Very Hungry Partners 4

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Teryx just can't help being a horny dragon, and ends up pushing his luck with Raphael.

Commissioned by TeryxC

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Very Hungry Partners

Part 4

For TeryxC

By Draconicon

The sun rose, and with it rose the three dragons from the bedroom. It was a hot, sticky mess that the three of them left behind, not that any of them cared. The whole point of the last night had been to get as sloppy, horny, and satisfied as the three of them could, and that had happened. The sheets would need a cleaning, and all three of them needed a shower.

Teryx chuckled as Anthony walked past him, stepping into the kitchen and rooting through the fridge for some food while Raphael - still in the more muscular version of Teryx's body - stretched his arms over his head and looked between them. Of the three dragons, that one had the most 'eagerness' on display, his morning wood bobbing up and down as he looked between the original and the other mimic.

He half-expected the more outgoing of the mimics to say that he wanted more. Instead, Raphael shrugged.

"I think I'll get my shower now," the larger mimic said. "Save a little time later."

"You do what you want," Anthony muttered.

"I always do."

With a smirk and a wave, Raphael continued down the hallway to the bathroom. Teryx cocked his head to the side as he looked back at the first mimic, gesturing after the departing male.

"What's going on? You really seem to hate him."

"Let's just say that he goes the wrong way with hunting his prey, in my opinion."

"What's he do? Rape them?"


"Then what's the part that bothers you? Because I'm pretty sure that you've done the same, particularly if you got desperate."

"Look. I just don't like him, but you do. I'm trying to make that work right now. You set the rules, and I'm going to keep them in mind. Particularly since I won last night. I am not going to leave anytime soon."

That had been the case. Last night, the rule had been that the one that got him off best would be the one that had the first week living in the apartment. Considering that both the mimics had been more than eager to be the first one to have him all to themselves for a week, he supposed he should have expected the sheer competition that they'd shown. The constant cock-sucking, the ball-worship, rutting him harder than he realized was entirely possible: it had all been done in an attempt to make him aware of how much they wanted to be his, or at least, be under him for a while.

And now, I got Anthony all to myself, he thought, looking the skinnier version of himself over. Still looks great from behind.

But as the other male started shifting down, sliding from his dragon form to the base wolf that he had come to know the day before, Teryx couldn't help glancing down the hall. His morning wood might not have been that hard, but he couldn't help but think about what he might get from the other mimic.

Anthony's got some of the stuff down, but Raphael...

There was something about the confidence of the fox mimic during the night. Even when he'd been the bottom, there'd been a confidence there, a charm that had been lacking with Anthony. It was appealing to the dragon; someone that knew what they wanted and showed it was always more interesting than someone that had to be led around. He tapped his chin in consideration, leaning back against the chair at the table.

As the smell of frying bacon grew, he knew what he wanted. Even though he'd be able to get more Raphael in a week, he wanted one more session with the other man before he was gone. No harm in that. They had a working relationship between the three of them already, and it would only serve to cement his own satisfaction a little further.

"How long until the food's done?" Teryx asked, still looking down the hallway.

"Eh, about twenty minutes."

"I think I'm going to double-up in the shower," he said, getting to his feet. "Save some time, get the stink off me."

"That's all?"

"Heh, come on. We're in a threesome right now. You can't get that mad; I'm giving him the boot as soon as breakfast is over."

"...Better be as soon as it's over."

Teryx nodded. After all, that was only fair, and what he had agreed to, besides. There was no reason to go back on that, and every reason to keep to the deal.

He got to his feet, walking down the hall after the muscular copy of himself. It was one more sign that the other man had done well during their fun last night; Anthony had 'won' the whole thing by being a better lover at the time, but Raphael had been the one to get the last load, which meant that mimic was the one that got to keep his shape longer.

And he's going to be hot as fuck under the shower water, I bet...

Teryx licked his lips as he reached the bathroom door, pulling it open and glancing inside. The falling water in the shower left the other male glistening, and for all that Raphael was little more than a copy of himself at the moment, that only made him all the hotter for the rain dragon. He smirked to himself as he stepped inside, shutting the door behind him as he looked over the mimic's customized copy of him.

He loved the way that his mane fell back over his head, the golden strands falling flatter and showing the three horns that lay hidden within it. Three spikes that poked up and usually stayed hidden, but now, looked more regal, more majestic than they usually did. The water falling over his two-toned blue scales looked almost like oil, leaving a shimmering sheen behind that he loved. And the rolling muscles down his back, stronger even than his own build - which was no weak twink build by any stretch of the imagination - was just the cherry on top.

He smiled as he walked into the shower, grabbing the other male from behind. Raphael chuckled.

"Couldn't stay away, could you?" the mimic said.

"Mmm, do you think I could?"

"Not when I look like you, stud."

"Mmm, turn around."

There was a charm, a swagger to Raphael that Anthony hadn't quite mastered yet. While the other mimic had a number of Teryx's behaviors down, there was a charm, an arrogance to Raphael that was just...better. Hotter, at least, as a top, and the way that he carried himself as he turned, one hand on his hips and the other slowly reaching down his chest towards his crotch, only made him seem that much more...enticing.

And particularly that dick.

Teryx licked his lips as he looked down at the fat shaft pointing at him. His own was quite stiff from morning wood and the fact that he was in front of someone that was, but there was something even bigger about that one. Thicker, fatter, like someone had taken his own cock and pumped it out further. He gripped it just behind the base, giving it a few firm strokes, and Raphael growled. Not just huffing, or puffing, but growling, a needy, rutting sort of sound that Teryx needed.

"Mmm, you're bigger than I am right now. Is this as big as it gets?" he asked.

"Why don't you turn around, and we'll find out."

"You think that I can't take it?"

"I think that you're going to take it whether you can or not."

That was the arrogance and assurance that he wanted. The rain dragon original turned around, lifting his tail and showing off his own cheeks. They changed position, him moving under the water and Raphael leaning against him from behind. That fat dick rested just under his tail, hot-dogging between his cheeks, sliding up, down, up, down, each tiny thrust giving him a tremor of pleasure that ran from hole to spine to head, and then back down.


"Yeah, you're the little bitch right now, aren't you?"


"Little slut that knows what he wants. There's no stud in there right now. No horny top that's waiting for a good hole to sink his dick into. Right now, this little dragon in front of me is nothing but a horny hole waiting to be fucked and filled. Isn't that right, little bitch?"

If it wasn't impossible, he would have wondered if Raphael was reading his mind. There was something intense about the feeling of that big dick grinding between his cheeks, teasing him, pushing his need higher while not letting him get off. He started to roll his hips back, and -

Oh, it was growing. That big dick was getting bigger. It was thick enough that he could feel it pushing his cheeks apart with its own heft and girth, and that was enough to keep him hard and spitting pre-cum against the far wall of the shower.

Just take it...take me...

As if reading his thoughts, he felt his own hands - bigger, more authoritative, but nonetheless his - wrapping around his hips and pulling him back. That shaft rubbed right up against his pucker, then down to his balls, and then up again. Each time, it came closer and closer to sliding in, leaving wet kisses of pre-cum behind. Thrust, thrust, grind. Thrust, thrust, grind. Thrust, thrust -

POP! He gasped as it slid in, finally giving him what he'd been wanting for the last few minutes, and he rolled his hips back as he bit off a moan. The feeling of that thick thing forcing his pucker open, giving him a little tease and burn back there, was just what he needed. All that time on top had been great, but now, now he could enjoy a trusted top over him.

"Yeaaaah, that's it. You know what you need, little dragon. Push back. Show me how much you like what you see. Show me that you know who does you better. Show me how much you prefer this version of you...taller...stronger...perfected."

It still sent a shiver down his spine to feel himself referred to like that, and he was more than slightly embarrassed to feel as if he was the lesser version of the pair of them. Teryx reminded himself that he was the original, but all he could think of was that he was the original 'prototype', and that Raphael had taken that and improved on it.

Particularly as he felt the bigger version of his dick going deep.


He panted for breath as it kept thrusting in, going deep, pushing his cheeks apart and hitting his prostate. Every time that it plunged in, the heat of that girthy rod left his hole burning, his pucker stretched out and his eyes rolling back in their sockets. He loved it; the intense feeling of being used was so different from being the one to use someone else.

He pushed back, rolling his hips along that cock, his fingers curling against the shower tiles as the meaty plap, plap, plap of the mimic's muscular hips colliding with his wet ass got louder and louder. Could Anthony hear them going at it from the kitchen? He doubted it; they were far enough away that there was no chance that the other mimic could have made out what they were doing over the sound of cooking and the falling shower water.

But it still sent a shiver down his spine to know that he was giving into his own need rather than kicking the other dragon out. Was he that weak to this? To proper -


They shifted position, Raphael grabbing him around the chest and pulling him upright. The slight difference in height between them made it more intense as he was rutted from behind, filled again and again, his breath huffing past his lips as the mimic rutted him harder, faster.

"Mine. You're going to be...mine...and I'm...going to"

At first, he just thought that it was the slime that he was getting pumped into him oozing down his legs, but as the creeping, wet, squishy feeling went up his back, he realized that Raphael wasn't actively thrusting anymore. That cock, that wet, slippery thing was just pumping without the hips actually moving anymore. The almost mechanical feeling of the rut was almost secondary to the feeling of wet flesh - not scales, but flesh - spreading along his back, running over his sides and spreading towards his chest.

He looked down, seeing the blue-scaled hands on his chest and hips slowly fading, becoming more of a melted-down version of their former selves. Flattened against him, they were spreading out, coating him, covering up, pulling him back.


Mimics had more than one way to consume their prey. Anthony had told him, all but warned him that this was a possibility. He shivered, gritting his teeth, trying to think -


Except that the heat and the pleasure from being taken like this was only getting worse. Or better. It was hard to think with the rut going on, with his mind spinning in the back of his skull from the constant use that his ass was getting put through. The rolling, consuming slime of the mimic's body only pulled him further in with each thrust, and the more that it spread, the more that he realized that he was losing control of his body.

Already, his lower half didn't want to move. The ooze had already spread over his upper thighs and down to his knees, slowly consuming his lower half in a shiny, oily layer that completely froze him when he tried to push against it. His tail had been pulled inside, too, dragged into the oil and locked within it. He couldn't shift it, but when he felt Raphael moving -

"Ah - mmmph!"

Teryx gasped, only to feel two fingers move from chest to tongue. They stretched, moving more like tentacles than anything else, and pinned his tongue in place. He shivered, moaning loudly as he arched his back into the thrusts. In, out, in, out, the slime spreading further and further, running around his hips and towards his dick as it bobbed up and down.


He tried to force himself to think, but all the pleasure, all the need from the mimic, kept him from thinking with anything but his dick. The utter need from down there, the pleasure that came from feeling his balls getting wrapped up in the slime, the initial touches that rapidly streaked up the sides of his cock: it was all as if his fantasies had come to life. The many times that he'd wanted a top that would take it all the way, that would give him what he gave others through total charming domination, had finally come for him.

He gagged around the fingers thrusting down his tongue, feeling Raphael's head grinding against the back of his skull. It was spreading, sliding over him, caressing his ears before sliding in. He felt flooded with the essence of the mimic, and little by little, excitement became surrender, and his surrender became Raphael's control.

As Raphael's essence flowed down his arms, the blue ooze crossing his shoulders and slowly pulling his pecs into the mimic behind him, he could feel his fingers twitching, then curling. His hand moved without him telling it to, reaching down between his legs and groping his cock. The mimic ooze squished between his fingers as he squeezed, and his moan came loose without him realizing it. He moaned through the bubbling goo down his throat, the sound getting quieter and quieter as he was pushed further and further back in his own head.

His body was consumed from the back forward, dragged deeper as that feeling of a fat dick in his ass remained. It grew firmer and firmer, less like a constantly-thrusting dick and more like a vibrating plug, rubbing against his prostate and humming away, with no indication that it could ever be pulled free. The ooze over his scales added to that, making his head spin, feeling almost as if it was rooting itself into him, consuming him, connecting to him.

Soon, his head tilted back, and his vision went dark. The heat of the water around him grew stronger, and then he felt hyper-sensitive, every falling droplet that much more intense than the one before it. They were massaging, rubbing, almost tickling him as he jerked off - no, as he was made to jerk off beneath the shower. He turned, his tail raising up without any intention from him, and -

And he was helpless.

There was one last sucking feeling, and Teryx had no chance to resist it as he was pulled into the depth of Raphael's body, completely sucked into the mimic's control with nothing left of his own will. He panted, then stopped. There was no need to breathe without the mimic's command. The feeling of rooted tendrils through his body - from the little line going down his cock to the massive rod up his ass, from the tendril down his throat to the little lines in his ears - all delivered commands to him, connecting the mimic to him, and he shivered as he felt the constant suppression, possession, and compression of his sense of self getting more and more intense.

He - or rather, Raphael over him - opened their eyes. Their eyes, not his eyes, but their. He shivered as he was made to reach around, turning the water off, and he stepped out of the shower. The feeling of his own body moving without his consent was completely new, a domination unlike anything that he had ever experienced before, and it sent shivers and shudders down his spine. His new cock - their cock - bounced up and down, and a thicker than usual pre-cum flowed from the open tip.

There was no easy thought in his head. All he could do was walk, made to walk over to the mirror. A bulkier hand than he expected reached out and swept the mist from the glass, revealing what they had become.


Teryx stared through his eyes. They were bigger, bulkier than they were supposed to be. Even Raphael's muscles were stronger and broader, but as he watched, the mimic was already condensing them, collapsing them down. There was more of an effort to imitate Teryx's base form this time, something deceptive, something -

"We're going to have to deal with Anthony," Raphael said, Teryx's voice coming from their mouth. "No big deal. He'll understand that I'm Teryx now, and that'll be good enough for him."

I'm Teryx now.

That simple phrase made the rain dragon moan all the more in the bubbling mess that he was surrounded in. Even as the ooze solidified, becoming proper scales again, he could feel his own sense of self bubbling away. There was no more distinction between him and Raphael, and he was...he was...

"Don't worry. I'm going to take good care of this identity. It's so much better than that fox. If I really need food, I'll fuck the material out of everyone else. A couple of bowls under their cocks while this body ruts them will be more than good enough for my needs."


"Now, let's take a look into that mind of yours, shall we?" 'Teryx' said, leaning against the mirror. "I want to make sure that I get you right. After all, this body is too precious to - oh, what's this?"

Teryx could feel the pressure of someone else inside his skull, the tendrils down his ears feeling thicker than they had been just a moment ago. More than that, the 'weight' of more thoughts on his brain was a very disorienting sensation, and his head spun as he tried to think through the feeling of having someone else in his head.

Yet, every time he tried, his mental train of thought was shoved out of the way, and Raphael reached deeper into his memories. The mimic reached into his thoughts of Anthony, his memories of the other mimic, and -

"Oh my god. He was in love with you." Raphael laughed, shaking his head. "Oh, that's just too precious. The little idiot was falling for you. Not just your body, but the actual you. Oh, my lord, that's just too ridiculous for words."

In love...

Teryx was already fading. The words barely penetrated his mind, but images followed. They were easier to follow, particularly with the hand - his hand? Raphael's? Was there a difference anymore? Did it matter?

He got jerked off, that was all that mattered to his tired, horny mind, and he stared with a mouth wide open inside of the other, gooey mimic of himself. The images passed through his head of a desperate mimic that was sucking his cock, that was admiring him, that was putting in all the effort to be like him. The memories passed quickly, sifting through his mind's eye at the speed of thought, but each one showed the dedication that Anthony had put towards learning lessons, trying to impress him, being possessive of him. Each time that he saw it, he realized that there was something there that he missed, something that he'd ignored for that little bit too long.

And now, it was too late.

"Far, far too late for you," 'Teryx' said, chuckling. "But not too late for me to enjoy it. Not that you care, do you?"

Teryx might have said something, but the hand to his chest, cupping his pecs and squeezing them, and the other hand rolling his balls around and reminding him of being completely blue-balled from the transformation, completely stifled his protests. All he could do was moan and nod, and even the latter was completely muffled within the mimic. He was...he was controlled...helpless...

And being consumed, little by little.

"Mmm, not too much longer until you'll be completely absorbed. No worries about that, big guy. There's no pain, and you'll live on as part of me. I'll be you, and you'll be a better stud with me at the wheel than you ever were."


"Just relax and fade away."



Teryx was drifting away, barely aware of the mimic's voice around him, only slightly aware of the sound of someone moving in the hallway. A knock at the door, another voice. Was it important? Probably not, not compared to the stimulation of being forced to rub himself, tease himself, jerk himself. His tail bent down, Raphael forcing it up his ass for a moment, and he would have screamed if he'd been in charge. Screamed in pleasure, that was.

"No, no," his own mouth said. "From now on, no more bottoming. No more letting someone else fuck you. You're the fucker. You're the stud. You're the top. And I'm keeping it that way. This Teryx - my Teryx - will be the one calling all the shots. Forever."

Raphael's Teryx. The sheer possessiveness of that thought should have been enough to leave him shaking, but instead, all he felt was...need. Need and arousal, and the utter desperation to just let it happen. He couldn't fight back - and more than that, wouldn't - and so, he settled in the back of Raphael's head, a core to the mimic, and even that was slowly being compressed, 'digested' and made part of the other being.

He was walking. He didn't know when they left the bathroom, but they were walking back to the kitchen. He could feel the carpet and hardwood under his feet, the shift from the bathroom to the rest of the apartment. The disorientation followed, his head spinning, but that was fine. Better to just let it happen. Better to go along with it and just...just...

Anthony had his back to them, the black wolf taking the last of the food off the stove. He turned, looked 'Teryx' up and down, then nodded back at the bathroom.

"He still showering up?"

"I just had a little look in. He'll be busy for a bit."

"Fair enough. Long as he's gone soon. You want some food?"

"I know you want some meat."

Thump. The meaty 'smack' of dragon cock against the kitchen island drew the other mimic's attention to it almost instantly. Teryx wondered - only briefly, in one of his last moments of collected thoughts - if the other mimic would realize that it wasn't him. That the cock was just a bit too big. That things weren't quite right.

He didn't.

Teryx moaned, and 'Teryx' did the same as the black wolf fell to his knees almost immediately, his mouth wide around the dragon's shaft as he bobbed his head forward, back, forward, back, each sucking motion pulling that shaft further down his throat. In and out he went, making sure that he descended all the way to the base before coming up again.


There was no hesitation on Anthony's part. The black wolf sucked as if there was no tomorrow, and the few times that their eyes met, there was something there, a glint in his eyes that showed...

That showed affection, at the very least. Maybe even love filtered through that need to be the chosen one. There was something there that had been missing with Raphael, and there was a faint hint of regret that tried to push through the horny filter that had become Teryx's world inside of his gooey prison.

But it was too little, too late. Even understanding what Anthony felt for him meant nothing when he was given all this. The buzzing on his prostate, the edging of the goo around his cock, the pleasure of being completely dominated and controlled: nothing could break through that. Nothing could make him think that there might be something better from someone else.

Instead, he was overwhelmed with the pleasure. His body was shrinking away, and his sense of self was nothing more than Raphael's perfect imitation of him. Teryx let his thoughts fade, sucked away, his memories pulled into the other man, and he felt...he felt...

He felt nothing...nothing but the oblivion of bliss.


The sense of the other dragon deep inside of him was almost gone, save for the concentration of his memories and the other parts of him that would be useful in the days to come. Raphael-Teryx smiled to himself as he kept one hand on the head of the little slut under him, bobbing the little bitch up and down his cock with one grunt after another. His clawed fingers worked through the black wolf's fur, keeping him from pulling back.

Not that the little slut ever would have. He'd seen what the little whore felt for this dragon. There was love there, though he doubted that Anthony would ever admit it. The mimic had always been so prim and proper, only consuming seed rather than bodies. No wonder he'd never gotten far.

He grunted as he felt more of the dragon bleeding over, informing him, adding to the perfection of the body. He grinned, feeling the shape come to him as something more memorized than something imitated. Yes, that was it; the consumed body was already almost gone, reduced to little more than a memory. Perhaps, if he really wanted, Raphael-Teryx could expel the dragon again, but now, he would be something different. Something ooey, gooey, nearly a mimic in his own right.

But for now...for now, he was just part of Raphael-Teryx's body. And soon, Raphael-Teryx would be just Teryx.

He kept pulling the bitch's head down on his cock, bobbing him down to the base and then pulling him back up. The face-fuck was just what he needed after getting blue-balled in the bathroom. He'd been so close when Anthony had come knocking on the door to tell him that food was almost ready.

Tell him. Tell Teryx. There was no difference anymore.

Up, down, up, down, the other man's throat constantly clenching around his cock, and more than that, the little whimpers that came from further down told him that the little slut was going to be swallowing hard. The bobbing erection was oozing, dripping on the kitchen floor, and he wondered if Teryx could get the wolf to cum hands-free. Something to think about in the future.




And then it was done. He moaned as he felt himself - felt Teryx - go over the edge. Raphael-Teryx grinned as he kept his cock all the way down, knowing that the moment of realization would hit sooner or later. Suck, suck, swallow, the wolf's throat clenching down hard on the throbbing dragon dick, and he pulled back slowly, taking his time as he leaned against the kitchen island.

Bit by bit, Anthony gathered himself together again. The wolf smiled, slowly started to shift to the more fluid form of a mimic's transient shape, only to stop when he was just starting to get drippy. His smile disappeared, and he frowned as he got to his feet.

"What the hell are you doing?" the wolf growled. "Where's Teryx?"

"Right in front of you," Raphael-Teryx said, chuckling.

"You're not him. Where - you fucker. You absolute fucker."

"Mmm, that's right. He's mine now. I'm Teryx, now. And if you want this..."

He reached down to his cock, which was already bubbling, already shifting in his hand. The tip flared, widening and spreading out beneath his fingers into a horse-like tip, and the rest of the shaft got thicker, too, widening in the center with a proper medial ring, getting wider and firmer and giving all the more promise of greater stimulation.

His other hand reached further down, cupping his scaly balls, pushing them forward. Already, they were getting bigger, churning away as he did what he did to all his forms: he made them better. Each orb grew, pulsing as they throbbed and filled with every greater amounts of seed. They fell over his hands, dropping further down between his thighs as his cock rose up like a spear of flesh, big and ready to break others.

He moved closer, moving around the wolf until he could pin the other man to the kitchen island. The dragon smirked as he ground his larger shaft against the wolf's smaller one, shoving him back and knocking him off his feet.

"If you want this, then that's what you're going to have to live with."

"You - let him go!"

"You think that you can get something better from him?"

There it was. That little spasm inside of what was left of Teryx enjoying that bit of humiliation, that little embarrassment of knowing that someone was being him, but better. So much better, stronger, more powerful. He leaned in, his cock running over the wolf's stomach as he forced Anthony's legs up and into the air.

"Look at me. I'm everything that he was, but improved. I can change anything that's even slightly off. Any shift that could make me sexier, I can do. This is the real Teryx, made perfect. Can you say that you'd want anything more?"


Anthony hesitated, and Raphael-Teryx knew that he'd won. It was a purely logical point, even for the lovesick mimic. Sooner or later, he'd learn why this was the better deal for both of them.

And once he started pouring on the Teryx charm, once that had completely integrated to him, then it would be too late for Anthony to ever pull back. He would be too addicted to the shapeshifting dragon to ever want someone else. He'd be ruined for anyone else.

As Raphael-Teryx pulled his hips back, dragging his cock down the wolf's stomach and getting it lined up for his ass, he wondered why that meant so much to him. The wolf mimic had never been more than just a mild irritant for him before, but now, the urge to utterly take, break, and own the bitch was overwhelming. It didn't matter where it came from, whether it came from him or the dragon he surrounded or something else entirely. All that mattered was taking him, and making Anthony his.

But for now...for now, he would enjoy himself. He lined up his cock, letting himself fall into the role of Teryx, and fixed his eyes on the shivering little dog under him. Anthony looked back, his mouth moving slowly, as if trying to call out for the 'real' Teryx.

Raphael-Teryx showed him what that behavior would get. One good thrust, and the other mimic had his air punched right out of him. More followed, and soon, all that mattered was their moans.

The End

Summary: Teryx just can't help being a horny dragon, and ends up pushing his luck with Raphael.

Tags: M/M, Mimic, Dragon, Cheating, Threesome, Absorption, Anal, Oral, Orgasm, Cum, Wolf, Muscles, Body Control, Corruption, Loss, Series, Slime, Shower, Bad End,