The Swap - Part 3

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#3 of The Swap

After the intense show between Saygan and Charles, Eve and Luke find they can't sleep. Finding one another in the moonlight, they share a special moment together, a moment long overdue.

This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this story are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. All characters are of legal and consenting age, likewise if you are reading this story, you should be of legal age in your respective country.

All characters are my own creation, any resemblance to existing characters is purely coincidental and not intentional, please do not use them without permission. If you would like to use them in a story, please feel free to send me a PM either as Inja on SoFurry or TheRealInja on FA. As always, I am open to new story ideas or situations with existing characters as well.

This chapter was born from conversations with myself, using this as a vehicle to figure out how I truly feel about these sorts of situations. I was raised Christian and taught the same beliefs as Eve growing up, so I guess this is a peek into my current frame of mind really.

Decided to start 2023 off with something hot and tender.

Follow on from Part 2 here -


It was late at night when Luke found himself wandering into his kitchen to grab something to drink. He couldn't sleep after the show Saygan and Chuck had put on earlier. His beautiful wife had eventually wound down and was quietly sleeping on their bed after a hot shower. Luke had sat staring at her for a long while as he sorted out his feelings over the evening's events. Once he'd gotten past the initial shock of it all, he realized he loved Saygan now more than ever. She'd been given the chance to be with another man, but her first instinct once it was over, was to head straight back into his arms. It made the white wolf smile, knowing that no matter what he let her do or what she did, she would always return to him because that was where her heart truly lay.

Curiously, the kitchen light was on. As he rounded the corner, he spotted Eve holding a glass of water while she stared out their window into the darkness outside, her beautiful face framed by the moonlight. She spotted Luke's reflection approaching from behind and smiled, turning about to face him as she asked "Couldn't sleep either?"

"Not really, no. So...How do you feel about all this?" He asked a little awkwardly, not really knowing the best way to broach the subject with her. He had no doubt in his mind that Eve must have felt or probably was still feeling the same storm of emotions inside her still which he had just weathered.

"I don't know, it's a mix of emotions. Mostly it's my heart fighting with my head, being raised Christian I was taught that marriage was a sacred bond between one man and one woman. But...that doesn't feel right anymore, it feels so...constricting and archaic" the ewe replied, looking off to one side as she tried to recall all those emotions she felt watching her husband fuck another woman. No, not just another woman. Charles had slept with her best friend, with her permission. It wasn't like he'd gone out and cheated on her, they'd all wanted this, hadn't they?

"Mhmm, I feel the same way. Like a pair of comfortable jeans you had as a kid, they fit you right for most of your life, until you grow up and find they don't fit anymore. There are other options out there which are just as valid and work just as well, if not better" Luke tried to explain he understood what she was feeling, he'd felt it to. Like their eyes had been opened to a whole new world and they'd only just begun exploring the new lands and finding all the dangers and wonders it had to offer.

"That's a bit over-simplified, but I get what you're saying. I guess for me it's more along the lines, to a degree. Not the same way I love Charles, but in my own special way, I love you guys too. You've become such a big part of my life in such a short space of time and I honestly don't think I could ever go back to how things were before, I don't want to, in fact. There's no rule that says you're only allowed to love one person and one person only for the rest of your life. If there is, it's a stupid rule to begin with..." Eve said with a bit more determination in her voice, her eyes meeting Luke's unwaveringly.

"I totally agree, love is meant to be shared so it can grow and enrich our lives" he replied, nodding slowly as he leaned against the counter beside her.

"God you're a sap; I love it" Eve laughed and bumped her shoulder against Luke's' side

"I honestly think that's why we all work so well together, we're a lot alike, but also different enough to keep things interesting" the wolf offered, staring off at the photograph of the four of them stuck to his fridge with a magnet. It was of the first time they'd met at the park shortly before leaving for the evening, they all looked so happy and comfortable together. It really did look like a photo of just a bunch of lifelong friends enjoying the moment.

"Mhmm; we connect on more than just a physical level. We're friends first before anything else, so that's a good foundation to build from" Eve agreed, her eyes following Luke's gaze and spotting the photo which brought a smile to her lips.

"Now look who's being a sap" Luke teased, wrapping an arm about Eve's shoulders to give her a gentle squeeze against his side.

"Shush you" Eve smiled up at Luke, staring into his eyes for a long moment, reaching out to brush her fingers through the fur of his cheek affectionately. Luke stared back, a calm and comforting look in his eyes, but something more as well. Eve could read him like a book in the moment, knowing he truly did feel the same way about her as she did him.

As natural as if she were kissing her husband, her lips met Luke's descending maw to kiss him back passionately. Placing her glass down on the counter beside her, Eve wrapped her arms up about his neck while her fingers brushed through his thicker mane of fur. The wolf's own hands brushed lightly back across her hips and around to her back, one resting at the small of her back while the other followed the line of her spine up to the base of her skull to gently cradle her head into the kiss with his fingers in her hair.

"Luke...I..." Eve pulled back with a soft pant, suddenly unable to meet his intense gaze. Her ears and cheeks a little pinker than before as she blushed from the amorous kiss.

"S...sorry, that was so sudden, please forgive me?" He almost whimpered, ears laid flat and wagging tail falling still behind him.

"No, it's not that. I...I want you to make love to me..." Eve blurted out, her blush intensifying at her words. "I know we should wait until Charles and Saygan are awake, but...I'm too self-conscious to do it in front of an audience, even if one of them is my husband, at least for now. But...I do want to do it...with you" Eve managed to force the words out, a determined look in her eyes as she made herself maintain eye contact again.

"I want to as well, I'm sure they'll understand. We can explain it to them in the morning when they're awake" Luke agreed, his voice soft and low, soothing the nervous ewe in his arms. With a smile he leaned in to kiss her again, no rush to get beyond just kissing yet as he was feeling nervous as well. Luke slowly turned them about to pin Eve between himself and the kitchen counter, his hands trailing lightly down her arms and hips to hook under her thighs, easily lifting the smaller woman up onto the counter. Eve giggled into the kiss as she was so effortlessly lifted and plopped down before the big handsome wolf. Her hands continued to brush along his jawline and cheeks as they traded kisses, feeling more relaxed knowing he also wanted the same thing but was willing to take it slow.

With her thighs spread either side of Luke's hips, she could feel his bulge bump lightly against her every time he leaned in close to kiss her. This was the closest she'd ever been to him intimately, the longer they stayed like this, the more she wanted. There was still a faint nagging voice telling her she was a whore and that she was cheating on her husband, but she knew that voice was a liar. If Charles was here now, she knew without a doubt he'd be cheering them on. That nagging voice was just the lingering voice of her upbringing and her insecurities. She loved Luke, not quite as she loved Charles, but the wolf was special to her in a way that just a friend wasn't. She trusted him completely, while she knew he trusted her too. If she told him to stop right now, there wasn't a doubt in her mind he would do just that and not have any regrets about it either. But she didn't want him to stop, every touch of his strong hands ignited trails of fire in her flesh. His fur soft and silky under her fingers as she brushed her hands against his back and chest, touching and exploring him really for the first time.

He felt so good under her hands and against her body, he even smelled so damned nice, a faint vanilla scent that reminded her of the rich white ice-cream of her childhood. It felt safe and comforting, but it also brought on an odd sort of hunger she couldn't quite put into words. Luke was taking his time with her; she admittedly wouldn't have minded if he just turned her around and fucked her hard and fast with how much she was turned on right then. But the slow tender pace was nice, it seemed more suited to their first time together. Plus, it also seemed the big handsome wolf was nervously exploring her too, his strong hands following the lines of her curves, gently and almost shyly touching under her breasts along her ribs. Eve laughed as she practically had to grab his hand and place it over her breast, he was so sweet and tender, acting as if she was his first woman ever all over again. His nerves getting the better of him and making the big wolf far shyer than he normally would've been with his wife.

"You can touch me, you have my permission...Officer" Eve teased with a little giggle, leaning up to gently nip at the rim of his ear. Luke clearly liked that from how he growled playfully and his curled fluffy tail began to wage behind him. His hands almost eagerly slipping higher under her shirt to cup over her breasts, like a kid being given permission to play with his favorite toy. His hands were softer than Chuck's, but just like her husband, they easily covered her modest mounds before he teased her perked nipples with little swivels of his thumbs. Perhaps playing console so much wasn't all that bad, Eve pondered as Luke circled her dimpled areola and teased her stiff little nubs with surprising agility which sent a pleasant tingle right down to her crotch.

"You're so beautiful, the moonlight behind you" Luke whispered softly, leaning back for a brief moment to smile at the once again blushing ewe.

"You're already getting lucky mister, you can can it with the cheesy talk" Eve laughed, giving him a playful shove on his shoulder.

"Not cheesy talk, just the truth" the wolf affirmed before leaning in to catch her lips in another passionate kiss, a kiss which already felt so natural and right to the both of them. A low groan spilled from the wolfs maw against the ewe's grinning lips, she had snuck her hands down inside his boxers to gently grasp at his swollen length and was starting to caress back and forth along his length slowly.

"Feels familiar, but different. Hotter somehow..." Eve noted with a faint groan, her head leaning to one side as Luke nibbled down along the side of her neck. The feeling of having a predators sharp teeth nipping along her flesh seemed to add something special to it, she loved when Chuck did this to her, but with Luke it felt so extravagant.

Luke huffed and growled softly as Eve fondled him within his boxers, once more showing he wasn't only concerned with his pleasure as he tried to ignore the soft fingers on his throbbing cock. Instead, he stepped back a little as he nipped and kissed his way from her neck and shoulder, down across the swell of a breast. Briefly he paused to suck on one of her perked nipples through the thin layer of clothing she had on before descending further south. His hands had worked their way lower down and were now gripping firmly at the waistband of her own shorts, Eve felt the first insistent tug and wiggled her butt on the counter to try assist with getting them off. Finally, as Luke knelt on his kitchen floor, he gently pried the ewe's thighs apart to get his first real look at another woman whom was not his wife. Her intoxicating scent beckoning him forward and to feast on the ewe.

Eve subconsciously held her breath as she watched in slow motion as the big handsome white wolf, her best friend's husband, slowly pushed her thighs further apart while his maw inched closer to her nethers. Eve's hands clapped over her mouth to stifle the groan that tried to escape, his tongue felt incredibly hot, also a lot wider and softer than Chuck's did. Eve found herself tugged forward a little, almost until her behind was hanging off the edge of the counter and her legs were over Luke's shoulders now. Her hands still cupped over her maw as she stared up at the ceiling while a broad, soft and hot wolf tongue lavished attention on her pussy. Goddamn he was so good at it too, Eve briefly wondering if Saygan had taught him how to eat her out, or if he was just naturally orally talented. The thought of Saygan caused a brief flash of guilt to flare in the pit of her belly, but Luke just as quickly snapped her out of it by latching his lips down about her clit and began to suckle. Eve wanted to warn him that she was about to cum, but she feared the sounds that would ultimately escape her if she released her hands from her mouth.

With her hot breath bursting from her nose in deep breaths, the ewe shuddered and pressed her inner thighs down tight about a surprised Luke's head. He hadn't expected to get her off that quick, though he was still rather happy he had managed to do so regardless. He slowed down his suckles and licks until Eve seemed to be a bit calmer, stopping completely and rising up to lean over her. "You taste so good....familiar, but also different" The white wolf huffed before pressing a kiss to the blushing ewe's lips.

"You...mmm...that" Eve panted and smiled up at him, her hands finally having released their grip over her mouth and instead reaching up to brush her fingers lovingly back across Luke's soft fluffy cheeks. With her heartbeat slowing back down to a hummingbird's pace, she became aware of something hot and throbbing resting against her lower abdomen, but she didn't need to look down to know what it was. "Well, I think you more than earned a treat..." Eve said barely above a whisper, dropping a hand down and reaching between them to grasp and stroke at Luke's hardness pressed against her belly.

"Are you sure?" Luke asked tenderly and with a soft pant of his own as he stared down into the dark furred ewe's eyes.

"Now more than ever" Eve affirmed, her fingers brushing back from his cheek and into his hair to pull Luke down into another impassioned kiss. Below, his hips shifted back a little, with the aid of Eve's grip on him, he was soon positioned just right. With no further confirmation needed, the white wolf slowly sunk forward into her finally. Eve groaned almost happily into the kiss, louder with every inch the handsome wolf crammed inside her. Her thighs raised and clasped about Luke's waist as she rolled up to meet him, feeling her first ever knot as it bumped against her opening once he'd fully sheathed himself within her welcoming depths. But Luke was in no rush to tie her yet, already reversing the motion of his hips, the wolf began to withdraw himself slowly before entering her again. Over and over his hips met her thighs like waves crashing onto the shore, each time punctuate by a heated groan from one or both of them.

Once more the kiss broke and Luke smirk-smiled down at the moaning ewe, his hands brushed her top up over her breasts to finally bare them. Each nipple receiving a little gentle nibble and caress of his tongue as he savored the flavor of her flesh while undulating his hips between her thighs. Eve really was beautiful, laying mostly nude along his kitchen counter with the moonlight shining through the window over her and adding a silvery hue to her dark fur.

"Luke...I'm...mmmf..." Eve tried to warn him, she was already so damned close and with the all the attention he was giving her, it wouldn't be long before she did climax again.

"Me too" he replied with a hint of a strained growl and a soft pant as he clearly tried to hold back.

"Cum inside me, please" the ewe asked almost nervously. She knew he couldn't make her pregnant, that wasn't the reason why she'd asked though. The real reason was far simpler than that, she just wanted him to completely claim her, somehow it felt like if he didn't, this all wouldn't be real.

Luke nodded and began to speed up a little, feeling Eve start to clench down around him as her hands once more quickly shot up to cover her mouth and silence the cries of pleasure. Luke was already riding a hair trigger, so it didn't take much longer for him to finish as well. His first instinct was to pull out, but she had asked him not to. Fighting the urge to withdraw, he instead bucked forward and deeper into her until he felt the swell of his knot kiss against her opening and grind against her. He doubted Eve had ever so much as seen a knot, let alone taken one, so he didn't even dare try wiggle his large bulb against her opening as his own orgasm exploded.

Eve felt two new things in that moment, first was the feeling of another man cumming deep inside her for the first time ever. The second was Luke's jaws about her throat as he growled softly, the bite wasn't painful at all, just unexpected. She could feel his sharp teeth against her flesh, his tongue licking across her throat, but it was more of a mating bite than a death grip. It also triggered something inside her, which Eve didn't even know she had, something which made her cum even harder. Even through her hands clasped over her mouth, she groaned loudly.

"She's a real screamer, isn't she?" Saygan's voice suddenly said out aloud.

"Not normally, looks like your boy knows what he's doing" Charles replied.

Both Eve and Luke whipped their heads around and looked toward the source of the voices, sure enough they spotted Saygan and Chuck grinning like peeping Toms at them over the kitchen counter which led through to the living room. They'd obviously awoken during the night and found their beds empty, but instead of alerting Eve and Luke to their presence once they'd found them, they'd ducked down behind the counter to watch the show instead of interrupting their tender moment.

"This isn't what it looks like..." Luke blurted out reactively, even as his hips continued to buck and twitch against the ewe beneath him with the aftershocks of his climax.

"Looks like you're fucking another woman to me..." Saygan smirked at a deeply blushing Luke before winking at Eve.

"Atta boy!" Chuck laughed, rounding the counter to move in closer before patting the stunned wolf on the shoulder. "So, how was it. As good as you hoped?" Charles asked with a smile down at his panting wife.

"Better..." Eve replied honestly, her own smile returning when she saw how Charles was looking down at her. She knew he wasn't mad at all, in fact, judging by the tent in his own boxers, he'd enjoyed the show.

"Guess we're even now, huh Luke?" Chuck grinned at the still speechless wolf.

"This is going to take some getting used to" Luke commented as he looked between all the faces suddenly looking at him. "I'm balls deep in your wife, with you and my wife in the same room..."

"Would it make you feel better if I was balls deep in your wife too right now?" Chuck asked with a grin. "Because I wouldn't be opposed to that idea..."

"Me either, honestly" Saygan chimed in with a playful grin and wink at her boys.

Luke didn't know how to respond to that, but thankfully he didn't need to. The sound of giggling quickly drew his attention, looking down he saw that Eve was starting to laugh out loud. Pushing herself up off the kitchen counter and back into a sitting position, she first pulled Luke down into a kiss before reaching over and kissing her husband too. "Well get used to it, because this is going to happen a lot more from now on."

"Well, guess that makes it official then. You're stuck with us and we're stuck with you, wouldn't want it any other way!" Saygan agreed as she moved over to stand between Charles and Luke, an arm about each of their waists. "Now, if my handsome husband wouldn't mind removing his dick from you, I'd like to give you a hug as well."

With the ice well and truly shattered, they all retreated to the living room once again and began talking. Everyone knew everything and everyone else intimately, there was no longer any need for anyone to hide anything. They had all shared a unique bonding experience and completely exposed themselves, leaving them all feeling cleansed in a sense. They just fit so well and worked so well together, there was no jealousy or selfishness in what they were doing. Even when Eve cuddled up beside Luke and her arms wrapped about him, Charles and Saygan didn't bat an eye because it just seemed and felt natural. As did Saygan settling herself down into Chuck's lap and nuzzling under his chin like she did with Luke when she wanted cuddles, the ram instinctively wrapped his arms about her in much the same way her husband did as he would've done if it were his own wife sitting in his lap.

" that both you boys have gotten to sample the goods, I think you owe Eve and I a proper date night. A bit ass about face, but fair is fair, right Eve?" Saygan piped up with a grin.

"Ooh! I love that idea, yes please!" She happily agreed, nodding her head against Luke's shoulder.

"Good, then Luke will take you out while mister Chuck over here will take me out" the wolfess grinned up at her ram.

"Beer and bowling it is then" he replied, half-jokingly.

"Sounds great to me!" Saygan replied with a smile and a little kiss to his chin.