Chapter 4: Memories lost

Story by GhostDrake on SoFurry

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#3 of To Escape From Under The Shadow


"Expect him to be groggy. The surgery required him to be sedated for sometime."

"How long until he regains consciousness?" Kaine recognized the rugged voice of Admiral Ronse, and his nose acutely picked up the pungent smell of a smoldering cigar.


"God, how do you explain something like this? He's been out for three years now, and most of them think he's dead."

"Dead...?" Kaine mumbled softly, his lips numb, and his body still weakened. However, he felt even more out of it as he opened his eyes and saw that his face no longer had a nose-- but a maw but more specifically a Doberman's waw-- He closed them again... must've been the drugs. "What's... going on?" He opened his eyes, now completely clear, and still saw the maw, a quick glimpse at his paws confirmed that he was indeed a doberman-type Solan.

Admiral Ronse snuffed out the cigar he was smoking.

"Quite a bit since you were awake..." The voice behind him said, and he glimpsed to see a large reptilian creature. With it's smooth scaled arms, and thick ridges of bone on it's forhead, it was definitely and interesting alien. Perhaps the weirdest part was his eyes, they weren't natural... some kind of implants... He couldn't see his tail too well either, but his assumed it would either be spiked or some other kind of defense mechanism.

"I suppose we found you out there." He turned away and was determined to ignore the reptile. "And why does everyone think I'm dead? Most importantly, why and HOW am I a Solan."

"To answer your first question." The Admiral stood up, and crossed his arms. "You were sentance to death by Diplomat Kess's race for commiting two infractions of their laws, and for helping a fugitive escape from custody."

Kaine's maw fell open, "What?"

"Kess." The admiral motioned the reptile in the corner, "Was the one who preformed the surgery, he has quite the repetoire from astrophysics to extensive medical knowledge."

Kaine turned to him, "Thank you for the new body, but you can go to hell for lying about me."

Kess frowned. "You encourage sexual deviance between one of your crew members and my own staff, claiming to give him asylum which you do not have the ability to do so, and refused me the right to read the diplomatic rights that you really had, which counts in our laws as a form of false imprisonment. Then you hindered us in preventing their escape. Don't blame this on me."

Kaine leaped from the chair; his enhanced muscles faster and stronger than anything Kess posessed. He was quickly pinned to the wall. "I do blame this on you."

The admiral slammed his hand down on the desk. "Both you knock it the fuck off. There is far greater things to worry about now."

Kaine's eyes glared into Kess's, "Like what?"

"Kess came to me to be given political asylum, and in return he had you and the data that proves there was some type of conspiracy between both governments. It invovles your old friends at GDI, who's motives I've always questioned as unethical. I have a firgate class vessel," He pulled the middle drawer of his desk and threw two ID cards down on the desk. "All your old crew are hired on there. You may not like it but Kess is the only witness we have to the conspiracy, so you have to protect him."

"If you got the data, and a witness, why not go to the World Congress and charge GDI."

"We did. They denied us, because the GDI was too valuable to them." Kess spat out in his face. "You humans are so arrogant for being such a young species."

"Yeah?" Kaine growled, "So your only use is a witness and a bunch of crap I could figure out with a mainframe."

"No, I can also read minds of people that have the proper implants. Like the ones I gave you."

"Take them out!"

"Putting them in was risky and removing them would likely kill you. Being connected to my species's central neural network is a gift, I was hoping it would make you less hostile towards me."

"A gift? Seems like another tool to spy on me!"

"Neither of us can read eachother's thoughts completely, otherwise you'd noticed I have a gun pointing at you."

Kaine glanced down to see his tail had some kind of mod on it, looked like some kind of grenade launcher by the size of the barrel, and it was pointing straight up underneath them. "Son of a bitch! I could probably snap your neck if I wanted to."

"I see you two are going to work this out in your heads. About the god damn weirdest thing watching it though." The admiral laughed a little and sat back in his chair, contemplating.

"You knew about the implants?" Kaine finally relenquished his grip upon the reptilian neck which made the reptile smooth out the wrinkles in his silky clothing.

"Yes. It was a good faith mod that Kess installed, allows you two to monitor eachother or something."

"Then you know I wouldn't like it. A spy tool injected right into my fucking head."

Kess lowered the gun on his tail, sensing that Kaine was no longer hostile to him but to the admiral. "Like I was going to say, it allows us to monitor our status's and feelings. It's very useful to both of us if you're going to protect me."

"So what's the mission," He grabbed his ID card off the table, "Protect this son of a bitch and you get more evidence."

"No," The admiral shook his head. "GDI has caught on to my inquries, I was revoked access. That's when I ordered your surgery to be done in secret, paid out of my pension. So if anything you should be mad at me."

"He is." Kess said calmly.

"Stay out of my head!" He barked back at Kess, before returning a glare to the admiral. "But he's damn right I'm mad at you."

"Well get over it." The Admiral jumped up and leaned over his desk, "You have been enhanced with damn near every bionic modification that could be made on you in the time period we had. You need to get off this damn station, now, before GDI catches on." He reached back into his drawer and threw another keycard, one to a car, and a high caliber hand gun. "Now, go, the ship is docked in port 32. Your mission is plain and simple, get the damn data we need to put those bastards at GDI on trial."

Kaine picked up the gun which for it's size should've strained ever muscle in his body. "I suppose I'm a better shot now? "

Kess sighed, "Yes. Your muscles are enhanced with strings of super-metal, that are connected to several new nerve implants. What part of every type of bionic upgrade did you not understand?"

"God damn, just say *yes* next time." He snatched the keycard. "Let's go."


The car hummed as the engine heated, rose into the air, then raced off through the floating highway. Kess stared out at the various shapes of the buildings and cars around him. Though he acted as if he didn't want to talk, Kaine (through his damnable implant) could tell he wanted to talk.

"Spill it. Who were these 'fugitives'?" He said as he looked into the mirrors for following cars.

"Lucran, and my subordinate, Olanar. I also found out that you used to have sex with a male Solan, whom at the time you had, to use your words, 'broken up' upon my arrival to the ship."

"Why don't I have memories of this?"

"My guess," Kess turned to Kaine. "Is that when I rewrote several synapses and different lobes of your brain it overwrote those memories. It's quite inter--" He stopped when he felt the anger boiling inside of Kaine. "Look I optimized your body the best way I could-- all those implants required everything from routing fake nerves up your spine to extensive reconstructive surgery when some of the Solan genes' were rejected by your body. Now my question, why are you so damn touchy about this?"

"My body has changed. My memories are gone. And I have to protect the whatever-the-fuck-you-are; the cause of all of these iss--- I knew it." His keen eyes caught sight of a car that had been following them for the better part of three blocks.

Kess sensed the fustration that Kaine was feeling."What?"

"Tell me, did you make me more G-force resistant?"

"All Solan's are G-Force resistant, hence why the make such good fighter pilots and--" Kess felt his whole body push back into the seat as the car rocketed up in the sky. Immediately, alarms went off warning of the extreme G-force that he was pulling.

The black car behind them started to follow at a an angle, but Kaine twisted a hard left, rolling them between two tall buldings, before sliding and diving down into an alleyway where he stopped for a moment. He watched the mirriors closely, "Good thing there wasn't a Solan driving that damn thing." He sensed a voided feeling from Kess, and looked over to see he passed out.

"WAKE UP!" He roared in his mind, causing Kess to jump up.

"I don't think that was necessary," He crossed his arms, and stared out the window again.

"Yeah it was. Felt damn good to make you pass out then yell at you."

"Yes, a great idea indeed, despite it could make my brain bleed."

"We're walking from here it's only a mile or so away. I think they've got this car tagged or something, so we better move now!"


Managing to get through port authority was easy. Though Kaine thought their ID's would've been tagged by GDI, so there was no doubt the ship couldn't go into port at a major Alliance base without risk of having GDI sending another frigate after them. That was the least of his concerns as he sat in the cargo hold of the ship with a half empty bottle of liquer and another one yet to be opened. Chris, as he was afraid of, had moved on after he had 'died', and was shacking up (and fucking) one of the Solan's in engineering. He gave the order to go to the nearest pirate station which was in Alpha Centauri, at least docking there would only make the pirates a little more jumpy, and maybe offer a few credits for jobs.

"Fuck him." Kaine said as he thought of Chris again, and took another swig of the bottle.

"I see you're trying to get sufficiently drunk." He heard a famliar voice, but it was most certainly unwelcomed-- Kess.

"Trying." He pointed to him with the bottle in his hand as he appeared around one of the Cargo containers. "Why are you here?"

"Well about two hours ago, I felt some... disturbing feelings from you."

"Yep, through the spy device." He laughed at the notion.

"I think you no longer are 'trying' to get inebriated."

"Yep again. Now I'm trying to stay inebriated for as long as possible."

"I suppose I should go." He didn't really want to go.

"No, stay. The implant makes me feel that your up to drinking."

"Bullshit." He sat down, "But since most of the crew hates me, I just get tired of it."

Kaine finished the bottle in on tremendous gulp. "Ssolan's have a hell of a tolerance for alcohol." He grinned as he offered the bottle up to Kess. "Pull the stick out of your ass, and get drunk with me!"

Kaine's emotions were genuinely happy, and it took Kess by surprise. Though the use of alcohol on his planet was for rare occasions, he considered this a pretty rare occasion that someone liked him. He sat down on the cold floor within reaching distance of the bottle, and took a gulp of the alcohol, which about made him sick just swallowing it. "High Strength."

"You mean proof."

The alcohol hit him hard. "Yeah, whatever word you use. Gods, if I knew this was gonna be such hell I wouldn't have signed into the Diplomatic Corps. Your people are so different, and they treat my customs as though they meant nothing."

"Yeah? That's because that's how it's been for us for centuries. You meet a new culture, take the good, leave the bad."

Kess laughed, but even without the implants you could sense the pain in his voice. "So what good have we given your species? We were about to execute an icon of it's people." He took another big gulp. "Yeah, I wanted to say I'm sorry about it." He started to weave back and forth. Hammered.

"What for?"

"You know what, don't play stupid. My charges against you and everything... it was completely xenophobic."

"Xeno-what? Okay, let me phrase that for you, it was completely, totally, prickish." They both laughed, then remained quiet. Just drinking, and thinking (somewhat anyway).

After a few minutes Kaine had to ask, "So why the taboo with, uh, " He struggled to pull the name from the fog of his mind. "With Lucran, and what's his face?"

"On my planet, the women are fickle bitchess and you can fuck them a hundred times and maybe have a child. So screwing a guy would--"

"Be a waste of reproduction." Kaine leaned back against the container behind him. "Well, I guess that makes sense of the whole sex thing. But what's with the stick up your ass thing you've got going on with the crew; they hate you. "

"Yeah I know. I guess I just expected your society to be like mine: logical, rational, and polite. Instead, you and the solans and those other things, all have this thing for love and irrationality."

"Easy fix."


"Stop expecting." Kaine and Kess shared a laugh

"I'd like to. To just let everything go, and just say fuck it to my lineage, to my world, this world, because your world makes no sense at all, and mine... makes too much sense." He shook his head, "I sound like I'm crazy."

"So why keep it?" He could sense Kaine was angling for something.

"Keep what?" Kess drank more from the bottle, and the sensor in his head was quite clear he was hitting the ceiling of completely blacking out.

"Your 'reproductive fluids'. You didn't bring a female along with you to fuck."

"I know what you're trying to do." He pointed at him a few times grinning, "Stop seducing me. I know when you pinned me earlier, I could tell you liked the feel of my skin. I'm surprised you didn't send an image when you were so close to me."

"What, so we can send images now?" Kaine again laughed for no reason, "This like a vid chat installed in my head or what?"

"Yeah, I had to install the extra neurons' in your arms and body but if you touched one of my kind you could convey whole images, like Lucran and Olanar did by accident."

"So their relationship started by getting touched, sounds like you meant sex there, buddy."

They both laughed. "Their *arms'* touched, and Olanar could tell there was something more there between them, so could Lucran." Kess reaffirmed " Just like when you touched mine."

"I didn't pick up a response so I guess I should give up chasing your tail." Kaine bashed himself mentally by slipping those words out..

"You want MY tail?" Kess was grinning wide. "Oh wow, I sentence you to death for allowing sex like that, and now you WANT in my tail. Love-hate much?" Kaine didn't respond, only drank more. Kess's grin faded when he felt the embarassment that Kaine was projecting, and then he felt a little embarassed himself. "Don't feel bad, I probably won't remember us talking in the morning."

Kaine looked at the bottle, "I overstepped a boundry. I'm just lonely. Ignore what I said."

"I sh-should probably go." He stood up, and he felt a slight tug in his mind. Kaine didn't want him to leave, and he knew that he didn't want to leave. It upset them both because they were so alone intimate-wise on the ship. All that he knew was that on this ship-- when they were around eachother - he didn't feel so lonely. He staggered off around the corner of the cargo container, but Kaine's long ears heard him rest against the cargo container.

"Maybe," Kaine could sense his fear. "You shouldn't give up just yet chasing my tail, but that could be the alcohol talking..."

"Or, you could give it to me now..."

"I'm afraid to... there's too many variables to how this could go wrong for me..."

"Yeah, how many variables are there for it going right for you?"

"Probably, equally as many, but what if I love you, and you don't love me back, or we break up."

"Honestly, our minds are permanently connected, I don't think a break up is possible. If you don't think I'm serious about this, move in with me."

"What?" Kess peered around the corner.

"Look, I've thought about it while you were thinking in variables. If you didn't feel attracted to me, you wouldn't be here. You would've charged off, and ignored me as some 'sexual deviant'. You also care about me, because you knew what had happened, and it had to be hard to find me here." Kaine stood up, "Do you love me, Kess?"

"Yeah..." Kess walked back around from the corner, "But it's so messed up. I made you a prime specimen of the Solan species: Muscular, Mean, Viscious, and protective." His eyes looked down, rapidly moving from side to side searching for the words he wanted to say. "People will say I made you sexually enhanced for--" His frightened eyes looked up, to see Kaine had crossed the distance between them and was only a foot away.

Kaine's arms wrapped around him, slowly pulling him into his body. It was so warm and welcoming that they both stood there in eachother's arms."Do you trust me?" He whispered into to Kess.

"Yes." Kess said as he felt a paw slowly roll down his spine, followed by the other one, both unbuttoning his tailhole button.Kess unzipped the front of his pants, letting it slide down his smooth skin. He was in his black underwear, completely exposed to the creature he'd fallen in love with. He felt a paw slide under the strap, under his tail, gently brushing his tail hole. Meahwhile the other hand was slowly removing the strap that held the underwear over his tail hole.

It dropped.

Kaine unzipped his own pants, grinning as his paws pulled out a huge hard cock. He turned Kess around, and instructed him to put his hands on the cargo container. Gently, he pulled his tail to one side, and started to rub his warm cock all over his tail hole, occasionally a few drops of pre would roll down, dripping on the tail hole, rolling down between his balls, then dripping to the ground.

He peered over Kess's shoulder to see his pink cock was dripping it's own pre. "I told you, you were into me." He bit gently down on Kess's shoulder, and he groaned hard. He turned him back around, "I think I wanna take you all the way. Sit."

Kaine turned around, and dropped his pants, revealing a very tight pink hole. He gasped in surprise as he felt Kess grab his tail, then groaned as he felt a tongue run over the pink hole. Then again, and again...

"Someone's horny."

Kess was surprised when the large Dobie, sattled up between his legs and chest. His cock just below that tight pink hole, begging to get it. And he got it, as he felt his tip, shaft, and base being pushed up. He groaned wildly, never having experience the tight feel of another guy. Oh, and the warmth of that pink tail hole made him long to be fucked by Kaine.

Again, the warmth blanketed his cock. This time faster, causing him to suck in all his breath. His heart was racing; it was so wrong, but so very very right. He squeezed Kaine's muscular thigh as the speed grew quicker, more intense, they were both gasping from air, and he could feel thick round dobie ass just squirming around his cock.

"I'm getting close," He said as his face flushed with heat. This orgasm was gonna blow his world.

"I know," Kaine gasped out, "I can feel it. It's like I'm gonna cum too." His adrenaline blasted his system and he just pounded the cock with all his might, pushing them both closer and closer.

Kess threw his head up, "Aw fuck!" Between their neural link the orgasm bounced back and forth between them. He buried his face into the hot chest of Kaine who was also overtaken by their shared excstasy.

"Mmm, best I've had." He gently laid Kess on the ground. His cock just throbbing to get into his tail hole.

"I'm not sure--" His mouth dropped open as the cock head slowly worked it's way inside him.

Kaine rolled his hips to worm his way in deeper, and Kress couldn't help but kiss him. They broke it as Kress just groaned. More and more, he was feeling stuffed. But he wanted to feel every inch of the cock, even the knot throbbing in him. Mintues passed by as he adjusted to the size, only to have it jerked back out of him. Kress squirmed as he loosened up, enjoying every pain and pleasure being inflicted upon him.

The slap of Kaine's balls againsth his hole made him realize he was gonna take the knot. Then Kaine just started at it, his cock forcing it way back in everytime made him groan with excstasy, though his hole was loose his insides remained tight, and rubbed every inch of his cock.

"Faster!" Kress groaned.

Kaine push himself to the limit, knowing what pleased Kress made it all the more enjoyable as their sensations were passed between eachother. His cock was already shooting the last of his pre- it wouldn't be long before his came. God, Knowing he was gonna fill that hole with a load of cream just made him push harder and deeper. His knot started to swell...

"UNGH!" He jammed the whole of his cock in as his knot fully swelled . His cum unloading in long squirts deep inside, he still kept pumping, and some of the cum just driped down from the sides of his hole. Their minds blew with excstasy stronger than anything before, they were both groaning and kissing, as they felt nothing but a closer bond that they'd ever shared before with anyone.

"There's a weapon and tech shipment coming in our sector, if it's not too late we could rob them." Kress grinned.

"And you know where it's at?"

"Of course. Weapons, every kind you could ask for. I wasn't gonna tell you; I was loyal to my country then."

"Where's your loyalty now?"

"I think it's with the guy that tied me, and is suprisingly good at pleasuring me. I could only guess who that could be."

A few minutes passed by, and the knot shrunk and withdrew.

"Lets go get them."

Chapter 3: Imprisonment of Mind

Death Row. It had once been a place where murders' and rapists' awaited their invited fate-- back when the world was sane-- now it held resistance leaders, those who's voices were doomed to be silenced by the void of death each day. Dex...

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Chapter 4: The Awakening

"Awaken..." Matt's bleary eyes opened. Before him stood a towering red-dragon, however, even Matt could tell he was weakened. Around them there was nothing but black void. He tried to speak but his voice was silenced. "I have...

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Chapter 3: Messiah Lore

Matt stared upwards to the top of the towering spiral, in the center of a ruined mage academy. "Shit." The smell of old books burning, and the occasional wandering conjuration were just a myriad of things they saw as they approached it, and...

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