Leiti the Quicksilver

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#24 of Adult

The Yskrian shaman Leiti has been keeping the outsider Solar to themselves for some time, but even the uptight caster must give him back eventually and has a heart to heart when doing so.

Yskra belongs to FA: BalefirePhoenix , Robyn to FA: Hydrawave , and Solar to meself.Previous | First | Next

Amber peels and falls away under my gleaming claws, the coating along them allowing me to cut the dense material as if it were fresh greens. I'm sitting at a low, squat table with my legs partially folded on top of a cushion as I work. My fingers are covered by dark leather scaled gloves with just the claws poking out, the sleeves of a cloak covering my arms and locking my torso beneath its layers and head within a deep hood. I go as far as to wear a mask made from a carnivorous lizard's skull with resin lenses in the eye holes, only the ghost of my snout visible between the upper and lower jaws. Across my legs, I would normally wear a pair of 'pants' taken from outsiders made of black cloth, but for now they lie on the other side of my workshop.

The only thing I leave visible is my taloned feet, leather held along the bottom of the foot and toes by little loops that form sandals.

"Leiti?" One of my acolytes says from behind me in the doorway, peering through the crack I left open.

"I see you still fail to learn to knock," I sigh, waving them in.

A seemingly shy green bird, she is one of the nosier of my trainees and spends more time gossiping than working. Still, she's competent with a mortar and pestle when she focuses, so I put up with it. For now.

"I was wondering: where is the gold-furred one? I haven't seen him around lately," She asks.

"He's safely tucked away. Go back to your duties; I'm still expecting three jars of poultice from you, remember?"

"Y-yes, head shaman, right away!"

As she shuffles off, I lift a finger and tip it forward, telekinetically closing the door fully this time.

"I didn't say stop, Sunbeam," I smirk, letting out a purr of pleasure as I feel his tongue slide back into my depths.

His is a talented one, wrapping and probing and warm enough to make this tedious task far less boring. I pause for a moment to reach into my robes and caress his head, tightening my legs around him a little more. His nose presses more tightly into the fluff of my crotch, letting out warm breath across it and dutifully servicing my sex. Biting my lip, I run my thumb along the amber to make sure the orb is spherical and without any rough texture before I finally deem it finished.

Amber spheres can store a bit of power, especially when they've been repeatedly filled and emptied by an experienced magic user. One of my apprentices lost theirs, so I've had to make them another and there will be a reckoning if it happens again. Magic crackles between my fingers and absorbs into the orb, a soft glow flickering out of the many tiny cracks and imperfections from the core. When it fails to crumble, I let out an exhausted sigh now that the task is finished and toss it into a padded basket across the room without really looking.

Letting myself fall backwards and slapping the pillow out of the way with my silver, cloak-hidden tail, Solar's head is dragged forward by the grasp of my thighs, and he braces against my hips. Previously hidden underneath the table, his fur shines on the tiny shafts of light peeking into the hut as my cloak parts along my abdomen to reveal equally bright, gleaming silver feathers.

"G-good boy," I breathe as he redoubles his effort, making cute_glukk_ noises as he pumps his maw to service my needs.

A series of self-experiments with mutagens left me growing scales along my body, horns on my skull, a pair of giant ears, a lot, really. I've been terrified of being seen ever since, but his knowledge on alchemy is so extensive I got too comfortable with him as an equal and made a move in a moment of weakness. Instead of being shocked, he got on his knees and wagged his tail back and forth like a wolf pup until I had to give him his treat.

He convinced me to synthesize a few new potions that slowed my metamorphoses, making it much more comfortable to handle my new condition now that I can see the changes coming. Not to mention I enjoy how he can nibble and suck along seemingly any sensitive flesh on my body and get me to act up. He just keeps coming up with new and perverted ideas I keep going along with, and more and more I find myself grabbing him to sate my alchemically fueled lust.

Using my hands and claws by proxy would be dangerous, so I instead wrap my tail around his chest and take control of the pace, pushing him down harder and faster so I might feel every bit of friction his tongue has to offer and begging him to not be gentle. Rubbing his head, he purrs powerfully, vibrating enough that, finally, I'm left gripping the wooden floor and writhing while he slurps my high into a sloppy, ecstatic mess. He gives off little cute moans, grinding his neglected shaft against the floor as he is a forced slave to my pleasure and nothing more until my muscles begin to relax while I bask in the afterglow.

He taps my hips insistently, and sadly, I must release him. Sliding back, he gasps for air and coughs, several of my smaller silver feathers covering his disheveled face. He awaits my next command, leaning back on his folded legs with huffed, needy breaths and a pleading expression. Not willing to leave such dedication unrewarded, I push him onto his back and roll on top of the alchemist, pushing up the mask up and pulling him into a deep kiss as I sit down on his erection and take it all at once.

Gripping hard along it, he moans into my maw and becomes a warm, purring mess under my fingers, making little humps into me as I begin to roll my hips while rising and falling back onto his length. Teased as long as he's been, it's no wonder he lasts just over a minute, rumbling fiercely as I ride him throughout his high and prolong it, draining him thoroughly as I feel his warm cum begin to leak out of my hole. The scent of sex becomes all the more thick and cloying in the air, his tail entwining with mine as his prehensile shaft begins to shrink and return to its slit.

Snapping my fingers, three sticks of incense nearby in a little dish begin to burn and a window opens. The next step is to clean up the mess and that is an easy matter as I draw water out of a waterskin on the table and quickly absorb the stick fluids out of our fur and feathers before casually tossing it outside and over the railing where it falls to the forest floor. As I do so, he retrieves my trousers and mask for me. I take a moment to tenderly brush his hair back and deposit a small kiss on his nose, and then we wordlessly resume our respective tasks. Though, I can't help but keep my tail wrapped tightly around his.

I've been resistant to keep a Green servant or a mate of my own up to this point, and suddenly wanting to keep Solar for longer will bring unwanted attention. But I can't deny the carnal pleasures my body has come to demand either, so we've been coming up with a few excuses to pad time but eventually the alchemist will have to return to his place with Yskra. Solar claims he won't say anything to the chief, and I would believe him under normal circumstances, but if Yskra was able to turn the firebrand that was Red Robyn into his willing, collared pet, he can get anything out of Solar if there is suspicion. And it's Yskra; Yskra has always been sticking his nose in everyone's business.

No potions reverse what's been done and none of my apprentices are even remotely prepared to take my place, so I can't even fix this or step down from my position. I've been chastising anyone and everyone about improper magic and alchemy use for years; if anyone finds out about what I've done to my body, I'll be the most blatant hypocrite to afflict the jungle since my father before Yskra ousted him. The shame on the tribe would be immeasurable and our trade partners would absolutely leap on it to force cutthroat deals. Not to mention my acolytes would never stop speaking in whispers behind my back.

I never thought going so far as to modify my body to distance myself from my father, down to the color of my blood, would cause me this kind of a headache.

"I've been thinking," Solar says, putting a hand on my shoulder.

He's perceptive enough it's almost uncanny, seeming to always sense my unease despite an entire layer of clothing blocking his view of me.

"I don't think Yskra would care all that much if you told him what was going on," He continues.

"... Probably not," I admit through partially gritted teeth. "Though, I'd have to deal with his shit eating grin at every moment."

"I can see how that would be annoying! Buuut. What if he was to invite you to dinner with him in his home? That's not something anyone declines for prestige's sake alone in the tribe. Or in any other tribe, so far as I can tell. So, if he suddenly found out you needed 'help' from his harem, he could make it a normal occurrence. You both already make regular meetings and could switch them to that time, so I don't think it would be cause for attention."

Truth be told, it's not a bad idea at all. I never really considered Yskra an ally in this, but my shame is his shame, for better or worse: he'd have to help me. However, that brings me closer to fraternizing with a man I fear would replace me the moment he could find another suitable shaman, pushing me to be beyond the abilities of anyone else available to be such a candidate. Yet if I make a mistake, he may just decide to be rid of me anyways. And then I'd just be a loose end to be exiled. Ohhhh, so many details to account for!

"Yes or no on that idea?" Solar questions firmly.

"Yes, I just need to figure out what to do and s - Hey!" I yell, surprised as he suddenly lifts me up in his arms like I weigh no more than a bag of fruit despite being on par with his size and body type. "Put me down!"

"I'm not going to watch you agonize over this anymore. We're going now," He declares, walking towards the door.

"W-what?! Not like this, you fool!" I growl, wrapping my tail around his leg. "Do you have any idea how that would look?"

In less than a second I sweep his leg out and he finds his chin pressed to the floor with an arm twisted behind his back as I pin him in place. He doesn't resist so I don't use near enough force to hurt him, but I'm still pissed. Unfortunately, he's my only ally in this entire fluster-cluck.

"Fine," I snap. "Fine, we'll do it_right now_ if we must, but let me be clear: you can fuck me behind closed doors in whatever perverted position ye fancy, but when others are watching you have no more rights than a Green pleasure toy and will act accordingly,got it? And especially no carrying me out of a building swept off my talons!"

"Alright, alright," He chuckles. "As long as we do it, I don't care how~"

I feel heat go to my face as his tail tip swishes across my mask and I have to use every ounce of self control not to dislocate his shoulder for making an innuendo now of all times, instead hauling him onto his feet.

"I'm glad we understand each other," I reply sharply, mentally kicking myself for not wording that differently and instead willing the collar across the room into my hands so I can leash him. "Let's get this over with."

The collar is more of a formality, a sign he is just a tool to me or again, the tribespeople will start talking. And when they're talking, they might plan, and I don't need any more schemes hatched behind my back. I've had to cultivate an entire persona of being so strict it sucks the color out of the very area around me just to keep them silenced. Really, if I'm not concerned even the shadows are whispering conspiracy, I've relaxed too much.

Any tribemember that stares too long receives a sharp glance from me and they go back about their business, making it uneventful walk. Solar, however, is happy to receive any attention and coos and purrs with each stroke of his fur and letting out a small yip at a few wayward gropes on his loincloth or butt. In short, he's acting like I've neglected his intimate needs this entire time and I could kiss him for how well he's doing it. He's presentable by Yskra's standards and I push through the pelt over Yskra's entryway, letting out a high pitched twitter as we walk into the communal room to alert his staff. Arra enters from an adjacent room after a moment and immediately eyes me with concern.

"Is something wrong?" She asks, my unscheduled visits few and far between.

"Not anything in particular," I reply. "I came to speak with Yskra about a private matter. He is home, yes?"

"Yes, of course. Erm, come in! I'll take Solar off your hands."

"Thank you," I reply stiffly, "But it involves him."

"I see. In that case, Yskra is in his papyrus-nest."

I nod and she returns to whatever she was doing as I give a small knock on the entryway into his study and enter. Predictably, Robyn is with him, cleaning up the last evidence of what smells like an amorous moment that just finished as he scans over a document. Judging by the color of the green ink, it's a letter sent by the Stonekin. We haven't communicated with them in some time, so I can't help but be curious at to why, but that'll have to wait.

"Leiti," Yskra acknowledges me carefully. "What can I do for you?"

I had words prepared. Things to say, eloquent and confident. And now they're gone. Well, shit. This is going to be embarrassing for me, but there's no backing out now. Robyn keeps their beak shut as well, so I take a deep breath and try to reassure myself the company here is trustworthy.

"I made a mistake and I need your help," I state.

With that, he puts the document down and gives me his full attention like I've just announced one of our warriors was killed.

"What happened?" He questions carefully.

"My self experimentation went too far, and..." I begin to say.

Oh, for fucks sake, you're the head shaman and demand as much respect as Yskra! Show some damn backbone, Leiti!

"I broke my own damn creed and now this has happened," I sigh, pulling the mask off, dropping off the cloak, and peeling the gloves away to reveal my nude body.

With purely silver plumage, the feathers along my head fall back in a long crest that almost resembles a mane with two long, triangular ears sprouting from either side of my head bristled by long fur tufts. Horns grow just in front of them, curving back in a corkscrew shape and wrapping around like a ram's. My left eye has taken on an amber iris with a diamond-shaped pupil while the right side remains its normal purple color with a slitted pupil. Plate scales that do not exist in my kind grow across my snout, neck, and forearms. On top of all this, my tail has grown longer and more muscular with several small blades sprouting at the tip, turning it into a rather deadly weapon.

I have a slim, feminine build with a flat chest and a large genital slit along my crotch, just visible beneath the plumage due to scales growing around it.

"Oh," He breathes.

"Yes, I know, I'm a frea-"

"You're gorgeous."

"W-wait, what?" I stammer.

"Fuckin' told you," Solar snorts before facing Yskra, "They wouldn't believe me."

"I wish I had those kind of handholds on my head," Robyn giggles.

I realize I'm still holding the leash and look like I'm about to take Solar against the nearest wall. Dropping the leather cord, I use my tail to pick my cloak back up with a small snort and cover myself back up.

"Well. This doesn't seem so bad," Yskra shrugs, crossing his legs to avoid his tenting loincloth from becoming too obvious.

"That's not the entire issue," I groan, pinching my chin as I try to figure out how to word this.

"They can't keep their horny under wraps like the rest of this," Solar adds. "Besides the obvious horns."

I have a split second moment of horror before my horns and eyes suffuse with crimson light, a red tint of blush appearing in the scales along my face.

" I will wreck your ass!" I snarl, whirling around on him like a thunderstorm ready to set the land on fire.

"Do it. I'll learn all the wrong lessons," He grins and then lets out a yelp of regret as I force him down by the shoulders and ram his snout into my sex hard enough it engulfs his nose.

"You've lost talking privileges until I say otherwise!" I growl. "Now put that tongue to real use and I_might_let you breathe."

My tail wraps around his neck and chest, holding him there.

"Sweet fucking stars, I didn't know you had it in you," Yskra says with a low whistle.

I take the nearest pillow to sit down, forcing Solar to lie prone once more as I damn near use his snout like a false-dick to work off my sudden burst of fury brought on by indignation.

"That is what I thought to myself a few months ago," I agree, trying to hold Solar in place by his ears to hide that fact his snout is being forced out of my slit by something else.

"You don't keep anyone around for this sort of thing. Usually. So..., I'm guessing you'd like to keep Solar?"

"No! I've been a strict bastard this entire time. If I suddenly stop, our people will think I'm weak!"

"I think I see the issue..." Yskra rumbles, beckoning Robyn over to him.

With a chirp, they happily hop into his arms and act as a screen while he flips aside his loincloth and sinks his dick inside their dripping snatch.

"Our previous chief was awful for everyone involved," He continues as his pet begins to bounce on his dick, Yskra having to give her a tap so she quiets down and he can talk uninterrupted. "But I can only imagine what it was like having him as a father. Leiti, you don't have to assume everyone is out to get you. The entire tribe likes you as our shaman."

"... Come again?" I query, stopping mid thrust into Solar's mouth and my knot, pale in color and swollen, bloats up against his lips in full view.

"You're valued..." Yskra says slowly as he gazes at the knot. "What is that?"

With, well, the dick out of the slit, so to speak, I push Solar off my shaft and Yskra stares with a mixture of fascination and just a little bite of horror as it perks up in full view. With my blood now more like a white ichor, my ivory flesh color matches it with a long lupine shaped tool, complete with a knot to lock partners in place.

"It's almost as big as Yskra's," Robyn notes.

"Hush, pet," Yskra sighs. "We're talking."

"Well. Climb on, Sunbeam. This can't get any worse," I grumble.

It takes him a moment to recover from being throat fucked without restraint to try and hide this slab of meat, but he manages to crawl into my awaiting arms. He perks right back up as I put the tip against his tailhole and begin to press inside. Still carrying my last load from a few hours ago, he let's out a pleasure gasp as he slides down it easily until his cheeks rests against the knot. I resist the urge to force it inside him here and now and instead begin thrusting up into him as he slowly starts to raise his cute butt and impale himself back down on my cock, spreading him wide around my girth.

I'd be mortified under normal circumstances, and probably will be soon enough, but for the here and now: I'm too worked up to care.

"Leiti. Haven't you. Like. Laid eggs?" Yskra asks, unsure of how to phrase his question.

"Yes," I grunt in reply, finding it hard to focus with this golden slut's ass squeezing down hard and making himself tight. "Still can."

"Oh. A surprise dick, then."

"Yes," I half chuckle, half growl, "I suppose it is. You were saying?"

"Right, back on topic," He nods, Robyn forcing herself down on his length faster and faster as she works herself up to climax. "The thick of what I want to say is you need to relax. No one here wants to persecute you."

"Eh. Not so sure about that one," I reply, repositioning my tail to wrap around Solar's snout to keep him quiet so I can hear Yskra. "Our people act like I'm about to roast them on the spot."

"Because you very well might, at least from an outward glance. But you stuck with us when your father left and continue to fulfill your duties and share your knowledge freely with anyone willing to learn. And that's not gone unnoticed."

"You believe this to be ture?" I ask, letting out a sharp breath as Solar starts to get impatient and slams himself down, my knot popping inside his taut butt and grinding against his pleasure point inside. "Well. I'm more than happy to be less stringent, but what I've done to myself has to remain secret."

"Does it really?" Yskra returns dubiously, holding a quivering Robyn in his arms as she fiercely milks his shaft in the muscular depths of her cloaca. "You always talk about the dangers of magic and erroneous craft leading to mishaps, to my knowledge. But not much of this looks like an accident. It appears on purpose."

"Well, it was," I snort, gently tipping Solar's pre-slicked dick down so he doesn't hit me in the face as it bloats with cream, shooting across my chest and belly as he rides my knot and vibrates my erection inside him with his purring.

"Then say it wasn't. Take control of the situation. Lose the creepy cloak and go back out as a much easier person to be around. Have you seen how they reacted to Aso? He keeps passing from one guild to the next so fast I don't know where he is half the time and I'm worried half of the next season's chicks will be his! You don't have to act the same way, obviously, but you'll be admired," He affirms, a little steam issuing from his nostrils as he grips Robyn tighter and takes control of the pace as he begins thrusting into her.

"Hmph. I was overreacting..." I muse, smiling a little as Solar warmly hugs himself against my chest and raises his hips enough to pop free of the knot before I thrust it back inside as he slides back down.

Setting a slow and heavy pace, I begin to knotfuck my prize, his legs beginning to shudder as he struggles with my girth.

"No judgement here," Yskra assures me in a strained voice, hilting inside Robyn and making short, hammering thrusts that doubtlessly slam against their cervix as he grows close to another attempt at fertilizing her. "I don't think anyone could blame you for being highstrung after that kind of family life. Just don't expect me to do what Solar's doing."

"This? Any sort of relationship between us would be highly unprofessional," I huff, hammering into Solar's hole and destroying any resistance in it until he suddenly throws his weight into a thrust, cum leaking out of his quivering dick as I erupt inside him.

"Agreed," Yskra moans, reflexively humping into Robyn as he paints their womb white and then utterly fills it to the point it leaks back out in a stream from their abused sex. "Just. Don't go giving all of our egg-layers cocks, yeah? I find it a little disconcerting."

"F-fair enough," I purr, a little light headed as I fire pump after pump up into the golden toy, my knot locking every drop in and packed so tight inside I'm almost a little overstimulated.

Another few loads and I know I can put a bump in his belly, but I'd rather do that under more intimate circumstances.

"Well. Good to hear I can count on you being more laid back," Yskra grins as he leans back and watches Robyn continue to grind his dick inside themselves, not satisfied after years of keeping up with the chief's lust. "Had I known it was as easy as a simple chat, I would have done that a long time ago."

"Don't push it," I frown. "You know I don't like that kind of teasing."

Yskrian Breeding Solstice

Feathers fall and fill the air as I half hold up my lover below me, the bigger male cooing and letting out soft trills as I repeatedly ram my orange, glowing...

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Yskra the Endowed Lover

I rub my chest, the tips of my fingers finding a smooth, fresh scar beneath the white...

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Yskra the Endowed Chief

Lounging in my lodge, one of the attendants kneads my back, working away at taught muscle while also casually grooming the plumage on my back. There is far from...

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