Side Effects May Include...

Story by faradin2772 on SoFurry

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This story is © Faradin 2010.

Skarth is © his player.

Fuck disclaimers. You knew what you were getting into when you clicked it. Pervert.

The feathered dragon had long since reached his own climax; his stomach scales scraping over the sticky sheets wet with his release as he felt the other dragon's claws dig into his thighs and rump, the reptile giving a feral snarl of satisfaction as he spilled his own load into Skarth's abused passage. The wave of warmth rushed up his spine and filled his insides thickly, the flammie putting on a hearty display of pained expressions and slutty moans to encourage his aggressive lover. The black-scaled brute atop him withdrew almost too quickly, causing Skarth to moan authentically from the sudden rush of having 7 inches of dragonmeat pulled so quickly from his body, accompanied with a backwash of hot seed. Before he had a chance to look back over his shoulder, he felt two fingers slipping past his stretched anal ring, the appendages squishing around in the loose tunnel, wetly and audibly. Skarth suppressed a gasp by biting the pillow he rested his head on, paying no heed to the final few spurts of white that painted his rump and tail.

" that was real sweet of ya, darlin'..." he heard Terrence say behind him with a chuckle. His eyes closed in mock exhaustion, Skarth listened attentively for the sound of a zipper being pulled up, a belt being rebuckled as the still-clothed male concealed the signs of sex clinging to his body. Unexpectedly, he felt what had to have been a business card or apost-it note being stuck to a patch of spunk just below his tailbase. "Here's my number, in case you get a hankering for more of ol' Behemoth sometime..."

Skarth kept himself as still as possible to feign sleep just long enough to prompt Terrence to decide against lingering and leave the flammie be. Once he heard the front door close, he opened his eyes and brought himself up, grinning wickedly to himself and rubbing at his belly. His scheme had been executed perfectly--having convinced a reptilian male to go to bed with him in order to gather his seed, Skarth was, for all intents and purposes, pregnant. He'd taken more than a few supplements and hormones provided by the disgruntled, disbarred biological pharmacist from whatever laboratory that frowned upon such practices as the study of male pregnancy. The walls of his bowels, now refashioned to mimic those of an ovary, would be absorbing the sperm into the flammie's body at this point and donating them to the collection of undeveloped eggs he carried inside him.

Thanking the existence of such amoral scientists, Skarth rolled over onto his back and crossed his paws over his stomach happily, eyes closed again, licking his lips as images of a round potbelly full of eggs danced across the back of his eyelids. The fun he envisioned he would have the coming days made him salivate. The good doctor had promised the drugs would be fast-acting, so Skarth would be able to experience a full term of gestation within a fraction of the time--and as an added bonus, he'd been gifted a sample of experimental male-enhancements. A few days of waiting was a small price to pay, but that didn't keep him from willing the time to go by quickly. Skarth rubbed his naked thighs together as he pulled his blanket over himself. A quick nap would help the process, maybe, and it would kill time at the very least. Just a couple hours of shuteye would do him good.

Barely had he laid his head back than his entire body was sapped of its strength, his limbs growing weak and heavy. Skarth yawned loud and long, draping a paw over his closed eyes to shield them. The dragon must have forgotten something and had returned, turning the light on to find whatever he'd misplaced. Funny though, Skarth thought, that he couldn't hear anyone else in the room with him. He spread his fingers enough to let some of the light seep through as he opened an eye, squinting as his pupils shrank painfully. A familiar, insistent ache emanating from his groin jolted his senses--it was also unlikely that if someone else were in the room with him, they'd let the tent in Skarth's blanket go to waste like this. It was only after his eyes adjusted and he was able to open his fingers further that he saw it was in fact already daytime--and judging by the intensity and angle of the sunlight, with a shock Skarth realized that it had to be almost evening. He'd slept almost a full day feeling as if he'd just gone to bed.

Skarth peeled his paw away from his eyes, yawning again, his jaw cracking as he stretched his legs. The excersize caused his morning wood to throb, letting the flammie know that it wasn't going away without getting some attention. Closing his eyes once more, Skarth shrugged and worked his paw down towards his crotch, deciding he might as well rub one out now to wake himself up. What he didn't count on was the presence of an unseen foe halting his paw's arduous trek. He growled threateningly at this intrusive object--something was keeping him from touching himself, and this was not okay with the perpetually horny manadragon.

Looking down to confront this unidentified enemy, however, left Skarth amazed and altogether much, much happier with his predicament. The hem of the blanket warming him had been lifed several inches off his chest by an engorged, bloated belly, one indicitave of what had to be a full term of pregnancy, if not more. He found it frustratingly difficult to even pull the blanket down to get a better view of himself, he was so round now. Kicking at the covers from within seemed to work best, as each thrust of his leg revealed more and more of his tight, shapely stomach. The motions sent bolts of pleasure through his body, though--the male enhancement must have been hard at work as well, as the blanket was dragged over the sensitive head of Skarth's obscured member. He swore he could feel his length pressing against his belly, reaching towards his midsection.

No wonder he felt so tired--Skarth could barely move from the weight of his own stomach atop him, combined with his overwhelming arousal. Within a few moments, though, he found he could swing his belly back and forth to generate enough momentum to roll himself over and off the bed, managing to catch himself by clutching at his bedside table. The act sent shivers up his back, as he could almost feel the individual eggs inside him shifting and bumping against each other. This was fantastic! His dream had finally come to fruition: Skarth was now the first ever fully male case of draconic pregnancy. The publicity he imagined would come with the title made his belly twinge and his tail curl gleefully. If the current size of his belly was any indication, however, Skarth knew publicity may have to wait, as he could be going into labor any time now. He wouldn't risk that without letting himself have some fun first.

Standing up as straight as he could without snapping his spine, Skarth wobbled away from his bed and towards his closet. The growth between his legs kept him from being able to walk properly--his testicles had expanded exponentially in size, and were squashed between his thighs with every step he took. He could feel his erection bouncing as well--from the way it tugged at his pubic flesh and slapped against his stomach, it had to be much bigger and much heavier than originally anticipated. This caused Skarth to worry about how effective one of his new toys would be; toys that he looked upon as he reached the closet and opened it. Straight from the dealer of adult novelties for the super- and macro-endowed, Skarth had bought himself a gigantic latex dildo that reached his chest in height and almost the entirety of his arms' length in circumference. Sitting atop its saurian crown was another latex tool, a cockring that Skarth had ensured was the smallest size the shop had available. When he'd picked it up to examine it, he found he was able to put both arms through it with little resistance. It seemed perfect at the time, but now...

Now, Skarth wasn't so sure, as he reached around his belly to touch at his shaft, shuddering at the contact. "Ol' Behemoth" indeed--Skarth smirked when he thought about how the father of his eggies would react if he saw how big his slut had grown overnight. This image quickly warped into one of a fellow hyper-endowed Terrence, bending the poor, helpless, pregnant flammie over and thrusting into him. The thought made his belly rumble and his tail lift a bit--he was close now. The eggs would be coming soon.

Skarth looped the cockring over his arm, reaching past his stomach to grasp at the massive dildo. He found he could barely scrape his fingertips over its tip--he would have to improvise to be able to pull the weighty toy from its resting place. Turning himself around, he bent forward and reached back, taking the dildo's head in his paws and tugging with all his might. It tipped forward, hinging on its base, allowing Skarth to teeter forward and pull it behind him. The further he walked, the more he was forced to lean forward, his neglected cockhead beginning to drag on the carpet. He really WAS fact, he must've grown in the past few minutes, as he didn't remember his stomach or balls making it this hard to walk.

The instant this thought crossed Skarth's mind, he was struck with an incredible pressure in his lower intestine. Gasping sharply, he released the dildo he towed and planted his paws on his knees to keep himself from falling forward. It felt as if he was being pulled in half--his legs already spread around his huge, dangling orbs, his tail began to raise of its own accord, belly rumbling ominously. Skarth was already going into labor!

"No! Not yet, its way too soon, stay put--!"

The eggs he carried ignored his plea, determined to free themselves from his clutch. Skarth was slowly lowered into a squatting position, heavy dragon nuts resting on the carpet. He groaned and massaged his traitorous stomach, feeling the egg gradually travel through him towards freedom, aided by what must have been some sort of lubricant his altered body produced naturally. He felt his thighs grow warm and wet, confirming his suspiscion, the awm fluid flowing freely from his expanding pucker. Skarth grunted, fixing a paw firmly under his tail, intent on keeping the egg within him as long as possible. He couldn't hold out much longer--the strain it put on his body was too great, and he could already feel the slick surface of the eggshell nudging at his palm. It seemed to be coming faster and faster; the more it stretched him, the more lubricant he produced. Before too long Skarth was struggling to push the egg back inside himself, the melon-sized orb almost halfway out. There was only one solution.

Skarth hiked his hips, holding his breath as he gave a powerful shove, working the egg back into himself a few inches. It was impossible at this point to keep them locked inside his belly by willing it alone. He would need help. Keeping the egg at an angle and gradually applying more and more weight on it, he was able to push it back in until he could touch his own rear with his clawtips. This was far enough. With a moment's hesitation, the desperate flammie exhaled and let himself fall backwards. His aim was perfect--his already gaping ass enveloped the head of the macrodildo behind him, Skarth releasing a choked cry as he sank down all the way to the medial ring of the huge toy, where simulated veins and ridges had been cast in the latex. He used his tail for balance as he kept most of his weight lifted off the toy--with as heavy as he'd become, there was no guarantee he'd be able to pull himself back up if he were to slip any lower.

The eggs were certainly putting up a fight of their own--slowly but surely, the feathered dragon felt his rear beginning to constrict around the latex pillar. To make matters worse, his already gargantuan cock was now visible above the curve of his stomach. He was still growing. Seeing the pulsating rod rise into view, gaining height and girth with every heartbeat reminded Skarth why he was partaking in such lewd acts in the first place. Rooting his footpaws into the carpet on either side of his pleasure perch, he let himself relax marginally, patting at his smooth cockflesh as he let the ring around his arm slide down into his grasp. He set it atop the head of his member and tugged hard, forcing it open around his sensitive glans and eventually working it down to the shaft itself. And not a moment too soon--as his urethra was sealed off, a healthy glob of precum gushed from his slit and oozed down over the cockring. Skarth heaved a sigh of relief, his money not going to waste after all. Using both paws (and with the aid of his own pre) he was able to drag the semi-elastic ring down to his base, securing it firmly around the thickest part of his darkening dragondick. Now, he finally had time to play.

With great effort, Skarth rose up on the toy, his prolapsed anal entrance slurping noisily. The textured dildo stimulated every inch of his innards, tickling nerves he didn't even know he had, making his already laboured breathing catch in his throat. Careful not to lose his balance, he waited until his loose sphincter met with the ridged head before lowering himself back down ever-so slowly. His eyes lidded and tongue hanging from his maw, he allowed himself a pleasured sigh. This is what he'd been waiting for for so long, the ultimate way to pleasure himself. No other males would ever be able to please him like this--not males of his own size anyway--and the idea of being such an object of hyperlust made him drool. Soon he was bouncing on the dildo with reckless abandon, doing the best he could to paw himself off--which was not very good at all, as his member was now permanently grounded from its own weight. He found he couldn't sit any lower on the dildo if he wanted to, as his balls had fitted themselves to the space between his legs, supporting his body mass like twin cusions.

Unfortunately for the flammie, mind lost in his blissful pursuits, the artificial chemicals running through his body had no interest in what Skarth wanted. They simply responded to the amount of pleasured approval governing his senses by pumping more and more hormones into him, accelerating his rate of growth and the growth of the eggs inside him. His belly continued swelling outward with the size and volume of his unborn offspring, their shapes beginning to reveal themselves through his tightly drawn flesh. His distended gut sagged, rolling down over the length of his immobile mammoth of a cock, grinding it into the carpet and making him convulse in orgasmic throes. He must've hit his climax already, though were it not for his posterior muscles clenching and the sudden wave of fatigue that washed over him, he would never have been able to tell. The giant Skarthcock creeped along the ground until it reached the opposite wall, the soft head squashing against the surface. Little by little, Skarth lost the ability to utilize the macrodildo inside him, as his movements were almost completely restricted by his overgrown organ and womb.

With the force of a semi-truck, a violent contraction hit Skarth, his mutinous body finally having enough of this lewd mistreatment. He wanted to moan out, he tried to say something, but to no avail: his stomach and intestines had filled with eggs to the point that they had found their way into his chest and throat, lodged in place by their own mass. Skarth could no longer speak or swallow, and began to panic, flailing his diminuitive arms uselessly. A second, vengeful contraction overtook him, sending the muscles of his birth canal into overdrive. His tail was plastered against his back as his exhausted body attempted time and time again to expel the multiplying eggs within him. The dildo kept him well stretched and tight, plugging him up for good, trapped against his taut prostate indefinitely. His orgasm had never waned--indeed, the bestial throbs of his now macro-sized dick had synched with his birthing contractions, the veins churning and pulsing furiously. His sealed urethra had expanded to the point that his agonizingly oversexed cock had begun to climb up the wall it was held against, scraping over the patterns in the paintjob and driving Skarth insane.

He had to cum. He had to lay his eggs. His funtime was over, and now he was left weak and helpless by his own libido. His throat had become indiscernable from his belly and throat, his head perched atop a corpulent eggsac covered in scales and feathers, his shrinking extremities the only sign that he had once been a normal dragon. With a start, Skarth realized he had been lifted from the ground by the size of his own balls, the dildo having long since been pulled up into his ass completely by the force of his contractions. Contractions that didn't relent, even as his vision and hearing was obscured by his own eggs rolling over his muzzle and head through his belly, and his cock begain straining against the foundations of the wall with an ominous groan. There was no sign of the growth stopping anytime soon, as his world was consumed by his neverending climax and labor. Skarth was doomed to a life of being his own reproductive monster; nothing but an ever-growing cock and womb, slowly spreading over everything, unable to lay a single egg or release a drop of cum, locked into this hypersexed state forever. His final, irrational thought before his mind slipped completely, overrun by nothing but thoughts of sex and eggs, was that he wished this would never end, as he fully knew it wouldn't.

It had been almost a full day since Terrence had gone to bed with Skarth, and his sexdrive still would not relent. He wondered vaguely as he drove back through the neighborhood if the mischevious flammie had slipped some kind of male-growth pill into his drink, as he could swear the bulge in his pants had grown as the day progressed. No matter how many times he'd whipped out his vicious erection and pawed himself, with as much primal volition he could muster, his rebellious dragonmeat just would not go soft. The way he figured, as he failed to fight the urge to stuff his claws down his pants and jerk himself as he drove, there would be no better way to solve this mystery than to revisit Skarth and see what the smaller dragon had to say for himself.