Goddess Lillie Ch 1 (Rough)

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#1 of Drafts

A teen starts her new life in a dark place, receives a gift she doesn't understand yet, and comes to terms with her new scaled form and less than girly endowments.

This is a bad version of my first chapter of Lillie's story, I recommend reading the one in the 'Lillie' folder instead. I'm only leaving this up because I dont like taking info down I guess?

Welcome to my second upload and technically the first part of Lillie's story. This is a trimmed and edited version of a much longer, more rambling chapter 1. I think I cut too much and it's now missing depth which is something I struggle with. I plan to add more detail in most sections, so until then it goes in the 'Drafts' folder!

This story is mostly a bit of setup but there is some short smut at the end. In future chapters there is a lot more I promise ;)

This series represents my first time writing anything that could be called a story so any criticisms or recommendations are appreciated.

As the wagon trundled up a remote farm path, a girl was dragged alongside it by her hair. She tried desperately to fight against the man holding her. The whip of the guard bit into the exposed flesh and blood oozed down from the open wounds that ran across the young girl's back as she struggled in vain to stop herself being taken any further. Her screams echoed round the forest as she was roughly pulled towards the the rear of their wagon. The guard tossed her forwards onto the ground where she landed with a thud screaming in pain. Blood flowed freely from the wound in her back.

"This one is useless," said the leader. "Throw away the dead weight." As he laughed cruelly the other men joined in. One of the other guards picked up the young girl and threw her into the back, among its already terrified companions. She lay there un-moving and silent; her dejected eyes staring vacantly upwards at the roof of the wagon hoping for something better than abuse at the hands of these cruel people. But no such luck would come for this girl, whose life had just been reduced to trying to survive another day. For she was now a slave. She and the others would be the new slaves for some new master. Her wounds an example, a warning not to defy them or their rules.


Some days later the slavers and their cargo arrived at their destination: an imposing castle compound on the outskirts of Silvercliff, a large city known for little beyond its debauchery.

The guards drove the wagon into a courtyard,as the they halted its driver climbed out to open up the rear doors. The other four guards quickly got to work pulling the heavy chains off each captive and unlocking their manacles before they were allowed to move. Once freed, the three girls and a boy gathered together around the door of the wagon. Not one of them dared speak a word; they were all too frightened of what might happen if they did.

The guards grabbed them by their shoulders and pulled them down through a side door. They walked in silence, two of the girls clutching each other for comfort as they stumbled along in fear, the boy following them. The guard's footsteps rang like hammer blows, echoing on stone walls as they walked deeper into the castle's interior. There was no light inside except for a few small candles brought by the slavers to guide them. At last, after many minutes of walking, they reached the end of the corridor and a large metal door.

With a grunt from two of the guards the door was flung open and they were led past cells. Most were empty but contained in a few were others the same age as the 4 horrified captives. They watched the group walk by in silence, their gaunt faces dejected and expressionless.

Near the end of the row they came to a stop. Two small doors opened into pitch darkness on either side of them.

"You two in this one," the leader said to the two girls clutching one another as the guards kicked them inside and shut the door behind.

"-and you can share the other," he said, shoving the boy and the lady girl through the second doorway.

As the two teens looked up from the groundthe door slammed shut behind them and the clang of the bolt falling into place echoed in their chamber. The retreating footfalls of the guards were faint through the heavy door.

"I don't want to die," whispered the boy, breaking the oppressive silence. His voice wavered in fear as tears welled up in his eyes. The girl nodded in agreement; neither one of them had ever seen such cruelty before. The girl hugged him tightly, feeling a strange sense of security in being with someone who felt how she felt, although she knew it wouldn't be for long.

"I'm sure they wouldn't bring us here just for that," she told him, an attempt at reassurance doing little to raise his mood. "I was already a slave before, no reason to buy me just to kill me," she continued. Now talking as much to herself as to him.

After a moment of silence and no response from the boy she tried again. "I'm Lillie." She said softly, "what can I call you?"

He sniffled and wiped his nose on the sleeve of his shirt as he smiled at her, the expression lost in the darkness. "Tom." He replied, still wiping away tears as he spoke.

"I'm glad I've got you Tom, we can get each other through this." Lillie tried with mild success to keep her voice from shaking.

"Yeah..." he mumbled, sounding sadder than she'd hoped. He shook his head violently as if he wanted to shake away some unseen thought that kept troubling him before curling up on the cold stone.

Feeling this was as far as she would get with him for now she offered what little comfort she could and held him against her as they tried to get some rest.


A couple of hours later they woke suddenly and bolted upright in alarm. The clanging sound of iron gates slamming shut came from outside their cell. Then, without warning, they heard the sounds of boots moving along the corridor. They sat in silence listening intently. Lillie gripped Tom's arm tightly as they sat in a terrified panic, not knowing what to expect when the door swung open and their fate was revealed.

A guard stepped inside holding a small lamp and a tray that he set on top of a chest against the wall. There were two bowls on it and a piece of bread each with a wooden spoon sitting next to them on a small plate.

Lillie gasped with delight seeing their chance to eat something finally. The guard looked down at them, his eyes boring into Lillie's face, her fear was obvious as she trembled in her grip around Tom's arm. "Come here," he said with a gruff voice, "just you." He beckoned for Lillie to approach him; she looked down at Tom with wide eyes as she obeyed his command. She moved away from him to stand in front of the guard who drew out a dagger and a large vial. "This will hurt," he told her in a stern voice.

Lillie's eyes grew large and she whimpered quietly, feeling helpless as he pressed the steel into her palm and she cried out as his dagger cut through her flesh and a warm flow of blood spurted out into the vial he held. He held her firmly to let it fill then corked it. She winced as he did, and her hand fell down to clutch her wrist. She whimpered again as he took out cloth and bound her hand in a bandage, not too tightly but enough that it would stay on as he turned away from her.

"You too," he said turning to Tom and reaching for the small dagger at his belt as he pointed it at Tom's hands. Tom stood frozen as he watched the knife coming toward him with wide eyes, his mind struggling to comprehend what was about to happen. The guard grabbed Tom's wrists and held his hand over the vialthen cut his palm open, holding it over the bowl so that the blood dripped in and filled it before corking it again. The boy's face had gone white as a sheet; his eyes were wide with fear, but he didn't cry out or resist. After another bandage the guard turned away and left them to clean themselves up and eat their meal alone.

They sat there on their knees for several minutes, silent and shivering from fear, unable to move even if they'd wanted to. Finally Lillie took a bite of her food and forced herself to chew slowly as she stared at her hand in revulsion. She had never felt pain like this before and expected this wouldn'tbe her last experience with it for a while. She didn't dare take off the bandages to clean off the blood lest she end up accidentally hurting herself again.

She swallowed another bite and noticed that Tom hadn't taken his food yet; he was staring at his bowl, still shuddering occasionally in his seat as his eyes flicked toward the door as if expecting someone to come in at any moment. After several minutes she broke the silence by asking, "are you going to eat?" He looked up at her briefly then back down at his bowl as he answered her with a small nodof his head, still watching his food intently. "How come you're so quiet?" She asked as she finished chewing her food and put her bowl aside.

Tom was silent for a few more minutes before answering, "I'm just thinking." He said in a hushed tone, "thinking about my family." He took another bite of his meal as Lillie nodded slightly, unsure of what to say but feeling like she needed to say something. After another pause Tom added, "I just can't believe they'd just sell me like that..."

She didn't know what to say so she said nothing, then after another pause she asked him, "do you want to tell me your story?"

Tom looked at her blankly for a moment before glancing down at his bowl once again. After another minute he started slowly talking as he ate. "I'm from a little town called Silverwood." He began as he spoke slowly, taking small bites of food, "my parents ran a farm outside the town..."

Lillie listened attentively as he talked; she knew there was nothing she could do for him now but offer him an ear. "Are they... still around?" She asked him as he paused to drink water from the clay cup.

Tom nodded quietly before saying, "yeah, they are both still there." He said quietly before looking back down at his bowl. "I'm 18 now, I was going to be an apprentice blacksmith soon. I guess something changed because before I knew it they were selling me to those slavers like I was nothing..." he muttered bitterly, his words trailing off as his voice cracked on them.

Lillie placed a hand on his shoulder in sympathy. "I'm so sorry." She said, "My mom passed when I was young and my dad died recently from sickness. It's just me now, and I don't know what to do about it."

Tom looked up at her with an understanding look and nodded sadly. "I'm sorry, it must be hard." He said gently, then returned to his food.

After a few more minutes of eating they finished and cleaned themselves up in silence again, neither of them speaking as they tended to their wounds. When they were done, Lillie picked up their bowls and walked over to the door to place them in easy reach in case their captors came back.

She was about to sit back down when a shrill scream pierced through the silence. It sounded like it was coming from outside their cell.

Both of them stood there in shock, frozen for several seconds before Lillie peered through a slit in the door to try and see who was screaming. She stopped when she heard the sound of boots coming down the corridor toward them, and she returned to her spot by the wall where she had been sitting before.

The door swung open and two guards entered, each holding a small lamp. They stood silently as they looked over the pair of captives then looked back as a woman stood in the doorway and glared down at them.

The woman's hair was black and glossy with beads woven into it along with gold rings and earrings. It cascaded over her shoulders like liquid silk in front of her as she looked down on them with violent red eyes that shone with cruel intent. She wore a dress that was as black as her hair and fell past her knees in a riverof cloth that glistened like oil. Her pale skin was smooth and perfect save for a large scar that ran down one side of her neck and continued down her chest to disappear under her dress.

The woman's mouth curled into a cruel grin as she stood before them. Lillie took an involuntary step back at the sight of her. The woman's fingers were long and slender and she extended one towards them. "These are perfect. Bring them both." She said with a voice that seemed to exude danger.

"Yes my lady." The guards replied with unison. One reached down and grabbed Tom's arms and pulled him forward until he stumbled into the hall behind them, still held tight in his grip. The otherdid the same with Lillie and pulled her forward by her wrist. The woman stood and watched, her face still twisted into a cruel grin as if she had enjoyed their struggle and the fear they had shown.

When she stepped aside for them to pass through the woman spoke again, "I am Madame LaVeil. You may address me as 'my lady', or 'madame'." She said with an air of formality. "You are to follow me now." She told them both in an imperious tone before leading them down the corridor toward an open archway. They passed through and into the darkness beyond before the sound of the doors clanging shut behind them echoed through the hallways.

The sound of their footsteps echoing off the stone walls faded into silence as they walked along a narrow hallway. The walls were made of dark stone, almost black in color with strange runes and glyphs carved into them at various points. As they progressed the runes became more frequent and intricate until they covered every inch of the stone, scrawled even along the floors and ceiling.

Seconds later LaVeilstopped in front of a metal gate. With a wave of her wrist it opened on its own and she strode through. "Him first," she stated without stopping.

The guard holding Tom pulled him forward through the gate while the other held Lillie behind. This close to the opening she could see the room was massive, Tom was being led to the center and what looked like a chair while the Madame had disappeared somewhere while Lillie had been focused on the guards.

When they reached the center the guard strapped Tom into the restraints on the chair. He was to far away for Lillie to see his face in the dim lighting but she could feel his fear. She felt it as well, this massive chamber had an ominous aura and anything that necessitated restraints didn't bode well for them.

She kept her eyes glued to Tom. Even as the guard walked out of the room, the light receding with him, she willed herself to keep watching, her attention the only form of support she could offer him. They waited in near darkness for some minutes, the only sound was an occasional whimper from Tom softly echoing through the chamber.

A sudden unnerving screech coming from somewhere beneath them made Lillie jump and her skin crawl. Her heart raced in her chest as she tried to get her bearings in the dark and figure out what that sound had been.

When it came again she noticed a faint red hue creeping up from the edges of the room.With the new ambient light it was apparent the room was circular. As the sound came a third time the source of the light crept into view. All along the walls the symbols had began to fill with the red light. It flowed up from below the floor and crept towards the ceiling. As it rose higher the brightness fluctuated rhythmically. The symbols curved and the light followed till they were almost touching at the peak.

Anticipating something but not knowing what, Lillie still jumped when the lights connected around a ring of shimmering metal and an orb of green light fell from it. The light floated almost lazily about the room for a moment, lighting up the dark floor and illuminating Tom again. Even from across the large space Lillie could see that he was terrified, his eyes wide as they followed the floating orb that hovered over his head.

The orb split in two then four then eight, eight balls of light falling one after another over him as he flinched with each one that descended upon him. Each of the balls landed on his body but did not disappear or hurt him when they touched down; rather they merged into his skin. He let out a soft whimper as a ball landed on his left arm, then another on his right. They merged with him as well and spread outward across his skin till they all faded out. His fear began to fade away as well.

The light from the orb vanished as it touched down on his head, and when it did he fell unconscious. As the lights faded from the room he fell slack in his restraints and his skin began to take on a green tint from all of the glowing orbs that had landed on him.

A moment later a loud scream rang out through the room followed by heavy clanks that echoed through the hollow space. A chill ran down Lillie's spine and she felt her knees go weak as she struggled to stay standing and not faint in terror. It came from where Tom was but it didn't sound human; more feral, high pitched, and very clearly in pain.

The screaming continued as Lillie's eyes darted around the darkness, wishing she could see the source of the sound. She could hear scraping as the screams receded and had to assume Tom was the source and they were dragging him away.

A distant clang sounded as another door closed somewhere else in the chamber.

The clang must have been a signal for her guard as Lillie was pulled forward into the room and pushed into thechair by his hand. Her head was thrown back against the headrest and her hands were locked into metal restraints attached to each arm of the chair. A strap was placed over her forehead before she was left to sit alone in the dark as she waited for what she knew came next.

She waited there, breathing heavily in anticipation, dreading what was coming and not knowing what would happen next. She wished she had been allowed to say goodbye to her friend or at least be allowed to know what had happened. The sounds of footsteps faded away until there was nothing to hear but her own heartbeat pounding in her ears.

Her eyes darted around nervously, trying to find any sign of light or movement in the dark but there was nothing. It was as though she were buried in a hole that only had one exit, no light or air reaching her from outside. Her breathing picked up again as her nerves were set on edge.

She closed her eyes, trying to relax and not give in to fear. It wasn't working very well and she began to wonder if she'd be alright when the time came.

When it did come she didn't hear a noise; she felt it instead, a shiver going through her body as the screech reverberated in her bones. This one sounded different than Tom's had, much lower in pitch, and it sent chills up her spine that felt like ice crystals in her veins. She didn't want to look but couldn't stop herself, her eyes flicking around to see if she could spot whoever was making the noise.

Still no source became clear although she was no longer in darkness as she watched the symbols light up one by one like a haunting sunrise in this sinister liminal space. She watched with a sort of horrified fascination as more and more of them lit up, just like before rising to meet in the ceiling.

With her head strapped she couldn't look up to see the symbols connect but she could feel when they met overhead, it was like a low rumble of thunder. She was forced to close her eyes as a sudden blinding brilliance filled every corner of the room and caused her to tear up at its intensity. The pain of light was so strong that it made her eyes burn even though they were closed. For a moment She was glad she was strapped into the chair otherwise she would have fallen over from dizziness.

It took her a while to open her eyes again as they burned from the flash of the light, even after blinking away tears.

As her eyes adjusted she could see that the whole chamber was full of light; every inch of the walls covered shimmering waves of light like reflections from a pool of gold.Unlike Tom's orb this one descended straight down until it rested in the air a few feet in front of her face. Like looking into the sun Lillie had to squint to keep her eyes open at all. She couldn't be sure but this orb seemed much larger, she could swear it seemed to be aware of her, somehow regarding her calmly. Responding to it she opened her senses and relaxed a little. Though she was still forced to squint from the intensity the tension in the rest of her body faded as the malice from earlier seemed to fade, blocked by the orb's brilliance. This didn't feel anything like what Tom must have experienced.

Seemingly sensing her change, the wisp floated closer. Unable to move much Lillie turned a palm up, forgetting she couldn't reach out to touch it. Responding in kind the light floated down until it lightly enveloped the tips of her fingers and gently warmed them. Lillie felt something deep within her stir from the gentle contact. A smile crossed her face as she enjoyed being held by something that was clearly not malevolent, despite how scary it looked at first. She felt safe in its presence even if she wasn't exactly comfortable with it at this point.

After a long moment it released her and floated back up to its original position where it remained in a static state of calmness. It didn't move but Lillie still felt a sense of calm from it even though it was not outwardly doing anything to help her relax or ease her fears.

A tingling feeling ran across Lillie's chest, coming from nowhere in particular, and causing goose bumps on her arms and back. It felt like something was moving through her body; like a snake or worm trying to find its way through her veins. She felt it move under her skin and shuddered at the feeling. She couldn't be sure but it felt as if whatever it was was searching for something specific and growing frustrated that it couldn't find it. The sensation grew stronger and seemed to be moving down towards her heart as Lillie's breathing became heavy with anticipation.

It finally found what it was searching for; Lillie felt something touch her breastbone and a slight sting accompanied by a mild shock spread out from where it touched her, followed by apulling. She could see the wisp was affected too, seeming to resist as it was pulled closer. Whatever was causing it must have been part of the ritual and not the intent of the wisp, otherwise it wouldn't have resisted its pull. The force pulling Lillie and the wisp closer seemed to increase as the orb was forced closer to Lillie's heart.

Lillie fought the panic as the wisp was drawn closer, trying to tell herself at least whatever was being forced to connect with her hadn't felt malevolent. As the wisp neared her chest she felt a tingle of electricity that traveled through her body as it came in contact with her skin. The force increased until Lillie was pressed against the back of her chair as a warm heat spread through her body, a pleasant calm that filled every part of her being and left a slight pressure on her chest.

As soon as it came in contact with Lillie's chest it changed and she felt intense burning pain that ran outward along every inch of her body. She spasmed as the heat increased, feeling like it might burn through her flesh, as if lava was flowing through her veins. It felt like there were tiny cuts opening overevery inch of her body that radiated outward from the point where it touched her heart. A sudden ringing sound filled her ears and she felt herself falling backwards, a sense of vertigo coming over her as everything seemed to spin out of control around her.Part of her realized the ringing sound was her screaming and the vertigo was likely the guard taking her wherever Tom had gone. Unable to think beyond the agonizing sensations her whole world became pain. It felt like an eternity before she finally blacked out.


Lillie dreamed of being chased through a dark forest by something unseen but sinister as the shadows reached out to touch her with claws that never reached her skin but terrified her all the same. The sound of breaking branches filled the forest air as the creature called out in a high pitched voice that seemed to mock Lillie even though she couldn't see anything. As she fled from the shadows she thought she heard a children crying but couldn't bring herself to stop. She kept running as branches cracked behind her and small shadowed bodies fell like rain upon her path but she was determined to escape the creature's clutches. She could see nothing ahead but knew that something ahead could save her.

Suddenly, through the thick fog of fear that clouded her mind she felt an icy chill on her skin, knowing her pursuer was right behind her. As she stumbled forward she caught a glimpse of a flickering gold light through the trees ahead of her and forced herself to run toward it, as she burst into a clearing with a pond of gold at its centershe saw that her pursuer had caught up with her. The light was bright enough to hurt her eyes but not enough to banish the shadows that still crept out from the corners of the clearing as her attacker closed in on her.

She could feel cold metal enveloping her neck as she struggled to get away from the creature, kicking wildly as it pressed its sharp claws against her neck. She cried out in anger and frustration and continued to kick and claw at its face in an attempt to free herself. Suddenly it was grabbing her hair and yanking her head back, baring her throat in preparation for what she thought was sure death.

Forced to look up and seewhat she was fighting she could make out nothing but a shadowy face with burning eyes set beneath a craggy brow. Its mouth was full of jagged fangs that glowed white hot as it prepared to tear into her throat.

Lillie opened her mouth in a scream that morphed into a roar as she let her fear shift to rage. She whirled, the creature somehow loosing its grip on her hair as she used some force from her lower body to twist herself out of its clutches. Landing on her feet facing the creature it tried to come at her again but she refused to be taken and she reached out for its eyes, willing her fingers to pierce it, wanting only to give it the pain and hurt she felt.

Instead of her fingernails she felt sharp claws suddenly tipping her fingers tear right through the red eyesand into the creature's skull. It screamed in rage, a sound that echoed in the clearing and sent chills up Lillie's spine as she felt its body buckling against hers as it fell away from her in a crumpled heap.

With no time to react the creature ruptured, throwing her back and setting her world spinning until she was enveloped by shimmering gold waves.

Images of sky, the warmth of the sun, and expansive brilliant wings enveloping her flashed through her mind as she fell deeper into sleep and a feeling of safety.


Lillie woke with a start, sitting up and looking at her surroundings in hazy confusion. As details of the ritual and faint memories of horrific dreams came back to her, she began to realize where she was and remembered her situation. She sat up quickly and looked around for any signs of danger, all she could see was the walls of a simple room with light filtering in through a barred window and the simple straw bed she was sitting on. The room was practically a closet, the bed and a waste bucket the only objects in it and an iron banded wood door with no handle the only exit.

As she gathered herself and noted her surroundings she felt incredibly off, her perception felt very different, like she could see more than normal. As she looked down at herself though all thoughts vanished seeing her arms were black as the darkness she and Tom hadhopefully both escaped from. As she flexed and turned them, bringing one arm close to her face she saw unexpected texture... Scales! She had thousands of tiny scales all over her arm! Well.. both arms...

Immediately flipping the thin scratchy blanket off the bed she discovered the rest of her body was just as wildly changed. The same black scales covered her legs, ending in... feet, but much larger more elegant feet than what she was used to. Each toe was capped by a short claw instead of a fingernail- looking back at her fingers they were the same, a short claw at the top of each finger.

Hazy memories of a dream filtered in but before she could catch them or inspect herself more the door rattled, a lock clicking and hinges groaning as the door swung outward and a guard walked in.

As she looked up from a logbook her eyes widened in surprise looking at Lillie sitting up in the bed, eyes as wide as the guard.

"Oh! You're actually awake. At this point I didn't think you'd ever wake up... good. Well you've got the record for longest recovery then. OK, well come on, follow me then I'll need to take you to see the Madame right away." With little extra ceremony she held the door open and watched Lillie expectantly.

Lillie got up carefully from the bed, feeling almost like a newborn animal, unsure of its balance as it took its first steps. As soon as she stood she almost fell back on the bed, not expecting the weight of a tail she now adoration apparently had. Traces of her dream inched at the corners of her mind once again. Shaking her head to dispel the fuzziness and focus on her balance she stepped to the door - and slammed her head right into the top of the frame.

How was she suddenly so tall?! She held her new snout, Her face flush with embarrassment as she looked at the guard.

"Don't worry, the changes are a surprise for everyone and you've had far more than most." She said with a small chuckle at her obvious discomfort. "I'm sure it will take some getting used to... but you look great! You'll be a popular one for sure." The guard said as she looked up at Lillie's new height, seeing the scale-like armor on Lillie's chest and legs.

Lillie nodded amicably, not really understanding what was ment by 'a popular one'. Popular with who?

As they walked through the halls, Lillie began to realize how many people were there; many men, women, and some children, moving in and out of rooms on their own or being escorted by guards or other slaves. Almost all of them had some animal feature, a tail, fur, claws, etc. A few had many, but NONE looked as completely changed as she did.

"So... what are these changes for?" Lillie asked hesitantly, not really sure what she expected an answer to be, but having no other questions at this point.

"You'll find out soon enough." She replied cryptically with a small smile as they walked up a set of stairs towards another floor of the house.

As they reached the top of the stairs they could see two more guards waiting for them, holding open the door to the Madame's chambers. The guards escorted Lillie into the room, announcing her presence and closing the door behind them and leaving her alone in the room with the Madame.

Lillie waited by the door quietly, taking in the beautiful chamber and the strange woman who sat before her, writing something in a rather large tome. Lillie couldn't make out what it was she was writing as it looked like it was in some ancient script that wasn't used anymore, if it was a language at all. She was dressed in a simple gown made from light colored material that draped over her figure like water, though she seemed to be able to see through it from where Lillie was standing, the light from the window making it transparent and giving Lillie an unexpected view. Her long raven hair flowed over her shoulders like silk, swaying slightly as she wrote. Her eyes were a dark red color, betraying a deep wealth of intelligence and power that her otherwise youthful body tried to hide.

The combination sent shivers down Lillie's spine. It was a feeling of intense dread and fear that only grew as she studied the Madame more closely. After the ritual and her treatment on arrival those feelings didn't feel misplaced.

The woman set down her quill and stood up from where she'd been sitting on a small bench before walking over to Lillie slowly, her dress flowing with each step. Lillie could feel a chill run down her back as the woman came closer.

The Madame stopped a few feet away from Lillie and stared upat her, cocking her head and looking almost amused. "So you're awake finally." She said, eyes roaming over Lillie's new features curiously.

Lillie nodded and gave a fake smile, looking at the Madame's eyes that were staring back as if she were a puzzle that needed solving.

"Well... I'd say that you've been through quite an experience." She said softly, leaning close to inspect Lillie's scaled hands, "I must admit that I haven't seen anything like this in quite some time. What's your name?"

"Lillie." She replied quietly, eyes shifting nervously away from the Madame's gaze to look anywhere else but into those eyes.

"Well Lillie you're the first I've had to survive this long with a full change, and that makes you something special I think. Don't get me wrong, I have many excellent slaves here in my house, but you're quite unique." She continued her inspection.

Lillie watched closely, as this was her chance to finally inspect all her changes as well.She noted her chest scales were more like large plating, more flexible and sensitive than the small scales. The plates were a pure white and extended from her neck down between her legs and along the underside of her long tail.

The Madame reached out to feel both of Lillie's rather large breasts, making both of her onyx nipples harden and catching her by surprise, making her realize for the first time that she was completely naked. Which meant she had just walked through the entire castle nude... past all those people... Now absolutely mortified, the feelings didn't stop there as the mistress dropped low to inspect Lillie's groin.

"Well that's quite unique. You're rare in more ways than one." She said rather cryptically.

Confusion overcame Lillie's embarrassment for a moment. "Huh?" Was the only response she managed.

"Come sit," LaVeil said, directing her to a nearby lounge seat.

As Lillie took a seat on the lounge chair the Madame followed suit, taking up a position sitting on a bench across from her. Once again Lillie couldn't help but notice how revealing the gown looked on such a beautifully supple body and felt uncomfortable not wearing clothes herself.

Lillie crossed her legs, feeling self-conscious about her new assets and how exposed she was sitting there with everything showing. As she sat and adjusted herself uncomfortably in the seat, trying to avoid looking at the Madame's body as much as possible. Realizing she was feeling unexpected arousal from her unintentional exhibitionism. She could feel her nipples grow hard and looked down at them in shock before quickly averting her eyes to look anywhere but into the Madame's eyes again.

"You've got some lovely features there, but there is one in particular I'd like to inspect that I think you might yet be unaware of," The Madame began, leaning forward and looking at Lillie intently.

Lillie could feel herself flushing as she stared into the Madame's eyes, which had gone from an almost amused look to something much darker and more clinical. "I don't understand what you mean?" She admitted, shifting nervously.

"Well I think you should just relax, and let me take a look at you." The Madame said calmly as she reached out to cup Lillie's face with one of her hands. "I'll just be feeling around a little bit," She said before leaning back and uttering some strange words under her breath. As LaVeil made a petting motion in the air above her lap with her left hand Lillie felt a light caress on the inside of her thigh and jumped- looking down to see a translucent red hued disembodied hand trailing along her leg.


"Relax, it's my spell," the Madame responded. "Just lay back, you can enjoy this if you choose but it's not a requirement. I just want to get an idea of what you've become." She added with an amused grin.

"But I don't want-"

"That's not for you to decide" The Madame responded sternly, in contrast to her actions as she continued to pet Lillie's leg with her hand, causing the willowy girl to shiver with pleasure, as well as shock, and feeling the familiar warmth that had begun growing between her legs.

Lillie wanted to protest but realized that it would be best to be in her good gracesand laid back on the lounge chair with a sigh. Her eyes wandered lazily across the Madame's figure; her slender arms resting casually on her knees, and her legs crossed, leaned forward somehow elegantly while she focused on her spell and inspecting Lillie's body. Her eyes stopped briefly at Lillie's face, as though noticing something there but Lillie didn't know what. Her eyes traveled down; along Lillie's long neck to her chest where she stopped at her breasts, where a second ghostly hand suddenly appeared, stroking gently on Lillie's right breast, causing her to gasp audibly at the sensations that were running through her. Her eyes then traveled down Lillie's long torso where she refocused on the first hand, sliding it back up Lillie's leg and lightly strokingacross the soft skin of her inner thigh. As Lillie began to squirm at the teasing caresses of those hands, she noticed a third hand join the first two, stroking up along Lillie's inner thigh once again before reaching down to cup and massage her mound and cunt lips.

Lillie had to admit that her arousal was building rapidly and she didn't feel like stopping the hands' advances. Her breathing was heavy as she felt her arousal heightening; feeling more excited than she'd ever felt before.

Her eyes shot open as she heard a small sound and turned to see the Madame looking at her with a slight smile on her face. "I must say Lillie, I've never had a slave come into my house so eager." She said softly.

"N-No I don't-"

"Hush now." The Madame said cutting her off, "Just relax, let yourself feel how you'd like to. It just means you're going to be a perfect fit here." She said softly as one of the hands pressed just above her clit. "Now let me show you what I mentioned earlier."

As the hand rubbed more Lillie felt a throbbing warmth emanate from the spot. The feeling built and she couldn't help but moan hoarsely. "unH?" she gasped in confusion as she felt something slide out from inside her.

Her mouth opened wide in shock as a cock suddenly slid from a second slit above her pussy. It was longer than any she had ever heard of; more than twice as long as the only one she'd seen in person before and thicker than her wrist.

As she looked on in shock Lillie realized that her slit was spreading even wider to reveal the head of a second penispoking out of it as well. Lillie's mouth hung open as she stared in awe at what was happening before her eyes, feeling an incredible sense of elation at how wonderful this all felt. She didn't even mind being naked in front of her mistress anymore...

The Madame smiled down at her, "it seems you transformation really did give you every blessing of your species." She said before flicking her wrist and taking each cock in a ghostly hand.

"Ohhhhh... yes..." Lillie gasped, her eyes rolling back as the Madame begin to stroke both of her dicks simultaneously.

Within seconds her sensitive new cocks could take no more. "Oh- I'm gonna- AAAHH!" Lillie moaned as she began to cum for the first time in her life; both of her cocks pumping out thick streams of hot sticky seed into the air. Her eyes rolled backas she was showered in cum. Her mouth hung open and her hands gripped the sides of the lounge chair tightly as she was overcome with a euphoric rush unlike anything she'd ever felt before. "Ahhhh! Ohhhh god! It's so good!" She screamed as she coated her own belly.

Lillie could feel herselftrembling uncontrollably as she was still in shock at the wonderful feeling of sexual pleasure that had washed over her body. It was beyond anything she'd ever imagined and it was all that she could do to hold on.

Finally after several seconds she felt the pleasure fade enough for her to pull herself back together again. When she opened her eyes the Madame was grinning down at her. "I've never had a slave cum like that before." She said softly, "I have to admit I'm a bit impressed. You may become one of my favorites."

Lillie could only nod at that statement, still a bit shaken by what had just happened, although with no new found desire to please her mistressshe was happy to please her inadvertently. She'd have to be on LaVeil's good side or at least go unnoticed if she had any chance at escaping from this place alive.

LaVeil looked at Lillie again. "I think I should go ahead and begin training you now, don't you think? Your body is already quite responsive, but we should start by teaching you how to properly use your new tools. Something I think you should practice is controlling your slit muscles. Your unique anatomy means your partners need not even know you have penises if it doesn't suit their preferences. You may even find yourself able to only release one cock so you don't scare a timid partner away." She said before pulling herself up from the lounge chair, "anyway, come follow me."

Lillie followed obediently behind LaVeil as she made her way back toward the bedroom, feeling a little overwhelmed by her mistress's beauty. The sight of her in her gown only served to further enhance her sensual shape. As they walked Lillie admired the smooth sway of LaVeil's hips and ass that seemed to almost defy gravity. As LaVeil approached the bed she turned to Lillie with a smirk, "come, lay down beside me." She said, gesturing toward the bed.

"Yes mistress." Lillie responded, moving slowly to lay down beside her.

LaVeil smiled at her before reaching over to run a hand across Lillie's belly and down between her legs; she squeezed Lillie's mound gently and then pulled away. "It's your turn to focus on me, do what feels right to give me pleasure and follow my direction if I give it." She said.

Lillie nodded quickly and felt her heart beating faster as she began to gently caress LaVeil's outer thigh. She couldn't help but stare at LaVeil's beauty; her breasts seemed to fill Lillie's vision as they jiggled just slightly as she breathed; and the way her ass curved in from her hips and curved out again just above her mound made Lillie want to bury her face in it and devour it completely.

She followed her own suggestion and shifted, kneeling between her mistresses legs and slowly tracingher fingers along LaVeil's thigh and then up between her legs. She paused briefly before slowly pressing two fingers into LaVeil's pussy, feeling her shiver in pleasure as she slipped into her mistress' opening and felt the soft flesh envelop her fingers.

"Oh! That's good." LaVeil breathed heavily as Lillie began to move her fingers within LaVeil's pussy in time to her own movements. "Don't forget to pay attention to my body's signals." LaVeil added softly.

Lillie nodded as she began to work LaVeil's pussy with greater focus and enthusiasm as her mistress' words sank in. LaVeil moaned softly as she felt Lillie's snout press into her mound as she began to lick and kiss softly at LaVeil's sex.

"Oh good girl!" LaVeil cried as Lillie's tongue pressed into her slit. Lillie smiled softly around her mistress' sex, feeling a thrill run through her at being praised like this.

She felt her new shafts start to pulse and grow again and focused on tensing her pelvic muscles to keep them inside. It was easier than she expected as she realized she had been inadvertently keeping them confined earlier when her mistress had to coax them out.

She refocused on the Madame's sex and focused on what she could do with her long powerful tongue;running it along the length of LaVeil's slit before gently lapping at her outer lips and then sliding into the warmth between her legs. She could feel her mistress' inner walls grip onto her tongue and coaxed it deeper, tasting LaVeil's flavor while sucking hard on LaVeil's clit in time with the movements of her wet muscle. She began to gently press it between her lips and rub it with the thick base of her tongue while probing deeper within her mistress' pussy with the tip.

LaVeil moaned loudly and her body started to writhe as she felt herself growing closer to an orgasm; "oh god, yes, pet! Yes! Yes!"

"Mmmmmm!" Lillie moaned as she felt LaVeil's warm tunnel flex around her tongue, the taste bringing forth an almost instinctual response from her own sex as well. She couldn't help but moan herself as she struggled to keep her twin spires within herself. She increased the speed and depth of her thrusts while feeling LaVeil's sex clamp down around her tongue, sending shock-waves through both their bodies. Lillie felt LaVeil's whole body convulse as she erupted in orgasm, moaning loudly as she felt LaVeil's cunt clamp down around her tongue in a vise-like grip as she clamped her thighs around the girl's head and let out a guttural moan, her back arching and her hands grabbing anything in reach as she road out her orgasm.

Lillie felt LaVeil's inner walls begin to relax once she had come, feeling her tongue slide free from her master's snug hold as she gasped for breath. She moved up next to LaVeil, trying to catch her breath and not lose control of her cocks in the process. As she gasped for air she looked down and saw the Madame looking at her with a look that told her she'd pleased LaVeil quite a bit.

"That was wonderful!" LaVeil exclaimed, "you did very well."

Lillie smiled shyly and looked away, feeling mixed emotions as her heart slowed and her horniness conflicted with the reality of her situation. She felt herself wavering between sexual frustration and actual anger but did her best to show neither when she noticed LaVeil still watching her with the same look.

"I think you've done well enough for today, I'll have a guard take you back to your room and we can start your training with the rest of the new arrivals tomorrow."

Before Lillie could even react the Madame clapped twice and a guard came in to lead her away. "You may go." LaVeil said, any trace of warmth or approval suddenly missing from her voice.

Trying not to lose any of the approval she had gained she hopped off the bed and followed the guard without question through the door and back through the castle. As they walked she couldn't help but focus on her nudity this time; she had no idea how much time had passed since her transformation and had no idea what had happened to the outfit she had been wearing when she got here, although it probably wouldn't come close to fitting her now.

Lillie was almost too distracted to notice that she was now getting glances from some of the men she passed on the way back to her room. She also noticed that the guard seemed to flicking his eyes over her tit's the entire time they walked. She'd never been naked in front of men before and she couldn't help but feel a thrill at the attention.

Summary: Lillie feels embarrassed and violated but horny

They arrived back at the door to her room but the guard stopped outside of it, blocking Lillie's path. He reached down and grabbed Lillie's ass; giving it a firm squeeze before moving his hands lower to fondle her crotch. He pressed his body against Lillie's and his crotch against her sex.

Lillie blushed hotly and pulled back slightly in shock before being grabbed by the arm and spun around, pressed face first into the door. "Well look at you, Miss. That ass is so sweet you must be a virgin." he said with a grin on his face as he pressed his crotch against Lillie's ass. Lillie pushed back against him weakly as she tried not to cry or make too much noise, unsure of what to do.

"S-stop, please!" she begged weakly.

"Oh don't be so nervous!" he laughed as he gripped her ass firmly with one hand and reached down with the other to unbucklehis belt with a deft movement of his hand and with one quick tug removed his pants. He quickly pushed Lillie back against the wall and pressed his freed cock against her ass. Lillie gave a soft grunt of surprise as he shifted it lower, his cock rubbing against her wet slit and pressing against her opening as if eager to be inside of her.

Mind racing to find a way out of this situation she had a thought to scare off his arousal: letting her muscles relax both of her fat shafts happily made their appearance, sliding from her slit only half hard. She let out a fake moan and tilted her hips a little further back so on his next thrust the guards cock went from poking her entrance to sliding between her musky dicks, still coated in her own cum from earlier.

The guard groaned and paused as his cock was squeezed between the two massive shafts, each alone easily dwarfing his. His cock twitched from the feeling of being rubbed againsttwo fat dicks and Lillie could tell from his expression that it wasn't unpleasant to him--at least not at first--but it was distracting and he didn't like it.

He was about to say something but Lillie reached down, wrapped her hands around his cock and squeezed it hard; letting out an agonized groin grunt as he let out a pained gasp of pleasure. "I think mine are bigger, doesn't that mean I get to take your ass?" she said with a smirk and squeezed his cock harder.

Lillie felt him tense up and then soften as he let out a yelp and stumbled backwards before pulling his pants back up and opening the door to her room. She walked in as if nothing had happened. The door quickly locked behind her.

Lillie had to bite her tongue to keep from moan as she laid on the bed, trying to work out how she felt about what just happened. On one hand she felt like she had gotten away with something; on the other she felt violated. She was horny as fuck--and not just horny from sex; she felt horny because she had just flipped the tables and scared off the guard by being aggressive, a totally new role for her. AND she found she was horny from her naked walk back through the castle with all the looks she'd received.

She moaned quietly as she fell onto her bed and rolled around on the sheets, trying to work through these feelings as her body heated up again.

Her dicks were still fully outfrom the guards' attention and she let out a whimper of pleasure as she brought a hand down to one of them; stroking the shaft with one hand as she curled her long neck forward and rubbed the other against her lips-- licking the cock in front of her face as she stroked the one beside it. She moaned loudly as she sucked on the tip, vibrations running through her mouth and into the bulbous head between her lips.

She ran her freehand down over her body, cupping her crotch to feel the wetness from where the guard had touched her earlier. She moaned again as she rubbed her mound, sliding two fingers into her sex to feel her pussy clench around them eagerly. The head of her cock pressed against her lips; she began running her tongue over the tip, teasing herself and slurping the pre-cum that was beginning to leak from it.

She shivered in delight as she sucked on the cock between her lips, tongue flicking the slit as she hummed contentedly. Her fingers worked over her crotch, sliding inside of herself, developing a rhythm with the thrusts of her hips and her bobbing head--her eyes closing in pleasure at the feeling of pleasure that was building in her body. She loved this, rubbing the head of cock against her tongue, delighting in the taste of herself on it, feeling like she was in control of this situation, as if everything was happening because she wanted it to, not because she was owned by some sort of sex witch.

Her rhythm sped up as she sucked on the cock between her lips; feeling it grow harder still. Needing more, more stimulation and more filling her mouth, she drew her lips back and held both of her cocks together, frotting them and slicking them both with the spit covering one. She thrust her fingers into her crotch harder--rubbing her clit furiously--as she brought her needy mouth down onto both cocks at once; engulfing them both to the base and sucking hard as she gagged on their combined girth. Even with her elongated snout the heads pressed well past the opening of her throat. She mentally thanked her new snake anatomy for the ability to take such monsters with little effort and the pleasure it brought them as her powerful neck muscles flexed and massaged them, bringing far more stimulation than LaVeil's spell hands had.

Her ass rose up from the bed with each thrust of her hips, smashing her nostrils into her crotch, wet with saliva and her own feminine juices. Her tongue wrapped around the bases, her own taste making her salivate--bringing out another moan of pleasure from between her lips; forcing her throat to undulate on her cocks.

Lillie was moaning like a beast in heat as she fucked her own face, thrusting her cocks into herself as hard as possible; desperate for pleasure and release and more of the hot cum that she found she loved the taste of so much. She was panting and drooling by this point and licking frantically as the wet sounds of her frantic autofellatio filled her chamber and probably echoed into the hallway beyond.

As her body continued to tremble she felt herself getting closer to orgasm. Her tongue swirled around one cock, then the other, sucking on them like candy. Her thighs pressed together, squeezing her cocks as she ground them against each other; moaning with every thrust as pleasure began to consume her body. Her breasts rose and fell as she fucked herself with wild abandon--the wet sounds of her own slurping voice almost too much to bear--

Her body arched up, legs trembling as she came with a long moan, her tongue dancing in ecstasy around both cocks , her body tensing as the first hot shot of cum slid down her throat, savoring it as shot after shot of hot cum flowed into her belly like warm liquid fire. When she was spent she swallowed the last drops from the cocks in her mouth and moaned with satisfaction, finally uncurling from her sexual-ouroboros pose. Laying back down onto the bed with her cocks softening and hear breath smelling of sex.

"Mmm..." Lillie murmured, feeling exhausted but satisfied. She knew she needed sleep but she hadn't even eaten yet. Her body wasn't taking no for an answer however and she was drifting off within seconds of lying back down on the bed.

Dreams of of glowing sentient water and beautiful winged creatures sucking off her new cock's welcomed her.