Adventures with Sofi - 2/10

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#2 of Adventures with Sofi

Commissioned piece about a plucky and maybe unlucky Buizel.

Getting accepted into the guild may seem a straightforward test, but with a perverted Guild leader and strange things happening in the guild and at home with ehr relatives and weird dreams once more....

Two: Curious Suggestions

Of course, Sofi did what was expected of her, she went back to the guild the next day to await her next part of the introduction, only to be met by the Skunktank, who'd harried her to have some breakfast of porridge with the others before Mona had bounced over, looking frustrated over everything once again! The Furret had then decided this first day would be Sofi's to tidy the library and get used to the kinds of book and system in the library. She was not overly keen on the matter, but there were a few beings that came in and were eager to come in to get a look at her and chat too. She then finished up and that Skunktank, Oswald, was eager to feed her some soup before giving her some of the left-over soup from the lunch to take home after Mona dismissed her. It was not a pleasant interaction with the Furret, but the next day she had her scrubbing the pantry, which Oswald made very useful by sharing more food too!

The third day had Sofi feeling a little frustrated, the dungeons had flooded so the passages with water had swelled to outrageous points. A storm on the surface above was said to be the cause, but Sofi had needed to float her way downriver towards the main city structures to avoid the danger of vicious beasts. She'd clambered in, not too wet but wetter than usual and found herself stepping into chaos as the guild had apparently had a very serious situation happen. Sofi could not see who to talk to, but thankfully Tilda the Wartortle spotted her and patted her shoulder.

"It's not something unusual so don't react like most newbies do... everyone's wound up because our top paying mission was to retrieve a stolen chest that's in the hold of a Tyrantrum and the monster's eaten one of our guild members. The chaos is to be expected, but don't get involved and head up to Mona already in the quarters." Tilda grumbled, but Sofi nodded her head and then gulped heavily at the thought of being devoured by one of those giant creatures. She certainly did not want to get accidentally pulled into one of those missions and so she bounded off behind the staircase towards the living quarters where she might have a chance to meet a group that would teach her the tunnels.

As she bounded on, she felt a shadowy presence nearby and of course, Sofi had to freeze for a moment and check around herself, little nose twitching in anxiety and even making the float around her neck start to swell a bit as if it might make her look bigger. However, she reminded herself of the kind of being that ran this place and then she felt something odd around her before her nose began to twitch more. As she reached the passage near the living quarters where the tunnels sat, she heard a voice up ahead and she froze, leaping behind a collection of boxes as she stared out at something curious.

A very beautiful looking Primarina was gently flopping out towards the portholes, yanking one of the metal covers open and then scowling towards a being that had followed her and Sofi could not help but blush. It was rare to see a Lucario in this kind of place and he was clearly very handsome with his slightly wolfy look and sharp eyes, but certainly something that would not be welcome around her household. In silence, holding her paws about her muzzle she dared to listen in to the conversation between the water being and the fighting being, clearly she'd walked in on a lover's quarrel.

"Hurry now... you've got the chance to sneak back out so you might as well go! I'm done with you... I'm fed up of all these lies and the fact you clearly just want to be with me for physical stuff and the chance to convince me to join you on your mission. You're not a guild member, I can't work with you and I'm done being with you!" The water-being scoffed, throwing her near canine nose right up in the air as the other being just looked utterly aghast. Sofi's twin tails were soon wagging about in fascination, now things sounded interesting... this guy was not a guild member and was sneaking into the living quarters? Didn't that mean she had a fall guy if she ever needed one, not to mention the animosity between this couple meant she'd have a reason to blame the figure... if ever needed. It was a standard thing to figure out your fall guy, but Sofi was enchanted by the figure as the burly and tough voiced figure gave a scoff.

"You can talk... you always ask me what the Fighting Guild is up to and drag me along on your adventures... you're ranking, Pristine, has only become so high because of my help and you made this out that our feelings and actions were mutual. Don't tell me that's not the case anymore!" The Lucario growled, his fists clenching with his growing agitation, but the other being just pointed down the shaft and then turned her head upward with a loud and dismissive scoff. The other Pokémon growled but seemed unable to do anything about it and slunk into the passage, leaving the cover behind him so that Pristine had to put it back herself. She made a few grumbles about it, but did it all the same and then scuttled off towards the sleeping quarters, thankfully enough for Sofi.

Sofi though remained staring in total fascination, she rather liked the thought of their being dramas within the guild already, it gave her targets that might be out of the way and she was intrigued by the sleeping quarters. Though some jewels and gems were on display all the time, it was rather obvious that the best of them must be hidden away! Sofi straightened up and was about to leave when she felt a strange presence behind her and then heard the soft snort of a big beast behind her.

"Typical... I put in rules about inviting other guild members in just because of this kind of thing. Ugh... but its no proof what quests he got involved in and she's the only one that profited, though any money she gave to him of course the guild wouldn't collect off him. I do hate dramas." The tired sounding Arcanine sighed, having noticed the Buizel hunkering down nearby and been curious. He was glad to see that Sofi was not rude enough to barge in and the young being certainly looked too worried that something bad might be happening to say anything about it, but he liked her because she seemed honest and yet Sofi looked at him very apologetically and almost tearfully.

"I'm sorry... but I didn't think I should just... did I do something wrong?" Sofi's nose was twitching gently and she looked clearly upset and worried, terrified that she'd done anything to upset the guild security by not reporting. However, the Arcanine just blinked at her in total confusion, before suddenly giving out a loud laugh of humour. The big beast then suddenly swung his paws around her, pulling Sofi right into his beautiful fluffy cream mane that was, soft, plush and warm as he cuddled into her. Sofi was overcome by the sheer cuddliness of Domin as he nuzzled against her with his soft chortle and insisted that she was perfectly fine. Sofi sighed into the comforting fluff and she relaxed into his embrace before Domin let her go and was wagging his tail in delight. "So its all good?"

"Of course... you couldn't do anything wrong Sofi, you're cute and sweet and honest! But don't worry, you should hurry in to see Mona now before you get into any kind of trouble." Domin beamed before nudging Sofi down towards the living quarters as he straightened up with a playful smile and a wag of his tail. Sofi did as he suggested, startled by how comfortable it had felt cuddling into Domin and clearly, she had needed it after being so startled! But she bounded off down the passage and then spotted a closet opening up in the brick tunnel as the Furret stepped out with cleaning equipment and a foul expression upon her face.

It did not bode well as Sofi turned up....

"Ah... there you are, and thankfully on time too and not being disturbed by the situation out front. Get here right now and listen up good, you've got an important trust exercise that will help you make friends in the guild." The Furret straightened up, a dustpan and a broom and mop with bucket in her paws as her tail whipped about in fury. Sofi was startled as she approached the female and then stood patiently in front of her with her arms open, ready to take the job on if needed. However, Mona gave a sigh of frustration and then pushed them into her arms. "I'm going to let you clean the three rooms now vacant due to dead guild members. You're to collect their belongings and separate between sentimental and valuable so they can be given to the family members and cover the cost of their death... I know what's in each room, I catalogued it so we can see if you're a thief."

"A thief? Why would I be a thief?" Sofi gasped in confusion and shock, what the hell had given her that kind of idea? Sofi blushed as she tried to insist that she'd never do such a thing, but Mona was staring her up and down with the most suspicious expression. Was it all because the Skunktank had been nice to her and given her food? Was it just because she was suspicious of all Buizel? Or had she maybe heard of Sofi's father or a family or pirate-like Buizel? Sofi looked upset but Mona tapped her nose and growled.

"We'd better be on the safe side... we can't afford Pokémon that don't have the will to do anything for the sake of the guild or hold selfish desires. All the new members have to do these jobs - its standard!" Mona growled, before pushing the items towards her again and then pointing towards the rooms as Sofi gave a groan and nodded her head. She was told to bring the items to Valerian after for assessment, but even if she said it was something everyone did, Sofi had the distinct feeling that this Furret just did not like her!

Cleaning was an easy enough job, so was sorting out the trash as well! These top level guild members had barely been in their bunks and not left much that inspired Sofi to learn anything about the characters. Instead she'd just cleared away and found no photographs or personal items at all and it made her shake her head. This really was a test, but it was boring and then she found something unusual within one of the rooms that really made her mind bark that it was a test! The item was an object that looked strange, a kind of gemstone that clearly was in a box stating it belonged to a guild member who was not one of the dead names and Sofi's mind clicked.

"So... they have put in a test to see if I'm going to mention it or just be inattentive? Hmm... I guess someone just wanting to fit in would do whatever... I mean, these might not even be the rooms of the dead but arranged ones." Sofi stated with a grunt, glad she was not foolish enough to believe this one completely. With a sigh of frustration, she shook her head and then continued to clean up but put the item to the side with a confident grunt. It was always embarrassing when people did not trust her straightaway, especially when they were just looking at her species and assuming the worst.

When the cleaning of that room was done, Sofi decided she would continue cleaning the other two rooms, working hard and scrubbing hard whilst throwing away the trash. Her orange fur was getting patched in dirt and dust, she was ignorant to it all though, she could scrub herself up afterwards and this would show them too that she did not care what the conditions, she would work them! A confident expression overcame her exhaustion when, by the half-way point of the day, Sofi had finished the rooms and shuffled out with the various bags and the box. She swung the bags onto her back, grunting at how heavy it was and then stuffed the box under her arm as she dragged herself onward.

With groans and sighs of frustration, she padded on towards the main office and past many of the other beasts that barely blinked at her. Sofi didn't mind, she just carried on without question and dragged herself onward, apologising to those few whose path she barred or who told her to be more careful. Most just looked at her curiously for a while but then let it go, maybe Mona had already told everyone to steer clear of Sofi and it irritated her completely, she didn't like that Furret, not one little bit! But still, she clambered on and reached the door of Valerian's office and gently rattled her paw against it with a sigh.

"Master Valerian... it's Sofi, I finished cleaning the rooms." Sofi stated calmly, a smile upon her face as she gently strolled to the door and wrapped her knuckles against it. Despite the sign on the door, she did not want to walk in and cause upset, especially when Mona could be inside and ready to scold her. However, there was a beckoning call for her to come inside and Sofi opened the door before dragging in the bags and noticing that the foxy being was lounging along his sofa with a look of total luxury upon his features. She brought in the bags and then settled them down before bringing the box over to him. "Master... there was a box in one of the rooms that had another member's name on, so I brought it here so that you could give it back and maybe understand why it was there."

"Oooh..." Valerian rolled onto his front on the sofa, his thick mane sliding over his shoulders as he looked almost wickedly towards the box. He sat up and strained out with his paws, clasping the box and looking at it in total fascination before peeling it open and then noticing the stone within. He then closed the box and looked at the name before giving a firm nod of approval as Sofi smiled in relief to have done the right thing. But then Valerian noticed her dirty state and he leapt straight to her side, his paws to her shoulders, rubbing them again softly as he looked towards her almost sweetly. "Dear Sofi... you're all covered in dirt... I can't have you going home looking a mess, you must be hungry too! How about I take you to the showers... you deserve a good bath."

"Oh... thank you master, but I know the way so I'm sure I can go there myself and... and I was rather hoping Mona would be here to give these items a look over." Sofi stated, feeling a little relaxed for the motion of his paws but also a little on edge too. She wanted to go and wash and the offer was really tempting, but she did not want to be making a mistake that Mona could use against her. However, Valerian just beamed and beckoned her to follow him straightaway, to forget the cleaning items and focus on herself... she did not have a choice as the Zoroark dragged her straight outside and onwards with a pleasurable smile upon his face.

Sofi was quiet, she followed him out of the hall and back down to the living quarters where he was keen to point out some of the new areas that were still empty. She had the oddest sensation he was trying to advertise them too her, but Sofi had no money to spend on it or anything she could trade for it, but Valerian did not say anything outright as he led her on towards a large corridor that was filling with steam and smelt of interesting soaps. Valerian led her in and Sofi followed only to gasp in surprise to see a massive steamy bath amongst the tunnels.

Valerian was grinning but quickly led her to the empty bath, one of the several that was not filled with other Pokémon slouching back in relief. She was beckoned to settle into the bath and the moment she slid into the pool, her flotation puffed up and she gave a soft squeak. It was far deeper than it looked, some old well or pit having filled up with the boiling water from whatever functions the guilds were using. But she relaxed back letting her body go limp in the water as she felt the heat eat into every pore and snuggle every muscle. She hadn't been able to just go limp and float like this in ages.

For a while she just bobbed along, utterly relaxed as Valerian lounged along the edge of the pool, smiling at her and insisting she deserved a good soak. The other residents started to leave, some of them pausing to stare at him in irritation and shake their heads, but Sofi did not notice them or the way they clearly were giving their boss a knowing look. Valerian just ignored them, his foxy face in a pure grin as he then gently grasped a sponge and some oils and then leant across the water, pouring the oil onto her back to make her jolt before rubbing the sponge around as she shuddered in pleasure.

"Don't get a premium bit of spa treatment often, do you Sofi?" Valerian beamed in delight, scrubbing and rubbing at her back, getting through the fur to the skin to really clean her. She automatically slumped forward, her floatation sinking in slightly as she hunched for him to reach more of her back. Sofi was feeling very calm and comfortable, she hadn't been given a good scrub since she was a pup and certainly she'd been sharing baths with her relatives constantly. The water would go black quickly so everyone would rely on the dungeon's drowned passages to clean their fur. But Sofi looked up at him with a soft sound of affection as he just looked down at her with a charismatic expression that made her blush a little. "You know, we wouldn't charge you to live here... why not move into one of the rooms? You just have to help with the cleaning..."

"I appreciate that, but I'm not very good at cleaning and I'm not even a full member of the guild yet..." Sofi began, but quickly Valerian brought his muzzle right to hers with a smile.

"You don't always have to go out on a mission to be a member, not everyone needs to prove themselves so quickly. You'd have more luck getting pulled into a group if you lived with us... Sofi..." Valerian almost growled softly as he continued to rub at her shoulders and then Sofi gave a gasp. The master then slid himself into the bath with her, shuffling closer and stroking her back with his paws again before his paws swung around to rub at her front too. Sofi gasped and shuddered in anxiety, she was not sure she liked what was happening to her and yet, this was the master and Valerian was quick to speak. "Let me help you out... we all help each other bathe here... besides, some areas you can't see to clean properly..."

"Uh... yes sir..." Sofi whispered, her body quivering in the water gently as Valerian's paws rubbed up and down her back and then under her arms, stroking down to her thighs, rubbing her thighs and then lifting upward. He was stroking the sides of her breasts, still stroking down so Sofi could not confuse him and then he rubbed at her hips more firmly. As his paws stroked around, curling around the flesh, she was shocked when he suddenly pulled her up against his groin with a soft clap of water. At first she was concerned, but Valerian teased her float made her start rifting away and she laughed with him, her face going red.

Sofi shook her head a little, grabbing the sponge and rubbing at her chest, just thinking to herself that it was better to just keep cleaning and then her face scrunched slightly. Maybe this was part of the test, to see how loyal she was to this guild or maybe to check how prepared she was for any situation and she then scrubbed more calmly. He was still only rubbing the fur of her body, rubbing her hips, he was not doing more than that... and Sofi thought about when she'd bathed with her family. She was amused to remember being little and bathing with her father or these days when she occasionally bathed with her brother and they always scrubbed each other's backs and legs to help out. It was a family thing, wasn't it?

"I'm going to just rub a little lower down your back, it's not always easy to notice dirt clinging here and quite unsightly if others spot it." Valerian beamed almost sweetly, licking his lips as he rubbed down her back. He scrubbed at her fur firmly, rubbing at her hips and down to make the muscles clench and pinch as Sofi automatically bent forward in the water, resting on her neck flotation. But Valerian's motions became more pinching, as if he were checking the strength of her muscles and then he pinched somewhere that made her twin tails slap as he gave a giggle. "Sorry... sometimes I get a bit silly..."

He was saying it so calmly and then Sofi recalled the joke on the door, she relaxed as his paws then just stroked around her thighs and then down her legs. He grasped her floatation and beckoned her to lean back against him and Sofi found herself pressed against his chest and being so small and young in comparison as he smiled down at her again. His paws began to stroke at her belly, rubbing gently and in a soothing way that Sofi felt was comforting, but each roll aimed to reach lower and soon he was stroking down her sides. His paws slid down from hip to the edge of her thighs and groin, making her muscles pinch and her stomach feel funny, his motions slow and teasing, making her feel weird but very comfortable before his paws lingered downward before he grinned.

"Turn to face me... I'll help wash that part and you can help wash mine..." Valerian smiled, his voice going lower, more seductive and it made Sofi's body tingle and shudder in total excitement and yet fear too. She really could not understand what was being asked, it seemed rather embarrassing to be told she needed to be washed there, or to let someone else wash him. But Sofi did not want to shake her head and tell her master that he was not allowed to touch her when he was the guild master. If it felt wrong, she'd ask her brother when she got home perhaps, he always listened to her and he would not overreact like she knew her father would! "Just to clean more thoroughly, my dear."

As Valerian turned herself around to face him, his paws swung about to grasp at the top of her backside, pulling her into him and she shuddered as her face went red. Valerian's face was so damn handsome, he was fantastically so and it was truly an honour to be pulled in at him, but it was embarrassing to think he wanted to help her clean there. But Valerian just smiled and whispered that she needed to relax and let him work, they would clean each other after-all. Sofi gulped as she watched his paw drop down to her inner thigh, only her inner thigh which did not make her too scared. Indeed, he rubbed and scrubbed his nail slightly against her inside leg and made sure it was done so gently and calmly so she had to relax. He just stroked and then stroked the other, gently rubbing her legs to make them separate as she leant back with her floatation expanding to keep her comfortable. She remained calm as his paws stroked gently and softly but crept further and further.

"See... nothing to worry about at all my dear..." Valerian beamed as he pulled her legs closer to him, looking at her body with interest as his paws scrubbed further up before dipping her back into the water. His paw then lay dangerously over her and Sofi gave a short gasp as he just stroked the flesh gently, did not rub but smiled. He then beamed at her blushing, anxious face and then beckoned her to pass a paw over to help clean him. She gulped anxiously as she presented her paw and it was pushed firmly to his groin where she could feel something long and semi-hard against her paw. "You can rub it a bit more brusquely... I'm less delicate than you..."

"But I... I... I don't think I'm supposed to do that." Her other paw came to her mouth and she nibbled nervously at her knuckles, not willing to say no to her guild master, but something told her this was not right. Her brother would not do such a thing to her to help her clean; no, indeed he would never ask her to clean him there would he? She was trembling at the request but, she was still daring to rub firmly at his groin, feeling something hotter than the water rub against her paw. She shivered in fear, trying not to pull away and question that it was not right, but he beckoned her to keep going. Valerian rubbed at her firmly in return, making her give a gasp at the sudden jolt of pleasure as he felt her paw finally clasping around his shaft.

"That's right Sofi... hold it like that and stroke it... don't worry dear, it's just helping me clean it properly. You'll know when you've cleaned it and when you have, I'll help you clean... deeper..." The foxy faced beast was almost drooling, feeling wonderful for her beautiful little paws to be rubbing him so gently but perfectly as he licked his lips with a shudder. Valerian was really enjoying this and he was eager to taste this little female too, rubbing at her again to make her little thighs clench as if she had no clue what the muscles were prepping for. His mouth was getting wetter as he leant against her shoulder, whispering hungrily that she needed to rub more firmly when there was the sound of heavy, flat feet clapping towards them and Valerian became suddenly panicked just as he became fully erect and Sofi became almost completely aware of the feeling of a male's form within her paw.

"Valerian? Where abouts are you?" The sound of Tilda the grumpy Wartortle echoed around the bathroom and it was clear she was coming towards them. Valerian knew he was in trouble and Sofi let him go, ready to beckon Tilda in to see the Zoroark that was starting to look very anxious. Valerian gulped heavily, pushed Sofi away and leapt out of the bath, Sofi was about to say something when a strange haze made her eyes blink before she was suddenly looking at Valerian standing and not showing any erection anymore but calmly scrubbing at himself with a towel. It was clear that Valerian had done nothing and been doing nothing, but Sofi was feeling weird down below with a slight throbbing sensation in a weird place as Tilda stomped over with a grunt. "There you... why are you with the new girl?"

"Oh Tilda... don't give me that tone, Sofi here just passed her tests and was covered in dirt from cleaning so I brought her here to show her how the baths work and I'm trying to encourage her to stay with us. Don't you think it's better if she stays in our care?" Valerian beamed happily in front of the blue angrier looking reptile that was curling her lip in frustration as she looked at him. Somehow she was not happy with something and yet, Sofi was blinking and dipping her head in the water, whenever she dipped her head into the water she looked up and could see Valerian's huge erection that he was trying to pat back into the sheath, but Tilda could not see it and it made Sofi clench her teeth before lifting her head out and then suddenly hearing something surprising. "Oooh... she will need a good starting point but, isn't that a bit extreme of a challenge to begin with?"

"Challenge?" Sofi tried to avoid the uncomfortable situation and indeed the funny feeling she felt between her legs. Her question made the Wartortle grin as she then slid into the water with her, relaxing completely and then ignoring her guild master as Valerian winked towards Sofi before scuttling off. Now Sofi was not sure if this had all been a test as well, but as Tilda settled back, Sofi's eyes were swelling in excitement as Tilda began to tell her something very interesting.

"Seems you made a good impression on one of our top members, they've got a dangerous job tomorrow and are looking for something useful... someone that can carry an item through water, faster and through narrower gaps. I don't know why that Vaporeon seems to have trust in you already, but if you get the item to the guild quickly, you'll get a hefty payment." The Wartortle grumbled and Sofi's eyes were wide and shining as her heart fluttered in excitement. She knew the Vaporeon she meant and she could not help but be more flattered and happy. She was certainly willing for her first chance to be with him and if the item was particularly useful, she might swap it with one of the Dittos that worked for her father and give the item to her father. She gave a squeak of delight, forgetting what had just happened before insisting they could count on her. But this made Tilda curl a brow in amusement before giving a soft snort. "You'd better not be that loud... after-all, that water pup's going to be keeping a particularly nasty Ursaring in danger and you'll be waiting in the water whilst Cricket gets the item."

"Cricket?" Sofi questioned, trying not to gulp heavily at the thought of being on the wrong side of that kind of violent bear, instead focusing upon a name she didn't know. Tilda just grinned in delight at the response before beckoning her to get up out of the water and the pair got out, dried themselves off and went on their walk. Tilda didn't say anything, but she led her new charge down a different set of passages that Sofi hadn't been shown before. They were dark passages with doorways that she could barely see until Tilda stopped by a random patch of wall, spat water at it and it suddenly peeled open to reveal a large dungeon and a very miserable looking Rattata that wore a ball and chain and was looking irritated.

Sofi was startled, she was quite sure she'd heard about a Rattata thief with a kind of buggy name that her father had worked with then been swindled by. Sofi gulped, if her father knew this guy was hiding out here, even if it was inside a dungeon, her father would come here and skin him! Sofi was worried that maybe the being might just recognise her for one of the raft and she was going to get into trouble, but Cricket looked her up and down with a roll of his eyes before he was staring at Tilda who was sneering down at him before turning to Sofi.

"Little sod sneaks around the dungeons, knows all the passages there are but he's a terror for chewing his way out of danger or rare items out of their safes. We've shoved him in here for his own health... he's got a lot of enemies that want to skin him or eat his tail and we need him. His knowledge can't be beat and considering we give him all the meals and things he wants, he could have it worse." Tilda grunted, turning her back to him and suddenly Cricket reacted. He'd been thinking of something to do and suddenly he'd darted with extreme speed out towards her form. He would not get through the bars, but rather viciously his teeth aimed for Tilda's shell and Sofi could see they were filed into sharp fangs and this guy's bite would be a serious problem.

"Watch it!" Sofi yelped, suddenly launching forward and aiming carefully between the bars right next to Tilda. Just as Cricket thought he was going to take the arrogant turtle down a peg, Sofi suddenly gave him a hard smack to the cheek with her head, bowling him right back and flat on his back. The little purple rodent seemed to faint back, groaning and moaning softly in surprise before Sofi straightened up, rubbing her head just a little, only to startle as Tilda let out a wicked cackle and then used water gun to wake the rat out of his stupor.

"Heh... she's got good reflexes, so you're going to have trouble getting on the wrong side of her, treacle. But, seeing that response gives me hope... maybe you aren't the worst to join this task." Tilda chuckled as she clapped Sofi's shoulder and the rat gave a few hisses of irritation before Sofi was turned around to leave. She watched the door close and then gulped as she was led away with a funny feeling that there were still eyes watching her in the shadows and she was unsure if Valerian had perhaps been doing something he shouldn't and maybe she should ask someone....

Upon departing the guild, Sofi returned home as swiftly as she could but this time without any food on hand. Her cousins barred her entrance, bullying her that she hadn't achieved anything thus far and yet her discomfort was almost visible to them and yet... they were quite sure something was different. The twins lets her go up, but they'd been eyeing her curiously with curled eyebrows and thoughtful expressions, their noses even twitching. Sofi felt uncomfortable as she stepped into the household and found her aggressive and scary looking father, the Skipper, sharpening one of his blades and sounding frustrated. Sofi could not see her brother around her at all and so she knew the only person to ask about what had happened was her father. She was anxious as she settled beside him with a sigh of frustration and her head lowered and the Skipper gave a grunt.

"Something on your mind, pearl?" He queried through his grit teeth as he growled and continued to grind his sharpening stone against the edge to make it glitter as he snorted gently with thought. But as his daughter suddenly swung her arm around his, nuzzling against him pitifully and showing off her childish side, he had to stop. He stroked her head, his nose twitched to smell that something had been happening to make her anxious but it was strange, he almost recognised the scent. Sofi though did not think to tell her father about Cricket at all, but instead she told him everything that had happened with Valerian, lowering her head and looking ashamed because she was sure something strange had happened. But Skipper gave a sudden cackle of utter amusement before patting her shoulder and then grinning. "So he's interested in you... it's not hard to believe, you are my precious girl... but this is not as bad as you might think and you should not be concerned. If a fool dares to reveal a weakness, it's his own fault if you exploit it. Lead him on, encourage him to believe you and find you useful to keep around, that way his horde will be easy to steal from and his guild will always be on your side... might deal with those females that are bothering you. See if you can even have him become infatuated, you might find him paying to keep you... but if not, at least you know that if he interferes when you're working, you can use Charm to get away."

"I'm not sure I want to do something like that... what if it goes too far? I wouldn't know how to deal with it..." Sofi stated anxiously, but both she and her father realised the room was no longer empty. They were not sure when the twins had turned up, but her brother had arrived too and was holding not only the money he'd exchanged items for but food too. The young males all stared at Sofi in confusion, they must have heard some of it and were not sure if they agreed with Skipper, but he gave a grunt for them to make dinner and not stare. Sofi grimaced, their faces made her feel very unsure of it all. "Father... can I really do all this?"

"You've gotten this far and all the big targets seem to think you're cute and innocent so it's going well. If it really gets scary, we can plan a raid..." Skipper chortled, but Sofi was not sure she quite agreed with it. But instead, there was a call from her brother that dinner was ready and so they all stepped into that part of the old passage and began to eat eagerly together. Sofi felt uncomfortable though, her brother had done really well to get lots of good items to sell and she had only brought one meal back with her so far at all! But her father had faith and her father was not one to make up such belief so Sofi ate calmly, though there was a strange sensation in the air around them all.

That night, when they had all gone to bed and into their caves, Sofi was stuck in her usual position huddled around the young males. She could never tell who was on either side of her, all four of them on the large hay mattress would spin and roll to different positions under the giant quilt that covered them. It was always cold outside of the huddle so they always pulled in close and being the smallest, Sofi always managed to snuggle herself in between the others. If it was her brother, he always held his arms open to her and tonight, someone had been cuddling her, but in the darkness she could not tell and something... something strange had happened and she was aware something was happening to her back!

Sofi opened an eye, but there was nothing but darkness and so she twitched her nose to try and guess who was awake behind her. The scents of the three males mingled and remained as strong as ever, Sofi could hardly guess who it was and she would have growled, but she heard the sounds of someone grunting and groaning even louder by her ear and it scared her. What scared her more was that something wet and boiling hot, not to mention hard, was suddenly barging its way between her thighs. Fear overcame her and Sofi remained frozen in shock... what was happening?

She heard the low growling groan, it sounded too feral for her to match it to either her brother or her cousins, but what she felt terrified her. She could feel something warm and sticky clinging to her fur and then making it easier for the hot thing to push between her thighs. She almost wanted to clench them together to try and stop the male from doing whatever they were doing, but it was confusing to say the very least. She grit her teeth, whoever it was they kept bumping and barging the hot thing between her thighs and it felt strange, not necessarily bad, but something was telling her that it really must be bad or they would not be waiting for her to be asleep. Then she heard a groan, a stronger smell was in the air and she felt wetter between her thighs, but the hot thing was still hard and it pulled back from the thighs and was suddenly pressed right under her tail, sitting over her cheeks and very, very hot!

Sofi shivered violently, feeling whomever it was put a paw to the heat, moving the paw up and down and giving a groaning sound that was almost a choke as the hot thing got harder and slicker. Sofi's face was going red, she felt wet, warm splats flicking around her cheeks and it was strange and scary. She did not understand what was happening, but the stranger's hot rod was being rubbed really firmly and flicking so many warm droplets of dew about her body that Sofi was feeling dirtier and dirtier. Just what was this fool doing?

Then, the rod was steered down to her thighs again, this time slimier and firmer, stuffing right in and enjoying her slight clench before then moving against her. The paws grasped her hips, pulling her closer as she grit her teeth and tried not to make any motion as if she were awake. She could feel the firm hot form pressing to get right through her thighs or to climb further up and rub near somewhere very private. She was wincing as she felt the heat stuffing in between, rubbing and grinding into her thighs as a belly bumped against her backside and the paws pulled her closer. It felt very strange and she could tell that the rod was getting thicker and clinging strands of something warm like drool was slathering her thighs - what was going on?

There were more guttural sounds as the figure seemed to push more into her thighs, pushing her body and she could not stop her own tail from giving a sudden wag. The male seemed to react, worried perhaps that they might wake her before once again, pulling his form away from her thighs and then back up to pressing right under her tail. This time his hips were moving his thing between her cheeks and jabbing at the bottom of her tail again, but not jogging her about so much. She was getting very concerned by this strange reaction until suddenly, she realised something different was happening this time as the groans were becoming more strained, their voice sounded wet and then something different happened.

Suddenly the cock of the male was pressing to her tail hole, in fact it had wedged itself between the cheeks as she almost gasped in shock. It was hot, slippery and she could feel it pulsing as it was pushed right to her ring. She could feel her own backside pinching and pulsing with anxiety for the approach but that seemed to be enjoyed by whoever was doing this to her. His dick was pressed so tightly to the hole it was practically pushing into it as the paw pumped it a little more and then there was a sudden gulping grunt and intense heat. Sofi's eyes were wide in horror and she'd managed not to scream out when she really had been sure she would... something hideous a wet and warm had splattered around her backside and even into it! That cock was still pulsing but she almost gagged at the weird sensation of the cum trickling out from the rim.

The other was panting against her neck, sighing with an edge of relief and then a drooling sound of pleasure as a few more little splashes hit her tail. The mouth was smacking in pleasure as the paws released her and the figure seemed to slide back from her. Sofi was trembling in horror, her nose twitching in shock for the strange scent that was now filling the air and causing soft moaning sounds from the other three and Sofi curled into herself. She was concerned something worse might happen, but soon there were the snores to say that everyone was asleep and then, even Sofi found herself falling into an uncomfortable sleep.