Bowser's Counterattack (Part 1)

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DANGER: The following story contains some heavy stuff. Like, it's pretty bad. Specifically, we've got a brief CNC (CONSENSUAL NON-CONSENSUAL) scene, complete PETRIFICATION, and IMPLIED DEATH. Read on if that's your thing, not that I might have done it well.

The Koopa King from a distant land experiences an invasion most indescribable, and then creates a threat that'll be sure to turn some heads. Will he succeed, or will this generate more intruders Bowser can use as more fear fodder?

hi, my name's tiger, and welcome to jackass

The idea for this story came to me in a... very weird circumstance. For around two weeks prior, I was already wanting to post a story today for the unofficial unofficial Bowser Day (8/4 if they actually put the date correctly), and so what I would do is create a new entry for Thursday_Prompt on FurAffinity with the prompt that they gave just two days prior. What I didn't anticipate was the word given being "permanent". And that kinda led me to a spiral of no good thoughts, as you can probably already tell.

This was originally going to be one whole story I would submit for The Thursday Prompt, but it got way too large and I really didn't want to subject unsuspecting readers to, well, this, so I split it off into two parts. This is Part 1, and Part 2 can be found HERE.

This is now the most explicit thing I've written so far, but I'm still very much unsure of whether I handled this correctly or not, so critiques are very welcome. This still feels rather foreign to me, as this is obviously incredibly different than the explicit RP's I used to partake in. Regardless, I hope you enjoy.

A metal door swung open abruptly, interrupting the deadly silence that had completely enveloped the large dungeon. Suddenly, a deep, low growl could be heard, followed by a much louder, draconic-like grunt as a strange new figure was hurled into the dank room: a naked, lithe border collie of ambiguous presentation (though if one were to look between his legs they would see he was very excited to be here) flew across the damp air before landing face first against the tiled stone floor. The rest of his body succumbed to gravity and slammed into the ground, soliciting a small whine from the mutt as he slid across the floor for a small moment.

As the scrawny dog's body came to a halt, another figure would enter stomping inside the dungeon, this one considerably bigger than the mutt that lay on the floor. This much bigger male held up a lit lamp, illuminating the path in front of him as his large feet firmly stamped the ground with frustration and his thick tail dragged behind. The collie could only weakly turn his body back around to the front with a drunken smile, and as he saw the turtle-like monster in front of him more than 3 times his size, his tail began wagging.

"...guh. Lord Bowser..." The collie could only mutter, his jaw nearly having been dislocated from the hard fall he took moments ago. The large turtle grimaced as he heard his name coming from him.

"You... You insolent BRAT." The large Koopa King snarled at the intruder below him, agitated enough to want to unleash all of his rage onto this one person. He almost threw aside the lamp he was holding as a result, but caught himself mid swing and grunted again, instead turning his back on the small being to the lamp down on a table nearby with an audible thud. He then paused, sighing in near defeat at the issue at hand.

During this time, the mutt finally managed to stand up on his two feet, almost panting with some sort of sick lust. Once he opened his mouth again, it would become very clear why that was the case. "Sir... I can-- I can wash your shell for you! Ahh... Someone's gotta--"

And Bowser had enough. As soon as that mutt started speaking, he produced a ferocious roar as he quickly turned around, his spiked tail becoming a brutal long-range whip as it swung around along with the Koopa King's body. Twisting his body to face the small dog again, he attempted to swing down his arm in an attempt to eviscerate the adversary with his claws, but he was (un)fortunately just far away enough that Bowser's attack missed, prompting the mutt to jump back in surprise. Bowser, however, was not amused in the slightest.

He raised his body up again after his failed assault, standing up straight with a deranged and desperate look on his face. "SHUT UP!! I have NEVER seen someone so sick and vile as you, and I'M supposed to be the BAD GUY here!!" The King then stomped forward towards the lustful dog, which made him shuffle away backwards while still keeping eye contact.

"You are HORRIBLE. You're not 'just a bad person' or some misguided being, no, you're THE ACTUAL WORST!" The Koopa King began verbally abusing the smaller dog below him as he continued to walk forward, eventually getting the idea of trapping him against the wall if he walked enough. "You're somehow even WORSE than that bastard Mario, and I can't even fault him all that much CONSIDERING HE INVITES ME TO HIS GODDAMN PARTIES ANYWAYS!!" As Bowser kept shouting and marching forward, the border collie would eventually thump his back towards a stone wall, looking wildly to each of his sides to try and escape.

"Tell me already. Why do you keep INSISTING despite EVERY CHANCE I GAVE YOU to leave me alone?!?" Bowser quite literally screamed at his prisoner, not expecting any answers. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT??? I've had to deal with the likes of YOU for NEARLY A MONTH, and everyone else backed off once I made it VERY clear I WOULDN'T BE NICE!! EVERYONE ELSE EXCEPT YOU!!!"

Indeed, this situation the Koopa King found himself in was strange, terrible and confusing. Somehow, in some capacity, weird looking animals that no one in the land recognized managed to enter Bowser's castle and tried to talk to him into doing... specific favors with them. At first, confusion settled in. It wasn't uncommon for the King to have particularly loving eyes centered on him -- everyone wants to romance Koopa royalty, after all! -- but these alien people seemed to have something else entirely on the mind that Bowser was not interested in, on top of just being outright stumped on what the hell was happening. It was only after one daring intruder attempted to dive between his legs did he finally understand what was going on, and he didn't like it one bit.

Next came the anger. It slowly built up in the King, but for the first few days, it wasn't immediately visible. Bowser just wanted to get these intruders out of his castle and that was the end of it. As more daring animals popped up, however, Bowser had seemed to notice a common trend amongst them all: These aliens only had eyes for him, and would do anything to spend even one romantic outing with the King. Some of them even went to extremes he didn't think would be enjoyable in any way. He could count the number of times Bowser heard that a person wanted to be his "sex slave", a term that he only recently learned what it meant. There was no shortage of runts wanting to serve him directly, but this seemed like it was crossing some sort of line he didn't know about!

The anger grew more and more insolent. Bowser eventually found the best way to ward these bastards out of his castle was to just punt them out of there really far. Of course, that didn't solve the issue at hand, as more would keep appearing later, but at least it was enough to blow off some steam that built up inside him. But then they arrived in pairs, in groups often, and some even had the audacity to take a child with them! As a father himself, Bowser couldn't stomach the thought that these insects were using their children as a meat shield...

The Magikoopas didn't know how to make this invasion stop, the aliens grew more and more hornier with each passing day, and surprisingly, it got to the point that even the Mushroom Kingdom had to send a personal letter to tell Bowser that they weren't behind this intrusion, offering any aid they could if it got out of hand. To Bowser, that seemed like the final straw for him. He would lock himself inside his throne room for the entirety of a day, trying to come up with something, anything, to make this unwarranted hell brought upon him to stop, while the strange animals kept invading, knocking on his door, and fighting past his innumerable forces.

And then that mutt showed his face when he woke up the next day.

Somehow, the dog managed to sneak inside his bedroom, locked from every possible entrance. The Koopa King found him sniffing around his bedsheets with rabid intent, and the moment he kicked him out of his room and locked himself inside his bedroom, thinking he was safe again, the mutt confusingly reappeared inside the bathroom. Bowser was already about to explode... but he decided to entertain this one unwanted guest, just this once, since he seemed incredibly persistent. Well, "entertain" isn't the correct word -- Bowser would just go around the castle ignoring the mutt while he trailed right behind him, whining and talking about whatever came to mind while avoiding every Koopa that tried to tackle him. Bowser thought he could use this to his advantage, to finally put an end to this situation.

What he instead found was the filthiest, most vile being ever. All the mutt could fantasize about was him doing sexual favors for Bowser, being treated as nothing more than an object, being used as his "cum rag" (?????), anything that involved Bowser's very existence... the dog would comment on it and make it horny. There was nothing to discuss with this intruder, and the Koopa King's rage reached way past its limits.

And so he asked every one of his men to stand their guard. He would deal with this pest himself. Even if it meant--

"Please don't get angry, my Lord! I just want to, heh, serve you!" The thin dog whined as he tried to sidestep away from the King and get a better look at his whole being, but Bowser quickly stopped him from doing that by slamming both of his hands to his sides, prompting the dog to yelp in surprise before... blushing again. "Ahh... My Lord, you're so strong... I just need a bit of space to--"

"If you wanted SPACE, you should have LEFT THIS PLACE when I TOLD YOU TO." The Koopa King snarled, lowering his head to the small being. This allowed the mutt to see his bloodshot eyes and grimy teeth, but that only excited the mutt more, wagging his tail faster. A small, fleshy bone popped out of his sheath while he squirmed.

"Mph... I-- If I am to be your next meal, then--"

Bowser gritted his teeth and roared to the heavens, slamming one fist onto the wall and leaving a permanent impact on the brick wall. There just wasn't any way to win against this fool. He turned his body around again, continuing to roar and grunt in pure frustration while stomping the ground. "WHY?? WHY CAN'T YOU LISTEN TO ME??? WHY WON'T YOU JUST LEAVE????" Bowser, once again, expected no sensible answer... but he found one.

The short mutt finally yelled as loud as he could. "Because, Lord Bowser...! I want to devote my life to you forever!"

Bowser's eyes widened, before slowly turning his head towards the dog. None of the other aliens ever said that... Did this one say... his life, forever?

"...what was THAT, pest?"

The collie stepped forward slightly, with some newfound courage. "Bowser, you're everything I want, and so many people have come here to tell you that! I want to be your eternal servant, always on your lap ready to kiss your large mouth, or your round stomach, or your... eheheh, your heavy, girthy meat... I want to be there for everything you do! Eat, sleep, showering, taking over the whole world..." The mutt once again went over his own desires, and as he did so, Bowser would turn around, looking confused for a change. The King didn't know how to react this time.

"And, furthermore, Lord Bowser... I don't care!" The mutt stomped his own foot on the ground, pathetically making a simple slapping sound nowhere near close to the Koopa King's footsteps. "I want to be with you forever, and it doesn't matter what you do with me. I'll enjoy every second, relish all the time we get together, even if you endlessly torture me. It's been my dream to be your slave... Please, take me in already, you sexy beast!"

Bowser could only look at the dog with disgust, yet a newfound sensation of revenge welled in him. He truly was that committed, huh... But he was so scrawny and unfit for anything. There was not much he could do with a dog who had twigs for bones, unless...

The Koopa King narrowed his eyes as he then decided to ask just one simple question before he moved on to the only idea in his head. "...and you'd do anything for... this opportunity?" Bowser bellowed, his voice now having been reduced to a whisper.

The mutt looked down momentarily, before responding with confidence. "Ab... absolutely anything, Lord Bowser! I only want to exist as a slave for your desires..."

Suddenly, a small grin crept up the Koopa's face. Oh, he knew exactly what he was going to do.

Bowser shifted his body very slowly away from his original position, moving one foot forward and very lightly stepping towards a small chest nearby. "...alright, then. How about it? Since you're the only one that's gotten on my nerves this much..."

The Koopa eventually reached the brown chest, scoffing at what he was about to do. He bent down to open the chest, and inside were various collars that he's worn throughout the years, along with another collar that looked way out of place: a brown leather collar. Bowser had saved this collar after one of the intruders dropped it by accident, and he hadn't figured out what to do with it... until now.

"Hehehe... Congratulations, you idiot. You'll get to be my servant for life..." Bowser picked up the collar and shifted his body upward once more. The mutt behind him was already wagging his tail incredibly quick, but right as he was about to open his mouth to endlessly thank him, Bowser would turn just his head, allowing the collie to see a rash smile.

"...but ONLY if you can survive THIS!" Bowser flipped his whole body around once more, except this time instead of attacking the intruder with his claws, he threw the open collar in his hand towards him with incredible force. The mutt had no time to react, and as a result, he stumbled backwards as the collar latched on perfectly to his throat, sending him back slamming against the wall and with unimaginable pain. The collie yelped and whined loudly, the searing pain across his throat being nearly too much to bear, and so he slid down the wall until he was sitting down on the floor. Even throughout all this, the dog's "bone" was completely erect, simply bobbing up and down with so much desire and with just a small bit of his knot peeking out.

However, the dog felt something else... it was a much deeper, colder sensation that he wasn't aware of... as if his body was about to lay still for a very long time.

Bowser scoffed once more, then spread apart his legs a bit, revealing a cloaca-like slit in between that began to spread out. "I suppose if it's come to this, the least I can do is give ya what you're really after before you can't anymore..." The King then walked forward, his large shaft very slowly snaking out of the slit to reveal it's been drenched in pre-cum all this time. The mutt couldn't believe what was happening and would once again open his mouth to speak.

"Ahh... I-- Thank you, my Lord Bowser! I will forever worsh--"

But those were the last words he could get out before his maw was immediately stuffed to the brim by the Koopa King's thick and slimy meat, filling the mutt with pure bliss and ecstasy at being the only person to have gone this far with the one and only Bowser... but that wouldn't last for much longer.

"Be QUIET, maggot..." Bowser growled again, frustrated at the current events but knowing that, if this worked, it would send a very clear warning message to whoever these intruders were. "In fact, you won't speak any longer. I'll force your mouth shut in a few seconds, after you've tasted my royal Koopa seed, and you'll NEVER open it again..."

The mutt squirmed around for a bit when he heard these words, but Bowser held him still with one foot pressed directly onto his crotch. This made the mutt groan and shiver as his length, and especially his testicles, were also now at the mercy of the King. In the meantime, Bowser bent down for a moment to adjust the mutt's new collar.

"I bet you're DYING to know what I'm going to do to you," Bowser started again, growling delightfully as he was about to line out his plan, "so allow me to explain everything..." The mutt closed his eyes as Bowser forced more of his shaft inside his throat and began to go into detail of what he was about to do.

"For hours, you've tormented me and done nothing but wish for me to take you in. It didn't matter what I did, you still appeared again and again to tell me how good of a slave you were! And it's become apparent now that, no matter what I do to you, you'll enjoy it all the same. So how about we put this devotion of yours to its limits, heh?" Bowser audibly chuckled, now moving his hips back and unclogging his new slave's throat for just a brief moment, before forcing his mast back in with a powerful thrust.

"Let's see your devotion, and also send a clear message to your species. I've imbued that collar with a terrible curse, and after I'm done with you here, I'll let the curse do its thing... What is it, you ask? Ah, nothing special..." Bowser once again bucked his large hips backwards and then forwards once more, shoving that fleshy, veiny pleasure rod in and out of the lower mutt's maw. He appeared to gag on it while continuing to squirm and whine. "Just a curse that transforms you... into stone."

Bowser hissed at the mutt with this final word, allowing the mutt to truly understand how dangerously close he was to being more than just hurt.

"If you're so persistent, then show me how well you can resist magic..." The evil Koopa continued, pushing his pulsing dick in and out of the dog, all while he muttered and attempted to wriggle out of his grasp, to no avail. "And if you survive, then you'll have proven that you're worthy of my time. But if you fail... eheheh... then I'll send a flattering picture of you back to where you came from, and people will see how much of a martyr you wanted to be..."

The mutt's thoughts were swirling, between the large meat he was being forced to suck and the Koopa's explanation of things, he didn't truly understand what was happening, other than the very panicked voice in his head telling him that he just did something very bad... and it would be validated once the mutt heard the final line Bowser yelled to him:

"You're going to be the martyr for your kind, because you'll be stuck with me as a permanent statue for my castle!"

The large Koopa cackled as he laid out his ultimatum for the mutt, only just now having some second thoughts on going through with this plan. Bowser didn't care in the slightest, now continuing to chortle as he shoved in and out his shaft, now being able to hear the wet noises and rampant grunting filling the room. It would be a few seconds later, however, where he could feel some light tapping coming from his legs. Bowser looked down in annoyance, only slowing down his rhythm. "Oh, so NOW you want to escape?! Tough luck, you imbecile! You're only leaving here one way or the other, that's the rules!" The turtle would then stop for a moment to catch his own breath, and it was during that time that the mutt finally gasped for air.

"GUUUHHH... Haaahh... My Lord..." Even in the face of extreme danger, the mutt still had the gall and the respect to call Bowser his Lord. "I feel so much of your seed already... I want to stay like this forever..." He then groaned, trying to adjust his collar, only to find that it had already turned to nothing but a stone decoration. The effects were already starting to take place...

"Ngh... I don't know how... to resist magic. I'll surely succumb to its effects soon." The mutt finally spoke up about something that wasn't sex for a change, but it wouldn't be long before he went back on that. "But I don't care. Lord Bowser, I will be the best statue you've ever commissioned. Just being frozen in place, in your palace... If that is what I am destined to be, then nothing will make me happier!" His stiff bone stuck out of his sheath, dripping already at the thought of devoting his own soul for the Koopa, a fact that Bowser was now coming to terms with.

"Grrrf... You truly ARE a vile and disgusting creature." The Koopa grimaced again, unsatisfied at what was exchanged but snorting in defeat. His slimy turtle cock propped up once again, and that made the Koopa crack a tiny smile again. At the very least, he thought, it'll be over soon.

"...Whatever. Your funeral." Bowser grabbed both of his future statue's arms and held them up with one hand, before forcing his meat back inside the mutt's maw again. "LITERALLY."

With a satisfying sounding SHLORP, half of the Koopa King's shaft dug inside the collie's mouth, soliciting more groans and gulps from him as he struggled to take it all in so harshly. There wouldn't be any breaks this time, however. Bowser was cumming no matter what. So he once again plowed that weak dog, grunting as he harshly picked up the pace of his poundings. The expansive dungeon once again echoed the sleazy sounds of rough sex, but this time, both the dog and the King relished in these noises.

Bowser shifted his weight forward, letting the horns on his head rest against the wall while he slightly stuck his tongue out, panting. His slave was servicing his cock incredibly well, despite the obvious size differences. If that mutt was any stronger, the Koopa figured, this could have gone another direction... But that's for the imagination now. Of course, the mutt was also in his own heaven, moving around his tongue however he could around his King's rough cock, and gagging occasionally. He couldn't do much else except get ready for the wave of pure ecstasy that would be given to him soon...

With every brutal pound and tremor caused by the Koopa's thrusts, he approached closer to his climax, and the mutt to his impending doom. Slimy slaps kept filling the room, while the damp, dreaded air slowly phased out in favor of the musky, hot scent of royal dick and general body odor. These new sensations were filling up both of their minds, melding them to nothing but desperately needy beings with one goal in mind.

The Koopa King picked up the pace, feeling a growing red heat on his face as he facefucked his slave. His huffs and pants began to grow out longer, more incoherent, as he succumbed to his own desires. "Grahh... Come on, you useless mutt... You wanna taste my seed or are ya gonna wait until AFTER you're a statue for me to paint it onto you?!" Relentlessly, the King tried to force more of his shaft inside the dog, to no avail. The dog only groaned in response, only managing to move his tongue around so far.

The scrawny collie, as he's said multiple times now, didn't care. He got what he wanted, and he was going to go out happy servicing his King. His mouth and jaw were so utterly sore from being exerted beyond its limits, and he could finally feel how his legs were solidifying and becoming harder to shift around... but none of it mattered. In this moment, he was already in heaven, and he'll feel it forever once it all came to an end. The only thing that would make him happier is to have a taste of his King's rut before he fulfilled his ultimate purpose.

Each passing second would bring more confusing and lustful energy, and the Koopa King would eventually feel so very close. The large turtle finally got to a steady rhythm, quickly shoving his mast in and out while grunting more and more on each thrust. He was just ready to burst, so needy to give his slave his everything and just make it all stop... "You ready for this!?" Bowser would yell to the dog, who was already falling victim to the curse he brought upon the mutt. His two legs now solidified, remaining permanently crossed as his hips were now next to go. Despite this, the mutt groaned in approval. Bowser wasted no more time...

And with one... two... three... four powerful, deep thrusts, Bowser would stuff as much of his meat as he could inside the slave, groaning and eventually roaring out his pleasure, signifying to the mutt that it was finally time to receive his seed, and receive he did. Bowser had used his free hand to grip the dog's head in place while he erupted inside, and all the mutt could feel was a burning, ruthless, thick fluid dripping down his throat. It was like a waterfall, quickly filling up his throat and eventually overflowing to his maw, prompting the mutt to cough and hack while he was still held in place, but he enjoyed the sensation all the same, gulping up as much as he could and feeling the terribly hot and sour Koopa cream fill his stomach. There was so much that it eventually dripped out of the mutt like a broken fleshlight, almost singing the dog's fur if it wasn't being actively petrified into stone...

After a few more seconds of blissful release, Bowser retired his length from the mutt at long last, and backed away to let the mutt enjoy his final moments. Here, he would finally see the effects of the curse: His lower body was now wholly gone, including a perpetually erect shaft and knot from between his legs. Whatever could still be moved by the slave was now incredibly drenched in the King's sticky seed, and the mutt wheezed as he tried to catch his breath for one last time, spurting out more of that luscious nectar all over his body.

"Ugh..." The mutt got his bearings together, weakly looking up to the Koopa and smiling. He would be vibrating from how hard he would wag his tail if that, too, wasn't already frozen into stone. "Th... thank you... my Lord..."

As Bowser's shaft slithered back inside his slit, he would walk forward again to move the dog away from his position, now that he was unable to do so on his own. "Alright, runt. Since you're gonna be a statue for me, we may as well get you into a nice position..."

The mutt nodded his head, letting Bowser handle his body and put it however he desired. His weakened state made the curse advance further, now reaching for his spine. "Yes... Please make me your perfect centerpiece..."

Bowser would quickly shift his body still, putting the mutt in a leaning pose. The curse would eventually cement this position as it quickly transformed flesh to stone, until all that was left was the mutt's arms and head. The Koopa would then move those around...

"Hmm. Hey, hold your collar like this..." Bowser would gently shift the mutt's left hand towards the collar, and he would comply, gripping the rock around his throat as best as he could while outstretching his right arm. "Yeah... just like that, and you should have your other arm like that..."

The arms would eventually solidify into stone, like the rest of the mutt's body. At this current angle, it would look like the mutt was petrified mid-escape. "Perfect... all that's left is your head," Bowser would retort.

" Lord." The mutt would reply with a bit of shakiness in his voice. It seems as if he wasn't ready to fully accept this reality yet. "Thank you once again..."

Bowser would simply scoff once more. "You brought this upon yourself, maggot. Look at you now..."

The mutt weakly shook his head, wincing in pain as it was no longer possible to do so with his neck now petrified. "I only want to be the best servant for you... I'm just glad I could help you like this."

"Hmph. What an unruly brat you are..."

The mutt could feel his face muscles contracting. It was time...

"...goodbye..." The mutt tried to speak up once more, but that, too, became impossible. Bowser would lower his head in a weird display of shame.

" Lord..." The dog's last words before his whole head succumbed to the curse.

The statue-slave could only hear his own thoughts seconds after his vision became black... and then he could feel nothing.

Bowser's Counterattack (Part 2) - Thursday Prompt Story [#14, 06/4/23]

"...and over here is the throne room, where we'll meet the quote-on-quote enemy of this specific universe, a different kind of Koopa named Bowser," a voice from just beyond the long corridor of the throne room announced. Bowser woke up from his little...

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Better Day - Thursday Prompt Story [#13, 30/3/23]

There's nothing that makes me feel more isolated than seeing other people talk amongst themselves or in a group. I just never know what to say or do, but even then I still wish I could have friends. It doesn't feel like there's much I can do, being a...

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A Large Issue - Thursday Prompt Story [#12, 23/3/23]

"Hun? What are you doing outside with nothing but a towel on?" A voice from just beyond Robert's back caused the black and white Maine Coon cat to instinctively jump in fear. And why wouldn't he? He had woken up to a horrific sight, with zero idea...

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