Jackob's Life Chapter 2: School Day

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The next part in the series :) And as the title says, it's an impression about what school life can be for Jackob

" I always thought it was you... You always thought it was me..."." Uahh! What the...!?", Jackob's eyes jerked open to the loud sound of his phone's alarm clock. Being barely awake he reached out to his dresser until his aimless hand found his phone and turned off the alarm." Oh boy, why has this song to be so loud?", he groaned and brought his hands to his brown, brow less eyes to rub the sleep away. After he had crawled out of his blanket and stood up from his bed, Jackob tensed up the muscles in his legs and stretched his arms and tail high into the air to wake them up, while letting out a long, hearty jawn." Aww man. Last night was too long.", hesaid during the last seconds of his wake up stretch, before letting out a pleasent sigh and loosening his muscles again." But fun non the less.". He waited for a few more seconds and waited for his dangling arms to rest back against his body, before he decided that it was time to visit the bathroom.

As he stepped out of his room and closed the door behind him, Jackob found the house to be relatively quite. Sure, there were the usual morning noises like the clinking of dishes, dulled footsteps and the sound of flowing water inside the walls, but it was all in a calm manner and not hectic. Jackob listened to the sounds of the waking family house as he walked towards the bathroom and roughly a minute later, he stood in front of the closed door. But just as he was about to open it, the handle began to move down and a second later, he saw his father standing in the opened door frame.

"Oh, good morning dad.", Jackob said a little surprised as the grey shark stepped out of the bathroom." Morning Jackob. Hmm? What's the matter?", Chris asked his son when he saw his expression." Nothing.", Jackob answered." I'm just surprised to see you here upstairs."." Ah, yeah. Dominik was just occupying the bath downstairs, so I used this one."." I see. Well, see you in a minute then."." Dito.", Chris replied and stepped out of the doorframe to make place for Jackob, before he walked downstairs." That was awkward.", Jackob thought while he looked behind his father, but shrugged it off with an," Ah, whatever.", before walking into the bath and closing the door behind him.

Being on his own now, Jackob pulled his pyjamas top over his head and got rid off his pants as well, before he began with his morning ritual. Following the call of nature, washing his hands and his snout and brushing his razor sharp teeth to cleanse them from the rest of his dinner yesterday. After he had washed out his snout and spit out the rest of the tooth paste, Jackob looked at the light brown, rectangular like shape of his muzzle and an amused grin began to grow on his face as an idea struck his mind.

" Hello there sexy.", he began to talk in an attempt to mimic a flirty voice, while he stared into the round, brown eyes of his mirror image." Do you already have any plans for tonight? Because if not, I might have an offer for you.", he said to himself and pulled his upper body up, before slowly backing up from the mirror. With every step he took, more of his light brown body became visible, starting with the beige colored upper half of his chest, followed by his body center with it's male waist attached to it and finally his average shaped, equally beige belly. Well, and then...

Jackob stopped his motion and a smal snicker left his snout as the edge of the mirror reached his haunches, leaving not much room for imagination what was going to come next. Although he had to admit that the temptation to go further and unveil what laid below was pretty exciting, he decided against it and continued with his joke." If you're a good boy, all of this can be yours.", he said to his image while gestuering at his naked upper half." Well this here...", he made a short pause and crossed his arms behind his ear less head, before turning around and making an other step away from the mirror." And all the stuff that's still hidden.", he teased himself while looking back with an amused smile. His view was now drawn to the round shark butt, which had become visible in the mirror now, but was mostly covered by his tail. Well, except of the very edges of his cheeks.

"And, are you interested?", he asked his imaginary half and gave his butt a good wiggle, which sent his tail swinging back and forth and exposed a bit more of his rump in the process." I also promise that I'll have a nice little surprise for you to discover.", Jackob said and leaned a bit forward to accentuate his butt even more, imagining how he would lift his tail in front of an interested partner to reveal his female bits. But again, he didn't go through with it and brought himself up into a normal position again." Oh boy.", Jackob chuckled to himself, now that his little roleplay was over." I bet the guys will be swarming me, if I should ever turn up gay.", he said with a happy smile and allowed himself a last view on his body in the mirror, before he walked over to the bath tub to pick up his clothes." This will be a good day.".

After Jackob had dressed himself up, he picked an orange t-shirt and black jeans, he left the bathroom and walked downstairs, before turning to the left and opening the door leading to the dining/ kitchen room. While he entered the room, Jackob saw his mom and Dominik sitting at the table and eating their breakfast, while his dad just walked away from the kitchen space with a bowel of cereals in his hands." Good morning hon.", Jennifer greeted her son after she had looked up from her breakfast in response to the distinctive sound the kitchen door made when being opened.

"Good morning mom.", Jackob answered, before his gaze fell on his brother, who looked back at him as well. Good manners would demand now that he should greet Dominik as well, but Jackob had simply no desire to talk to his brother. Instead he made his way over to the kitchen cabinets and opened a few drawers to get a bowel and a spoon, before he took the already open box of "Huffypuff's predator rings" and poured them into his bowel. However, as the mix of fish-, meat-, and cereal rings plopped into the ceramic dish, Jackob suddenly heard Dominik's voice from behind asking:" Hey sister. Don't you want to wish me a good morning?".

"Ugh.", was Jackob's immediate response as he heard the emphasise Dominik put on the word sister and reluctantly he put the cereal box down." Don't say anything Jackob.", he thought to himself while slowly turning around." Just go with it. You know that everything else will just make it worse."." Good morning Dominik.", he said as soon as he looked at his brother, whereby he didn't even attempt to hide his annoyance." Thanks. And good morning to you, too."." Good morning my ass.", Jackob thought and brought his attention back to his cereals, before pouring some milk to them, too. With his breakfast ready now, Jackob walked back to the table and sit down between his parents, before he began to eat. The crunches of his teeth breaking and splitting the cereal rings mixed with the general eating noises and luckily for him, he could enjoy his meal in peace.

After roughly fifteen minutes and a second serving of cereals, Jackob's hunger was satisfied and he stood up to put his dishes into the dishwasher, before he turned around again and walked out of the kitchen and upstairs into his room. A quick look on his phone showed him that he still had 10 minutes before he would have to leave the house, but this was one one of the rare opportunities to avoid Dominik on their way to school, due to that he was still busy with his meal. Having his mood cheared up a little by this thought, Jackob grabbed his school bag and flung it over his shoulder so that it rested below his back fin, with the strap holding it crossing his chest and moving along below his right armpit. With his school stuff in place, he took a quick step to his desk and grabbed his in-ear headphones, before leaving his room and going downstairs again.

Jackob opened the door to the kitchen again, where his family was still sitting around the table. But instead of going inside, he just peeked his head through the door and said rather happily:" I'm away now, see you later.". Err, ok? But you know that you still have some time before you need to go?", Chris asked back a little confused." Yes I know." Jackob replied." But these few minutes more or less don't really matter. So, see you later."." Good bye.","Bye.", Chris and Jennifer said back and after Jackob had closed the door again, he turned to the right and walked towards the front door.

"Ah, what a nice day.", the shark said to himself as he stepped outside the house and instantly felt the warm sunlight touching the rough skin on his uncovered arms and his snout. With a light "wump" he closed the door after himself and walked down the small pathway leading to street, before taking a right as he reached the sidewalk. It was already nicely warm outside and Jackob could see the sun shining between the clouds, which dotted the sky here and there. Birds were singing from the trees and gardens around him and a soft smile appeared on his face as he pulled his headphones out of his pocket while listening to the small morning concert.

The peace was only disturbed by a small convoy of three police cars, which passed Jackob with blarring sirens." Hmmm, seems like something bigger has happened.", he said to himself while looking after the cars as they made their way to the downtown area. But after all, it was none of his business and so he shrugged it of and pulled out his cellphone, too. After his skilled hands had plugged the other end of his headphones into the designated opening, Jackob activated the screen and scrolled through his music list, until he had found a song which fit his current mood.

Soon after the lyrics of Kylie Minogue's 'Timebomb' filled his ears as he continued his march towards school. Although he didn't pay much attention to his environment, the light brown shark noticed how more people appeared on the street and that the traffic became more dense, the more he walked forward. Jackob didn't know any of the persons he saw, but he recognised the one or other face from seeing them for years now every day. Most of them where other pupils that visited the same school as him, but there were others, too. Like the suitcase dolphin, who was always carrying a suitcase and bought a coffee to go at the same small kiosk, at the same time every day.

After a few more minutes, and a song change, Jackob had reached an intersection with a green pedestrian light. He was just about to cross the street when he heard more sirens over the sound of his music. Another set of police cars was approaching the intersection and Jackob waited to let them pass first. But unlike before, he became a little worried now when he saw that two of the five vehicles were armored vans transporting special units." Wow. Shit must be really serious if they send in the big guys.", he thought after the cars had passed, before he crossed the street and continued with his walk.

Nothing special happened during the rest of the way and after roughly 20 minutes of walking, Jackob could see his school building a few hundred meters in front of him. He was heading for the entrance area, when suddenly he felt a larger, rough surface touching his shoulder. Jackob's heart felt like it stopped beating for a second and a cold shiver ran down his spine by the thought that Dominik could have caught up to him. However, when he turned around, he was greeted by the smiling, scaled and bone colored snout of a yellow eyed snake.

"Oh, hey Nick.", Jackob said in surprise and with a bit or relief in his voice as he recognised his snake friend. He immediately pulled his headphones out and turned his body around, before saying:" Sorry, I didn't hear you."." I noticed that.", Nick chuckled in reply, whereby he kept his gentle smile." I called you a few times before I was able to catch up with you, but you didn't respond. I hope I didn't scare you."."Hmm? Oh, no you didn't", Jackob replied after he needed a second to realize what Nick meant." No, I... I was just afraid that you would be somebody else."."You mean Adrian or Dennis? Don't worry, you know that they don't show up until close before the lesson starts."." I was more thinking about Dominik. You know, I left earlier today so that I didn't have to abide him on my way here and I thought that he would have caught up to me now."." I sssee.", Nick replied with a low hiss while his tongue darted out of his mouth for a few seconds.

It was pretty clear by his reaction that he wasn't too fond on Jackob's brother and his behaviour towards his friend." I was already wondering where he's hanging around. You should do this more often then."." I'll try to, but he'll propably figure it out pretty quickly."." Yeah, I fear that, too. But if you can pull it of, the chances of me meeting you here are higher, so at least he couldn't bother you here.". This sentence created a little smile on Jacob's snout and he said:" Yeah, that's true. Thanks.". He was happy to have a friend like Nick, who really looked after him and, unlike him, had a healthy self consciousnes as well." For you always Jackob.", Nick replied and smiled along with his friend." But we should go now. School starts in 7 minutes."." Alright.". And so both of the boys began to walk towards the school entrance while getting surrounded by a crowd of pupils, who had the same destination.

After 3 or 4 minutes of walking, the two boys had reached the school entrance and Nick was opening the door, when Jackob noticed an other couple of sirens in the distance. " Again?", he asked loudly and stopped midway in the doorframe, while looking backwards in the gneral direction of the noises." This is already the third this morning. There must be some serious stuff going on."." From what I heard in the radio, there is a larger group zombies causing havoc close to the city center.", Nick answered Jackob's question while holding the door open, which allowed other pupils to slip by them." But they said that the situation is getting under control."." I hope so. I don't have the desire to end up as zombie foot."." Me, neither.", Nick replied and without any further words, they entered the school.

After they had stepped into the main hall, Nick and Jackob took the staircase in front of them and walked upstairs to the second floor, before they followed the corridor towards their class room. Most of their classmates had already gathered in front of the door and were talking about their activities from yesterday while they waited for their teacher to arrive. Jackob and Nick joined them by leaning against a wall close to a window. But although he was surrounded by people that meant no harm to him, Jackob nervously looked up and down the corridor to see if Dominik or Adrian and Dennis were around.

Nick noticed the uneasy view on Jackob's face and asked him:" And, what did you do yesterday?". He hoped that he could distract his friend a bit in this way and it seemed to help, too, because Jackob answered relatively quickly: I was playing some Heroes with Tom and it was pretty fun, too. You know, Tom took a hero named Murky, who's often seen as a joke character, because of his low health. And we had one of those wise guys in our team, who played as Diablo and constantly complained about our initial perfomance. But after we had leveled up, the tides were turning and we ended up as the best players of the team. And the guy went suspiciously silent. during the match"." Hehe, sounds like the Brightwing- Murky combo stroke again.", Nick chuckled and Jackob was grinning as well when he recalled the match."." Oh yes, it really did. You should get the game, too Nick. I think it would be really fun to play as a team of three."." No, thank you. As I said already, MOBAs aren't my cup of tea, although I can see the appeal of the game. But even so, I'll stick to watching you playing it.". Aww, ok.".

The two boys kept talking with each other for a few more minutes, until the teacher arrived and unlocked the door. Like the rest of their classmates, Nick and Jackob walked into the room, before Nick lead them to their places. They pulled their chairs back and put their bags on the ground, before they sat down, whereby Jackob made sure that his tail was comfortably hanging through the hole in his backrest, which every chair provided.

However, as he was placing his school utensils on the table, Jackob noticed a strange doodle on the edge of his view." What the?", he asked himself and leaned a bit forward to take a closer look. A misshaped, ejaculating penis had been drawn on the corner of his table in black color with the words "Suck on this cock lover", being written beneath it. Jackob sighed in annoyance when he recognized the writing as Adrian's and began to open his pencil case.

" Is everything ok?", Nick asked and turned his head towards his friend while Jackob pulled out his ink eraser." Not too bad.", the shark answered, although there was a hearable growl in his voice. He removed the cap from the eraser and began to erase the taunting doodle. Unfortunately the scribble didn't want to vanish, but instead the eraser tip became darker and more black the more Jackob tried." Ah, shit. Must be from a biro or something.", he said in annoyance as he realised the fruitlesness of his attempts. In the meanwhile Nick had taken a look what was upsetting Jackob that much and when he saw the dick drawing, he asked:" Do you want my tippex?"." No, it propably won't help anyway. I'll try to take care of this during break. But thanks", Jackob answered while he put the cap back on the eraser, before putting it back into the pencil case. He knew that Adrian and Dennis were responsible for this, but because he couldn't do anything now, he decided to let it be for the moment and tried to focus on the teacher.

However this proofed to be more difficult than expected. Due to his now upset mood, minutes felt like hours for and Jackob was grumbling to himself on his seat while he thought about how Adrian and Dennis managed to draw on his desk without anyone noticing." Well, I guess at least someone noticed.", he though while half heartedly copying the rules of a poem analysis from the board." They just didn't bother to tell me.", which just added to Jackob's anger. Sure, he wasn't the most talkative guy, but at least a small warning would have been nice.

Jackob's mood didn't rise for the rest of the lesson and he let out a deep sigh when the bell rang in the break." Hah, finally I can take care of this mess.", he said before he stood up from his chair and walked over to the sink, while most of his classmates made their way outside. He pulled some hand dryer papers from the dispenser and opened the faucet to moisten them, before adding some soap. After he had rubbed the papers together to evenly distribute the soap between them, Jackob returned to his place and began his second attempt to remove the crude drawing. Some wet rubbing noises could be heard from where the papers were pressed against the table's surface and a few air bubbles appeared here and there, but all in all the cock didn't want to vanish, or at least it did so very sparsely.

"Oh, come on!", Jackob said loudly as he rubbed over the scribble again and again, but to no avail." Oh look, Jackob is traning his cleaning skills.", he suddenly heard a familiar voice from behind. When he turned around, he saw Adrian, the dark purple colored dragon, and Dennis, the beaver, standing in the doorframe. Both of them had a smugly and somewhat knowing grin on their faces and Jackob could swear, that they were innerly laughing about him now." Hehe, I bet his husband will be pleased when he washes the dishes.", Dennis added to Adrian's comment." Ah, shut up."." Uuuh, look, the shark has finally grown some teeth." Adrian chuckled to Jackob's angry response." Just watch out that you don't scratch your lover's cock with them."."Hey, he told you to shut up!".

Now it was Nick, who had spoken up and the ivory colored snake rose up from his place while looking at Adrian and Dennis with meanicing eyes. However, their grins only grew wider in response, before Adrian walked over to Nick." Oh look, the boyfriend is here to safe the day. What do you want to do? Infect me with your poison until I spasm uncontrollably on the floor?"." Why don't you try and find out?", Nick replied and a confident grin began to grow on his face while his rejectable teeth crawled out of their pouches." If you're as brave as you claim to be, you don't mind if I give you a small bite, don't you?". Nick's grin became wider as he saw the struggle in the dragon's eyes wether he should accept his challenge or not. But in the end Adrian said:" Nah, maybe an other time.", before he turned around and went with Dennis to his chair." Hah, I knew it. Guess your balls must be pretty tiny if you're cowarding out like this.". Adrian didn't respond to Nick's accusation though, but instead just let out a growl through his gritted teeth.

"Hehe, see, now he's silent Jackob... Jackob?", Nick repeated after a few seconds when no response came and looked at his friend. The brown shark just stood there and stared at his failed try to clean up the desk with blank eyes." Jackob, are you alright?", Nick asked again, but Jackob didn't respond. Instead he just let out a sad and disappointed sigh and turned towards the door, before leaving the room without any words." Ah shit.", Nick said to himself after Jackob had left the room and stood up as well to follow him. On his way outside, he noticed how Adrian and Dennis were already sneakering again and with a pointed finger he hissed:" Don't you even dare to say anything.", before leaving the classroom. After having stepped outside, Nick took a left and headed down the corridor. Even though he didn't saw Jackob, he knew exactly where his friend was heading to.

Nick's walk wasn't very long, it only took one and a half minute, before found himself in front of the men's restroom. He gently knocked on the door and asked" Jackob?", before a waited several seconds. But after he didn't received any answer, he slowly opened the door to peek inside. To his relieve, Jackob was actually inside, although he didn't look that good. The brown shark was leaning over the sink and looked down at his fingers with an apathic look in his eyes. Although, not really apathy. It just seemed so in the first moment, but when Nick took a closer look, he noticed how the muscles in Jackob's face were slightly contracting and that the eye on his side of Jackob's snout looked a tad more wet than usual.

" Hey, do you mind if I come in?", Nick asked in a low and empathic voice and Jackob looked up towards him, but didn't answer directly. Instead he just shortly shook his head and watched how Nick stepped in, before his view wandered back down to the white sink. Jackob heard the steps of his friend coming closer, before Nick asked him:" How are you feeling?"." What do you think I feel like?", Jackob asked back with clear sobs in his voice." Absolutely miserable. They made a joke out of me and yet again I didn't have the courage to stand up against them."." Hey, don't be so hard on yourself.", Nick tried to calm Jackob down." You know what douches Dennis and Adrian are. They pranked me already a few times, too. Don't let that go too much on you."." It's easy for you to talk like this.", Jackob replied." You actually have a high self consciousnes and know how to defend yourself, while I'm just too scared.". A noticable tone of anger mixed itself into Jackob's sad voice, but it wasn't directed at Nick, or even at Dennis and Adrian, but at himself that he allowed them to play with him again.

These feelings of upsettnes anf self disappointment just added to the growing vortex swirling inside Jackob's guts, which washed up his negatives emotions and again and made him barely able to hold back his tears." I mean, I'm a shark for fuck's sake. They should be scared of me that I don't eat them for breakfast and not vice versa. Instead, I just withdraw into myself like a turtle and let them do whatever they want with me. I'm such a pussy.". With these words, these deep emotiones of self failure, Jackob's last barriers broke and he sniffed loud and deeply as he felt the first tears flowing down his sandpaper like skin along his snout. More followed quickly and soon after, Jackob found himself leaning even deeper over the sink while his sight became partly blurred from the amount of fluids he was sheding.

It was then that he felt a scaled hand gently laying against his shoulder and when he looked up to Nick, he recognised the usual 'I can relate to you' smile on the snake's face. It was a habit Nick had developed during his friendship with Jackob when he became more aware of his emotional situation and luckily for both of them, he really had a hand in comforting his friend." I might know how I can cheer you up.", he said while keeping his smile." Just wait a second ok?". Jackob just nodded and watched how Nick walked back to the restroom door and took a look outside, maybe to make sure that nobody was coming. It seemed that the coast was clear, because Nick closed the door again a few seconds later and returned to Jackob, before he laid a hand below his armpit and on his waist.

Without any resistence, Jackob allowed Nick to guide him into an upright position, before he was directed into one of the stalls. He noticed how Nick removed his arms from his body, after he got positioned in front of the closed toilet. Despite of his sad emotion's, Jackob felt a little curious now about what Nick had planned, especially when he heard the door getting closed and how the lock clicked into place. He was already halfway in turning around his body to ask what's going, when he suddenly saw, and more importantly felt, his friend's bone colored arms wrapping around his body. The hands of the reptile placed themselves below his back fin and a second later, Jackob found himself pulled into a tight, but friendly hug.

"Hehe, got you.", Nick said with a big grin on his snout while he held Jackob against his body." And, doesssn't it feel nice?"." I... I don't know honestly.", Jackob answered. Although he still felt pretty bad, he couldn't deny that Nick's warm body had a calming effect on him. The vortex of bad emotions in his guts started to calm down while the flow of his tears also became less, until it got to a full stop some seconds later. Feeling that the hug actually worked, Jackob also lifted his arms and gently laid them around his friend to return the favour, which drove an other pleasent hiss from Nick.

" Sssseee, I told you it would cheer you up.", he said happily." I don't know. It's propably just my adrenaline taking effect. After all, you pretty surprised me.", Jackob replied, although this time he had a shy smile on his snout. If anything, this was at least a small sign that he really felt a bit better." Oh Jackob.", Nick said in an amused tone." You can be such a nerd. But seriously, try to forget what Dennis and Adrian did to you. As I said, I'll watch out for you. And I'm sure that one day the predatory instincts inside you will awaken and when they do, you will bit a good chunk out of those dickhead's asses."." Hihi, oh man, Nick.", Jackob chuckled in response to his friend's assertion." You have quite a fantasy."." But they would have deserved it.", he replied with an equal smile as Jackob. He was glad to see that his friend felt better now." By the way, would you like to go to Meckes after school? To give this day a nice ending?"." Yes. That sounds good to me.", Jackob answered and Nick simply replied with a:" Nice.".

Although the situation had calmed down now, the two boys kept holding each other for a few more minutes, until they heard the school bell anouncing the next lessons with it's ring." Come on, let's go.", Nick said in his friendly voice and removed his arms from Jackob, before he turned around and unlocked the door. Both of them left the toilet and walked back to their classroom, whereby Jackob remembered himself to ignore Adrian and Dennis if they should say anything. Luckily for him, the two where too occupied with something on their phones, so Jackob and Nick simply sat down on their tables and waited for the Math lessons to start.

"Ugh, finally.", Jackob sighed in relief when the final bell rang and announced the end of school for today." Tell me about it.", Nick approved Jackob's statement." I'm so hungry, I think I could eat an entire pig."." A pig? Knowing how much you can open your mouth, I think you could swallow an entire cow."." Or an entire shark."." Oh, is that an offer?", Jackob asked with a faked flirty grin while he cramped his utensils into his school bag." Who knows?", Nick asked back with a similar smile when the two boys stood up from their chairs." Maybe I'm so comfortable inside, that you don't want to leave anymore."." I bet you are. I'll write a review when I come out again. But anyway, I'm pretty hungry as well.." Towards Meckes then!", Nick said pretty eagerly and the two swung their bags over their shoulders, before leaving the classroom.

They followed the corridor, before taking the stairs downstairs and stepping outside through the main entrance. The McDonalds was just 15 minutes of foodwalk away and nothing special happened during this time. However, their good luck took a hit when they had reached the fast foost restaurant and walked inside." Oh my god. Looks like half the school is here."." That and all the people taking a lunch break.", Nick responded when the two guys saw the long queue in front of the counters." Do you think we should even line up? After all, most of the tables are full.", Jackob said while he looked around in the restaurant, but Nick replied:" Let's try it. After all, if we don't find a sitting place we can still take the stuff with is."."Ok.". And so the two guys lined up with one of the queues. It was pretty much a waiting game and the room around them was filled with chattering and munches from the other guests, but slowly and gradually it went forward.

After a few minutes of waiting, Jackob and Nick had reached the counter and the cashier, a female lion greeted them:" Hello, what can I bring you?"." Hello."; answered Jackob." I would like to have a Royal TS Cheese with Sprite as the drink."." Ketchup or mayo."." None."." Are you sure?", the lioness asked back with a slightly confused look, but Jackob just nodded again." Ok. And you?", she asked Nick now." A Big Mac and a McChicken, please. Both single."." Ok. That makes 13,87€ ". Jackob was going to pull out his wallet, when Nick stepped forward and said:" Don't worry, I'll cover it."." Err, ok.", Jackob said back and watched how Nick gave the cashier 15 . After the money was exchanged, she got all the stuff they ordered and placed them onto a tray, before pushing it towards the two predators." Enjoy your meal."." Thanks.", Nick answered and took the tablet, before he and Jackob turned around looked for a seat.

"Hmm, looks pretty bad.", Jackob said while he looked around, but every table seemed to be full and even the otherwise avoided stools were occupied." Yeah, you're right. Sorry about that. Should we go outside then? I bet one of the banches is still free."." Ok, but let's get rid off this tray first."." Right.", Nick approved and walked towards a tray trolley. he asked Jackob to pick his burger and fries up, which he did, before he put his own meal on the trolley and shoved the tray below one of the dozen others lingering there. After that, Nick grabbed his burger's and Jackob's Sprite and both went outside.

A quick look around showed them an empty banch on the meadow next to the McDonalds and both guys rushed over there to claim their spot." Ah finally." Nick said after he had sat down and handed the Sprite over." Here, your drink.". Thanks. And thank you for paying the food, although you shouldn't have."." I know.", Nick replied with a friendly grin." But I wanted to give you a treat."." Thank you."." Don't mention it. Just enjoy your meal now.", Nick said before unwrapping his McChicken and taking a deep bite off it, while Jackob began eating his fries.

They enjoyed their meal in greedy silence, when suddenly a voice rang in Jackob's ears:" Well, well, who do we have here?"." Ah shit.", Jackob thought and looked up with an annoyed expression to see Dominik two of his friends coming towards them." Looks like my sister has arranged herself a date."." Get lost Dominik.", Jackob answered quiet angrily." I have no desire to deal with you know."." Oh, don't be so rude now.", Dominik kept going while his two friends were already snickering behind him." Don't you want to introduce your friend to me?"." No! And you know him anyway, so stop with your silly game."." Alright alright.", Dominik said with his hands risen in a fake defeat." I notice that you want to be alone. We have better stuff to do anyway. Come one boys.". Dominik gestured them to walk away and he followed them closely, before turning around again after a few steps and shouting:" And don't forget Jackok, kissing is allowed at the second date first.", before heading to the full McDonalds.

" Jesus christ he really grind's my gears.", Jackob huffed in anger while he looked after his brother." Just ignore it Jackob.", Nick said in an attempt to calm him down again. He picked up Jackob's Sprite and pushed it into the shark's hand." Here, take a deep gulp, eat your burger and don't think about Doinik anymore.". Jackob followed his friend's advice and a loud gurgling sound could be heard as he sucked the entire last quarter of his drink through the straw in one big stroke. He took care of the rest of his Royal TS and the fries afterwards, even though it didn't help that much to lift his mood. After they had finished their meal, the two boys said good bye to each other and Jackob pulled out his headphones again as he walked home, although a small groan left his snout when he thought about that he still had homework to attend to.

Jackob's Life Chapter 3: Starting Maturity

The following weeks were pretty similar and although nothing major had happened, Adrian, Dennis and Dominik still couldn't stop rallying up Jackob. Most of it were snarky comments, the one or other paper ball thrown on his school desk with not so...

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Jackob's Life Chapter 1: Memories

"Keep going honey. It's almost done.", Jennifer heard the soft voice of her husband while he stroked her hand in an attempt to comfort her. Her whole body was trembling from the constant contraction of the muscles inside her abdomen and her fist was...

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Relieving Stress 2: Aftermath

" Mark!? ", Jake asked in a voice that equaled his facial expression and instinctively folded his wings partially together while crossing his arms over the upper pair of his breasts, not that it helped much." Since when are you here?"." Hey Jake....

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