The Storm

Story by Lynxthrax on SoFurry

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#2 of Second Chances

The Storm

I walked through the empty streets, alone. Rain began to pour down on me, making an already somber night even gloomier. Traffic and streetlights illuminated the desolate streets as the city slept. A lone car drove by me, splashing me with the puddles of rainwater that had collected from the past few days of rain. I was soaked; all that was on my mind was getting back to my "home".

I started looking for the large apartment that I was staying in. I had no trouble finding the abandoned building. It was a large, weatherworn brick building with shattered doors and windows. I walked up the battered stairs to the bashed door, were I found a notice. "To be demolished on 9/18," it read; that explained the bulldozer outside. "Shit," I mumbled. That gave me but one week to find a new place. I opened the door and tossed the notice aside. I turned and shut the door. It slammed , and cracked in two. I snapped around, and was speechless as the cold wind slapped my face. That was not supposed to happen.

Walking down the creaky old stairs, I pulled out the key to the old apartment rec. room. It was in the basement, and the cold air of the area sent chills up my body. I reached the door, and could feel the heat inside the room. I eagerly unlocked the door, and entered. The fire that I kept in a corner was still crackling, which was good; I would be warm tonight. I locked the rec. door and went over to the fire. I hung all of my clothes on a wire that hung over the fire, and sat down to dry my fur. My wet cloths dripped into the bright flames, causing little puffs of steam to appear. It was strange, the steam was waltzing around the flickering flames. I stared into the captivating fire, lost inside my own mind, daydreaming of what I could have been, if only I had the chance. I ended up at where I was through no fault of my own. I was abandoned at age fifteen by my bastard of a father, who never once said he loved me. I wasn't sad though; if he had the gut to leave me on my own, I didn't want him as a father anyway. I'm never sad anymore. Only...content.

When my silver fur was fairly dry, I walked over to my chair that I salvaged. I put my pillow and blanket on it, and put out the footrest. I made somewhat of a bed, and laid down in it. The fire lit up the room, and I could see everything clearly. There wasn't much to see, however. I had a small plastic table and a beat up old painting of a sailboat, its paint slowly chipping away. The walls were a dull grey, making for a boring room. All and all though, it wasn't bad for a nineteen year old husky who was all on his lonesome.

I sighed, and laid my head down. I would need plenty of energy for my house hunting tomorrow. I swear, someone had to hate me; I mean, honestly, what did I do to deserve a crap life? The thought only remained in my head for a second, though. I don't care anymore really, I just get flashes of when I did every once and a while. I sighed again, and laid my head down to drift into a very light sleep.

My dreams were haunted by images of pain. It was terrifying, I saw something horrible, like a flood of some sort. Or a fire in a house. I don't know, it was hard to tell. It was however, just horrible.

I woke around sunrise, and got dressed quickly. My clothes were toasty, which was good, seeing as it would be cold outside. I hurried out the door, locking it behind me. I wanted to beat the rain, and avoid being cold for too long. I walked out of the building, and found that the rising sun was being quickly overtaken by stormy clouds. I sped up, trying to reach my destination before I could get wet. I jogged down the sidewalk, and into a beat up part of town. I turned into the green building that was my favorite place; the soup kitchen. They were the reason I wasn't dead yet. I walked in just as the rain started pouring, and found that the place was empty today, which was odd. Normally, it was full of smelly, old homeless furs. I walked over to the line, where there were only three other furs. The one in front of me, a meerkat, peaked my interest though. She was clean, and didn't smell like shit like I did. I had to know why. "Um, hi," I said.

"Oh, hi," she said, turning around. "I'm Michael," I said, extending my paw. She shook it, and said, "Nice to meet you. I'm Courtney." Curiosity, quickly taking hold of me, made me ask, "So, what are you doing here? I mean, you don't look, or smell, like crap." She giggled. I myself couldn't find anything funny about what I had said, but apparently she could. "I'm homeless, silly. Why else would I be here?" she said. "Thanks for the compliments, though." She winked, making me blush.

The line soon moved, and she and I picked up ours and went to an empty green table. We sat down, and dug in. I was excited about the meal; it was spaghetti, my favorite. I ate slowly today, unlike other days, where I would just scarf the meal down. I wanted to impress my new friend. She didn't seem like she needed impressing, though. She was just shoving it all in. So, I did the same. In less than a few minutes, we were both done. After she swallowed her last bite, she said, "So, where are you holed up?" "I'm currently in an abandoned apartment building. It's actually pretty nice," I replied. "Only problem is, the thing's getting demolished this week. I'm hoping to find a new place." She gave me a compassionate look, and said, "I'm sorry for that. Look, I've got to go, but I hope you and I meet again. You seem like a cool guy." She stood up, and walked away, hips swaying. I grinned, and got up to leave as well.

It was raining outside, and pretty damn hard at that. It didn't really bother me; I had a mission: find a new house so that I didn't have to walk in the rain looking for a new house. I decided to go to Midcity Park before doing anything so that my food could settle. It was a short walk away, so I wouldn't get too wet. I started for the park, the wind blowing through the damp city.

The park was a gloomy sight, the trees were dying from the oncoming winter's cold, and the drenched grass was turning brown. I thought it still looked nice, even in its current state. I walked along the main path, the rain tapping down around me. It was actually a fairly calm scene. That was until I heard quiet sobs coming from the big oak tree. I poked my head around the massive trunk, to find a tigress, her head buried in her lap. She looked beat, defeated, hurt. I walked over to her, and put my paw on her shoulder. "Hey," I said, "What's wrong?" She slowly looked up at me, hope gleaming in her eyes. With a sniff, she said, "D-do you have any spare change...please..." I sighed, and sat down next to her. "Nope," I said, "You and I seem to be in the same position." I nudged her arm. "But hey," I said, "It's ok. Things will get better in time."

She was silent for a while. I just stared off into space, waiting for her to say something. But then, and idea struck me. Being alone since I was thirteen has made me, well, lonely. I could do with some company. And I think she could too. "Hey, how about you come stay with me for a while. It would be good for both of us," I suggested. She just stayed quiet. After a while, I needed to get going. "Alright, but look, if you ever reconsider, here," I handed her a piece of paper that I found laying around, and wrote the apartment's address on it. "You can find me here. But not for long, so... yeah, I'll see you soon, I hope." She took the paper, and I left.

I wandered around town for most of the day, taking note of some good looking places, and some places to avoid. So it was a pretty easy day. When I got back to the apartment later, I found the tigress on the front steps. I was glad she came. "Hey!" I said with joy. "Happy your here!" She stood up and said, "Yeah, me too. Thanks for taking me in." I escorted her in and said, "Oh, its no problem. In fact, its my pleasure." I smiled at her, and told her to follow me. I led her to the rec. room, and as soon as I opened the door, she jumped to the fire. I walked over and sat next to her. We were bathed in warmth, the chills from the freezing rain dying. "So, what's your name?" I asked.

"I'm Tori," she said.

"That's a beautiful name. I'm Michael," I said.

She blushed, and turned back towards the fire. I did also, and stared at the dancing flames. Silence filled the room for a while, but I decided to break it and ask if Tori knew of any places. She told me she did, and that she would show me in the morning. She said she was extremely tired.

I gave her my pillow and blanket, and I even let her sleep on my chair, so my night wasn't very comfortable. Tori got a good sleep though, so it was worth it.

"So this is it," I asked. "Yep," she replied. Tori took me to an old apartment building in the depression, and large crater by the ocean. "Well, let's have a look inside, shall we?" I said. Tori nodded, and we entered. I did NOT like what I saw. The place was clean, yet obviously abandoned. I had seen something like this before, and there was a gang in the basement, and they almost killed me. I told Tori to keep quiet, and walked up the stairs. I started hearing heavy footsteps. I turned around and scolded Tori. "Shush!"

"It wasn't me!" she whispered. I heard them again. They were coming from a floor above. I quietly walked up the next flight of stairs, and peeked my head out. I turned to the left, and saw nothing. I turned to the right, and saw the meerkat from earlier. With a frying pan. Flying at my face.

I woke up sometime later, in an actual bed. I tried to get up, but a sharp pain kept me down. My head hurt like it had been hit with a frying pan or something. Oh, wait. It was. I tried again, much slower than the time before, and had success. I stood up, and walked over to the door. I opened it, and walked down a hallway that had some pictures in it, and into a living room looking area, where I found Tori and Courtney. And Courtney's frying pan. And I was very tempted to give her a good smack, but instead just went and sat beside them. They were sitting around a fireplace. "Morning," Tori said. "I'm sorry about that," Courtney added. "You can't be too careful, ya know?" I rolled my eyes, and turned to the fire.

"So, you were telling me about a shower," Tori said to Courtney. "Yeah, I have one that works. Dumb city officials haven't cut off the water or electricity to the complex, so everything works. Its down the hall and to the left." Tori jumped up and ran to it. I'll tell you, I didn't know that Speedy Gonzales had a daughter. I shrugged, and turned to the meerkat sitting beside me.

"Where did you get all of this stuff?" I asked. "Stole it," she said nonchalantly. "Oh." She and I started a conversation, mainly about stupid stuff, like Twinkies and memory foam. It consumed about an hour. Tori still wasn't out of the shower. "Could you go make sure that she's not dead while I fix up some dinner," Courtney asked. I nodded, and went to the bathroom where Tori was. I was about to knock on the door, but found it cracked. And through the crack, I could not believe what I saw. It was Tori, and she had three fingers in her. I had to watch. I'm a perv.

She was sitting down, and she had three fingers slowly going in and out. Her sex was a nice vibrant pink, and looked nice and tight. She let out a soft moan, and shoved a fourth finger in there. I was horny as fuck now. Her wet fur gave me sight to her spotted breasts, which she was groping with her free paw. She picked her left boob up and started suckling the nipple, letting out another moan. Her face was getting redder, and her breathing was speeding up. She slid her last finger in, and was going in and out furiously. Oh yeah, she was going to cum! But of course, I heard footsteps coming so I backed off and started walking to Courtney so that I didn't look suspicious. "Hey, she's fine. She's just, uh, enjoying the hot water," I lied. Or maybe it wasn't a lie, just the bent truth.

"Alright. Dinner will be ready soon, so she better hurry up." Courtney turned and headed for the kitchen. I went back into the living room and looked out the window. The building we were in was right next to the forty foot sea wall that kept the ocean out of the crater. Which was a bad thing, considering that it was common knowledge that the wall was poorly constructed. In fact, it was due to give any day. And all of the recent rain was surely bad for it. I had a feeling that a storm was coming on.

Tori entered the living room, and Courtney followed with dinner. I went over to the table where we were eating at, and brought up the wall. They just told me to shut up because we would be fine. I would have to disagree, however. It was pouring outside, and the sky was black. Then, I noticed something. I got up and walked over to the window, and looked at the wall closely. It was cracking. "Hey, we need to get out of here. Now," I said. I turned, and on my way back, I stepped on a nail, and opened a gash on my foot. With a scream of pain, I fell to the ground. Both Tori and Courtney ran over to me, but before they reached me, the screamed and ran out of the apartment. When I turned around, I found out why. The seawall was collapsing. The depression would be destroyed. I got up, and tried to run, but couldn't.

I stumbled to the kitchen window, just in time to see the street get consumed by the dark waters of death. The building shook, and I was knocked off my feet. I was disoriented, and fell over again as I tried to get up. I tried again, and managed to remain upright. Water was pouring in, so I needed to get out. I limped out of the apartment, and into the stairwell. The bottom level stairs were flooded, so that wasn't an option. I limped up a set of stairs onto the floor below the roof. This floor had a window, and I saw a sailboat ram into the building across the street. I limped up to the window to get a better view of the carnage, and saw something astounding. There was a wolf sliding down the mast. It was perfect. I remember when Tori first showed me this building. I saw some power lines on the roof. They were attached to a nearby building. I could get out that way. I started limping away, when the building shook again. I looked out the window and saw the building that the boat hit explode in a violent fireball, then collapse into a pile of dust. That could easily be my building. I limped as fast as I could, blood streaming from my wound.

I managed to reach the roof, but stumbled. My foot would not support me anymore. I started to crawl to the power lines, and luckily, I made it. I grabbed on, but fate had other plans. The building collapsed, and the lines went with it. The last thing I remember is a thrashing power cable flying at me as I fell to oblivion.

Change of Views Chapter 1: Unfortunate Meeting

_I don't know what people will think when they read the begining, but all I can say is stick to it, by the end, I think you'll be happy._ ** Chapter 1: Unfortunate Meeting** My boss, Mr. Fergstein, slammed his coffee mug down, splashing some of...

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_It is seriously lacking...

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Second Chances

_I tried writing something in third person! How do you think I did? Criticism and comments are appreciated!_ Second Chances Tori ran for her front door, only to be blocked by a wall of...

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