Jackob's Life Chapter 1: Memories

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This is it, my biggest story so far and one i'm pretty proud of. It may be filled with cliches, but I had a lot of fun working on it.

The story itself is about a growing up herm shark, who dislikes his body and has to come to terms with his gender as he's about to hit puberty, while also having to deal with the nagging of his brother.

This first Chapter is merely an intoduction and fleshes out Jackob's background. I hope you enjoy it :)

"Keep going honey. It's almost done.", Jennifer heard the soft voice of her husband while he stroked her hand in an attempt to comfort her. Her whole body was trembling from the constant contraction of the muscles inside her abdomen and her fist was tightly clamped around the second hand of Chris. His blood was pumping against her tight grip in an attempt to break into the cut off areas, but for Jennifer it was the only valve to annihilate at least a little bit of the pain she was experiencing.

It all began at this forenoon, after 18 months of waiting, that Jennifer felt a sharp pain in her guts. At first she thought that she might have eaten something wrong and got some stomach aches from that, but her instincts, and mostly her experience, told her that it was something else. Quickly she had called Chris at his work place and after he had arrived, he gently guided Jennifer into the car and raced to the hospital with their son Dominik in tow.

And now, a few hours later, they were here. Jennifer's lighter brown body was covered with a hospital sheet and her sandpaper like fingers were still wrapped tightly around her husband's hand, while she did her best to show ther second son the light of the world. Her breath was deep and in rhyhthm with the strong contractions of her womb. Jennifer's whole body was working overtime and she tried her best to not scream out the unbelievable agony ravaging her guts.

After all, she didn't want to scare their 4 year old son Dominik, who was standing right next to her and was carefully rubbing her swollen belly. But no matter how hard she tried, the sensation was too much to bear and Jennifer opened her mouth with a sharp scream of pain, as her womb stirred up once more. This time though, she noticed a distinctive movement as their child was brought into position in front of her cervix for the final journey.

"Ok, Jennifer, you're doing good!", her midwife, a tigress, shouted to her encourangely from the foot of the bed, while she watched Jennifer's condition down there." Just sprint over the finish line and bring your boy home!". And as if he would accept the challenge, the baby decided to move further down Jennifer's birth canal, which brought up a few loud and uneasy gasps from his mother. With her jaws being pressed tightly together and emitting a deep growling, Jennifer did her best to subdue the strong aches while her body continued with it's work.

But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't hold it back and only a few seconds later her mouth snapped open in a loud, feral scream as her muscles contracted once more and pushed the unborn shark down into her birth canal." Yes, come on Jennifer. Press! Press!", her midwife shouted, even if it wasn't really necessary. For the moment, Jennifer was just following her instincts and clamped her sandpaper like fingers even harder around her husband's hand. She screamed and gasped while her vagina pulsed, stretched and clamped together to move her baby further and further downwards and the world around her began to collapse to the tormenting pain she was experiencing, the thrusting and pushing of her vaginal muscles and the somewhat distant, but noticable pulse of Chris.

And then, it was suddenly over. Like if a heavy weight had been lifted from her shoulders, the bright brown sharkess let out a deep, relieving sigh as her body began to relax again. But Jennifer didn't really care about this now, not even as her heart was still puming like crazy while her lungs sucked deep volumes of oxygen into her system. Her eyes were fixated on the foot side of the bed, from where she heard the first cry of her new born baby while the midwife gently wrapped a towel around the young being.

"Congratulations Jennifer. You're now the mother of an other young, healthy...oh!", the midwife stopped mid sentence with a puzzled look on her face, before she continued with," Doctor! Take a look at this.", while holding the baby closer to doctor Ekhard, an antelope, who had been silently watching the whole procedure." Oh, yes. That's rather unusual.", he remarked with a similar surprised tone. Just the confused face of the tigress was enough to set Jennifer's body into full panic mode and a thick knot tied itself around her lungs while her heartbeat turned into a frenzy. Fear and panic rose up within her guts and her pupils widened to their very limit from the sudden rush of adrenaline, all while she thought:" Oh no! No, no, no! Please be ok, please be ok!".

But despite of that, Jennifer found herself unable to speak from the sudden tension. It was Chris, who spoke up and asked with a worried voice:" What's wrong Doctor?"." Nothing, nothing. You're baby is in healthy condition. Here, you can have him.". The overall tense atmosphere vanished from the room as the doctor walked towards Jennifer and carefully gave her the baby. And as soon as she hold the little creature in her hands, she was overcome by feelings again. But this time, it was pure pleasure and affection that filled her heart and tears began to ran down her cheek when she looked into the short muzzled, equally bright brown face in front of her." Hello Jackob. Welcome on Earth.", Jennifer said and gently pushed her snout tip against Jackob's while holding him against her chest. It felt so calming and awesome to feel his movements on her skin and although he was still screaming, a certain sense of pride felt Jennifer's heart when she thought that she gave life to this cute, little creature.

Both of them snuggled together for a few minutes, before Jennifer loosened her arms. She gently lifted Jackob up and said with a soft voice:" Time to meet your daddy.". She carefully handed their new born to Chris, who rested him on his arms while taking a close look on his son." Hello little man.", he said in a low, but happy voice and gently rubbed his grey colored index finger over Jackob's nose."Welcome to the family.". Chris hold Jackob for a while, too, before he kneeled down and carefully laid him into the arms of Dominik. He kept his hands on Jackob's back though, just in case if something happened." Say hello to your brother Dominik."."Hello there.", Dominik said with a little uncertaintity in his voice while he looked into the small eyes of his sibling. Although he was quite mesmerized by the baby, he also didn't really know what to do with him in this moment. But despite of that, he already imagine how he and Jackob would play together or frolic around in the garden.

After everyone said hello to the new family member, Chris gave him back into Jennifer's arms, before he heart the low voice of their doctor asking:" Mr. Meier, do you have a minute?". Curiously, Chris turned around before the doctor continued:" When your wife has recovered again, I would like to have a meeting with you two. It's nothing critical, but there is something I would like to discuss."." Sure. We can arrange that", Chris answered, although he felt a little insecure now." Thanks. And now...", the white coated antelope spoke up again, this time much louder," enjoy the time together. We will leave you alone now. If you need anything, just press the red button.". And so the doctor and the tigress left the room.

Chris and Dominik stayed with Jennifer and Jackob for the rest of the day, with the one or other eating break inbetween. But when the clock slowly reached the evening and the sky was already turning pink from the setting sun, Chris stood up from his chair and stretched his arms, before he said" I think I should slowly drive home honey. After all, our big shark here has to go to bed.", while gently patting Dominik's head.

The young, grey skinned boy looked up to his father with a slightly confused look and answered:" No, I don't want to go. I'm not tired and I want to stay with mom."." Don't worry hon.", Jennifer replied with a smile while carefully holding Jackob in her arms. The small guy had fallen asleep for the forth time now and was dreaming peacefully." I'll be home soon again. Besides, Mr. Sparkles needs your backup to protect the house from evil ghosts."." Hagh, ok mom.", Dominik sighed in deafet.

Jennifer had a good point about Mr Sparkles, the brown plushy bear waiting at home, and although he would have never admit it, Dominik could hear his bed calling his name. Without any further objection he walked over to Jennifer and gave his mom a hug." Good night mom."." Good night honey. Sleep well.". After that, Chris also hugged his wife and gave her and Jackob a gentle kiss." I will pick you up the day after tomorrow baby.", he said, before he and Dominik left the room and drove back home.

Thirteen years had passed since then and during this time, Jackob had grown into a normal shark boy with two rows of razor sharp teeths, a noticable back fin, two well endowed fins at the tip of his tail and the sandpaper like, bright brown skin which he had inherited from his mother. All in all he had everything what a shark can wish for. And yet, he wasn't that happy about it. Just like everything else, life didn't mean it well with Jackob.

Since his time at elementary school, his brother was constantly pissed about him and didn't miss any opportunity to nag or annoy him. Additionally, he also had trouble with the 'cool' guys in his class, but then again, those guys got on the nerves of everybody who wasn't in their circle of awesomness. And to top it all, the world seemed to become more and more crazy with every day, as Jackob was steadily transitioning into his teenager phase. At first it was subtle, but the more time passed, the more Jackob noticed how he took a special interest in the girls in his class. He often caught himself how he was looking at their butts or at their chests, although most of them hadn't developed breasts yet, and every once in a while, he imagined how he would take one of them out after school and gently make out with her.

This also had a noticable effect on his libido. Jackob discovered the joys of self pleasure at the age of seven and since then, he did it pretty regulary. This was also one of the few moments where he truely liked his body, given the fact that sharks were one of the few non reptilian species out there who posessed two penises. And now that his body began to produce sexual hormones, it just felt even better. Although Jackob had to admit, that it always felt a little awkward how his body was warming up behind his testicles and in his lower abdomen area everytime he rached one of his still dry orgasms. It didn't feel bad, just different from what he was used to.

But despite of that, Jackob's life wasn't pretty for him and for today's night, he had decided to spent some time alone in his room with the door locked. He was laying belly first on his bed and had rested his head on his crossed arms while he took a look at a photo album. It was a present from his dad for his ninth birthday and contained several shots of Jackob during his childhood. Although he had forgotten most of what had happened back then, some of his memories were still stuck to his head. Like the one, when he and his mom had returned home from the hospital:

"Ugh ghu gu.", Jackob said as he looked around the strange box his mom had put him into. Or at least as much around as his baby seat allowed him to. It was the second day of his young life and Chris had arrived at the hospital at noon time to pick his wife and new born son up. And now they were sitting in their Skoda on the way back home with Chris driving, while Jennifer and Jackob sat on the back seats." Well, are you already excited to see your home little one?", he heard Jennifer asking and watched curiously as one of her big fingers moved towards him, before he felt it gently touching his snout, creating a warm tingle on his little mouth." Gyaaa.", he said happily and stretched out his arms in attemtpt to grab his mother's finger." Hihi, so small and already so eager.", Jennifer chuckled while continuing to stroke her son." Tell you what honey. When we get home I'll make you some delicious fish puree."." Gugha?", Jackob responded in return. He didn't know what fish puree was supposed to mean, but if it was this awesome stuff he got this morning, he was more than eager to get more of it.

The ride itself was pretty calm and the only thing happening was, that Jennifer teased Jackob by gently booping his nose or slowly circling her finger around his snout to escape his grabbing little hands. Chris took a look at the spectacel every once in a while through the rearview mirror and a soft smile appeared on his face when he saw how much fun Jackob seemed to have, even when Jeniffer was doing so little. This scene went on for roughly twenty more minutes, before Chris carefuly pushed down the break and began to steer to the right, parking their four-door car at the street in front of their house.

" So, here we are.", Jennifer proclaimed and Jackob watched her with a puzzled look as his mom unlocked her seatbelt and got out of the car, before turning around and gently grabbing his fragile frame with her warm and tender hands." Welcome home Jackob.", Jennifer said with a smile after getting him out of his baby seat and Jackob just looked around with wide open eyes as he took in this new environment. The world around him was a mix of wonderful colors, an amazing mix of green, yellow, blue, even the grey of the pavement and the road had it's charme for him. Curiously Jackob stretched out his small arms again and made some baby noises as he tried to touch one of the various big boxes in the distance, which just waited to be explored by him in the future.

"Hehe, no young man, that's not our house.", Chris said with a small chuckle in response to Jackob's gesture, before he pointed at their home." That's were we live."."Ughe?", Jackob followed his dad's finger and tilted his head a bit as he saw an other box, although this was one was beige colored and had some holes at his side." Seems like it's not impressive enough.", Jennifer said as she saw the somewhat underwhelmed look in Jackob's face, before she looked down at her baby and continued:" Maybe you'll like it more from the inside.". And with this words, the three made their way to the front door.

The rest of the memory was pretty fragmented and Jackob only remembered how he saw the corridor of their house for the first time and how his parents greeted Sophie, their toucan bird neighbour, who was babysitting Dominik while Chris had picked up Jennifer and Jackob from the hospital. A small smile crossed Jackob's face when he memorized how afraid he was of Sophie's big beak and that he started crying as soon as she touched his cheek." She just didn't feel like family back then. I'm not really sure anymore, but I think her touch was somehow coulder and less pleasent for me than mom's and dad's.". he thought while looking at a photo with him being asleep in Dominik's arms from the same day." I guess babies have a better sense of who's part of the family and who's not. And speaking of family, this picture reminds me of something else.".

Jackob flipped a few pages forward, before he stopped and said in a half eager voice:" Ah, here it is.". He was looking at a picture, which showed him and Dominik in swim trunks and down on all fours, the two shark kids showing off their bared, razor sharp teeth as they tried to pull a toy fish out of each other's mouth." This was one of our first trips to the nearby swimming lake when I was a bit older. I must have been four or five back then. I still remember how we arrived at the pier:

"Alright, Jackob, Dominik, hop on board. We will wait for dad on the boat.", mom told us after we had arrived at the boat rental while dad was paying the fee. I was pretty excited back then, because it was my first time on a paddle boat and the thought of driving one of them by myself made me pretty excidet. Dominik was the first one to enter the two seated boat, which offered two benches for passengers in the rear. Of course, being the proud shark he was even back then, Dominik lounged himself on the passenger seat immediately, while I took a seat on the left bench.

The last of us to enter was mom, who had some difficulty to keep her balance when she stepped onto the boat, because she was carrying our picnic basket." Dominik, could you sit down in the back, too?", she asked when she saw my brother sitting in the seat that was actually intended for her." But mom, it's so cool here."." Hagh, as you want.", she replied to Dominik's complaint." But don't forget that the guys sitting in the front also have to paddle."." I'm all up for it.", Dominik replied while grinning confidently.

While mom was settling down on the second branch, I saw how dad was returning from paying the rent." Huh, do I have a new drivig partner?", he said in surprise when he saw my brother sitting on the passenger seat and mom replied with a chuckle" It seems so.", while I watched the scene in silence. I could feel the boat swaying a bit beneath me as dad stepped into it, before he sit down behind the the steering wheel." Come on, let's go dad!", Dominik sqeaked in excitement, but dad answered with a soft voice" Just a little more patience Dominik.", before he turned his head towards me and said:" Capt'n Jackob, give the signal."." Full speed ahead!", I shouted while stretching my arm forward to point at the shore further ahead and shortly after, I heard dad and Dominik treading and the boat began to move.

It was a sunny day during early summer and only a few clouds dotted the sky, so it was no surprise that we had to dodge some sailing ships, other paddleboats or canoes, which crossed our way. Despite being on a boat though, we stayed realtively close to the shore. I guess mom and dad wanted to be safe than sorry if Dominik or me would fall off the boat, even if we are sharks. But I didn't mind it. I was sitting relaxed on the bench and had my arm hanging over the backrest while I enjoyed the view of the green forests around us, of the ferries doing their tours and of the cars crossing one of the two street bridges, which were located on the opposite side of the lake.

I kept looking at the environment for a while, before I heard my dad asking:" Do you want to take the wheel now Dominik?"." Yes.", my brother answered eagerly and I could see my dad standing up from his seat, while Dominik turned his body around and rested his grey hands on the backseat, before he looked at me and asked:" Hey Jackob, do you want to join me?"." Count on me.", I answered equally happy as him and stood up from my bench to walk towards the passenger seat while Dominik crawled into the driver seat.

"Where to go Captain?", he asked me after we both had sat down and I could see that he was grinning from ear to ear, just like me." Hard-a-starboard helmsman!", I shouted loudly and pointed to the right towards the first street bridge." Aye, aye, hard-a-starboard!", Dominik repeated after me and we began to tread while Dominik steered to the right.

With us being in command, this was officially a pirates ship now and under the banner of our imaginary black flack, we were ready to board. We drove close to other boats to show them our sabres, tried to scare other people with our corsair 'Aarrrgh's and attempted to escape the Flying Dutchman, as one of the ferries was behind us. In retrospect, I never saw mom and dad so pale than in this moment.

The next thing I remember is, that mom and dad wanted to switch places with us to drive the boat again. It seemed that our game with the ferry was too much for them. But just as kids are, we got pretty bored with just sitting around pretty quickly after all this action and so it didn't take long, until Dominik asked:" Do you want to play a game Jackob?"." Sure. What do you have in mind?", I asked back." Hmm, what about 'Catch the fish'?"." Sounds good to me.", I answered and watched how Dominik stood up from his bench.

He opened our picknik basket and after a quick look he pulled out a grey blue, 1m long toy fish, which was similar to a dog's toy. Our parents bought it for us when I still was a baby and while Dominik got himself into a throwing stance, I already turned around and strained my muscles while my right leg was resting on the railing, waiting for my brother's signal. "Go, fetch it!", I heard Dominik shouting and saw the fish flying above my head for just a fraction of a second, before the muscles in my leg pushed me off the boat.

I only heard a loud splat, before my body was completely surrounded by the mild, but not cold water of the lake and my chest was filling with happieness as not even a second later the first batch of water was sucked into my nose. I could feel it's coolnes as it ran along my snout and down my neck, before my gills pressed it out forcefully a second later. As you can tell, I really loved to be in the water and still do. The way how it brushes over my skin, how it moves between every fine furrow and how it travels through my head when I'm breathing makes my chest fill with joy.

And so it was in this case, too. After I had jumped into the water, I took a few moments where I just let me float and enjoyed the feeling of how it enveloped my body. I was ripped out of my dreamy state though, when I heard an other splash a few seconds later right next to me and saw Dominik breaking through the surface. He was surrounded by air bubbles and gave me a quick smile, before dashing forward." Alright then, it's time to hunt.", I thought while I began to move my tail left and right and followed him.

The water was a mix of brown, blue and the occassional green where the sea mixed with the sun light and while I was swimming around, I tried to locate the toy fish. Since my first swimming lesson, I had learned pretty quickly that I was able to sense other beings in the water. I just got to know recently that sharks had a special organ in their snout, which allows us to detect other creatures by the magnetic field they are emitting. And I tried to use this to locate my prey.

While I moved through the water, I noticed the familiar, zigzack like movement of other fish and the consistent waving of water plants caused by a drift. But I was looking for something special. It took me a while, but after a few minutes I noticed something that was different. From what my senses could tell, it was roughly the size of our toy fish and was simply floating in the water without any of the natural, erratic movement of normal water creatures" Got ya!", I thought in excitement and my heart began to beat a little faster when I was pretty sure that I had located our toy.

I had a big grin on my face when I swam towards it and soon after, I saw it's silhouette levitating in front of me in the water. I had already stretched out my arm to grab it, when suddenly a grey snout with 2 rows of sharp teeth appeared from the murkyness surrounding me and snatched the toy away from my hand. I was pretty perplexed as I saw my brother in front of me with the fish now in his mouth and grinning at me, before he turned to the right and swam away.

I was quick to follow and we dashed through the water, while I tried to catch up to him and to swoop the fish out of his mouth. During my pursuit, I noticed that the water became more and more shallow and I also saw how Dominik was going down on all fours to continue his movement. I sniffed my chance and dashed forward, clearing the distance between him and me, before I opened my jaw and sank my teeth into the toy's finned tail.

Although still being in the water, my brother and me growled at each other with a stern look on our faces while pulling at the toy to get it out of each other's mouth. We were so focussed on each other that we didn't notice how we moved on shore while we snarled and growled and tugged and pulled on the fish and against each other." Come on... let go.", Dominik mumbled to me through his gritted teeth and I replied with a growl:" No, it's mine.". We went back and forth like this for a while, until I slammed my feet and hands into the ground and pulled with all my strength. Dominik's groans grew louder the more I pulled, until, from one second to the other, all resistence was gone and I found myself flying back first into the grass.

"Jackob! Are you ok?", I heard my brother shouting in a worried voice and saw his face hanging over mine a second later. I just gave him a thump up to show him that I was ok while I relished in the sweet flavour of victory with the fish tightly secured between my teeth. Dominik helped me up after I had grabbed his offered hand and together we waited for our parents, who were driving towards us with the boat. After that we spent the rest of the trip with a nice picnic, I had some home made fish bugers and fried squid rings, before we steered the boat back to the pier and drove back home afterwards.".

"This were the good times.", Jackob thought with a sigh while looking at the picture." Back when Dominik and me still got along with each other.". He flipped a little more through the photo album, but couldn't find any picture that would struck his memory. After a few more page flips, he closed the book with an other sigh and rolled around onto his back, his eyes looking up at the Arkham City Harley Quinn poster decorating the ceiling while his hands were folded on his belly. He tried to remember anything particular that could have caused the divide between him and his sibling, but he just couldn't point it down.

"Hagh, who are you kidding Jackob. You know exactly the reason why he hates you.", he said aloud to himself and moved his right hand between his legs, behind his testicles, before giving his jeans a purposeful press."It's because of this damn thing.", Jackob said as he felt the pressure of the denim against the vaginal lips between his male shark legs." Since he knows that I'm a herm, he behaves so awkward and hostile towards me, but I have no idea why. I never did anything wrong to him, at least nothing that I know of.". He took a short pause to let out a sigh."Guess it all comes down that I'm the freak of the family. Shy and clumsy with the weird body. All that's missing now is being chubby and wearing a pair of nerd glasses and it would be the perfect mix.".

Jackob changed his stance a bit to get some pressure off his back fin, while the gears in his hand continued to grind." But can you really blame him? After all, I'm not comfortable with this body myself. I still remember the conversation I had with mom and dad after finding out that I'm not a real boy. If I'm right, it all started during elemtary school, after we had finished our weekly swimming lessons. We were in the locker room and I had already stripped off my swimming trunks and was going to grab a towell from my sports bag, when I suddenly heard a shocked scream behind me. I don't know if I had lifted my tail too much or if I just stood in a bad angle, but when I turned around to see what was going on, I saw Nick, my snakey best friend who's still supporting me, starring at me with scared eyes.

I bet he was pretty perplexed when I casually asked what was wrong and he answered, although with some stuttering, that I would have big cut between my legs, close to my testicles. Being kids, we hadn't developed the shame of showing our private parts publicly, yet and so I reach down and moved my boys to the side to get a look. I was pretty shocked to see what I thought to be such a large wound and was even more surprised that I didn't feel the pain when it happened or that it wasn't bleeding at all.

After the first scare had faded, Nick suggested that we should report it to the teacher and so I put on my swimming trunks again, before we walked out of the room. Although the locker of the teacher was just next door Nick was holding me by shoulder to make sure that I was ok. After a few quick knocks, our teacher opened his door and Nick explained what had happened. He told us to come in and to show him the wound. I was a bit hesitant to let my pants down in front of my teacher, but in the end there was no other way to show it and so I went through with it. But just after a few seconds he asked me to pull my pants up again, which surprised both Nick and me, because he didn't even take a close look. When I looked at his face though, I noticed that he had developed an uneasy expression. Earlier I thought that he felt bad for allowing a kid to be hurt during his watch, but today I think that he just felt emberassed to be the unlucky chosen one, who had to deal with my hermaphrotism as first.

In the end he just told us to dress up like usually and that he would call my parents to pick me up. After we got our clothes on, Nick and I went to the entrance area of the swimming bath, where our teacher was already waiting for me. While Nick was going back to the school for the next lessons, the teacher stayed with me for roughly 15 minutes, until mom had arrived to pick me up. The teacher took her to the side, so that I couldn't hear what they were talking about, before she came back to me and we walked to the car together.

It became evening on the same day, when mama asked me to come down into the living room. I wasn't thinking much about it when walking downstairs, although I became a bit concerned when I saw dad stitting on the couch with mom as well." Sit down Jakckob.", she said to me as she padded the empty space next to her. I sat down between mom and dad and looked up to both of them." Did I do anything wrong?" I asked carefully when I noticed their serious faces, but a soft smile quickly appeared on mom's face in response.

"No honey, everything is fine. No, dad and me have asked you to come down, because we have to confess something to you." My curiosity had been awoken now and I kept looking up at my mother, while she looked like she was pondering with something. But after a few seconds, she let out a tensed up sigh and said:" We actually wanted to wait with this until you were older, but because of what happened at the swimming bath, dad and I have decided to tell you now.". They both turned their body a bit further in my direction, so that I was able to see mom's legs and her lap, too." Jackob.", she spoke up again while hunching over a little." You know that you are our son and we will always treat you like a son. But... the truth is, you aren't truely a boy. You are a hermaphrodite, a mix of boy and girl.".

"Hermafrodit?", I replied puzzled after mom. But instead of her, it was dad now who answered and so I turned towards him while he began to say:" Yes. You see Jackob, boys and girls have very distinctive sexual organs." He began to blush heavily as he began to raise this particular subject." I have a penis, or rather two, while your mom possesses a vagina. It's what differenciates boys and girls from each other. But you Jackob, you own both. That's also why that 'wound' you had inflicted earlier, didn't hurt you. It was no injury, but your vagina. It's a natural part of your body.".

My view switched between dad and mom for a moment as my still young brain tried to process the information I was receiving. After a few seconds I looked back to dad and asked a bit insecure:" So, I'm like mom?". I couldn't say that I completely understood what mom and dad told me on this evening, but at least I wanted to try to memorise it right."Yes, partially.", dad answered with a soft smile." But at the same time, you are also like me.".

" There is also something else Jackob.", mom began to speak again and I shifted my focus back on her." Dad an me had talked to Dr. Ekhard, the doctor who helped me getting you into this world, and he told us that the body of a herm can change pretty drastically during their development. You will come into an age where you body will began to change and where the whole world just seems to be crazy. It's a natural process and happened to dad and me, too. And although you will be always a son for us, there is the possibility that you will become more girlish.".

"Girlish?"; I asked back with a tilted head and mom answered:" Yes. For one, you will grow breasts, like me.", she said while gesturing at her bosom, without touching it of course." But there is also the chance that your whole body shape will get slimmer, less muscular and that you will gain the overall hour glass form of a woman.". She paused a moment and took a deep breath, before she continued:" To say it easy, you would look like me, but with a penis. But the more likely way is that you will develope like a normal boy and look similar to your dad, only that you will have a vagina and breasts, too.".

Mom stopped talking again, propably not to overload me with information, and dad took up the conversation again." Before you can go upstairs into your room again Jackob, there is one last thing we want to tell you. You're propably far too young for this, but you should also know that you will be able to get pregnant later." Dad waited until I looked up to him with him with curious eyes, before he continued:" Basically, you can carry a baby inside you, just like mom did with you and Dominik before."." So I can become a mommy?"." Yes. Or a daddy, whatever you prefer.", mom answered my question, before she bowed down and gave me a lovely kiss between my eyes." But that's a question for later. Much, much later.".

She took me by my hips and gently lifted me in the air to place me on her lap, before she said:" I know we have bombarded you with all of this now, but it was important for us that you get to know it. And if you have any questions, be it now or in the future, don't hesitate to ask us, ok.?", Alright mom.", I answered with an equal smile like the one on her snout." Good.", she replied before gently putting me back on the floor." You can go back into your room now. But don't stay up for too long."." Ok.", I said and gave her and dad a good night kiss, before I walked back upstairs.

During this night I laid in my bed for a while and tried to think about what mom and dad had told me. I can't remember my exact thoughts anymore, but one thing I still know is that I asked myself:" So, I could turn into a girl?", followed by a disgusted:" Blargh, I hope not.", before I rolled to my side and closed my eyes.

And now I'm here.", Jackob said with his arms crossed behind his head in the meanwhile, while his memory came to an end." Having a pussy, but still looking like a normal boy. 'Hagh', I hope that this will never change. Although I have to admit," he said while rising his head a little to uncross his arms and moving them to his front, before giving his flat, male chest a gentle squeeze" that I'm a little curious about how it would be like to have a couple of those.". For a few seconds, Jackob imagined what he would actually look like if he had breasts and to be honest, the view wasn't too shabby. But despite of this, he quirkly removed his hands again and said:" Oh well, better don't think too much about it. Otherwise it will just pull you down again. Anyway, what time is it actually?".

With this question in mind, he moved his right hand further down and let it slip into his pocket. Just a second later he had pulled out his smartphone and with a press on the lower half of the screen, the display flicked to life." Oh, just 9:34 PM?", Jackob said in surprise when he saw the time and a happy grin appeared on his snout:" Maybe Tom is still up for a game.". With a few moves of his light brown finger, the shark boy brought up Telegram and clicked on the image of a brown colored anthro rooster, who's laying on a poolbed at the beach and wears black sunglases on his beak while holding a cocktail into the camera.

' Hey Tom.', appeared on Jackob's phone as his fingers flew over the virtual keyboard.' Are you up for some Heroes?'. It took a few seconds until Jackob saw that Tom was writing back and soon after the answer appeared on his phone:' Of course. Shall we ask Sarah if she wants to join us?'.' Sure. Will be more fun this way.'.' Alright then. See you on TS in a few minutes then.'. And with this Jackob put his phone back into the pocket and got up from his bed and happily walked over to his PC. It was time to unleash the power of Brightwing on their enemies.

Jackob's Life Chapter 2: School Day

" I always thought it was you... You always thought it was me..."." Uahh! What the...!?", Jackob's eyes jerked open to the loud sound of his phone's alarm clock. Being barely awake he reached out to his dresser until his aimless hand found his phone...

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Relieving Stress 2: Aftermath

" Mark!? ", Jake asked in a voice that equaled his facial expression and instinctively folded his wings partially together while crossing his arms over the upper pair of his breasts, not that it helped much." Since when are you here?"." Hey Jake....

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Relieving Stress

" Oh man, finally.", Jake sighed exhausted as he stepped into his room." I thought this would never end. Damn biology lecture.", he grumbled to himself while he closed the door and walked over to his bed. He put his school bag down, slipped out of his...

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