Reaper Pollenburn Campaign Episode 8

Story by Nex_Canis on SoFurry

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#9 of Reaper

Episode 8: Like Candles in the Wind

"One by one, the candles flicker in the wind.

One by one, stars fade from the sky.

One by one, memories fade from the mind.

One by one, the seconds tick by to the moment when we shall all die."

Nora Bleak

Excerpt from 'Never Born'

Jacob became vaguely aware that he was still bleeding profusely, his blood seeping down his back from that terrible wound he had suffered in the elevator. He barely had enough strength after practically going through an entire day of fighting. After defeating the MODD troops in Pollenburn, he had assaulting Skystorm Tower alongside Joanna and Leo... Then there was the fight against Marcus that had left him battered and bruised... then finally the climb through Skystorm Tower to rescue Gale and Sherry...

... a task which he failed miserably.

He couldn't believe Gale had gone nuts!

But... at the same time he could understand...

Really, he should've seen it.

It all came down to Zack's words...

"If he sees an injustice or a lie, he'll fight hard to correct it.

"Just like he's doing with you, Jake. He saw that your current path was built on a lie and now he's seeking to make sure the next steps you make is on the path of truth instead of one built upon deceit."

So why wouldn't he apply the same logic to himself?

If Gale was obsessed with destroying Balthazar - the origins of the lies that Jacob's life was built upon - why wouldn't he destroy the source of the lies in his own life...


The very world that he sought to rebuild was a big lie... and there was nothing more he wanted than to destroy it...

... to rebuild it anew without lies...

Exhaustion hit him like a hard mallet and he grunted, clutching his side and falling to one knee. While the wound had closed up, the internal injuries were still quite severe. His exhaustion was driving him quickly to near unconsciousness. It had taken all his effort to cling onto the shattered remains of Skystorm Tower as Max's Animus saved them.

He still didn't understand how he had Branded Max though...

Did they have sex?

He realised a little too late that it had been a poor idea to let Max inject him with anaesthetics. It was the weird thing about his body. Alcohol, drugs and other narcotics had only very short, temporary effects on him but anaesthetics made him so tipsy that it seemed like he had just drunk twenty gallons of beer. When conscious thought started kicking back in, he was all over a naked Max... When he was fully conscious, Max was transforming into a massive dragon far bigger than anyone else he had Branded! He still had a bit of a gut but his defined abdominal muscles were quite visible against the otherwise rounded belly. The titanic dragon looked more like a power-lifter than a bodybuilder.

He was sure they hadn't had sex...

... and he was sure they didn't forge a connection...

Or had they...?

"Jacob!" Max shouted, resting a massive hand on his back - it was big enough to take up half his back.

"I'll be fine," he answered softly, slowly absorbing the light around him to funnel more energy into himself. He could feel the wound starting to fix themselves.

The MODD soldiers were staring out the windows of the massive, golem-like Animus. Jacob staggered to his feet and leaned against one frames. His jaw slowly dropped open as Skystorm Tower was ripped to shreds by an enormous tornado. The shards of the tower hovered in midair, suspended by the winds and Gale's will. It all looked like some fragmented version of the tower that had the tornado as its core.

The tower was slowly getting further and further away. He guessed Eden - that was what he recalled Max calling his Animus - was drifting away from the vortex.

He grunted again as a fresh wave of exhaustion hit him, causing him to slump against the window itself.

His vision blurred...

... and he passed out.


Suddenly, the world took a whole new different meaning...

The endless plane of flowers... wasn't so beautiful anymore... Jacob wasn't really sure what it was... but there was this quiet menace in the breathtaking landscape... Knowing exactly what the world was filled Jacob with dread... and sensing just what that power was being used for...

It scared him.

And he wasn't often scared.

"How did I end up here...?"

Zack stood quietly to his side for a long moment before replying. "Because you're very special, Jake."

"You mean I'm insane? Is this all some sort of crazy pseudo-world where I'm actually delving into my own subconscious instead of Gale's personal world?"

That did not explain how he had somehow woken up with Danny's memento...

But more than ever, Jacob was confused.

"It's up to you what you decide this world is, Jake," Zack said, gesturing at the vast, flower-filled landscape before them. "But even you have to agree that what you've learned about Gale here is pretty darn important."

He scowled at the angel, glancing away and regarding the distant, white landscape. "What I've learned is that Gale is a lot like me and at the same time, ridiculously different. Both of us have ridiculously screwed up lives. Both of us were screwed over by Balthazar Palmers at one point or another. Both of us have been taught to believe something that we took as truth and built our lives upon only to have it proven false.

"And_let's not forget that both of us have recently been _mindfucked in recent history."

"And the differences?" the angel prompted.

The differences were that they were moving in opposite directions. Where Gale started off bright, cheery and happy with a clear goal in the future, Jacob started as a dark, brooding, uncaring individual with no future apart from travelling from town to town. Then... somehow... Gale managed to open up a bit of Jacob's heart and Jacob suddenly had a goal... and... friends. But at the same time, Gale couldn't hold onto his sanity... and plunged into a world of shattered fragments... where the only objective was the destroy all that was and rebuild what was lost.

"Isn't it funny?" Zack asked, giving Jacob an irritating, knowing smile. One of those smiles that said, 'I know something you don't know'. "The guy who society knows as the bad guy turns out to be a good guy at heart while the guy they know as a rebuilder is, in truth a destroyer."

"That isn't funny."

"Of course it is!" The angel lifted a finger. "Especially when you consider the major difference between you two. The one that you've missed."

Jacob regarded the angel curiously. He was sure he hadn't missed any details... He wasn't even sure how Zack knew what differences he had listed but he threw that thought into the wind.

Despite himself, he had seen Gale as the only solid foundation in his life. Seeing how so many people used the chimp as a solid foundation gave him hope... Perhaps latching onto him would provide the perfect stepping stone to a brighter future.

But now...

"Gale has chosen to rigidly cling onto his ideals," Zack explained, lowering his finger and holding out a wooden mallet. "'You can't build a future on a foundation of lies', as he claimed. He thought the same thing when he broke the truth to you. He was convinced that you can't move forward when the path you've taken is carved by a lie."

Jacob clenched his fists. Slowly, he shook his head. "He's wrong... A lie can't be untold... and no matter what you do, you can't undo what you've done as a result of that lie. Everything you do will have been a result of that lie. Tearing down a building built on a shaky foundation is both impractical and risky and even then, there will always be the memory of that building which will continue to linger no matter what you build on top of it..."

Kind of like the Bloomcrest Ruins...

MODD tried to eradicate it... but even then, it still lingers...

The angel grinned and nodded cheerily. "That's right! And now you see how both of you are different?"

It irritated him that he actually did. Gale stuck with his ideals... Jacob changed. Gale sought to rip down the entire building... But Jacob wanted to refurbish and strengthen...

"So who do you think is better off?" Zack asked.

The image of Sherry being ripped to shreds by Gale haunted Jacob. In his insanity, Gale sought to destroy everything that he had built before he obtained his Seal... That meant the friends he made... the people he protected... and all of Pollenburn.

Jacob's chest tightened when he recalled Shana and Darren...

They played an important role in Gale's life...

Is he going to destroy them too...?

He didn't want to imagine their bodies getting torn asunder...

"I can't tell you that," Jacob murmured, glancing back towards the angel. He sighed when he remembered that mallet. "I want to strengthen my foundations... but the materials I need aren't all there yet... I still need one other person..."

Zack grinned and lifted the mallet. "That's my boy."

Jacob held up his paw and took the mallet from the angel. "Tell me honestly... How did I even get here in the first place?"

Inclining his head to the side, Zack said, "You really should've asked that the first time you were here."

"Which is to say you're not going to tell me?"

"Well..." Zack shrugged and grinned. "I'll tell you if you let me clobber you with that mallet."

Jacob regarded the mallet in his paws...

Dignity or curiosity...?

Curiosity won.

He handed the mallet over and Zack's grin grew broader. "Ever wondered how you 'Brand' people?"

Jacob made a vaguely affirmative sound. "I thought it was through sex... Especially when I Branded Taylor..." He blushed a little and averted his gaze. "I'll admit... that is sort of why I kissed Leo... I wanted to Brand him too but I guess I couldn't go through with it... I felt a degree of loyalty to Taylor... Like I owed it to him to give our relationship a shot... But I still Branded Leo... Then there's Joanna... And Kerry and Max..."

Zack snickered. "It isn't through sex, Jacob. Every person has their own special little world... their own version of 'reality'." He made a sweeping gesture over the flowery planes. "This is Danny's reality, forever trapped by the Seal of Fate's Winds. The Brands allow people to access other people's realities. I'm not sure how or why... but they do.

"When a connection between a Branded and the potential is made, the Branded can enter their reality. You made a connection with Gale just by entering the town he created. It was distant, but it was there. However, you can only Brand someone when that someone opens their heart to you. Taylor did that when he agreed to go with you. His Brand only became active when you activated yours, however.

"Leonardo was open to be Branded from the very start since he willingly opened himself to you but you had to initiate the connection. When you settled things with him, you connected with him Your conversation with Joanna forged that link between the two of you and she opened the doors into her own world during that event. With Kerry, there was a connection there but only when you shared heartfelt information about one another did she allow you into her heart. Lastly, with Max, your connection was forged when you rescued him and defences of his heart slipped very slightly when you molested him."

Jacob cursed and spat. "Goddamn anaesthetics... I have no idea why they do that to me."

Zack snickered again. "Might be the fact that anaesthetics are meant to numb you or knock you out and your regeneration just screws it up." The angel sighed and regarded the vast expanse of the flowery planes. "You know a lot about Gale... Maybe it's not too late to save him..."

I hope so...

"You ready?" the angel asked, holding up the mallet.

Jacob braced himself, closing his eyes. "Yeah..."



"... mean that we have to share with them!? Can't you see how much they want to kill_you!?'_

"Or at least experiment_on you!? They're MODD! Remember what they did to Jacob!?"_


Jacob jumped a little but kept his body perfectly still. Slowly, he peeled open his right eye, holding back a wince as eerie, purple light pierced his retinas. The arguing continued but he couldn't quite recognise the voices yet. Whether it was because of the mallet Zack had hit him with or the fact that he was still a little disoriented from waking up, he couldn't quite make out the owners of the voices. He could tell he was lying on a bed, however... Quite soft and fluffy.

"Listen, I know_what Boswin said but can you really believe what that bastard said after what he did to his own daughters!?"_

Jacob recognised that voice... It was Max's...

"None of the MODD soldiers denied Boswin's claims!" That was Joanna and bit by bit, the resounding edges to their voices faded, becoming clearer in Jacob's ears. "Sherry and even Marcus didn't say anything to deny it!"

"Did it ever occur to you that it could just be just this branch that's screwed up?" Max countered. "Sherry went behind MODD's back and basically tried to corrupt Marcus who stood his ground and remained loyal like the rest of us should!"

"Are you nuts!?" That was Taylor. "After all that MODD has done to this place!? After they gave Boswin the Eternal Seal you want us to remain loyal to them!?"

"Boswin was the one that got his wife to use the Eternal Seal, not MODD. Okay, I'll admit there was a slight error when MODD did that but -"

"'Slight error'!?" Joanna cried. "How are thousands of people getting killed and transformed into Seals a 'slight error'!?"

"Fine. But the blame should be put on Boswin, not MODD!"

"MODD has a responsibility to manage the power that it possesses," Kerry said softly. "They misused that power and have misled society by not telling everyone where their power comes from. You can't deny they broke the laws of common decency."

Max fell silent.

Jacob was suddenly aware of a rather, large, wet something sniffing around his neck. For some reason, he knew it was Leo and he peeled his other eye open. Leo's bright, cheery face greeted him, the big Tribal back in his regular form.

"Alpha! You're awake!"

Before Jacob could say or do anything, Leo bent in and kissed him, going for tongue and throat. Jacob went rigid - in more ways than one - his eyes going wide and every part of him very awake. Everyone else in the room froze as well. Marcus was also in the room, leaning against the corner and even he seemed utterly surprised.

Jacob pushed Leo off, taking a deep breath. "What was that for!?"

Leo gave him a puzzled look. "I was told that is how you Rillotians show affection. Did I do something wrong?" The Tribal reached over to Jacob's face. "Perhaps if I were to -"

"No!" Jacob cried, scrambling back up the headrest of his bed. Realising he must have looked like a scared, cornered pup, he said, "I'm... I'm okay, Leo. Thanks."

Wait... did he just say 'show affection'...?

Jacob shook off the thoughts and regarded the room. He was surrounded by the other Branded and Marcus in a large, metallic room with only a single bed. There was a large window off to his right where he could see a distant grey tower of winds reflected on the reflective surface of a large lake.

Am I back in Pollenburn...?

The room was illuminated by several, purple globes of light.

"You're awake!" Taylor exclaimed. The relief in his voice was evident and the smile on his face was genuine. Jacob expected a hug or at least a little peck on the cheek... but the cougar remained where he was... standing beside Kerry and Joanna.

"Where are we...?" he croaked, his voice a little parched.

How long have I been out...?

"The outskirts of Pollenburn," Marcus Willows grunted, pushing off the wall. "Right now, we're in Max's Animus, Eden. It's a bloody fortress. Not even Gale's storm could penetrate it."

The big dragon - who was still in his Brand Form - puffed out his mighty chest and grinned. He was taller than anyone else in the room and was clearly flaunting it. "Yep! We got the civilians from Pollenburn in here as well and the survivors of Skystorm Tower."

The reason for the arguments suddenly became clear.

Max had former-prisoners and their former-captors under the same roof. That had to cause some unrest.

Marcus didn't look happy.

He was glaring at Jacob as if accusing the wolf of everything that had transpired.

In retrospect... it was...

There was a brief instant where Jacob wondered what would have happened had he not taken that train into Pollenburn. The image of years passing by and Gale's metaphorical building rising higher and higher, eventually piercing the skies themselves. However, with Gale's ideal of 'You can't build a future on a foundation of lies', he could see that skyscraper toppling once the truth is revealed and more destruction caused than ever...

No... I can't let myself doubt...

Gale lifted me up and made me fly...

... the least I could do is help him soar.

Jacob slid his legs off the bed, returning Marcus' penetrating gaze.

The kangaroo barely flinched.

"How long was I out...?"

Joanna - still glaring venomously at Max - pulled away from the group that had surrounded the large dragon and sat down beside Jacob. "You've been out for just a few hours, Jacob."

"What've I missed?"

There was a quick exchange of glances from the others - Max even dared to lock gazes with Marcus - before all eyes went back to him.

"Jay..." Taylor remained rooted in position and Jacob seriously began considering if there was any chance of a relationship between them.

Could be that he's just hesitant to show affection in public...

But I just woke up from being knocked out... He knows I've got regeneration but the least he could do is hold my paw or something...

Jacob listened as Taylor and the others explained that Max's Animus - Eden - was essentially a walking fortress that carried them out of Gale's storm and back to Pollenburn. Multiple, unknown Unsealed began pouring out of the storm and spread across the Ashlands, attacking anyone they came across. The Branded and Marcus' remaining troops lent their aid, evacuating everyone into Eden - including those still in the hospital - but the survivors were reluctant to share the same space as the 'monsters' - AKA the Branded - and the remaining MODD troops.

Three factions...


Eden was quite large and comfortable. Despite essentially being a walking arsenal, the massive Animus - second only in length to Behemoth but being much bigger in terms of space occupied - was furnished quite well. She had enough rooms to comfortably keep everyone safe and with enough space for her multiple cannons, weapons and variety of killing ordinance. She had repelled the unidentified Unsealed with the help of Behemoth and the other Animus.

"We're planning an assault on Skystorm Tower tomorrow!" Max exclaimed excitedly, a big grin on his face. "We're gonna storm that place and bring Gale down!"

Jacob went rigid and glared at the dragon. Despite being many times smaller, his gaze somehow managed to cause the dragon to back down a bit. "So you're bent on killing Gale? You're practically devoted to taking down the one guy who has helped rebuilt Bloomcrest from ashes?" He kept his voice low and deadly. "One mistake is all it takes for you to sentence a man to death?"

Max seemed stuck between bewilderment and anger but favoured anger. "Are you kidding me!? You heard him! He's going to destroy the world!"

"A world he built on a lie," Jacob answered softly, rising to his feet. He noticed someone had removed his shoes. The cold floor felt a little weird against this padded feet. "It makes sense that he'd want to erase that world and start anew."

"Are you actually supporting that nutjob!?"

Am I...?

All eyes were suddenly on him...

Here he was, stuck in the middle of an Animus who obviously under the control of a MODD supporter and he was stirring up trouble. There was no doubt in his mind that Max could have him destroyed in a second. That was probably the only thing keeping everyone from throttling one another.

The one guy they couldn't piss off was the one guy everyone hated.

Reminds me of politics...

"No... What Gale is doing isn't right."

"Then what the hell is the problem!?" Max shouted.

"The problem is that it's not his fault."

"What!? How is it not his fault!?"

Jacob stood face to face with the dragon. While being half a small as the towering, muscular reptile, he still held that penetrating gaze. Max actually shrank back a little.

"I dunno. Since you so willingly accepted your Brand, don't you think that since it came from me you should have it burned off with hydrochloric acid?"

The dragon shook his head. "What are you talking about? What's wrong with -" He stopped.

Jacob raised an eyebrow.

On some unspoken command, everyone in the room just backed away from the two. Even Marcus tried to make himself invisible against the wall. It seemed they had all forgotten Jacob's past.

"I've made a lot of mistakes in my life." Jacob gave his words another thought. "Hell... They weren't mistakes. They were intentional. Never once was I lost... at least that's what I thought. Then Gale came around with that overly big nose of his despite being a primate. He stuck his nose in my business and kept pushing me to spread my wings when I kept them firmly shut.

"Without him, none of this" - he made a gesture to indicate everything around him - "would've been possible. You wouldn't have gotten your powers, Max. Blame me if you want but don't even think about blaming Gale."

"We won't blame him, Jacob," Joanna said softly, wrapping an arm around his shoulder. "But even you have to admit that he has to be stopped."

"People would've said the same thing about me," he answered, brushing off her shoulder. "But now here I am... If it were for one stubborn monkey thinking that I had to do something that was near impossible."

Marcus blocked Jacob's path suddenly, arms crossed against his chest and a deep growl reverberating in his chest. "So what will you do then? Storm in there, somehow brave that storm, beat the thousands of Unsealed in there only to fall to Gale's knees and beg him to stop?"

He locked gazes with the kangaroo and said in low, slow, even tones, "No one is beyond salvation."

Jacob brushed past the big marsupial.

"Where the hell do you think you're going?" Max exclaimed. There was a hint of genuine worry in his voice. "You can't go out there! The storm is too strong! You'll be ripped to shreds!"


"I thought Eden took us out of the storm?"

Silence... again... and more exchanged glances.

Taylor gently gripped Jacob's shoulder. It was a friendly gesture - and gesture between comrades not lovers... or boyfriends. "Jay... We've got a lot to tell you..."


The briefing was only filled with grim news.

Gale's storm was spreading at an exponential rate. By dawn tomorrow, the whole Ashlands would be covered in its devastating embrace. Pollenburn was no longer there. It was completely ripped from the ground. If the trend were to continue, then Gale's rampage will have spread all over Rillotia within the week.

The whole world within a month and a half.

The stronger the storm became, the more Unsealed spread across the area. While Eden and the other Animus could keep them at bay, any outside of the massive fortress would be obliterated.

The plan was simple.

Since Eden could withstand the storm, Max would manoeuvre the titan into the very heart of the storm - to Skystorm Tower. There, they would enter Gale's fortress and put a stop to storms... by any means necessary.

Jacob had managed to talk down the others into letting him get the first shot at Gale.

All of them knew he wasn't going in for the kill.

Despite the desperation and frustration they all felt - each with their own reasons - none of them wanted to see Gale die. Jacob didn't tell them he had Danny's trinket with him but they still trusted him enough to rest their hopes of seeing Gale restored to sanity.

It was a heavy burden...

... and Jacob wasn't sure a mere trinket would be enough...

Jacob stared out the window to his quarters, leaning against the adjacent wall and watching the dark winds try to cut through Eden's armour. It was strange... Despite the ferocious winds, the black ash remained. He could see the winds picking up the ash, staining the storm with a choking, black haze but it seemed the ash was inexhaustible.

He wondered how Gale could have dreamed of returning Pollenburn to its former glory when even at the height of his power, he couldn't get rid of the ash.


Jacob straightened. "Come in."

The large, metallic door to his room slid open and Christy stepped through with a pile of his clothes including a new pair of shoes in her hands. Jacob realised he was still wearing the torn pants he had been wearing through the first assault of Skystorm Tower. She was smiling up at him a little sadly and she stood awkwardly a few metres away like he was radioactive.

"I thought you might need this," she said tentatively, offering him the pile.

Jacob smiled and took the clothes from her. They were identical to the discarded clothing... just without the holes and cuts that it had endured during his long fight.

He set the pile on his bed and Christy in a tight embrace. "Thanks."

Nervous laughter caught his ear and he glanced down at Christy who was resting her head against his chest. "I really can't believe it... My friends are going to go out there to fight an ExIT Commander... Makes me wish there was something I could do."

Her motives were painfully transparent. Knowing full well how he could Brand someone, Jacob gently pushed her away, holding her out at arm's length.

"I am not going to Brand you."

That nervous laughter returned. "Me? Go out there to fight? Oh god no." She made a few sultry gestures, running her hands down her curvaceous shape. "This is to pretty to be out there in combat fatigues."

Jacob smiled and patted the pile he had just been handed. "If combat fatigues are like this, I should join the army."

That bought him a faint laugh. Christy pulled away from his grasp, shamelessly appraising him. "You're a very strong person, you know that, Jacob Reaper?" She reached over and pinched his cheek playfully. He growled and pushed her hand away. "Handsome too."

"I'm not sleeping with you either," Jacob added.

Again, she laughed but this time it was more genuine and mirthful. "I'm not just about sex, you know."

"Of course not. You're also about the memorabilia. I'm not letting you photograph or video tape my sexual escapades."

Christy rolled her eyes and sat down on his bed. "Okay... Maybe I am about the memories too... But that's only because I'm afraid I'll lose the things I already have." Her eyes drifted up to Jacob's, her expression very solemn. "Jacob, Joanna, Kerry and Taylor are all I have. I don't want to lose them.

"Promise me you'll keep them safe."

Wow... I never thought she could be so deep...

Truth be told, Christy left the impression that she would willingly sell out her friends if she could get it going on with a hot guy... Now... Jacob was having his doubts.

The bed bent slightly as he sat down next to her, taking her hands in his paws gently. "I can't promise you that, Christy. The road we've chosen is pretty darn dangerous... I mean, beyond this - provided we survive - I have to try and find evidence of Balthazar's treachery. That's not easy especially when I'm going up against the top intelligence force on the planet.

"People will get hurt... Some of them might even be your friends... or you."

Moisture gathered in her eyes. Christy glanced away, trying to keep herself strong but failing miserably. "Jacob... Just promise me you'll try... I need to know that they mean something to you too... That they're more than meat shields."


"All but one," he answered. "I have a responsibility as Leo's... 'alpha' to keep him safe and on the right path. Tayl is more than just some portable tail I can cart around and there's a lot of hope there. Joanna is like this wise guru when it comes to relationships and she's an inexhaustible font of knowledge that I don't want to let go of. Kerry - surprisingly - is probably the only person that's keeping me from going postal on everyone. Her kind soul reigns me in.

"Max is the meat shield."

"Jacob!" she cried, a little appalled.

"What? He's huge. It's hard not to hide behind him."

Their laughter was natural... and one shared between friends. Christy shoved him with her shoulder before rising to her feet.

"That's good enough for me, Jacob... You mean a lot to them too, you know. Even Max."

Jacob raised an eyebrow. "Max? I thought he hated my guts."

She gave him an enigmatic smile. "He wouldn't have saved you if he did."


Truth bomb.

That's true...

Why did_he save me...?_

... and why did he insist on kissing me...?

Was it just the Brand at work...?

Yeah... It was the Brand.

Max is straight...

Christy left with a swish of her feathered tail.

Jacob got dressed in a new set of clothing and wondered how Christy could come up with such fantastic, durable sets of combat 'armour' in such a short duration. Her talent for design and as a seamstress were really quite astounding. If he was out for just a few hours and she still managed to make a new set of clothing for him without taking his measurements in that time, then she was truly worthy of awe...

... Unless...

He imagined her taking all his measurements while he was knocked out...

... In fact, he recalled she came up to him with his first set of clothing after he had been knocked out by Gale...


Since it was his first night on Eden, he wouldn't be able to sleep on his bed. Eden was already making the trek to Skystorm Tower and all the combatants - even the remaining MODD troops were willing to partake in the battle - were advised to get some rest.

The following day would be one hell of a fight.

Fully dressed, Jacob headed out of his room and opted to explore the vast expanses of Eden. The idea of having a portable fortress at one's disposal was certainly appealing and he had to admit that he was a little jealous of Max for possessing such a powerful Animus.

The corridors of the might fortress were wide and possessed high ceilings. Floating, holographic signs were posted everywhere and gave clear directions. Sometimes, when Jacob got lost, a sign would miraculously appear in front of him and direct him wherever he wanted to go. It was almost as if Eden knew exactly where he needed to be.

That led him to suspect that Eden - and indeed Max - controlled the Elements of Metal and Mind.

It was interesting... Amongst the six of them, they dominated each of the twelve elements.

It was almost... destined...


A thought occurred to him...

Leonardo had once mentioned that the goal of his Pilgrimage was to find Jacob... That it was his 'destiny'. It had to be no coincidence that a guy from halfway across the world travelled to Rillotia and got Branded.

In fact... all six of them had come together on rather miraculous circumstances...

Of all the places Leonardo could have been to in Rillotia, he arrived at Pollenburn.

Of all the locations Joanna could have picked for a holiday, it had to be Pollenburn. In fact, Taylor mentioned that he was reluctant to go but was the last friend that Joanna had invited so he was obliged to attend.

Lastly, of all the times and places for Max to be forced into a holiday... it had to be Pollenburn...

Jacob also picked Pollenburn at random. Shellington had many trains going many places... and he went south instead...

... to Pollenburn.

I'm starting to get the impression there are some pretty powerful forces at work here...

"Didn't think I'd find you here, Reaper."

Jacob stopped and pulled himself from his musing. He was in a vast, squarish cavern that looked like some sort of warehouse. Naturally, after only being populated for a short time, this warehouse was empty.

Marcus Willows was standing about fifty metres away from him.

There was an odd edge in the kangaroo's voice that suggested he was itching for a fight.

Jacob's fingers twitched as he readied himself to summon his two blades.

"Doing a bit of late night exploration there, Marcus?"

The marsupial reached over his shoulder, pulling out that enormous scimitar. Jacob didn't hesitate and summoned Radiance and Requiem.

"I needed to do some thinking. Curiously, it concerned what you said. And now I find myself in your presence."

The storage area was completely devoid of anything useful for cover. It was merely flat and blank.

Jacob locked gazes with Marcus. "Are you coming onto me?"

"Did you honestly mean what you said back there?" Marcus asked ignoring the jibe. "That no one is beyond salvation? Is that what you truly believe or were you just being vindictive?"

Jacob readied himself for the inevitable assault. "A little from column A, a little from column B. You haven't exactly been the greatest best friend I could have. You weren't even that good to Gale considering how you basically betrayed him and all."

"I did not betray him!" A burst of wind erupted from Marcus as he roared, sweeping over Jacob and threatening to knock him over. "I was looking out for him! I was only doing what was best for him!"

"Funny thing about people who say that. They always assume they're doing what's best for the person. But you know what? It never is. You're just doing what you think is better for him. You never asked him what he wanted."

Marcus' eyes flashed with anger but he didn't attack. For a second, they flicked upwards and Jacob glanced over his shoulder. Countless faces were peering through several windows and over the balconies that hung high in the air, watching the two square off. Jacob didn't notice the viewing platforms until that moment. He could make out Taylor and the others.

"Do you have any idea what he wanted?" Marcus growled, catching Jacob's attention again.

"He wanted to fill Pollenburn with flowers again."

"Yes! Do you have any idea how stupid that sounds!?" the kangaroo shouted. "He has the power to avert cyclones, stop hurricanes, prevent tornadoes and even alter the very weather patterns! He has the Prime Elemental Seal of Wind! And he wants to use it to fill this graveyard with flowers!? Is that even possible!?

"I mean, look at it! Even in this storm, the ash won't leave! This place is cursed! Ruined by Boswin's greed! We should just leave this place and move one!"

Those words struck home... It was exactly what he would have said not too long ago... In fact, he had actually tried to implement those very same words just a few days prior. He had left a smoking ruin in the lives of the Branded, Gale and Shana. His philosophy was merely to burn the building he had built and find the next best piece of land to build on...

But now...

"I don't think it actually matters whether or not it's possible."

Marcus looked stunned. "What?"

"All that matters is that Gale believed that he could make it happen. I think that's enough. You have to believe you can fly before you spread your wings."

A loud snort came from Marcus, cutting through even the raging winds. "Belief can only get you so far, Reaper."

"So you're saying you don't believe in anything, Marcus?"

"I want to believe." Marcus' voice was gruff and thick with emotion. Whether that emotion was rage or sorrow, Jacob wasn't sure. "I used to believe in MODD... but when I heard from Sherry about the truth, I made a choice. It was either we stick with MODD or we fall into a world of devastation and anarchy brought on by civilians holding the power of the Seals.

"Someone_has to regulate the Seals and _someone has to have that power. What Gale has been doing with it, is simply inspirational. He's saved lives, cities and entire countries. War has been prevented over fear of what the Elemental Lords would do. The price of peace is a steep one but I choose not to look at the people who provided Gale with the power. I choose to look at the people wielding the power.

"I don't believe in MODD anymore... I want to believe in Gale..."

Yeah... We all do...

But then... Like so many in this tragic tale... Everyone has had the one thing they were standing on shatter beneath their feet...

Marcus - just like a lot of people - were using Gale as a foundation... But when Gale shattered... so did Marcus.

Jacob straightened, sensing an imminent fight. "So... Did you want me to make you believe?"


The large kangaroo chuckled darkly. "You're certainly welcome to try."

_"Jacob...?"_Spectre asked. His voice sounded distant and Jacob guessed the Animus was still outside in the raging winds.

Don't worry... I've got this.

The ground began shaking ominously and Marcus swung his blade through the air, whipping up winds around him.

"Now!" the marsupial shouted. "Show me the strength of your conviction! Show me you have the power to save Gale from himself!"

Marcus swung his blade through the air. The jagged edges of his scimitar suddenly erupted from the blade itself, gaining a life of their own and speeding straight towards Jacob at high speeds. High-pitched wailing cut through the roar of the winds as the tiny blades crossed the fifty metres between them.

Jacob lashed out with Requiem into the metal floor, sending himself into the air with a sonic blast. The blades jerked in the air, speeding straight after him.

Looks like he was holding back last time...

He pulled Radiance's trigger...

... Well, he caught me off guard!

He pointed his right-hand sword right down the path of the tiny razors flying towards him. A shaft of bright light cut through the many blades but they persisted and -

Thunk! Thunk! Thunk! Splat!

... embedded themselves into his flesh, slicing right through his clothing and burying themselves into his arms and chest. Where they embedded themselves, they burned.

Crap... It's a Seal Weapon...


His beam of light swerved in midflight and shot straight towards Marcus!


The kangaroo jumped out of the small dust cloud the explosion had created, relatively unscathed. He had a few burns but little else.

Jacob grunted as the little blades all over his body twisted and forced themselves further into his flesh. The pain was almost paralysing but he kept focus and landed softly several metres from Marcus. A roar ripped through his throat as he charged across the ashen planes and clashed blades with Gale's personal bodyguard.


Marcus' size and weapon choice made him a slow but devastating fighter. Jacob was fast and agile. Despite the many blades further burying into his flesh, Jacob spun, slashed and cut while dodging each and every one of Marcus' blows. The kangaroo also didn't have supernatural regeneration.


Their blades clashed once more. Sparks flew off in many directions as Jacob blocked Marcus' huge scimitar with Requiem.

"Better hurry up and beat me, Reaper," Marcus growled. "I may not be as fast as you but I sure as hell am durable and those razors in your body are about to hit some vital organs."

Jacob grinned, tasting blood on his tongue. "Too bad it's reliant on your Seal."

His Brand glowed.


Marcus staggered back in horror as his massive scimitar was suddenly encased in brilliant, green and gold light before shattering like glass. Jacob felt a wave of relief sweep over him as those tiny blades in his body shattered as well and his regeneration kicked in. He didn't waste time marvelling at how close one of those blades got to his heart and assaulted a now defenceless Marcus. The big kangaroo could only pull up both arms and stagger back as Jacob slashed and hacked at him, tearing off massive hunks of flesh.

Desperation clearly showed on Marcus' face.

The kangaroo suddenly lashed out with his right paw, seizing Jacob around the neck and lifting the wolf into the air. Jacob nimbly wrapped his body around Marcus' arm and jammed both his blades into his opponent's bicep. Marcus roared in agony but didn't let go, tightening his grip as much as possible.

Jacob pulled the triggers of his blades.


Marcus suddenly had a gaping hole the size of a fist in his bicep.

Jacob leapt back deftly, all his wounds completely healed.

The good news ... his opponent was gravely injured...

... bad news... Marcus' Seal returned.

"You've certainly got what it takes to last a while against Gale," Marcus chuckled, a look of admiration on his face. His scimitar reappeared in his paws in a flash of light. "Fine... The kiddy gloves come off!"

"You wear kiddy gloves?"

Lifting his scimitar towards himself, Marcus seized the blade with both hands. A brilliant gold and green glow erupted from all over his body, his Seal appearing behind him. The Seal of Sorrowful Songs appeared to have the normal base of a Seal but had two scimitars crossing over what appeared to be a harp.

Oh no... He's using his Seal Form!

Before the light could fade -


Jacob was driven back several metres - his feet grinding against the ash - as Marcus remerged, completely encased in black, green and gold armour. Unlike the Boswin Sister's armour or even Winston's armour, his armour was just pure metal. His entire body was encased in the thick, alien metal that was almost impossible to break. A long, billowing cape trailed behind him, sweeping over his plated tail. Not even his face was visible through the black visor.

"You know the only time I ever beat Gale was when I discovered that each of his techniques has one_weakness."_

Don't suppose you'll tell me that weakness, huh?

Marcus drove a knee into Jacob's abdomen, causing the wolf to gasp and stagger back. Jacob barely had enough time to quickly dive to his right, roll on the ground and leap back up to his feet. He somersaulted backwards. In midflight, he extended Radiance towards Marcus and fired a laser. The beam slammed into Marcus' armoured chest, barely scratching the armour.

Jacob landed and -


... barely managed another block.



Jacob was first to disengage and he spun completely around, sending a sonic blast in a tight ring around himself. Marcus jumped back but was unable to avoid a razor-sharp blast that bit into his armour. The kangaroo stared at the mark for a second before -


Jacob slammed the flat side of his blades against the kangaroo's head. There were satisfying, reverberating clangs with each hit and Marcus began staggering back, appearing disoriented.

One problem with wearing armour...

Jacob unleashed a spinning kick directly at Marcus' face, sending the kangaroo sprawling.

... the acoustics are terrible.

Striking hard armour caused the metal to shake and echo. The constant shaking could disorient the wearer severely especially if done constantly.

Jacob pressed his foot against Marcus' chest, forcing the ExIT soldier onto his back. He levelled Radiance directly against the marsupial's face.


It seemed like the whole world had fallen deathly silent.


_"Do it,"_Marcus said grimly.





The two halves of Marcus' helmet fell apart... revealing the marsupial's shocked face. Jacob recalled his two swords, staring his opponent directly in the eye. He held up his now free hands and dropped a few small, silver ball-bearings onto Marcus like confetti. Some of it even got into his armour.

"Saving Gale means saving a jackass like you too, Marcus." He removed his foot off Marcus' chest and turned around. "When Gale wakes up, he'll need someone he can associate with. I'm not his best friend. You are. I'm just the idiot that got sucked into his 'warm and fuzzy' propaganda."

His foundations have been shattered...

... he needs someone there to be the support to keep him standing.

Jacob headed towards the door.

He stopped a few metres from Marcus, listening to the kangaroo pick himself up. "We've all got burdens. Each of us needs someone to help us fly. That updraft doesn't come from nothing. When Gale comes back to his senses, he'll need you to lift him back up."

"And why not you?"


"Because," Jacob answered, regarding the opposite horizon to Skystorm Tower. "No mortal is just a bag of winds." He glanced over his shoulder and grinned at a rather stunned Marcus. "Well... Except maybe Boswin. But he was more a bag of hot air."

Those words lingering in the air, he turned and headed towards the lake shore.


He heard Marcus get to his feet and roar.

A small smirk crossed his features as he lifted his right hand...

... and clicked his fingers.


... those tiny explosives he had showered Marcus with detonated.

He had no doubt Marcus would survive...

... just like he had no doubt Marcus would make one last bid to prove Gale was beyond saving...

Guess there's no such thing as 'impossible'...

... and everyone is worth saving...

Interlude: Storm Front

"The Plague took many lives... It was like a sudden storm that swept over our home and left nothing but destruction in its wake. But even with what occurred... we could not leave. Even in destruction, we can find moments of solitude, a speck of green in the black, barren wasteland. Hope is the greatest gift anyone can bestow upon another."

Shana McLeod

Inscription at McLeod Farm

I always knew Alphas were strong.

They are a breed on their own and I will admit that I was a bit... discouraged when my Alpha first appeared to me.

All Alphas are bigger than me.

Can you believe I'm actually the runt of my litter?

Everyone in Rillotia is so small!

I think it's because they don't drink enough semen.

Yes, that must be it. When I asked Lady Joanna about it, she looked like she was about to throw up as she puffed out her cheeks. She laughed instead and told me that no one but the 'kinkiest' people drank semen in Rillotia.

I had no idea what a 'kink' was but I guessed it must be people who would become Alphas.

This society wasn't so strange.

But back on the topic of Alphas, as I watched my Alpha fight the big kangaroo, I felt so proud and so honoured that such a strong male accepted me into his pack. Of course, there were others in his pack. Most of them non-wolves but there have been stranger packs before. In that fight, my Alpha showed such strength, agility, intelligence and endurance.

The makings of a true Alpha.

I learned from our first encounter that size is not everything. He is smaller than myself but his strength is much greater and his wisdom is peerless. Well... perhaps aside from Lady Joanna. I believe she is my Alpha's advisor since he often goes to her for advice.

As my Alpha left the chamber below - which Max called a 'combat training room' - I turned around and pushed my way through the crowd. I was amazed at how many people there were in the small, cramped room with the window. Back home, this many people could make up several tribes.

Lady Joanna told me that Rillotians congregated in much bigger areas and I was excited to see and learn about them - with my Alpha, of course.

I would never leave my Alpha's side.

I hurried down to stairs to meet my Alpha. I had his scent by now - that beautiful, crisp, fresh scent that reminded me of some of the shiny rocks that the shamans use in their rituals. It stirred something in me and it made me both ashamed of myself and very nervous. It was hard to hide my erection whenever I was in my Alpha's presence because his scent aroused me so.

I simply cannot explain it.

Whenever I catch my Alpha's scent, I am overtaken by the urge to have him claim me as his mate.

Male-and-male couplings in my Tribe were not uncommon and was well accepted. Females would be disappointed when a potential male is no longer seeking a mate and that did not matter if it that mate was male or female. Generally, male-and-male couplings were a little fitter than most others. While they cannot sire children, they keep themselves fit and strong and often make some of the best hunting parties.

Perhaps there was a trend since most male-and-male couplings come from hunting parties.

... like where I came from.

I shook the thoughts from my head and caught my Alpha's scent again. I tried to force the blood from my cheeks and my groin as I detected that his scent was indeed much stronger than it was before. He was very close and the exercise from the battle had left his scent with the aroma of his sweet body.

I admire my Alpha very much and the day that he gifted me with his power, I felt something blossom in my heart that I always considered I was much too young to possess. Most males took a mate on their twentieth summer and while I was barely into my eighteenth, I still remember my brother's words when he took his mate and the feelings he described. They where the same feelings I now held bubbling in my chest.

That tightness of breath whenever he passed... The dryness of mouth and the burning sensation in my eyes every time I look at him... The longing to see him again despite how much it torments me that I cannot express myself to him... and the desire to hold him in my arms and to feel his seed in myself. Yes, my brother took a male mate and he knew exactly of what he spoke of.

I felt those urges in myself but with one additional bane to my heart.

My Alpha's eyes...

They were the most beautiful shade of dark blue that when the light hit them just at the right angle, they would simply shine and glimmer like crystals.

When he gave me his power - his Brand - my fur had obtained a sleek, shiny sheen to it and my brown fur became a more... russet in colour and my chestfur became much creamer. My body and build hardened miraculously and I was much stronger than I had originally felt. No doubt I would be the desire of every female and male back in my tribe.

But I had only eyes for my Alpha...

... and therein lay my other problem.

He was my Alpha.

Just thinking of the possibilities of being my Alpha's mate made my loins stir again and I quickly ducked back around the corner of the strange, metallic fortress as my Alpha strode in the opposite direction. I followed quietly. I felt like I was somewhat dishonouring him or betraying him for sneaking around behind his back but I reasoned that I was not truly sneaking or stalking him.

Just following at a considerable distance... while I controlled myself.

Alphas could choose whomever they mated and were never asked to mate. It was their prerogative to ask and never be asked. Thus, despite my feelings for my Alpha, I cannot ask him to be my mate for the simple reason that it is simply not the way of the Tribe.

Even though it tortured me every day to know that he would sleep with that feline who was so insecure about himself and could never love him as much as I do... I had to keep my silence and ensure that I do not break the sacred bond between an Alpha and his pack.

"Jacob! Are you alright!?"

I froze. I recognised that voice.

It belonged to the female whose farm I had ravaged time and again. Guilt buried itself deep inside me again as I realised that I had dishonoured my tribe and my pack for having damage the property of a friend of my Alpha. I also realised that it was through my actions that my Alpha may have become involved in this mess that lead to so many people suffering...

... then again, we would never have met but the shaman prophesised we would meet so perhaps it was the spirits doing...

"Shana!" my Alpha exclaimed, the relief in his voice bright and welcoming. His voice reverberated in my heart, plucking the strings in practiced gestures that reminded me of my devotion and affection towards my Alpha. "You're better! Thank god!"

The two embraced and I watched in a distance as they exchanged pleasantries.

"That was an amazing fight against Marcus," Shana McLeod said with a chuckle.

"Thanks... How's Darren?"

"Making preparations."

"Preparations? For what?"

"When we get back to the farm of course!" The female struck my Alpha with her elbow and I was halfway down the hallway with my hackles raised when I saw my Alpha laugh and strike her back.

Was that a gesture similar to the 'pawshake'?

Or the 'kiss'...?

Rillotian culture is so confusing.

"We have every confidence that you and your friends will set things right again," Shana said, a bright smile on her face.

"I don't think things will ever be 'right' again," my Alpha sighed softly. Then he grinned at her. "But at the very least, we can keep pushing forward."

"Taking a lesson from Gale, I see." The female folded her arms with a confident smile on her face. "Now you take care of my little chimp, ya hear? He's very fragile."

The sad smile on my Alpha's lips filled me with sorrow as well. I held begrudging admiration for Gale as well. Strength was one globally recognised amongst my tribe and the other tribes of Oxis. He had managed to best my Alpha - though I think my Alpha allowed him to win - so that made him worthy of respect. Additionally, he defended me as I was accused by Winston Boswins 'lawyers'. Again, he gained my respect.

To hear of him degrade to such a state...

"I'll do my best, Shana," my Alpha reassured her. "I can't promise anything, though. At the very least, I can set his heart at ease..."

"Just do your best, Jacob. We all want to reach for the stars at one point or another but we have to be careful not to get too close or we'll get burned. Hope is good... but keep things realistic, okay?"

"Thanks Shana. I will."

The two embraced one more time before parting ways. I followed my Alpha, my erection now suitably subsided. I quickened my pace to catch up with him.


My heart froze and I immediately ducked behind the next corner.

That feline surged up to my Alpha - looked around - before hugging him tightly.

"Hey there," my Alpha laughed. I heard them kiss tenderly. I knew that this was my Alpha's moment alone with his chosen mate so I should have left. However, my feet refused to move. "What's this all of the sudden?"

"What? I can't greet you without arousing suspicion?"

"Taylor," my Alpha said, his voice suddenly grave, "you're kind of sending me mixed signals here. I can understand that you don't want yourself outed to people and you'd prefer to keep your escapades a secret but one minute you can't even touch me after I woke up from a crippling injury and now you're all over me.

"What are we exactly? I mean, to each other."

They were mates... and it broke my heart.

"Oh... Oh god..." Taylor whispered softly. "You think we're... Oh Jay... I'm sorry... I didn't mean to lead you on. We're not a couple... are we? I mean, I agreed to go with you and not as your boyfriend."

My ears perked up and I was suddenly pressing myself against the edge of the wall, eager to catch every word.

"I thought as much," my Alpha sighed. "So am I just your random sex toy then?"

"What!? No! Of course not! How could you say that!? You're more than that!"

My Alpha giggled. "I didn't mean it like that. I guess I'll just be your 'gay outlet' then. All that 'gay' has to be stored up somewhere, right? I suppose I'll have to settle for being that little switch that lets out all that steam."

Taylor peeled away from my Alpha. "Jay... You're nothing like that. You're my friend. A really close friend. Probably closer than we really should be... It isn't about the sex. Although that is great..."

My Alpha chucked and bobbed his head to side. "Yeah. Especially when you're all big and tall."

"Oooh! Did I corrupt someone into a muscle fetish?"


Taylor giggled. "Anyway... We're not a couple Jacob... But we're... _bene_friends. I'll be there for you if you ever need to vent or need someone who will understand the stuff others can't. I just hope you'll be there for me..."

"Of course. But I charge extra for therapy sessions." My Alpha winked at the cougar.

"I bet your 'therapy' involves lots of explosions and killing."

"Destroying the existence of others is surprising therapeutic. Worked for me for quite a while."

"No thanks. I think I'll just stick to the sex." Taylor bent in and kissed my Alpha's cheek before winking at him. "Anyway, did you want me to help you get some rest before we head off?"

My Alpha rolled his shoulder. "Tempting but I'd like to face Gale not stinking of sex, sweat and you. I have to have some dignity, after all."

Taylor laughed and sauntered a few metres away. "True enough. We wanna fight him at our best not when we're exhausted from a night of muscle-love. Raincheck?"

"Count on it."

I had to clean my ears.

Did I hear correctly?

My Alpha hadn't picked his mate?

Or rather, his potential mate had refused him?

Any male - or female - would be insane to refuse a mighty specimen like my Alpha.

Either way, it is not my place to exploit this fact. It would be incredibly dishonourable of me.

I turned to slink into the shadows -

"Oh and have you seen Leo?" my Alpha asked. "I wanted to talk to him."

My heart jumped to my throat...

He wanted to talk to... me...?

"Not since your little exhibition match with Marcus."

"Huh... If you see him, I'll be in my room getting ready for tomorrow."

"Try to get some sleep, okay?"

"Why bother? I won't anyway."

I waited until Taylor had passed by before I emerged from the dark corridor and headed straight to my Alpha's room. If he wished to speak to me, then it was my duty to appear before him. This had nothing to do with his availability to a relationship. I was not going to court him or even express my interest in him.

No... this was merely a formality.

Curse my excited heartbeat!

I arrived at my Alpha's room and his scent was thickest here. I steeled myself and knocked on the door. There was a 'doorbell' but it made unholy sounds and I didn't trust them. I think they trapped spirits in there just like they trapped people in Seals, using them for their evil purposes. I could not imagine why these Rillotians would abuse spirits while hating MODD for using people.

But I will follow my Alpha to the ends of the earth even if his views are contradicting.

"Who is it?"

"It is me, Alpha," I said, keeping my voice calm.

The door slid open and there was my dashingly handsome Alpha. "Ah, just the wolf I wanted to see. Come in."

I stepped into my Alpha's room. His scent was so strong that it took all my will not to jump onto his bed, strip off my loincloth and raise my tail, begging him to mount and claim me like I had done the first time. He had made it clear, however, that I did not need to claim him through that method and just with those words alone, he claimed my soul.

I gave it willingly.

"Have a seat, Leo."

There were no other chairs and it was only on his bed... but I dare not trust myself and merely sat on the floor, crossing my legs. My Alpha gave me a curious look and sat on his mattress.

"You wished to speak to me, Alpha?"

He nodded. "Yeah... I was wondering about this prophecy of yours. What exactly was it?"

I remembered the day that the shamans told me what my Pilgrimage would be. At first, I was apprehensive when I was told that I would leave my home and travel to the alien lands of Rillotia but then I was excited in the knowledge that I would find an Alpha there. My brother and father bid me goodbye in the traditional way - my brother implanted his seed into me to grant me strength and I drank my father's semen so that I would always remember my roots.

I miss them every day but with the coming of my Alpha, I find myself yearning for their company less and less with each passing minute.

"The shamans took me to their tent and told me that I will find a great leader, a great and powerful Alpha in the lands of Rillotia that would have hair the colour of the richest gold, eyes of the deepest, most precious sapphire and fur as black as the night. He also told me that my Alpha would open the Greatest Door to bridge the gaps between our worlds and guide us all into a better existence."

My Alpha frowned slightly and I feared that I had displeased him. I thought quickly... I stared at his bare footpaws and an idea struck me. Quickly, I bent down on all fours and scrambled to his feet, gently lapping out with my tongue at his toes.

He immediately jerked away.

"Whoa! Hey! What are you doing!? I'm pretty darn sure no one here told you that is a way of expressing affection!"

More fear struck me.

Why could I never get anything right!?

"I am sorry, Alpha," I whimpered, sitting back. "I thought I had offended you..."

I kept my eyes low. I was not worthy to look into his eyes... his beautiful, sapphire-blue eyes...

"You didn't offend me, Leo. You just... gave me a lot to think about." He gently cupped my chin and forced me to look at him... I became lost in his gaze. "Are you sure that's all your shaman said?"

I could barely nod.

"Right..." He sighed and slid aside on his bed, patting the mattress beside him.

My heart skipped a beat. Was he inviting me to share a bed with him?

I had not even courted him!

Or did he know my thoughts...?

Were his powers that vast?

Quickly so as not to offend him, it got up and sat beside him, the warmth from our bodies quickly causing my manhood to rise. I blushed profusely and prayed that he did not notice.

Was he testing me?

Was he trying to ensure that I could be a good member of his pack and resist my urges to maintain honour?

"So now that you've found me, Leo," he said, "what are your goals?"

"To be with you, my Alpha." I meant that in every sense...

"No, no." My Alpha waved his paws. "You can't just want what I want. You have to want something. A goal. An objective. Something that drives you forward beyond your... loyalty to me."

My response was immediate that I never though it through clearly. "I desire a mate."

"Now we're getting somewhere," he chuckled, smiling at me. "But beyond that. Everyone wants a partner. It's sort of why we have these." He jostled his own manhood and I had to fight hard to resist my urges. "What else do you want?"

I gave it some thought... Truly, I desired nothing more than to be with my Alpha... I am a simple wolf by Rillotian standards. My needs were simple compared to theirs... I simply did not want anything else but my Alpha... But perhaps...

"I wish to learn more about Rillotian society," I answered truthfully. "So that I will not humiliate and dishonour you as well as bring back knowledge to my tribesmen."

It was true... to an extent...

Perhaps, if I could make myself more like my Alpha, he would pick me...

... I must seem like a dirty animal to him...

My Alpha chuckled. "I guess that's a good enough reason to come along then aside from your Brand. I just needed to make sure that you're following me for more reasons than just some 'prophecy' or some sense of duty."

I was confused. What else was there? "Alpha?"

"Leo," he said gravely, "you have to understand that where I'm going, what I'm going to do, things are going to get really rough. Death is always around the corner and so is tragedy and loss. If you're coming with me, I don't want you getting cold feet. I want you to come along because you want to not because I'm forcing you to.

"I don't want you dying because of me."

I fell in love with him all the more.

In my tribe, countless soldiers would die for their Alpha willingly or not. If the Alpha was mad, they would still die even if they disagreed. Dishonour was worse than death. They truly had no choice in the matter.

But here was my Alpha... giving me the choice to follow him into battle. Choice was something my tribe rarely enjoyed even with Alpha status. We were bound by the spirits... and our superiors.

Not only that, but my Alpha was essentially offering himself for me. He did not wish me to sacrifice myself for him... In not so many words, he claimed he would die for me. It was a first for someone of my upbringing but it was not unwelcome... Many legends were told of Alphas who sacrificed themselves for the betterment of their tribe... I remembered those stories fondly for I had dreamed to be one of those Alphas...

... and I found myself in the presence of one.

"I will follow you wherever you go, my Alpha," I said resolutely, forcing back the tears. "Because I choose to."

My Alpha smiled and patted my paw. "Thank you, Leo. That set my heart at ease." Then his smile took a mischievous edge. "So... A mate huh? Got some hot girl waiting for you back at Oxis? Someone with a big bust no doubt."

I suddenly blushed. "Erm... No... I am too young... to have mating privileges. While I am the son of the village chief - their current and my former Alpha - I am still considered a child. I must wait until my twentieth summer to have mating rights and even then, I must place relatively high in an annual tournament to be considered worthy of the finest females."

"Okay, first of," my Alpha said, raising a finger, "do not treat women like they're beneath you. Most Rillotian women can hand your ass to you. Secondly, you're in my pack, now right?"

"Yes..." I answered nervously.

He leaned in, grinning at me from ear to ear. "So I'm giving you permission to pursue whomever you want. You want Christy? Seriously! Go for her." His tone turned bitter. "Could you crush her as you orgasm too? It'd be an ironic death."

I couldn't hide my blush or my erection anymore but I was grateful he was still focused on my face. "Anyone...?"

"Anyone at all!" Jacob answered with a grin. "In fact I'd love you to try and screw Max! That'd be fun! See how closeted he can stay after you rape his ass and he actually enjoys it!"

"Are you sure anyone?"

"For the last time," he said, shaking my shoulder playfully, "yes! Anyone!"

I swallowed loudly. "Even if that someone is you?"


He froze... his eyes wide.

I had suspected this...

I was undesirable... A young, inexperienced male without rank apart from the son of a former pack... I could not be my Alpha's mate...

"Me...? You want... me?"

I ducked my head and stood up. "I am sorry to have insulted you, Alpha. I will understand if you wish to demote me to Omega or -"

I felt his paws in mine... and slowly, he pulled me back to the bed. My legs wanted to remain standing but my knees buckled and I was suddenly face to face with him again.

"You want me to be your....?"

"Mate..." I barely stammered. I was breathing so fast that I didn't get any actual air in my lungs.

"Leo... I -"

My words came tumbling out. "I would forever be there for you, my Alpha!" I begged, falling to my knees at his feet. "I will provide for you, learn from you, fight for you and protect you with my life! I'd love you forever and support every decision you make! I will never leave your side!"

I meant every word.

Each and every word.

He was silent.

I held my breath... awaiting his reply.

"Leo... I'm not the best at relationships -" He stopped suddenly and I looked up to see what he was saying. He was muttering something from the corner of his lips like he was conversing with someone.

Was he speaking to the spirits?

I heard the word, 'Spectre' somewhere there.

Then he took a deep breath and sighed.

"Leo... You guys mate for life, correct?"

"Yes and no," I stammered, the tears almost out. "As my Alpha, should you choose another mate, I will comply. But it will not stop how much I love you..."

"Right... 'love'..." he whispered. "What if... What if you chose someone else?"

"That is not possible."

"Hypothetically, if you did. What then?"

Such a thing happened before, of course. There were many tragedies in my tribe's history where an Alpha's mate fell in love with another but could not be released from their bond. Several attempted to assassinate their Alpha - some succeeded - but I could never do that to my Alpha. I loved him dearly. He offered me freedom, strength and knowledge... all things that my tribe truly valued with only our ties to one another topping them all.

"I... I would ask for your permission... but you would always be free to refuse."


Again silence.

I bit my lower lip, trying to keep myself from breaking into tears.

"Then... In that case, I've got two conditions..."

I started... Was he actually...?

"Firstly," my Alpha said, "stop calling me 'Alpha'. My name is Jacob. Jacob Reaper. Secondly, if you ever fall in love with anyone else, never be afraid to tell me. Got that?"

... he was...!

"Of course!" I exclaimed excitedly.

My Alpha - no... Jacob - chuckled softly. "Wow... So it's love at first sight with you guys, huh?"

I beamed, the tears flowing down my cheeks freely. I was not ashamed however. I had come under the greatest Alpha in all time and I was his mate! "For me, it was..."

"Well, I'll say that you - Ah!"

I began lapping at his feet again. Regardless of our mateship status, I was still below him as Alpha. I wanted to show him that he owned me. He moaned softly as I dug my tongue between his toes, cleaning his feet and relishing the taste of his flesh. I gently gripped his foot and suckled on his big toe causing him to shudder.

My heart was pounding hard in my chest as I slowly diverted my licks up from his toes to his ankle. I saw the muscles on his calves and marvelled at how strong they were. Gently, I massaged them along with his feet and felt the iron-like muscles beneath his thick, luscious fur.

His paws suddenly wrapped around the sides of my head and I glanced up as he pulled me into his bed. Our arms intertwined and I could sense and smell his arousal. I was thrilled that he had chosen me and that I was pleasuring him so but that was all quickly fading into a hot haze. I was panting, the heat in my groin rising as my erection strained my loincloth. I leaned in towards him, licking his neck affectionately.

His body was so amazing... While not as big as me, he was my idol... my Alpha.

I felt his paws wrap around my back, massaging me gently and nuzzling my cheeks.

Then our lips met while my tongue was halfway out of my muzzle. A soft smile touched his lips as he wrapped his muzzle around my tongue, sucking on it and drawing my closer into him. I twisted my head instinctively to the side so that our muzzles could fit together in the perfect union. I felt his hot breath wash into my lungs as our bodies pressed together.

I decided at that point that I liked kissing.

He lapped at my muzzle, sucking me closer and closer to him with his tongue exploring every inch of my muzzle. I tentatively set out to explore his own muzzle, gently gliding my tongue over the borders of his lips and losing myself as I painting a picture of them in my mind.

His paws wrapped around my loin cloth and he removed it quite deftly throwing it aside. I whimpered softly as I realised he was still fully clothed. I could not understand the fascination of Rillotians for clothing but I also remembered that my Alpha's clothing was made of an incredibly strong material that was like his armour.

Thinking of my Alpha in armour aroused me further, my ten inch manhood leaking precum all over his chest.

He broke the kiss first and I was left yearning for more, licking at his nose and begging like a pup needing to be fed from his mother's tit or his father's member.

"Help me out of this," he said with a sly smile.

"I do not know where to start..."

He pulled me back in, kissing my cheek tenderly before placing his lips next to my right ear. "This is a learning experience. You'll be doing a lot of undressing pretty soon..."

His words were logical. We were to essentially betrothed to be mated but nothing would be set until we performed the Mating Ritual and my mateship was recognised by my father and the rest of the tribe. In the mean time, we would ritualistically mate three times every month on the full moon and whenever my Alpha desired.

I hoped he would desire my company very often.

With shaking paws, I reached for his coat and fumbled with the 'buttons'. He chuckled at my clumsiness and I blushed a little. My blush intensified when his paws wrapped around mine and guided me in the process. I relieved him of his coat, exposing his powerfully built torso that was still clothed beneath a 'T-shirt'. I reached for the sides of the shirt and slowly pulled it off his body.

It was like peeling a beautifully wrapped gift or a member emerging from a sheath. His body was simply amazing. Every muscle was rock-hard, defined through battle and radiating strength. Thick, golden fur crowned his torso in the shape of a heart, making a trail towards his nether regions like a golden crown to signify his authority.

I leaned in, taking a whiff of his heavenly scent and gently brushing my cheek against his thick chest fur. The sheer contact sent my inhibitions flying.

"Oh... Jacob..." I moaned. "Please... Mate me with me..."

I felt his paws gently rub the back of my head, pressing me closer against his chest, sending me sailing through the forest of golden fur. I could hear his heartbeat and it was pounding in tandem with my own... A chorus of love and affection...

"I thought you'd never ask."

His powerful arms wrapped around me and flipped me over so that I was suddenly on my back. I saw his face only briefly before we were locked once more in a kiss that sent my freed member burning for release and my ass yearning for his manhood in me.

I really liked kissing.

Soft jingling met my ears and I noticed him pulling off his 'pants' and discarding them.

For the first time, I saw my Alpha's member.

Disregard my former statement.

Side does matter.

And my Alpha's manhood was the ultimate symbol of his position and his manliness.

I realised I was_very_ lucky.

I whimpered softly at the foot-long size. He smiled gently at me and bent down, seizing my bright, red member in one paw.

"Jacob...?" I began but my words were cut off as he ran his tongue up from the base of my member all the way up to the tip. I was both confused and ridiculously aroused.

Why was he doing this?

Was it some Rillotian mating ritual?

I was his mate... He was my superior... He should not be suckling on my member for it possesses inferior seed to his own. The only time we should do so is during the Mating Ritual...

"Why...?" I whimpered.

He winked at me. "Hey, I'm not the only one getting off tonight."

Before I could register what he said, his lips found my testicles, lapping up at them and suckling on them tenderly. I moaned in ecstasy. I had never felt so much pleasure before. My other couplings were all formalities and it was rare that I orgasmed. But my Alpha was ensuring that I orgasmed as well as he did!

I loved him all the more.

His tongue ran up and down my manhood, sending wave upon wave of hot bliss shooting up my body. My claws dug deep into the mattress beneath him as I desperately tried to hold myself. I would not orgasms until my Alpha did. It would be a dishonour and an insult to his virility.

But his tongue felt so good!

My precum was spilling out onto my chest wildly, thickening with each passing second. Sweat covered my body and each of my muscles tensed as I was about to reach my limit. I considered transforming into my Brand Form to give myself more strength and endurance but then I remember how hard I had to fight to keep myself in check in that form. If it were not for the countless MODD troops I had to tear down during the raid on Skystorm Tower, I would have begged my Alpha to mount me then and there.

"Ooooh! Jacob..." I moaned. His name was like music to my ears. I simply loved it...


Suddenly, the assault on my manhood stopped and I blinked in surprise.

My shock was soon replaced by another, different wave of pleasure when the tip of his foot-long black cock found the edges of my ass. I could not help myself. I moaned loudly and thrust my groin upwards. My action impaled myself on his manhood.

Feeling him inside me almost drove me past the barriers of my resistances.

"God... you're so sexy..." he whispered. "Man... You're so big, Leo... So big and strong..." My Alpha bent over and gave my cock one last lick - bringing me to another moan - as he began thrusting into me. With each thrust, he pushed deeper and deeper into me. Inch by inch, his muzzle left my member and began kissing each of my strong, highly defined abdominal muscles. I quivered with each kiss.

Did I mention I love kissing?

His paws guided my thighs over his shoulders and I looped them together, pulling him closer into me as he penetrated me with his amazing manhood. The heat radiating from that member filled me completely and I could feel it moving and twitching inside me, coming closer and closer to when it would spill his seed into my.

I threw my head back and moaned. His paws moved to my pectorals, massaging the mounts there in tandem with his thrusts. I was lost in each of his gestures but there was a tiny part of me that couldn't believe I was so lucky not to only find an Alpha that was as kind and strong as Jacob Reaper but also a lover who cared for my needs as well.

It was not just about the mating...

There was emotion there...

Suddenly, a fresh wave of pleasure hit me as his lips found my nipples. I think I cried out like a female in heat at that point. What followed was all lost in a brilliant blur of fur, muscle, sweat and his amazing scent.

He was thrusting wildly into me. I could feel his knot forming. Mine was well and truly out and with his powerful body compressing my member between our abdominals, I was quickly over the edge.

I roared in true ecstasy as my seed spilling out between us, gluing us together as he continued to thrust into me. With each thrust, my member pressed between our abdominal muscles, squeezing every bit of my semen out of my member. We ground our bodied hard against one another, spreading my seed and building that heat between us.

My muzzle was suddenly filled with his as we assaulted one another's tonsils again. I felt his knot surge into me and his thrusts take on a wild, feverish pace.

A deep howl was building in my chest, each pump of my heart building it in volume... building, building... and building...

I couldn't hold on onto his kiss any longer.

I threw back my head and howled...

I howled so loudly I think my ancestors and the spirits all heard my joy.

I wasn't alone either...

Jacob - my Alpha, my beautiful, courageous, loving Alpha - howled with me.

I orgasmed for a second time.

I felt his hot seed fill me as he too reached his climax.

We must have lain there, pouring our seed all over each other for an entire three minutes. My mind was slow to recover from wild pleasure I felt. I had not even noticed that I had started crying nor did I remember wrapping my arms around my Alpha.

We lay there... in each other's arms.

I heard him drift off into peaceful slumber, my semen sticking us perfectly together...

... while his member floating in his seed, buried deep within me.

He and I were mates...

Even should the world end tomorrow, I would be satisfied.

I couldn't be happier.