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A group of friends comes back from a night of revelry and one of them has a special treat in store for them; a set of collars that can turn their bodies into latex! That's not all they can do either, but the one that had got them for the rest of the group made sure to keep that a secret until the time was right...

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The lights of the house flickered to life as though sensing the approaching movement, and a few more moments later the sound of the key turning in the lock and the door opening filled the air as the shark man that had opened it entered into the room. "I just don't see how you managed to win after being behind all game," the shark said as he put his keys to the side while an Anubian Jackal followed right behind. "It was like most unexpected comeback in all of history."

The house belonged to the shark, his name being Alphonse while his friends called Al, and his girlfriend Amely the jackal. Behind them were their group of friends that they had spent most of the day with, one of them being a snake man named Matt who had a big grin on his face. "What can I say," Matt said as he walked into the large dragon man named Kai. "When you're good, you're good."

"More like lucky," the fifth in their group replied, the frog named Rubine said as he practically pushed in the other two. "Quit blocking the door and stop gloating, that game was supposed to be mine." After Rubine had gotten in the last of their party got in, the crocodile named Ace closing the door behind him as they all walked into the main living room. Once everyone was inside and settled down Al offered them all a drink while Amely asked what they would like to do to cap off the night.

A few suggestions were thrown around by the others that included another board game, watching a movie, or ordering a pizza and just talking. The entire conversation only one of the group remained quiet and eventually when someone noticed and asked what they were thinking Rubine leaned back on the couch. "Well, I may have something that you all might be interested in," Rubine said as he put his hands back behind his head. "But I don't know... it's pretty wild."

"It's not like that time you ordered those things and we ended up upside down for half the night, is it?" Kai asked as he stirred his drink.

"That was only you, and that only happened once," Rubine replied, which prompted the dragon to stick his tongue out at him. "Oh no, this is something that would blow every other encounter in that regard out of the water. I have something that was recommended to me by a very lovely raptoress and if you all agree I'll go and get them."

The rest of the group looked at one another with weary looks. They all knew that their frog friend was probably the horniest of the group and often pushed their group into rather lewd situations, and though they were rather open with one another even with Al and Amely being a couple it sometimes he was... a bit much. But the curiosity of what this grand new item was that had the frog beaming was too much and eventually they all found themselves nodding. Rubine gave them a wink and disappeared off into another room off the house, leaving the five discussing quietly to one another what they were about to get themselves into before he returned holding six small boxes.

He handed one to each of them and said to open them, which Al being the first to receive one practically tore it open and pulled out the contents within. "It's... a collar?" Al said as he looked at the silver rubber in the light and pressing a finger against the small jewel that was embedded in it. "Like, I don't want to harsh your buzz, but I feel like you've may have oversold this one Rubine."

"Oh just put it on," Rubine said with a smirk as the others opened their boxes to reveal the same collar.

Al rolled his eyes and put on the collar, the others looking over at him while holding their own as they waited to see what would happen. Once he got it around his thick neck everyone just looked at him and then at the frog after nothing seemed to happen, but Rubine seemed to remain confident on what was about to happen next and motioned for them all to just watch. As the shark was about to say that perhaps his was broken he reached up to adjust it when he felt rubber... just not from the collar. Amely let out a gasp and the others stared up in shock as it looked like liquid silver was starting to spread out from the collar up and down his neck.

As Amely asked what was going on Rubine just said that they would all see and thanked Al for the demonstration as the shark pulled off his shirt, exposing his bare chest and the fact that the rubber was already starting to coat his shoulders and go down his chest. "Rubine... what is this..." Al said as he brought up a hand and rubbed against his chest, which caused him to shudder. "Oh man... this feels..."

"Feels what?" Ace spoke up as he leaned forward like the others.

"It feels... incredible..." Al replied, which prompted them all to look down at the collars they were holding while the shark went over to his girlfriend. "You have to try this!" as the jackal was about to say something Al took the collar and deftly put it around her neck with the precision of someone that had clearly done it before, and as the collar locked into place both Amely and the others let out a slight gasp as they could see the fur that was underneath the material immediately look shiny and almost wet before turning silver.

Amely brought her hands up to the collar and just like Al the silver rubber began to spread, cascading down her chest and underneath her clothing before she took it off as well. "Rubine, where the heck did you get these collars?!" Amely said as she saw that her fur was being assimilated by the rubber, not just covering it as the shark was the same shiny silver all the way down his stomach and sides. "There is really something weird... with... oh..."

It was Al that undid the jackal's bra and as he did she let out a moan of pleasure from the material covering her nipples, coating her breasts almost completely as the look of concern on her face turned to pure pleasure. She was not the only one that was getting aroused by it as the shark's pants were incredibly tented by this point and to the surprise of the others he pulled them down to let his cock flop out. It was already partially covered by the expanding rubber and as the others watched in rapt fascination the two were quickly becoming shinier as they saw the tendrils of the latex coil around encase the rear of the male. The jackal wasn't too far behind and though their heads were spared for the moment the rubber could be seen creeping up their necks as the others watched.

"Rubine, you're sure this is... safe, right?" Matt asked nervously as he saw the rubber reach Amely's pussy and completely coated it, though the others could still see every detail as every detail of their bodies was being highlighted by the shiny substance.

"Of course," Rubine said with a grin. "I was assured by my friend that the rubberization seems invasive because it is but is perfectly safe and very pleasurable. Al, why don't you go ahead and show Amely just how sensitive her new body is?"

Both Al and Amely had begun to pant as it was clear the rubber was pleasuring their forms, and as the shark went over to the jackal and palmed her breasts it caused her to shout out that caused everyone to jump slightly. "Sorry, it's... really sensitive..." Amely said as she reached down and squeezed Al's cock that caused him to nearly fall over as his knees buckled. "See..."

Al responded by pressing the increasingly latex jackal up against the wall and as the others sat and watched it was clear that they were forgetting they were having company as the two began to make out, which only seemed to cause the rubber to start to spread up their heads even faster. As their muzzles met in a fierce kiss the shiny substance seemed to tendril upwards and slither into their maws while it also climbed up the back of their heads. At this point only their faces and their legs were uncovered, but that was quickly changing as the bigger guy practically lifted the jackal up as their bodies rubbed against one another. The others watched with wide eyes as the shark took his shiny cock and slid it inside of her, causing them both to arch back and show that their maws had been rubberized inside and out while the last of their bodies were enveloped.

As the couple began to have sex right there against the wall the others looked down at the collars that had been given to them in slight shock, especially after having witnessed the transformation of the two shiny rubber creatures that were making loud and squeaky noises behind them. "Well, I'm sold," Kai said as he put the collar around his neck and promptly started to disrobe. "So are we all going to go at it like those two are?"

"I think that they may have just been overwhelmed with the moment," Rubine replied as he glanced over at the two and saw that Al had gotten Amely's completely silver legs up around his waist before looking at the others. "At least it gives us a chance to catch up as it were, though I think Kai here has the right idea." The frog put on his collar as well and as the remaining two did as well they all began to take off their clothes and put them to the side. Any sense of modesty went out the window when their two hosts stripped naked in front of them and as the others got their collars on they heard a groan come from the dragon on the couch as the silver rubber began to envelop his scales.

By the time the other two had finished up they turned to see that their four guests were not only naked but silver rubber creatures as well, all of them testing the sensitivity of their new bodies by stroking down their latex chests while also feeling the fact that the rubber had gotten inside of their mouths and other such places. As Kai was about to approach the snake next to him though with an eager gleam in his eye though he was stopped as the foot of the rubber frog was placed against his muscular chest. "Before we go into full orgy mode I think you should know that these collars have a fair few more features than what we've seen." Rubine explained with a grin as Amely and Al rejoined the group.

"You mean that these things to more than turn us into rubber?" Amely asked. "Because after what we just experienced I can tell you with some certainty that we're not just covered with rubber... this is inside and out, isn't it?"

"That's correct," Rubine replied as the grin on his face grew. "I think a quick example is in order. Amely, you really enjoyed those Anubian markings on your body, I think it would be a shame if you didn't express yourself with them again."

As Amely looked at the silver rubber frog in slight confusion she heard a gasp come from the shark next to her and as she looked down at her arms her eyes widened as she saw her markings reappear, the golden rubber shimmering on her body as the silver around it turned to black. The others watched in rapt fascination as the silver on her feminine form darkened all over save for where the gold was reappearing and it was clear that it was causing her more than a little enjoyment as she closed her eyes and let out a gasp of pleasure. Not only did her original patterns reappear but a few new ones did as well, along with highlighting her nipples and pussy, creating an almost statuesque creature as she did a small turn as though to show off. When she opened her eyes again they had also become a solid gold as she looked down at herself in pure awe.

"That's incredible!" Matt said as the snake was practically on his hands and knees while on the couch watching Amely change. "What else can they do?"

"Well given the proper permissions you can also change others," Rubine said with a grin as he reached over to Matt's collar and pressed the gem that had shifted to a green collar. "Like so." Before Matt could say anything he practically fell back against Kai as something started to happen to his body, his feet pressing into the couch cushions in pleasure as the rubber around his chest began to ripple and swell along with his groin. As the snake let out a groan it became muffle and his eyes widened as when he tried to open his maw there were multiple strands of latex that connected his lips.

Eventually he closed his muzzle and was unable to open it again as Rubine placed a hand around his cock, which was growing even bigger as he pressed it against his flat stomach. Above it the squirming snake's chest began to swell even more and when Kai realized what was going on the dragon grinned and began to rub against the breasts that were forming there. "As you can see you can alter quite a bit on someone's body," Rubine said as he continued to stroke against the cock that he had pressed against the snake's belly, watching as the rubber began to envelop it until it was a tubular bulge on the snake's increasingly feminine body. "Plus you can engage in a bit of bondage, and as I'll demonstrate these bodies are quite stretchy too."

Matt once more let out a muffled grunt as a timer appeared on his collar, and when Kai noticed it while still playing around with the flustered rubber snake he looked up to ask what it was only to see that Rubine had moved on to Ace. With the frog on top of the other man his eyes widened slightly as he saw his long tongue seemed to stretch out even longer before it was pushed into the alligator's maw, who let out a muffled grunt of pleasure as his muzzle was filled. The dragon continued to watch as the appendage was going down much further than normal, though with their bodies now seemingly made of rubber it was clear that having a tongue literally pushed down into your throat wasn't too far-fetched. Kai was about to turn his attention to the shemale rubber snake that Matt had become, who was still squirming with his groin completely coated in the same latex that was containing him, when he heard Amely and Al talking that got his attention.

"Are you sure that you want to do this?" Amely asked as they continued to rub against one another.

"Hey, Rubine said that we can alter our forms," Al said. "If this is something that you've fantasized about then I'm on board."

"Considering what we've done in the bedroom before I'm pretty sure that you've had this idea yourself," Amely replied with a smirk, which would have caused Al to blush and give a sheepish grin. "Why don't we start with you first, I have an idea." The shark nodded and as Amely pressed the gem on his collar like he had saw Rubine do to Matt both creatures felt a tingle in their bodies. Even though this was more of a test than anything it was clear the jackal had something in mind for her boyfriend as his rather stocky build began to shrink, not only in his build but also in height as they went from her having to look up to be eye to eye until they were almost even with one another.

His height wasn't the only thing that she was changing as the jackal found herself getting the hang of the body manipulation side of these strange and wonderful collars, giving the shark a flat stomach and chest while making his arms thinner as well. When he let out a groan it was slightly higher in pitch and as she ran her hands down his back she could feel those muscles becoming leaner too. While she didn't want to make him skinny she had an idea in mind as she tweaked him and smoothed out some of his more masculine features. He had always been a rather rugged shark man, but once she was done with him what stood before her was a shark femboy who marveled at his new physique.

"I can't believe this," Al said, pressing his hands against his face to find that the features had become softer than before.

"Didn't take it too far, did I?" Amely replied, which caused the shark to chuckle.

"I don't think so," Al stated with a big grin. "I did wonder what it would be like to be more of a twink, I guess that this is about to happen in more ways than one. Now that I'm done it's your turn, and I want to be right there for your biggest change."

Amely smiled even more broadly as Al reached up and pressed the gem on her collar before trailing his hands downward. As he got to her breasts they could both feel them starting to shrink in his grasp, causing Amely to gasp as the rubber began to stretch and reform. While she didn't have the biggest breasts they were becoming even smaller the more the shark rubbed them until the ones on the former snake guy were bigger. That was all part of the plan though and the more she began to groan the deeper her voice started to get as her shoulders began to broaden and her muscles began to swell. It was almost the opposite of what Al had gone through and by the time he moved his hands down to her shiny stomach her boobs had been replaced with a pair of pectorals that glistened in the light with her nipples still highlighted.

Once more Amely found herself groaning, relishing her new deeper voice as she felt her muzzle and head shift and morph slightly to match her new masculine upper body. One of the things that she had talked about with Al was what it would feel like to be a guy, and while the shark was on board the strap-ons that they had tried didn't quite do it for her as she was still a girl but with a dildo attached to her in her eyes. This was something completely different, she was becoming an incredibly sexy male Anubian jackal with her... no, with his twink boyfriend nuzzled between his legs. The jackal man smirked as he flexed his arm and saw the bicep bulge before a surge of pleasure brought them down to the head of the shark who had begun to nuzzle between his legs.

Even before he had gotten down there Al could see the rubber rippling about down there and by the time he had gotten down there he could already see the gold rubber pussy closing up. He gave it a few licks that caused the jackal above to tremble and as kept nuzzling against it he eventually found something poking at his muzzle. The strong hands of the one standing above him began to knead against his head as he quickly turned his attention to the growing numb of latex. As soon it had gotten a few inches out he began to wrap his lips around it, causing the new rubber jackal man to snarl as he stroked his own thick cock that was the only thing that hadn't been shrunk in his own transformation.

As Amely looked down and saw the shark wrapping around hos growing member he found that he didn't really have control over the size of his rubber cock, and as it passed the six-inch mark while he stretched his lips around it he couldn't help but smirk. With the inside of his rubber maw sliding against the incredibly sensitive flesh of his rubber cock though he didn't care, he was ready to stretch open his throat if he wanted. He shuddered as the transformation finally cascaded down to his thighs and calves, watching the rubberized muscle thicken considerably as his feet expanded slightly while growing the gold-tipped claws. Soon the two of them got into a rhythm and as the hands of the cute femboy shark bobbed up and down he soon found himself gulping as the foot-long rubber cock of his jackal boyfriend stretched out his throat...

Damn, Kai thought to himself as he watched the two go at it, they are really getting into this. As the dragon continued to look down at the squirming snake man he had been teasing the timer was starting to get close to zero, and since the dragon was sure that meant he would no longer be in his current state he was taking full advantage to tease the normally shy snake man who would be moaning as those clawed fingers rubbed against his engulfed cock. It had continued to shift during their time along with his boobs growing bigger and at this point the dragon wondered if the chastity that the frog had put him under wasn't getting more intense with each second the timer ticked down. When he heard a loud gurgling sound he looked up to see if Rubine was done tongue-fucking the alligator that he was on top of, but what he saw when he looked up caused his eyes to widen.

Amely wasn't the only one to take advantage of the gender shifting module of the collar and as the frog had continued to stretch out the throat of the other man they slowly were becoming the opposite. Aside from Kai the alligator was one of the biggest of their groups and even with his shiny silver body becoming more feminine by the second it was clear that the frog had no intention on having that part of him change. With their muzzles practically overlapping one another he managed to stretch himself so that he was between her legs, and as he rubbed against Ace's cock with his hand it began to shrink. The transforming man was so enraptured with the pleasure that was coming from their smooth forms that he hardly noticed that he was growing a set of tits that would have riveled the jackal's if she hadn't become a guy muzzle-fucking the shark that was on his knees with their new cock.

But Rubine maintained control of his faculties for one specific purpose in mind, something that the raptoress had told them that they could do with the collars that he had specifically kept from the others. In essence he wanted to try this out for himself first and as he continued to stroke the cock of the alligator he felt it eventually push further into his legs, causing the guy to groan and his back to arch as it turned into a pussy. The first step that he rubber frog wanted to do was make sure that the partner he took was a girl, and since the only one that had been in their friend group was Amely whose time would be taken up by Al he decided to take advantage of the rather easygoing nature of his friend and change him into one instead. It was clear that he was enjoying it as his chest began to grow swollen and form into a pair of inflating tits.

"God, you always were the kinkiest one that I ever knew," Ace said once they had broken their kiss and his throat wasn't filled with rubber frog tongue. "Did you really make me into a woman?"

"I will be soon," Rabine said with a grin as he shifted to be between his legs, though at this point it was more like her legs even though his bulky body still retained a lot of his masculine nature along with his size. "Just you wait, we haven't even gotten to the best part." Before Ace could respond the new alligator woman found herself gasping as the latex pussy that was molded between her legs began to get stretched open by a cock that had been augmented to be longer and girthier than before. The frog rubbed her still growing tits and even though their eyes didn't have pupils Rabine could tell that they were probably rolled back into the back of her head as she experienced being penetrated for the first time as a woman.

As Kai watched the frog begin to thrust into the pussy of the latex alligator beneath him the dragon looked down at the squirming snake and then at his own body. The dragon hadn't really taken much time on himself and between the two guys and the new pairing on the couch he found himself growing increasingly horny. Fortunately he still had the snake and while his cock was bound up his tailhole wasn't. It didn't take much for the thick dragon guy to get the smaller snake onto his lap and as he so those tits bouncing in his face he found himself looking down at his own chest and at the thick pectorals there.

Matt meanwhile would have been panting had his muzzle not been sealed up, and though he couldn't see it he knew that there was some sort of timer that was on his collar as he was lifted up by the much stronger dragon. The sensations of his breasts being fondled by the amorous male the entire time only made the fact that he had his cock bound in thick rubber even more intense. More than once he had tried to stroke himself off, and when that didn't work he was more than eager to ride the thick dragon dick that was being presented to him. As he found his tailhole getting stretched open by the throbbing member while their chests were being pressed together Kai asked if the snake could do him a solid, to which Matt nodded and pressed the gem against the side of the dragon's head.

Kai immediately felt a tingle in his chest that was so strong he nearly dropped Matt, though it did serve to slide the rubber shemale down his own ridged member a few inches as his pecs began to inflate even more. The dragon found himself grinning like crazy as the rubber of his chest began to grow into a set of boobs just like the snake had grown, and as they did the silver of his rubber began to shift to a red coloration. Looked like the snake enjoyed seeing his old coloration, Kai thought to himself as he tried to bring Matt in for a kiss only to remember that his mouth was sealed shut. That was just fine for him though as the timer was about to count down to zero soon anyway, and in the mean time he could buck up into the smaller man and stretch out his tailhole with his growing tits getting slid up against while he watched the increasingly green rubber alligator get pounded into by the frog.

As the dragon continued to watch Rabine had managed to hilt into Ace's pussy and was sliding in and out in slow, smooth strokes aided by their augmented nature. With her hands still groping against the large breasts that had grown on the former man's stomach it was time to enact the next phase of his plan, and as the evil grin on his face spread he took advantage of the blissed out state that he had put the latex alligator in and leaned forward. As Ace felt a pair of lips against her long muzzle she figured that she was about to get another mouth full of sloppy frog tongue, but as her focus continued on her transformed female form she began to feel those lips push over the tip of her maw. It was strange enough that it caused her to open her eyes and when she did they widened when she saw the frog's rapidly growing bigger until she was pulled into darkness by the mouth fully engulfing her head!

Ace let out a muffled grunt and began to squirm against the frog but with his cock still pounding away at her pussy it was hard for her to even focus as she could feel those lips pressing against her neck. The pleasure that came from the sliding of the rubber maw against her own synthetic head was just as powerful as the inner walls of her snatch getting stretched and as she flailed about Rabine only gained more purchase and started to push down past her shoulders. With Amely and Al still focused on their own pleasures and Matt being faced away the only one who was watching was Kai, whose jaw dropped as he could see the outline of the alligator's muzzle stretching out the frog's throat as it was pushed inside! When Ace attempted to push on the frog's mouth the only thing it served to do was cause her hands to slide into the gaping maw as well, her fingers pushing out the back of Rabine's head as the were quickly drawn inside of her while the tongue of the frog slithered down and coiled around her neck before licking against her breasts.

The fingers of the alligator stretched out the top of the frog's chest as they slid deeper inside and eventually Rabine's cock had to slide out of her pussy, though it was replaced with the equally intense sensation of having nearly the entirety of the upper body of the big girl inside of him. Even with the hands going in first the head of the frog was completely stretched as the new tits that she had just grown swelled out the underside of the latex creature's jaw, which only gave both creatures even more pleasure as he reached up and grabbed her inner thighs. Rabine shifted himself so that he was lying on his back and pushed down hard, his cock practically bouncing off of his abs as his throat became nearly as disproportionate as his maw as the head of the alligator began to look more like a swell in his chest as it traveled downwards.

For a brief moment Kai saw Ace's head stretch out the stomach of the frog but as the rubber stretched back around it his focus was on the thick wiggling green legs that were still in the maw of the creature that had swallowed down the rest of her. Even though the alligator was much bigger the power of those throat muscles continued to push her down and when her pussy and tailhole disappeared past those lips Rabine made sure that he was still pleasuring her guest. The frog nearly fell off of the couch as his swollen stomach and chest thrashed when he pushed his tongue into the folds being exposed to him, which also served as a means to guide them downwards while also pleasuring them. Soon it was just the legs and tail that were exposed and as Rabine leaned up he took his hands and put them against the solves of Ace's feet before pushing down.

There was a loud garbled groan that came from Rabine as his stomach bulged out considerably from the alligator being shoved inside, growing it out to the point where it was almost as big as the rest of his bloated form. There were also muffled grunts and squeaks that were coming from inside the huge blimp-like latex belly as occasionally the hand or muzzle of the alligator could be seen in the throes of pure pleasure. As the tail of the latex alligator still hung of the frog's mouth he knew that he needed to enact the next part of the process that he was told about, and as he did he saw his belly jiggle and suddenly become taught as he began to absorb the woman inside of her. Almost immediately his body began to get affected in another way and as he looked over at Kai and giving a wink before slurping the thick appendage up and swallowing it.

Kai finally managed to get his jaw to stop hanging down and as the dragon slid to the side and pulled out he left the creature practically squirming from suddenly being empty as the timer got close to the last minute. With Rabine's body still completely stretched out the dragon went to the only other alternative, which was Amely and Al that had shifted over to the loveseat. The latex femboy shark was laying on his stomach while the rubber Anubian jackal was behind him, his cock stretching out the tailhole of his boyfriend while he panted and groaned. The shaking of the piece of furniture with the thrusts of the muscular jackal slowed when Kai came over, the two noting his chest jiggling slightly as he cupped one of his breasts that was still growing.

"Hey you two," Kai said flirtatiously as he leaned forward, rubbing against the head of the shark that was slightly suspended over the other side of the love seat. "So Rabine just did something that I'm not sure you two caught and I would like to try myself with Al here."

"If you want to use his mouth you are more than free too," Amely said with a growl in his voice as he looked over at where Rabine sat, seeing the rubber frog's body being hugely bloated but shrinking as one of his hands was rubbing between his legs. "Where did Ace go?"

"Not important," Kai replied quickly, bringing their attention back to him as his long tail wagged about excitedly in the air. "So you're saying that I can use his mouth?"

"Yeah, go ahead," Amely once more stated. "I already warmed it up for you, but his ass belongs to me, you got that?" The dragon just nodded and though Al got ready with his mouth open he was surprised when he saw that he was looking eye to eye into the solid red orbs of the dragon, though when he was about to close his muzzle again he found it suddenly stuffed with the thick tongue of the other creature. As Al let out a muffled grunt it was punctuated by the thick cock sliding in an out of his tailhole by his former girlfriend turned jackal stud spreading him open.

But that changed quick as Kai did start to stretch the shark open, but just not in the way that he thought as the dragon began to push in further. Though it surprised the shark the jackal found himself intrigued by what was going on, especially as he could see the outline of the draconic muzzle even as it stretched the back of the shark's head. Reflexively Al reached forward to press against the shoulders of the dragon to keep him back but when he raised them up to do so he suddenly found his lean latex arms pulled backwards by the one that was still hilting him. Amely told the shark that he promised the dragon use of his mouth and if this was what he wanted to do with it he was going to get it.

All Al could do was let out a muffled grunt in reply but with his new thinner body and Amely pinning him down with his cock deep inside him there was little he could do, especially as Kai pressed his feet against the floor to push him in even deeper. The effect was like having a giant dragon head shaped rubber cock being shoved into him and as the muzzle of the creature pushed further down into his throat he could feel the tongue of the dragon licking out and stimulating him even further. "Looks like Kai is really into you," Amely said with a chuckle as he saw the shoulders pop in and stretch the muzzle of the shark even further. "Come on, what kind of twink can't handle a little dragon in them?"

Al tried to roll his eyes but it was hard for him to even focus between the pleasure coming from his stomach getting stretched out by the cock inside it while something similar was happening to his chest. As Kai wiggled around inside of him it was clear that he wasn't just going in part of the way and as the sizable breasts that he had grown were pushed into him it caused his eyes to bulge out in the most literal of fashions. Kai was a beast and easily the biggest one of them, and after his own transformation the femboy shark was starting to look more draconic in nature just from the outline of the creature inside of him as the other man wiggled in pleasure. As the jackal continued to watch in eager fascination he happened to notice that with the thin frame of the shark he could still see the outline of the dragon's head, and that gave him an idea.

As Kai got to the washboard abs of his stomach that caused the lips stretched out around it to ripple he suddenly felt the dragon kick and he was pulled in further more than what his throat was gulping down. With their unnaturally smooth bodies it was easy for the jackal to get the dragon down into lean stomach of the shark he was plowing and before Kai could curl around he managed to get the tip to press into his maw. Al's entire body shook as Kai did the same, Amely had managed to get his cock into both of them with his tailhole wrapped around the hilt and shaft while pressing up the dragon's head beyond that. As the jackal continued to push Kai deeper in the shark suddenly had the thick cock pressing against his nose while he could feel the muzzle of the dragon stretching out the rubber of his butt. More than once the hands of the thickly muscled creature could be seen pushing out his chest and with the rest of his body bloated the shark could hardly move as his new boyfriend had his way with him and the dragon inside of him.

The pulling of the jackal had managed to get the dragon inside of Al all the way up to the hips, and with Amely about to finish off he reached forward and wrapped his arms around the stretched out chest of the shark with the dragon inside it. Al suddenly found himself with his shiny back against the muscular chest of the man and felt his dorsal fin get bent, but that was the least of the sensations as gravity caused Kai's thick legs to slide down further into him. All Al could do was continue to swallow and try not to collapse from the pleasure as both his tailhole and the dragon's maw were filled with rubber jackal cock that was being humped up into their bodies. It wasn't long though before Amely reached orgasm and as he reached forward and stroked the thick cock of the shark Kai's maw popped off of the one inside of him while his maleness also spurted from the stimulation of the shark's throat while what was left of his body that was still outside twitched and quivered.

"I see that you two found the secret sauce of what these collars can do," Rabine said as he watched the tail of the dragon slide into the gullet of the incredibly stretched out shark, his body so taut with the other man inside him they could clearly see parts of him moving about. "So now that Kai is inside you can absorb him and gain a few of his traits like I have."

Before the two could ask what that meant the frog showed off his new assets, or rather hir new assets as shi showed off hir new breasts while still stroking her cock. Hir body was mostly back to normal and there were green spots that were on hir otherwise silver skin as shi pulled hir sack aside to show off the new pussy between hir legs. "You got all that from Ace?" Al asked once his throat was cleared of dragon tail so he could speak, looking back to see that the frog also had a rather thick tail that shi didn't have before either.

"Yes, and trust me when I say that she is loving our new body," Rabine said. "Now naturally we can all unmerge later but I think that I remember seeing our dragon friend with a nice set of knockers that he had given himself. From what my friend told me these changes are much more set and intense when they come from another though so I'm hoping our femboy here is willing to try it out himself."

Al was still trying to stay upright but as he focused like Rabine told him to he could see that the dragon's form was starting to shrink, and as the rubber integrated into his own form he could feel another surge of pleasure that was almost as good as the sex and the vore combined as he began to feel not only their bodies merging but their minds as well. It was something the frog said was natural in this state and said those were backed up as well as shi tapped the second gem that had appeared on hir collar. Al nodded and he grunted as he felt the dragon do so as well, which meant that he could either hear them or he was gaining that understanding from his thoughts as he felt his scalp tingling.

As the merging creature nearly doubled over the mass of the dragon inside of him was quickly melting down to a manageable level as he felt his tail morphing into something more draconic along with his feet. The jackal let out a growl of approval as a red mane of hair similar to what Kai had flowed down his head and back all the way down to it. "Oh man, this is intense," Al said as the rubber integrating into his system caused waves of pleasure to cascade through him, part of his head briefly shifting to that of a dragon before it became a dragon once more. "I can feel Kai... it's like he's a part of me, but I'm the one still in control?"

"Well we all knew that Kai wasn't the brightest bulb in the pack, no offense," Rabine said as he had Al lift up his still somewhat bloated neck to show a red gem next to the blue one. "From what my friends said the one that did the eating was the most likely to retain control, so that means it's all you Al." As the shark nodded he suddenly let out a huff as his chest began to grow more gravid around his nipples. It was something he hadn't expected but as the jackal slid around behind him and began to massage them while they grew it was clear that the dragon's mass was going somewhere on the femboy's body as they grew out until the other man could cup them.

As the changes finished in Al's chest and his stomach quickly returned back to its normal state he could sense that the jackal was ready to explore these new assets, only for the rubber frog to stop them. "Now it seems like we have a bit of an imbalance here," Rabine said as the other two looked at hir. "We have a herm, a guy with tits, and a very handsome man here. Fortunately I think there's a way the three of us can have a more varied time and also pay some attention to one of our group that's been a bit neglected, though at this point I think my prep for them should be about finished..."

The entire time the rest of the group had been watching Kai stuff himself into the maw of the shark Matt had been attempting to get himself off, though once more all his hand and even his tail did was to stimulate him to a certain point before it would cut off. Whatever chastity was implemented in his rubber body had made the snake start to squirm and as the timer got within the final seconds the only thing he could hope for was that it would release him so that he could cum. He wasn't even aware that he was being talked about as his hand continued to squeeze the bulge between his legs, waiting for the timer as it ticked down from three... two... one...

Suddenly Matt let out a muffled grunt and his eyes snapped open as he felt his fingers slide past his bulge and suddenly push inside of him. The rest of the outline of his cock disappeared into his body and he found himself with a new pussy, but it was only briefly before he felt more rubber cover over it. If his nostrils weren't plugged he would have let out a deep huff as he found that while he could still feel the new pussy that he had gotten he still couldn't stimulate himself. This was getting maddening and made only more so as the snake found a pair of breasts growing on his chest that were just as dulled as the sensation between her legs as the new synthetic snake woman tried to stimulate herself.

As she flopped about on the couch Matt also realized that her muzzle hadn't been released either and as she put her hand up to investigate she found the digits a bit stiff. When she pulled her hand back her eyes widened as she saw that her fingers had started to meld together, the spaces between them disappearing as they were filled in with silver rubber before they became nothing more than a shapeless mitt. When she remembered what Rabine had said with these collars having a bondage setting she realized that the frog hadn't set the timer to release her, she had not only done so to turn her into a girl but also to bind her up even further! As she tried to get off of the couch in order to try and get to the frog she found it hard to move her legs, and as the snake arched up she could see that what was happening to her fingers was also causing her thighs to stick together all the way down to the knee.

Though it was a big shock Matt couldn't help but also realize that this... felt really intense, and definitely in a good way even as she found her movement becoming more and more limited. Trying to pleasure herself was definitely out of the question and as she attempted to even get off the couch she reached back behind her to try and push off of it, only to feel her forearm get stuck to the small of her back. In a lapse of judgement she tried to reach back with her other arm to pull it off and realized too late what she had done, and as her other hand stuck to the same area she could feel the rubber of her own body shifting it around so that it was like they were bound behind her back. The more she wiggled against the couch the more that her arms and legs stuck together until she felt like an actual snake, especially when Rabine came up and rubbed all the way up her legs as the divot between them became nothing more than smooth rubber.

"Oh, I must have set that timer to engage in all the bondage settings," the frog said as she reached down and lifted up the snake's head, watching as the rubber smoothed out not only over her serpentine snout even more but her eyes as well. "Ah well, I suppose you want to really get off right about now, don't you?" The rubber frog nearly fell over as she shook her head yes, also almost falling off the couch with her hands completely bound behind her back. "Well we could just change the settings and put you back, or there's another way that you can get what you want almost immediately."

Once more the snake just nodded her head and with her vision blocked out all she could do was feel the touch of fingers against the sensitive rubber of her merged feet. Though it was hard to tell exactly what or who the touch was she could tell someone was down there, and soon as she felt the wetness she guessed that someone was licking her. That... felt really nice, but wasn't quite sure how that was going to work to get the release that she wanted. As the sensation began to spread however she realized that it was much more than just a tongue, and as it completely enveloped the tip of her body and began to travel upwards she gathered something that she would have figured out if she had been paying attention.

She was sliding down into someone's mouth!

The bound rubber snake began to squirm again but Al was already starting to feel her tail tickling the back of his throat. They had decided that since he was already partially changed that he would be the one to take in Matt so to speak, and with his body bound against itself she practically slid down into his throat while the others watched. He crawled over the couch that she had been laying on and his body trembled with each time she squirmed inside of him, causing his own muscles to clench around her and pull her in even further. When she got to the spot where her groin and tailhole had been he was able to lick around it and caused Matt to practically buck on the spot with her entire body.

With her entire body bound and her head a featureless rubber serpent there was little that Matt could do, and as she felt her pleasure rising far past the point it had been before she found herself welcoming it. This was how she was going to get the release she wanted and soon the shark found himself having the bound rubber creature trying to push into him rather then attempting to slither out. Unlike Kai she was going in rather easily and continued to crawl upwards until he finally got to the head and shoulders. For a few brief seconds his lips were pressed around the neck of the faceless rubber snake and as he pushed himself up it was like he was enveloping her completely, which in a way he was the serpentine snout disappeared behind his own and his lips closed while he let out a loud gulp.

While the dragon took a bit this time Al knew exactly what he was doing as his stomach became gravid once more before immediately starting to suck in. As it did he let out a groan as the breasts he had gotten from Kai grew out to become even bigger, and though he had gotten most of his additional maleness from the dragon he found his already impressive length growing a little. But as the changes continued along with the absorption what brough his hands down to his groin was the feeling of the rubber pushing into his body between his legs, and as the fingers explored the area he found himself starting to pant. Or rather, shi found himself beginning to pant it as shi realized that shi had the same equipment as Rabine now, though when shi looked around shi was no longer by hir side.

As a heavy weight settled on hir chest though he looked back up and shivered from the touch of the male jackal that slid up on him. "Mmmm, a busy herm boyfriend," Amely said with a grin as Al could feel his fingers pressing around the new opening and also exploring hir breasts. "Or perhaps girlfriend? Or maybe I should call you my sexy shark instead, and how is Matt doing?"

"She and Kai seem to be getting along just fine," Al said with a grin. "She is happy that she can finally feel something down there and is ready for the main event, if I could only find a jackal with a big cock that could try me out down there." The jackal growled in delight and pressed against the shark's muzzle, though it had become slightly more blunted like the snake he had just consumed as their squeaky lips pressed together. As their tongues began to slide around in the other's maw they failed to see that there was another one joining them, but this one was wrapping itself around the jackal's ankles before pulling them into the rubbery maw that quickly engulfed them.

Al let out a gasp of surprise as shi felt the jackal slide down hir body, though as shi looked down it wasn't to get in position to give hir a blowjob. Amely let out a snarl as she tried to cling onto the couch as the herm shark saw her legs disappearing into the throat of the frog behind them, a grin on Rabine's face as she swallowed him down so efficiently that the jackal was all the way down to his waist with his cock being outlined in the creature's lower jaw. "Damn you Rabine," Amely said while panting from the sexual stimulation, his hips humping forward as his waist and chest were quick to follow. "You better hope that I get ringside seats when you fuck hir or I'm going to do to you what you did to Matt you kinky fuc-"

The last words of the jackal were cut off by the tongue that had dragged her into the frog's maw in the first place being stuffed into her muzzle as Al saw the head of his boyfriend poking out of Rabine's lips. His hands were still out as well but as the tongue helped stuff him down into the stretched-out throat it wasn't long before her arms were pushed in and Rabine closed up her mouth before sliding into the position where he used to be. "I figure that it should be us herms for this last bit," Rabine said with a grin as shi crawled on top. "Especially since there is something fun that we can do with such flexible forms."

Al was still slightly shocked at the ravenous creature but as shi felt the frog's hand press against hir cock and begin to push it inside hir pussy the transforming shark felt hir own being stretched out. Their two rubber members showed incredible flexibility as they were able to sink down into the other's snatch, causing Al to pant as shi saw the markings of the jackal start to appear on the frog's body as well as their ears. The two began to pant and Al found himself arching hir back that had their latex boobs rub together while shi was being stuffed and simultaneously stuffing the frog on top of her. As Al tried to say that shi looked good with that it was clear that shi was concentrating on something, likely the absorption of the male jackal that was still stretching out her belly.

It wasn't long though until it had become a flat stomach once more and it also pushed their groins together, letting their rubber cocks slide deeper into one another's pussy as they slide against one another. The sensation was heavenly and the more that shi was enjoying it the more shi could feel the other two inside hir basking in the sensations as well. It was like all three of them were having sex at once and it was likely the same was happening for Rabine, causing the serpent-snouted shark to smile at the idea as the two herms continued to have an intense session that caused their couch to nearly break. As the two made out Al could feel that long tongue slithering down into hir throat only to suddenly retract back, which caused the shark to look up at the grinning mutated frog.

"You really should have seen this coming," Rabine said before she pushed the surprised shark's head into hir maw, quickly gulping him down just like shi had for the others. The herm femboy squirmed for a bit but shi found hirself quickly getting stuffed inside, hir arms getting pinned to hir sides as she slid down the throat that two of hir other friends had also gone down. There was an intense shudder as both hir cock and the cock of the shark slid out of the snatches that they had been thrusting in, but that pleasure was nothing for the frog to eating three of hir friends at once. It didn't take long before the shark gave in to their fate and shi couldn't help but grin as both Ace and Amely called hir the ultimate kinkster as shi tipped her head back and let the shark's legs and tail slide down the rest of the way.

There had been one final part of the collar that shi had been told by hir friend that was the ultimate rush, and as she felt her body morphing and transforming on the couch from all the new additions to it hir stomach quickly shrank down as well as hir cock. Shi had something specific in mind and apologized to the other boys as shi continued to massage the throbbing shaft until the rubber retracted almost completely into her body save for a small nub that merged with hir clit. Once that was finished the new rubber woman played with herself for a bit while letting her breasts grow out, feeling her face transforming as it became more like the serpent snout and smoothing out her head a bit more while the fiery mane grew down her body.

Once she had finished Rabine went to the bedroom of Al and Amely, going under it where she knew the two had stored their toys before pulling out a dildo. "Alright guys," Rabine said as she dropped on the bed, her new tail wagging about while the new webbed fingers of her hand went up to the clasp of the collar where the six gems pulsated. "Hope you're ready for this one..."

Rabine slid the dildo into her rubber snatch and as she let out a gasp with her new voice she could hear the others starting to do the same. Just focus, the new rubber salamander thought, and as she began to pump it into her new pussy the formerly male frog started to build with even more pleasure than she thought possible. It didn't take long with six horny creatures to reach her climax and as soon as it hit she could feel her psyches blend with the others while they cried out in ecstasy. The new rubber amphibian flopped back down on the bed panting, her breasts heaving up into the air with the dildo still inside of her as she found herself blinking a few times.

The raptoress was right, the synthetic salamander thought to herself as she ran her hands down the form as the six gems flashed before turning clear, this collar did make her feel really, really good...

Social Acclimation

Two days had passed since Clyde had been taken to the boutique in order to get more accessories for his rubber pup form, which was what he had called it whenever he was in his Silver mindset. After they had left Cloudy's store Blue had taken him...

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Growing the Friend Group

Jezerek waited patiently as the freight elevator made its way up to the top floor, adjusting his hat that had the name of the restaurant he delivered from which jostled the long braid of brown hair that stuck out the back. While bringing food to...

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Spreading the Fun

The sun was shining and the birds were chirping as they usually did in the mountain forest, the serene scene going on even with the movement that was happening below. The group of four making their way through the woods were expert hikers and...

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