Mayjik Show

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#81 of 2022 Shorts

A fan of prestidigitation has found true magic and has no qualms about using it to her own advantage or for her own pleasure.

This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this story are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. All characters are of legal and consenting age, likewise if you are reading this story, you should be of legal age in your respective country.

All characters are my own creation, any resemblance to existing characters is purely coincidental and not intentional, please do not use them without permission. If you would like to use them in a story, please feel free to send me a PM either as Inja on SoFurry or TheRealInja on FA. As always, I am open to new story ideas or situations with existing characters as well.

You can thank episode 2 of Wandavision for this one...


May "Mayjik" Teller had loved magic shows ever since she was a young girl, the showmanship and misdirection always fascinated her. It helped too that she was so very swift with her hands while having a very trustworthy face. By the time she had reached her teenage years, she had read every and any book in her towns library that had even just a hint to do about magic. During her gap year out of school and before "getting a real job" as her parents had called it, May travelled the world to the lesser known parts where real magic was rumored to still exist...and she found it.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please put your hands together for the world famous...Mayjik!" an announcer with a deep voice boomed over the speakers in the hall. All the stage lights which had been spinning around randomly suddenly pointed directly at a black top hat which had been placed brim up upon a slender silver table. The broad silver tabletop held aloft by a singular pole, which sat upon a slowly rotating platform below. The entire display made it apparent that it would be incredibly difficult to hide any trickery; which was what brought a gasp from the crowd when suddenly, two black gloved hands emerged over the rim of the hat and waved at the onlookers.

As the crowd watched, a white furred rabbit dressed in a black coat and silver shirt over a pair of black hotpants and fishnet stockings began to emerge. Mayjik awkwardly climbed up and out of the top hat, bending forward and "accidentally" flashing her barely restrained ample cleavage in her tight blouse, earning a wolf whistle from a large blue fox sitting front and center in the first row. Hopping down off the table to collect her hat and place it on her head, she took her first bow of the evening to uproarious applause from her audience.

The white rabbit with long raven hair and violet eyes fixed the blue fox with a smoldering gaze, a playful grin about her lips as she noted the wedding band on his finger which held hands with a stunning rust colored vixen sitting beside him, whom was currently giving her husband a hard elbow into his ribs for his uncouth display. He was just her type, bigger than usual for a fox, but smaller than a wolf, handsome too. Plus, the fact he was married was just a bonus to Mayjik, with her abilities the natural boundaries of the world meant very little to the magician.

"We all know and love the classic Magicians Wardrobe, but I'll put my little spin on this one. All I need is a brave and handsome volunteer!" Mayjik called out in her sultry tones, ignoring all the hands going up in the crowd. With a devious smile, she reached out with her magic wand and pointed it directly at the blue fox. "How about you, brave sir? You look like the sort whom isn't afraid of anything, least of all a harmless little bunny like me?" She played it up for him, giving the fox a boost of confidence despite his wife trying to deny him the opportunity to get up on stage and closer to the attractive bunny.

It was no use however, as soon as Mayjik turned the crowd against her, the volume of booing and cheering the blue fox onward was too much. May smirked victoriously as she guided the fox into the large and antique looking wardrobe, closing the heavy doors behind him with a heavy thump.

"Hippity hoppity, get the f...rik out of my property!" Mayjik chanted while waving her wand toward the wardrobe. As expected, when she opened the doors, it was empty. Just to further confirm her trick had worked, she opened the rear doors as well before spinning it about on its creaky wheels. Still not satisfied she had convinced her audience; the bunny pushed the wardrobe aside and jumped up and down on the spot where it had stood to confirm there was no trapdoor either. "Now for the twist!" May began, turning back to face her audience with a grin. "Time flows differently in my wardrobe than out here, while only a few seconds will pass for us, it could be hours or days, even weeks inside there for our handsome volunteer!"

Of course, the crowd began to murmur with disbelief, some even laughing at the notion. Mayjik ignored them all as she walked over to the wardrobe and climbed inside herself before closing the doors. A moment later, one of her assistants walked across the stage to open the doors once again, revealing she was no longer inside either.


"Where am I? And why can't I move?" A voice called out in the darkness.

"You're in my rabbit hole...well, one of them at least" Mayjik replied, raising her wand and giving it a little twirl above her head to ignite a bright glowing orb of light, the orb which began to hover above her as she walked toward the voice. As she got closer, a large wrought iron four poster bed came into view, the blue fox from the crowd was bound spread eagled on the comfortable mattress, squinting up into the sudden brightness.

"What kind of magic show is this?" He growled, straining against his bonds to no avail.

"A fun one...if you do as I say" the rabbit purred, climbing up onto the bed to straddle his waist with a suggestive grind of her hips down against his.

"Crazy bitch, I'm married!" the fox snarled up at her, hips bucking to try and dislodge the rabbit while she rubbed herself lewdly against his bulge.

"That didn't seem to stop you from checking out my tits earlier" May laughed, tapping the tip of her wand against his nose accusingly. When the fox didn't have anything to say to that, the rabbit laughed and teased playfully "Cat got your tongue? I sure hope not, I wanna use it a little."

"Fuck you, psycho bitch" the sapphire vulpine snarled again.

"Even as handsome as you are, I don't appreciate your language. Behave!" Mayjik sighed, tapping the tip of her wand right between the vulpines' eyes. His expression instantly becoming vacant and calm as he stared through the rabbit still straddling him. "Are you going to be a good boy now?" she asked rhetorically, but the fox nodded obediently regardless.

Satisfied that the big blue fox was under her control, May raised her wand high and gave it another twirl, ending with a quick flick downward. As soon as the tip of her wand aimed toward the mattress below, both her clothing and the fox's vanished in the blink of an eye. "Ooh, big boy I see" Mayjik shuddered in delight as a surprisingly plump sheath suddenly made direct contact with her nethers below. "I knew you'd be a good choice...." The bunny huffed softly, her hips beginning to rock back and forth slowly as she teased herself along the firming length beneath her.

"There we go, see it's not so bad" Mayjik cooed softly to the fox, feeling his hot bare flesh begin to slide free. Her own dew kissed hot little pussylips dragging back and forth along more and more of his shaft, teasing his flesh and keeping him growing until she felt his knot finally slip free and into the open. Placing her wand one side, she reached down with her soft white fingers to lift and guide him while she leaned forward to get the right angle. With a soft drawn-out groan, the rabbit magician slowly sunk herself back down onto the eager throbbing length in her grasp, enjoying the initial stretch as he filled her completely.

With a giddy laugh, she touched along her stomach as if feeling just how deep the married fox was inside her at that moment. "Fuuuck me...biggest fox I've ever had in me...your wife is damned lucky" May huffed and groaned, digging her dull nails into the pale blue fur of his chest while her strong thighs began to work. May leaned down and pressed her lips to the fox's own, feeling a little disappointed when he didn't kiss back like a real lover would, but that was fine. She didn't need him to treat her like a lover, she had exactly what she wanted, a nice thick cock to ride in front of hundreds of audience members, even if they weren't aware of it. As she stared up at the ceiling for a brief moment, she could see each and every face of the crowd looking down at her, frozen in time. One face in particular drew a devilish grin from the bunny, the blue fox's wife as she seemed to be staring directly at her husband too.

The mere thought that her current fucktoy's wife was watching her ride her husband made Mayjik's toes curl and her little puff tail wiggle in sheer depraved enjoyment. Her hips rising and lowering faster and faster as she raced toward her first climax, feeling no need to try hold back her own pleasure, finally finishing with a lewd squeak and shudder atop the fox. Her hips ground and stirred roughly down into his lap, threatening to pop his knot inside herself, but luckily, she narrowly avoided doing that. Though the added stretch to her opening did feel amazing, she would have to try that later, she idly thought to herself. Right now, she had other ideas when she felt the fox's length throbbing and pulsing hard inside her; while he fired off messy ropes of his seed almost directly into her womb.

"Messy fox, I didn't say you could cum yet..." Mayjik sighed melodramatically before slipping off of his softening length. A devious idea snuck into her mind when she felt his mess begin to trickle down along her inner thigh, grabbing her wand again, the bunny reached out to tap between the fox's eyes once more.

"Huh...what the fuck just happened? Where are my clothes and why is my dick hard?" the fox growled out in dismayed panic.

"Best clean up your mess, or you'll have to be punished" Mayjik demanded firmly, turning about and bending forwards. The fox stared in abject horror as he was presented with the beautiful bunny's bare cunt and what appeared to be his seed spilling from her slightly gaped pussy.

"The fuck I will!" He growled and made a threatening bite motion at her behind, but he was still too restrained to make contact. He had never tasted cum in his life and he wasn't about to start now!

"Oh yes the fuck you will..." May sighed and rolled her eyes, he wasn't the first to put up this fight and he certainly wouldn't be the last. Reaching down with her free hand, she cupped his still heavy light blue furred balls in her palm and slowly began to squeeze, harder and harder until he got the message.

"Ow, shit! Okay...okay, you win...crazy bitch!" the fox whined and squirmed in pain when she didn't immediately release his balls from her grip. Reluctantly he reached out with his tongue, letting her press her messy cunt back against it before she relented a little. Only once he began to lick and clean her would Mayjik finally release his aching orbs completely.

"There we go, good boy. That wasn't so hard now, was it?" The bunny mocked as she ground herself back against his tongue, making sure he got it nice and deep inside her to scoop out as much of his mess as possible. She always loved when the big strong ones cracked so easily, it was fun hurting their foolish macho pride. That thought alone, perhaps along with the fox's surprisingly thorough cleaning, brought her two another two toe curling climaxes. The second of which would have his face and muzzle matted with her scent, sticking his whiskers and fur down in places.

" what you wanted, now let me go before my wife starts to worry" Grumbled the damp and sticky fox once he'd finished cleaning the bunny's cunt.

"But the fun has only just started!" Mayjik laughed, reaching down and grasping his soft cock, cooing softly as she began to stroke and fondle it. "See, you're still able to get hard!" the rabbit laughed, soon having the fox back to full firmness while she pumped his length between her soft white fingers. "You're going to be cumming blood by the time I'm done with you..." The big blue fox yelped in horror at her words, the rabbit turning around as she said them to glare at him with glowing pale blue eyes.


"Let's give it up for the magnificent Mayjiiiiick!" the announcer boomed over the speakers once more just as the white rabbit stepped out of the wardrobe, guiding a somewhat slenderer and worn-out looking blue fox behind her. Two the magicians' assistants had to help the fox walk awkwardly back to his seat where his wife glared at him furiously, while ignoring his rather obvious physical changes and the curious scent embedded into his fur in the few seconds since he'd been gone.