Club Employee Benefits

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Having another good day for their club, Zane and Zoyo want to show their best employees their appreciation.


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It had been another good day for Zane and Zoyo. The pair of lion twins were owners of a very popular nightclub, being known all throughout the city of Goldshore. Both cream colored lions took pride in running the establishment. It was something that they took seriously as well despite their more laidback and carefree personalities. Every night they would oversee so many furs dancing to music, enjoying drinks from the bar, and generally having a good time. Their club was special because it also encouraged hookups. Condoms were free to take from the restrooms, there were special facilities that had glory holes already installed and there were even private rooms that could be purchased. Some had dancers that would provide a good time and others were empty so couples could have some fun without a bunch of eyes on them.

The felines were versed in running businesses thanks to their tycoon father. He gave them a loan to start their own business and knew just what to do with the sum. That loan was already paid back in full and things continued to run smoothly for them. More and more furs came and the various services offered to them provided the lions with a lot of revenue. It was starting to wind down and the club was just short of being closed. The place was mostly empty and those still there were wrapping up their fun, finishing their drinks and leaving the various rooms with clear satisfaction on their faces.

On their way out some staff thanked them for coming to White Mane and hoped that they would return soon. When the last of the patrons left it was time for the janitorial staff to clean things up. Given the type of club that this was they were versed in handling various messes and their efforts earned them a generous pay. They weren't the only ones being paid handsomely. Coming from an already wealthy family, Zane and Zoyo didn't mind throwing extra dollars towards those who kept things running. It was thanks to them that the brothers were able to live out their shared dream.

They returned to their office and called some of the staff. In particular they called Vince, their DJ, and Westley, one of their best bouncers. Of all the staff working there, the two had taken a liking to them. The DJ and bouncer arrived but neither of them were nervous. They knew what day it was and they were both wearing grins when being handed their pay.

"I don't know what we would do without you guys," Zane said.

"It's been another good one thanks to you," Zoyo added.

Vince had answered their listing for an in-house DJ. They had others but he was the main one and never failed to keep the club alive with music that got everyone moving. They were floored by the porcupine's first day performing and they all but begged him to stay on full time. Vince wasn't sure at first but when hearing the pay he would get, the spiked rodent agreed right away.

Vince was of average height, had fur consisting of blue hues, being contrasted by red quills that jutted from his back. For some reason they began to glow when Vince stood in darkness, glowing brighter the darker it was. But that suited his job perfectly. He was easy enough to work with considering that gave him full creative control. As far as personality goes, Vince wasn't afraid to speak his mind and he liked to get right to the point. Apparently this boldness got him into trouble a few times but it was handy to have a back full of quills on hand.

Westley was a large and muscular possum, being nearly seven feet tall. He was good at bouncing and really knew how to intimidate those who tried to barge their way in. His addition to the staff came from an unexpected source. When talking on the phone with his friend Haze, Zoyo mentioned the need for more bouncers. The panda recommended one of Theo's friends, someone named Westley.

Westley was bold and direct as well but he wasn't afraid to be openly vulgar. He came from the other side of Goldenshore and at first didn't seem to enjoy working for a couple of "rich boys," but did so for the goody pay. But as time went on they began to bond and the possum showed a friendlier side. Outside of work he enjoyed working out and admitted to liking various puzzles as well. In time he also admitted his criminal past and was worried that his reputation would drag down the club's success. But the lions didn't care and all but demanded that Westley stay. Now he's dedicated to keeping out anyone that tries to cause trouble in the club and since the lions gave him free reign, he has full permission to rough anyone up after giving them a warning.

"Payday already," Westley said as shoved the stack of money into his pocket.

"Did you forget?" Vince asked. The porcupine often teased Westley for having more brawn than brains. But the possum just chuckled and playfully punched Vince in his arm.

"Hey, there's a lot I gotta keep track of all at once. Excuse me for not remembering what fucking day it is," Westley responded.

"Guys, guys..." Zane said, getting the top staff member's attention. "There's something else we called you two here for."

"You two have been doing so well that we wanted to reward you further," Zoyo said. This got the porcupine and possum's attention.

"Well, what is it?" Westley asked, wanting to get right to the good stuff.

The pair of twins chuckled and rather than explaining they both took their shirts off. Next came their pants and the lions revealed their athletic forms and the sand brown fur that covered their bodies. Their white manes were ruffled from the shirts coming off but were smoothed down. Even clad in nothing but jockstraps, Zane and Zoyo looked exactly alike, save for the earrings that Zoyo wore. At the same time the lions turned around and showed off their backsides. The open fashion of the jockstraps put their asses on full display.

"Whoa," Vince marveled. He didn't expect this when being called into the office.

"Now that's what I'm talking about," Westley said. It was no secret that many of the staff thought the two lions were sexy. This was the possum's first time revealing his own interests.

Turning around once more, the twins approached Vince and Westley. They got in front of them and got onto their knees. Bulges could already be seen in the other male's pants and this made both lions chuckle. Zane was the first to start unzipping Vince's pants. Once getting them down he ran his fingers along the tented boxers, feeling the cock that was growing even harder underneath. Vince grunted as his sheath spread wider around the thickest part of his tool. This was all so exciting and the feeling was even stronger when the boxers came off.

Zoyo was doing the same for Westley. He pulled down the zipper and slowly pulled down the shorts. Westley was revealed to be also wearing a jockstrap and the feline hummed from the smell of masculine musk that reached his nose. The possum chuckled from seeing the lion enjoying himself already. He wasn't hard just yet like Vince but as Zoyo began to caress the front of the jockstrap, the flesh was starting to swell against his hand. The fabric was being made to stretch from Westley's size. He wasn't just big when it came to height and muscle.

While Vince only managed to be about half the size of Westley down there, the porcupine had an advantage of its own. When the boxers came off, Zane was able to see that his rod was ended with a knot. It was a good size too, promising to stretch the hole of whoever was on the receiving end. The red flesh was twitching and that made Vince's excitement clear.

Westley's jock was pulled down and his erection was finally revealed for everyone else to see. The large marsupial smirked with pride as Zoyo kept his eyes glued to it. It was humanoid in shape, even having thick foreskin attached. Its size was the main draw in, being both long and thick. It reached just over twelve inches and the possum was clearly proud of himself and loving the attention that was on him.

Having both of their employees fully out and erect, Zane and Zoyo moved in with their mouths open. Their intentions were clear and the males being rewarded readied themselves for what was to come. Groans were heard as the lions' mouths were being steadily filled with a porcupine and possum cock respectively. The both of them got a good mouthfeel from the respective appendage that was sliding over their slightly rough tongues.

Zoyo paused to wrap his lips around. With so many inches ahead of him he saw no need to rush and he began to suckle on the length that was already in his maw, being about half of Westley's total size. The low toned moan that came from Westley filled him with excitement. Starting to lick, the tongue began to gently sweep along the underside a few times before tracing all the way around. That allowed him to get a taste for it and he felt the warmth that radiated from the uncut flesh as well.

Zane was already licking at the tip. He ran his tongue along the first few inches exclusively. It teased the porcupine and Vince was reacting with small moans and some squirms from the wet muscle's unique texture. The feeling that came from it was unique as well, sending tingles through the rest of his body. The lion was clearly pleased to be providing pleasure and was starting to move his head forward to take in more but he was stopped by Vince's hand. Zane was confused by this but looked up to see the expression on the DJ's face.

"I want you to suck on my nuts first," Vince said plainly. The lion understood and eased his mouth off. Moving lower his muzzle pressed against the rodent's sack and he was enjoying the light musky scent of maleness. He took in a few whiffs of it and gasped from the rush it brought.

With his mouth watering, Zane opened his mouth again and began to lap at the dark furred sack. His tongue combed through the fur and ran along the sensitive skin. Vince certainly felt that, being evident by his deeper groan. The licking continued and he felt each nut being given attention. First the left and then the right, both being caressed and traced by the flexible muscle before Zane took them both into his open maw.

Meanwhile Zoyo was taking more inches, feeling his muzzle spreading wider from the added thickness the center had. He had to go slowly and take a small break right after but the thickest part had been taken in. At this point the tip was already just short of breaching his throat, but the big cat persisted. With a deep breath beforehand, Zoyo pushed forward and he felt his windpipe being penetrated. Working steadily and letting himself adjust, Zoyo did manage to eventually take it all. The size caused his throat to bulge and the lion rested in his nose into the marsupial's crotch, letting himself feel just how deeply it reached.

"Damn you actually did it," Westley acknowledged. He felt all of it pulsing while being surrounded by soft walls. Zoyo felt rather proud of himself and the strain was much less when easing most of the inches out of his throat. When pushing forward again, the lion was able to go from the tip and right down to the base. Westley moaned from all of his inches being engulfed and Zoyo was able to keep it up. Things got easier as he kept it up, bobbing his head back and forth smoothly.

"Mmm... Yeah, just like that..." Vince huffed. He felt his balls being orally worshiped; Zane was licking and sucking the sack with full passion. The both of them were moaning for different reasons. Zane enjoyed the taste on his tongue and Vince felt his cock throbbing harder. It was starting to leak precum and it was dripping down on the maned feline's face. Each of the orbs were given plenty of attention and Zane continued to enjoy the flavors. It paired well with the musk that continued to radiate from the porcupine's loins.

"Alright, now you can suck it," Vince said. He was satisfied with the ball sucking. They popped from Zane's mouth and he didn't hesitate to wrap his lips around the tip. He lapped along the erect flesh while taking more of it into his maw. A moan came when the taste of precum made itself known. The lion's hum made Vince chuckle and he reached his hand down to grip Zane's mane.

Taking it upon himself, Vince pushed forward and reached his maleness down into the snug esophagus. Zane gagged and was shaken for a moment but quickly adjusted. While still having his mane gripped, he began bobbing his head while sucking. Vince let this play out for a while but he then took control again. His grunts and moans could be heard as he humped into the lion's wet passage.

The two lions gave their own forms of oral pleasure, gulping down the shaft of the employee they were paired with. They were gulping down precum as soon as it came oozing from the tip. Westley panted hard from all of his inches being stuffed past Zoyo's lips, enjoying every moment of sucking that he was given.

Vince was still humping, making his own delighted sounds from grinding his length over the tongue and down into the snug passage. When doing that he would hold Zane's head in place via his mane. "I never knew your mouth was this good..."

"Yeah, he can really take it," Westley agreed. He preferred to let Zoyo move back and forth, feeling the licks and sucks that were eventually felt on every inch.

The two lions took pride in those words and they used their mouths to their full potential. Zoyo was starting to move faster and at the same time Vince was going faster well, his pelvis rolling to fluidly plunge his cock within and out of the caressing throat. He drove it deep and pressed his crotch against Zane's face repeatedly. His freshly-sucked nuts were swinging and slapping against the lion's chin in time with each forward thrust.

"Don't stop sucking!" Westley said, his voice being deep and almost threatening. Even though he was talking to one of his bosses he just couldn't help it. The pleasure was building and he was reaching the point of no return. His simple moans and huffs became much deeper and intense. Zoyo did as he was told, being actually aroused even further by the command that was given to him.

Westley soon moaned out, balling his fist and pushing Zoyo's head down with his other hand. He kept the lion in place as he began cumming into the squeezing throat. His big cock was shooting a lot and Zoyo struggled to keep up with it. He swallowed down the mouthfuls but some of it was already trickling out. Moans and purrs could be heard the entire time thanks to his enjoyment of the taste and scent of the possum's crotch keeping itself pressed against his nose. Vince came as well but he did so while still thrusting. It seemed that actually reaching his limit wasn't his end goal. His grip on Zane's mane was tighter and the thrusts were harder. With a few more strong pushes he forced the feline's mouth to stretch even wider. The knot that ended Vince's cock was shoved in and it all but plugged the lion's mouth. He had no choice but to take big gulps of the seed that was being pumped down into his stomach directly. When Vince finished he ran the risk of tugging his engorged cock against the predator's sharp teeth. It popped free and Zane was left gasping and a bit of cum trickled down his lips. Westley pulled out as well, unleashing a final rope that streaked the feline's muzzle.

There was a small break given but it was the lions who insisted that they weren't done yet. Zoyo approached while slipping off his jockstrap. He bent himself over the desk and presented his ass to the possum, who was still hard and now focused on the pair of sand-colored cheeks.

To match their personalities, the office was rather cozy. There were things like soft chairs and even a couch in the spacious room. Zane led the porcupine to the couch but rather than getting onto it, the predator suddenly pushed the rodent down. Vince landed on the furniture and a few of his quills got stuck in it. But that was ignored as Zane took his jockstrap off, revealing his own barbed length. Having the porcupine's attention, he came in close and climbed onto the couch as well before climbing into Vince, having his tailhole aligned with the already wet shaft.

Vince picked up what was happening and he smirked while grabbing the feline's hips. He pulled them downward while making an upwards thrust. Those motions in tandem led to Zane being suddenly penetrated. There was a moment of pain but it quickly passed. Zane's moans could be heard as he was quickly stuffed with inch after inch. The wetness of Vince's cock gave them both some leeway and soon the lion was sitting down on the knot.

"Tight..." Vince grunted, feeling the squeeze on his hardness. His tip was especially being constricted by the lion's insides. The two of them just stayed in that position, giving each other the chance to adjust.

On the desk, Zoyo felt big hands roughly gripping his hips. Then came the slap of Westley's heavy cock, smacking right in between the furry asscheeks. Westley eased his body down on top of the lion and the added weight was already making Zoyo shiver. His anticipation grew even stronger as the possum's dick was grinding in between his mounds, even rubbing over his hole. The lion's desperation grew as his opening was teased but had yet to be penetrated.

"You want it, lion slut?" Westley asked, falling into his usual habit of dirty talk when dominating.

"Please, put it in me," Zoyo said, having a needy tone of voice. He had his tail hiked up and his rim was winking hard from the sheer anticipation.

Westley was satisfied and he was quick to jam his tip past the tight opening. It was snug fit, especially when factoring their sizes. But the large cock managed to get in there and precum was already being leaked onto Zoyo's anal lining. The lion groaned and dug his claws into the desk's wood. He felt the flesh throbbing and leaking even more and the precum helped get the rest of it inside. The lion and possum moaned as it pushed in deeper and deeper. With a few strong thrusts from the possum's hips, the rest of the shaft was shoved in and Westley's hips pressed against Zoyo's rump.

"Yeah... He's nice and tight too!" Westley said, calling out to Vince.

The room was soon filled with the sounds of four guys having sex. Rocking back and forth, Westley was already thrusting into the soft hole but he was doing so slowly and gently to not overwhelm the feline. Zoyo just moaned out with an added pitch, feeling himself being spread and stuffed more than he ever had before.

"Fuck, you feel so good..." Vince said. He had a good hold on Zane and the lion was bouncing up and down. The lion was purring and his hole would clench down on the phallus, giving them both added pleasure. Vince laid back and sighed deeply as he felt the other male's ass lifting and dropping on his dick. It started out slow and careful but the spit and precum made things slick enough for Zane to smoothly ride the DJ.

Having some control in this position, the lion was voicing his own pleasure alongside Vince. Bouncing himself up and down, he felt himself being filled when bringing his body back down. Vince responded to his inches being engulfed by the lionhole, sinking into the deeper parts where it would be kneaded by the feline's anal muscles. Vince's precum was leaking out more and more as the pleasure grew and that made things easier for Zane. Sliding along the knotted dick, he rose himself up and dropped back down. His rim slammed into the knot and he felt it stretching just a bit wider.

Westley and Zoyo made their own progress. On the other side of the office, the bouncer was pounding into the smaller male. Already picking up the pace, he was grunting and huffing deeply from the tightness that persisted. As he continued Zoyo was still making higher toned moans and whimpers from being stretched like this. His mind couldn't even process that he was taking every inch. But he couldn't ignore the overwhelming sensation of being stuffed full in terms of both having his walls spread and his passage being filled much more than usual.

"Is it too much for you?" Westley asked, having a taunting edge to his voice.

"N-no. I can take it. Give me more!" Zoyo insisted before taking a breath to steady himself.

Westley took the lion's word for it and he stopped holding back. Despite bracing, Zoyo began crying out right away from the rough and fast paced breeding he was suddenly receiving. The muscled pelvis was being rocked hard and the sounds of their bodies crashing into each other was heard alongside their heated sound of pleasure.

Breathing hard and still dragging his claws along the desk's surface, Zoyo felt the strain ebbing away and he was finally allowed to feel the raw sensations of his ass being speared in a steady fashion. His prostate was slammed each time and his body was left to tremble. Precum was leaking from his own cock, squirting against the side of the desk. His body felt ablaze with intense pleasure and his hole would squeeze down with each touch of his sweet spots.

Westley couldn't get enough of the feline's tailhole. It was easy for him to make his inches disappear and reappear without much issue. With each push and tug, there was a sloppy noise heard each time thanks to the precum that overly lubed the hole. He was allowed to go even faster and was able to reach deep no matter how tightly Zoyo clenched down. With the growing and intensifying sensations, the bouncer was rapidly ramming into one of his bosses, gaining satisfaction from every sound the other male made.

Vince and Zane had taken things to another level. The lion was still elevating and lowering his body, using his own weight to take every inch into himself. But Vince had joined in and he was moving his hips in tandem with Zane's riding. This caused the lion to moan out like his brother, feeling his prostate being bashed thanks to the quickening pace. Feeling his walls and sweet spots being stimulated with more force, Zane was shivering and leaking precum that was dripping onto Vince's shirt. He could feel the rodent's precum making a bigger mess inside of him and squelches could be heard in time with each thrust. With how hard and fast he was being fucked, the lion knew he wouldn't be lasting much longer.

Vince bit his lip, being on the cusp of his orgasm. He didn't slow down and continued to slam himself in with full force. Not only was he aiming to reach his peak, but his knot had been slowly stretching the lion's rim more and more each time. Zane had felt the bulb grinding against his tailhole and he knew that the knot would be lodged into him eventually. It was touching his ring more often and when Vince let out a long winded moan, there came another strong thrust and grind that led to the bulb being lodged in.

Crying out together, they both were pushed to their climaxes. Vince felt the hard clenches of the lion's ass around his inches and the sensitive bulb. That worked to milk thick ropes of cum from the porcupine's shaft. Zane felt the heat washing his insides and he purred deeply from the feeling. At the same time he was shooting his own load onto Vince's already messy shirt. They were both lost in the bliss and rode it out until their last strings of cum were released. Even when finished, the two of them were locked together thanks to the knot but the feline and rodent didn't mind that at all.

They watched as Westley and Zoyo continued having fun. The lion tried to endure the next few strikes to his prostate but he was unable to and was soon snarling in pleasure. His body jerked and loads of his cum were fired onto the desk's side, making the wooden surface even messier. Each thick rope splattered against the side and slowly trickled downwards. Zoyo was also experiencing one of the strongest climaxes of his life, panting hard as felt himself still being rutted.

Westley felt the steady contractions of Zoyo's ass but continued to thrust against them, using the added tightness to experience more pleasure. He wasn't too far behind and was ready to shoot his load as well. Needing just a bit more to do so, Westley was brutally slamming his cock into Zoyo, feeling his balls churning and starting to draw up.

"Here it comes. Get ready to be filled!" the possum warned.

With another hard shove, he raised his voice and felt the rush of bliss wash over him. His hips were still moving as he came. Thick ropes of his release were unloaded inside of the purring lion and Zoyo soon felt the stuff leaking out of him, dripping down his own balls and onto the floor. Westley felt his cock swelling and spewing fat wads of his seed and he continued humping until his balls were completely drained, shooting the last of his spunk into the feline's guts.

"Good kitty..." Westley said as he pulled himself free. Zoyo collapsed but was already laying on the desk. His tongue was lolling from the lasting tingles and he felt himself leaking onto the already messy floor. The couch was a mess from Vince's load spilling out of Zane. The knot left the other lion with a stretched hole as well. He moaned and still held onto the blue rodent, being left completely satisfied.

It took some time but they were soon dressed again and ready to go on their way. The cleaning staff would take care of things. When outside they said their goodbyes and parted ways for the rest of the night. The twins got into their car and were looking forward to cleaning themselves up but were also eagerly awaiting the next pay day.