Horror Vale - ch 14

Story by Eirene Crimsonpelt on SoFurry

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#14 of Horror Vale

The following FICTIONAL story is intended only for open-minded Adults aged 18 years or older (21 in some jurisdictions), and may contain instances of underage characters depicted performing sexual acts, as well as other content which might be considered objectionable. The author(s) of this work do not advocate or condone any of the acts depected in the writings present. None of these stories are based on real events in any way, and the author's find it reprehensible to even think of committing the acts in reality. The stories are works of fantasy only and should be considered as such. If you do not wish to view such content, please navigate from the page immediately.

_ NOTE: This story is a NaNo project, written by MasterAaran and myself. Each Chapter is actually a day's writing._

Our goal, since we are co-writing, is 100,000 words by the end of November.

Our word Count for each day will be posted, as well as a running total for the month.

Word Count - Day 13 ~ 4954 words

Word Count - Month ~ 49820 words


Jadyn licked her lips as Deryck crawled over her, her body on fire with her needs and desires racing through her. Her lips brushed against his chest, her hands sliding over his body, aching for what only he could give her. How she knew it was only him that could satisfy her, she did not know, though. Her hands slid over his sheath, one staying to stroke him, while the other moved further down to his heavy balls.

He smirked to himself, watching her hands stroking thought his luxurious pelt of chest fur and her lips brushing against him before her hands slid down his torso to his sheath. The delicate touch of her hands, so soft and silken, against his sheath and balls, brought a growl from the depths of his throat. Her touch was exquisite. She pulled her hands away at his growl, her eyes flying up to look into his. "Don't stop, Jadyn," he commanded. "Get me ready to rape you."

Her hands moved back to his sheath and balls, stroking and fondling him, drawing his shaft out. Feeling him emerging, her hand moved to stroke his hardening cock, drawing another growl of pleasure from him. He reached down to pull her hands from him, his fingers twining with hers as his paws pinned her hands to the mattress. He hauled her up into position beneath him, her soaked pussy just a couple inches below his tip. He leaned down, pressing his muzzle to her lips, then forced her to open her mouth as his tongue took possession of hers. His tongue stroked over hers, drawing her lingua into a dance of pleasure, desire and need.

He pulled back with a growl, and flipped her over to her stomach then lifted her ass up with her knees under her, but her head down on the mattress. He kept her pinned beneath him as he aligned himself with her entrance. His tip pressed in slightly and he leaned over her. His jaws took her shoulder between them, his teeth holding her in place as he slammed himself into her, tearing through her hymen with ease.

Jadyn screamed as he tore through her virgin barrier, her innocence running down her thighs and coating his length. Unlike the others though, he had an easy entry into her, due to her arousal and slick passageway. He held her down with his fangs, not letting them pierce her skin, but still showing his dominance over her. He gave her a few seconds to get used to his thick cock inside her tight hot tunnel, then started moving inside her. The time to adjust was more than he had given to any of the other girls, but her wetness helped ease his thrusts into her. She pushed back against him, the slight squeezing of her thighs imparting her readiness for more. Not to mention her sultrily whispered words. "Make me yours, Deryck. In every way."

As he drove into her, his mind wandered back to the start of everything. The reason he was the way he was......

_ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

It had began five years ago, though it seemed so long now. He had just been assigned to Mercy Hospital in downtown Seattle, Washington. A new graduate from the medical school at the University of Washington, he was going into the field of DNA research, though he was also trained as a full MD._

He walked into the hospital on that first day, the day that would change his life forever, the day he would meet the man that would bring about that change, and straight to the reception desk. A pretty blonde sat there, and looked up as he approached. "May I help you sir?"

He smiled. "I'm Deryck Phoenix, the new DNA Lab intern. I was told to report to the reception for directions to the lab."

She smiled in return. "Ah, mhm... Deryck, I'm Janelle. You'll want to take the main elevator to level 31A, and the lab is at the far end of the hall. The doctor there is Hector Vanderson, he'll be waiting."

Deryck nodded and thanked her, then headed for the elevator, his mind in a whirl. Doctor Vanderson was the leader in DNA research, and he was the head doctor in the lab?. If it were true, what an honor.

He was alone in the elevator as it sped upward, and he took a moment to check his appearance in the mirror finish of the wall. He had dressed well this morning, in a black t-shirt and tan slacks. His black hair was cut to the perfect length, and he was clean-shaven. His muscles, while not exceedingly large, were enough to produce small creases in the shirt, attesting to his practice of exercising every day, if he could manage it.

A buzz sounded, and he turned to the doors, opening to reveal a well-lit white hall, with various doors leading off to the left and right. He headed to the far end, to the set of double-doors that crowned the end of the hall. He pushed them open, and strode inside. What met his eyes was the most advanced lab he had ever seen, in or out of any pictures.

Instruments lined the tables and walls. Test tubes filled with liquids of all colors dotted the exposed surfaces, computer monitors scrolled data and screens hung from the ceiling in various places. As the doors closed behind him, the two or three technicians turned to give him a brief glance, then a slightly graying man in a smart white lab-coat strode over to him, hand extended, and a warm smile on his face. "Deryck?"

He nodded. "Yes Sir, Deryck Phoenix," he acknowledged, still half-admiring the lab.

The doctor laughed, noting his distracted gaze. "A fine lab she is. I'm Hector Vanderson. I'll be your mentor and boss, although I would prefer being friends as well, instead of just co-workers."

Deryck's attention was instantly back on the man. "Sir, it is an honor to meet you. I have heard of your work's, and studied your writings. I must say you fascinate me with your theories."

Hector nodded. "Thank you son. Thank you. If you want to know, I've been watching your own records through out medical school, and I think your heading to become a fine doctor yourself. We'll be good friends."


His thrusts into her went deep, his tip repeatedly hitting her cervix, making her cry out softly, then a scream ripped from her as he thrust through her cervix and into her womb. Her back arched, pushing her stomach and breasts towards the ground as she whimpered. He was so thick, but he felt so good inside her.

"D....Don't stop...Oh! Gods!....Please....Harder...." She begged softly, even as he drove into her harder, and his teeth tightening a little on her shoulder. His fangs pressed harder against her skin, but did not pierce her shoulder yet. One paw held her hips, while his other paw slapped her hard on the ass, making her buck against his hips as he slammed into her again. "Oh! Gods!... Yes!... More... please.... Deryck....more!....Fuck me! Deryck...Fuck me....!"

Nearby, Soltlar kept thrusting into Darya's ass, his cock stretching her asshole enough to make it easier for him to slam into her, his knot beating at her. He had to slam harder to get his knot in her, which he wanted to do and, therefore, kept thrusting hard against her, finally driving his knot into her, making her scream loudly.

Alix, in turn, was being stretched in both holes as the twin dildos fucked her, moving in and out of both her holes until she screamed from the sheer pain she was being caused. The twin dildos never ceased their movements as they thrust into her dry holes, tearing her flesh again and causing blood to lubricate them.

_ ~~~~~~~~~~~6 months later in Dr Vanderson's lab~~~~~~~~~~

Deryck pulled on the second of his latex gloves, ensuring they were snug on his hands, and then followed his mentor into the autopsy centre of the hospital. This was a matter of routine. Bodies were often brought in from the city to be autopsied, and as Doctor Vanderson was the head of the DNA wing, he would perform a preliminary exam and get a skin sampling for his lab._

Deryck had been helping with this procedure since the week after he became apprenticed to Doctor Vanderson, having also shown great insight into reconstructing what may have happened prior to the victim's death. Vanderson immensely enjoyed Deryck's company, and, when at the hospital, he was rarely without the young man. Deryck himself was becoming attached to Vanderson. He felt as if the older man was almost his father. They thought so much alike, sometimes finishing each other's sentences, and often coming up with ideas for a problem at nearly the same instant. It was uncanny.

This time, as they entered the morgue surgery room, though, there was something different about the place. Vanderson did not seem to notice, but Deryck picked up a smell that was usual to the room. It was not sterile, but instead smelled almost like a musk. The form of the body on the table also looked different. One of the feet was much larger than the other, and, though he could not see the face yet, there was some sort of protruding object making the sheet tent where the nose should have been.

Vanderson was readying the standard chemicals and sample tubes on a table, and he half-turned. "Get the body uncovered and ready will you, Deryck?"

He nodded, and approached the body, though with a slight air of reluctance. He took the sheet in his hands and pulled it down, but jumped back when he uncovered the face. What stared up at him with dead eyes was not the face of a man, but of some sort of hideous mutation. Though Deryck wanted to back away in revulsion, something triggered an unknown feeling in him. He wanted to know what happened to this man, he wanted to see. He stepped back up to the table and took in it's features.

The man's nose had elongated severely, and though still skinned like a human, it was shaped like a canine's muzzle. Half of the fellow's face was covered in a silky fluff of fur, also similar to that of a dog. The eye on that side of the face was normal, but on the other side, while the skin was normal, the eye was that of a dog.

He stammered for a moment, then called the doctor. Vanderson stepped over. "Deryck, what has..." He trailed off seeing what lay on the table. He glanced at Deryck for a moment, then back to the body, and pulled the sheet away. Though no more fur was on it, one of the man's arms, and one of his legs was drastically mutated as well.

Both of it's limbs were covered in shiny, green scales, like a fish, and the foot was that of a frog. It was hideous to look at, yet enthralling as well. With a dry mouth, he went about helping the doctor take his samples, but this time, they went further, the doctor obtaining permission to do the entire autopsy himself.

That evening, they sat together, alone, in Vanderson's office off of the lab. Vanderson was holding a cup of coffee, Deryck had his fingertips together under his chin, both were thinking. Finally, Hector cleared his throat. "Deryck... I feel it is time to tell you something."

Deryck looked over. "About the...body?" He asked, rather quietly.

Hector nodded. "Yes. I don't know how to tell you this, but I feel that we know each other well enough, and I trust you." He paused, gathering his thoughts, then continued. "I created it."

Deryck's mind went blank for a moment, not wanting to believe what his ears told him, but he finally managed to stammer. "You? You did? You mutated him?"

Hector nodded. "Yes, I did. I caught him snooping one day and took him to my private lab, and injected him with a serum to transform him. Evidently, it didn't work out so well." He waited to see the reaction that Deryck would give.

He shook his head. "But... That's just... Why? How?" He stopped, trying to make sense of it all. At the same time though, he was outwardly horrified, but a secret part of him wanted to know how, wanted to do it himself. He felt those feelings rise, and knew that if he gave in, he could never go completely back.

Hector began to speak, to apologize for telling him so suddenly, but Deryck cut him off with two words. "Show me...."


It had been his own version of the good doctor Vanderson's serum that Deryck had used on the girls. The only thing he did not yet know about the serum was why it worked or did not work. That was what these girls were for. He hoped that the serum would take on one of them, making her like him, his perfect mate. The others were going to become his entertainment while waiting to see if the serum worked on any of them.

He had a good feeling about Jadyn, though. She was as twisted as he was, although he had never uncovered that in his research about her. He knew the basics about every one of the four girls, but he was learning more about each of their personalities, as he raped and played with them.

He thrust harder into her, making her cry out in pleasure again. He pulled out, raised up some, and slammed himself into her tight asshole, making her scream, and her walls tighten around him. "Oh, Gods, yes! Deryck....Don't stop... Don't Fucking stop... Make me yours in every way...."

_ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Deryck wiped the sweat from his brow as he typed away at the computer in the lab at Mercy Hospital. Since that fateful day when Hector had told him his secret, he had advanced rapidly in his knowledge, and his perversion. The very night that he had given into his urge, Hector had taken him out of Seattle. Far into the countryside, to his home, and his personal lab. Vanderson himself was immensely rich, and in building the lab, had spared no expense, everything was state of the art. It was also extremely dark.

Not dark in the realm of light and dark, it was morally dark. Not only was there a complete and fully stocked medical lab, but the main portion of the lab was set up as an experimentation room, for torturing victims. Vanderson had an extremely perverted side to him, and though rarely took victims, or 'test subjects'. When he did, they were brutally used before being injected or modified._

Deryck found himself enjoying the entire process, taking a delight in the design of new machines, and more perverse ways to use them. However, for all the enjoyment he got out of that aspect, he also loved to work with Hector in the lab, where they worked night and day on strain after strain of their transformation serum.

He was snapped out of his thoughts and recollections by the sound of a commotion in the hall outside of the lab. Standing, he strode to the door and found his mentor, haggard and stressed, talking with several uniformed police officers and a captain. He remained in the background though, and when the police had left, Hector took him by the shoulder and led him into the lab, locking the doors after him.

"Deryck, we're in trouble. Somehow they discovered a trace of evidence. Somewhere we went wrong." The wrinkles on his face were deeper, and he looked as if he had lost sleep. Deryck had not been able to find the doctor all the previous day, now he knew what had happened.

He assisted Hector to a chair, then sat opposite him, and Hector told everything in detail. How he had been awakened from his home in Seattle, while Deryck had gone to his own home in Black Diamond, and taken to the local police precinct, where he was confronted with accusations about his DNA research and a body of a woman that had been half-transformed.

He had denied all the charges, but the press had somehow found out about it, and now a trial was being called. Their world was coming apart around them, and there was nothing they could do. Deryck looked at Hector, put a hand on his shoulder and smiled. "I'll be here..."


The rough, hard thrusts Deryck was using on Jadyn's tight asshole sent her over the edge, and she screamed in pleasure, cumming hard. Her juices soon coated the mattress under her and ran down her inner thighs. Deryck released her shoulder from his jaws, pulled out of her ass, and flipped her over onto her back.

His paws gripped her breasts roughly, his claws pricking her tender skin and a few drops of a lightly milky liquid appeared on her nipple of one breast, while the other had a reddish tint from the earlier injection through her nipple. He lowered his head, his muzzle parting and his tongue licking her nipples clean before he clamped his muzzle around it and started suckling on it.

At the same time, he thrust into her soaking wet pussy, which was still contracting from her orgasm. He thrust so hard, his knot entered her, locking them together as his thrusts got shorter. She would be getting filled and soon. He needed to make her his completely. She had to be the one.

_ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Weeks passed quickly for Deryck and Hector, though they were not passed in comfort, or in their previous joy at learning together and working. These weeks were spent in courtrooms, police stations and jail cells. After a nine month battle through the justice system, Hector was released, but was dismissed from Mercy Hospital. His PHD. was stripped from him, and he was disgraced.

It was a dark, stormy, windblown night when they returned to his lab in the country. Deryck drove him, Hector being too weak himself. None of the trials had come so far as to imprison the now devastated doctor, but though he had been acquitted, a pall of doubt and rumors hung over him. The only constant that had remained in Hector's life was Deryck. He had stuck with him, supported him, helped him through it all. That night, as they returned was the darkest of their lives. Everything seemed against them.

They went to the lab, powered up the generators, cleaned the machines, and finally sat in the lab, looking at it all, and Hector sighed. "We're finished, Deryck. The experiments, the plans... it's all for naught."_

Deryck shook his head. "Never Hector! We will pull through this. We will make them see what a genius you are!"

Hector laughed, sounding more like a croak than a pleasant sound. "Me? You're the genius my boy. You are young. Without you, where do you think I would be? Nowhere...."

Deryck laughed himself, and shook his head, but did not deny it. Even so, he knew that he would not be here without Hector. They left the lab and set the rest of the house in order, making it livable again. Hector halted all of his work on their projects, instead tending to the gardens and trees of the property. Deryck would not... nay, could not, let it drop. He resumed the feverish work in the lab, determined to prove the world wrong; that what was now thought to be an imperfect idea, could indeed become a great scientific breakthrough.


Jadyn wrapped her legs around his waist, her body an offering to him. Her hands slid into his soft, thick luxurious pelt again, though this time, her hands were up by his head, holding him to her chest as he suckled on her breasts. Soft moans of pleasure escaped her throat as his shorter strokes kept her from coming down from her orgasm, but she was not cumming again yet. Just held on the edge.

They could hear no more screams from Alix, and Jadyn turned her head towards the other girl, seeing her passed out while the twin dildos kept fucking her raw. Soltlar had filled Darya's ass and had pulled out, only to thrust into her cunt, raping her again. The husky male was glad she was tied up as she was. And that Deryck had yet to stop him. Then again though, Deryck was a bit too busy to be bothered with putting the male husky up. And this time, Soltlar was able to thrust his knot into Darya, making the green haired girl scream in pain.

Meanwhile, Roaz watched Deryck with Jadyn, her head on her paws. She felt like she was second best again, and did not like that one bit. She would have to show Jadyn who the alpha bitch was. She would wait though, until Deryck was out of sight, though she did not like to be apart from him when he was home.

_ ~~~~~~~Hector's. One year later~~~~~~~~~

Then it happened. It was late evening in the fall, after dinner. Hector had stayed in the house to watch the evening news and read. Deryck, as was his new custom, headed down to the lab for another few hours work. He was nearly ecstatic. Earlier in the day, he had finally discovered what he thought was the tweak needed to the serum to transform a normal human male into a full wolf-man, not a werewolf. Though that would only be another tweak needed to add that. He had only to make the necessary modifications to his equipment and before he was finished for the day, he would have the first complete serum for testing._

It was not to be that he would test it successfully, or maybe it was, from a certain point of view. He finished the work, distilled the serum, and filled a single injector with it. He wiped the sweat from his brow and held the precious liquid to the lights of the ceiling. Then he turned, intent on rushing to tell Hector. As he turned, though, he fell against the stool he had sat on. The clumsy piece of furniture sent him to the floor with a cry, and upon impact, he felt a sharp sting to his arm and a strange prickling sensation. With horror, he realized what had happened.

His fall had caused him land on top of the syringe filled with serum, and the toxin had been injected into his bloodstream. His eyes went wide as the sensations in his arm began to spread to his shoulder. He ran from the lab and to the elevator. Nothing could move fast enough, he had to tell Hector. Why he did not know, but some unseen force told him he must.

He stumbled into the living room. "Hector!! Help!" He uttered.

The aging man was on his feet in an instant, grabbing Deryck's arm. "Deryck!? What's happened?"

The young scientist pointed to a growing black spot on his arm, where his skin was changing color and beginning to become leathery. "An accident! I injected myself with the latest strain of the serum. It was finished, ready!"

Hector cursed. "Did you use the same base as we have from the beginning? The same combination of toxins?"

Deryck stammered, and Hector shook him. "DID YOU BOY!?"

Finally, Deryck remembered. "Yes. Yes I did! And it worked!" His face suddenly became pained as his arm spasmed and a black section of skin appeared on his shoulder, spreading down his arm like a fungus.

Hector was never more earnest than at that moment. "Get in the car, Deryck! At the lab in Mercy, I had engineered an antidote serum, to specifically counteract the base properties of our experiments. It will destroy this toxin before it spreads too far. Come!"

They ran from the house, jumping into the car. Hector drove like a madman through the dark hills of the valley, skidding around corners in his mad dash to get Deryck to the city. Deryck began to fall into a trance, insensible as the leathery skin covered his entire arm, and his side too began to change. Long fur began to sprout from the site of the first injection, and his fingernails began to grow longer, hardening. By the time they reached the city, his entire arm was fur covered, and most of his chest was now black, with fur sprouting in the middle of his chest. They pulled into the service entrance of the hospital, and using a special code, Hector admitted them to the building.

The floor where the lab was located was deserted now, having been closed after Hector was dismissed. The lonely halls seemed to echo with memories for the pair as they entered their old lab and the old doctor began to rummage through his desk for the antidote, praying it was still there. As he searched the last drawer, his wrinkled fingers closed around the vial, and withdrew it.

He had sat it on the desk, when the doors to the hall opened, and two security officers burst in, pistols raised. "HALT! Raise your hands and put them on your head!"

Hector shook his head. "No! This man's life is at stake! I'll not-"

His sentence was punctuated by a bang as one of the guards fired. The bullet passed through the air between them in less than a heartbeat, and caught Hector in the forehead, throwing the man backwards against the wall.

Deryck's eyes widened, he grasped for the antidote on the desk, but the other guard fired, and the bullet impacted him squarely in the left shoulder, his still human limb. The impact threw him sideways and he tumbled into the desk, sending the precious container to the floor, shattering it into a million shards.

He stood, gazing at the bottle, and at Hector's body, and something broke inside him. An inhuman roar echoed from his throat, and his face transformed, morphing into that of a canine, eyes reddening, teeth gleaming in the darkness, fangs bared. His one arm that was already turned suddenly bulged with enhanced muscle, and he threw himself across the room, growling like a demon.

The guards were no match for him. He tore them apart, literally limb from limb. Their blood was smeared across his fur, and where it landed on his chest, his fur and skin changed from black to red, like the underbelly of some hell borne hound. His howls echoed from the building as he finished with them, and rushed back to Hector's body, lifting it tenderly from the floor.

He fled. He fled from the building and out, away. Hector's car took him to his old home, where he pushed it into a copse of trees and took his mustang from the garage. Sobs racked his body as he traveled back to the farm. His life was finished. He was doomed to be a wolf-man, a freak forever. Hector was dead. Dead!

He buried his friend in the corner of the farmland at dawn the next morning, and then stumbled inside to fall into a dazed sleep on the mattress in his room. He awoke the following dawn, and gazed at himself in the mirror, fully transformed, and he set himself. Something solidified in him. He would make them pay. He would prove that they were not insane; that their theories were proven, and at the same time, he realized he could never live like this alone. He would create for himself a mate, to live with for all time.


Soltlar howled as he filled Darya a second time, this time, his knot holding him inside her tight cunt as her womb was flooded with husky seed. He panted and jerked, trying to pull out of her, but his knot was too swollen. That did not stop him from trying to pull out of her, and every yank made her scream louder. After a few minutes, his knot had shrunk enough, though it was still quite large, and caused her a lot of pain. Darya screamed as the male husky pulled from her. Soltlar ran back to his cell, licking his cock in pleasure, as he curled up in his cell, satisfied with his duty.

Darya's screams and Soltlar's howls sent Jadyn over the edge again, and she screamed in pleasure, her walls clenching around Deryck's cock as her juices coated him. Her contracting cunt sent him over the edge, and he howled as well, cumming deep in her womb. The mixture of their cum triggered the reaction needed with the serum. It was a matter of time now. He just had to wait out the time to see if the serum took with any of the girls, though, he had his suspicions that it had not taken with Alix or Darya. He would have to wait until morning to find out fully though.

For now, he pulled his muzzle from Jadyn's breasts, and moved to take her mouth with his. His tongue thrust into her mouth, twining and dancing with hers while waiting for his knot to shrink enough for him to pull out of her. Until he found out if the serum took on her, she would be his special toy. He might even let her help decide what he would do to the others.
