Reunion - 2023

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#3 of Personal

A Valentine's piece!

Wrote it for my boyfriend, and my best friend and his boyfriend.

A lot of cameos here! Ren belongs to me. Fddhty to Fddhty. Julian to Julian. Dael to Tribdinosaur. Pen to Pendoggo. And Thysbe to Thysbe.

Reunion - 2-2023 -02-04

There wasn't a single dream throughout Ren's coma. It lasted for a few months, being stuck in this dark, hollowing, unalive state. The cause of it he still tried to remember because the last thing he saw was the Harfestival. Used to make him chuckle, now his tail and stripes would tremble in fear upon hearing it. How much more for this year's?

To dream was an oddity in their existence. Ren, a Colloquial Tiger who moved to a farm town called Golden Horizon, was the only person to have been able to do it. One other person had theorized all about dreaming, a crocodile named Nicholas. But he disappeared after the incident. Fddhty told him all about it before he too disappeared for a time.

Fddhty was an amazing friend, and Ren's crush. He fell in love with the mouse after a few glances, and he remembered their tight embrace in that festival. A pleasant memory that had to go through a harsh barb of recalling what happened after. Relishing for a moment in the haze orange streetlight as he admired his white fur, twinkling blue eyes, and the warmth from his body as they squeezed each other tighter against the cold winds.

And upon coming to, in the hospital, there was only the context of being one. Hearing the terms doctors and nurses reporting to him hourly that he was in a coma. An out of body experience where he tried to give them a sign that he was responsive. But his stripes remained to his body, fingers couldn't twitch, and not a wag of his tail either. Fddhty came that same day, crying over him, and feeling his tears go over his arm.

His stripes felt like it could've reached out and comforted him, and he too would've been crying. Those days turned to weeks, with Fddhty coming daily to talk to him about his day at the farms. Where the harvest was substantial, and that they were setting for the coming winter. With that season closing in, he would describe the kind of jackets he wore, differing in color and thickness, and the fabric make of it with how cheap yet more insulated than the city counterpart. On the coldest night of December two months ago, he recalled Fddhty having covered him properly with a blanket after the daily check-up that the nurse had forgotten to do so. Not able to shiver yet it did not stop the sweet mouse from giving him such comforts.

Ren's heart sank upon hearing the news that a local white mouse had gone missing. He wanted to shout in defiance to the void, that he should be awakened this very instant so that he could go out and find him. Yet he hoped it had been a different white mouse. There were plenty of them in Golden Horizon. But his chest hit the deepest depths of a metaphorical pit when Fddhty hadn't visited him three days straight. And that was when he showed a response.

After the New Year's, old friends of his had come to supposedly visit him on better terms. Mackenzie and Florence, a wolf and a fox respectively. Both gray and gay for each other. Both of them were accountants, Florence being an assistant and Mackenzie his team lead, but he didn't figure for them as private investigators. They found Fddhty hiding in their home, badly wounded at the time, but was now making a good recovery.

In the middle of January, Flor informed them that this mysterious killer, dubbed as 'Wolf Fangs', had gone somewhere three towns north and fully claimed a victim. That area had been cordoned off, and both Ren and Fddhty were kept under surveillance.

Ren finally awoke at the end of January, to the news report that the commonalities of these victims were of homosexuals in a relationship. And Fddhty was in the dark room, still asleep.

Did this 'Wolf Fangs' really think they were in a relationship? He thought.

"Fddhty?" He pronounced it as Fidd-hee. Calling out to him as his main senses came to, truly. He saw him cozied up to the chair in a jacket, an extra blanket put on him, while his ears could make out more the few cars driving outside, and his nose picking up the very sterile smell of the room. It was pleasant, actually; it had a TV on the ceiling, a heater that could be an AC unit during the summer, a bedside drawer, and a few assortment of flowers in a vase on top of it.

Fddhty didn't respond yet, and Ren trying to reach out with his regular hand couldn't as it was injected and bound to a drip feeder. The tiger struggled for a while trying to reach out with his right arm, hissing for the mouse's attention. Moments after, more of who he was returned to him, the fact that he was a Colloquial Tiger, with stripes that could latch off from his body and reach far or carry much more at the expense of his stamina.

"Fddhty, hey" Ren whispered as the stripes on his upper body extended far enough to shake the mouse's arm. And as an extension of himself, he felt again the soft fur, with the flashbacks of their wonderful evening playing once more. And the sudden flash of dark red eyes that made him yelp and bounce on his bed, rattling it.

It definitely woke up Fddhty at least, "Ren?" His eyes, a gentle shade of blue despite the darkness, and it twinkled to the shifting lights of the television.

The tiger's stripes retracted, mixing itself back to its proper position between the orange and white fur. Ren waved at him lowly, smiling and in disbelief that Fddhty was here and fine, while reeling in not only from the flash of a monster, but the existential nightmare that was the last few months. "Hey," he said. "Thank you," he followed with the strong urge to not shout to the world for the kindness shown. "For visiting me. I heard a lot of it. And it seems you got a new set of clothing since Christmas, huh?"

Fddhty blushed, mouth stuttering with lips curving upwards. He stood up and walked slowly, his tail flicking the lights on to ascertain that they were both there, both conscious. He reached out and held the tiger's arm, the very same he cried on, and nodded to his question. "Mhm, your friends from the city lent it to me after I lost mine when I got jumped."

"Are you okay?" Ren turned his arm and held Fddhty's, with his stripes reaching out and grasping him with the worry of him being harmed. "Did you get a good look at the jerk?"

"No," Fddhty's answer was soft, shaking his head and sitting himself beside him, still holding on. Tail wagging though as his arm was massaged and caressed by those stripes.

Ren acted on with his instinct, comforting him at his time of need. Wanting to change the subject, he wanted to ask how Mack and Flor were, and where were they right now but if they met him then it made him wonder. He hesitated at asking a question, Fddhty noticed.

"I'm not comfortable about talking about it yet, sorry." Fddhty let out a sigh.

"It's not that though," which made him glance. "Did Mack or Flor talk to you about me?" Ren's heart thumped at that, hoping neither of them talked about who he was. But the repeated sigh said otherwise.

"Yeah, but I don't mind what you did. And I do understand now, moreso."

"Do the neighbors know?" Ren squeezed his palm.

"No, they only told me." Fddhty patted the top of his hand. "Also not too tight please."

"Sorry," he loosened, stripes returning back to him. "Thank fuck. I don't want others knowing."

"Don't worry, your secret's safe with me." He giggled, tension easing.

"How come they only told you about it?" Ren shot him a stern and confused look. One stripe on his arm took the shape of a question mark.

"Because they thought you moved to your 'secret' boyfriend," the giggle turned to a chuckle that left both of them flustered. Moreso Ren who stuttered, trying to express his disbelief at the thought. Fddhty found it cute.

"I mean, we're guys and friends, right?"

"Harfe-, sorry." Fddhty shut himself.

And Ren felt relieved, reaching out by twisting his right side forward to embrace him with an arm. "Thank you," he said. Instinct took hold for that moment and kissed the mouse's cheek. His muzzle touched the mouse's fur and lingered for moments as a deep form of thanks for keeping him company and comfort throughout. Leaning backwards after, satisfied with his heart feeling right as it thumped loud. Both of them looked at each other with wide smiles.

Fddhty spoke first, "Can I return the favor?"

Ren immediately nodded, and Fddhty moved closer, much closer. He felt the same way he had given to him, and hugged him again, with stripes across his body joining in the embrace. "I-"

The tiger hesitated again. First time being the festival several months back. It made Fddhty lean back then, wondering, "What?" His tone was innocent but felt as if he knew what he would say.

"I-" Ren stuttered again, "l-

The door swung open to a nurse checking in on them. A mink who was just as happy and relieved to see him moving about once more. She giggled because of how close they both were with an indicative romantic body language.

Ren chuckled, Fddhty chuckled, and everything was alright at that moment.

It wasn't alright for Ren today. His heart beat fast as he paced around the room. Nervousness and anxiety built up within him, even his stripes jittered and trembled. Thumping was heard in the next room, and his eyes looked to the bed.

There were three sets of tops, bottoms, and even undergarments laid out. Three different styles, which meant three different ways to present himself during their first date. Fddhty in the next room probably paced in wonder too. He would be wondering 'why is Ren taking so long', or 'Ren is so indecisive, gosh'.

He could either be chill and go casual. A lovely stroll during the waning season of winter; a white t-shirt, khaki cargo pants, and a black tuque to go with sneakers wasn't a bad way of going about it. Plus the tuque's ear covers can be removed so he could flick his ears about all cutelike. Fddhty might giggle at it. But what if the winds were too cold?

There was smart casual to make himself look more professional and warm. Being a delivery man is a truly dignified job and a few people grew familiar with his face already, or the fact that he could hold several packages and mail at any time. Either way, a gray button up shirt with long sleeves, denim jeans, and a black fedora to go with his leather sneakers. But maybe Fddhty would think he was trying too hard.

Or he could go secluded with a dark thick jacket, dark-blue patchy jeans, and pair it with the sneakers from the first set. Trying not to make himself look obvious but that could draw more attention to Fddhty, and that would not be a good outcome.

After laying out the descriptives in his head, he went with the second set to make himself look snazzy and warm, but he would take the black tuque with the removable ear covers. Confidence exhumed from him after he saw his reflection on the closet mirror. This was dating material, he thought, and appropriate enough for today's festivities.

Ren looked out of the window, where there was no longer snowfall yet cold winds blew down the streets. People strolled down their street, and children played on the empty roads in thick clothing still. He looked at the game the youngsters were playing because it was not something the city life had for him, growing up on consoles and mobile devices.

There were squares drawn on the road with chalk, and they hopped from one square to another. It was numbered but he didn't know if it was a scoring system of sorts, and he couldn't stay too long to divulge on it. Between here and their venue, the Little Stew-Art, was a fifteen minute walk through the town. They didn't need reservations but either here or the city, dinner rush was still a hassle.

Ren went to his bedside drawer and got himself a folded handkerchief, and collected his phone, keys, and wallet. The latter would be full enough to cover the night's expenses, unsure how much dinner would cost. Card, cash, and the insistence to pay for all of it regardless of how much Fddhty would say otherwise.

He stepped out of the bedroom, Fddhty sitting on the sofa relaxed while reading a book. The white mouse donned a smart casual outfit, making the tiger's tail sway left and right as the pink fabric complimented his fur, and the gray slacks with a stylized belt made him look more city-like than a town's boy. Ren's stripes resisted the urge to strip him then and there and show him a good time, because they teased each other more often after leaving the hospital. Hugging frequently, listening to the radio together, planning out this dinner date.

Like what Mackenzie and Flor had joked around at the same timespan, they were essentially a couple, just not official in a sense. If what made a couple would be uttering the words 'I love you' Ren would do it tonight. And it would be a commitment far more perilous than the backlash of conservatives back in the city or encountering the terrorist 'Wolf Fangs'. But it was a statement, a shout in defiance that he and Fddhty were not alone, but that scumbag was.

Ren got his head out of the clouds by sitting next to Fddhty, who moved his legs for them to rest on his lap. And he rested his arm on top of it, smiling at the mouse who was still on his book. "I think you look nice."

Fddhty snorted, "You look nicer."

It made the tiger stutter trying to get a conversation going, he instead blurted, "No, you do!"

"Nope," Fddhty closed his book and smirked as he scanned the tiger. "You definitely look nicer. Hat fits you so much y'know."

"Nuuuu," Ren covered his eyes with the tuque, and held his flushed face. Fddhty got his legs off and scooted closer to hug him from the side. Warm and sweet that got his heart thumping, he hugged him back with his stripes.

"So, Ren, are we gonna go on our date?" He nudged his face closer that when Ren peeked out from under his beanie, their muzzles nearly bumped with each other.

All his stripes retracted instantaneously, almost embarrassed yet tempted to peck him on the lips. He gave a nod, and the mouse was off his case standing up and heading to the front door already. Ren followed, tail wagging and sorting out his own clothes.

Fddhty got his black leather jacket from the nearby coat rack, and a new white-and-orange striped scarf wrung around his neck.

"You definitely look nicer, Fddhty." He said to the mouse opening the door for him, who closed and locked it after they both stepped out. They waved past their neighbors, almost simultaneously to Aex who was on his way upstairs for more stargazing, and Caleb Vogelson's camera eye on the door. And they bowed down to her royal littleness, Queen Vilya, and made their way out the main door and into the streets.

The cool breeze flowed along the road, and slightly between the gap that divided Ren and Fddhty. It didn't seem chilling but the tiger held the mouse's paw and closed said gap with their sleeves rubbing against each other, their fingers intertwined. First time unafraid from the public scrutiny, they went off onto the main road.

"Forward are we?" Fddhty made note of his bravery. "I'm glad you feel comfortable here." And he let go as the handhold turned to a romantic armlock with him leaning against the tiger. Short enough in comparison for his head to rest on his shoulder.

"Mhm," was all Ren could say. His insides screamed of excitement and victory at this development, happy how Fddhty was comfortable enough to do this with him. He saw their reflections on passing windows from some of the apartments and they truly resembled a couple. And in turn, he tied his tail tip with the giggling mouse.

There were more couples in the street walking together in such a manner, sometimes more creative depending on their appendages. There was this creature who had three pairs of arms carrying two partners on its shoulders, and his secondary set acted like a leg rest. Or this couple that consisted of a hedgehog with his partner, a thick cloud, acting as their scarf and they whispered compliments and small talk to each other.

It was at that point they would find themselves at the town square. The large structure at the end of its Eastern side would be, ironically, Little Stew-Art.

"You wanna take the scenic route?" Fddhty offered, glancing over the park where a lot of Valentine's themed decorations were on display. A few people took selfies on some of them, but there was a dedicated photographer who sold their shots on film as a fun souvenir.

Ren looked at it then back to Fddhty who smiled at him, making him smile. And towards the park once more, arms still locked. He took out his phone with his free arm, only 5:30 PM with the sun only starting to bury itself in the distant horizon. "Let's go take the scenic route."

Their scenic route started before the pedestrian crossing, their lane on a red light as a few cars passed by. Ren looked around while waiting, seeing all the discounts for couples, and 2-for-1 specials. There was a cafe at the far opposite side of the park with a big advert stating each large cup would be seventy percent off for couples. "Oh my God." It dawned on him that it was a Roast and Rye Cafe, or RnR as how the city folk would say.

"Roast and Rye was finished while you were still in post-recovery. It's really good, I could see why you and your friends like it." Fddhty said after his reaction.

Little did Fddhty know that this cafe sprawled all over each major city. Especially in Mackenzie's homeplace of Perth in Chicago where there were two in opposing streets. Their products were affordable, wholesome, and plentiful. But he wanted to leave that city life, and finding it here was quite a surprise. But it's a relief to note that it used its full formal name, and not just the shortcut that he had gotten used to. Maybe there was a difference exclusive to their crops, or something new.

And maybe with Fddhty this time around it would be a different experience altogether. Ren's mind then started flourishing about drawing comparisons between this and the city version over two mugs of the popular 'Hot Chocolate Steam Bath'; where pure coco extract had been roasted and boiled, mixed with steamed milk, and a half-coated wafer would float on top, and a marshmallow hat for it. Bitter taste with a sweet after tone as how all chocolates should be.

Or, perhaps, simply gazed into each other's eyes, exchanging compliments over and over. Ren was taken out of the fantasy when Fddhty walked forward and he was caught mid-thought. Pedestrians crossed, and one more before the park itself.

The last time he was here was months ago before the attack. Though its current aesthetic didn't trigger any trauma. There was a lot of pink decor, hearts, big roses, and stalls dedicated to knick-knacks, photo ops, chocolate, and even a perfume sampler. The theme here centered around something that does not correlate to a harvest at least. And with Fddhty by his side, walking down the lane and into the park, any amount of worry had diminished into nothing.

"Thanks, Fddhty," Ren said as they entered under and through the park's vined arch.


"Making me feel brave, feel comfortable." His stripes eased themselves, drooping along his fur though no one could see it. The surrounding trees were still asleep as he would put it, but being with the mouse made him feel more awake. Though keeping himself collected as best he could, and to not cause a scene.

"And I appreciate you," he emphasized that last word, "...period. You listen, you're sincere, and you pay your rent on time."

"Psh, I appreciate you more." They stopped by one of the decors where an android photographer was selling those aforementioned film souvenirs.

Couples were posing in front of a massive rose flower. Literally. It wasn't a bush with a lot of roses on it, nor was it a fake one with synthetic fibers to make it seem like an enlarged rose. No, it was a large rose with its fragrance, and a proportionally large stem rooted into the ground.

Ren found it goofy but Fddhty told him how they used to host an enlarged rose contest during Valentine's a decade or so ago. Discontinued on the account that it was a lot of work to excavate large roses, so the contest only lasted for two years. They allowed volunteers to grow one for Valentine's.

"Here you go, enjoy your dinner date," the bare android spoke in a robotic masculine voice before he saw the next couple around being the mouse and tiger. "Ah, the famed survivors of the infamous Wolf Fang."

Neither of them were amused by it, their tails untied and limped behind them. Ren and Fddhty clutched the other tightly, the latter giving it a vile look as he shook his head.

"Sorry for being inconsiderate, good sirs." His tone had a hint of embarrassment. "As compensation, how about I will take your photograph and frame it, free of charge."

Ren lightened up to the idea but shook his head nonetheless, pulling at his arm and urging to cut this scenic route short. "Can we go, please?" He whispered.

"We're leaving," Fddhty moved alongside him and they went towards the corner exit opposite of the arch. And once they were out of that android's earshot, past said exit, he muttered, "The nerve of that guy."

Ren's eyes darted around, particularly in the dark alleys, or emptied windows on taller buildings in search of those red eyes. His stripes hugged around him to act as armor but what he didn't know was that someone embraced him throughout. The tiger didn't know that Fddhty had let go of his grip, and opted to hug him tightly from behind.

"I'm here, Ren." Fddhty said, his chin resting against his back. "We're not alone anymore, okay? I'm here, your friends are here, and my friends are around too. We will be safe."

Ren held his arms, tugged on them to get out of his grip to turn around and hug him tightly. His chin on top of his head, weeping quietly but he could feel the mouse's heartbeat, calm against his rapid firing thumps. And the cold wind was blowing, urging him to relax as well. Cars driving by, a reminder that it was still early and there will be people to help him. The town was small enough, tight enough to keep their own safe, and with everyone far more vigilant. Lamp posts were turned on earlier and lasted even when the sun was up, with lamplights emitting a brighter shine.

Ren wouldn't suffer like he did anymore, and he wouldn't knowing Fddhty was beside him every step of the way.

"Do you still want to have dinner out here? We could invite Mack and Flor, have them sleepover at our place." Fddhty's fingers caressed along the back of his neck.

"It's okay," Ren cooled down, collecting himself as he opened his teary eyes. He sniffled, the scent of timid nature from the park improving his mood. The hug lasted for two minutes, but Fddhty would've made it as long as he needed. Once he could take a step back and look at the mouse straight in those beautiful blue eyes, while wiping his own with his handkerchief, he said, "Let's go get ourselves some gumbo." And glanced towards the side, eyeing Roast and Rye, "And we can have our desserts maybe?"

"Er, how about we have it in the Little Stew-Art instead. Don't want to linger out too long, okay?" Fddhty shared his worry, which Ren agreed upon. And both arm-in-arm, they crossed the streets and ventured towards the restaurant.

The Little Stew-Art was a large building with the fashion of a pre-modern aesthetic. It had two floors, both with balconies, and a cylindrical structure with a pointed roof to the side, which seemed like the internal staircase. The walls were made of some kind of wood that Fddhty could not identify but was far sturdier than anything he'd come by, almost on-par with the brick buildings. There was a very cheerful combination of color that goes well in line with Golden Horizon's spirit; each room and even the exterior of the staircase were painted in different colors. Seven to be exact, reminiscent of a rainbow.

From what Fddhty had described before, the owner was this literal larger than life furred rainbow creature. And he was twice his own size. And several times more of the surrounding neighborhood because they were all micro species of different varieties.

Ren wowed at the small brick towns that surrounded the Little Stew-Art, with its own walkways and streets that led to their designated safety lanes, as well as special mouse-sized entries into the building. It made him wonder, "How do they go around Golden Horizon? I don't see them around on the regular streets." He looked behind him, seeing normal-sized furred and eyed creatures walking about.

"Underground walkways to businesses." Fddhty said, gesturing around the rest of the town. "Think of a miniaturized Golden Horizon, with a park somewhere behind the building." He pointed back at the restaurant.

"That's cool." Ren said. He had heard of such societies but the cities were more aspirant of the far larger species that he never thought to be one of the larger ones from another perspective. His entire body shivered at the revelation. "Wow."

"C'mon, you haven't even had the stew in Stew-Art." Fddhty held his hand as they crossed, and now found themselves at the foot of its staircase.

Ren marveled at the lamp posts and the handguards because there were two; one for their kind, and another much smaller one beside it. Almost like an exact copy of it. And he caught a glimpse of the edge of this Little Golden Horizon, seeing buildings that resembled his apartment and the neighborhood it was in. "Do you think there's mini-usses in there?"

Fddhty giggled and shook his head at the remark. "Good one. Maybe." Taking the first step, Ren followed close behind, still taking it all in.

This was the farthest he had been from their apartment, and it felt like there was much more to explore. Especially to see and hear as he couldn't keep his eyes off the living diorama that had small cars driving about, and even micro-mice walking around sentient dust bunnies. They all spoke in miniature chatter, and he could guess that an earpiece would be needed to amplify and decrease the speed of their tone. It would be the same thing when communicating with giants. Something he had seen a handful of times back at the city.

"Good, no one's outside yet. Means there should be seats inside for us." Fddhty remarked as they reached the foundation with its red paint on wooden walls. He admired the craftsmanship with how smooth the planks were. Especially under a bright spotlight from the multiple ceiling bulbs.

Ren felt relief under the wash of a white light, brightened by his crush's white fur. He decided to stay outside for a moment, catch a breather while another couple went up the stairs, waved at them before heading inside. Fddhty stayed beside him throughout, holding his hand as they watched the sun sink into the ground. When the tiger felt ready five minutes later, as the stars twinkled in the sky, he led Fddhty and opened the door for them into the big Little Stew-Art.

Fddhty and Ren were unsure if it was the work of magic or ingenious architecture, but the place seemed far larger on the inside than it was outside. There were more floors than just two, and these weren't occupied by smaller creatures either. They had their own spots along the beams and support structures, as well as near the ceilings where platforms were lined up with rows of wooden tables and cushioned chairs. As were the accommodation of the regular sized folk.

A waiter came up to them and directed them to their seats. It was between a lizard eating by herself but her significant other was absent per the open chair but his meal was there too; and a group of canines who were talking about magical jargons and geekery in between spoonfuls of stew. One of them had a large book and spoke louder, a rottweiler.

Their waiter for the evening was a Dogmonster with the name tag 'Dael' attached on his black apron. He had a white polo and black slacks to compliment it, and he wore these square glasses that rested on his muzzle. For someone whose species had 'monster' in the title, he had a very welcoming demeanor. Ren and Fddhty agreed that he had a cute furry face, matched perfectly with the goatee, and well-groomed fur, accompanied by a large and huggable body. But it would be rude to try as they weren't even acquaintances yet.

His accent was light and melodic, almost like a singer, "Good eve-" It dawned on Dael who he had seated. "--evening."

Ren's panic almost set in when Fddhty reached out and held his arm. The latter glanced at the Dogmonster with a concerned look and shook his head hoping to not draw attention.

Dael smirked and gave him a quick nod. Extending a paw to Ren, "Hey," he said in a soft voice. Enough for him to be heard despite the other diners cheering with romantic sentiment. "I know what you're going through, and you're safe here okay. Everyone here looks out for each other." Menus were slid onto their table. "Dinner's on us. Order as much as you want."

Ren liked that, reaching his hand out. "Thank you, Dael. You can call me Ren."

Dael shook and smiled, "Nice to meet you Ren."

"And I'm Fddhty," he offered his hand as well. Dael shook it too.

"So that's how you pronounce it, hehe." The Dogmonster's ears turned in another direction. "Signal at me when you're ready to order. I'll go attend another guest and let Julian know you guys are here. Don't worry Ren, he owns the place." And Dael went on his way.

"He's nice," Ren opened up the menu, taking one last look at Fddhty who smiled as he did the same thing too. The menu items were expected of the restaurant's naming; a lot of stews. Next five pages were full of them, meant for all kinds of diets as well. Carnivorian, vegetarian, pescatarian, gassean even, Little Stew-Art almost had it all. Sizes differed from micro series of small to large, and then the regular series of small to extra large.

There weren't any discounts but the prices weren't stingy either. He could have lunch here everyday if he wanted to, or order takeout. Upon going back through the dozens of stew choices, he wanted something that was savory and had a lot of meat.

"I didn't think there's a lot of choices, y'know." Fddhty said, cycling between the pages. "There's a stew here that is a three course meal. You start with pumpkin soup, which then becomes a dish called sinigang, and then it ends with banana porridge. How does that work?"

"What page is that?" Ren asked, wondering about it as well.

The couple-to-be shared what seemed like interesting choices. And they wondered which size they should get and if they could share it. Fddhty, for his smaller frame, could eat much more than Ren. Afterwards they settled on what they wanted; Fddhty went with the Louisana Special: Gumbo, and Ren went with Kare-Kare, but then changed it to Pochero. Before changing it to Nilaga, and Fddhty started giggling. He settled with Kaldereta instead.

There were other menu items past the stews, such as pasta, sandwiches, burgers, and then drinks of many varieties. Fddhty went with a smoothie, Ren with soda to help digest his stew. Both of them looked around in search of the adorable Dogmonster so they could make an order.

Ren saw only more guests entering, and looked away and focused instead on Fddhty who was turning his head side to side. He smiled seeing how eager he was, and how he marveled in the interior of this magical place. Letting his own eyes wander, this place hosted a lot of animal-like species, with a dozen waiters loitering about and bringing their meals. The micros who ate on those platforms had a similar set-up as well, and some of the smaller guests used them as viewing galleries to appreciate a world far larger than them.

Some of the smaller waiters rode on the shoulders of the larger waiters; another would add a tray of dirtied cutlery and bowls onto their counterparts before they went off into the kitchen. Speaking of which, he couldn't easily find it, and perhaps was somewhere behind the masses of other celebrants.

But one of them stood out, and he was walking with Dael heading in their direction. Fddhty noticed too and waved at them. Julian was a large and very colorful creature. A Rainbowmonster, which was a rare sight to see altogether. Much rarer back in the city as well. He was taller than Dael and wore the simplest outfit of a tank top and cargo shorts, no one would've thought he was the owner.

Julian had a rainbow pattern on his arms, legs, and large panther-like tail, with a purple mane around his neck and dragon-like head, ending around his bunny-like ears. The top of his face was a gentle-blue green, with a smiling cream-colored muzzle. But it disappeared when his eyes met Ren's.

The Rainbowmonster played it cool on his approach, Dael behind him hugging his arm. His footsteps were slow, steady, and it mimicked the tiger's heart who felt relaxed but that was from Fddhty who reached out and held his arm again.

Despite the even larger figure, the colorful furred pattern seemed to give him a friendly approach. Dael leaned and whispered something in his ear, making them perk up for a moment. Julian crouched, reaching his arm out like Dael did earlier, "Hi, I'm Julian." His voice was light and quirky, almost as melodic as the Dogmonster's. "Owner of this place, and this waiter slash artist's magnificent boyfriend." He turned to nuzzle the giggling Dogmonster.

Ren reached out and shook the paw twice as large as his, "Ren, and this is my friend Fddhty."

"Not your boyfriend?" Julian smiled, reached out to Fddhty and shook his hand too. "Nice to meet you."

"And you too, thanks for the free food." Fddhty said.

The Rainbowmonster's smile faded, stern as he looked to Ren, "Listen, I know what you're going through. You're safe here. I will not let anyone hurt you or my customers okay? And I'm so sorry you had to go through that." He was almost in tears, with Dael patting his shoulder to calm him down. "Right, sorry. Food's on the house okay? And you're welcome to stay here as long as you behave yourself. If you see something funny, let me know and we'll take care of the rest."

Ren nodded as he was overwhelmed by such kindness and generosity. He looked at the place and perhaps there was more to it than what he'd seen so far. And he looked forward to getting more acquainted with Julian and Dael. And he started it with an expression of gratitude, "Thank you for your hospitality, Julian." It was the simplest way he could put it.

"Of course. We look out for each other, okay?"


"Now! What would you like to eat?" Julian stood up and put his arm around the tiger's shoulder.

Dael stood between the tiger and mouse, notepad and pen in hand. The couple-to-be mentioned their orders, but Julian expressed joy with Fddhty's order and started talking about it with him. Their conversation then led to the discussion of the restaurant itself, its foundation and magical elements. The latter was sourced from T'Bilisi, Panay who were the masters of space efficiency. Wooden furniture and the building itself was with trees from a forest north of the town. And its coloring was done mostly by Dael, who blushed as Julian praised him before he left to pass on the order.

Julian looked around in appreciation of the handiwork and the success of their business and haven for all creatures alike. And his eyes caught the lizard-lady seated next to them. "Thysbe?" He said with great delight.

Fddhty's ear flicked.

"Hey Julian," She replied just as enthusiastically. Thysbe stood up and greeted the Rainbowmonster by inching herself taller through tip-toeing so she could kiss cheeks with him. For a lizard to be out in cold weather, she wore a very thick furred coat and deep blue denim jeans. Her head was rigid around the muzzle with horns on the bridge of her nose, with three smaller and slanted spines on each cheek. And her eyes were light blue with a black iris, while her scales reflected a shinier yellow color than the honey products she was renowned for. While her voice, like them, was sweet.

"Where's your-"

"He's taking a call. Apparently there was a delivery truck that broke down on the way back to the farm. Had to go over insurance so he will be gone for a while."

"Aw, I hope it gets resolved and you can deliver your precious honey with it. Which I will say thank you again."

"It's no problem," she gave him a thumbs up as she winked. "I could always deliver it on foot, if you could let me rest here like I used to."

"Of course of course! Mi casa, es su casa." He turned to Fddhty and Ren, Thsybe noticing them too. "She's one of the best honeymakers in town."

Fddhty chimed in, "Honeygold. She and the Sugarice plantation go way back." He turned in his seat, reaching out to offer his hand.

"Mhm!" Thysbe accepted and shook it. "Pleasure doing business with you guys." She turned her attention to Ren, lowly waving at her, and back to Fddhty, then to him. "You two are-"

"Mhm." Fddhty nodded.

At that point, Ren began feeling uneasy about the recognition but composed himself as best he could. No one could see his quivering stripes, but he hung his head low and overheard Julian whisper to Thysbe of his worries.

Julian continued chatting up with Thysbe and Fddhty, talking about the history between Sugarice and Honeygold. How it was a multi-generation business, and that the lizard was a descendant of it, while the mouse was an honest worker. They spoke of names that both were familiar, Julian commenting now and then of seeing them in the restaurant. But after a while, he spoke with Thysbe about business matters while Fddhty held Ren's paw.

"No one's going to hurt you here, okay hun?"

Ren's cheeks went red as his ears flicked and popped out of the tuque. "Huh?"

"No one's going to hurt you, okay Ren?"

"Yeah, you're right." Ren felt the cold stings of worry push him towards an admission that would make it go away. "Fddhty, I-"

"Here comes my stud!" Julian said as Dael arrived with their meal.

Ren realized his hunger and deduced that contributed to his sour mood. He stared at his order, a thick brown stew with cuts of potato, bell pepper, carrot, beef cubes with fat, and garnished with shredded cheese. Fddhty's was almost similar with its own brown sauce but there were bits of sausage, chives, mushrooms, shrimp, and a vegetable he's not all too familiar with. It was also served with a side of sugar rice.

The tiger didn't want to converse nor worry, so he dug into his meal. Still piping hot but he enjoyed every bite of it. Carrots were sweet and tender, the potatoes were seasoned with herbs, and the beef cubes were so soft and easy to chew on. He finished with one final bite of bits of everything, concluding his main course in the best note it could. Fddhty was still halfway through his and was savoring the flavor more than he did.

Ren felt better after that, wiping his mouth clean then speaking up, "Hey Julian."

Julian turned to him, pausing his conversation with Dael, "Yes Ren?"

"That was amazing," he smiled while his own stripes peeked out of his collar and gave him several thumbs up.

"Oh wow, a colloquial tiger, that is so cool!" Julian inched closer trying to reach out for one. "May I?"

"Sure," Ren took a sip of his soda as his stripe-paw was caressed and studied.

"I've never seen a tiger with stripes like that," a voice spoke from behind. Masculine and friendly-seeming, he turned slowly mid-sip and it was a Rottweiler who was now alone in a table full of empty but dirty bowls. He wore a jacket with a simple shirt underneath, and black jeans to compliment. The headpiece that hung around his neck had wires that led to his phone on the table. Seemingly someone who had been to the city before but found his way to the townside, like he did.

"Thanks," Ren tried to make out of something he noticed earlier to be cordial. "And I reckon you're a fantasy roleplayer?"

"Oh, was I loud? Heh, sorry." He apologized shyfully, his voice softer.

"You're always loud when you do your TCaFL sessions, Pen." Dael chuckled, whereas Ren misheard and turned to him.

"That is true, heh." Pen had noticed the tiger turned to him. "Are you named Pen too?"

Ren turned back to him, "No, I'm Ren."

"Ah, that's cool." Pen simply nodded. Whether it was Dael giving him the look of caution or knew and respected his trauma. It didn't spike up his anxiety at least.

"What's TCaFL?" Fddhty asked with a mouthful of gumbo.

"Torture Chambers and Flying Lizards." Both Pen and Ren answered.

Pen expressed his enthusiasm, "Ooooh, are you another TCaFL player?" His tail wagged against the seat.

Ren shook his head, "No, I've only seen it played in conventions." He adjusted his seating position to face towards the rottweiler who adjusted back at him. Fddhty observed where this conversation would go.

"Conventions?" Pen noted the pluralization. "Are you from the city?"

"Yeah, came here to start a new life." Which was ironic for Ren given this place was far livelier than some of the popular restaurants back in the city. "And this is better even if it's only been a few months."

It surprised the rottweiler, leaning forward in curiosity now. In fact, a lot of them were. Julian and Thysbe leaned in, while Fddhty enjoyed his meal. Dael had a job to do and waved them off for the time being.

Ren lamented on how cleaner the air was; taking deep breaths without worry of a coughing fit. Cars weren't as plentiful, nor as pretentious with very egotistical drivers. Less giants though, which shattered one of Julian's expectations. Products there were twice the price that Fddhty was well aware of but couldn't stop glancing around him with their clearly superior standard of living. Pen held his headset and clarified about it.

"So these exact same headsets would be five hundred credits?"

Ren nodded as he sipped, clarifying after he smacked his lips, "Mhm. People pay for the brand and the unnecessary aesthetics. Those earmuffs on your headset would be made of some Hiercity material, or studded with golds and diamonds for absolutely no reason. Even makes it heavier."

Thysbe and Pen audibly gasped, and Julian shook his head in disbelief.

The lizard lady wanted to know, "And where do cityfolk get their food from? Is it not all smoke, steel, and synthesis?"

Ren shook his head in disbelief for most of these as he clarified, "There are farms that are positioned away from the industrial parts." Two hands were on separate ends of the table for presentation's sake. "But it doesn't taste 'organic' because it's forceful farming with regulated and chemical methods. Thus making the air there harder to breathe. Not a lot of it is steel, there's more wood and concrete than you think."

Fddhty had finished his meal and cleaned his lips. He rested an elbow, satisfied with his meal. Wanting to thank Julian in an endorsing manner, he asked the tiger, "What's the food like?" And winked at him.

Ren turned quick enough to see it, wondering at first, then correlated the question to the big colorful person listening intently. "Far worse. First thing I ate here was a sugarice bar, and it was ten times better than the most expensive oatbar in London." He smiled as his eyes met Julian's, "And this kaldereta stew is the best thing I've eaten so far." Glanced down at Fddhty and met with his eyes, smiling, "Eating with good company making it far better, even."

Julian thumped over and gave Ren a tight squeeze. Fddhty chuckled and softly applauded, while Thysbe chuckled and glanced around for her partner still attending to that call. Pen was satisfied with what he's heard, nodding to the sentiment of a town life far better than that of a city's.

Ren embraced Julian too though not as tight with the lack of the Rainbow Monster's upper body strength. He patted his arm three times seeking mercy, and gasped for air upon release. But before he could say anything, he assured, "I'm alright, heh, just let me know in advance okay?"

"I'm sorry," Julian's ears drooped and looked away, tapping his fingers at each other out of guilt. "I've never had someone say that my food's the best in their life yet."

"That's alright. I definitely won't be the last," Ren smiled in confidence as his body eased up.

Julian cheered up once more and patted his shoulder. "Aw, thank you!" His tail wagged around.

And their attention was turned to the arrival of a familiar wolf and fox. Mackenzie gave them a small wave while Florence rushed to embrace Julian who gave him a hug just as tight from earlier.

Ren felt the ecstasy and relief build up, which made him stand up and hugged Mackenzie who simply took it. "I'm happy to see you guys, thank you!"

And Flor peeled himself off from the Rainbowmonster and embraced the tiger from behind. The latter whose stripes wriggled out of his sleeves and hugged the fox too. "Good place to take your boyfriend on a first date."

"I-, heh.." Ren blushed and quivered out, crawling back to his seat in embarrassment.

Fddhty giggled throughout, flushed as he was. "First of many I hope, hah!"

Ren covered his face, more flustered and gleeful at such a remark while everyone else laughed along and cheered. Not just in the spirit of Valentine's, but in good health and company that they were all in.

Dael returned, arms around the fox who they were well acquainted with.

"Hi Flor, it's nice to meet you again for the third time!" And they kissed each other's cheeks. The Dogmonster turned to Mackenzie who smiled for the second time in Ren's life. "Broski!" He then transferred his embrace to the wolf who in turn patted his back.

"Broski, now that's a name I haven't heard of in a while." Mackenzie said.

"A while for like a few months." Dael followed.

These two would go on with their small talk, which then carried over to Dael introducing Pen to him. Flor chatted up with Julian and Thysbe about what had transpired in the last few months regarding Wolf Fangs.

Ren's tail wagged and stood up again and approached Fddhty's side who had been listening in on that conversation, but his attention turned to him.

"Hey, you alright?" Fddhty took the assumption and turned around to politely keep it down with the whole Wolf Fangs business.

Ren stopped him with a firm grip on his shoulder, not wanting to interrupt valuable insight. It was something else altogether, and Fddhty turned back to him with their eyes met. "I'm okay." He crouched down so their faces were leveled with each other.

A silence between them, and for these two only the world surrounding them had blurred. Their eyes told a story of a simple want; to love and be loved. Initially it was through the idea of being roommates, two friends who enjoyed each other's company. Months later, they were both met with the same danger that certainly pushed Ren closer to Fddhty, wanting to protect him as best he could, where at the time he fought to regain his capacity to live. And Fddhty who had accompanied him throughout such a harrowing time, endangering himself in the process.

When Ren smiled in relief, Fddhty felt glad and smiled in solidarity too. All the jokes their friends had made about them being a thing was heartwarming of who they were together. Ironically it was Wolf Fangs who sealed the deal, inadvertently at first. Thankfully journalists here weren't as nosy, and respected his rejection of interviews, especially at the start of this phenomena.

They were there now, safe and away from an isolated threat. Ren's smile disappeared, as did Fddhty's, whose face pouted in worry but the tiger felt the exact opposite. He was ready to realize his own dream, and to stop this somewhat-literal cat and mouse game where he was the latter.

Fddhty realized it and leaned forward against the chair's armrest where their muzzles were inches away from each other.

Ren saw those gentle blue eyes that admired him in return. Heart thumping as the stripes on his body shivered at first, but relaxed themselves as he braved the moment. "Hey," he whispered.

"Hey, Ren." Fddhty whispered back.

"I uh..."

The mouse inched closer, intent on listening to what he had to say.

Ren kept steeling himself to say it at all. The words were deep down and at the tip of his tongue simultaneously. It was right there, about to say it. Fddhty was right there in front of him, and why couldn't he have just said it already. Why was it hard to tell him how much he loved him?

"I don't know why..."

"Why what, Renny?" Fddhty's nose touched Ren's, smiling with his wagging tail in view.

Ren wanted to make it clear, and it was frustrating to have to wait this long. He sighed, saying, "Why is it hard for me to tell you that I love you?"

"I love you too."

It hit the tiger with what he just said. What he just did. Ren slumped back down dumbfounded while Fddhty got off his chair and sat cross legged beside, leaning his head on his shoulders. Those stripes hung about from his sleeves as he felt his throat clear.

Their friends and ones they just met had apparently been listening throughout. Julian, Thysbe, and Pen giggled while Dael and Flor teased Mackenzie about his time when he professed his love to his fox.

Julian raised a paw, his colorful presence attracted multiple waiters but he pointed for the one that was a capybara. "Two plates of heart-shaped waffles please, with the best sprinkling of Sugarice and dribbling with Honeygold." The capyabara nodded and went.

"Did I just say that?" Ren looked up to all of them, then to Fddhty. They all nodded and answered in accordance. Flor offered to take a photo of commemoration but Mackenzie waved him down, which the tiger appreciated.

Pen chuckled, "It was adorable, and at least it would be unforgettable for you and your boyfriend."

"He's right y'know," Fddhty nuzzled his cheek, and pecked it after.

Ren's eyes widened and turned to the mouse and held his shoulders, surprising him. Moreso when their lips met but it mellowed down as they embraced each other under the collective awes of their private crowd.

Whatever would happen next, the challenges of a relationship against the biases and the killer, they would have each other. They had a fortress full of friends, and the most important intangible concept that the Wolf Fangs did not have: love.

The rest of that evening followed with their tables combined, and merriment between new people and reunion of old friends. Stews were eaten, waffles were enjoyed, and Pen had secured two new TCaFL players; Mackenzie and Ren, to the disdain of Flor.

Thysbe, Julian, and Fddhty discussed potential business opportunities that could promote Sugarice, Honeygold, and Little Stew-Art to their neighboring towns, and the literal small-town beside. Mackenzie and Dael talked about their lives, the latter having the most change as he operated as a caricature artist during the early hours, or on reservations, hence the suffix of such a fantastic restaurant.

And after the restaurant closed up shop three hours later, they all went home. Even Fddhty and Ren, who Julian urged to stay over, but the new couple didn't want to inconvenience them with bumps and creaks that night.

Mackenzie, Flor, and Pen served as their escorts, and they parted ways once they were back home.

Once back in their apartment, Ren had to make sure all the curtains were drawn, and the windows and main door were locked. And upon finding Fddhty in the living room, bare like he had seen him on their first night. This time he joined him in the au naturale and retreated to the mouse's bedroom to do what they had wanted all along: a wholesome cuddle together.

After the sex of course.


End of Summers - Roommates - 2022

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HimynameisDuncan - 2021

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Despite the Rain - 2023

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