The best laid plans

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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New story by your ever faithful insomniac! Favorite if you love it, comment if you want more of it! Enough positive responses to this and I'll write up a sequel of the poor little studs ordeal for all of you. Criticisms welcome as well!


Sithen stared over the edge of his drink with more annoyance then he'd felt in centuries, his legs crossed lightly as he took in the pony sitting across from him. A frown didn't crease his face, he was too old to truly give into the normal habits of showing his emotions even when they were strongest. Instead he kept a cap on them as the boy babbled at him frantically, sifting through the words to study the body language. He'd caught the pony crawling about in his garden, trying to sneak his way towards the room where traditionally a dragon kept his harem. His guard had drug the little ruffian through the parlor to settle him down across from the lord so punishment could be meted out, but of all the peeping toms and thieves he'd witnessed he'd yet to meet one quite as dense as the creature across from him.

The young stallion was handsome enough, the head was almost dainty with a dark black muzzle that faded into a rich grey color. The mane was thick and hanging down along the edges of his eyes and cheeks, partially covering the dappling that marked him. Yet his body was the most interesting part, it wasn't the hard muscled brawn of the horses he was used to seeing, even a few of his guards were heavy bodied drafters made up of hard edges and blocky features. Instead the lad had curves along his hips, a plumpness about him that didn't suggest fat but a more feminine feature to him. Even his lush tail bespoke of a sweet filly like nature. But his voice, dear gods his voice was grating on the old dragon like nails on a chalk bored.

"So you see, I wasn't REALLY trespassing. I was checking, yanno, stallions do that, gotta make sure you guys are all right and tight. Locked up, and I figured you'd hire me straight away if you saw how good I was at that." He babbled on, the dragon almost wincing at the rather low class accent. Trying to block the words and concentrate on the rather adorable way the youngster tried to arch his neck in an attempt to look more stallionish. "Don't worry, I'm not going to go after your girls. I mean, lookit me, I'm amazing. I'd seduce 'em right away, gotta get a job so I can support the mares I do have."

"Really now, the mares you do have." Sithen broke into the conversation to stop the babble, a look of amusement passing his features. Either the boy was a babbling idiot or he was trying to lie his way out of this even more. No mare would look at that form and think 'stud'. "And why should I not have you gelded and handed off as a harem guard then, young sir?"

"Vanir, the names Vanir!" The stallion squeaked out, pinning his ears back at the idea of being gelded. "And you don't wanna do that, I gotta pass on my genes. I saw one of your guards, he was a horse, but huge! I mean they're obviously bad stock, better to be short and tough like me! "

"Short..and tough?" The old dragon moved back on his hips a little and sighed, pressing his fingers to his wedge shaped head and muzzle, "You are not fit to be a guard, you are a thief and a liar. A particularly bad one I might add."

"Oy! I ain't no liar! Those guards are the ones lying, I told 'em true I was just tryin' to help yer lordship! Nothin' wrong with that." The youngster stood up suddenly, balling his hands up against his sides. "Ain't my fault they're all brawn and no brain! Too much grownin's bad fer the brain!"

Sithen shot the pony a glare, a quelling look that made him swallow and drop back down in his seat again. The old drake finally standing up his full height, the Mohawk of fur that ran down his neck and head fluffing up a little bit while he placed his drink down on the edge of the table. From the corner of his eyes he could see the equine guard in question trying not to grin at Vanir's defiance and assertions of being a smart stallion. He glared down his muzzle at a pony that looked like a child to him, the drake standing 9 and a half feet tall while the pony barely cleared five feet, considering his options on punishing the loud and annoying creature.


Vanir swallowed roughly, his mouth going dry as he stared up at the dragon in front of him. His mind running in little circles like a mouse caught in a jar. He was positive the people at the inn had said this particular dragon had been away for the month! That his harem was lightly guarded, he was positive of it. Lord Sitty? Sith? Something like that. He'd gotten himself worked up with dreams of untended girls, of randy women waiting for him and his chance to sneak in and have a bit of fun on his own. He hadn't known that the older males, tired of his boasting, had sent him off to a manor that not only was well guarded, also had no current harem in house! The drake had just moved here and had left most of his females behind while he settled and got his estate ready. Even his slaves were left in favor of his guard.

The dragon looked imposing, the wings that wrapped behind him large enough to smack him to the ground. Not to mention to curved serrated teeth that flashed everytime he spoke, but he kept up his brave act. If nothing else, the pony had learned sometimes talking big could keep you out of trouble and maybe get your way out of things. The swirling colors of the creatures eyes seemed to pin him in place, his fingers balling up ready to hear him yell for his guard to haul him off to the prison for breaking and entering. Instead a sudden smile broke the creatures face, the lips peeling back before a large hand fell down upon his shoulder.

"Ahh I think perhaps for one so bold, we shall have to ensure that you have work. My harem is not yet in state, but we have a stable with many regal creatures that could use such a creature as you." The words fell upon Vanir's ears like the sweetest form of flattery, his head lefting, neck cresting and he pushed his chest out slightly in pride.

"Well I'd really make a better guard, but I'm good for workin' in the stables as well. I mean, I know I'm good with the beasts." He beamed up at the lord confidently with his own abilities. He was an equine, what was there to know?


Sithen suppressed a smile at the lads instant acceptance of the offer and lifted his clawed hand from him lightly before gesturing.

"Then come along, we will have to ensur e that you have a good view of the place now won't we?"

The large drake moved towards the door where the large Shire guard pushed it open for him, the stallion just as tall as his master, but wider across the body. Obviously a heavy breed meant for hard work, still dressed in the tunic with the crest standing out over his chest. Vanir scampered out first like a child, not seeming to understand or see the gleam in the red and gold eyes of the dragon behind him. They almost glowed with delight of another sort, he'd been so bored in this city. His harem at his country estate, his duties at the palace minimal so far, his associates boring at best when he considered how he preferred to live. Here was an opportunity to liven up things a bit. He caught his guards eye and tossed his head towards the stable slightly, and the shire rewarded him with a slow smile that blossomed over the blunt muzzle before nodding in understanding.

Vanir almost seemed to skip ahead of him, the drake getting a rather good view of the plump soft curve of the rump. The tight pants were made for a male, not for the curves that seemed to be this creature's trademark. The silken tail was brushed as smoothly as any of the ladies he'd seen so far and even knowing the creature was male he felt a stirring in him. His tongue uncurling from his muzzle to lick over the bridge of his nose at the thoughts that kept swirling in him. Such a creature wouldn't take more then a hint of magic to rearrange, and when he thought of how he would be changed he almost started to feel the tightness of his own pants against his genital slit.

They took the long way about the grounds, purposefully walking almost entirely around the house before the dragon came to the well lit and well tended stables. There was not sting of manure here, not sharp scents of anything but clean fresh straw and hay, the warm scent of horses and the sweeter scent of grain. He motioned the pony forward with one hand almost as if impatient to get his duty taken care of. The little dappled creature glancing at the opening and then strode confidently in a moment before the heavy fist of the shire guard came down on top of his skull in a deliberate blow, just hard enough to knock the creature out and to the ground.

The drake watched the crumpled form and started to purr from deep within his chest.


Everything hurt, his head hurt, his eyes hurt, his nose hurt, even his ass hurt. His chest stung and his lower bits ached as well, though slightly more vaguely. Vanir stirred, he remembered the stables, they'd look like a posh place, almost good enough that he had ideas of living there! He'd gotten to the door, he remembered that and then the world had gone black. Slowly he opened one of his eyes and let his pupils get used to the fire light of the torches, the outside looked pitch black through the window. It was night, he'd been out for at least an hour or two.

The young pony shifted against the haybale with a groan and moved to pull his hands up to rub his head only to feel something gripping at his wrist before he opened up his other eye. The creak of leather rang in his ears as he tugged back and felt leather restraints around his wrists, his legs pulling up only to feel a similar ache there as well. His ears went back against his head as he turned his head and got a better look around, he was belly down on a bale of straw, the hard golden edges had been scrubbing against his underside causing him to feel almost scratches against the smooth skin of his chest. He could see the edges of the walls around him weren't walls, it was a stall? He was in an empty stall?

"OY! Ya great bleedin' lizard, what's the meaning of this!" He squealed out angrily and tried to jerk up, the restraints seemed to run under the large bale of straw. All it did was rock it slightly as he twisted about from side to side trying to wriggle his way free.

"Ahh you're awake, good. I'd hoped my guard hadn't knocked you out completely." The familiar smooth voice of the dragon reached him and he twisted his head around. His eyes glaring balefully over his dark dainty nose.

"You sonuvabitch! Lemme go, I said I was only doin' right by ya!" His voice cracked slightly at his words, breaking on the last words while he twisted and squirmed around trying to break his way free of the bonds.


Sithen had come as soon as the sound of the waking pony had greeted his ears, leaning over the rail of the stall to look into it. The sight of the naked form was no less lovely to him, the bared back was so sweetly dappled it seemed to beg the eye to slide over it, all the way to the curve of that soft ass and the spread of his hips. Ohh the creature was definitely lovely by male standards, even by female standards he'd be beautiful to look upon. The legs were just strong enough to draw the eye, but not so powerful as to overrun the softness along the upper thighs. When stripping the creature down he'd almost been surprised to find the plump sheath and dark leathery orbs where a cunt should have been.

"You're a terrible liar, youngster. You lie with your mouth and you lie with your body, both of which I shall not tolerate in my home." He keeps his words firm, the creak of the door opening heard as he steps inside of the stall. "I offered you a job in my stables and so you shall have it, I'm sorry though, there aren't any four legged equines to tend at the moment. I'm afraid what you'll have to do is earn your keep with other horses."

"Whaddya mean? Damnit lemme go! Why am I tied up?!" Vanir's head twisted and the drake noticed with some delight that it had a slight flush of fear to it and anger.

"Because, dear girl, we're going to stop your lying once and for all. Parading around here pretending to be a guard. Marching about with the idea that you could possibly be a stallion. If you cannot tell the truth, then I will make sure you cannot lie anymore," He purrs the words.

The large dragon crouches down in the straw, rubbing his hand right along the curve of that arched back, his talons tracing towards the base of the tail. One of his gleaming eyes watching the ponys head jerk up and deliciously a flush ran along the inner ears. The blush making the dapples even darker then normal as the youngster sucked in a breath and looked horrified at those words. His fingers curled along the dock of the boys tail and massaged lightly. "Didn't your mother teach you lying was a terrible habit?"


The pony squirmed and bucked, his ears pinned back against his head at the dragons words. Lying? Okay he was lying, he was lying a lot that was the truth, but he wasn't lying about his gender! He bucked and squirmed as the hand came down on his back and a flash of panic ran through his entire body at the touch. He couldn't pushed it off, it just lingered and stroked it's way down his back, massaging and rubbing just around the edges of his tail base so that he immediately clamped it down tight against the curve of his rump. His nostrils flaring with outraged embarrassment.

"Waitaminute! Okay okay I lied about what I was doing, but I freaking male! I'm not a female!" He squealed out angrily, his head tossing back so his mane whipped against the edges of his neck. "I'm not some damned gay pony either, so just stoppit!"

The touch slide along his tail followed by a clucking sound of disappointment, he opened his mouth to snap out another retort but all that erupted was a shrill squeal as the taloned fingers gripped his mane and pulled back hard enough to make him tear up. His head yanked back at a bad angle so his lips gaped open and he struggled to pull his head back down, fingers balling up into fists against the bale of straw.

"That lying mouth of yours, filly!" The hissed words sent a shudder down his spine, "If you cannot stop your lying then you're going to be silenced. REG!"

The last word was barked out and the pony heard another set of steps coming into the stall, the sharper scent of equine before he recognized the same equine guard as he had seen before. The heavy features of the male coming into view, though now fully unclothed. The white splashed belly holding a sheath far far larger then his own, and orbs proportionately as large and in one of his white hands a leather and silver bridle dangled. Vanir tried to twist his way free, the poor pony squirming and pulling against the hold on his mane before the thick fingered male gripped against either side of his jaw and the leather slid over his head. The bruising grip forced his mouth open wider before something cold and metal slid over his tongue pinning it down and slipping into the gapes behind his front teeth.

"There that should hold your lies to a minimum. We'll see what your body has to say about you being male." Sithens voice sent a feeling of dread through him, his head released as the buckles on the bridle were tightened down and he tried to talk. The words slurred and made no sense over the heavy too large bit shoved into his sensitive mouth.


The dragon rumbled his pleasure when the pony's denials were forced to become muffled animalistic noises. He reached up to take the reins from his guard and pulled them back, forcing that dappled neck to arch for him, the chin to pull down until the lips pressed right against the bale. The edges of the reins soon gathered up and then wrapped right around the base of the thick soft tail, going around several times before it was tied off painfully tight to ensure that the pressure from holding the neck arched would hold it up in a proud little flag. The dragons eyes slid down to look over the curved cheeks before his hand reached down to cup against the swollen orbs, letting his thumb slide over them and watching the body shudder in reaction.

"Now, these are fairly useless, look how full they are Reg." He commented conversationally to his guard, the large stallion moving back to look before whickering laughter.

"Aye, m'lord, almost as large as mine. On a colt his size means he hasn't been given release beside his own hand in ages." The rough jest comes out, the pony stallions eyes pricking slightly with humiliated tears as they talk over his balls like that.

Sithens fingers massaged and stroked along them, rubbing his palm under the weight to feel the twitching of the horse beneath him. His thumb rubbing up behind him in that more sensitive place, "Perhaps then we should put them to better use." He murmurs. The touch so pleasurable, almost the caress of a lover and the dappled hinds flex and tense up under each motion. The guard flaring his nostrils to scent the air before shaking his head, "The lad's dropping, looks like he enjoys you, m'lord."

"Ahh so eager, we'll sort her out." He murmurs.


Vanir's eyes stung with embarrassment as he was handled by the dragon lord, the feel of the fingers on orbs drawn taut with lack of release soon making him arch and squirm. Ears fluttered against his head, feeling his sheath stirring in reaction, growing broader and heavier by the moment. The pink tip soon pushing out against the thick outer lips of the pouch and then dropping down, bearing a bit of mottled shaft along with it. Worse that it had happened, he could scent himself on the air, but the guard had pointedly called it out so that he tried to block out feeling the hand stroking and rubbing him.

He probably could have too if the feel of it hadn't started to grow strange, the finger tips seemed warmer. At first it was just a slight uncomfortable heat that was digging against him, but soon he felt it almost to hot! It was almost burning so that his head tugged forward trying to squeal out a protest, but his tail just yanked higher behind him in reaction. It was starting to ache, the sensitive orbs flooding with that heat until he the young stallion was shaking and squirming in place. His softened cock dropping a bit more despite the fear starting to shoot through him.

"Ahh steady on now, youngster, we're getting rid of your problem. But don't worry, we aren't going to geld you!" The dragons voice came, but not in any sort of comfort. It was just a sharper blow, his balls weren't his problem! Oh gods but it ached, they felt about to explode from the heat burning through them, it was even sinking into his belly!


Sithen's magic seeped into each inch of those taut orbs, his fingers massaging it deeper. The ability to change things, one of the most valued abilities his kind possessed, what made them sought after and bribed and courted as allies. The magic began to take effect, drawing the orbs upwards so that the stallion felt the pressure building to an almost unbearable level, the squealing shrill cries gaining depth so that he felt relieved that not even the boldest of neighbors would dare complain of noise coming from HIS manor.

Slowly those once proud balls were drawn into the body completely and the drake had to lid his eyes in concentration on the changes he was making. He didn't want them to disappear, oh no, they were pushed deeper into the young stallions body. Making his stomach roll and displace his inner form as they changed in nature, the virile sperm that had been produced was being replaced with ripe fertile ova. Each testicle forming a perfect ovary inside of him, the tubes that had connected with his cock soon forming the fallopian tubes. The guards hands pushing down against the boys hips for a moment before the two broad hands pulled up to lift them off the haybale revealing the soft pony cock swinging from his sheath.

"Ahh it seems it's not as bad as you're making it now is it? But that makes my task easier, thank you Reg. I know how you have missed the mares we left at home." He praises the guard, the large stallion looking at his Master with a stiff nod of his head. The drake hadn't been the only one suffering from lack of companionship. Or rather companionship that they could use as they wished, without condoms or fear of bruising or taking their need out on. Paid women were fine, but one had to be careful none the less. And here in the making, was one female that neither of them needed to worry about damaging and paying fines for.


Vanir's eyes bulged slightly as things were moving inside of him that had NO right to move, his stomach rolled as if he were about to be sick and he squealed out again. Twisting and tugging desperately as a tear rolled down his cheek, it felt as if the pressure would burst inside of him, that he was about to pop. Something wasn't right, it hurt, it ached, oh god what was going on?

"Mmph Thorry! Thorry!" He squealed out over and over again trying to get the drake to let him go.

The pony felt something change, the push inside of him as the weight that had once proudly graced his upper thighs melted into his body. The absence of it leaving nothing but bare smooth flesh behind so that he whinnied out a sound of fear, his head jerking side to side against the bit as a bit of froth began to show around his lips. He was gelded?! They'd gelded him!? But it wasn't over, it wasn't close to over. The large stallions hands forced his hips up so that he couldn't do anything but hold them up, trying to brace himself as the scaled paw moved down to cup against the hanging mottled shaft. Still soft, still pliable, more fear holding him out then anything else at this point.

That strange heat still trailed over the fingers as they massaged against his girth, the pony's head throwing to one side with a rough squealing noise when he felt it working against him. It wasn't over, his inner body felt so strange, and the drake was still working magic on him?! The brown of his eyes soon rimmed white as he rolled them around the room, wanting out, he needed out. Something had to happen, he'd have to wake up from the dream. He'd have to hear the guard coming to save him. But all that happened was the paw rubbing over him and his cock growing more sensitive. It wasn't so bad, it was almost pleasurable as it forced up a dribble of syrupy precum to bubble up over the fingers. His girth trying to harden.

"Ahh little mare, don't worry, we'll give you all the attention you need." The voice murmured behind him sending a stab of humiliated shame through him. Unbelieving he was starting to enjoy this.

The hand rubbed and the nerves bundled together, growing more and more sensitive, starting to make him feel them pulling together so that his hips gave an instinctive thrust forward trying to grind into the touch. But even he could tell something was wrong, something was beyond wrong, it wasn't the sensation of being stroked and rubbed that he was used to! His nostrils flared open wide and the stallions fingers bit harder against his sides as the dragon did his work.


Sithen's eyes were lidded with his concentration, his knowledge of mare anatomy was passable at best and he didn't want to make a mistake on his prize. He blocked out the shrill sounds of panic, and yes, of pleasure both while his fingers started rubbing over the hardening cock. Massaging upwards as his other hand settled over the sheath and the movements were steady and gentle. Spreading over the edges as the heat blossomed and the skin almost seemed to melt under his touch.

It went slowly at first, the shaft dwindling down and pulling itself back into the sheath, the sheath itself thickening around the edges. The outer lips growing plump and fat while his touch pinched and pulled along them, coaxing them into a shape more like a tear drop as it's pulled backwards away from his stomach. Each finger he brushes against it starting to feel better, more....pleasurable as the nerves are gathered more closely together. Minutes pass as Reg grips the ponys hips to keep him still, as they tick by the thick musk of young stallion is soon replaced with the thicker rich musk of mare.

It started as a tickle at first, a sweet scent that one might dismiss as one of the former occupants of the stalls scent. But it soon starts to sharpen as the plump tear shape lips form, the bud of the clit that was one the pony's cock pulled in to hide beneath a hood and a passage forms where there was none. Reaching back to join up with the womb that had started to take hold inside of Vanir's stomach, the ovaries completing each other as the thick dark lips flash in the light. Perfect and virginal to the eye, but the drake isn't done yet. Just one added touch. A humiliation to the newest girl in the stable, his fingers moving up to cup against her lower belly and the heat stabs into her a final time as a pair of thickened teats form just like they would be on a feral mare. Plump and inviting.

"Good...girl." He murmurs to the mare tied to the haybale, just a twitch of thought is enough, just enough to force her body to flood with heat and need, the ovaries blossoming to release their first ova.


Vanir tried to jerk forward, tried to escape, anything, something, something to stop what was happening to him! Yet the bridle and leather restraints held him in place until tears rolled down his face, helplessly thrusting against the hand that was touching him. He could feel things shrinking, he had never been large but now it seems to disappear under his touch. His pride! His stallionhood, taken away like it was nothing but a joke!

The worst was yet to come, his squeals raising higher blocking out the noises behind him until he feels a palm cupping something. His nose quivering as he tasted the scent on the air, oh that SCENT. It was sweet and musky, clinging to the roof of his mouth and tongue. It yelled of mare, of sweet soft mare, aroused mare that made his blood start to pump faster and his head lift up to flare his nostrils wider. Sucking in that scent and the rolling in his stomach slowly drew HER...oh god was the drake cupping her sex in his hand?

The mare squirmed and tried to kick out, the shrill squeal raising in pitch as her body began to flood with hormones that seems to find each inch of her mind to take root in. The voice of the drake behind her only stung more, mare?! She's a mare? A MARE?! Her hips jerk and as the hands moved up to cup her lower belly to her horror she felt her folds flex and then wink, pulling tightly together and then flaring out to flash her clit like a filly in heat. Another tear rolled down her face darkening her fur,

"Shtop it! Oh godsh SHTOP!" She got out as to her eternal humiliation a pair of plump heavy teats are formed against her belly. Sh-she's not even got breasts, she's got an udder! Like a brood mare!


Sithen rocked back on his hips, drained and exhausted as he looked over the tail flagged mare now before him, the dark glistening lips flexing in the light with growing need. So small, so tight looking, far too tight for him. His own girth graced with a series of three knots, he'd break the girl if he tried to take her first. Yet his gaze went to the stallion holding her hips and a smile curled his lips. It paid to reward ones servants well, and in gifts other then money. The large drake pushed himself up to his paws and smiled benevolently at the Shire.

"You may take her first, she'll need to be broken in to accept a male and it's only fitting her first be another horse. We may get lucky and she might catch, I'm not sure if she'll be fertile or not but it would please me to see your line continue." He rumbled softly, catching the glint in the stallions eyes. The sheath already swollen from the scents on the air, an impressive package if the drake had any say in it.

"Thank you , sir." He answered, carefully keeping the eagerness out of his voice as he turned his gaze towards the squirming dappled mare.

Vanir barely heard any of that, all she knew was panic. She was female, oh god she couldn't go back to town like this! They'd mock her, she'd never hear the end of it, she'd never again be able to go to the bar. Oh god she smelled so good, despite the female body enough male remained that she was drawing in the rich scent of her heat with eager pulls of her muzzle. Ignoring the pair in her distress, that is until the hand started to move down to rub along her ass, massaging it. Softer then the drakes, larger as well as it began to knead and squeeze at her.

Her eyes moved around and saw Sithen leaning against the edge of the stall with exhaustion on his face, the stallion starting to work against her ass and flipping her tail to one side. Her eyes bulging a little with panic, they weren't..they couldn't..that was rape. Her hips jerked against the bale of straw until a thick finger pushed down and started to roll against her soft new lips, massaging and pushing them open to flicker against her clit causing a spasm of pleasure to rock through her body. Already growing slick, wet, her honey coating the digit as it started to work on her.

"So wet, little mare." The stallion nickered down at her, she twisted her head able to see a massive shaft drooling out of his sheath, dropping lower and lower towards the ground. It was nearly twice as long as her own had been, the wrinkled flesh smoothing itself out.

"MMMPH!!!" She got out, her ears flat against her head before the finger started to push into her body, parting her outer folds and making her legs jerk trying to kick.

Her eyes lowering, her body knew what to do, it was humiliating, degrading, horrifying that she felt it preparing to do it. Her cheeks burning so hot she felt the pounding of her heart beat against her ears a moment before she flexed her outer folds and sent out a golden stream of piss onto the ground. Laden with pheromones that flooded the air with the announcement of her receptive womb, it was the act of an animal. A beast. And all she could do was shudder as she heard the wet splatter.

The stallion reacted instantly, his head darting down and peeling back his upper lip to sift through those scents, Sithen's laughter heard in the distance. "Oh myyy, I thought it would be rape, I see she wants you, Reg." He praised, the words stinging in her ears while the finger begain to push harder and working over her folds. The other hand pushing against her back as the stallion shifted behind her and leaned forward to brush his lips against her pinned ears driving the point home even more.

"Little beast, I was going to finger you and make you enjoy being a mare. Make you cum for me, but you're just an animal aren't you. A mare in heat, you don't need that, you just need this." His words stung through her mind until she choked out a sob.

The slimy tip of the cock pushed up against her inner legs, dragging up and down until it rubbed along those winking glittering folds. Bubbling precum spilled out to mark her and the scent of virile stallion had one instant effect, her tail jerked all the way to the side of it's own free will. Holding there even as she tried to order it down and her miserable eyes rolled up to see the drake just standing there. Watching.

Reg's spongy tip rubbed against the outer folds, pushing and squeezing against them, both hands soon gripped against either side of her hips and clenched down tightly to keep her in place. She could feel how large he was and in a moment he pushed against her, her outer lips pushing in on themselves as she felt the creeping strain of her muscles being parted for the first time. Her eyes snapping wider as she felt places she'd never had being shoved against, the drooling precum dribbling down her sex lips to the haybale as the first rolling shove made her scream out.

Red hot pain ran through her, that first thrust squeezed the tip right into her passage, tearing through the fragile barrier of her virginity as if it had never been. Her inner walls spasmed down trying to deal with the girth that started to push deeper, the steady pressure that was making her squeal out again. Her silken walls pried open as the stallions chest pushed down against her back and a pair of blunt teeth snapped out to grip the back of her neck and clenched down with a bruising embrace. Another shove and an inch more popped into her, her outer lips almost obscenely strained open into a yawning O trying to deal with the mottled stallion cock.

"RRR damn, little pony, tryin' ta push me out? Or suck me in?" The crude words come to her ears as the stallion lets out a short grunt.

At first it's just pain, the shoves peeling her open and forcing out the slippery wetness of her own heat around his girth until the medial ring cramps up against her outer folds. Her walls rippling down around him as they try to deal with the intrusion inside of her, the tears rolling down her eyes in mingled humiliation and pain both. Not just the feel but the lewd grunting noises above her and the back pushed hard against her own. The fingers felt against her hips and firmed in their grip a moment before the stallion pulled back, fighting her muscles tight clasping hold before slamming forward. The tip suddenly bursting into her to shove up against her cervix, nearly all of him burrowed into her as the balls clapped up against her inner thigh.

Her breathing came harder, her eyes dazed, she didn't even notice Sithen's mocking smile as he watched her get broken in by his guard. The stallions teeth tugging against her neck before he pulled back outwards again, streaked with slippery wetness and the tip let out another splash of syrupy slick sperm-laden precum to streak against her inner walls and then suddenly he slammed forward once again. The breath knocked out of her as he ensured he'd completely devirginized that tender soft passage.

Vanir's new body swiftly grew used to it, distressingly she felt the first shudders of pleasure at feeling something so thick inside of her so that her hips tried to jerk up against him. The stallion thrusting in hard heavy motions that slammed in deep so that his balls slapped against her before drawing back, and she finally closed her eyes. Yet her ears were full of the lewd sounds of the stallion over her, his snorts and groans, the wet sound of his shaft sheathing inside of her and the slap of his balls. Her own short squeals and whimpers as time and again her walls were pried open until they were strained almost to the point of breaking and then relieved again.

The mares wetness slipped down along her own inner thighs, the precum that was spilling into her soon gathered up and forming a creamy froth that gathered against her inner lips as the hips slammed forward again. Slowly she started to feel the way he was growing, oh god he was getting LARGER, she couldn't handle larger. She jerked and tried to pull away, the medial ring on the heavy bodied drafter pulling and tugging against her g-spot the moment her hips pushed up and her eyes snapped open wish shock. Her shrill whinny heard as over and over he rubbed that spot in her, the former stallions form starting to tense itself up, starting to give into the pleasure he was driving into her. The thickened tip battering against her cervix, nudging her and grinding against that sensitive passage so that the urethra grazed against the opening with each instroke.

Vanir's form soon had a sheen of sweat coating her, her body trembling almost hidden beneath the massive stallion as the tip flared open wider. Spreading and nearly doubling it's size, her only warning before the first shock rolled through her. The cock pulsing within her, bloating as the tube that ran through it flooded and overfilled with virile semen, the splash of it first coming as he pulled outwards and she heard and felt the pearly cream splashing out and forced from her folds as the ever eager Reg shoved himself home and meshed up against her cervix. The urethra jutting out as the next hot rush flooded into her stomach.

Her hooves kicked and jerked, twitching trying to pull free as her lips opened to show the bit pinning down her tongue as she screamed out. The pumping seed forcing it's way through her cervix in thick globs to taint that newly formed womb, overflowing inside of her as each pulse coaxed her walls into rippling contractions. Squeezing painfully tight around Reg through each one while he let out a shrill squeal of triumph above her. His form pressing so tight over her she felt as if she was about to be strangled, only able to lay there and feel the warmth drooling out of her gaping folds. The throbbing very slowly steadying down.

The pony mare shuddered, trying not to think, oh god what if she were fertile? How much of his sperm had overfilled her body, could she even carry a draft foal? But the stallion wasn't done, he groaned and a final jerk of his cock suddenly was felt and she pulled her head back in shock as something thick and gooey sprayed out of his tip. Coating her walls with a thick gel to seal his seed within her and make sure that if she could, she would end up heavy with foal.


In silence the dragon had watched, his eyes avid to see the pony mare defiled as the horror in her eyes was only more of an erotic turn on in his eyes. The splitting of her virgin folds and the massive stallion pole that had taken all she had until she was a shuddering sticky mess, already his tongue was licking the edges of his lips planning on how he'd take her. She'd have nothing virginal about her by the time the week was out, his guards deserved a reward, as did he.

"Good fellow, Reg, you've done a good job by her." He praised his servant as the stallion slowly stood up. The sound of his cock pulling out a loud slurping noise until the flared tip popped free, a gooey strand of cum connecting him and her folds together.

"I think she should spend the night here, and perhaps come morning we'll see about getting her studded again." He murmured softly.

The little mare whimpered at the thought, her eyes watching both of them as the guard pulled away from her. His cock slimed with her arousal and his cum dribbling from the tip still as he picked up his own clothing and nodded his head. Looking back at those soft dappled thighs, the splashes of darkness against her coat where the slippery push of her arousal and his precum had dribbled. And her folds still gaping slightly drooling out some of his seed into the hay.

"Aye sir, perhaps we should see about the donkey as well. He's not had a jenny in a while, and I hear mules make fine servents."


Vanir shuddered and watched as master and servant left, her body left tied to the haybale leaking sperm from her folds, her belly achingly full and her muscles contracting and pushing as she tried to push out that be damned gel plug. The words just driving home her ordeal was no where near ended. It was just starting.

On the other hand...she just might make it into the harem after all. Life is ironic that way.

Pony "Stud" Part Two

Part Two- Sorry it was broken up, but I hadn't posted anything in a while and I had just finished the first part before moving to the second. Actually finished this on the same day I posted the first part, whoohoo! Also, while this features a...

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Pony "Stud" Part One

A break from dragons featuring my main character Kalan and an abrasive young pony stallion. I'm also mean and stopped at the good part. Part two will be coming up soon. This will be an ongoing story, got suggestions? Fire away in...

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Craig Island: Forgiveness

_This is part three to the Craig Island story series. Yes it's rough written and needs editing, it may be in the future when I have less ADD. For now, sit back and enjoy. You may wish to read the first two parts to have this make...

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