Rin and Seri, (more than) inseparable

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Rin and Seri, the dog and cat inseparable duo, enjoy a morning

I wrote this very quick smut after I made a commander deck based on Rin and Seri, Inseparable, and found this two characters too cute to pass over the idea of making a smutty story.

It was a morning like any morning in the valley. Rin was the first to wake up, warmed up by the filtering sunlight from the cave mouth. Seri was still sleeping between his paws, against his belly, so he choose to wait. There was nothing hurry. They ate a big prey the night before, and most of the carcass was still edible, so hunger wouldn't be a problem before a day or two. No, there was nothing more important that morning than chilling out, gazing at the many creature roaming at their activities.

Seri wriggled in her sleep, probably living a pleasant dream as she purred and chuckled randomly. Rin let her be, but the more she stirred against a certain part of his anatomy, the more Rin felt a need rising between in his sheath. He licked her head lovingly, to wake her up. This made her purr more loudly, as she loved to be groomed. After the head, Rin licked lower, her chin, then her neck, and lower again, rolling her to her back to lick her chest, her belly, then her teats. He loved licking her teats. Licking, tonguing, nibbling, suckling, bathing them to make her purr so loud it sounds like music in his ears. After some time, he went lower again, to the main attraction of this game. Here, nested between her legs, poorly hidden by her long fur, lied the flower of his desire. She was already dripping wet, and he couldn't resist to put is nose right on those pulping petals, sniffing deeply, drowning in her intimate scent. And what a scent ! The perfume of her arousal was an intoxicating ambrosia for his nose, and a hard wired way in his brain to hardening his maleness.

Bored by the foreplay, Seri rolled back on her belly, and took the typical cat mating pose Rin found so erotic. The main even was now. He straddled her smaller form, aiming a bit high, his penis tip caressing her anus, before entering her smoothly, tenderly, till his knot touched the rim. They tried vaginal before, but he was way too big for her. Seri was big for a cat - very big in fact, she must have caracal blood in her lineage - but still, she was far too small to take that massive rod of him. And big he was. He even has struggle to fit inside the pussy of a certain leonine huntress they meet often, even if she was much taller than him. Felines vaginas are like that : small. As small as male felines are. Anal was more doable, after some stretching and training. Seri was fond of it. His size was stretching her so much it made her feel full. He started moving slowly, with calm long strokes, with all the length from tip to knot. Seri loved than caring attention, and felt a very quick orgasm coming, amplified each time the Rin's knot smashed again her pussy. As the pleasure raised, Rin made quicker, shorter strokes, his knot hitting Seri's lips, stimulating her clitoris, with more force. The purr she was making changed to moans, then urging meowing. Without warning, Seri came. Hard. Her pussy spasmed desperately on nothing, as her anal sphincters clenched tight on the big pole of her lover. This made Rin reach the edge, and force himself fully, hilting her with everything he had, knot included. The sudden stretching intrusion made Seri orgasm again, much more intensely, almost to fainting point. Riding his own release, Rin collapse next to Seri, panting, utterly exhausted. Seri herself was basking in the constant feeling of his warm seed spurting deep in her intestines. His twitching knot was pressing on her g-spot through the thin barrier of her colon, prolonging her plateau.

They would stay like that until the Rin's knot deflate. They loved each other, but for now, they're inseparable. Litterally.


Renaissance # Première Partie : Au commencement ## Chapitre Premier : La Belle, le Zoo et les Salauds Je marchais aux côtés de Graphite, ma jument, une pur-sang à la robe d'un noir mat profond. Elle était belle, gentille et intelligente, la...

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Un autre point de vue

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