Cody and Jason - Coming To Terms

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#3 of Cody and Jason

It had been a week since his birthday and Jason was still unsure as to why Cody would not talk to him, the past few days he had tried talking with Cody, but Cody kept avoiding him. Every time they crossed paths in the hall, Cody would suddenly change direction. One time when Jason had gone to sit next to Cody at lunch, the young rabbit had gotten up and left. Every call, text and IM went unanswered, Jason felt hurt that his friend was ignoring him, surely this was not such a big deal, they had had falling outs before, what made this time so different.

He sat at his desk with his feet upon it as he starred up at the white ceiling of his bedroom whilst his mind buzzed with thought, he let himself think back to the moment he had kissed Cody, wait no, the moment Cody had kissed him. It wasn't an awful kiss he supposed, Cody's lips had been so soft and there was a lingering taste of something sweet upon them and then there was that shiver that ran down his spine and he'd curled his fingers into Cody's long hair and placed his other hand upon Cody's hip and pulled him...wait no that's wrong, that didn't happen.

Jason shook his head to clear his thoughts and took his feet down from the desk, where had that come from, he tried thinking about the kiss again, it was dark. He could hear someone breathing in the closet with him. He reached out and found someone's slender shoulders. He had lifted his hands up to their cheeks. He had felt long hair, must be a girl. Their lips had touched. The person in his hands was trembling. Then the blinding light and the cheering. He had opened his eyes and looked at who he had been kissing and saw Cody. He had broken the kiss. He was angry. Cody was making a fool of him. He had shoved the bunny. He had shouted. Cody had begun to cry and ran away from him. Then that knot in his throat. That strange feeling in the pit of his stomach. He had almost forgotten about those two feelings; it had felt like he had swallowed a pinecone and been punched in the guts at the same time but why.

Shrugging off his thoughts for a moment he got up and made his way downstairs for dinner, on his way to the dining room he bumped into his sister Sophie.

Sophie was not much older than Jason, there was only two years between them, like him her fur was a mix of black and white, she had a slightly fuller figure to the rest of her family but that just went along with her bubbly personality.

"Hey, Soph."

"Hey yourself, oh hey Gladys found this when she was cleaning up after your party, must have fallen from the table of presents, she said she's sorry she didn't get it to you sooner."

Jason took the present into his hands and turned it over a few times when he found a card taped below it. He took off the envelope and opened it,

"It's from Cody."

Jason was a little surprised, he had been sure he had already opened Cody's gift, he set the card aside and began opening up the wrapping paper to reveal the photo album inside. He opened it up and saw it was filled with pictures of himself and Cody and some other friends all having fun since they were young. There it was again, the pinecone in his throat and the knot in his stomach.

"Hey, that's cute, who got you that?" Asked Arron, Jason's older brother as he came up behind his siblings and slipped an arm around Jason's shoulders. Arron was only a few years older than Jason, but he always looked out for his little brother none the less. In looks, he was his mother's double with both red and white fur, a slender figure, and bright blue eyes.

Arron was in college and like most teens his age he had experimented a little. Well in Arron's case he had experimented a lot and had found himself to be Bisexual. Most of the guys on his football team were cool with Arron's between the sheet activities, some occasionally invited him over for just that reason alone. A fair few of his girl and boyfriends loved it too since Arron could pick out cute guys and girls, respectively.

"Uhm, Cody."

"Friend of yours?"

"Uh...well...kinda I guess, we kinda had a falling out."

"Oh...was it that cute white rabbit, the one that left here in a hurry at your party last week?"

Jason stayed quiet and looked towards the floor as he turned the album in his hands, so other people had seen Cody upset too, maybe he had been a bit harsh.

"What happened?" Arron asked as he pulled his little brother closer to him.

"Well, we kissed..." Jason answered with a deep blush staining his cheeks, he felt ashamed to admit it.

"So?" Arron replied as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Well, guys aren't supposed to kiss one another, right?" Jason asked, hoping his brother would confirm that he was right in everything he had said and done.

Arron smiled but shrugged his shoulders.

"Depends on who you ask I guess, I've kissed other guys in the past, it's not a big deal, it's just like kissing a girl really, heck I wouldn't have said no to a kiss from that little Bunny"

"Arron!" Sophie chastised her older sibling.

"What, I'm just saying the guy was cute."

"Yeah, but you're not supposed to like him that way though." Said Jason,

"Do you?" Arron asked bluntly.

"No...of course not that's disgusting, he's disgusting!"

"Whoa hold on, are you saying I'm disgusting too then?" Arron asked his voice laced with anger.

"No, I mean, it's different with you..." Jason stammered.

"Jason, did you tell your friend he was disgusting for kissing you?" Sophie asked.

Jason felt that knot in his stomach get tighter and his mind raced, he thought about what he had said,

"I... I called him a pervert...." Jason admitted.

He looked at his siblings who looked back at him disapprovingly,

"Dude, not cool." Arron said.

"You need to apologise to him." Sophie continued.

"No, Cody needs to apologise to me, he was the one who kissed me!" Jason countered.

Arron sighed and folded his arms across his chest,

"Dude, guys kiss guys all the time, it's really not a big deal, girls kiss girls too you know, so you guys kissed, big whoop, did the ceiling fall in, did the sky turn red, you need to get over yourself little brother."

" just don't understand." Jason sighed and ran off back up to his room, he dropped back down into his chair and looked down at the photo album in his hands before he opened it up. His frown slowly tugged into a smile as he looked through the pictures and fond memories of all the fun that he and Cody had together over the past few years. As he went through the pictures the knot in his stomach started up again but this time it felt worse and would not go away this time.

His ears perked up after hearing his mother call on him again to join them for dinner, he finally got up out of his chair and went downstairs maybe some food would settle this knot in his stomach. After a good half hour or so he was still looking at his food and stirred it all around his plate a few times and found he could not bring himself to eat anything.

"Is everything alright dear?" His mother asked in that silky voice of hers.

"No, no I'm fine honest," Jason replied as he prodded his fork at some potatoes.

"Girl trouble, is it?" His father asked

Jason looked up before looking down the table towards his father.

"Why do you think that?"

"Because I had a similar look on my face when I was wanting to ask out your mother." His father replied with a broad smile as he placed a hand on his wife's shoulder and squeezed gently.

"Is it something at school, is someone bothering you?" His mother asked with a slightly worried tone.

Jason wasn't sure how to answer her honestly; it was kinda both in a way, Cody was bothering him because he wouldn't talk to him and now every time he thought of Cody he got this knot in his stomach and an ache in his throat and since they only met at school then it was to do with school. Jason just shook his head figuring it was the easiest way to answer her questions.

"May I please be excused; I'm not really all that hungry," Jason asked as he pushed his chair back.

"You've barely tried to eat a thing." his father said slightly disapprovingly.

"Alright but if you need to talk you know your father and I are always here to listen." His mother jumped in.

Jason nodded and went back upstairs only to find his other sister, Laura, laying on her stomach upon his bed, going through the photo album.

Laura was his third older sibling, she was the younger of the three eldest but the tallest, she always jokes that her height makes up for her lack of years. Laura was blond all over with hazel-coloured eyes, she had more of slender figure to her than the rest of the family but that is what everyone loved about her most, that and her poetry.

"Laura, what are you doing?" Jason asked as he stood in the doorway of his bedroom.

"Some of these are really cute, how come I've never met this guy?" Laura asked as she sat up and moved to the edge of the bed.

"Mind your own business," Jason growled and made a swipe for the book, only Laura was much taller than he was and held it out of reach.

"You know he looks a much better friend than all those posh snobs you hang around with." She stated as she turned another page.

"What would you know about it?" Jason growled again getting more annoyed with his sister.

"Well considering most of my friends are not rich snobs, since the snobs think I am too "trashy" to hang around with them."

"Cody...Cody's not trashy!" Jason protested but his voice cracked.

"Cody huh, cute name and a cute smile."

"Ugh, you sound just like Arron."

"Oh, so Arron's seen this book too huh?"

" he didn't see inside..."

"Really?" Laura grinned shutting the book and tucked it under her arm before making a quick exit and rushed to Arron's room.

"Hey, come back with that, it's private!"

"All the more reason to share it with your siblings!"

Laura bolted into Arron's room and shut the door behind her, her chest heaving as she looked over at Arron. Arron was sprawled out on his bed with headphones on and bopping away to the music when his eyes set upon his sister.

"Sup sis?"

"Have you seen this yet?" she asked holding the book out

."Yeah, that's Jason's Birthday present from his rabbit friend."

"Have you seen what's inside though?" she asked excitedly.

"No, not really," Arron replied and switched off his music getting kinda curious now.

The pair of them began flicking through pages laughing and awing at them as they went through the album. Neither had realised that Laura had not locked the door until they both felt someone give their tails a hard tug making both of them yelp, drop the album and turn around.

"Hey!" they both called out as they took their tails from Jason and nursed them. "That's private," Jason growled as he picked up the book.

"Hey, we were just having a little bit of fun," Arron replied.

"Yeah, at my expense." Jason whined.

Laura and Arron stood on either side of their little brother and hugged him a little.

"We're sorry; we're just trying to make you feel a little better."

Jason sighed softly and looked down at the ground,

"There's only one person who really made me laugh and now he won't talk to me."

Laura looked at her little brother and then up to her older brother totally confused.

"He fell out with his little Rabbit friend," Arron explained.

"Oh, what happened?"

Arron looked down at Jason who still had not looked up from the floor.

"Jason?" Laura asked as she placed a hand on his shoulder.

"It's nothing honest." Jason insisted

"They played seven seconds in heaven together and our little brother, freaked out," Arron explained.

"I did not freak out!" Jason protested and pulled away from his siblings.

"You called him a pervert!" Arron snapped back.

"Whoa, whoa, guys, take it easy, ok let me get this right, you played seven seconds in heaven with your friends at your party and didn't think that maybe you could end up kissing a boy?" Laura asked.

"Well yeah!"

Laura could not help herself and she chuckled a little which only made Jason growl thinking she was making fun of him.

"Jason hun you had just as much chance of kissing a boy as you did a girl."

"Yeah, but you're not supposed to kiss other boys!"

"It's never stopped, Arron."

"Yeah, but Arron's...Arron."

Laura sighed leaning against Arron and folding her arms across her chest,

"I don't know Jason, I just really don't see what the big deal is, so you kissed a boy, so what, it's not a big deal."

"That's what I said." Arron Chimed in.

"I mean I don't get why you're making such a fuss about it; I mean, I'd get it if you liked it, and you were getting all confused and stuff."

"Did you like it?" Arron asked softly.

" mean it wasn't bad or anything..."

Arron smirked,

"So, you did like it" He teased

"I didn't say that!" Jason barked

"So why are you blushing?" Arron teased,

Jason could not answer, his mind flashed back to those few seconds before the door had been opened, that sweet taste, those soft lips and that cute churring sound and there it was again that knot in his stomach and the pinecone in his throat.

"Jason!" Arron called as he shook his brother from his little daydream.

"I...I gotta go." Jason stammered and ran from Arron's room leaving his two older siblings looking at one another with new smiles on their muzzles.

"You didn't need to tease him that much," Laura said as she sat on the bean bag in Arron's room.

"Well, I don't know about you, but I actually enjoyed it, don't worry so much he'll be fine, just as soon as he apologises and confesses his feelings."

"To whom?"

"The bunny of course."

"You really think Jason likes him that way?"

"Hey, you saw the way he blushed and the way he ran out of here, if I could, I'd bet money on it."

Jason slammed his bedroom door shut and panted as he leaned back against the door. Both his heart and his mind were racing, and his cheeks burned with his blush. Did he really like Cody that way, did this mean he was some kind of sick pervert?

Jason threw himself onto his bed sobbing quietly into his pillow, he was so confused, and his mind was so cluttered he could not make sense of anything, he hoped that sleep would bring him some kind of relief, it took a good few hours but eventually sleep took him and he felt calm once more.

The next morning, he passed Cody in the corridor talking to Hamish the black and white Clydesdale, Hamish was one of the star players for their school's Soccer team. Jason felt that knot and pinecone come back again as he watched the pair walk past, especially since Hamish had his arm around Cody's shoulders. Jason sighed and felt his tail tuck between his legs and tried not to look, Cody looked really happy in Hamish's company but if Cody was making new friends how would he be able to apologise. He had decided over breakfast that morning that he would apologise first and surely Cody would apologise too then they could be friends again and they could forget all about the kiss.

Jason was so lost in thought that he did not notice someone walk up beside him and start accessing their own locker.

"Hi, Jason."

Jason snapped out of his daze and turned to look at Mary a female Leopard from his Biology classes.

"Oh, uhm hey."

"How's it going?"

"Yeah, could be better I guess."

"Oh, how come?" Mary asked

"Never mind it's not important, listen, are you doing anything tonight?" Jason asked nervously

"Are you asking me out?" Mary asked with a slight blush.

"Well, I mean, if you've got plans or something..." Jason stammered

"How about milkshakes after school, meet you here at three?" Mary suggested with a smile.

"Yeah, sounds great."

Mary smiled and held the books she had gotten from her locker against her chest before making her way off to her next class. Jason watched her go and felt the knot in his stomach lessen a bit.

When classes had ended for the day Jason stood at his locker waiting for Mary when he spotted Cody again as he was walking past.


The young bunny stopped and looked back over his shoulder before eventually turning around.

"Oh hey, what do you want?"

"I uhm...that are you?"

"I am fine thank you," Cody replied, he was not too worried about being a little short with Jason since Jason had really hurt him a few weeks ago.

"Good...good...uh, listen..."

"Hey cutie, you good to go?" A voice boomed from down the corridor.

Cody smiled and Jason looked back and noticed Hamish striding towards them before putting his arm around Cody's shoulders.

"You ready to go?" He asked again as he gently squeezed Cody's shoulder.

"Sure, see you around Jason."

Jason watched the bunny leaving with the Clydesdale and could not help but growl as the knot in his stomach came back with vengeance.

When he turned around again, he was going to head straight home but he ran straight into Mary who stopped quickly, she was incredibly surprised to see him coming towards her, she thought they were going to be meeting up near the lockers.

"Hey Jason, you ready, uhm are you ok?" Mary asked as she noticed the pained expression on Jason's face.

"Yeah, I'm fine why?"

"You just look a little upset is all." She answered a little concerned.

"No, it's nothing, so which place are we going to?"

"How about Charlie's?"

"Yeah sounds good to me."

Mary linked arms with Jason, and she walked down the road with him towards Charlie's milkshake bar.

They both ordered something to drink and began talking about school and stuff that they both liked, such as music, movies and so on but Mary could not help but think that Jason was distracted.

"Penny for your thoughts?" She asked as she caught Jason starring out of the window again.


"You ok, you don't seem like yourself," Mary stated

"No, it's nothing really."

"Oh, is it cuz you kissed that bunny, are you worried about what people think?"

Jason thought about it for a moment and started to shake his head but then stopped and thought about it some more,

."Aww, well don't worry about it, I can help you out there," Mary said with a smile and she placed her hands on Jason's cheeks and slowly pulled his head closer to hers. Their lips joined above their milkshakes, Mary's kiss was soft, and it was nice but there was something missing.

"What's wrong?" She asked when they parted once more, she had noticed that Jason had not kissed her back.

"I didn't feel anything, it's not how it was with, maybe you're not doing it right?" Jason replied.

Mary's fur bristled in annoyance.

"Uhm I've kissed many more people than you have Jason, I don't think it's anything to do with me."

"Yeah but...when I kissed Cody I..." Jason stopped, Mary looked mad, really mad.

"I think you have your answer, you're a freak just like he is!" Mary yelled as she grabbed her coat and bolted from the bar.

Jason felt his cheeks burn and all eyes on him as he picked up his own coat and slowly slipped out into the street.

The next day no one at home had seen Jason the entire day apart from during meals which he picked up from the table and took back upstairs, locking his bedroom door behind himself.

"Arron go and see what your brother is up to and get him to come downstairs for more than five minutes." His dad called out from within his little office,

"Sure thing dad," Arron called back as he climbed the stairs.

When he got to Jason's room he knocked but didn't get a reply, he turned the door handle, Jason hadn't locked it this time, Arron poked his head around the door and looked inside, he found Jason sat in front of his computer with the lights out, a strew of papers all around him, with only the sound of the printer and tower making any real noise.

Arron slowly approached Jason who had his head down scribbling something on a scrap of paper. Arron picked up one of the sheets of paper around Jason's feet and read through it and his jaw dropped. He then peered over Jason's shoulder and looked at the name of the website.

"Pray me straight."

Arron's blood ran cold, and he scrunched up the sheet of paper before crushing it in his fist which he then smashed down into the desk Jason was working at.

"What the hell is this?" Arron barked

"I needed to know if I was gay or not, so I put in a search 'How do I know if I'm gay?', I started following some websites and I found these ones. They say that I'm just confused and that they can fix me; I don't have to be a freak like you or Cody," Jason replied without taking the seriousness of his brother's tone into consideration.

"Fix you, freak, so is that what you think of me huh, so you think I'm some kind of sick freak?" Arron growled.

"No, you're just a sinner, not that you'll get into heaven of course."

Arron snapped and grabbed Jason by the front of his shirt before punching him clean across the muzzle. Jason whined and scooted away from his older brother as Arron gathered up all of the printed paper and began stuffing it angrily into a bin.

"This is some of the biggest load of horse shit I've ever read in my entire life."

"But...but the bible says."

"Screw the bible, dude the bible also says that Canus walked on water and that god turned a female to salt, it also says you should not eat prawns or crab well there goes half the population already. It says you shouldn't work on a Sunday, there goes about another third." Arron was fuming with rage, not directly at his little brother, after all, it was not his fault, he was madder at the guys who make these websites and tricked young teens into thinking there was something wrong with them.

Arron sighed and took a moment to clear his head and calm down before he held out a hand to his little brother. Jason held back for a moment or two but eventually allowed his older brother to help him to his feet and the pair sat down on his bed.

"Look, let's say you liked that kiss you got from Cody, there's nothing wrong with that ok, there's nothing there to fix, as for god and the bible, I really don't think God cares too much about who we love, just so long as we love someone."

"But Arron, I don't want to be a freak."

"Hey less of the freak there, ok, ok maybe other people will think it's a bit weird, or wrong even but screw them dude, they don't matter. Look there is nothing wrong with liking other guys alright. You even said yourself that the kiss you and Cody shared wasn't bad."

"Yeah, I guess."

"Well let me put it to you this way, what was the only reason you stopped kissing Cody?"

Jason thought for a moment.

"When they opened the door and I saw it was Cody."

"Ok so up until then you had no idea you were kissing another boy?"

"Well, I guess the lack of breasts should have been a bit of a giveaway and the smell of guy's deodorant and not perfume."

"So, I'd be pretty safe in saying that somewhere in that thick skull of your's you had an idea that you weren't kissing a girl and that until the others saw you, you would have kept kissing them?"

Jason opened his mouth to answer but as he did another cog in his mind began to turn. Arron was starting to make sense, if the others hadn't opened the door he would have kept kissing that person and he did kinda figure it wasn't a girl.

"You need to accept it, Jason, you like Cody and you've hurt him, you've hurt him deeply and you need to apologise."

"I've tried already but he doesn't want to listen to me." Jason pouted.

"Do you blame him? Arron asked with a tilt of his head.

"Dude, you effectively made him a social outcast in the space of ten seconds."

"Yeah well...he's too busy with Hamish these days anyway." Jason retorted.

"Wait...Hamish, as in Big Hamish?"

Jason nodded.

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Cody and Jason - Weddings, Birthdays and First Kisses

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Cody and Jason - First Meetings

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