Royal Duties

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#56 of Commissions & Gifts

You know, the really hard part of uploading something a year after you wrote it is skimming through it to know what tags to put on, and this had 58 pages, so you can guess how much of a pain that was. I don't really like reading.

"But Manny, aren't you posting Pussy with a Pussy Chapter 2 in small breaks precisely because of that?" Shhhhhhhh... Shhh.

This was a commission for, who is a very good friend and I love him. It's also the third such commission, and they're all interconnected, so consider reading those as well if you haven't. There's another one coming as well, maybe I should put them in their separate folder as well, I'll think about it.

All characters © Prolly

Prolly stepped up to the massive building, and suddenly felt even smaller than he already was. The young orcish prince sighed, his petit, pale gray body stretching all the way up to the blue hairdo that stood proudly atop his head, perhaps as an attempt to make himself bigger. No attempt would ever make him amount to what this temple was like.

All around him spread the cavernous expanse of the kingdom's capital, rock walls standing as far up as the eye could see, before coming together and covering the entire city with what could only be called a stone ceiling; even after living here his whole life, Prolly was aware of how peculiar it was for a city to exist inside a hollowed out mountain. Yet, they were able to live thanks to that giant crystal resting well above their heads, embedded to the mountain and shining down on them like a gentle second sun- Or first, as far as some of them were concerned.

The mother crystal was the source of his kingdom's prosperity, its power borrowed by the people, the royal family in particular. It constantly shone upon the city, acting as the passage of time as well as a source of power; why, it's furious shine right now told the young prince it was close to noon, and his stomach started grumbling accordingly. It was such an important part of their lives, he wondered why it wasn't revered as the divine element it probably was...

"May we go in, Your Majesty?" he turned around when he heard that voice, coming across a pair of tall, muscular orcs in tight leather vests, each of them with a hand by their hips, resting on the handle of their swords. Prolly noticed that their clothes strained to contain the prominent chests they both sported, buttons threatening to jump out any second simply because of the strength of their cleavage, but he didn't think much of it. It felt weird to do so in this particular place.

"It's fine. I can go on my own," he said as he looked to the massive building once again, the same feeling as before invading him. It was different this time, however; the enormous temple made him feel small, but not unprotected. It was as if he was allowed to feel small because such a place was there to keep him safe. "You may return to your duties now."

"Sir, I don't think it's wise-

"I'll be fine, really! I'm more than capable of defending myself if it comes to it," Prolly tried his best to ease their worries, but the orcs were still reluctant. One of them bit his upper lip with his tusks, holding back from saying anything else, but that was the last thing Prolly said before ignoring them, his gaze returning to the enormous temple. "Besides, you know how some of these clerics get when too many people interrupt their activities. You should never make religious men angry."

He said it with a chuckle that slowly died out as he kept staring at the building. The giant marble walls, the pristine white that shone even harder from the light of the mother crystal that hung right above this ancient building, were simply breathtaking, no matter how often Prolly came around and saw them. It was surprising that no one else did, as evidenced by the empty streets all around him, but that meant many things on its own, such as the ability for a royal to just stand there without risk. It made taking in this picture all the sweeter.

"Very well..." the same orc said, making both, the prince and his partner turn around to see him. Despite the evident worry in his eyes, he remained firm. "However, be sure to exercise caution, Your Majesty. Remember that the cleric guild and the temple acolytes don't exist within the royal family's rule; you don't have as much power here. That already puts you at risk-

"Stop," the one who spoke was his partner, for the first time since they picked him up in the castle. Prolly had been convinced until now that he was a mute, which only made his booming voice more surprising. His words, however, were meant for the first orc. "You're getting out of line."

"I... am," he replied before bowing deeply to the young prince, further shocking him. "My sincerest apologies, Your Majesty! I just urge you to please be careful!"

"I-It's fine, don't worry about it," was all Prolly managed to say. Despite growing up used to others serving him and worrying about his reactions, the overly earnest type still surprised him to this day. He bowed as well, only with his head and much less profusely, as a form of farewell, before walking over to the temple. He only looked over his shoulder once, seeing the silent orc with an arm around his partner's shoulders, pulling him over on their way out, and a smile appeared on the half feline prince's face.

The second he entered the massive building, everything about the outside world stopped mattering. He was taken by the tall columns of pristine white rock polished to perfection, the perfect floors that seemed to expand endlessly, and the walls decorated with crystalline runes and details all the way to the ceiling. It was impressive how this place managed to be so opulent, and at the same time so humble in its austerity. He noticed a few robed figures walking around gigantic vestibule and his relentless gawking stopped, suddenly conscious about what these men of faith would think of their prince if they saw him in such a state.

The guard's words found their way into his mind again, and Prolly couldn't help thinking about what these clerics really meant to the kingdom. Truly, the church existed as a separate entity from the royal family, and the kingdom as a whole; more of an addendum to the ruling body than an actual subject or part of it. As far as he was aware, they were a secretive order formed around the time of his late grandfather's rule, tasked with the important duty of tending to the mother crystal and ensuring it kept functioning; calling it a temple was more of an old formality, just like their robes or even their status as clerics. There was no divine adoration aimed towards the crystal, or at least none that he was aware of, and they served a role closer to mystical engineers of sorts. Of course, if any of them heard him say so, the scorn he would get could very easily lead to a rift between them and the royal family.

His thoughts were starting to get darker, and he soon realized they were becoming a very effective distraction. There was no way he was about to let anything keep him from his task, and so, the prince shyly reached to one of the acolytes just as he walked past him; a tall man that, once he took off the shining white hood, revealed himself as an orange feline similar to him. Just seeing this man was enough to suddenly calm Prolly down.

"Your Majesty!" the man's shock spoke before the prince could, and he gave a light bow to him. Separate entities or not, there was still enough respect and reverence among them to speak to the royal family in what he had been taught was an appropriate tone. A moment of typically feline smugness that Prolly allowed himself as the cleric talked. "You grace us with your presence, sir. To what do we owe the visit?"

"I am here on behalf of the King in response to a request from the head cleric. He asked for my presence, specifically. I believe to aid him in some matters that, by the tone of his letter, could only be tended by me in person," he kept explaining, as silver-tongued as ever, but it was all to the cat's visible confusion. "Didn't you... Were you not notified of this?"

"I can't say for sure... In any case, feel free to come with me, if you please," the cleric took a step back to give him room before walking further into the temple. Prolly followed with a gentle step to keep a polite distance as they walked up the winding staircase, but his eyes never abandoned the other feline. "It is possible that we received a reply, but I don't think any of us know about it. The head cleric is an efficient man, you see; he would only inform the acolytes who will play a role on the task he has ready for you, while keeping the rest from hearing unnecessary information."

"Oh! That's..." he stopped himself right there before any thoughtless words came out of his mouth. And right after he thought to himself about the delicate relationship between his family and the church. But true to his feline nature, the cleric looked over his shoulder; as partially a cat on his own, Prolly was perfectly aware he wouldn't let this topic go so easily. He was better off resigning to it. "Withholding information is often the first sign towards a tyrannical rule. Of course, that's on a much bigger scale and it makes for a poor comparison, but..." he stopped again, this time because the cleric couldn't help his light chuckle.

"I perfectly understand what you mean, Your Majesty. No need to concern yourself with too much etiquette just yet," his words were clearly meant to help ease Prolly down, but the prince was now busy thinking instead about how lucky he was to get a seemingly more laidback cleric. "It's true that withholding information may look like a suspicious choice from the outside, but the head cleric simply doesn't want to distract us with irrelevant details. We focus on performing our labors without letting our minds wander to ideas that don't concern us. Besides, delivering information to all the acolytes in this temple would take far too long. Like I said, he just values efficiency."

"Right..." Prolly left the word hanging to try and stop the conversation. He more or less saw the cleric's perspective, and understood what the head cleric meant to do. But it didn't stop that uncomfortable feeling from crawling up his spine. It was luckily fading away as soon as they reached a shining door, which the prince realized was thanks to the crystals embedded on the edges in more intricate designs. The feline acolyte stopped there and turned over to him, with yet another bow as the light from the crystals bounced off his eyes.

"We're here. The head cleric is on the other side, probably waiting for Your Majesty's arrival as we speak," and with a quick glance around to confirm that there was no one else around, the cat leaned forward, until he was close enough to the prince that no one would hear his words anyway. "Please don't ponder on my words for too long. I know it may have sounded strange to you, but this is just the way the head cleric likes to run things, and it works. He's fundamentally a good man. I urge Your Majesty to keep that in mind."

There was a peculiar mix of emotions in his voice; a notable concern, but one that Prolly couldn't pinpoint a target for. Before he had a chance to ask, the feline was already standing back up and walking down the hallway, the same way they had taken to get here, leaving the prince alone. It took Prolly a moment to realize that it meant he was the one to step inside these magnificent doors, and his nerves almost got the best of him for a second. He was a prince, of course, but on the other side was a religious man meant to be held in as much reverence as he himself was.

A sigh, followed by the prince lightly smacking his cheeks to get himself together. He was a royal, the future king, no less! Awkwardly standing in front of a door, wallowing in his worries, was unbecoming. Thus, his hand landed on the door's handle and he gently pushed it open.

The room on the other side was probably some sort of office, but the moment Prolly laid eyes on it, a giant library came to mind instead. Several bookshelves rose up to the ceiling, each one crammed with books of countless colors that seamlessly mixed with the still prevalent white of the wood, the marble floor and what little furniture he saw. Between the two bookshelves, in the middle of the room, was a small table surrounded by couches, with a tray and several silver cups on top, likely to entertain visitors, as few as there may have been in such a sacred place. And further up, towards the back of the room, was an enormous white desk upon which several open books rested, their pages flipped by a pair of gargantuan hands every few seconds.

That's where Prolly's gaze landed in the end, predictably drawn towards the sheer size of the man on the other side of the desk. A tall, imposing figure, almost comically lurching over his desk with his face buried on the many tomes. His wizened face was framed by thick, luscious green hair and a beard peppered with silver hair, only adding to his attractive. A pair of small glasses rested on top of his nose, and the green eyes shone with a certain quality to them that the young prince had no words for; it was oddly similar to the glow of the crystal above the capital.

Ah, but those were only temporal distractions, as expected. Prolly soon looked down, his eyes attracted as if by the intense gravity, of a pair of enormous tits. Regular robes would already have a hard time containing such impressive heft, but this time in particular they were trapped behind a surprisingly tight piece of cloth, the cleavage being the first thing that jumped at the prince. It was so deep, it almost felt impossible, and the tanned skin was covered in a carpet of green hairs that looked so inviting, he was already feeling his pants tighten. They were so ridiculously large, he had to keep the books a few inches away, leaning forward with his head practically leaning on top of his tits as if they were pillows- Prolly would love to use them as pillows, fuck...

But that wasn't what he was here for, no matter how badly he wanted to get it on. With a short cough, the small orc got the head priest's attention, and the frown in his face was replaced by a shocked expression, a hint of surprise as he realized he was no longer alone in his office. Only now that he looked straight up at his face did Prolly notice the pair of tiny horns sprouting from his head, and they only added to his appeal, almost making him squeal.

"Your Majesty! Goodness, my apologies, I was so engrossed in my work, I failed to notice your arrival! How shameful of me," the priest was quick to jump out of his chair, properly revealing his sheer enormity. Standing up in full, he was easily three, maybe four times as tall as Prolly himself, and at least twice as wide. He easily rivaled his father in size, and he wouldn't be surprised to see that bulk in some of their greatest knights. Yet, he spoke like the dedicated scholar he really was. "Is everything ok, Your Majesty?"

"What?" Prolly looked back up, only then realizing he had been staring at this gigantic man and his delectable midsection. It was impossible not to, honestly, with how ridiculously large he was and how those white robes hugged to his body, showing every bit of definition underneath. Perhaps it would be more accurate to say that he was naked and painted in white, save for that bit of bare cleavage that still drove the prince mad. And he realized he was staring again instead of answering the head priest's question. "Yes! Yes, everything is perfectly fine, sir. Don't worry about anything. I, uh... W-Why did you request my presence today?"

"Ah! Of course, my apologies once again," he bowed profusely, but that only gave Prolly an even clearer view of the inside of his cleavage. God, he was killing him. "It is quite the story, really. To properly explain, I must first ask, you remember our last encounter, correct?"

A blush instantly painted the prince's cheeks, and he took a bit of a step back almost out of instinct. It had been a few months already, but he still remembered the day as clear as if it had been yesterday. The punishment his father inflicted upon him, and the hours of pent up frustration as he was pushed to the limits of his arousal, the man in front of him being one of the guilty parties. Had it been any other day, he would've destroyed his ass all day long... And now, he was considering doing exactly that yet again.

"I see you still have some reservations regarding the events of that day," Prolly wanted to correct him right away, to tell him that it was something they should explore further instead, but the head priest beat him to it. "That isn't why I asked for you to come today, however. On that day, you were performing certain errands and tasks for the church; an effort on your father's part to improve the relationship between the royal family and the church, correct?"

"I... believe that is correct, yes," but the truth is, he wasn't sure. He thought so much about the errands in the context of his punishment, he never considered what the actions themselves meant in the greater context of things. With what he knew of the church and the royal family, and what his escorts said a few minutes before, it actually made perfect sense. It was certainly the kind of thing his father would do. "But what does that have to do with my visit today?"

"I also wish to improve the relationships between both of our houses, Your Majesty. And while I understand it's uncouth to request a man of your standing to perform for us, His Highness agreed to my idea when I presented it to him," Prolly knew the head priest was explaining himself, but his words were only confusing him further, making him tilt his head. It got a quick chuckle out of the much larger man. "To put it in simple terms, I want you to do a few more errands for the church today. This time of a slightly more personal nature, I'll admit it, but nonetheless relevant to our main goal here."

"Oh! That's it? Yeah, easy peasy," the feline orc said it without thinking, instantly regretting his words. His back went stiff as he stared at the cleric, trying to figure out what went inside his head after such a blunder. "I-I mean, I, uh... have no problem taking this task- No, wait, I will undertake-

He stopped himself again, this time because of the massive man's voice ringing in his ear in the form of a hearty laughter. It was a booming sound, oddly warming, rumbling form the depths of his chest and easily filling the entire room. It was enough to ease Prolly, making his body relax as if it was embraced by the thickest blanket, while also stirring other things...

"Your Majesty, please, don't worry yourself with pleasantries or protocol. I would rather you treated me in a more casual, friendly manner, like your grandfather used to," that last bit got a shock from the feline orc that the cleric was quick to pick up on. "Yes, your grandfather and I were rather close back in the day. But more on that later, you have my word."

"A-Alright. Thank you very much, sir-

"Please, don't make me feel even older," he said with yet another laugh, before offering a hand to the smaller man. "You can call me Frederick. It's a pleasure to make a closer acquaintance of you, Your Majesty. I hope you don't consider me a hypocrite for continuing to use your title instead."

"Frederick..." he let it out with a sigh, feeling the name flow out of his lips. It fit the massive man. The tension in the air slowly faded away and Prolly took a step forward, reaching to grab that gargantuan hand in as firm a handshake as their size difference allowed it. "A pleasure to make your acquaintance as well. And with that out of the way, I have to ask, what kind of errands will you have me perform today?"

"Right to business. You have that in common with your grandfather as well, Your Majesty," Frederick chuckled, making the young prince blush yet again. "Let's not rush things, though. Have you ever had the chance to explore the inner sanctum of the temple?"

"No. There's a lot of everywhere I don't know, if I'm being honest. My duties leave me with little time to get familiar with most of the city," the prince admitted with just a bit of nostalgia. "I'm not even entirely familiar with the castle's layout, certain corners and rooms still surprise me to this day. Sometimes I'm convinced it's changing as time goes. And in my free time I tend to go to the town proper rather than sticking to the bigger buildings like this."

"Understandable, all of it. In that case, allow me to show you around," the priest walked to him, a hand landing on the young prince's back, rubbing between his shoulders. It was an innocent moment of closeness, but Prolly took the chance to have a closer look at that magnificent rack of his, mainly because it was almost impossible to see anything else with his view blocked by it. Those tits were simply that large, pressed tight enough that he swore he was seeing the outline of Frederick's nipples underneath the fabric.

"Lead the way," that was his last attempt to keep himself distracted; it would be easier not to think of that enormous chest if he weren't seeing it, and that would let him to focus on anything else.

And Frederick gave him a quick smile, stepping forward and opening the door, with the orc prince close by... staring at the incredibly large, exquisite pillow ass that jutted out, perfectly framed by those tight robes. The curve alone was pulling Prolly into its own orbit, and he realized he would have no moment of peace during this small trip.

They stayed like that for a few minutes, doing little more than walking in silence, the young feline admiring the decorated walls. It was the same route that cat priest had led him down, or at least he thought it was, and it made him wonder if Frederick was getting him back to the entrance. Until they walked down a different corner, one Prolly wasn't sure whether or not he recognized, and they came across a long hall, one side devoid of wall, looking over a large open area a few stories below. Out of curiosity, his eyes wandered all around this new place, realizing the same halls seemed to surround this sort of plaza in a hexagonal shape, each corner crowned by a thick, massive column of the same polished marble he had seen all over. The six halls that made it were open on both ends each, leading in twelve different directions, he realized; it made him wonder how large this temple really was.

Looking down, he saw a similar layout, but the floor on the bottom was covered in thick, bright green grass, bathed in an odd blue glow- Actually, it was all bathed in an odd blue glow; one he had failed to notice until this exact moment, because it was a hue he was simply too used to seeing. He looked up, staring as far as his neck would allow him: There was no ceiling to speak of, his eyes landing on the cave and-

"Holy..." he had to stop talking out of sheer awe. Right above them, on the other side of the hexagonal skylight, he came across the pure, incandescent light of the mother crystal, raining down upon this place, and the two of them as well. It was simply outstanding, breathtaking... He couldn't stop staring at it, his eyes practically crystallizing along with it, reflecting the light as they widened in pure shock. It was... an odd moment in which the young prince felt even smaller than he really was. And in that moment of awe, he realized that not a single bit of the mountain's rock was visible on the other side. His eyes only saw the crystal. "Are we... right underneath? Right in the center of the mother crystal?"

"You're also far more receptive than your late grandfather," Frederick's compliment didn't register all the way in his mind, still taken by the splendor of that cyan light, until he gently pulled his chin back towards him. Prolly blinked a few times, almost as if out of a trance. "Your Majesty, do tell, are you aware of what it is our clerical duty in this temple?"

"Your duty? To tend to the crystal, correct?"

"And what do you think tending to the crystal entails?" that... was a valid question, now that Prolly thought about it. A question he had no answer for. Frederick's eyes were the kind of big, shining pools you could get lost in without even trying, and he was slowly doing just that, leaving his thoughts hanging for the most part, but that one question lingered. "In order to explain what we do to the crystal, you first need to know what the point of the worship and tribute we give to it is. As a member of the royal family, I assume you do."

"It's power. We worship the mother crystal in exchange for its power," it was a practiced answer, something he heard from his teachers ever since he was a child, but only now he realized he never really understood what it meant. What kind of power, exactly?

As if reading his mind, Frederick reached for his hand and held it up; his enormous fingers made Prolly look even smaller, and the thought got the young prince to tremble. If he so chose to, this priest could easily snap him in half, and yet his touch was so unbelievably tender, it was making him blush.

Hopefully, Frederick didn't notice that, driving his attention to something else. Something prickled his palm, just enough to tickle it, and Prolly's feline curiosity took the best of him, making him squeeze the priest's hand harder, trying to figure out what it was that he held, if anything. He wanted to pull back to reveal this secret, but Frederick held him tighter, getting his blush to burn hotter as well. The prince started to grow tense, flustered for reasons that escaped him, until small sparks of blue light burst from their pressed palms, and tiny snowflakes fell from them, as if the two of them together were no longer able to contain them.

"This is..." not snowflakes, he soon realized. They shone on their own far too brightly to be such a simple, banal matter. It was something else, not quite of this realm. It didn't take him long to realize it was crystal dust, falling from them before vanishing in thin air, before even touching the floor.

"Crystal magic, that is correct," hearing Frederick confirm his suspicions was as reassuring as it was concerning. Of course, Prolly was familiar with this particular brand of arcane knowledge; he had seen his father perform fantastic feats before, mainly during his childhood, when he wanted to impress his children. He still clearly remembered the shining lights coming out of the king's hands, and the sense of wonder it caused in him and his brothers; even K'well looked up from his endless studies with mouth agape, while Alexander batted the bits of crystal dust floating around him. It was such a warm memory, it almost brought tears to the prince's eyes.

"Amazing..." he whispered when finally allowed to pull back, watching the small crystal that formed between their palms. It was perfectly spherical, looking more like a pearl than the jagged rock hanging above them, but it still shone with the same luminous blue color, pulling Prolly to it with its own gravity, much like its larger version often did. "But... how is it possible?"

He remembered. They had several tutors teaching them about the crystal, their history, its uses, its blessings. But in the end, those were just the words recorded in books; the one who held all the answers had always been the king himself, and for a time he taught all three princes personally, telling them the secrets of the crystals, showing them its true nature. So many images were clear in the young orc's head, from more light shows and crystals sprouting from the ground, to his uncle being dumbfounded by the mysterious nature of this magic that even he had been unable to handle. And...

Why... Why didn't he remember more? Their father just stopped using crystal magic, and then their personal lessons stopped. He remembered his words, that bits of this power existed in all members of their kingdom, in the royal family stronger than everyone, but that was it. Beyond that...

"I'm aware that you believe the royal family holds most of the mother crystal's power," the head priest said with a grin, and Prolly couldn't help but cling to that word, 'believe'. He reached and held the small pearl between his enormous index and thumb, rolling it playfully right in front of the prince's face, moving left and right, chuckling as his feline instincts made him turn around to follow it. "Not to speak poorly of your old tutors, but that is a gross misassumption, Your Majesty. Please, do not take my words too seriously, neither too lightly, for I do not brag. I simply state a fact when I say that my level of crystal magic is at least comparable to that of the royal family," and the pearl started to glow in his hand, before he flicked it off in the air. For a second, it floated around them in slowed time, as if sinking underwater, but in whatever direction it chose at the time. The glow grew brighter by the second, until it popped with a final burst, twisting around itself in a beautiful spiral of countless colors.


"It's only to be expected, don't you think? Given I spend the most time out of anyone in the kingdom tending to the crystal, my close proximity to it has... affected me, to a certain extent," he looked up to the mother crystal, its cyan glow washing over his body, detailing every curve and line in those exquisitely sculpted muscles. The curve of his pecs became a lot more evident when they cast a shadow from the crystal's light. But rather than the usual lust and arousal, Prolly felt more of that sense of awe that he remembered from his childhood. "I have a different theory, however. If His Majesty is willing to hear it out."

"What?" it took Prolly a moment to break away from the spell he was in. "Oh, uh, I'm sorry. Yes, I want to hear your thoughts on the matter."

"Follow me," the priest turned around and went down the hallway, gesturing at the prince. Prolly stood there for a second, giving the mother crystal one last glance, unable to tear his eyes away until a wall cut it off from view. A few blinks and he was back in reality, looking down the long hallway and rushing to join Frederick. "We call ourselves a church, as you know, but that's not quite correct. I'd say we're closer to a research organization than a religious body. Our main objective has always been to study the mother crystal and try to understand it, as originally commissioned by your late grandfather, may he rest in peace.

"Over the years, we have made several discoveries, but perhaps the most groundbreaking one was realizing that the mother crystal seems to react to intent. We don't praise it and pray to it because it's an idol or a symbol, but rather because the crystal's power synchronizes with our intent and that seems to... To put it in simple terms, let's say our prayer charges it; that's not quite right either, but it's close enough. So, while we took certain clerical duties, it was always to further our original goal of studying the crystal."

"That's..." the prince winced slightly, rubbing his temples. "This is the first time I hear any of this. Are your findings reported to the mage's guild? I should go through their files if that's the case, see what else I can find out."

"Your thirst for knowledge is admirable, Your Majesty. But no, we report all our findings to His Highness directly. I assume he has kept them for his own?" Frederick glanced over his shoulder, but Prolly wasn't able to meet his gaze. He had no words in front of this new discovery. "I'm sure he has his reasons, so try not to ponder on it too deeply, Your Majesty."

They had been walking for a while, and the light migraine now bothering Prolly kept him from properly taking in his surroundings. They walked past a few other clerics, all of them covered in white robes, some with crystalline details, most of them with their hoods on, keeping their faces hidden. It somewhat bothered him not seeing what expressions they made when walking past him, but the ache was taking to much of his attention to really care.

One of them approached them, stopping Frederick in hushed tones, and the old cleric gave the prince a quick smile that told him to wait. Prolly took the chance to look around, hoping it would be a chance for this headache to dwindle. They had long left the hallway, perhaps walked down a few staircases, he wasn't entirely sure. The one truth was that they were in a larger hall, the same white walls and crystal decorations surrounding them; how these priests didn't get lost in this place was beyond him, and he wondered if perhaps they really did get lost from time to time.

His attention was once again taken by yet another new, interesting sight: On the other side of the hall, he saw a tall and wide glass panel, the light barely bouncing off, splitting the room in two notably different halves. On the other side, several priests stood around countless tables, each one practically overflowing with shining rocks- Crystal pieces, he realized, that the clerics were quick to take. Some of them were roughly cracked, broken into smaller pieces, ground into fine dust or even melted, while others were taken to the side, multitude of spells being thrown at them.

"Anything catches your eye, Your Majesty?" he jumped back from the shock when Frederick joined him again. But the tall man simply responded with a chuckle and a warm smile, his enormous hand landing on the feline orc's shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze and pulling him closer. His head bumped against the side of those magnificent tits, and something pointy poked him through the fabric; a nipple, Prolly was sure, and knowing as much only made him blush harder.

"Y-Yeah! I'm just wondering what's going on in here," he gestured to the other half of the hall behind the glass, thankful that there was anything to drive attention away from his red cheeks. That and he was honestly wondering. "What's all this about? Experiments with crystals?"

"Like I told you, we're more of a research facility, so whenever pieces of the mother crystal fall to the ground, we harvest them and use them for our experiments. This is precisely how we have discovered so much about it, such as its ability to resonate to our intent."

"Pieces that fall off?" Prolly's immediate reaction was to panic. His mind suddenly flooded with pictures of the gigantic stone crashing on their home, taking buildings and people on its wake. It felt almost like a premonition, and it got a shudder out of him. "Is the mother crystal ok? Is it safe to stay under it?"

But instead of an answer, Frederick started laughing out loud, his booming voice bouncing off the walls. It was thunderous enough that the clerics on the other side of the glass stopped their experiments to turn around and see their superior bending over like a madman, and an incredibly ashamed prince next to him. Prolly wanted to look away, but it would be far too evident if he did. And he was unable to tear his eyes from Frederick now that he leaned in such a way. His cleavage was presented perfectly, tits jumping out from his robes, jiggling with every sound, every breath he took. The hair covering them waved and shook along with those remarkable curves, and Prolly made rather uncouth noises that were thankfully drowned out by the massive man's voice.

"Oh lord! Oh, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," he gasped and let out between the last few bursts of mirth, standing back up straight. His chest kept growing with each intake of air and the prince's eyes followed it instead of his face. "You should've seen your own face, sir. Your grandfather made the exact same one when I first told him about it; every second I spend with you, the similarities become more and more apparent. It's uncanny, but very warming as well," that got another blush out of the prince. "Anyway, you don't need to worry. This was a concern back in the day and was thoroughly studied as well, but it's all caused due to the crystal's continued growth."


"Perhaps it would be more accurate to say that the crystal is expanding," Frederick cleared out, taking the chance to rub behind Prolly's back. Just his touch sent a tingling up the orc's spine, his tusks pushing out as he bit his lower lip to keep a purr from escaping him. "It's constantly going through the rock, creating a webbed structure similar to a tree's roots. We don't quite understand yet why it does so, but the process doesn't deteriorate the cavern's structure; quite the opposite, it seems like the crystal growths are filling in certain faults and keeping the mountain from crashing down. It's honestly quite fascinating."

"And pieces of the crystal naturally break and fall off due to these rough movements, then? Is that how it goes?" Frederick gave him a quick nod. Prolly went back to the glass, the experiments having resumed on the other side, focusing in particular on a group of clerics that set a large piece on the table, on top of a drawn circle and runes he recognized as a sound spell. A second later, the crystal was vibrating at incredible speed, the clerics staring intently, half of them taking notes. What were they expecting would happen? "Is my father also aware of this?"

"Like I said, all of our findings are directly reported to His Highness. That includes the crystal growths that fall off, our recovery efforts, and the nature of our experiments with them, as well as the results. The mother crystal is technically part of the kingdom's resources, so we require special permits from His Highness himself to perform most of our studies," the priest was starting to explain more and more things that the young prince was only hearing for the first time, and while Prolly was perfectly getting each one of his words, his mind kept wandering towards the question of why his father had kept all of this from him. "Just between the two of us, though," Frederick's words once again got him out of his thoughts, "it's more of a formality than anything else at this point. Your grandfather gave us absolute authority over what kind of experiments to perform, and your father has never denied any of our proposals either. Still, I can only hope that you will continue to uphold the trust that has been built between both of our organizations."

"I..." Prolly was honestly out of words. His mind was still going through the information he had just received. He looked back through the glass panel, at the priests testing a crystal piece with vibration spells. The mineral started to visibly crack, the lines growing more complex, crossing one another, until minuscule fragments started falling off, almost looking like fine dust. He never even thought the mother crystal could be brought to such a state, but more than anything, it made him curious. "I will uphold our relationship... as long as your experiments don't become a risk for our people."

"Hmmm?" Frederick's voice got him to look up, and the priest gave him a soft, almost imperceptible smile. "That answer... It's in the same spirit of what your grandfather would've said, I think. Although you used different words. In any case, it's exactly the kind of answer I would expect from a future ruler."

"It's only logical," the young prince blushed slightly, but he held his ground this time. He was honestly torn between jumping at those massive tits or looking away precisely to drive those thoughts away. It didn't help that they seemed to jiggle with every breath the massive man took, threatening to burst out of his robes at every opportunity.

"Forgive me if I sound too blunt, but it feels like things have grown a tad too tense, don't you think?" he was quick to add with a chuckle. That deep, powerful voice made it sound delectably welcoming, though. It made Prolly smile, silently agreeing with his statement. "I asked you here to perform some special tasks for us, after all. Well... Mostly for me, if I'm allowed the admission."

"You did mention the personal nature of these errands," they started walking down a hall just as Prolly reminded his host of his earlier words. He tried to walk next to him to continue their conversation, but between having to follow him for directions, as well as the sheer difference in size, that proved somewhat complicated. "Considering what our earlier encounters had entailed... I feel like we're well past the pleasantries, Frederick," he put a lot of emphasis on his name, and that got a laugh out of the priest.

"You certainly have a point, Your Majesty. I do find myself somewhat reluctant to ask our royal family to run simple errands, as I mentioned back that day... But I wish to establish as close a relationship with you as possible," for some reason, that made Prolly blush.

They went in silence for a few minutes, once again coming across several other acolytes as they walked down the long hallways. They all took a second to greet their superior, almost ignoring the prince walking next to him. It went to show just how much they all respected the massive hulk of a man Frederick was. Prolly couldn't help but stare at him as well, anyway; those enormous tits were too alluring not to look at, after all. The way they jumped with every step, his robes visibly straining- He was sure there was a tear to the side, hidden by the overhang of that gigantic chest, but it would be too obvious if he leaned to try and find it. The tease... it only made everything better.

And thus, they reached the entrance hall before the distracted prince even knew what was going on. It actually took him by surprise when he noticed the familiar pillars all around him, and the door looking outside, the first of darkness he had seen ever since coming in. The black of the cave's rock walls cut so cleanly against the pristine white of the temple's interior, it was jarring.

"Well then," Frederick started, stretching and making his entire body push against his tight clothes. This time it wasn't just eyes, but ears that told Prolly what went on; he heard the fabric start to tear somewhere in the priest's body, and he was already desperately looking for it, wanting to get one last look at that hulking, exquisite body before having to step outside. "I would've liked to give you a more thorough tour, Your Majesty, but duty calls, isn't that right? I have my own chores to attend, young acolytes to support, documents to fill out," that last bit got a sigh out of him; one that the prince understood all too well, "and you have errands to run for us. Give me a second."

A second, he said. In that second, Prolly felt tortured, his pants growing tighter still, as the priest's hand reached deep inside his cleavage. It was like his fingers were absorbed by the bright green hair covering his pecs, and those massive tits contracted to get up to his wrist sucked inside. How badly Prolly wished that was his hand instead, his face, his dick... Did this man knew what he was doing to him right now?

"There we go," he whispered, finally pulling out a small bundle of papers from his chest. He offered the notes to the small orc as if he had gotten them from the most inconspicuous drawer, and Prolly received them with shaky hands. "This is the list of things you'll need to bring over, along with the funds you'll need to get all components, and the directions you should be taking. Not to sound too smug, but I am rather picky with the people I choose to do business with, so I only go for the highest quality products. This might be outside of your usual route, so please make sure to follow my instructions. We wouldn't want our prince to get lost, would we?"

"I won't get lost!" a blushing orc retorted, getting another chuckle out of Frederick. Just like his grandfather, he was sure to say; somehow, with what little he knew of the old man, this felt like the kind of reaction he would have, and Prolly didn't feel like letting this priest get the word in. "I'll do your errands just as you want me to, but I would like to know what they are for."

"Just elements for another experiment; one I think will push our investigation a long way forward," he talked with a cheerful tone, as if that were enough to hide the vagueness of his words. He seemed to pick up on that as well. "As always, our results are meant only for the king's eyes. He's the only one with the authority to share them with any third parties. However, if everything goes well, I personally don't see any problem in letting you in on the experiment."

"Really?" Prolly's feline side won over at the promise of his curiosity being quenched, and his eyes shone visibly with the crystal's cyan. "Y-You won't get in trouble for that, will you? After all, you did say you want to improve our relationship, and having take fault just to please me..."

"Nonsense," a large hand landed on the prince's hand, rubbing him, squeezing his shoulder and gently pulling him towards the priest. For a second he thought- hoped -it would be for a hug, but Frederick stopped just as the little orc's hair brushed against the underside of his pecs. "in the first place, helpful as it is, this is all for a personal project, so I can share it with a few close acquaintances. Exactly the kind of relationship I wish to have with you, Your Majesty. And as future king, it's only natural for you to be aware of what happens in this kingdom, don't you think? Besides," he let Prolly out just enough for the feline orc to look up at his face and see him wink, "isn't it exciting to have a little secret, just the two of us?"

That made Prolly blush again. Those wizened features, the mix of gray and green all over his beard and hair, and that warm smile on his lips were all enough to drive him crazy on their own. But now he had this... attitude of his, and he felt his heart skip a beat.

"It is exciting," he ended up admitting, taking a step back to better admire the sheer mass of this gorgeous body. "Anyway, I should get going now. The sooner I start with these errands, the faster I'll get to see what you're planning, correct?"

"Eager to know more, just like-

"My grandfather, I know," both of them shared a quick laugh. It was incredible how fast the two managed to get comfortable with one another, almost making their separation too hard for the small orc to bear. He wanted to spend more time with this priest.

But his sense of duty, mixed with more and more of that feline curiosity, won him over, and he bowed slightly as a farewell. He made his way to the tall doors, trying to keep his back straight as if he had just remembered he was royalty, and had an image to uphold. But truth be told, he wanted to turn around and look at Frederick one last time more than anything.

Most of those thoughts vanished once he was outside, and the overwhelming white of the temple no longer surrounded him. Prolly took a deep breath, suddenly feeling lighter; it wasn't until now he noticed how much of an oppressive air this building had, or how much that feeling went away just by being close to the head priest. Despite his earlier musings, he did take a final glimpse over his shoulder, but the man was already gone. Naturally, he thought, considering all the tasks he had on his platter. He was in pretty much the same position, after all.

A sigh left him. The small garden outside the temple was surrounded by a wall, and once he reached the other side, he would be once again in the city proper for everyone to see. Thus, before he did, with a flicker of his wrist, he cast a simple enough spell around him; a personal favorite that made the light around him turn and shift around. He wasn't the best at illusions, but he was at least skilled enough to change his appearance. The pale gray skin was replaced by fur, his claws becoming more noticeable and his face turning into a distinctly feline appearance. Large, slitted green eyes to complete the look, and he was now any random cat.

He crossed the gate and walked at a decent pace, still noticing the lack of people near the temple. A perfect chance to check on the notes he had been given. If Frederick was as picky as he claimed to be, it was in his best interest not to mix his orders up. Checking the elegant handwriting, he recognized the names of the streets, a few shops he had seen from the corner of his eye without ever stepping in-

"Ow!" Prolly let a yelp out as he crashed against something surprisingly tough, falling flat on his butt. And that was all it took for his good mood to vanish. "What the hell! Can't you look whe-

"Oh, sorry there, little guy! Was distracted," and before he was sure of what was going on, the disguised prince was picked up from the ground by a pair of outright gigantic arms, each one at least as thick as his waist. There were no sleeves covering them, and he clearly saw the bright orange fur, black stripes adorning those enormous biceps all the way up to the shoulders. He was gently let down, giving him a chance to properly check out the tall, muscular tiger that he had just bumped into. A backless shirt hugged tightly to his torso, showing off the squared, perfectly defined pecs with just enough to the sides poking out of the fabric for him to thirst after. All of this sudden feline screamed tough, and while Prolly was usually into softer guys, he couldn't help but feel amazed at such an incredible body. "Hey pal, everything ok?"

"What!? Y-Yeah, everything's fine!" he panicked when the tiger leaned down to look at him, and the angle somehow gave him a clear view of those delectably defined shoulders and traps. The dude was simply large no matter where you looked from! Prolly wanted to say something, but he was out of words due to the sheer awe this behemoth caused. And to further freeze him, the tiger's hands fell on his shoulders, slowly going down his arms and sides, patting every inch of his body they landed on. "U-U-Uh... W-What are you doing?"

"Just checking to make sure you didn't injure yourself with that fall or something. Last thing I want is for such a cute guy to get hurt," and he finished with a wink. Had he been on a clear state of mind, Prolly would've worried about his sudden fluster threatening the integrity of his illusion; but it was that very fluster what kept him from thinking straight. Thankfully, the large feline was done a few seconds later, letting the young prince let go of his breath at last. "Yes, everything seems to be fine. Nothing to be concerned with, you're in top shape. Actually, you're in great shape for a guy your size."

"Thanks..." he was looking away now, unable to keep the blush in front of such a massive man. He wanted to jump him so bad, to go nuts on those pecs and see how much of that hardened body he could squeeze between his hungry fingers. But his better judgment won over in the end. "I have to go now, excuse me. Got a lot of errands to run."

"Oh, yeah, don't let me stop you," the tiger sounded somewhat disappointed as Prolly made his way past him, resisting the urge to turn back and give him one last glance, return his wink, maybe ditch his responsibilities and just take him on a date or back to the castle, to his bedroom, where the two could get much more acquainted with one another- Well, there he went again! "Hey, can we meet again? You're fucking cute!" shit, he really wasn't making it easy! But the young prince managed to ignore him despite his base instincts screaming at him, and basically ran away at the next corner that popped up.

It had been a while now, but after returning to the busier part of the city, the massive tiger slipped out of Prolly's mind. With so many people around him, most of them significantly taller to begin with, there was no way the two would run across one another again. There was little chance the prince would run into anyone, actually. And that allowed him to focus on the more important tasks at hand.

He had been around this part of the city often, mainly because of all the restaurants and inns that were around. The exquisite smells were more than enough to attract both, visitors and locals, making it one of the busiest streets, and usually with the most adventurous people. Several of his old flings were tourists staying nearby, unaware they had just slept with the prince himself. But even beyond that, Prolly enjoyed the occasional walk down here for simpler things: The bright lights that managed to overwhelm the blue tint of the crystal, the countless aromas that made his palate tingle with excitement, and the rumors and gossips he heard in whispers from the bystanders here and there- All of those things were always worth the effort of coming this far into town.

The one thing he had never looked into were the shops, though. He knew there were plenty around, most of them supplying the restaurants and inns, but he had never bothered going into one of them. His mind naturally wandered towards the possibilities, wondering what Frederick might need from one of them. The list he had given him only gave him addresses and directions, but there was no mention of the objects he was supposed to get. How was he supposed to know he had the right things?

Those thoughts were still plaguing his mind even as he reached the shop, stopping at the entrance for a second. When he got inside and the door closed behind him, he noticed two things: The first, that the noise from the outside was completely drawn out; the second was that this small store had shelves upon shelves on every wall, all of them filled with plants, fruits and vegetables of so many shapes and colors, Prolly didn't recognize half of them. As he slowly stepped forward, he turned left and right, looking at everything around him. Flowers with petals that seemed to go as tall as the ceiling, round objects that looked like orange, except that they were a bright neon blue close to that of the crystal... So many weird things, and yet a few smells here and there told him that he had already eaten them before, likely in one of his many meals. He should start asking what was in his food before even putting it in his mouth, if anything, out of curiosity.

"Can I help you with something, little gentleman?" a gruff voice made him look front and up, and his jaw fell to the ground at the sight in front of him. Behind the counter was this mountain of muscle putting a large box on the floor. A gigantic piece of deer wearing suspenders and no shirt under them, exposing his chest and abs for everyone to see; and what a chest and abs those were, for fuck's sake! Prolly stared at them for far longer than necessary, before his eyes wandered to the enormous shoulders, the tree trunks he had for biceps, bulging with ever flex and motion, and such a handsome face, crowned by the most regal antlers imaginable. "You like what you see, eh?"

"What!? Well, I mean..." normally, Prolly wouldn't be against flirting, giving this hunk of a deer the proper reply such a body deserved; but right now, he wanted to focus on his task. The deer in question didn't feel like letting him, though. He started flexing and posing, shamelessly, showing every inch of definition his enormous body had, making the young prince blush under his illusion for a second. Maybe... Well, there wasn't anything wrong with having some fun, was there? "Damn right I like what I see. Wouldn't mind seeing some more, actually."

"Wouldn't mind seeing some more of you, cutie. There's something in the way you handle yourself that just tells me you have a lot of experience in that short body of yours," the deer's voice was so rough and velvety, it made Prolly shiver. He didn't quite remember the last time he actually had this kind of back and forth, but he missed this feeling. And if he could have it with a man of this size, who enjoyed showing his body so much, all the better. "Ah, but work calls. Tell me, handsome: What can I do for you today?"

"Right! I'm here for a request from Fre- The church's head priest..." he caught himself right on time there.

"Ah, Frederick? Yeah, hold on," all for nothing, it seemed. Prolly had felt special when the priest told him to use his first name, yet here was this random shopkeeper, using it just as freely, as if it wasn't a big deal... Well, no, he was just being jealous now, wasn't he? Frederick had probably known this deer for far longer than he knew the prince. He looked over the counter, staring as the tall man leaned down underneath, digging through the many things probably stored there, eyes drawn towards a large ass that just presented itself to the young feline. He was sure they knew one another closely; large men had a tendency to gravitate towards one another, after all; or at least that was his experience with them. "Alright, here we go: A whole bag of seeds from the southern forests, straight from the elves themselves."

"The el- What!?" no matter how much he flirted before, his mind was completely out of it now, going at a million miles per hour. Despite the way the deer worded it, the bag was rather small, adding up to a handful at best. It was still far more then the young prince expected, and he swept it off the counter in an instant. The shopkeeper told him something, but he ignored it, focused on the small piece of leather in his hand, feeling its weight, trying to gauge it up while thinking whether or not he should pull at that little red rope on top. "What is this... The elves are far too reclusive to take deals from outsiders. How did you get these? What does the head priest want with them?"

"Hmm? He didn't tell you much about this, did he? Well, that sounds like Frederick," the deer laughed it off, despite the young feline prince's evident worry. "He likes keeping things in secret for his big, dramatic reveals. Anyway, the merchant guild I belong to is on decent terms with the elves, so we do get to trade some goods with them. As self-sufficient as they want to appear, they sometimes need some of our products to make it through the winter."

"Ok, but this-

"These are just tulip seeds, buddy," the deer cut him off and Prolly stopped thinking in that moment. The tension that had been building in the room- exclusively around him, he realized -was starting to vanish. He was just making a fool of himself, and the deer's laughter didn't help matters. "Yeah, I know. He said any plant was good as long as it came from the forest; the more common, the better, actually! You know what he's like, he collects strange plants. And I guess anything from the elves' forest counts as a strange plant in his book."

"He... He does?" that was new information. Of course, he had only been this close to the priest for a day, he was bound to be unaware of things. But he still felt the tiniest bit jealous. That and the seeds still in his hand that made him uneasy with every passing glance. Inconspicuous as they may have been, it was still too specific of a request to overlook. Was he just eccentric?

"Like I said, he likes his dramatic reveals," the deer got him out of his thoughts again, and when Prolly looked up, it was to a large smile and pair of shining eyes that looked up and down his body. He was being checked out, and a hint of pride invaded the prince, before remembering he was wearing his cloaking spell. Part of him wanted to dismiss it and show the shopkeeper who he wanted to fuck, see if that got him even more interested. That would make for a really dramatic reveal, he thought. But it was a thought he soon pushed to the back of his head. "Anyway, boring or not, they still got a hefty price, so no matter how cute you are, you better show some shiny friends."

"Always the sale first, huh?" the feline orc joked with a smile. He reached for his pocket, the one where he had left the bag of golden coins given to him by the priest. They were surely counted; he would've counted them beforehand, and had no reason to believe- "Eh?"

He had to be wrong, right? His hand dug deeper into the pocket, deeper still, until it balled into a fist inside. Even there, he still tried to go deeper, checking every inch of space available. When he came across nothing, he dug for his other pockets, looking for the bag desperately, his face slowly taken over by the panic. Empty. All of them empty. Forget the money Frederick gave him, he didn't have his own things on him anymore. When the hell did that-

"Ah..." he remembered, out of nowhere, out of sheer coincidence, that large and sexy tiger dude that bumped on him and then proceeded to pat him all over. It was really obvious when you thought about it; why else would he be so into it? The worst part was that under any other occasion, Prolly wouldn't have allowed himself to get done in so easily, but when he had such a hulk in front of him, when you were trying not to think of his strong, masculine hands all over your body, of course it was hard not to notice they were going into your pockets. "I think, uh... I think I got pickpocketed on my way here."

"Well, fuck. No money, then?" the deer looked at him with a neutral, caring expression that didn't stop him from reaching over and taking the bag of seeds out of his open palm. He leaned on the counter, chin leaning on his hand, and looked at the young feline with a questioning look. "I wish I could help you out with that, but I need to eat as well."

"Yeah, no, I get it..." Prolly looked at his feet, the blush growing hotter as the shame filled every inch of his body. To think a mere minute before he had been flirting with this guy, ogling him and thinking up ways to get in his bed, have some quick fun before going on with his tasks. Now he was so embarrassed, he wanted the ground to suck him up and never meet with this man again. But this wasn't the time to feel sorry for himself. The tiger that got him was probably long gone by now, so finding him made little sense; maybe if he rushed to the castle or came across one of the knights he could get some money lent to him for this. Or perhaps-

"Hey," the deer got his attention again and Prolly looked up, his face riddled with curiosity that he was sure matched perfectly with the feline illusion he wore. Unlike the deer, who leaned on his counter and gave him quite the alluring view. Seriously, he was looking at the small prince with such hunger, you could practically taste it in the air. "I usually don't do this, but you're so damn cute, I would be sad if you got in trouble over this. So maybe we can arrange some sort of... deal," he winked, "if you catch my drift."

"Oh! We definitely can, yes," the young prince replied. He realized he was still wearing his illusion, and wondered if he should let it off before getting frisky with this mountain of a man. He was no stranger to having sex with his illusion still on, and while it was hard to keep it up while his balls were drained, he was definitely open to the challenge. Or maybe he should just let it off and reveal himself as the prince; that would surely get him the seeds for free, not to mention he wanted to know what kind of reaction this clerk would have to sleeping with a member of the royal family. Honestly, the possibilities were endless.

And yet despite all those thoughts still coursing his mind, his main focus always remained on the deer. His enormous body never stopped throbbing and flexing; he did it on purpose, Prolly was sure of that by now. And he was by no means complaining. Every breath was a slight raise of those gigantic pecs, seeing them push against the suspenders, stretching them, straining until it made no sense for the fabric to stay intact. He wanted to bury himself between them, get his face all over those magnificent tits and go to town on them, while rubbing those monstrously defined abs. What did this guy eat, for real!? Prolly's eyes slowly wandered down, part of him hoping to get a glimpse of whatever he was hiding on the other side of the counter. He would be playing with it for a while, after all.

That was what he thought, at least, until a blur popped into view out of nowhere, and a foot landed on the deer's face, twisting it into a picture of sheer pain. The world moved in slow motion for a second, and the little orc stared at the events unfolding with nothing but sheer awe and fear. The next moment, the deer was flying across the room and smashing against the wall, his sharp antlers embedded on it and his eyes blank as he passed out. Prolly looked his way out of worry, but his instincts made him look forward right away, at the small dwarf woman now standing behind the counter with both arms on her hips. One of the few species the young prince was able to look at eye level, and this one looked majorly pissed off at the clerk.

"How many times do I have to tell you," she walked over to him, her dress hanging a mere inch off the floor, yet not impeding her leg in the least when she raised it and kicked the deer's ass, "not to harass our clients like that! You useless piece of- I should've listened to my mother! She said nothing would come out of marrying a pervert like you, but I was a fool! A fool!" ah, hold it, did she say marry? And just as Prolly thought that, the dwarf looked over his way, her face still twisted by so much anger, he almost fainted. It switched back to a much calmer expression almost right away, followed by a sigh as she walked over to the counter and looked at him. "I'm terribly sorry for my husband, sir. This happens all the time, really. He just loves flirting with our clients, no matter how many times I tell him to focus on the business."

"W-We weren't really flirting, ma'am!" the prince was quick to raise his hands and try to wave the whole thing away. And it was a lie, but what else was he supposed to do when a man of that deer's bulk was so easily pushed aside? He better than anyone knew how much strength there was in a small body, and it wasn't every day that he came across someone shorter than him. It only made the dwarf woman even more intimidating, making Prolly's thoughts scramble, desperately looking for the right answer. "I mean, I guess- Well, not really- I-I didn't know he was married- I'm so sorry, please don't be mad at me, I'm just-

"Oh! Oh sweetie, that's not it, don't worry about it. We're actually very open about it," he was really not expecting that... So much that his brain shut down for a second, trying to figure out the meaning behind the dwarf's words, wondering if he had listened well. No, it had to be his brain playing tricks on him, right? But the longer he stayed silent, the more cheerful the clerk's laugh was. "It's always the same reaction. Don't tell me you think that's something only youngsters do. And if I'm honest, I can understand why my husband would flirt so much with you. You're really cute," and she covered her mouth right after, followed by a low chuckle. Prolly wasn't sure how to feel about that- Well, flattered, first of all. The blush went all the way to his ears, making him wonder if it was visible or if it stayed beneath his cloaking.

"That's... a relief, actually," he said in a sheepish tone, sharing a quick smile with the dwarf. They both glanced to the side just as the tall deer stood up, rubbing the back of his head where he had hit the wall and as he made his way next to them, an arm falling on his wife's shoulder. Despite all that had just happened, he still winked at the feline, making Prolly's blush get even hotter. The only thing keeping him from jumping at the chance was, quite honestly, the curiosity that sprung at that exact moment. "Wait, if you have an open relationship, then why are you angry?"

"I'm angry because these are work hours!" and without missing a beat, the dwarf turned around and punched her husband in the stomach, so hard and deep that her small fist seemed to sink into his muscles. It actually looked like she made a hole right in the middle of his abs, and the deer doubled over, face twisted in pain before falling to his knees, covering his torso with both arms. "I don't mind flirting with cute guys on the bar after the day is done, but when you're in this shop, you focus on work, do you hear me? And what is this about offering sex for our products? Are you a common whore now? How are we supposed to break even if you give things away for a quick lay? Wait, have you done this before!?"

"No! No, I swear, my love, please don't hit me again, it hurts so much," funny how the same confident, sensual deer that had been pushing all of Prolly's buttons mere seconds ago had been reduced to a groveling old man begging his wife for forgiveness. And if the prince was honest, she wasn't wrong either. It was irresponsible of him to just give things away for sex, tempted as Prolly had been to take him up on the offer... An offer he would've taken had his wife not showed up at the last second.

And the moment he thought as much, he remembered why he was taking the offer in the first place. One hand went towards his pocket instinctively, as if to confirm one last time that it was indeed empty, while the other one held the bag of seeds that he now stared at perplexedly. It was too good to be true, he thought about it while it was happening and thought about it again now. But what was he supposed to do now that the deal was off the table. Should he try to convince the wife to get in on the idea? She didn't look quite as horny as her husband, and Prolly was too gay to do it anyway, but he needed these damn seeds. He didn't want to let Frederick down.

"You can take them, darling," the dwarf's voice made him look up. She looked at him from behind the counter with a warm, motherly smile and a certain light in her eyes that made Prolly feel welcome. Maybe it was because he wasn't used in the least to looking at someone at eye level, as if there was some sort of kinship between them. Whatever it was, the most surprising thing was that it wasn't hindered in the least by the presence of her husband behind her, still doubling in pain. "You have to bring them to priest Frederick, right? We'll talk things out with him, get him to pay us back when we see him. The last thing I want is for such a handsome young gentleman like you to get in trouble. Consider it an apology for my husband's attitude."

"Oh, you really don't need to apologize, I quite enjoyed it myself as well," the orc admitted, not only to the shop clerks, but to himself as well. Part of him was disappointed that it didn't end up anywhere else, but perhaps it would be something for him to explore later.

"In that case, feel free to come over after work hours. It would be a shame to waste such a handsome face," and just like that, she answered his questions without him needing to even say a word. The deer behind her looked up, his eyes suddenly shining in realization, before an elbow to his side made him fall to his knees again. The more Prolly saw them, the more this seemed like a regular thing between the two, and he couldn't help a smile. But before he said anything, the dwarf made him turn around, patting his back and gently pushing him in the door's direction. "Enough of that. Off you go, young man. You have a lot of things to do, I bet. Send my regards to Frederick when you see him next!"

"I sure will, ma'am," he said over his shoulder, before crossing the door and letting it close behind him. Just like that, the shop and the two peculiar owners threatened to slip his mins, almost lost forever into the oblivion of his memories. He still remembered how enthusiastic the deer had been, though; it felt like a tingle lingering all over his body, and there was no way he'd just give that up. Taking a mental note of the address, he resolved to come over once his tasks were done, giddy to take him up on his offer and whatever else he might come up with.

But just as he thought that, his mind went back to the very problem that caused this in the first place. His thoughts wandered towards that tall, muscular tiger he came across before, the way he handled him expertly, how his chest seemed to jiggle the slightest bit when he breathed in- And why...!? Was he...!? Thinking about him hornily...!? The guy robbed him silly, and Prolly could only wistfully sigh at the memory of that hot body, and how much he wanted to play with every one of his muscles, from those thick arms to the glorious tits covered tightly by his shirt. Perhaps the deer left him more aroused than he thought.

Whatever the case, the young prince had no money. That was the absolute truth he had to face going forward. No matter how, he had to gather some cash to run the rest of the errands; other shops were unlikely to be as familiarly pleasant as this one, after all. And revealing his identity as a royal was definitely out of the question. Abusing his power was the last thing he should dare doing, no matter how much he wanted to please the head priest.

"I guess I have no choice," he sighed in resignation, looking over his shoulder. Sitting in the distance was the castle, embedded on the furthest wall of the cavern, standing in all its opulence. Prolly was intimately familiar with it, after all. Going there and get some money out of his personal reserves was the only thing that came to mind now. And it was one hell of a trip...

"Here you go, young man," the bird lady told him as she handed him a thin glass bottle full of a bright green liquid. Her feathered fingers brushed against the feline ones as she refused to part with her product just yet, eyeing it jealously. "You know, this particular concoction is quite difficult to come by. The methods to make it have almost been lost, and only the most secluded settlements even know how to make them anymore. I got this one in particular from a tribe of gnolls from out of the continent, and let me tell you, it was quite the task. I'm honestly curious about what it'll be used for."

She asked that loud and clear, but Prolly didn't hear a single word. He was pretty out of it as it was, after the long and painful trek to the castle. By the time he crossed the entirety of the city's winding streets and arrived at his home, sneaking around to keep his family from seeing him and thinking he was once again skipping on his duties, he finally made it to his room and procured a good amount of gold for his shopping. After that, he sneaked in much the same way, with only the guards on the entrance ever becoming aware that their young prince so much as entered the castle again. And he was sure they would keep quiet, whether he had to convince them with coin or something more... carnal.

The really hard part was resuming the trip, walking all over the city again, this time looking left and right out of fear that someone else might jump him and take the money out of his pockets. There was no way he was walking that much a third time today. And thus, after an eternal trip that left his feet sore beyond recognition, he finally came to the traders' guild to meet with the one odd merchant on Frederick's list. He still remembered how hard he ran the last streets out of fear he was running late, only to end up waiting about half an hour for her to come over.

The traders' guild was yet one more of the continent's organizations, this one designed to cater to merchants all over. It was a large building with a glass ceiling through which the crystal's blue light rained all over, which he remembered came to be because the merchants, always thinking about how to make extra money, requested it as something that would have tourist appeal. Inside were several tables, groups of people sitting on each one, often a single merchant selling to a few of their newer clients, as well as trading between each other, checking the goods their friends and even the competition had. Quite a few of the tables were taken by people looking for a good meal as well, with several small stands all around, preparing their food yet for more money. It was all business no matter where you looked at, but compared to the other guilds Prolly was used to, this lively air was welcome.

By the time he arrived and found the table the merchant had reserved, he was ready to apologize as profusely as his little body allowed him, only to find it empty. And while the time to rest his tired legs was appreciated, he was still shocked when the stark white dove arrived with a massive backpack hanging from her back and her ruffled feathers jutting out of her shirt and pants. The poor thing would've looked like fresh out of a tornado had it not been for the bright smile and vacant look in her eyes. And after quite the exchange with her, Prolly was simply out of it.

"Why would a priest want this little thing, I wonder... Maybe it'll control the minds of his followers into starting a rebellion," that was the kind of thing this... peculiar lady had been saying for a while now. Between that and the soreness invading his whole body, Prolly wasn't sure how to act about anything else that came out of her mouth. Right now, he was on auto-pilot, waiting for the exchange to be over so he could stand up and get done with it. And yet, the dove still refused to let go of the vial. "What do you think, Your Majesty? Maybe this will help the big-tittied priest raise a lot of followers for his wicked god from the stars, don't you think?"

"I'm pretty sure this is only some magic fertilizer or something," the feline orc confirmed, his smile becoming harder and harder to keep up. Prolly had always taken pride in his ability to hold a conversation with anyone; his silver tongue was his greatest asset, after all. But this one started to test his patience. The more he pulled, the tighter she seemed to hold it. "Anyway, if you would be so kind as to let- Wait... Wait, hold on, how did you call me just now?"

"Hmm? I called you by your title, Your Majesty," there it is! She did it again! "Should I say Your Highness instead? Isn't that for the-

"Stop...!" the young prince whispered as he held her beak shut tight. He feared the glamour may have vanished at some point without him noticing, most likely caused by her incessant prattling, but when he looked at his own arms and noticed the longer fur on them, he was sure that wasn't the case. He let go of the merchant's beak and looked at his own reflection on his empty plate, and it was a distinctly feline face that greeted him back. His illusion remained on... "H-How did you know I'm the prince?"

"What? Isn't it obvious?" she was just growing more and more peculiar. Prolly wanted to prod her some more, get real answers out of her, but not only did that feel like a pointless endeavor given her nature, he felt that if he pushed on the topic, she would eventually let it out far too loud for him to shake it off. And the last thing he needed were all of these greedy merchants knowing that there was someone nearby who could change some of the laws they had to go by. "Oh, is it a secret? I get it! I won't reveal His Majesty's identity to anyone!"

"Yeah, that's fine, don't even think about it," the young orc said as he got up, pulling the vial off her hands. He didn't like getting rough with other people, but he was too tired in every way imaginable to care. "The exchange is over, you have your money. We probably won't meet again, so don't even mention me to anyone ever. I'll be taking my leave now, good day."

That was it, he thought. That was the end of his short visit to the merch-

"Careful..." normally, he would've ignored the dove's voice and gone on with his day, but not only did his royal upbringing kept him from dismissing a lady as so, there was also something... odd in her tone. Something he couldn't quite put his finger on. She spoke with lower words, and a different inflection. As if it was someone else speaking through her. "The deceiver that tricked the barbarian lord will work his wicked claws towards the three pieces. And the invader from the depths of the cosmos will once again walk upon the blackness. Careful, young piece. You may stop this dead frozen cruelty from facing us one more time."


"What?" she looked back at him. Her vacant look was still there, and her loud voice made the prince flinch and take a step back. He swallowed audibly, and he wanted to look around to see if anyone had noticed. But there was no way he could tear his eyes away from this woman.

"Are you... some sort of seer or something?" it was the only logical explanation. Seers were a rarity, and to think that a random merchant with this spacey disposition would be one was simply too much. Prolly had seen some weird things in his short life, mainly thanks to his magical training, but nothing quite to that extent.

"I am, yeah!" that was heckin' fast! "But that doesn't put food on your table, so I decided to be a merchant. Besides, I don't remember anything I say when I'm in the zone- Ah, did you know, it's a literal zone! You get to a certain place and it feels like a lot of voices are talking to you from way high up in the sky. Mom says hearing them all the time messed up my head, but just between you and me, she's really crazy."

"R-Right..." for entirely different reasons now, Prolly wanted to leave as soon as possible. It was something extremely primal, extremely animal, deep inside his gut that told him to forget those words already. He just knew they didn't come from something he was meant to know. Without any other word, he turned around and left the merchant alone, not turning back to see her even once. His eyes focused only on the building's entrance, thinking about nothing but leaving already. He started walking faster...

And that's when he saw him. It was complete coincidence that their eyes just happened to cross, but in the exact second they did, the world around them froze as they instantly recognized one another. Of course Prolly wouldn't forget the tall, beefy tiger that so casually mugged him; he never a hunky dude- That wasn't the point! It was hard to focus on anything else when his tits were so delectably pressed against his shirt, when the shining orange fur and elegant black stripes in his arms were exposed like that, but the young prince tried his best to stay up, looking straight at the guilty eyes that widened the moment they met one another.

"You..." he started, and he wasn't sure if the tiger had heard him at all. The smug grin he had come into the building with vanished in an instant, and he turned around so fast, he practically made a dust cloud rise behind his heels. He was about to slip away from his grasp, and that's when the feline orc realized he only had one option. "Thief! There, thief!"

The tiger froze. Everyone froze, really. The bustling businesses suddenly shot down, dread and silence descending upon the hall. For anyone with even half their wits knew that the last thing you wanted to be inside the merchant's guild was a thief. Prolly was perfectly aware of what this meant, but he didn't care in the least; only the desire for revenge filled his mind and heart as he pointed at the tiger, knowing that every pair of eyes was over him. Just from this there was a pretty big chance they might eventually find out who he truly was, but that was a price he was willing to pay if it meant bringing the hammer of justice to those who slighted him... Perhaps something more petty, not quite as poetic.

The tiger looked over his shoulder for a moment, likely hoping to give the prince his best glare. But instead of the young orc, what he witnessed were countless other eyes, all of them dark and riddled with sheer hatred and fury, aimed his way. Bloodthirsty eyes, along with hands twitching and ready to tear him apart. For there are few things more terrifying than a greedy man being taken away from his riches. Knowing his life was quite literally in danger, the tiger jumped at the doors to escape his impending doom, but the merchants were always far cleverer than any thief that may try against them. The doors closed shut in an instant, a thunderous boom echoing through the hall like a gong signaling the feline's end. And of course, merchants came in all manners of size and strength, including more than a few minotaurs and rhinos, all of them at least twice as tall as the tiger, bulging with the kind of muscles you'd expect from royal guards and holding spears and axes big enough to break the mountain apart.

Prolly couldn't help the wicked grin that appeared in his face after that. He wasn't one to fall to his anger so easily, but in the rare occasion he did, he was often closer to an imp than to his orcish nature. He practically rubbed his hands like a villain while waiting for them to pounce on the tiger, itching to see his punishment. At this point, he didn't even care about getting his money back.

One by one, more merchants showed up and quickly surrounded the tiger. No one was sure where they all came from, but they were too nervous to ask. The only thing everyone could agree on was that there would be a bloodbath. One of the merchants jumped into the fray, ready to strike the tiger, swinging his weapon wildly without a care for who might get caught in his range. The tiger had to step aside to dodge the attack, only for another axe to come crashing down right behind him. Had it not been for his feline instincts, he would've been sliced in half. And they went on like that for a while, each one of them attacking, trying to get the criminal as much as possible, forcing the tall man to slip and slink his way through any crack he found. Prolly was the first who saw him slide his way out of the pile that had formed around him, and the merchants all followed him, their movements somewhat clunky as they tried to get one over the other. The tiger took the chance to gain on them and reached one of the columns holding the glass ceiling well above them, jumping off between it and the wall to the side. His feline nature showed once again when he reached the top in a matter of seconds, and covering his face, he jumped and crashed through the windows, likely landing on one of the nearby rooftops.

It all happened in a second, but the merchants had to run away to avoid the falling glass, and all other bystanders stared with awed expressions at the show they had just witnessed. This was perhaps the first thief to make their way out of the merchant's guild unscathed; truly a memorable moment, a note in all history books. The young prince was aware of this more than anyone, his pride hurt beyond belief. He had been the one calling him out for nothing but the desire to get revenge, and said revenge was denied to him without a care in the world. Whatever deity or higher being had just given him a vision now had the audacity to tease and torture him like this? There was no way he would just let that stand!

Another flash of speed shocked everyone in the hall as a smaller blur traveled in the same direction as the first thief. The small feline climbed the column with the same jumps and practically flew through the hole on the ceiling. That was the last any of the merchants saw of Prolly, and the prince himself landed on top of the building in front of the guild. It only took him a second to stand back up and he instantly scanned his surroundings, instantly locating the tiger running from one roof to another. A bold choice to stay in plain view like that, and Prolly figured it had to do with his own confidence more than anything. There was no way anyone would catch up to him from the guild with the doors closed like that. Or so he thought.

"Hey!" the tiger looked back at that voice and his eyes bulged out in shock when he saw the small cat rushing behind him, jumping from one roof to the other with incredible speed. They always were surprised to see the tiny guy moving like that, another thing for Prolly to use as an advantage. It only took him a few seconds to catch up to the criminal, both of them landing on the same rooftop and neither showing any sign of stopping; it was only a matter of time. But of course, the prince was an impatient fella, especially when it came to his own pride. With a flicker of his wrist, an arc of small arrows made of light appeared above him, all of them aimed at the larger feline.

"The punk can do magic too!?" the tiger yelled just as the arrows shot his way, all of them in wildly different trajectories. He had to turn around and jump from one side to the other to dodge them all, giving the smaller cat enough time to catch up with him. The tiger reached the edge of the roof and with just enough confidence, he pushed off and floated in the air for a moment, his head turning to the side to avoid the last arrow. Prolly followed suit- Where the hell did he get a sword from!?

The tiger pulled out a knife and parried his attack in time, but the small man had a lot more strength than he expected. He actually saw the muscles under his shirt tense as he pushed his much larger body around, and with the extra force, the tiger's aim was thrown off, leading him away from the roof he had planned to land on. In a moment of instinctual panic, he tried reaching for the wall instead, his hand and foot landing on the rough surface and sliding down, his body slowing down just enough that when he crash-landed on the ground, it was with minimal injuries.

"Ahhhh... What the hell was that about?" he groaned, rubbing his sore shoulders while looking back. Prolly landed on the ground in all four, people around him jumping back in shock from his sudden appearance. But the little guy seemed unbothered, his tail swaying behind him as he stood back up. "Is this guy for real...?" the thief let out and pushed himself back up, running through the crowd, shoving people aside, decided to escape from this apparently overpowered freak.

The chase only lasted a few seconds. Between his injured state and Prolly's greater power and speed, he really never stood a chance. Everyone getting in their wat certainly didn't help, with every person the tiger had to push away only delaying him precious seconds that could've helped his escape. In the end, despite how hard he tried, he ended up being tackled by the smaller man into a dark alley, tightly tuckered away between to buildings and hidden from any bystander's sight. When he looked up, not even the light from outside reached him, all of it blocked by the small feline now looming over him.

"H-Hey...!" the thief tried his best to stand up, but his body was too sore, and his mind was in too much of a panic, to do anything other than crawl his way back and away from the man, only pushing himself against the nearest wall. "You look familiar, handsome. Do I know you?"

"You!" Prolly yelled and reached for his shirt, shaking the tiger roughly until his eyes were blank and dizzy. "Give me back my money, you thief! Now!"

"Ahhhhh! I'm sorry, I will, I will!" the tiger reached for his hands, but just like everything else up to this point, the prince's grip was incredibly firm, leaving him unable to break free, no matter what. It was getting clearer that the only reason he ever managed to mug him in the first place was by catching him by surprise, all thanks to his tits. But the way they constantly bounced with every shake and bumped against the little man's arms was no longer enough to drive away his attention. "Ahhhhh! I will, please let me go! Ahhhh!"

"Damn right you will!" and with one final push, the prince shoved the tiger back to the ground, his back pressed against the floor as he looked up at him with a certain glint in his eyes. Any other day, Prolly would've recognized that as desire, admiration... But right now, the orc just wanted to leave and get over his tasks already. Keeping the glamour on for this long was always a drag. The tiger, without tearing his eyes away from him, reached for his pocket and procured a small leather bag that he instantly recognized, and before it was so much as offered, he swiped it off his hands and took a step back. Prolly's eyes constantly darted between the larger feline and his money as he counted it, throwing a glare his way any time he so much as tried moving. "Ok... It's all here, luckily. For you, I mean. Get a real job; if I see you stealing again, I'll turn you in," in reality, he wanted to tell him he would kick his ass himself, but flaunting his strength wasn't proper either.

"W-Wait, don't leave!" the tiger begged as he turned around, making the small feline freeze in place. Against all logic telling him to ignore his words and leave already, Prolly stuck around out of curiosity, looking over his shoulder at the tall, muscular man. He was still wearing that backless shirt as before, straining against his defined flesh, but the one thing the orc noticed the most was the way the orange fur on his cheeks turned a brighter color. "I'm sorry about stealing your money, I just... I wanted an excuse to see you again..."


"I can tell you like what you see as well, you know?" the tiger winked at him, and even with the anger still burning through his veins, Prolly couldn't help the blush forming on his cheeks. He had to look away for a second before remembering he could just use the glamour to hide it, but the tiger surely caught on that already. Thus, without any words coming from him, the taller feline reached for the hem of his shirt and slowly peeled it off his body, leaving the prince with bulging eyes at the sudden development.

Whatever thought may have held the young orc back instantly vanished when he witnessed the impressive torso being presented to him. It had always been evident that this tiger had one hell of a body, but exposing his skin and the white fur of his underside only revealed to Prolly how truly exquisite it was. From the exquisitely defined abs to those hips that seemed to guide the eyes down, intended to attract all attention towards his crotch and what was surely one hell of a rod inside his pants... But what really took Prolly's mind over were his enormous pecs, no longer confined by the tight fabric, simply jumping and jiggling from even the slightest breath coming from the feline. Each one was easily the size of the prince's head, perhaps a tad bigger than that, actually; not the biggest he'd seen in his life, but definitely a delectable pair, with perky nipples that screamed at him to twist and play with. A good suck wouldn't hurt anyone, right...?

"I can tell how badly you want them, you know? You're making it real obvious," the tiger's eyes went down, and Prolly didn't need to see where they were aimed at to cover up between his legs. A light chuckle came out of the other man, his voice just a tad higher than he expected, and it made the prince think how nice it would be to make him moan with that tone. The way his pecs shook with his breathing was also pleasant to look at, his body shivering in return as he felt the need to reach and give them the good squeeze he asked for. The tiger picked up on that as well, squeezing them together. "Don't you want to bury that bad boy between these? I'm sure we would have one hell of a time like that."

"S-Stop that!" it was unusual for him to ignore his needs like that, but this was becoming far more dangerous than it had to be. He actually slapped the feline's hand when it reached for his dick, something he instantly regretted. It would be so easy to let him touch and cave in, forget his duties even if only for a few minutes... "I don't have the time to just fool around with a stranger. Besides, you'll just run away with my money again, I'm not that dumb!"

"You have magic, don't you? You can just summon something to tie me up," he winked at him, putting his arms behind his back. Surely his wrists were pushed together, as if waiting for a pair of cuffs to materialize around them and keep him down. But his new position was more interesting due to the way it made his chest push out, the tits becoming far more prominent, more tempting, his back arching slightly to show more of them off to the prince. "I bet you're the kind of guy that likes bossing around bigger guys. Really dominant dude. You have that air of authority around you."

He read him like an open book. He wondered what kind of secret skill this tiger had that let him figure him out so easily, or was it that evidently written all over his face? Prolly had no idea, and the more he tried figuring it out, the more his thoughts were clouded by his slowly growing arousal. Every passing second he stared at those enormous tits was one more inch of advantage lost against the larger man. His fingers twitched like crazy, pondering, asking themselves if perhaps giving up was such a bad idea...

"Ok, fine! I get it!" he somehow managed to beat those horny feelings and turn around, his eyes shut tight and his hand instantly diving for his crotch. He wasn't sure if he was hiding the boner or if he wanted to stroke himself through the fabric of his pants, nor was he too inclined to look and find out. The risk of disappointing himself was far too great. He audibly swallowed and took one final glance over his shoulder. "You win. I won't report you or anything. Just don't bump into me again, and don't even think about stealing from me again!"

"Oh, sweet! Thanks a lot, bro!" and in an instant, the feline stood back up, his shirt covering up those glorious mounds of muscle again. The young prince sighed in defeat, realizing he wouldn't have any chance to play with those tits again, before hearing the tiger's words repeat in his head over and over again. He heard his tone this time, and with a shocked expression, he turned back at the sneering feline.

"You- Y-You- That's cheating!" the young prince looked about ready to jump at the thief and tear him a new one. Or perhaps tear his clothes off and get lucky on those tits, who knew. But whatever it was he wanted to do, he remained frozen when the tiger just laughed at his reaction.

"Yeah, I'm sorry. But you know how it is, little guy. Survival of the fittest," and he had the gall to go for the orc's head to pet him. Prolly slapped his hand away, not to keep his tall hair hidden under the illusion, but because he just wasn't willing to take any belittlement from this man. But it still only got a chuckle out of the tiger. "You have my word, I won't steal from you anymore. Plenty of fat pockets around this city, anyway. But hey, if we do come across one another again, maybe you can have a go at my tits that time."

Prolly froze at those words again, watching as the tiger walked past him. In the one second it took for the larger feline to cross him, the young prince's mind was a complete mess as he tried with all his might not to look at the enormous tits hanging in front of him. He swore they shook even more now, dammit! But he was still conscious enough to hold his bag tightly and not take his eyes away from the thief. There was no way he would give him the tiniest bit of trust.

By the time he turned around, the tiger was already gone. When he left the alley behind him, he looked left and right, but there was no sign of him going either way. And if he couldn't find those gigantic honkers, there was simply no way he was anywhere near enough. With a relieved sigh, the orc pocketed his money again, smiling to himself as he realized he actually managed to get it back. A small victory that certainly helped ease his worries; he didn't even feel quite as tired any longer. And with renewed optimism, he went down the street, holding his backpack tightly, hands going in to make sure everything was still inside. One more destination to go to...

This last one was different, however. The young prince was used to this area, just like he was to everywhere else in his home; it was his duty to know the kingdom he would rule, after all. But his whole life he had heard his father tell him not to wander into the docks for too long, and it was the one thing he obeyed while simultaneously ignoring.

Being a mountain kingdom of this size, docks were barely a necessity. The mountain's face looked over the sea, allowing for a certain degree of access for ships into the city, but the curved entrance didn't allow for any degree of sunlight to come into this area. It was buried deep into the city, the lowest section, far down enough that the light of the crystal didn't reach in the least either. Call it cruel irony that this dark, almost forgotten place would also be the largest, most populated section of the entire city. Cheaper living prices, the prince figured. He looked over his shoulder at the several houses and buildings spread around, still on the edge of the steep entrance, having a way to go down. The only light in this area came from the countless torches spread all around, hanging close to every door, near every window, giving the whole thing an orange, warm tint.

Prolly remembered reading about it during his history lessons. Most of these developments were a fairly new attempt from his father's rule to try and recover what was otherwise deemed as a lost, inhospitable area. His late grandfather had been the one to truly claim the lower sections of the mountain, after they spent years closed off with their ancestors unable to do much with them, but he did so simply to protect what would be a dangerous entrance, a weak spot to their home. If left alone, anyone could enter through the sea and invade them, and he wouldn't have any of it. So, he conquered this place, and left it with the bare minimum, a few guards spread around to protect the caves and ensure no one came through. It wasn't until his father took the throne that this became a place where people could live.

Once he reached the bottom, the prince breathed in. The air was somewhat stagnant, and there was a powerful salty scent coming from the seawater. It was overwhelming, but invigorating in a unique way. The kind of fire that could only come from the sea. He was familiar enough with this area, having wandered over just to check out a few of the hunky sailors that came around, even if he only slept with them a handful of times. The kingdom was fairly self-sufficient, and most of its import came through the grand gates, when merchants came for business; receiving things through the sea was relatively rare, but still often enough that he could get a bit of eye candy whenever he came around. He remembered a time when the lack of light from the crystal meant there was a lot more crime around the area, and how his father decided to assign most of their guards and forces here. A lot of knights thus walked around the city, standing guard, patrolling, making this the most guarded section of the city. But still far from the most secure.

That's how his mind went back to the task at hand, and he looked down at the small piece of paper that were Frederick's last notes. The note where he asked of the prince to meet with no other than Captain Goldfin and pick a bag of specialized soil he had brought over. The package itself was of no interest to the prince; he figured with the other things now hanging in his pouch that this was more of a botany project for the head priest. If he thought about it, perhaps the soil in question had some kind of special quality to it, some unique nutrients from some far-off island that no one else but this man would ever wander to, and that was why this deal was made in the first place.

It was the name in the note that really got his attention. Even a sheltered prince like him had heard Captain Goldfin's name before. Not only on his casual escapades, but in the castle's hallways as well. A famed pirate, known across the entire continent and even beyond the sea, if the rumors were to be believed, he was considered by many as the greatest threat any vessel could face, and many sailors were even scared to speak his name, lest that somehow made him show up in front of their ships. Whenever news of his latest assault reached the kingdom, he became the first thing everyone talked about for a few days, before the excitement and concern died out.

It was a peculiar thing, however. The man was known for only attacking other ships maybe once every six months at most, always big targets, full of riches that lasted him and his crew for that long. He would vanish in the fog afterwards and not even be heard of until his loot was presumed spent, just in time to attack another ship and recover his expenses. Seeing him was indeed a rarity, but the moment you did you could be sure you had no chances of making it out without losses. On all stories he heard, there was always one thing in common: No matter what kind of ship he and his crew went for, the actual ship itself would always sink, and everyone would be left adrift, sometimes for weeks, until another passing ship rescued them; a few sailors sometimes perished in the cold of the sea as a result, but the man himself never did the deed on his own. For all his plundering, some went as far as saying he did value others' lives. A kind of honor of his own. It was so hard to believe, some people thought he was little more than a legend at this point. As far as the prince knew, no one had actually seen him; no one even knew what species he was.

Prolly gulped. Countless thoughts swirled inside his head, the first being why Frederick would have any sort of deal or relationship with a pirate like this. There were rumors that Goldfin had his own deals with certain kingdoms, that they left him alone in exchange for security in their own routes, sometimes for part of his loot; rumors that his father didn't confirm nor deny when he asked him out of curiosity. Perhaps it wasn't that unlikely for the head priest to have his own deals with the mysterious pirate, but how did a man of faith even get to meet him in the first place? What kind of soil was he trying to get if he had to go to this much of an effort to get it? Was he confident enough to just write down his name without a concern for who might see his note? If Prolly allowed anyone else to read it, he would definitely get interrogated; even blowing his cover wouldn't save him from the full brunt of his actions. He was starting to get cold feet...

It was too late to turn back, though. He looked up and saw the large boat in an instant, just as the note described it: An unmarked Nothian vessel, the top covered in a thin, glistening bubble designed to keep water from ever hitting the deck, exactly what he expected from the underwater kingdom. The ebony planks seemed to glisten in the darkness, with a kind of gloss that made them pop out against the shadows; a deeper black than the actual cave, like a silhouette cut out of them, and the black sails and large paddles to the side made its nature so evident, it was clear the guards were purposefully ignoring it. Whether they were bought out or did so out of honest fear, the prince had no way of knowing. Nor was it his goal in any case. With a deep breath, Prolly walked over to the ship, keeping his back straight, his chest slightly puffed, and checking one last time to make sure that his glamour was still up.

He reached the ship and saw a tall, muscular man of a species he couldn't quite put his finger on: He was covered in scales and had a few fins on the sides of his face, but his features were definitely humanoid. His tan shirt opened all the way down to his chest, revealing the cleft of a pair of large pectorals that Prolly stared at for perhaps a second more than he should, but he tried his best to keep it all under control. Flirting with a pirate sounded interesting, but he wasn't about to let his libido get him in trouble yet again.

"I'm here to meet with the captain," a firm, unassuming tone. He didn't demand anything, nor did he show any weakness. He was stating facts. That was the best chance he had when dealing with pirates like this, right? Not let them figure out how nervous he really was. The strange fish man looked down at him, his frown deepening as he looked at the feline up and down. Prolly thought he would see under his glamour for a second, and a cold sweat threatened to run down his brow, just like the shiver that went up his spine.

"First room in the middle," the fish man stepped to the side, revealing a small entrance, a long stair leading to the top of the ship. The young prince tried his best not to sigh in relief and made his way up, but a large hand on his shoulder stopped him and he couldn't help going stiff. "Don't go anywhere else, little guy," the fish man said, this time with a wide grin that revealed a row of sharp fangs, and Prolly was sure his face was twisted with his nerves. All he did was nod in response, and that's when the guard let him go. He went up the stairs a lot faster than he was willing to admit.

The ship's deck was devoid of people, contrary to what the little orc expected, and the first thought that crossed his mind was that the crew was spending their loot in the town, drinking to their hearts' content, hooking up with whoever came across them with just enough interest. He had never put much thought on it, but now he wondered if any of his casual escapades had ended up with him meeting with a random pirate and taking them to an inn or a dark alley. He enjoyed the company of a man of the sea, but never asked much about their adventures to them; his interest always lied somewhere else, nestled deep inside their shirts or between their legs... A thought that made him blush and forced him to look down, stare at the dark wooden floor and ignore anything else that may distract him with more horny thoughts.

He located the door in a second and rushed to it, trying to focus on his task instead. The last thing he needed right now was getting horny, and the sooner he was done with this last request, the better. On the other side, unlike the outside deck, was a large, well-lit room, scarcely decorated but still elegant in its simplicity. A large bed to the side caught a glance from the prince, before his eyes went towards the couch and small table in the middle, the small coffers set around in an orderly fashion, some of them open with some coins still in them. A tall desk stood in the back of the room, with a large window looking out into the abyss of the cave, framed by dark blue curtains.

None of that mattered to the young orc after a while, however. His eyes locked and bulged when they landed on the only other person in the room: A tall, imposing shark standing to the side of the room, almost hidden by the shadows. And yet, when he turned around, Prolly wondered how such a man could hide anywhere. He was gigantic, his head fin reaching the ceiling, the tip brushing against it with every step he took. His scales were a bright orange that took a golden hint to it when the light from the fire hit them, almost blinding the prince when he walked over. But by far the most impressive of all was the sheer magnitude of his pecs: Gigantic boulders, perfectly round, each one wider than the feline's entire torso! The shark as a whole was incredibly muscular, his biceps so large that he bumped against several of the coffers on his way to the prince, and abs barely hidden behind a tight shirt. But those enormous pecs, flopping out of his clothes, exposing every inch of hairy skin save for the very edge of his equally large nipples, was on an entirely different level.

"And who might ye be, lil' guy?" he asked in a deep, masculine voice, his words only slightly slurred but in no way hindered by it; if anything, it added to his appeal, giving him a certain edge that made him feel more charming. Prolly happened to glance on the small cup on his hands, bright red wine reaching only halfway. He caught him in the middle of a relaxed moment, it seemed. By now, it was clear that this was the famed Captain Goldfin, and the prince wasn't sure how to act around him anymore. He was far different from what he expected, never considering that a man in his line of work would be his type to this extent... But he ignored those thoughts yet again, trying his best to focus on the task at hand.

"I'm here to pick a package for the head priest," he tried his best to keep the firm tone, but it was getting harder to keep his voice down. The man in front of him was simply exquisite, his chest jiggling and jumping with every breath, his nipples constantly threatening to break out of his shirt and practically beg him to eat them out. And given how much he had been teased that day, the little prince was far more pent up than he expected to be. He felt his dick stiffen and press tightly against his pants, and actually expanded his glamour to hide his bulge as much as he could. You'd think that the thought of being in front of a pirate would be enough to ease his arousal, but the fear was the ideal spice to add up to it.

However, the shark's confident, almost flirtatious grin vanished the moment Frederick was mentioned. The grip on his cup tightened as well, and he let out a small sigh, as if resigning himself to the thought that it was only a business affair. Blessed with an active imagination, Prolly couldn't help but think that the man wanted it as badly as he did, and the thought of having a pirate all for his own, the danger- Ah, he shouldn't! Focus, dammit! Just as he said that, the shark turned around and headed for a small box on his desk, leaving his cup aside and opening it.

"Right, Freddie boy..." what... Was he allowed to call him that? Should Prolly say something about it? It caught him so off guard, he didn't know. His aroused state certainly didn't help his focus, especially when the shark sharply turned around, his tits jiggling slightly and his arms popping veins despite the tiny sack he was holding. "Here you go, lil' guy. Tell Freddie I said hi," he let go of the bag on top of the cat's arms, and he almost fell forward when the weight pushed him down, realizing now why the massive pirate's muscles were straining so much holding it. It was the size of one of the prince's tiny hands, and yet it felt like it could crash through the wooden floors if he let it go. What was this full of, lead!? A light chuckle above him got his attention again. "And tell the old man he can pick it up himself next time. I wanna see those tits."

"W-Wha...!" he couldn't help that reaction. The pirate was far from what he expected, the rumors he heard not matching up with the gallant hunk in front of him. It felt like a few more words would be all it took for him to talk him into bed, and Prolly was pent up enough that he would get on willingly anyway. The only thing holding him back was how open the man was about sexualizing a man of faith, and the curious question of whether he and Frederick had the sort of relationship that went beyond simply business. In any case, his bulge was getting dangerously difficult to hide, even with the glamour. "I-I'll make sure to let him know. Let me just get your money, s-sir..."

"You know who I am, eh, kitty boy?" it took a bit for Prolly to realize the shark was talking to him. He was usually a lot better remembering what his glamour looked like, but everything in the room was starting to get him. Not just the massive man's presence coupled with his own arousal, but the moment he started noticing the powerful musk emanating from him. His masculine essence permeated the air around them, only getting stronger the closer he got, and the young prince had to hold back his whimpers. His silence, however, seemed to make the pirate grow more interested. "He gives it to ye good? I can do better than those tits, you know," and he pulled his shirt just enough to reveal the deep cleft of his pecs. That's where the musk came from, and the full blast made Prolly's knees weak.

"H-Here you go!" he yelled, blushing and looking away as he handed the small bag of money to the shark. He didn't realize until it was too late that his hand dove inside the cleft, the bag left right between those enormous pecs. The blush that settled on his face at that was so intense, he might as well have been a new lamp for the room. And of course, Goldfin flexed, tits squeezing his hand in place, making the little orc bite his lower lip to hold back the moan that threatened to come out. He tried pulling, not in the least surprised when his arm didn't budge, and looked up at the large and hairy pirate, his grin and another wink making him doubt for a second. Any other day, he might have fallen to these charms and just given in. But the risks were far too many... "I need to leave now, sir. I must get this to the head priest."

"Not so fast there, mate," the pirate's hand landed on the cat's shoulder, holding him in place. He barely tried to; he didn't have to put too much strength to keep Prolly down thanks to his body freezing from the shock, but when he started getting his wits back, he realized there was little he could do against the shark's apparent strength. Slowly, Goldfin turned him around, his grin wide and his eyes shining with a certain light that the orc couldn't put a name to. The one thing he notice was the way he held the bag in his other hand, tossing it around in his open palm. "Doesn't feel quite as heavy as it should be. I don't think this is enough, boy."

"W-Wha... I'm pretty sure you had a deal with the head priest," he was trying really hard to keep his voice steady, but it was proving a lot more difficult with every passing second. Being in front of a renowned, possibly dangerous pirate was starting to get to him, and the way his chest jumped and shook with every breath the shark took was also distracting. Truth be told, Prolly had no idea how to feel about all of it. "That's the money you agreed to. If that's all, I'll-

"I said it's not enough, boy," there was just a hint of a threat in his voice, but he still flashed him a smile. It was a peculiar feeling after that: Prolly knew very well he could easily deal with the pirate; he was more than strong enough to beat the crap out of him. But he didn't, not because he had an identity to hide or because he didn't want to ruin relationships between him and Frederick. Those things were far detached from his mind right now. He remained still because the sheer aura this predator had made him tremble. That smile was one he recognized very well... "We had a hard time getting' these for that 'head priest' of yers. A few guys shat their pants from how scared they got in that island! I deserve a bigger compensation. But Freddie and I go way back, so I'm willing to take something different for payment. Something I'm sure you feel like giving."

Was he that easy to read? Prolly was sure his glamour was still up; his boner shouldn't be showing in the least. But the shark didn't say anything, nor did he tear his eyes away from the small feline. He stepped forward and the prince didn't step back, instead accepting the massive tits now jiggling close to his face. The powerful musk coming out of them was masculine, temptingly sweet, more than any other guy he had ever been with. Goldfin's hand went down and started rubbing his thigh first, slowly roaming to the side, easily finding the erection through his pants. Thankfully, he had yet to look down and notice what he touched didn't match what he would see, but Prolly still went stiff.

"Packing a lot more than I expected," the shark's tone was honestly surprised, but his smile mellowed out almost instantly. Perhaps he started this with every intention to tease the young man, but there was an equal thirst in his eyes now that made him act slightly different. Instead of walking back, Prolly actually stepped closer, pushing his member against the pirate's hand, feeling his rough fingers grasp through the fabric of his pants, give it a few gentle strokes until a low moan escaped his lips. "There we go... Feels nice when you just accept how you're feeling, eh?"

"I have a lot of other things that would feel nice right now," he said. To hell with it, the prince thought. He had been pent up all day long, and he had managed to go through his tasks with no real trouble sprouting up. He conveniently forgot the tiger that stole his money as the thought crossed his mind, leaning until his hands landed on the shark's massive pecs. Despite the muscle he clearly had under his clothes, there was still enough fat and soft flesh for his fingers to sink in and grope and pull, getting a much more excited grunt out of Goldfin. "See? Feels nice."

"Love me a guy that knows what he's doing," the pirate growled in his ear, his free hand going for the young man's back, rubbing and pulling him even closer. Prolly's face almost sank right between his pecs, and he would've been assaulted by that intense musk straight in his nostrils had he not stopped himself in time. He wondered why he did it, though... And that's when the shark gave his member a good squeeze, hard enough that a glob of pre oozed out and stained his pants. Prolly knew there was no point in hiding it anymore and altered his glamour so it would only cover from the waist up. Just in time, as the captain looked down to see the sticky wetness that now covered his palm. "Long day without a shot, boy? Let's work on fixin' that, aye?"

He stepped back for the first time, the prince already missing his rough hands all over his body. It wasn't every day he found someone he was willing to let get the upper hand on him. But the shark once again proved himself worthy of his attentions when he reached for his shirt and pulled at the neck, easily ripping the fabric apart and exposing his gigantic tits to the room. They jumped and jiggled furiously once freed, his nipples easily the fattest ones the young orc had seen all day. One of them was pierced as well, the golden ring hanging in the most tempting manner, practically egging him forward. He didn't care about anything else and simply dove in, mouth open, teeth clenching around it.

It was a moment of sheer, absolute bliss. It honestly felt like it had been so long since the last time he had a pec in his mouth, this was all nothing but pleasure. His jaw tightening around the fat nipple, growing slightly sore as it filled him up entirely, and the powerful musk coming right from the middle of those tits, filling his nostrils until he shuddered in excitement, were nothing short of heaven. The shark wincing and moaning at the sudden action was merely a plus. Prolly had forgotten what he was even doing here, focused on sucking that nub, licking the tip and letting his fangs sink in his soft, malleable flesh; while he did that, his free hand went for the other side, thumb hooking around the piercing and pulling it hard enough to get a yelp out of Goldfin. That was definitely a story to tell, the time he managed to get a legendary pirate to scream in pleasure.

"D-Damn..." stuttering too, that was surprising. But it only lasted a second, and next thing he knew, Goldfin was pushing him deeper against his pec. "Wasn't expectin' you to be this forward, kid! Real purdy mouth you got there. Yeah, bite harder..." he moaned that last bit, his own monster cock hard in his pants, the tent evident enough that Prolly thought about groping and stroking him just like he was doing to him. But he was far too taken by those juicy pecs, biting harder than ever, pulling and making the shark yell some more.

Maybe that's when everything started going wrong. When he tried to get dominant with a pirate like this. At that moment, he didn't care in the least; even as Goldfin pushed him away and tossed him on the bed, the young prince was simply too aroused to notice any changes. When the captain joined him on top of the mattress, his small body jumped from the sudden shift in weight; even that was another sign that this would be one hell of a time. Their lips met after that, burying each other into a deep kiss while his pecs grounded against Prolly's body and his hands went for the feline's pants, pulling them down with ease and revealing the young prince's erection. It was the first time all day he was set free, and he was honestly relieved to have it out at last, no longer victim to the painful pressure of his clothes.

Goldfin broke their kiss, but he had yet to say anything. He was breathing heavily, his chest heaving with every intake of air as he went down on the orc, pushing Prolly against the mattress and making his cock jump in return. Soon, it was lodged between those massive pecs, going right down the middle of the shark's chest, pre oozing out and sticking to every bit of skin and hair. The orange of his scales was painted white in an instant, and the pirate grinned at him as he started bobbing up and down in time with Prolly's own bucks.

"That's right," he whispered. His voice was so damn deep, it still made the prince shiver. It was truly excellent. "Come on, boy. Fuck my tits, I know you want to. Go deep, come on. Just like that," he was trying to keep his own dominance, but his voice started breaking into low moans and grunts, revealing the intense pleasure he felt. Sensitive pecs, the prince thought, figuring out ways for him to abuse such information.

The first thing he did, however, was obey and let his hips buck forward. Even the slightest motion was enough to get sharp moans out of the young man, but they were instantly drowned out by Goldfin's powerful screams, teeth clenched as he tried to keep his own voice down. His fingers twitched around Prolly's balls, probably wanting to grope himself, hold his own tits roughly and get another set of loud moans out of his system. But they remained on the prince's nuts, squeezing just hard enough to get more of his fluids leaking and oozing out, straight between his tits. Lubing them and getting them slick for them both to pleasure themselves. Prolly bit his lower lip, already feeling his orgasm threaten to push forward and berating himself for lasting so little. This man was a giant, a beast, giving himself so freely to the prince and he was going to just waste it with a quick shot.

But what was the problem with that, was his next thought. Just because his first shot was fast didn't mean it had to be the last, after all. He was pent up enough that he could manage several loads, and the way the shark kept grinding and flexing his pecs around the orc's cock made it clear that he was more than willing to go through that as well. Sweat started running down his cleft and mixing with Prolly's thickening pre, part of it dripping to the sides of the young prince's member and down his hips. They were synched, pushing and pulling perfectly, grinding sensitive tits and cock in just the right way to get each other screaming.

But that's when it ended, and when Prolly's lack of attention came to bite him in the ass. The shark's eyes opened, a sultry smile forming on his lips for a single second, soon replaced by a shocked expression. His motions stopped and the flexing receded, making the moaning orc look up with needy eyes. But all he met was the pirate's confusion.

"Who... What... Who are you?" he asked, stuttering again. Anything else and Prolly would probably have taken it as something else to be proud about, but this? It was a peculiar question, a very specific one. For a moment, he thought about joking with the shark, tell him he was the prince and that he was bargaining for his freedom; a bit of roleplay to spice their session up. But just as he was about to say that, he caught a glimpse of his own reflection in his temporary lover's jet black eyes.

He immediately started looking around for anything he could see himself more clearly, and just his luck, there was a mirror in the shark's open closet, a few feet to the side of the bed. When he saw himself, the pirate's shock made perfect sense, along with his own. At some point, in the heat of the moment, Prolly's glamour had faded completely; probably when he tried making it go from the waist down. A single second out of focus, and now he was exposed in his true form, from the pale orcish features to the tall blue hair, all of it revealed to a legendary pirate. With his pants down and his cock buried between said pirate's tits, to boot. Just what he needed.

Said tits flexing tightly around his cock got the prince's attention back to the pirate. Goldfin looked down at him not with the same confusion as before, but with actual anger, sharp fangs bore at the orc. Prolly almost rose his hands defensively, thinking the shark would jump at him and tear his flesh off, but part of his mind wondered if doing precisely that would only make the much taller man grow furious enough to actually do it. Talk about irony... But for now, he just remained quiet, his eyes trailed on the orc; completely unlike Prolly, who looked any direction as long as he didn't have to meet with his gaze.

"Well?" his voice was gruff and he didn't try in the least to hide his anger, but there was no real reprimand in it just yet. It was rough, but he was honestly curious. The bright side of catching him with his dick buried deep in his tits, the prince wondered. If he gave him a good enough fuck, then maybe he would be allowed to leave safely. Not to mention he would get a great fuck. "I'll ask again, cutie. Who the fuck are you?" the tender way he stroked the orc's cheek didn't fit with how roughly he spoke.

"R-Right," Prolly coughed, his voice cracking slightly. There were several more lies he could throw at him, all of them practiced over years of escapades and trips to town. But he felt that none of them would work on this man. There was something in his eyes that could tell a lie from the truth, he just knew that. Par for the course when you dealt with criminals on a daily basis, he figured. Thus, it was better to just omit some truths. "I'm the same guy. I work for the head priest and I'm here to take his package to the temple. I used a glamour to cover myself down here because... Well, no one wants to be seen, right?"

Goldfin raised an eyebrow at first, but it only lasted a second before he nodded, conceding the orc's point. The shark's shoulders notably loosened and Prolly figured he got him, that he was safe now and could keep going with it if he needed to. His hips pushed forward slightly, cock burying just a bit deeper down the pirate's pecs, and he got a grunt out of him more from the surprise than pleasure. But there was still pleasure in his voice, he couldn't hide that. Goldfin looked back at him with a scowl at first, but it soon turned into a grin and the massive shark squeezed his member even harder between those gargantuan pecs, the hair tickling Prolly's length and making him moan in the same way. Before he knew it, he was pinned down by those tits again, feeling them grind and press against his cock harder, flexing and massaging his manhood, getting pre out of him.

"You're lucky you're still cute, boy. Or I would make you walk down the plank! Maybe I still will," he pushed closer with those last few words, his prominent bulge brushing against the prince's pants, right where his buttocks were. Prolly didn't remember the last time he bottomed, but he was seriously considering it for such a sensual man. Goldfin leaned down and kissed him, tongue pushing inside the orc's mouth, coiling around his own, pulling him deeper into it. Only for a second, but that was all it took to leave him out of breath. "Still... I could swear I've seen you before."

"What?" fuck! He was still a prince, of course the pirate might know who he was! His face wasn't exactly a state secret. He thrust between his pecs harder, getting louder grunts out of him, hoping that the carnal sensations would distract him from those thoughts as well. "Maybe we've seen each other in your dreams, handsome. Want me to make them come true?" that was way too cheesy, but he was running out of lines!

"Fuck, you really know what you're doing," the shark sighed. Prolly knew he was good, he had spent years perfecting his technique. And if he was being honest, this man looked lovely with his face twisted in pleasure like that. But despite the intense sensations coursing through him as the orc continued to fuck his pecs, he still pulled back until it slipped from between them. "I really can't stop thinking about it, boy. I'm sure I've seen you somewhere. You're pretty famous, ain't ya?"

"Famous? Me?" Prolly was really trying to keep his nerves from getting the best of him. Any moment now and he might just blurt it all out, and then what? He got kidnapped, at best. Better to avoid that, and so he shook his head vigorously, as if the harder he denied it, the quicker the shark would believe him. "Not at all! I'm just a nobody, you can be sure of that."

"I wouldn't forget this cute hair of yers," the large hand reached to the back of his head, holding it, fingers sinking through the blue locks. Naturally, the young orc blushed at such words. Not the first time someone called his hair cute, but every time they did, it garnered the exact same reaction out of him. Goldfin didn't smile back, however. "Think I saw it somewhere in a painting or somethin'..."

An idea sparked in Prolly' mind. No matter how you looked at it, it was a terrible idea; the kind that, when you looked back on it, was the clear point at which everything turned to shit. The one idea he would later regret to have. One that he would've instantly thrown out the window in any other circumstances. But right now, with his mind clouded with nervous fear and lingering lust? It looked like the most logical thing in the world. A stroke of genius, even!

"Oh, this? This is the prince's style!" the young orc said, not even noticing the light in the shark's eyes as he was suddenly given the last piece of the puzzle he needed. All Prolly could think of was that he had managed to get away with it. "He made it really popular around here! Go to town, you'll see a lot of people with this haircut. It's just a fad!"

"So that's how it is, is it? Young, little prince," at that exact second, Prolly's throat closed up and he stared back at the pirate as his grip on the blue hair got just a bit tighter. In his mind, it made no sense that he was found out so quickly; not when he had put so much effort in hiding his identity during these requests. It was the first time ever his skills failed him to such extent, the first time he honestly felt worried. That handsome, rugged face that he had been desiring for a while now had a completely different meaning. It approached him, the shark's lips close to his own, almost kissing him, tempting the prince to lean forward and do it all on his own. Even when in danger, he couldn't help the throbbing between his legs, the gentle jump against the shark's massive tits. Probably what stopped Goldfin in the first place. "Still excited to be with a pirate, eh? What are ye even doin' here, Your Highness?"

"That's... classified," best he could do was keep from spilling the beans and make things even worse. He couldn't deny who he was anymore, so instead he just chose to grind against the shark's pecs, cock squeezing between them, right in his cleft, getting another grunt out of him. He could see it clearly in Goldfin's eyes: He was also trying to keep his wits despite the arousal taking hold of his thoughts. "Does it matter? We're here already, might as well finish what we started."

"Might as well, huh?" the shark's tongue slipped out and he gave the orc a long lick up his neck, rough and powerful, sending a shudder up Prolly's spine. God, he was truly ready to give it all to this shark. As long as he got this fire doused, this thirst clenched... The pecs that had been trying to reject him until seconds ago were now bouncing against his cock, teasing him, practically asking to come in again. He thought he would get sucked in them again, any moment now! But instead, he got that gruff voice in his ear again. "It would be a lot easier to just ask for compensation in return for the prince's... safe return."

That was exactly where he didn't want it to go. But where else would it? This was a pirate he was talking with; what else would he care about if not profit? No matter how badly Prolly wanted to fuck those honkers, it wasn't worth if it meant running the chance of getting kidnapped. Although he did ponder on it for longer than he was proud to admit... In the end, he reluctantly pulled back, his hips no longer rocking with the shark's heartbeat, and he looked up at those dark, beady eyes that still looked back with incessant lust.

"You can ask for ransom from the royal family, that's right," confirming his theory was yet another gamble, but at this point he had nothing but gambles left to try. "And they might give it to you. Or they might just set the kingdom's entire forces on this ship and burn you to the ground," his tone was distinctly dark now, carrying a certain fatality he wasn't used to hearing in his own voice. It was the kind of tone he would expect from his brother, from his father whenever he needed to get strict, but never from himself. "The last thing the kingdom wants is for a scandal to come out, but if it comes to it, I assure you that you will be the one losing."

At those words, the shark stopped. His pecs had stopped bouncing and his smile refused to return to his face. The beady eyes that had been eating Prolly up until now were instead distant, his minds in many other places at the same time. Weighing his options... The prince wasn't entirely sure if he was bluffing or not, but he sure as hell hoped those threats worked. And in the end, the pirate sat back up on his bed, letting out a deep sigh that made his chest jiggle with a delectable swing. The need to jump back on them was only getting harder to resist.

"Seems like we have reached an impasse, aye?" the shark's voice no longer carried that hint of anger from before. In fact, he sounded quite jovial as he got up from the bed, adjusting his large bulge and trying to cover up his chest. He was failing at that, the prince noticed; his shirt refused to cooperate, and he figured this was a common occurrence for the pirate. Picturing him every morning trying to get the fabric to stretch enough to cover those prominent pecs made his member twitch a bit. "Cover that up, prince boy! Ye don't want anyone grabbing the crown jewels on the way out!"

"R-Right," it was unusual for Prolly to feel flustered, especially with a guy whose pecs he had just fucked, but this shark had a certain charm to him that made it difficult to keep your wits around him. It only made it all the more disappointing that he had to leave, his erection proving to be a hassle to slip back in his pants. The tip still wet, he felt just a bit of a stain form in the fabric and he hoped the glamour wouldn't fail him this time; it was one thing to be caught in the middle of the street with his real appearance, but with his pants soaked in pre as well? He would never hear the end of it.

"Hey," he stopped right in front of the door, called in by that gruff voice one more time. He was about to turn back when a giant arm held the door closed next to him. When Prolly looked over his shoulder, Goldfin was right there, shoving him around and pinning him against the wall. The orc felt his heartbeat rush to the extreme, but to be honest, he wasn't sure if it was from fear or arousal. At this point, he didn't even know if there was a difference at all. And the shark looking at him with a wide grin that showed off the row of sharp fangs definitely didn't help matters. "Almost changed my mind right there. Fighting the king would be worth it from how good ye fuck a pair of tits, kid. Almost changed my mind... I see you again, I'm claiming that monster of yers for my own, aye?" he grabbed the young orc's crotch to emphasize his words, and just his hold was enough to make Prolly get hard again. He stroked through the fabric, making the stain of pre grow even bigger. If he kept it up, Prolly would have a completely different stain on them.

With all of his willpower going towards keeping his orgasm from hitting, the prince could only nod wordlessly. That was thankfully enough for the pirate to let go and walk back to his desk, seemingly waiting for any excuse to just go for him. Prolly felt like giving it to him, to be taken by this man- And what a man! But his better judgment won in the end and he left the room, the door softly closed behind him and a sigh escaping him. He leaned against the wall and took a moment to ease his breathing, trying to get his boner to go down, slowly assembling his glamour again. Only when he was sure the feline fur would stick to his body did he dare leave the hallway.

Everything was sort of a blur afterwards. He didn't remember any of the faces from the other sailors and pirates he walked past on his way out, or even leaving the ship at all. His mind was still drowning in arousal, up until he was closer to the entrance of the lower districts than he was to the docks themselves. He only came back to his senses when he looked over his shoulders, seeing the ship in the distance. It was at that exact moment that the weight of what had just happened truly fell on him, and his knees almost gave in; he had to lean on the nearest wall, hoping no one would come anywhere near him. He didn't need them to be concerned, or to take advantage of a small and shaky guy and mug him right there.

"Holy shit, that actually happened..." a shudder assaulted Prolly as he played it back in his mind. More form the lingering sensation of that shark's massive, hairy tits around his member, the constant bobbing as he pushed deeper, fucking him for all his worth. God, he was good... But at the same time, he was hit with sudden fear at the mere thought that, had he just been a bit unluckier, he would probably not be out here to tell the story. Never before had he been found out, or had he been so terrified for what could happen. It really blurred the line between fear and horny. With that thought, he looked over at the docks once again, the darkness barely held back by the many torches in the living area, and remembered the few stories he had heard about this place in his youth. "I'm definitely fixing this place when I get the throne," and with those parting words, he left the docks for the day, deciding not to return until he could live up to that statement.

Back in the city proper, the young prince looked up. The light of the mother crystal bathing him from the top of their cave was a welcome change from the darkness of the depths. He thought he could stand right beneath it forever and just soak in that light for as long as he could, relish on it until he was satisfied. It was going down, based on the hour, but that didn't make him look at it with any less reverence. But he still held on to his task and kept making his way through the busy streets, greeting a few familiar faces on his way, rejecting the occasional invitation to a quick booty call, even when his loins burned with the need. He needed to deliver these goods, after all.

The goods... Every time he thought of them, Prolly pulled at the backpack hanging from his shoulder, to make sure they were all still there. The weight of that strange bag the shark gave him was reassuring, and it gave him a good workout as well. But he still couldn't help wondering what would be so important for the head priest that he had to ask an illegal trader, of all things, to get it for him. How did the two of them even know each other, to begin with? Because Goldfin made it look like they went way back. He wanted to ask, and as the prince he felt like he had the right to know what kind of dealings went on within his kingdom; but at the same time, as a man who wanted a chance to bed such a beautiful beast, he thought maybe they didn't know each other well enough. Maybe the priest would be offended by his accusations.

"What to do..." Prolly asked himself all the way, even as he stood in front of the building. The cleric guild's main temple, standing right beneath the mother crystal in all its magnificence, with an opulence that still felt inappropriate for what was supposed to be a place of piety. Stepping in, he noticed the vast white halls empty, far unlike the busy morning he remembered; he half expected one of the busy priests from that time to come greet him, tell him he should be going to Frederick's office right away, that he knew the way already. Even though he had no idea where to go, thanks to how confusingly identical all of these hallways were. But nothing happened... "H-Hello?" he shyly let out into the hallways, hoping someone would listen to his plea. Amazing how a well-lit place like this could be even more unnerving than the dark depths of the docks.

"Your Majesty?" that deep voice was one the prince recognized before turning around, with a sigh of relief coming out of him right after. Frederick stood in the middle of a hallway, staring back at him with a curious expression that soon turned into a gentle smile. The head priest was as glad to see him as the prince was, and Prolly joined him perhaps a bit quicker than he should've. But he had no energy to care, just relief. And there was something soothing about him after the long day he'd just had. "I take it that you have finished your tasks for the day?"

"I have! Everything is right here," he patted the backpack again, getting another soft smile out of the massive man. Part of him wanted to pat his pecs as well, give them a grope... He noticed the nipples straining against the stark white fabric and his need only grew greater, his thirst slowly taking over, whispering in his ear that if it was there for the taking, he might as well take it, right? He wasn't sure how he was even holding back. "M-May I ask what exactly is all of this? I'd be lying if I said it didn't get me curious."

"All in its due time, Your Majesty. Come with me," the massive priest stepped to the side and gestured towards the hallway behind him. Prolly wasn't sure if he should be the one going first, but he didn't want to be rude with his host's offer and he walked forward, heavy hands landing on his shoulder and guiding him further in. "Did you find any sort of trouble during the trip?"

"Nothing out of the ordinary," that was arather bold lie, considering everything he had gone through today. There was no need to bother a priest with most of it, though. "I do have some questions."

"I take it they're related to Goldfin," of course, that would be his immediate concern. At least Frederick was self-aware enough to know that his relationship with the pirate was strange. The orc was glad he didn't have to be the one bringing it up. "We go back him and I. We first met during one of my pilgrimages, when he was just a little kid living in the isles. When I met him as an adult, he admitted to having always admired me, and I must say, I found that to be quite flattering. We kept a sort of understanding during the years, exchanging letters and the like. I never judged him for his life choices, and in return he's always happy to do a few favors for me," he then leaned down, enough for his lips to press closer to Prolly's ear, making the orc shudder. "I may have asked him to keep some of the kingdom's routes safe, to gain favor with His Highness."

Prolly felt like he was hearing yet one more thing he shouldn't be. A king having apparently secret deals with pirates sounded like something improper, even if it made sense when he thought about it. He looked up at the tall man behind him to try and coax confirmation out of him, but all he got was a wink. Was that enough? He was the crown prince, so of course he should be aware of these things; he would be the one taking his own deals to keep the kingdom running one day. Maybe it felt weird because he was getting this information out of someone else but his father.

The pair of gigantic tits pressing against the back of his head put an end to those thoughts, and Prolly sank back on them, a dreamy sigh leaving him as he shuddered in delight. It only lasted a second before Frederick pulled back, still holding him in place.

"My apologies, Your Majesty. How unbecoming of me, letting a member of the royal family bump against these unsightly things," he reached for his enormous pecs, holding them up, making them bounce slightly in his hands. The result was hypnotic, and Prolly didn't even tell him there was nothing to worry about because he was too busy staring. Of course, Frederick knew what he was doing, but the orc prince wouldn't complain about being teased like this. "Anyway, we're already at my office, as you can see. I doubt you can make your way back on your own, so join me for a cup of tea and a conversation, will you?"

"Wha- O-Oh! Yes, of course!" he tried not to blush as he stepped inside the door, the priest holding it open for him. Truly hypnotic, that chest. But now he had the inside of this office to keep him occupied, the countless bookshelves covering the walls, the window to the back, everything in here looking exactly as he remembered seeing it. He got just enough of his usual snark. "I take it this was part of your plan all along. Luring me here with no choice but to join you for that cup of tea. You could have just asked, I wouldn't have rejected you," he said that in as much of a sultry tone as he could use with a man of faith, but he still felt just a little bit filthy about it. He liked that feeling.

"Once again, my apologies. But in my defense, it is I who was allured by your inherent charms," he certainly wasn't expecting the priest to flirt back, but it was a welcome surprise. Prolly thought the night might end differently than he originally thought. He sat in one of the couches in the middle of the office, his eyes never leaving the giant or his still bouncing pecs, but Frederick gestured him back up. "Let's have a drink in the back, shall we? It's far more comfortable."

"The back...?" his feline curiosity took over and he watched as the priest walked behind his desk, going down an apparently hidden staircase that left the prince shocked beyond words. Never had he moved as fast as he did when he joined him, going down the large stairs.

This was the place the window look towards, and it was one the prince remembered clearly from earlier that morning. It was the massive garden right in the middle of the temple, just one floor below the office, and it looked as fantastical as the young prince had figured it would. Lush green as far as the eye could see, bathed in an ethereal blue light that seemed to have made its way inside the plants. Strange trees and flowers of many colors, most of which he was only seeing for the first time, all of them shining with their own colors, in the light blue hues of the mother crystal right above them. He had no idea how any of this was even possible, and he noticed, as he reached the bottom of the stairs, the priest had left his shoes on the last step, right before coming down on the grass. Guided by that same spirit, Prolly did the exact same thing, his bare feet now reaching down.

The instant his skin touched the grass and the fresh soil beneath, an absolute calm washed over him. He felt invigorated and relaxed at the same time, nature itself imbuing him with energy. It was such a bizarre sensation, a tingling going all the way up his body, lasting only a second and yet lingering somehow. Quite the sensation, and one he wouldn't mind feeling for longer; almost made him take off the rest of his clothes and just roll around on the grass. That would've been a canine attitude, however; his feline sensitivities kept him from doing such a reckless thing. But he knew very well that it was the only reason he didn't.

Frederick had already made his way further into the garden, but his massive figure was still visible and Prolly joined him again, walking next to him as they reached the center. A small circular white table waited for them, the crystal's light on it even more than the rest of the room, making it glimmer in a strange way that was comfortable to his tired eyes. He wondered if it was made of the same material as the crystal itself, and thought about asking, but the words didn't make it out of his lips. He was simply too relaxed for interrogations. He silently joined the priest and sat down on his chair, only then noticing a small cup in front of him... Or had it always been there?

"Sugar?" Frederick's voice got his attention and Prolly just nodded. A couple white cubes landed on his cup, followed by a warm, golden liquid that made them dissolve as soon as it touched them. A small trail of steam came out of the cup once it was filled, and the scent was something the orc couldn't quite put a name to. but it was sweet and soothing, like everything else in this garden. "I've always preferred to put the sugar first. A little habit I picked up from your grandfather, actually. The man could be quite fussy when it came to table manners. He was fussy about a lot of things, as a matter of fact."

"You did mention knowing my grandfather," the prince asked before taking his first sip. It was a taste he had never felt, not as sweet as he expected. Rather bland, almost neutral... But there was just a hint of something in the tip of his tongue that made it heavenly. "Would you mind telling me more about him?"

"Not today, if that's fine with Your Majesty," that was more candid than Prolly expected. But he appreciated that. "Your grandfather and I were rather close. A very good friend of mine, that man. Speaking of him can be a pleasant experience, or it can bring up some painful memories. And I'd rather not ruin such lovely company by taking a gamble."

"You think I'm lovely company?" the prince decided to push for that instead, but he got only another wink out of Frederick. "Alright then, how about you tell me more about this deal with Captain Goldfin, and the nature of your relationship with him? I need to keep an eye on what goes around in my kingdom if I'm to sit on the throne one day."

"I fully agree, and I hope we can have a solid relationship when the day comes," securing his position as well, even if it was out of Prolly's jurisdiction. Or was he still flirting? He had a hard time reading this man, and that only made him even more attractive. "Anyway, Goldfin... Like I said, we have a good relationship, he does a few favors for me from time to time, such as procuring these little things for me. This time, I needed soil from a distant island to the south, said to be peculiarly fertile and charged with magical properties unlike anything seen on the mainland. I've read several books on this island myself and it all sounded too fantastical to be truth, but I needed to know, run the risk, you know. For the sake of our experiments with the crystal."

"So, this is all part of the guild's research, then?" Prolly's question received a nod and the tall man took a sip of his tea, which the prince imitated. More of that bland, neutral flavor. It was quite bizarre, really... But he couldn't get enough. "And the other things I gathered?"

"Poppy seeds from the elven forests; a particular breed that has proven to be quite easy to plant, an almost invasive species. I figured it would be a decent specimen to start the experiments on, given how hardy of a plant it is. And I am curious on how the soil's magic would react to elven magic as well. Also, a fertilizer that artificially indues growth, just to help with time constraints. We can't just wait months for the plants to grow when results could be right around the corner."

He was more of a scientist than Prolly expected, and he found himself intrigued by these experiments he spoke of. The entire process, the detail and passion he spoke about them with easily won the prince over. And his natural feline curiosity made him lean closer, wanting to ask what else there was to this. But the words, once again, were trapped in his throat, and his attention was fully on that deep, masculine voice of his. He could listen to it all day. It took him a few seconds to notice that Frederick had gone silent, and that they were now quietly staring at one another. He was lost in those green eyes... He had to pull back with a cough just to gather himself.

"It all sounds quite interesting, Frederick," Prolly still tried to put on his most regal air, but a glance down at his throbbing bulge was disheartening. He was getting distracted, as usual. But who could blame him with such a work of art in front of him. "And I definitely want to get back to this; I would love to know about more practical applications to your experiments. But if I'm honest, I was curious about the nature of your... relationship with Captain Goldfin. You see, he mentioned certain interesting things about the time he spent with you."

"I see that youngster is still bragging about those times he's bedded me," again, he was surprisingly open for a man of faith. But Prolly had never been in a position to judge others for their sexual activities. Frederick seemed to pick up on that as well and simply laughed it off. "I've shared his bed more than once, and he is quite the enthusiastic lover, let me tell you. I'm sure he'd be more than happy to spend some quality time with you as well, Your Majesty. You two would make a lovely pair for a night."

"Y-Yeah, he is hot... Not like that could ever happen!" Prolly knew he was fooling no one, but the priest at least had the decency to make him think he managed it. Silence fell between them again, this one just a bit less comfortable than the last, and the prince took another sip of his tea to busy his hands. It was obnoxiously louder this time.

"Since we are on the subject, do you still think about our first encounter?" that took Prolly by surprise. Not enough to make him spit his drink, thankfully, but he still froze and looked over at the massive man in front of him. Only now did he notice the way his gigantic pecs hung right above the small table, practically sitting on top, threatening to burst out of his robes any second now. The most surprising thing of the evening was that he managed to keep them in, tight as they may have been. And tight they were, if those perky nipples pushing through were anything to go by.

"It crosses my mind from time to time," that wasn't a lie. Prolly had spent a few nights up thinking about that time the head priest tempted him, almost made him lose his resistance and give in to his libido. What he did omit was how long and hard he would stroke to the thought, cumming gallons at the memory of those enormous pecs. Better to keep those thoughts to himself, at least for now. "Why do you ask? Do you still think of it yourself as well?"

"More often than I'm proud to admit," Frederick leaned closer, his chest now properly on top of the table, slightly leaning it towards him. Prolly had to lean on it to hold it back with his own weight, which had the pleasant side effect of making him get closer to the tall man. "Our beliefs are a lot more flexible than other faiths when it comes to relationships and sexuality, and many of our acolytes are more open than you'll expect. A few of the priests here are in relationships with one another. Of course, a level of decorum is to be expected, but behind close doors it's not uncommon for those perceptions to be, as they say, thrown out the window."

"And you were going to do that with me?" he decided to take that gamble, see how the tall priest would react. Truth be told, Proly's arousal was reaching its peak already, and containing it was getting harder by the second. The more he looked at Frederick in front of him, the harder he felt the tent in his pants and the more he ground against it. He needed this man, there was no point denying it anymore. But there was almost no reaction from him.

"Would you like to help me plant the seeds?" he said, ignoring the prince's enticement and standing from his seat. The empty cup was left on the table and he reached over only to retrieve the backpack that Prolly had left next to him on the ground. He wasn't sure how he felt about his words being tossed to the side so easily, but the chance of doing something so mundane with the priest warmed his heart in a strange manner. Thus, he stood up and joined him a few feet from the table, in front of one of the bigger plants in this small clearing.

Frederick had already pulled out everything: The bag of seeds, the vial with that strange fertilizer and the heavy bag of what indeed was only soil. The prince looked at it, amazed that there was nothing special about it at first sight; only regular brown soil, nothing out of the ordinary. He knew for a fact that was a lie, as his strained back could attest after carrying it all the way over, and he asked himself if it had something to do with the supposed magic energy it was charged with. The priest didn't say anything, however, nor did he seem in any way troubled by the weight. Obviously, given the sheer volume of his muscles.

Wordlessly, the priest dug the ground in front of him, getting a small hole through the patches of grass. Just big enough for the seeds to take, which he quickly let down and covered with the heavy soil instead. It was then that Prolly's feline curiosity took over and he leaned down, his body close to Frederick, almost bumping against his massive tits. At this distance, the scent of the soil reached him, that salty aroma that made him think of beaches, deserts and those tropical fruits they often got on their imports, the ones Alex loved so much. Island scents, which made sense if this soil really was from one such island, but how did it carry so much memory on itself? However, that scent was instantly taken over by a pungent stench that made the prince cover his mouth and nose, and he noticed the open vial in Frederick's hands, handled with surprising delicacy. The fertilizer was a liquid rather than the more solid substance Prolly expected, but the smell certainly lived up to the descriptions he had read of it. But there was also a hint of something burning on it, as if it carried different memories.

Once the vial was empty and left aside, Frederick leaned forward and his hands hovered over the dark brown spot, a sheer contrast to the bright green around it. Warm light came out of his palms and the ground flattened under his power; it was something Prolly couldn't quite call magic, but he wasn't sure what else to name it.

"I admit, there is a part of me that feels uncomfortable defying nature like this. Forcing this artificial growth instead of letting time take its place," Frederick looked up at the open ceiling, his eyes reflecting the light of the mother crystal above them, just a tad wider than usual. The young orc recognized that reverence easily. "But not only is it for the sake of our research, it is also the will of the mother crystal, wouldn't you agree? That light that defies common sense like this wishes for our progress. It is marvelous."

"I suppose..." Prolly looked up as well, guided by the admiration in the priest's voice. It was difficult not be swayed by such dedication. But when he looked up at the crystal, right above him, for the first time since he remembered... Yes, for the first time, that light felt blinding. It was too much. He looked back down only a second later, focusing on the patch of brown soil instead, blinking this strange confusion away. "So, how long until this plant grows?"

"Patience is a virtue befitting a king, Your Majesty," Frederick's eyes turned back to him and Prolly didn't have the heart to tell him he was contradicting himself. The way he looked at him was just too tender for that. "Even artificially accelerated, it will take some time. Like all good things do, I'm afraid. But once it does, I'm sure the results will be fantastic."

"What shall we do until it does," that was an honestly innocent comment; he didn't even think about it as it came out of his mouth. But when he turned back to Frederick, it was clear the priest had taken it differently, and he now looked at the prince with a warm smile. The intentions in it were so obvious, it immediately made Prolly blush and turn away. "I-I didn't mean anything by it! I just-

"You are allowed your urges, Your Majesty. As am I," the priest now leaned closer, his tits hanging mere inches from Prolly's face. The orc used all of his willpower to keep from burying his face in them, even when he was sure Frederick would've appreciated such a thing. There was a voice in the back of his head that kept telling him it was wrong to just get like this with a priest, but it was getting lower with every passing second, with every inch cut between the two of them. "You are part of many of my urges, you know?"

"Is that so?" his own stuttering was nowhere to be heard. The priest's natural air helped ease the young prince, his body loosening as the first giant hand reached for the small of his back. There was no turning back after this, and he didn't want to either. "You've been part of many of my urges as well."

Frederick said no more. He leaned forward until Prolly was pressed back on the ground and their lips met in a soft kiss. Contrary to his size, the priest was incredibly tender, pushing just enough to make the little orc grow more aroused. His hands landed on both sides of Prolly's head and his tits ground and rubbed against his modest chest, squeezing him beneath them, making his member get even harder in his pants. The tent was already visible, and he felt just a bit of the remaining pre from his little session with Goldfin, the stain growing larger as he started leaking again. All from that thick tongue now inside his mouth, coiling around his own, twisting and pulling him.

"You are..." Frederick tried to speak, but whenever he pulled back for it, Prolly pulled him back in. He wouldn't allow him a second away from his lips, no matter what. "Enthusiastic... Your Majesty... Please," the priest needed to hold him away with one hand and even then the prince was proving a challenge. More than he could handle when his libido was unrestrained like this, but that made a spark appear in his eyes. "Your hunger is exquisite, but lets take things slowly, shall we?"

Prolly didn't want to take things slowly, though. How was he supposed to when those giant tits were jiggling right in front of him, tempting him at every opportunity that presented itself? The priest reached and started pulling apart at his robes, only increasing the prince's need. His hands shot up his waist, trailing the impossibly thick muscles, the delectable width, all as Frederick let go of the fabric and it slid down his broad shoulders. Prolly's eyes bulged out as he got a proper look at the gigantic pecs for the first time, and he was definitely not disappointed.

They were truly glorious, enormous! Each one bigger than twice the size of his head, maybe even more, with big, perky nipples jutting out right in the middle. They were covered by a carpet of thick green and gray fuzz, bigger than what the prince expected, and the cleft went deep enough that he could lose himself in it for days if he wanted to. The musk already came out of them and he sniffed the air out of instinct, getting that masculine scent in his nostrils, forever etched in his mind. It was delicious, and it sent a shiver up his spine, making him wish he could have more of it; to have it all over his body, clinging to his skin and fur. He needed it so badly! Every agitated breath Frederick took only made them rise and jiggle, as if they were full of milk, and Prolly licked his lips, prepared to clamp them around each of his nipples and suck them dry. His cock was so hard against his pants, he was scared it might burst through the fabric and just jump out and spray pre all over the place.

"Do you like what you see, Your Majesty?" Frederick's voice pulled him back into reality and Prolly looked up at the priest with a goofy smile, his brain still trapped in his own arousal. Despite his apparent confidence, the giant looked at him with just a bit of flush, and his own legs strapped next to the orc's. Bulge against bulge, Prolly also noticed his was significantly larger, as expected. But not even once did Frederick make even the slightest move to top him. "What do you wish?" he asked instead.

"You'll do anything I want, is that it?" the confidence returned to the prince's own voice and the priest reacted with a silent nod, followed by a pleased sigh as Prolly ground back against his bulge. The stain already formed through his garments, the leaking profuse, and in that second the orc realized there was literally nothing underneath the robes. Frederick was naked under that one layer of clothing, the only barrier between their bodies. Prolly wanted to see him take it off, but his baser instincts took over first. "For starters, just enjoy yourself."

Frederick looked as his prince sat back up, both hands reaching for his heavy tits, holding and groping them with abandon. That was enough to get deep moans out of the man, shaky and needy as he ground back against him, his breathing growing even more agitated until his pecs were bouncing in the orc's hands. Prolly just stared at them as they did, feeling the muscle and beef give in to his touch, the softness sucking him in, making his own member throb in his pants, his mouth agape in awe. The heft was impressive and the watery sensation on the other side told him how full they were, how badly he needed them milked. There was no resisting that hunger and he dove for the left one, teeth clamped around the nipple as wide as he could.

"Fuck!" a priest cursing like that, and it was all thanks to how hard Prolly bit him. He felt proud about it, already sucking his nipple with as much strength as he had, hearing that deep voice turn into a moan and the massive hands grab the back of his head, holding him in place, nursing him. His teeth sank even further, feeling the flesh and muscle pushing back, the sensation getting shivers out of him. The first few leaks of milk left Frederick and the prince tasted them, moaning around all that muscle at the sweet flavor that soon filled his mouth. God, it was so good, he wanted even more of it! "That's it... S-Suck harder- Fuck, you're really good at this, Your Majesty..." those words of encouragement, simple as they may have been, were made all the stronger just from the knowledge that it was a priest saying them. There was something filthy and enticingly arousing about that.

His teeth clamped even harder, milk gushing out with moans coming out of the priest. The prince's hands reluctantly let go of his pecs and went for his waist instead, pulling him as closer as he could; it felt more like pulling himself towards a massive, shaking tree trunk. His hands returned to the pec as soon as possible and he kept squeezing them, reaching for his free nipple and twisting it hard enough to get a scream out of the priest. The tremble that riddled his body was like no other, and a warm gush soaked the prince's forearm, no doubt a stream of milk that exploded from his chest and all over his limb. He pulled back just to look at it better, leaving the first one leaking as well and staring in awe at the twin faucets that Frederick's chest had turned into.

"Impressive..." Prolly barely noticed how much he was panting, amazed by the milk coming out of this massive, beautiful man. Well above him, his face had turned into a beet and he breathed hard and fast, barely able to contain his arousal. The last time he saw so much milk coming out of a man's tits was his uncle, and Gol'ugg explicitly mentioned saving it up for the little orc. Did the head priest do the same, or was this how productive he was on a regular day? These were truly a glorious pair of tits if that was the case.

His head landed right between them, sinking into the sweaty mess of hair while his back was soaked in Frederick's milk. The hands that had been rubbing him were now slipping under his clothes, a single finger stretching his shirt so much, he thought it might tear apart. But just like he did with the vial, the priest handled him with extreme care and slowly pulled the shirt over his head, removing it and revealing the prince's slender chest. Prolly kept sinking in and his head soon pierced into the depths of his cleft, trapped in the middle of those enormous tits. It was an assault on all of his senses: The tickling from all the fuzz around him, the sloshing of milk that he could hear through the muscle, and the heat coming off him, the sweat and that powerful musk that filled his nostrils in a matter of seconds... It was masculine and earthly, but there was something else in it; a sweet hint of... Was it lavender? Some sort of perfume that he probably used on his daily basis, but instead of hiding Frederick's natural scent it mixed with it perfectly, amplified it into something so delicious, he was slowly getting addicted.

"How does it feel, Your Majesty?" he heard that muffled by the amount of mass around his head, but the powerful rumble more than made up for it. Every little sensation was nothing but bliss. His tongue came out and he started lapping at every inch of skin in his path, taking in sweat and milk that made its way down the cleft somehow- He had no idea how that happened, but that sweetness was unmistakable. It felt like it was being poured from the top, falling right between the cleft and on his head, soaking him, letting him drown in that exquisite flavor. "Your enthusiasm is- Ohhhhh, very appreciated... I'm glad you like my milk," so he really was pouring it from the top, what a perv.

Prolly sank further into his cleft and the hands that had been rubbing up and down his back, the skilled fingers that removed his shirt, were now going down towards with he same intentions, headed to his pants. Thumbs hooked inside the fabric and started pulling down, first revealing his buttocks and making his tail sway slightly. They kept going and left his body seconds later, his cock jumping and just a few drops of pre flying between them, just like he had first predicted. Prolly tried his best to inch closer to the bottom of the priest's tits now, grind his manhood against them, but he was once again surprised when Frederick's hands reached for him instead and started stroking his not so modest length. The prince's back went stiff and he let out a sharp moan inside the deep cleft, hands groping even harder, feeling more milk ooze out of the giant. Those enormous fingers easily dwarfed his member, yet they were as gentle as ever, playing with the tip, rubbing the slit whenever pre came out.

"Frederick..." the prince moaned between his pecs, feeling sweat and milk soaking him, all around his head, going in his open mouth. The smell and taste were the best thing he'd had all day, and feeling the rumbling of the priest's chest as he growled with him trapped like that only made him throb harder. Everything was perfect and he wished he could remain here, in the darkness of his chest, safe, warm and thrilled. But he ended up pulling back and immediately going for the nipple again. Less than a second in and he was already sucking him, feeling his cheeks expand while he kept gulping it all down. No matter how many times he drank it, it remained as delicious as the first time. But even an expert like Prolly couldn't keep up with he constant flow of creamy milk and he pulled out in time, gasping for air as the chest kept shooting like mad. "God, that's great... You have such nice tits..."

"You seem to be enjoying them," the priest tried his best to keep his voice steady, but the exhaustion was taking its toll on him. He was panting by this point, his chest rising heavily with every little breath, the underside of his pecs brushing against Prolly's smaller body. The prince was the one who moved first, crawling upwards until his member pressed against those heavy tits, sliding slightly between them and already getting a moan out of the priest. Just with the tip, that's how sensitive they were. He didn't wait for Frederick to say anything else and stood up, his cock burying between them, gushing with pre all over him and getting shudders in response.

Prolly's hips moved on their own afterwards and he tightly held the massive tits, using them as leverage. His thrusts were strong and wet thanks to a mix of pre, milk and sweat, and his pubes were drenched in that sticky substance. The squelching and the voice of his cleft sucking him in were sending the little orc to heaven, making his eyes roll back and his voice come out in loud moans that filled the large garden. His balls slapped against those gargantuan tits and every little hit seemed to make the priest shudder in absolute delight. He clenched his pecs, flexed and shook them to stroke the dick between them, making Prolly scream louder. His vision blurring just a bit, the only thing still clear was the visage of Frederick's handsome face twisted by the pleasure filling him.

"I-I'm close..." the prince uttered, his words low, his tone shaky, his mind losing control and giving in to the carnal urges his crotch demanded of him. His thrusts picked up on speed and he just knew he would end up shooting a fat load any second now, holding back as much as he could, those tight pecs squeezing and milking him for all his worth. Pre oozed out of him and dripped down the pronounced curve, and his hands reached as far as they could for Frederick's nipples, holding them, giving them a twist and a tug until his fingers were soaked in milk. Such a waste to not be drinking it, but he could only focus on his incoming orgasm. "I've been so c-close... all day...! I want to..."

"Do it!" contrary to him, Frederick's voice was booming and powerful. It was perhaps the loudest Prolly had ever heard him, but the rumbling in his chest going up his cock was delectable as well. "Fuck me harder, Your Majesty! Give in to the pleasure! Give me that thick, regal load! I crave it, sir; I've craved it for so long!" he pulled the prince until he was pressed even tighter against his chest, and one of his thick fingers reached down just enough to tease Prolly's tight hole. Unexplored land as it was, just touching it made the orc blush and bury his face back in that cleft, feeling the heat and sweat surround him once more.

His humps were getting stronger and he could feel the seed start to rise from his balls. A long day of being teased at every chance, of his needs being played with and his arousal pushed to the limit, would do that to anyone. He wanted to try and hold back, to extend his enjoyment for just a bit longer, but when he was so pent up, when he had such a man asking him to fill him, to breed his tits like there was no tomorrow, there was no way he could say no. It was far easier to just let go, to cave in to his urges and burst inside him. There was nothing stopping him, and he just wanted to enjoy the debauchery, to take it all and give it all.

His excitement was such, he barely noticed anything around him. He barely felt the hands holding him and pulling back, his cock slipping out of the priest's pecs as his orgasm started hitting. The first rope landed right in front of Frederick's tits, clinging to the fuzz between them, mixing with the other smells on his body. The prince's body quickly turned around and he stood in front of the dark patch of soil where they had just planted those seeds, Frederick's lips next to his ear, his hands down on his member, stroking harder, and his gargantuan pecs pressed against the back of Prolly's head, distracting him, soaking him with milk, letting him sink into the pleasure that filled his body and kept his mind from seeing the world.

"That's right, Your Majesty. Let it all out..." those soft whispers were the last thing that the prince could resist, and he simply fell backwards on Frederick's chest, his eyes struggling to remain open while his balls emptied all over the patch of fresh soil. His body shuddered with every shot of cum that landed on the ground, jolts of nothing but sheer pleasure assaulting his tired mind, slowly taken over by the exhaustion. The world was becoming nothing but a blur, only cut through by the brilliant light of the mother crystal above them. It was the last thing Prolly saw during his orgasm, potent as it was... The electric bliss traveling through his body and making him whimper in delight as consciousness drifted off his brain. Sinking in nothing but sheer pleasure...

Frederick, on the other hand, was panting furiously, his strokes gaining strength as the little orc in his arms whined and moaned in those last few seconds of consciousness. His member jumped and let out those powerful blasts, soaking the ground until he had nothing else to give, and the head priest gave him one last kiss on the back of his neck as he did, pulling back until he was sitting close to the table. Head against the edge, he allowed Prolly's now sleeping figure to cuddle up to him, his hands rubbing that delicate back and kissing again on top of his head, sighing in relief.

"You truly are... just like your grandfather, Your Majesty," he admitted to no one, his eyes going towards the brown patch that was left forgotten, where the young prince's seed seemed to melt into the ground, disappearing. "Just like him, in every aspect. Marvelous indeed..."

That admiration was not unwarranted. The ground beneath Frederick's body trembled for a few seconds, the brown patch of soil bulging slightly. His eyes widened in awe as he saw the first tiny green sprout pushing through it, a minimal vine that started getting thicker and longer by the second and rising towards the ceiling, all happening right in front of his eyes. He held Prolly tighter, watching as the plant grew in size in every direction, the bulb becoming more notable as the stalk grew aiming for the mother crystal above. Its light guiding this newborn flower, easily overtaking everything else around it, far larger than even the biggest trees the priest remembered seeing. The bulb exploded halfway up into the head of a gigantic blue poppy, as if greeting the light that gave it light, and it the thick stalk kept growing, vines and roots bursting from the ground and coiling around every other plant in the garden. Everything now belonged to this flower, mere seconds after it was born.

"Amazing..." there it was again, the tone of reverence the head priest had used before. But instead of the crystal alone, this time it was aimed at the flower they had just managed to grow. And to the small man sleeping in his arms. "Truly amazing!" he said as he left another kiss on the prince's head, holding him tight against his enormous chest. Not even that was enough to wake him up. "Just as I predicted, the royal family's fluids carry such power. Truly the seed of life, as expected from the ones that were blessed by the crystal's light. And it is quite strong in you. Something that only your father would be capable of, my dear, sweet prince. But here you are, surpassing him! Isn't it just the most marvelous thing you've seen!?"

Had he been awake, Prolly would've thought different. He would've heard this strange tone the priest used ad would've grown worried. Far beyond reverence, there was almost fanatism in his words, madness. The wide open eyes and the gaping smile, the light trembling on his bare body as he practically presented his torso to the crystal, as if wanting to be bathed in its light, to receive the same kind of blessing that this plant had received. This strange creature that had just grown in front of the priest's eyes, and that he couldn't stop admiring, no matter what he tried doing. There was... something-

"Head priest?" it was a handsome, bothersome voice. With just a bit of a cocky inflection to it. One of the many acolytes that lived in these temples, and one Frederick was more than familiar with. Thus, he saw no need with turning around to look at him when he could spend that time still admiring his creation, the crystal to which he had sworn his loyalty, and the young, beautiful prince that allowed all of this to happen. Thus, the tiger standing next to him went ignored and remained quiet, the white robes hiding his features; only the bright orange hands could be seen from beneath, and he scratched the elegant black stripes nervously. His eyes darted back and forth from Frederick and the sleeping orc in his arms. "I take it everything went well?"

"Everything went fantastically, yes," the admiration was gone, and in an instant Frederick returned to the quiet, serious nature of a priest, just with a hint of frustration behind his words. It was... quite the sudden change, actually. Silently, he stood up and reached for his robes, putting them back on without even bothering cleaning himself. "Do you have your report? Did you make contact with the prince as you were ordered?"

"I did," the tiger's voice was just slightly shaky, his eyes still darting towards Prolly, who now slept on the ground. Out of a sense of duty, the tiger leaned down and held him up, sitting him on the table, still naked. He took a moment to admire the defined body, but instantly turned away and returned to his superior, only then taking the hood off. A handsome young man, he was... The kind that could steal from a prince and get off the hook just on his looks alone. "If I may, what was the point of taking His Majesty's money on his way out?"

"The first contact was to stress him out. The second was to further rile him up," the priest's words were curt and to the point, and he stared up at the massive poppy that he had managed to grow. Despite his quiet disposition, his eyes still gleamed with that maddened admiration. "It was all necessary for his seed to reach the greatest output. The greater his pleasure, the more effective it would be. It was all for the sake of our experiments, that's all."

"Right..." that still wasn't enough to ease his concerns. No matter what, the tiger couldn't look away from the orc behind him for too long. "And what is the goal of these experiments, sir?"

"That knowledge is above your position," and that was the end of the conversation, if the priest's tone was anything to go by. "Your presence is no longer necessary. Leave before the prince wakes up. The last thing we need is having to rush an explanation as to why an acolyte mugged him. Off with you."

That did little to ease the tiger's concerns, but there was nothing else he could do about it. Once an order was given, he had to follow it, that was what their positions demanded. Without any room to complain, the tiger stepped back with a quick bow, leaving a small stack of papers on the table, in front of the seat the head priest would soon take, and slowly made his way out. His eyes never left the sleeping figure of the prince, except to look at Frederick as he continued to stare at his creation, his bac stiff and his arms crossed behind it. A perfectly composed look that perfectly hid whatever was going through his head.

A knock.

"Come on in," the orc's gruff voice said as he looked outside of the window. It wasn't every day that Gol'agg used the top floor's office, but he had been coming over more often. The view was exactly what he needed. The door to said office opened, and of all things you'd expect in the mage guild, it was a tall man in a white robe that stepped inside, pulling it down as soon as he did. When the orc turned around, a mix of relief and concern, emotions that were never good news together, washed over him. "I'm glad to see that you're safe. And I assume your you have yet to be found out by the temple?"

"I'm not so easy to figure out, Your Majesty," the tiger said with just a bit of a bow. Gol'agg immediately waved at him to stop and sat in front of his desk, one hand going through the mane of bright red hair as he leaned back. The black robes barely concealed his muscular body, but right now wasn't the moment to concern themselves with such matters. "Here this week's report. I thought to bring it urgently, considering the prince's activities today."

"You did well," the mage reached for the papers and flipped through them, taking in a few words in the process. He would read them at more length later, but right now his main concern was figuring out what the clerics wanted with his nephew. He only looked at the tiger once, seeing him look left and right, putting his weight from one foot to the other. "If you don't wish to spy for me any longer, you can just say it. There's no need for you to be so nervous."

"My apologies sir," the feline was quick to stop, with yet another bow. One of those things no one ever got over when in front of a royal, even if it was one with no chance at the throne like him. "I am the one who approached you about the cleric guild's activities. I won't stop working for you as I have so far. I'm just... concerned about His Majesty, the crown prince."

"Prolly?" he tried, he really tried not to let his concern show too much in his voice. Giving away his weaknesses wasn't his style. But at the mere mention of his nephew's name, at the mere possibility of him being in any sort of danger, anger started boiling through Gol'agg's blood. And he could barely contain himself. "What exactly are you so concerned about?"

"I don't know what kind of relationship head priest Frederick is looking to have with him. At first, I thought he was only trying to consolidate his position, but now..." he hesitated. That was never a good look. "You'll see on the report, sir. I can barely believe it myself, to be honest. And I don't want anything bad happening to the prince, he's an attractive- I mean, an important member of the royal family!"

"Little orc's charms got to you, huh?" just a second of casual reprieve, enough to get a smile out of the tiger. Truth be told, thinking about being ogled by the young prince like that was one hell of a memory to have, and he wouldn't mind going further with him. Especially if he got as excited with him as he did with Frederick. All of that was written on his face so clearly, Gol'agg didn't need him to say it out loud. And given his own experiences with the smaller orc, he couldn't blame him. That moment of reprieve, however, soon ended, and his face returned to the stiff consternation he felt from before. "I never liked Frederick. He always gave me bad vibes. The kind you pay attention to when you're a mage. You should be careful about him as well. Don't let him find out too much, he has a way to get inside your head."

"If I may, Your Majesty," the tiger started, remembering the priest's words to the prince before their... session started, "why are you so interested in the head priest? In what he's doing, and his research on the mother crystal?"

He mentioned it and Gol'agg went stiff again. He really wished it was nothing but a political matter, that would be easy to deal with. But the mention of the crystal forced him to remember how much more there was at play here. He stood up again and turned towards the window, looking at that luminous piece in the middle of their cavern, hanging right above the temple. To keep an eye on it was the one reason he had decided to come to this office instead, and more than once ever since had he regretted the choice. Being unable to think about anything else... But this was necessary.

The Fantastic Mishaps of the Pussy with a Pussy - Chapter 2.2

Flashes went through his eyes. The cloudless, bright blue morning sky. A deep, hollow entrance embedded on a rock. A small white room, with nothing but a window for the sunlight to slip inside. Long dark tunnels, littered with dull red, orange and...

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Where Land Meets Water - Chapter 4

Another weekend went by in a flash. It was simply amazing how fast time seemed to flow when you had something fun to keep your mind busy. And it was fun, Kramer thought as he walked through the forest, his arms strained from the heavy cases he carried...

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The Fantastic Mishaps of the Pussy with a Pussy - Chapter 2.1

Light filtered through the leaves, painting the grass underneath with a mix of shadow and translucent green and yellow. The forest, always quiet yet always bustling with life, was only now starting to wake up. The birds sang atop the branches, the air...

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