readily enough, blushing mildly with a sheepish smile. Diya, likewise blushing as she stared studiously at a spot on her bedroll, took a deep breath and exhaled it slowly before looking at her brother. "I guess you've probably gotten used to seeing me," she vaguely indicated her naked body with a gesture, particularly the area below her navel, "But you're about to see it all in the most shameful light. Forgive me before we get started?"

Kylan chuckled. "I think that goes both ways, sis," he reminded her with a hand subtly concealing his own masculine bits.

With that much settled, at least, Sarahi turned an apologetic look to Tuli. "Will you at least be gentle this time?" she asked Oro.

The Rabbit snorted. "Too fusking tired to be that rough again," he declared, as close to a promise as she was going to get, "If that's your decision, make a good show of it, and be sure I can hear you. I'll correct the problem personally if I don't think you're loud enough."

Nodding her understanding, Sarahi got to her feet and paced over to lay back down behind the twins, pulling them both into a hug, one under each arm. "Sorry about this," she said softly, "Thank you for--"

Diya cut her off with a kiss, surprising the Sha'khari. "Hush," the little half-breed smiled, "You are a pleasure and an honor...even if I am embarrassed," she admitted with an anxious look to their audience. Tuli's smile, if nothing else, was encouraging. "If you really want to make it easier...can I take the lead?" she asked, turning her attention back to Sarahi and her brother.

Tilting her head in surprise and curiosity, Sarahi nodded firmly. "Absolutely. I'd say that's the least I owe you both for this."

"I don't mind, either," Kylan nodded, likewise giving his sister a curious look, "What did you have in mind?"

Turning away from them for a moment, Diya cleared her throat and took a deep breath before returning with a smile...and kissing Kylan firmly on the lips. Her brother's entire face turned bright red, but he managed to avoid instinctively pulling away in his shock. She didn't keep him long, but rolled onto her knees to put her arms around Sarahi's neck and lean against her shoulders. "On your back, please," she instructed quietly, "We're going to be on top."

Sarahi rolled obediently onto her back, front paws curled on top of her chest and back paws splayed brazenly, figuring she knew where at least part of this was going. She was supposed to be taken, rather than taking, after all. Tuli was staring in open lust at the thick sheath and large sac between her back legs, when a firm hand on her shoulder pulled her down roughly onto her husband. "Time for you to get to work," Oro growled, grinding his hips up into her. Giving him a grin over her shoulder, Tuli nodded, and began bobbing up and down on her knees, slowly riding the Rabbit beneath her hips. Not particularly liking the angle, he quickly lifted her off and turned her around, pulling her legs around his hips before dropping her back down on his erection. Tuli gasped in sultry fashion, putting both arms around his neck, and bounced her hips on his thighs.

"I hope you don't mind," Diya remarked sofly to Sarahi as the smaller half-breed huddled on all fours above the Sha'khari's pleasantly plump breasts, "I want to warm up a little before we start. You're going to be...a lot to take in," she suggested with a sultry look and a soft kiss on Sarahi's nose.

The former princess shook her head with an amused smile. "Do as you like. I'm just a little surprised. This isn't a side of you we've seen before now."

Diya blushed, and giggled quietly. "Well, I did this for a living for a little while, you know," she reminded the woman underneath her, "I might not have minded so much if more of my clients were like you. Kylan," she glanced over her shoulder to her brother, still waiting for his instructions, "Be nice to the lady. Start with your tongue, okay?"

"What?!" Sarahi gasped, covering her shocked expression with her hands for a moment, "Oh no, don't make him do th--"

"Hush," Diya repeated gently, then silenced her with another, fiercer kiss. The smaller halfbreed began to gently, pleasantly fondle the Sha'khari's breasts as their tongues rolled over one another, and Sarahi released a muffled moan into her throat as Kylan gently nuzzled his nose underneath her sac and applied his lips to the entrance behind it. His tongue carefully traced the lips of her female entrance for a moment before realizing she didn't have the pearl he was searching for, so he contented himself with playfully lapping her labia.

They all jumped slightly when a loud slap rang out in the canvas room, echoed by Tuli's squeak as Oro fiercely seized the soft curve he'd just smacked. "Too quiet over there," the Rabbit growled in warning. Sarahi immediately yelped as Diya broke their kiss and tweaked one of her nipples, gently but firmly.

"Oh, am I allowed to be noisy, too?" Tuli asked playfully, rocking her rump against his hand.

Arching a brow at her, her husband frowned. "Sure. Just keep moving. If I fall asleep before she's done, you'll regret it in the morning."

"Oo...challenge accepted," the busty Ferruda grinned, laying her chin on his shoulder and rocking more firmly in his lap. Then she reached out with one hand to the priestess sitting quietly behind him, watching all the goings-on stoically, if not happily. Tilting her head in confusion, Nayeli accepted the offered hand...and also squeaked in surprise as Tuli pulled her in against their husband's back and caught her lips in a warm, affectionate kiss. "I'm sorry for what I'm about to do," she whispered, though there was no hope anyone else in the tent didn't hear. And she yelped again as yet another smack put a matching hand-print on her other rump.

"I told you, she's getting the leftovers," Oro growled, "And what the fusk do you think you're about to do?"

"I'm just giving her some crumbs to get her started," Tuli hummed, still sharing fond looks with the priestess, "I'll have plenty left for her, I promise. You," she said softly into his ear, "...I'm going to piss off. Isn't that what turns you on?"

Sarahi whimpered in (imitation) anxiety as Kylan got on his knees, crawling closer to her hips, and took her emerging erection in one hand while the other lined up his own with her wet entrance. "He's gonna go hard," Diya warned her with a sultry smile, gently kneading her breasts, "But not too hard. Just enough to make you loud, like you need to be. Don't hold anything in, okay?" Sarahi nodded...and groaned in dramatic volume as Kylan penetrated her with a firm thrust.

"'M always fusking pissed off," their husband answered Tuli, moving his hands from under her rump to on top of her hips so he could add extra pressure to each thrust, "It's got nothing to do with being turned on."

"Hmhm," Tuli grinned, nuzzling the side of his head with a sly look at the perplexed priestess, "Yeah...but you mostly get pissed with us because it's Nayeli you really want bouncing in your lap. You're just afraid of seeming needy, or weak. Especially in front of--!!"

She narrowly avoided smacking her head on the ground as he shoved her backward and down, pinning her to the ground with a hand on her chest. But it was Sarahi who begged, "Stop! Please, let go!" while trying to reach Kylan's hand on her cock with her front paws, "Too tight! It hurts!"

The poor halfbreed immediately let go of her, and stopped his rocking, though Sarahi quickly hooked her heels against his hips to coax him back into her. Diya, looking down into her face, knew better than to think any of her complaints were sincere. "I think it's about time I got started, too," the smaller female smiled, kissing Sarahi between her breasts as she started to scoot backward along the leonine body beneath her, "Sorry about the view, brother," she added as her lifted tail drew closer to his face. But Sarahi caught her arms before she got out of reach, pulling her back up to lay on the Sha'khari's upper torso.

"Please," Sarahi genuinely begged, "Stay here. Just a little longer. It's the first time anyone could kiss me while I get...fucked," she winced a little at the word, and had to force it out, mostly because she figured Oro would be pleased to hear it put so rudely, "I always wanted that. Please, kiss me more."

Diya blinked, surprised at first, but smiled in understanding. "Sure. I'm sorry you can't have a nice, handsome man to do it for you," she apologized briefly, placing a soft kiss on Sarahi's nose.

The Sha'khari giggled and shook her head. "You're perfect," she promised, hugging the halfbreed tight, "I tend to think of myself as a boy during sex. A cute, kind, courageous woman is exactly who I want to kiss." Before Diya could apologize for not being at least one of those, Sarahi took her turn to silence her with a hot, desperate kiss.

"Shut the fusk up," Oro snarled, hooking one arm under Tuli's knee as he continued to hold her down, "Fusking little nymphomanic bitch! I fear nothing!"

Tuli winced a little under the sheer strength of the grip he took on her, but quickly regained her smile, with just a hint of apology around the edges. "Told you I'd piss you off," she cooed, reaching between their bellies to fondle his balls and line him back up with her entrance, " what you like most."

His scowl lost some of its edge. "I don't know anymore whether you're stupid or broken. But either way, I'll do what I always do," he promised, plowing into her like he meant to impale her, "What I damn well please." Tuli didn't try to restrain her groan, or any of the little grunts and squeaks he forced out of her with each thrust. She was echoed by Sarahi, and a little more quietly by Kylan, as the little halfbreed's face scrunched up and he neared his limit.

By the door, Gaki nodded toward the trio with a toothy smile as she chittered something to Grik, then made a subtle sawing gesture using two fingers from each hand knit together. Grik apparently took this to be either lewd or disrespectful, given his expression and the short, harsh syllables he hissed at her in answer. Gaki hissed the kobold equivalent of a giggle, and maintained her post.

"Mmph...Sara...hi," Kylan panted, each thrust becoming just a little more desperate.

"Gah...I know!" she affirmed, squeezing Diya tight against her, "Go on! AUGH!" She laid her head back against the bedroll beneath her and roared as Kylan drove himself into her one last time, gasping as his climax overtook him. They took turns groaning at each pulse, until Kylan finally pulled out, breathless and soft again.

Diya's blush had deepened and spread across her entire face as she listened to their shared climax, eyes closed and face buried between Sarahi's breasts. When they seemed to have spent themselves, and were starting to quiet town, she looked over her shoulder, passed her lifted tail, with an amused smile. Sarahi's cock was still rock-hard, veritably pulsing with want, and waiting for its release. "Good acting, but that kind of--?" She blinked when Sarahi put a hand over her mouth.

"It's okay," the Sha'khari whispered, nodding in Tuli and Oro's direction, "I think we're out of the woods."

Tuli looked over at them with a wink, running her fingers through the fur between Oro's ears. The Rabbit was face-down on top of her, still scowling even in his sleep. "Heh...I really don't do anything for him," the Ferruda chuckled, "Except the sedating thing, I guess."

"...Oh," Diya blinked, chewing her lip as she looked back at Sarahi. "Um...then will you be mad...if I still want to keep going?"

Sarahi surprised her with a laugh, and another tight hug, before letting her go and laying fully on her back, legs still splayed. "I will not deny him his rights," the former princess said quietly, "Nor you your pleasures. Please."

"Oh, thank Heaven," the little halfbreed sighed, leaning down to kiss her between her breasts again, "I've wanted you inside me since the first time you told him off."

Sarahi giggled, covering her face with her hands as Diya began backing down her long body again, toward her throbbing erection. "Please don't be upset if I'm quiet this time, though," the Sha'khari begged, "I'm already not going to be able to look my uncle in the eyes for a while."

"Have no fear of it, Sarahi," Nayeli urged quietly, "I blessed the door when we came in, remember? The same way I did the first time we all shared a bath." The former princess blinked at her, at first confused, then hopeful, and Nayeli nodded. "He's certain to curse me in the morning for spoiling his fun, but not one sound any of us has made has escaped these walls."

"Oh, you are a saint!" Sarahi sighed in relief even as Diya got astride her lower belly and slowly, carefully, sank down over the tip of her cock, "Ooo, and you are a delight!"

"Abandoning me for a tighter girl, huh?" Tuli giggled with another wink, stretching out one hand toward the Sha'khari without jostling the Rabbit snoozing on top of her.

Sarahi almost looked hurt, reaching back to take the offered hand and give it an affectionate squeeze. "Don't you dare suggest that," she sighed, "I'm taking you next, if you want, or Nayeli if you don't."

With a giggle, Nayeli crawled over to give her a brief kiss. "I'll pass on tonight, but thank you for the thought," the priestess smiled. Crawling over to Tuli, then, she also gave the other Ferruda a kiss...a long, deep, grateful kiss. "No matter what he says," she whispered, "That was very brave of you. I won't deny, I'm a little worried about you at this point, Tuli...but also amazed. Thank you. I'll take that burden off you, now," she smiled, carefully pulling Oro off of the busty Lioness.

Tuli giggled as she handed him off. "We'll see how brave I am when he wakes up. I don't doubt he'll keep his promise," she reminded Nayeli with a sheepish smile, "I'm going to need you then." A little careful shuffling later, they had him in his bedroll, and Nayeli beside him, keeping him asleep.

"Tuli," Sarahi beckoned, hand outstretched again and cheeks burning as Diya rode her throbbing cock with a growing need, "Hold me. Something...I share...with you...after," she panted, all four paws kneading the air around Diya.

" good," the little halfbreed whimpered happily as her nether-lips stretched around the thick knot at Sarahi's base. With a squeal that was half pleasure and half strain, she finally got around it, sinking all the way to Sarahi's sheath...and both girls burst into euphoric cries, twitching and moaning as the Sha'khari filled her tiny partner to overflowing.

Diya started to tip back in exhaustion, but was surprised to be caught by her brother as Kylan crawled up onto Sarahi's belly behind her. Letting her lean back against him for support, Kylan kissed her cheek softly and put both arms around her in a loose hug. "Heh...that looked...pretty good," he told her hesitantly, hoping not to humiliate his own sister with the remark.

But she just nodded in agreement. "Much better...than master," she panted in relief, idly rubbing Sarahi's lower belly as they cooled down.

"Agreed," Sarahi sighed, "Though he wasn't so bad the one time. Mmm...and I'll be happy to please you again, as often as you desire." Sarahi pulled Tuli's hand to her lips, kissing each of the fingers individually. "Actually, that's what I wanted to share. I finally settled on my rules."

"Oh?" Tuli smiled, leaning down over the other girl's face, "What do I need to do to get pinned to the wall again, then?"

"Hmhmhm...ask," Sarahi chuckled, "I know it's kind of lazy...and maybe a little too passive...but I've been thinking about it a lot, and I just can't quite trust myself yet. I'm too eager. I want to pounce at every smile. So I decided I'll only do it when one of you asks for it...and then guilt-free, and with enthusiasm. It was the only safe answer I could think of."

"Mmm, I'll be sure to ask often, then," Tuli promised, leaning down for another kiss.

"Me, too," Diya promised, clenching her walls with a grin around the softening rod inside her. Her brother chuckled behind her, and nodded his agreement.

"I will also make a habit of it," Nayeli spoke up from Oro's side, surprising all of them. "I've never declared it so clearly, but it's safe to say I've been following the same rule, at least since we got married. I don't think there's anything wrong with taking the passive approach...but I also want to share intimacy with you. I will be sure to be the proactive one from time to time."

Tuli cast her a sly grin almost as soon as the words had left her lips, and crawled over to take one of Nayeli's hands. "Speaking of which, I think it's time for you to claim your leftovers," the Ferruda grinned.

The priestess blushed, and gave her a warm smile, shaking her head slowly. "Thank you, but--!"

Tuli hauled hard on her arm, dragging her away from Oro and within reach of Sarahi. "Get her other hand," the Ferruda laughed to the Sha'khari, "Don't let her escape!"

Nayeli squeaked softly as the pair pulled her up between them, each claiming one arm captive. Sarahi accidentally bucked the twins off of her belly in their brief "struggle", but the pair of halfbreeds were quick to join in with giggles of their own, skittering around to claim Nayeli's ankles. Not that the priestess was putting up much of a fight.

"Wait, wait!" Nayeli begged, pulling (gently) against her captors, "I need--!"

"Shh," Tuli laid a finger over her lips, quieting her, "Don't be scared. We just want to show you some affection, too."

Sarahi laid one warm paw over her belly, and cupped her hands against Nayeli's cheeks, lifting her chin for a heartfelt kiss. "You can say no, if you want. We won't do more than this. But I'd like to," she added with a wistful sigh, tracing her fingers down the sides of Nayeli's neck.

The Lioness giggled at the feathery touch, and smiled back at them, returning the kiss sincerely and giving one to Tuli as well. "I'm sorry. I still get embarrassed doing this. I just needed a minute to steel my nerves," she assured them, relaxing her limbs in their grip and closing her eyes, "I'm ready now, I think. Do as you will."

"Oh, you might regret being that permissive," Sarahi cooed, releasing her wrist and turning to resituate herself between the priestess' ankles. "Kylan, teach me that wonderful technique you were just using on me, please," she begged, lowering her face to Nayeli's muffin with a smile and a sideways look at the little male. Kylan blushed, and crawled up to join her, both of them pressing their faces shamelessly between the Lioness' legs.

Nayeli's blush was bright and deep, and she opened her mouth to say something to the pair, but was cut off by Tuli claiming her lips for a kiss. Diya abandoned Nayeli's ankle to move up on her other side, and applied her mouth to the Lioness' breasts. Tuli put one leg over Nayeli's thigh, pulling it further to the side to give Sarahi a little more room to work and also gently grinding her needy pearl against the soft fur, leaving a damp trail across it.

The lavished Ferruda cooed wordless encouragement to them all, running her fingers through the hair of Diya's head and sharing hot, breathless kisses with Tuli, until both Ferruda began to squirm and whimper in their growing arousal. Sarahi took a firm grip on Nayeli's hips, holding her still, and let Kylan direct her tongue in between the kisses he bestowed on her face. Diya likewise captured her hands, pinning them above her head, leaving her helpless as Tuli began to grind earnestly against her hip and the pair panted against each other's lips.

"Ah! Nayeli! I'm coming! I'm--aaauUUGH!" Tuli cried out in what might have been mistaken for pain were it not for the blissful expression on her face. Hugging her fellow Ferruda tight, the busty Lioness ground her muffin desperately against Nayeli's hip, pressing in again with each euphoric tremor that ripped through her body. Nayeli strained against Diya's grip as her body tensed up and tipped her head back with teeth clenched against the cry in her own throat. After a brief moment, they both relaxed against the ground again, gasping for breath and ears pounding with the beating of their hearts.

"Mmm," Sarahi sighed happily, licking the priestess' honey from her chin before sharing it with Kylan in a brief kiss, "I may owe our husband an apology when he wakes up," the Sha'khari admitted quietly, "That sound certainly is Heaven to the ears..."

Prayer and Demon 16 - The King

# The King The king was in counsel with his advisors, gathered around a handful of large tables that had been grouped together in the center of the throne room. With Esles withdrawn and a plea for truce received, the king needed to decide on what...

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Prayer and Demon 15 - Returning to Nazeen

# Returning to Nazeen True to her word, by the time Nayeli and Diya had explained the situation and brought the rest of the group into town, Ol' Mags was waiting with a lantern and a handful of younger villagers, who took the group's packs for them....

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