Chapter 5: Black Goddess

Story by GhostDrake on SoFurry

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#5 of The Fallen Goddess

My second first person story that I've ever written.

I laid on the soft bed staring out at the young black reptilian male before me, and his golden eyes gaze longingly back at me His beige underbelly was smooth except for the slit where his rigid cock stuck out. I stared at his chiseled abs before he started showing off his thick muscled arms.

The cold air blanketed my body as I stood up before him, "You ready?"

He nodded, taking in my own sculpted black reptilian body, and my equally beige underbelly; before his deep powerful voice spoke. "Are you?"

I admired his boldness with a grin as I press against his body, and put my arms around his neck playfully. I could feel the heat pumping into his cock, and felt it vibrating between us with each heartbeat. I rest my powerful jaws upon his shoulder, feeling him adjust to stroke his sharp teeth along my neck. Each bite sends pulsing waves of pleasure down my spine, and I find myself stroking his long shaft in response.

I gaze into his golden reptilian eyes, before I motion him to my bed. He detached and strolled to the bed with a teasing flick of his tail-- making sure to raise it especially high with a seductive smile before lying out on it.

I gazed longingly at his round cockhead, and admired the way it fit his body. He looked to me, those golden eyes knowing and sharing how much I lusted for him. I amble towards him leisurely, showing off myself to him. I can see his desire increasing with each step as my sex dances and shifts before him.

I crawl over his huge body, and flex my muscles to add to his arousal. His sex was rigid and fully erect, ready and waiting for me to make a move. I position myself between his flexed legs and stroke him, feeling the delicate texture of his sex between my claws.

My eyes looked up to him as my lips approached his sex. In his eyes I could see he was barely containing himself. I plunge his sex into my mouth, drenching it in warm saliva. The wetness of my mouth pleased him enormously and he let out a reptilian moan to show it. My tongue strokes his defenseless sex, rubbing around his head finally finding the valley in it. He moaned again, as I whip my tongue through the soft parting in his sex.

I lifted off of his beautiful sex with a loud slurp, leaving my spit on his cock. He repositioned himself against the backboard of the bed, knowing I would want to ride him. I position myself over his lap, feeling his soft hands grab at my powerful ass. He looks at me reassuringly as I lowered, guided by him to his member.

His huge cockhead greets the yielding flesh of my hole as I slide down every inch of his loving sex. I groan as I feel the pleasure of having to adjust to another male. My heart beats furiously pumping more blood to my rigid cock. When I finally stopped at his sack, my seed spills out on to his black abs. He scoops my cum onto his fore claw and licks it from his finger, our lips meet. I move close to his body, taking in the sweet scent of a horny reptile. I feel his heartbeat between my legs, and stroke his face lovingly.

Finally, I kiss his wet lips and begin massaging his black shaft, squeezing and releasing as I lift. His hands traced along the sides of my body as I thrusted down his penis. My heart thrummed as I rapidly began pounding down on his lap with a slap of hot flesh, grasping his shaft firmly between my thighs. His moans send chills down my back.

I began to feel a slight dribble and the sudden dreamy look on his face of his orgasm. I alternate between slow and fast, wanting my own stimulation to last. His sex began to shudder as white cum explodes inside me. I can feel the sticky fluids coating his sex inside me. He groans loudly as I continue to massage his sex long after his orgasm.

He smiled as I lifted off his massive black cock, and felt his juices flowing inside me. "I guess it's your turn?"

I watch as he gracefully rises from the soft white covers of my bed, his scales reflecting in the dull torchlight. My body burned with a deep lust when I saw his limp cock toss as he got up.

I pose in front of him showing off my own sex, he touched it tenderly, his gold eyes focusing intently on it. I close my eyes to focus on the sensations he was going to cause me. He positioned my sex to slither inside him. My head snakes its way through his insides which were still burning from the earlier passion. I grabbed his sack as he continued to bounce, alternating between slow and fast. I enjoyed the powerful grasp between his cheeks. I moaned as he continued to pushing and lifting off of me. His hands traveled admiringly down my chest as he pumped me. Each thrust brought me a taste of pleasure, and I threw my head back as my cum shot into his insides, filling him with a sweet warmth. A moan erupts from my throat, but he stifles it with a kiss.

He rolled off of me, his sides heaving from the effort, and stood. "I suppose I'm --"

The chamber door opened and a lowly acolyte looked at me, with her golden reptilian eyes. "Your High Priest, the Goddess wan--"

I glanced at her with such a powerful hatred that she steps back in shock. "What have I told you about entering my chambers when the door's closed?"

The male was slightly embarrassed to be exposed in my chambers and put on his black robes, leaving without another word. "I'm sorry my High Priest. I didn't mean to--"

"THEN GO!" I shouted in such a fury and rage that my voice echoed down every corridor and room. Her eyes watered up -- from my yell or the embarrassment of it I didn't know -- and she closed the door with an angry thud.

I laid there for sometime enjoying the reptile scent that filled the room. Males found me equally as attractive as the females did; oftentimes it would be the males who'd want me in their rooms though. I would just nodded and join them at the time they thought was best.

I could feel his juices inside me as I stood up to retrieve my clothes and staff. "I'll see that male again definitely," I thought as I opened the old wooden door, and left for the Goddess's chamber.

The Goddess had once been ruler of several planes, but was cast down by a arch devil who overthrew her. My staff is carved ornately to show the great battle, some say the glossy orb on the top is the very eye of the Arch devil but that's obviously a myth. She fled to this plane and formed this priesthood with a young reptile, I slayed him weeks ago and thereby earned his position, since then I've become quite popular with the men and women under my guidance-- particularly the men.

The chamber is a carved out recess in the wall of the caves, leaving the Goddess to come and go as she pleased. Her chamber was decorated with beautifully carved gems that glinted in the torch light. In the center of the room, a dragon laid sprawled out before me, even before her strong scent hits me I feel a growing lust for her.

I owe her my life and for that she knows I will be loyal to her always. The blood of a dragon runs through my veins and pumps through my heart, she awakened it showing me who I really was... and the power I truly possessed. I was dead and she revived me took care of me at the worst part of my life. She claimed I had a greater destiny-- I suppose being a goddess she should know these things.

What saved me from dieing that day is that I am a direct descendant of a red dragon. When she revealed this to me, my life became clearer and at that point, I bowed down and agreed to worship her. She told me that if I wanted to be her High Priest, I would have to sacrifice my human life and embrace the life of a half-breed guised as a reptile. I took that form gladly, and from that point on I became only the High Priest.

The black dragon before is the Goddess. Her scales are a pure black like her followers, and her underbelly a familiar beige, she notices my presence and motions me over with her sharp ivory claws. "Was it really necessary to yell at the girl like that?"

I nodded, her powerful scent causing my body to react how a male dragon would. "You know my feelings about being intruded on."

"Yes," She spoke, "But everyone knows about your... promiscuity... why yell at her so harshly?"

"Because she needs to learn to listen," I snapped, "I suppose you summoned me to talk about my sex life?" I couldn't hold out much longer from her powerful scent playing with my hardening sex.

"No," She spoke, "The others are becoming increasingly hostile towards me and you-- you in particular. They claim that you've been becoming crueler and, with your newest display of anger, I agree. There is no way to put this other than straight out in the open. I'm stripping you of your rank as high priest and placing you down as priest. I'm ordering you to leave the grounds to find converts as punishment. You will return and regain your title when you've earned it."

Exile? Demotion? "I can't be exiled or have my rank stripped! Who will lead the rites and rituals?" I shouted in outrage.

"I was doing it long before I ever came to this plane," She answered in a quick tone, her eyes flickering menacingly. "I suggest you get leaving, before I flat out kill you for your disobedience-- perhaps you should get yourself under control while you're out there!"

I bowed respectfully-- which was far from my real attitude towards her-- and proceeded to the open arch that led to the lower quarters. I stopped, "Can I bring servants to help me carry out this duty?"

"I suppose I can spare 3. Choose wisely who you will take..." Her voice sounded more like a warning now.

"I know damn well who to take," I thought as I walked down the steps to the quarters below trying to fight off my draconic urge to mate,"People more loyal than you."

I lurked in the darkness of the chamber of my earlier mate. With a click of the lock, the door swung open; he walked through, closing it after himself. As he walked to his bedside, he slid his robes over his head and discarded them casually. My heart started throbbing as I gazed upon his naked flesh. He turned, noticing me in the far corner.

"Well," He spoke in a deep voice, eyeing my robes as if he could see through them. "What do I owe the visit, High Priest?"

I held out my hand in a stopping gesture. "I've lost my rank and I am being exiled. I don't have much time to talk."

His mouth opened in shock. "Why?"

"I don't know," I said quickly, "But she has allowed me to take 3 of whomever I trust."

He smiled, figuring out where I was heading. "Sure, I'll go-- By the way, I know earlier that just appearing naked to you in your chamber wasn't too polite. I'm Mephisto, I guess you can't be referenced as the High Priest. What should I call you?"

"Drake." It was the only name I knew before I became High Priest.

"Well, Drake, I only got a taste of you earlier." His strong lithe figure moved towards me, and cornered me against the wall before I knew it. His warm lips traveled across mine in a passionate kiss as he pushed himself against my robes, longing for me to disrobe. "Maybe to celebrate our new friendship, you should give the whole thing?"

"I don't think so." I whispered, but my body said otherwise when I felt my self hardening beneath my robes. His clawed hands clutched my robes and helped me pull them off, so that our naked bodies stood against the cold stone wall. He cupped his hands around my sack holding it tightly, as he got on his knees.

His warm lips wrapped around my sex just as skillfully as I did with him. I could feel his tongue caressing and dancing with my shaft as the occasional rivulet of spit ran then dripped to the floor. I moan and stroked his head lovingly; then and there I decided to take him as my permanent male mate. I dribbled and his throat eagerly swallowed each droplet of cum. I admired his strong body as he bobbed his reptilian head, over and over, each time the pleasure building. I explode between his jaws, more than ever. Long shots of my white cum coated his throat as he continued to swallow. He sucked long after the orgasm had passed making sure 'to get the whole thing.'

He slithers away from me, and slides his clothing on. I put on my own robe, and realize the anger I had felt earlier had melted away from our passion. He looks to me with his beautiful golden eyes. "Who are we going to go find next?"

Constructive Comments on ways for me to improve are greatly appreciated.