Dancing Magic - Quaquaval TF

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A birthday gift I did for my bro the other month, featuring a TF into a Quaquaval with some Digi humour. Shade's always learning new things, but with things that are immediately new, a little more practice might be needed to be 100% accurate :P

Shade (C) MyselfConcept (C) ivanksDesign (C) Quaquaval (C) Pokémon/Nintendo

Posted using PostyBirb

"OK..." Mao asked, taking a look around him as he tried to figure out what he was doing in the middle of what appeared to be an abandoned theatre of sorts. "Why is it that you've brought me to this desolate place again, Shade?"

"I thought I told you earlier!" The anthropomorphic raven chuckled, waving a hand as the lighting turned back on - it was clear that the place was still getting power, so no magical trickery was needed for that. "I was thinking of breathing some new life into this place, maybe turn it into a dance club or something!"

"A dance club?" He asked, somewhat incredulously. "I've seen some of your friends, they do NOT look like they're the dancing type, no offence!"

"None taken!" She chirped. "I do have a couple of friends who'd be perfect for this... even then some of the heavier ones could have other uses..." She added under her breath.


"Oh, nothing!" Shade smirked. "This place hasn't been used in a good few years, but I'm sure with a touch of magic here and there, it'll be perfect for what I have in mind!"

"And what if they have no dancing skills?" Mao questioned.

"You should know by now that that won't be an issue for TOO long!" She laughed. "Though I guess it wouldn't hurt to put in a few DDR machines as well, give them a bit of magical strengthening to endure whoever uses them. I do know a few songbirds who'd be more than happy to lend their talents to this place as well~"

"Mmhmm, but I still don't know what part I'm to have in all this!"

"Your part in this is one of the most important parts - you'll be one of the lead dancers, maybe even the mascot for this place!"

There was an awkward silence for several moments - if you were to listen closely enough, you'd be able to hear a pin drop. That or the gears in Mao's head as he tried to process what Shade said.

"... Excuse me?"

"Yeah, you're gonna be the star of this place. Is that a bad thing?"

"Is that a BAD THING?" Mao repeated. "Do I LOOK like I know the first thing about dancing?! The only time I ever start dancing is if I stub my toe against the table!"

"Really, now?" Shade smirked. "You're telling me if I put on some music right now you wouldn't be able to get down to the beat? I'm sure as long as your choice of dance isn't 'The Carlton', you'll be fine!"

"You ARE pulling my leg with this, right?" He stared at her. "I literally have zero dancing skills - I could be on the grave of my greatest enemy and I wouldn't be able to pull anything off!"

"Oooh, I'm sure there's a dancer hidden inside of you somewhere, we just need to bring them out. And thankfully..." Shade's eyes lit up, the markings on her body glowing.

"Oh no..." Mao gulped - this was either going to be really good or really bad, and whilst it usually leaned more on the former, her more experimental stuff could go either way. Before any other form of protest could leave his mouth, he felt a wave of magical energy wash over him.

"Just relax, Mao, I'm pretty sure I've seen enough of this one to get it just right!" She giggled, dark blue feathers growing in across his hands and arms, a trio of feathers with an aqua-blue hue sprouting from around his wrists and lower arms. His fingers stretched longer, the feathers engulfing them as his arms became slightly longer and slender overall, the light blue feathers popping out around his shoulders.

"Gah..." He wanted to scratch at his upper arms where the feathers were growing in under his clothes, but the featherlike fingers made doing so a bit awkward. Shade noticed this and used her magic to remove them - on the plus side, the itching sensation passed, but now he was fully naked before the witch. "GAH!" He threw his hands in front of his privates. "I think I preferred the itching over this!"

"Hun, you were going to end up fully nude either way soon enough, so does it matter too much if I stripped you naked? Feathers growing underneath clothing is never fun!"

"I guess..." He muttered, pure white plumage spreading in a V-shaped pattern along his torso, noticeably thicker and more voluminous than the rest, the dark blue feathers growing elsewhere. It gave him the appearance that he was wearing a suit of some kind, with his chest and stomach partially exposed, a pattern of aqua feathers drawing in along his waist, only adding to that.

"Besides which, I've got enough experience by now to know or sense if a target is getting amorous or is in need of relief, and I know that's not your type of thing. Doesn't mean I can't mess with you on some aspects of that, though!" She cawed playfully, his hips and lower body appearing noticeably thicker, a fan of blue and aqua feathers growing out from above his rear.

"OK, now I KNOW you've got to be messing about with me if you're making my ass look THIS big!" Mao shot Shade a glare.

"Would you believe me if I said I didn't? This creature appears to naturally be extra thicc in that area, so I really didn't need to add too much to that caboose!"

"And what creature is this, exactly?" He asked, the blue feathers working down his legs.

Shade grabbed a phone from seemingly nowhere, pulling up an image from the gallery before showing it to Mao. It was of a Pokémon that was from the newest games, Quaquaval. "See what I mean? He's naturally packing down there~"

Mao just stared at the picture of the anthropomorphic duck in a sense of disbelief. "You're just doing this to mess around with me, aren't you? You know I'm gonna get everyone ogling it now!"

"If they do and you don't approve, just deliver them a swift Aqua Step and that should shut them up!" The feathers grew down past his ankles, fanned out wide to look like he was wearing a pair of trousers that matched the 'suit' on his body. His feet adjusted and grew longer, orange scales covering them whilst the toes merged together into three large digits, the tips of his toes turning reddish-orange, a fourth toe emerging from his heels.

He thought about that for a second - he knew that there'd be a few who probably wouldn't be dismayed by a simple kick or two, and there were times in the past where he wished he could call upon GoAnimate logic and just flood the room with lava. There was little chance that he'd hear Shade cry out "SEVEN O'S! IT BURNS IT BURNS IT BURNS!" and, knowing her, she'd likely ground him for 5,674,923 years or some other huge number... well, that or subject him to TF punishment time. Hell, the one time he suggested that she should turn one such nuisance into a chair, she instead channelled her inner WWF wrestler and whacked them upside the head WITH a chair, the reasoning being 'I'm not cruel enough to turn people into objects, but I'm not against making them COLLIDE with said object!.'.

The white feathers spread up his stretching neck, covering most of his face. His ears shrank away into little holes on the sides of his head whilst his hair grew outwards, shifting into deep blue feathers, barring one giant plume of aqua in the dead centre of his noggin, his eyebrows elongating into vibrant red feathers, the whole combination of which made it look like he was wearing a fetching festival headdress. His teeth fused together into a pair of solid orange masses, pushing out past his lips, his nose sinking into the growing beak as his eyes were parted ever so slightly, irises taking on the same aqua hue as the highlights on his body, shoulders and head.

"So, what do you think?" Shade beamed proudly. "For my first attempt at a Quaquaval, I think I did pretty good!"

Mao took a look over himself - his prominent rear was distracting, to say the least, but everything did appear to be accurate to what she had shown him. Why she had to choose something so flamboyant looking was beyond him, however.

"I'd say you were pretty faithful to it... though I'd still like to know how this will make me a better dancer." He said.

"Dancing should be in your blood now with that new form of yours!" She smiled. "Go on, try and bust a move!"

Mao really couldn't believe he was about to do this... then again, Shade's magic normally did instil knowledge of everything that there was to know about the chosen beast they had become, so maybe there was a chance that he wouldn't embarrass himself in front of her.

"Well ok..." He took a deep breath, starting to strike a pose. His tail feathers fanned wide, several broad quills of what appeared to be solid water sprouting above and around them, giving him a peacock-like appearance that only added to his graceful looks. He took one step forwards... and then proceeded to trip over his oddly avian feet, his arms flailing about as he attempted to steady himself, only to slip and fall, his knee banging against the floor before he fell back on his butt. "OUA! OW-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O!"

"Hrm... well I got the looks down, but I think I may need to work on making sure the graceful dancing skills come with it!"

"Why couldn't you have done that BEFORE?!" Mao's eyes had teared up from the sharp sensation of pain where he struck the area between his knee and shin from the fall.

"Hey, the games have only been out for a week, even a skilled witch like me needs a bit of time to take in all I need from them~" She winked.

"Urrrf..." Mao inhaled through the solid masses that had previously been his teeth. "There's gonna be a lot of pain before we get this right, isn't there?"

"I hope not, I don't want the star dancer getting too banged up! Let's just keep it simple for now, and we can get to the heavy-duty stuff once you've mastered the basics!"

"Ooooh, this is going to be a long night..." Mao winced under his breath.