Two In One

Story by Cimmaron on SoFurry

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Two in One

By: Cimmaron Spirit

**WARNING! This story contains teenagers, M/M, cock transformation and other such furry erotica. If you are under the age of 18, or you don't like that kind of thing, don't blame me: you clicked on the link and downloaded it to look at it. If it does not strike your fancy, leave, delete it, and find something else to do. Thank you. **

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Dominic slowly walked up to the door of the house he was asked to come to earlier today. His friend, Rick, an Arabian stallion, was going to have a party, and wanted him to join for the evening. He said yes, then spent the entire time since he had got home getting ready: showered, dressed in some older jeans and a white t-shirt and black hoodie. He knew getting past his dad and his bimbo would be easy: he really didn't care what the 17 year old fox did, just so long as he showed up every now and then,

So, he left around seven, just as his dad's latest fling showed up. It was getting dark, and the wind had a chilly bite to it, so he pulled his jacket closer to him, embracing him, as he stepped out for the fifteen minute walk.

But he was here now, and Dominic knew he couldn't just turn around and walk away. His dad had always wanted him to get out of the house (mostly so he screw the living daylights out of whoever fell for his pick up lines and fat wallet the week before), and well, he didn't really want to go back home.

Dominic padded over to the door, and, even from out here, could hear the stereo blasting out so techno music at a decibel that even jet engines couldn't be heard. He was about to knock on the door when it opened, allowing Dominic to see the young stallion, Rick, who was hosting the party.

"Domi!" he shouted. Dominic flushed, and stepped in, taking off his jacket, and pulling off his hoodie, due to the heat that was overwhelming. Rick went over to a table loaded with booze, and grabbed a bottle of beer, and handed it over to the fox that took it, and had a few sips. But Dominic couldn't keep his eyes off the equine that invited him: he was tall, muscular, a handsome dark brown and white, with blue eyes that seemed to dance in the light...

"So ya came, huh?" Rick grinned, shouting into Dominic's ear, his breath already with the tinge of alcohol and tobacco it always got at any party he attended, snapping the fox out of his day dream.

The fox nodded, and then looked around. "So, where is everyone?" he yelled over the stereo, noticing that it was only him and Rick.

Rick clopped over to the stereo, turning it off. "It's just me and you, Domi," he said, making the lithe fox look at the stallion in surprise.

"What? Why?" he inquired.

"Because of a little secret we both have," Rick said, looking back to the fox.

"Whata mean?" the fox said defensively.

"Don't tell me that you weren't the one who keeps looking at me in the locker room. Discreetly, of course, but I can always tell you are looking at me," Rick said, moving over to the fox till he was standing behind him.

"Wha...wha...What do you mean?" the fox stammered, trying his best to keep his thoughts off the stallion.

"Wanting to hold me, caress me," Rick whispered into the fox's ear sexily: "to have my cock in your ass, in your mouth, sucking on it until my seed comes out to feed you."

Dominic gasped as Rick reached to grab his ass, gently squeezing; his other arm moving over his chest, the massive fingers of the muscular stallion running over his nipples. Although he wasn't as big or buff as the horse, Dominic still had a decent body, and Rick was felling it all over.

"Well? Am I reading you right?" the stallion continued whispering into his ear.

The fox gulped, shaking. "Ye...yes..." he stammered again. "Don't hate me for that, please?" begged the fox.

The stallion turned the fox to face him. "Why would I do that?"


"Like girls?" finished Rick. Dominic only nodded.

"Oh Domi, that's just a show," he replied, making the fox look up. "No, I've always liked you. I've always wanted to be with you..." the stallion said, moving his paw over the fox's crotch, feeling the hardening member throb through the denim. "And it seems like you want to, as well."

The two just looked at each other for a long minute, until they both moved their muzzles together, and began to kiss. Rick's tongue pushed its way into Dominic's mouth, and Dominic reciprocated, and the two of them held onto each other as they French kissed.

Rick finally pulled away, and dragged the fox with him up the stairs to his room. Dominic had been their many times before in the past, but never for anything like he was about to do. It had always been his fantasy: to be able to sleep with Rick! The muscular stallion had always been a goal for him: seemingly unattainable, but it was too much for the fox: he wanted Rick so badly, but it seemed to just be growing harder and harder to reach every time he saw the horse with a different girl. He never thought this would happen, but now he didn't care. He had his horsie, and he would never let him go.

Rick nearly threw the fox onto the bed, and climbed up on top over Dominic, and the two began to kiss again, as Dominic's strong hands started to remove the white t-shirt, and only broke the kiss for a minute to pull it off. As he was up, he sat up over the fox, and pulled off his own t-shirt, and Dominic nearly drooled at the sight of the horse's muscles: straining against his fur, bulging with power and strength...all his...

Rick moved back down again, and they began to kiss some more. This time, one of Dominic's hands reached up for his friend's belt, and slowly unbuckled it, then the zipper...

As son as he zipper was pulled down, the massive stallion cock flopped out, with no underwear are cloth standing in between it and the outside, landing on the foxes stomach. They both broke away from each other to look at it, and they both looked back to each other.

"Please Rick," the fox begged, "shove that thing in me..."

Rick grinned again, and sat up, and pulled his pants off, then helped Dominic out of his jeans and boxers, allowing his own member to come free.

Dominic quickly rolled over, as Rick licked his friend's tailhole, and making the fox moan as he pushed in his tongue past the anal ring. The stallion's tongue went deeper and deeper into the fox's ass, opening and lubing it up to allow the massive horse cock better access.

When Rick pulled out his tongue, he shifted on the bed, getting his member, now fully hard at 24 inches, ready to pummel Dominic's rear. Despite the number of times Dominic had had other guys do this (at least six times since he turned 16), he was unready for this: when the flat head went, in, the fox nearly screamed with pain and pleasure. But when the massive dick kept going in, he allowed his ass to relax, making the cock go in easier. Rick kept pushing in his member until it reached the medial ring and he couldn't push it in anymore: the fox's rectum was stuffed with horse cock, pushing up against the prostate, making Dominic shake and shudder.

Rick began to pull out, but before it all came out, he thrust in again, again reaching the medial ring. He pulled out and shoved back in, making the fox moan each time, again and again, picking up speed until he was pile driving his member into the fox's ass.

Dominic was lost in the sheer pleasure of the moment, and didn't fully realize that Rick had stopped thrusting for a moment, but when he did, he groaned, and tried to move his legs, hoping to make him start again. But when the fox tried to, he couldn't even feel his legs, much less move them. When he turned his head around, he gasped to see that his entire rear end was starting to merge into Rick's groin area!

"Rick!" the startled fox shouted, not comprehending what was going on. "Rick! What the hell are you doing?"

The stallion only grinned, and thrust forward, making Dominic's entire body move.

But as the fox watched, his tail slowly shrank away, and his orange and black fur began to morph into pink and black splotched skin, much like...

"A cock? Your turning me into a god damned dick?" Dominic shouted in confusion, lifting his hands off the bed.

But still Rick didn't say anything, but began to grasp hold of his new massive member, and began to stroke it, flooding Dominic's mind with lust and the urge to fuck, though one part still screamed Good God! He's turning you into his massive prick! Dominic barely realized that he was now completely suspended from in between Rick's legs, his own legs having merged in with the stallion's ball sac, and the mottled coloured cock flesh continued working its way up Dominic's body, making his arms shrink into the penis he was transforming into.

"Rick, I'll..." the fox started before pre began gushing from his throat, no longer capable of speech, but only to allow the stallion's seed to exit from his body.

The last vestige's of the fox's head merged into the enormous, flared head of the stallion's manhood, and when Dominic was fully replaced by Rick's new 5 and a half foot long dick, the stallion whined as he reached his orgasm, and as his newly enlarged balls pumped out gallon after gallon of horse cum, drenching the bed and floor with the hot, white sticky substance.

After a few minutes, Rick's cock was only dribbling, and the horse collapsed onto the floor, exhausted from the transformation and jack off he had just had. He gently patted his massive cock, which twitched in response.

"Heh, don't worry Domi," he said, yawning, "I'll let you go. Later, after we have some more fun together..."

The Girlfriend's Secret

**The Girlfriend's Secret** By: Cimmaron Spirit **\*\*Disclaimer! This is only for those 18 or older, if it legal where you are, and only for those who like anthro-furry sex, so, if you don't, stop reading now! I can't be held...

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The Farmers Secret

**The Farmer's Secret** By: Cimmaron Spirit **\*\*Disclaimer! This is only for those 18 or older, if it legal where you are, and only for those who like anthro-furry sex, so, if you don't, stop reading now! I can't be held...

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A New Life

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